ruh--roh-raggy · 2 days
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really like the idea of sun completely engulfing you in a hug, especially with his legs
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ruh--roh-raggy · 2 days
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Glamrock Freddy's life is so hard in FNAF...
(Based off @/sweepswoop’s comic)
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ruh--roh-raggy · 3 days
Upcoming Fics!
(I figured I'd start playing one of these every so often so you guys can get a preview of what I'm working on! This is everything I currently have in the works to be posted here over the next few weeks! I'd love to know which fic you guys are looking forward to the most!)
The Confessional (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader) SMUT - First installment of The Sacrilege Series! Mutual pining turns into something more when Reader confesses that they've been having sinful thoughts about one of the High Clergy Members.
Unnamed Iceburg x Fem! Reader one shot, Fluff/Smut - Reader returns to her home of Water7 after years of running for her past. On a mission to apologize for how things ended between them she quickly realizes she's still deeply in love with her former flame. Will she finally forgive herself for her mistakes so they can be together?
Right Beside You (working title) (Vessel x Fem! Reader) FLUFF REQUEST - Reader finds herself in Vessel's company as a bad thunderstorm rolls in. Vessel is very quick to jump in to try and provide comfort maybe he was just looking for an excuse to hold you in his arms as the two have a quiet intimate evening in her apartment. Separate from Fall For Me universe.
The Anointing (Matthew Greywolf x Fem! Reader) SMUT REQUEST - The second installment of The Sacrilege Series! Father Matthew asks you to participate in a ritual with him, more details to come...
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) Part 10 - An unexpected visitor arrives at Reader's doorstep, after the jarring wake up call the four make the most of their time snowed in.
Alone With You (William Afton x Fem! Reader) Part 3 - @ruh--roh-raggy - Reader finds her growing feelings for her boss harder to keep hidden, Henry tries to teach Will how to flirt, Sarah decides to take things into her own hands, awkwardness and fluff ensue.
The Baptism (Charles Greywolf x Fem! Reader) SMUT - Third installment of The Sacrilege Series! Reader has made the decision to officially join the church. Part of this process is being baptized in the lake behind the Abbey. As she finds her nerves growing she turns to Father Charles who hopes to alleviate any worries from his favorite Sibling.
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ruh--roh-raggy · 3 days
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The FNAF Mikes talk about their extended family..
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ruh--roh-raggy · 3 days
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Cassidy loves to scare the FNAF night guards..
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ruh--roh-raggy · 3 days
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ruh--roh-raggy · 12 days
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i dont have an explanation for this
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ruh--roh-raggy · 12 days
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Security Breach: Ruin
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ruh--roh-raggy · 14 days
Paused the video because I need references and he looks like you screamed at him
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ruh--roh-raggy · 16 days
Do you guys remember how kidnap fantasies were popular on wattpad because young girls and queer teens were both made to feel shame at the thought of their own sexualities, so the fantasy of being kidnapped totally against their will was a way for them to engage with a romantic or sexual fantasy without feeling morally in the wrong for doing so? Added bonus that the fantasy involved being whisked away from repressive environments like home or school, right?
Finding out that Bram Stoker was in a sexless marriage and that scholars believe that he very likely was closeted gay puts the entire book into perspective as to WHY it reads EXACTLY like a self insert wattpad Dracula kidnap fic:
“I TOTALLY love my wife and would never do anything that an upstanding Good Straight Working Man wouldn’t do but oh nooo, big strong man with broad back and strong enough arms to carry me back to bed like a princess trapped me and claimed me as his, completely against my will 👉👈 But he protects me against the bad evil sexual women (who I assure you, I am TOTALLY sexually attracted to, as any straight man with a choice would be) but trust me, I do NOT want ANY of this. What’s that? The Count is not capable of feeling love? Would be a shame if I had the special ability to change tha-”
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ruh--roh-raggy · 16 days
i love u vampires. i love u gothic romance. i love u fangs in the neck. i love u coffin cuddles. i love u centuries-long yearning. i love u all consuming love. i love u hunger as desire. i love u monstrous intimacy
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ruh--roh-raggy · 16 days
If you can’t think of anything to say about a fic, writers also like to know:
- what time it is
- how long you’ve been reading
- how many chapters you’ve covered in the last 24 hours
- what you were late for because you were reading
- the woeful few hours you have left to sleep
- the emotional outbreaks you’re experiencing
- the inappropriate place you’re having said outbreak
- the general public’s reaction to your outbreak
- how much phone battery you have left
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ruh--roh-raggy · 17 days
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Phone dude caused an Afton family reunion in FNAF 3,,
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ruh--roh-raggy · 23 days
Fall For Me Update!!
So, it's currently the 4th of July, and my husband and I have apparently been invited to every party in the world this year. So, between that, and the fact that I'm just genuinely not happy with where the chapter is at the moment I may have to push back the update another week depending on where I'm at on Sunday. I don't like making you guys wait a super long time between chapters but I'm also not going to publish anything until it's something I find worth publishing. More updates to come as I make more progress, other than that there might be a One Piece fic coming out soon that I've been working on here or there, more eepy boys, and then I will be stepping away from a couple weeks to go work over on @ruh--roh-raggy Thank you so much for your time! Thank you for your support! I'm happy you're here and we'll talk soon!
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ruh--roh-raggy · 25 days
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Michael Afton wishes he had FNAF Movie Mike's life,,
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ruh--roh-raggy · 25 days
William Afton/FNAF updates will be included in this schedule as well!!
Eepy Boi and Blog Update
I am going to be making a post about my publishing schedule!! I'm trying very hard to keep everything I want to work on in rotation, but considering my brain likes to pop out plot bunnies like no one's business that's typically a pretty difficult task lol. More information on this when the actual post comes out, just a little tool to make things more organized for my blog! As far as the update to Fall For Me that's supposed to be up this week, we are still on track at the moment! I have something very sweet and nice planned I hope you all will enjoy, and I'm hoping to have the chapter up by Sunday, so fingers crossed! Thank you all for being here! You all truly bring so much joy to my day and I appreciate every note, reblog, comment, ask, whatever, you guys are all awesome and I'm excited to share more projects with you in the future!!
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ruh--roh-raggy · 25 days
Hnnnnng…. Fluff…. Tooth rotting…
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The silly <3
Also sorry that this is super messy, I can never do lineart that I like.. so it just stays as a sketch
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