rubydragon52-fr · 8 years
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rubydragon52-fr · 8 years
*Slowly rises out of trash can*
Hi guys, I heard there were new colors.
*goes to sell all the hoarded eggs I have*
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rubydragon52-fr · 8 years
Looks like nocturne female to me, with both the overcoat and tunic equipped c:
hey does anyone know what breed of dragon this was drawn on??? 
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im trying to figure it out gfdsgdf 
i keep thinking female coatl but idfk 
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
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Guess who’s finally done with her exams and can go back to dragoning! :D
Soil/Banana/Banana male, 100k
Lemon/Gold/Lemon female, 100k
Sunshine/Banana/Tangerine female, 120k
Tomato/Soil/Stone male, 50k
Orange/Slate/Tomato female, 60k
Crimson/Sunshine/Crimson male, 60k
Crimson/Obsidian/Gold female, 80k
Leaf/Lemon/Lemon male, 80k
Tangerine/Slate/Banana male, 80k
I can haggle and take gems at 1:870 ratio!
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
All about Naomi: For those who have no idea what’s going on.
Naomi is a user who has taken over the Couriers of Flight Rising in what appears to be a glitch.
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 But that’s not all she is. If you search for her in user search (she’s in Shadow flight to narrow it down) you’ll see she has over 15 million dragons, and the number is growing fast. 
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Also, search for exalted dragons in dragon search, every single one of them will say they are a part of Naomi’s clan. 
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Naomi is user 0. Her account doesn’t exist and neither does her profile dragon. Clicking on it will bring you to a 404 page. But Naomi isn’t just an account created to hold exalted dragons. She can’t be. Because of Willow. 
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Willow is one of Naomi’s children with Coal, another exalted dragon. You can view Coal’s exalted page, but clicking on Naomi will bring you back to the 404. Willow is the only child of Naomi that is not exalted. Coal is dragon 25343. If you bring that back a number, to dragon 25342, you get a 404. Run that number in the scrying workshop and you’ll see Naomi. 
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Willow is our proof that Naomi isn’t a storage account. She was someone, and Naomi and Coal are probably her progens. She bred her dragons and sold one of them. She even changed flights at some point, seeing as Naomi and Coal are Arcane and she is currently listed as Shadow. Which means 1 of 3 things. 1: Staff stole an inactive account and used it to store all exalted dragons and it’s somehow become unhidden, simultaneously taking over the account that handle the couriers. 2. This is the work of a hacker. 3. Someone is very upset at being exalted.
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
Holy moly that's gorgeous
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I got 7 Gilded Chests from familiars and got a few new Sylvan apparel from them.  Naturally since they were Scarlet, I decided that it was time for Avalari to get some apparel and DAMN is she worth it.  Still need some more Crimson silks but overall, perfection and grace.
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
HELP! I desperately want a copy of Osiem’s Yellow Tundra Crystals. It is the only color in the set I don’t have, and I really want it for my sorcerer, Osiris. If you have a copy that you don’t want anymore or you know someone in this situation, please let me know. 
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
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I got my birthday dragon! 19920813
He’s a very pretty summer-y guy too! Maroon/Orange/Orange
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
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me until January 2nd
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
I didn’t manage to get a screenshot of it because I was clicking too fast, but I got both a nocturne egg AND a plague egg in one scavenging turn today.
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
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Two butterfly babies up for sale! Feel free to offer treasure or haggle!
Male Obsidian/Crimson/Crimson 500g
Female Obsidian/Crimson/Crimson 500g
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
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Hmmmm yes.
I’m excited this accent won tbh
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
Yes, that is both of us actually.
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Good luck, both of you!!! (of course Plague needs to win *cackles*)
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
*Shoves $20 into paypal for gems*
*Buys most of the familiars i’m missing*
I am satisfied
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
It’s my birthday! -confetti and kazoos- And I’ve saved this sucker since NoN just for today.
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What’s inside?!
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She’s cute! But should I scatter her? Hmmm. (If only her tert was blue or monochrome tho)
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rubydragon52-fr · 9 years
I’m back!
And since I’m back after being gone a while, all my dragons are off cooldown. Would anyone want to request a specific pair to be bred? Lair is here
And as a sidenote, I got a job! So look forward to gem giveaways in the future! -confetti-
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