ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
I'm not sure if this is heat stroke, or just those eight margarita's
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
I'm starting to think so too, actually.
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I haven't seen much of Jack since...well, you know. I think he's a bit of dick, too, if it's any consolation.
  I was planning not to talk to anybody for the rest of this fucking tour actually, but you just ramble too much, I feel a little bad for you. People are starting to think you’ve gone crazy, so I might as well pretend that I’m interested in what you’re saying. 
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Well, it's remarkably easy to stay faithful when nobody propositions you! Glad as I am to have you on the blonde side, Pete, are you really never going to speak to Marianne and -what's here name? Sabrine? - again?
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  I like them now. The more blondes the better, all blondes from now on. At least you seem to stay loyal.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
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You wouldn't have enjoyed it anyway, you big baby; you don't even like blondes.
  Ugh go away then.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
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  Wanna have sex?
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
See? I knew you'd miss me too much to leave.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
You really haven't a clue, have you?
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Once there was a tour-
And on this tour there were tons of women and they believed in such fickle things like, love, and loyalty..but truth was they’re hypocrites. Sad little girls playing dress up in mummies clothes hoping for the love from bastard boys who don’t know a thing about how to love because they’re cruel and deep down they know that no one will ever love them as much as they hate themselves..and this is why scotch is required for the duration of this trip.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Yes but none of us thought that you were serious about it, Annie...We thought it would pass soon, and you'd see sense; like that time you thought you'd look good in a perm.
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Well if you ask me - which you're not, but I'll say it any way - Jack's as big a twat as the rest of them. He's proved that by not showing up now. If he cares about you so much, why is he hiding in his room and letting you take the brunt of this, eh?
At this point, I’d order in the finest champagne from France and hand mini-bottles out like pamphlets. Come on, drink up and you’ll love me again.
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He didn’t just find out, I’ve told him over and over, you know? We’ve had this talk plenty of times, he’s just managed to sway me out of it. But this time, I’m tired of it all. If he hates me so much, fine, divorce me and find a new little ninny to play house with! I love him, but I’m tired.
Well, see, that’s nonsense, I’d never divorce you - you’d shackle me me down if i did!
Do you really think he’s eager to deal with this? And the last thing I need is for Pete to see me with Jack right now, it’ll only make this worth.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
You'd better make that two, for me; one bottle's just not going to cut it, right now.
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Just a little fit? Annie! He just found out that you want a divorce - I think he's entitled to a little fit, darling! I'd have done a lot worse if you'd tried to divorce me.
So, where's the man of the hour, then? Is Jack pleased with himself?
Is it? Well, in that case, the entire building and staff gets some!
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Oh, it’s just a little fit! Sterling will send that twerpy looking fella to play in Pete’s place during the shows, Pete will get jealous and come back. It’s all going to be fine. He won’t divorce me, you know? He won’t sign the papers!
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Darling, the most expensive champagne the Holiday Inn has is $12.99...Trust me, I've checked.
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God, you're all mad, do you know that?
If he thinks I’m such a horrid bitch, far be it from me not to deliver.
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Most expensive champagne the hotel has got - send it to every room on the top floors, put it on Peter Jacks’ tab.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
I’ve worked hard and too long. Scandals, reports, and love affairs. Nothing less than $400,000 for a day of shooting sounds right to me.
Kate Moss (On her minimum fee for working anything)
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Forgive me if I don't take relationship advice from a bitter single woman who can't even get Peter Jacks into bed.
Bloody hell, what's all this shouting?
Oh you little sneaky girl- They don’t love you because if they did they wouldn’t be fucking girls like Rabbit. I don’t know what you think love is princess, but I promise you it’s not shopping money so he can get you out of the way while he fucks groupies. You call me cruel, and a bitch? I think you just topped me with that comment. But don’t worry I have more of a job here than you. So while your husband cheats you can keep that smug little look of righteousness but it’s all fake. Fake love, fake confidence, fake, fake and sad. 
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Rest assured girls like me don’t crave love and attention like girls like you. Why else would you do everything it is that you do? This conversation is over, Ruby. If you’re  lucky you might be able to find Oliver before he finds a warm body for the night. 
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Please, please don't tell me about my self respect while you chase a man who doesn't want you. Nobody wants you here,..why don't you just go? Please. Haven't you messed with our lives enough?
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I know that it must hurt you lot, too...but men like Peter and Oli, they fall in love with models; not girls like you, or Bunny, or any of the others. That's why I don't feel insignificant.
Bloody hell, what's all this shouting?
There isn’t a marriage there, Ruby. It’s a contract that she clearly doesn’t want. She never had to worry about me fucking Peter, I do have respect for people believe it or not, but that’s just how we work and otherwise being polite and formal. It’s not how things are with him and I and I doubt it would ever change. I bet when he is old if he doesn’t over dose first that I’ll be talking perverse nonsense about his flacid mmhm.
That must mean it’s time to change tubes? Here- watery eyes, bad mascara what have you- it makes you look like a sad kitten and it’s just well, a sad sight. Really just cry and everyone would listen to you. 
It’s easier to be mean, people pay attention when you’re a bitch. No, you’re right. I don’t know, but I do know what the rumors are and it’s disheartening. Not for  him, he’s a sod whos easy to manipulate..I got him to show up on time by making him think it’d piss Peter off. Honestly, this isn’t about Peter, or Marianne, or Oliver or Violet..it’s about how clearly a lot of you are willing to compromise self worth and for what? It can’t make you happy to feel as your friend put it, insignificant.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Well I'm already doing the job, pet. I just don't get paid for it. 
Now are you sure? Because I have some vintage Bordeaux back up in my suite that I think you'd just love.
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Goodness, would you listen to that shouting?...They were her favorite earrings?
Ah, right. They might have better luck if they hired you as the minder, Mrs. Richards. I mean, about finding that lost earring.
No, thank you, I’m all right.
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ruby-powell-richards · 11 years
Absolute rubbish! Marianne's just lost an earring, and she's throwing a wobbly about it, don't pay any attention to the shouting. 
I like your shirt. Would you like a cup of tea? Champers?
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The Wilde Things are leaving the tour? Or they’re breaking up or, or something? The girls aren’t too dependable for information…
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