ruledbyrarity · 2 months
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oh, the dreams...
no, no, you don't understand you see, they had a meeting on the 12th of July in front of Sugarcube Corner where they shared a fair amount of baked goods the sunset was a gentle greeting to the heart forgetting the sheer nostalgia and shame that once caged who seem to vanish in the beauty of their words fading into the touching ambient noises of the environment a question of faith, giving in to the innocence, that said...
but that's too much cheese for anyone, anyway
isn't it?
oddly enough, as I have been playing a lot with the idea of building my own world within the mlp realm, I have developed a few ideas that I hope to be putting into my writings soon.
this feels so much different than pouring one's emotion into one song, or just an illustration. not to say it's easier, though.
so, actually, there is room for a fanfic 🤓
in the meantime, I'll be very busy burying my head in the sand, as there's still lots of college credits I have not collected yet...
wish me luck!
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ruledbyrarity · 2 months
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Lucky Moon
sweet innocence and a little bit of faith
part 2
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ruledbyrarity · 2 months
gives u a banan
hey, thank you so much ^_^
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ruledbyrarity · 2 months
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The Summer Traits Are Missing, Tape 0712
I'm building something, but shhh...
this is only part 1 btw
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ruledbyrarity · 4 months
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about f-ing time 🗣️🗣️🗣️
I came up with the name of Pearly* Marshmallow in May 2021, and I thought it sounded really cool, but I never materialised an OC for it
until last year :)
here he is in full colours... he's not that inaccesible. you just have to use your direct words and a few milkshakes.
say hi!
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ruledbyrarity · 4 months
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Maud Pie is out on Dartmoor, with Dartmoor feral ponies in the background.
In Devon, England.
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ruledbyrarity · 4 months
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honey for the honeybee 🐝🍯
well, this is really something huh
after some months, I finally have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my creations :)
her name is stardust honeymoon, a mysterious pegasus mare, whose detailed information and background story I hope can be revealed to us really soon…
say hi!
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ruledbyrarity · 7 months
with a gun and a pack of sandwiches and nothing
good evening, my dearest creatures
I saw something that I cannot completely confirm nor grasp, but it has ruined me, and I can conclude that our biggest enemy is our own mind
and today it's one of those days where everything is simply off
not being able to sleep
filling myself with overthinking and anxiety
tilting my head, looking out for the next headache
the cold, the crowds and the traffic
I wanted to cry, but I was too busy trying to learn useless information that I'll forget the moment I'm out of the classroom
I had a good cry listening to Fake Plastic Trees on the bus back home
It was relieving. But I think I need to cry even more.
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ruledbyrarity · 7 months
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ruledbyrarity · 8 months
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I keep seeing things I don't want to see.
Last year was unbelievable in many ways.
It's a fucking nightmare to find yourself immersing in feelings you thought dead after almost 4 years and losing friendships that seemed like they would last forever, all while living in a violent and hostile environment that keeps degrading every day, every hour. You point it out, but they just laugh it off, or they just think you should be grateful for something you didn't even want.
To become disgusted with the way these turbulent waters have taken you to and seeing there's no way back, as you grow older and older.
Lost and confused, as always. What were we built for? Can someone relate?
You can never complain enough.
You always have something to say towards someone who doesn't really care, and you try not to care either, but it eventually breaks you down.
But there's more path ahead of you. You can't just leave the boat yet, my dear.
I wanted to do this piece for a long time now, so here it is. "The Rip" and "Deep Water" were my main sources of inspiration. :)
I know I'm almost two weeks late, but happy 2024 to everyone. Forever grateful with all the good people I met last year. Thank you so much for existing, lots of love to you.
And to the ones that left, lots of love to you too.
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ruledbyrarity · 10 months
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this is my dance...
Hey there. It's been a while. :)
My last semester of university wasn't as chaotic nor challenging as the previous one, but that's due to the fact that I was only able to enrol in two courses out of six. T_T
Regardless, it still managed to be really difficult to put myself through it. Leaving stress, paranoia, anxiety and many other activities behind, I started suffering from insomnia. There were days where I'd only get like two or three hours of sleep. Some other days, nothing. Even though I was aware that the day wouldn't be anything special...
And there were dreams, too.
This is the representation of one of those dreams.
The scene was beautiful. I usually reserve those things for my journal, but this is something where I think that I can take a different approach. Write a fic, a song, maybe? I don't know. I'll be working on that (until then my Fimfiction account will remain empty).
You'll get to know more of them soon. In the meantime, can you guess their names?
It's funny to come up with this now when I haven't even drawn the rest of the Mane 6. I just thought the whole thing was very cute and interesting. Therefore, they popped up in my sketchbook.
My friends and I would like to re-take one of our old fics from high school, complete it and turn it into a masterpiece for the fandom and some old friends. I'm not sure which one could be a better start, but we'll see how it all goes. :)
I'm on vacation right now, but there's so little time and so many things to do... can't really assure I'll be very active around here.
I need to find a way to not starve and to follow my dreams yet.
much love,
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ruledbyrarity · 10 months
Are you gay?
Everyone is gay, darling.
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ruledbyrarity · 10 months
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Cope how you need to
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ruledbyrarity · 11 months
wandering in a spiral that resembles your heart, but it's a door to the depths of unconsciousness
it's always a mess to put it in words
can anyone get really close? I'm knocking but I'm getting kicked out this is a feel that can only happen at the doors of a majestic room full of tools for creation the truth is I'd wish I could get to know more I wish I could believe there is more to that to reach a cold and crushing truth but I'm only attacked by your simplest words on a screen and so heartless and straight
that I'd even forget what kindness is I appreciate too much of your honesty how generous of me to think that the light could come from both ends but as always those are thoughts fed by ignorance
which should never be spoken we'll hide behind screens and whenever there's a slight move on the outside it will be quickly put to sleep
do you have any idea how much we share? the things we create? the passion and love behind the idea of doing that with a fictional character? say you're with him and I'm with her? pushing buttons, taking turns and biting marshmallows... that turns us on you and me are the same
they'd pull us out of here to evaluate us psychologically I'd never find anyone else like you or anything else to say please put this in a card and mail it to the most distant hill or the cleanest corner of your room I'm asking for euphoria.
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ruledbyrarity · 11 months
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compilation of shitty edits i made of the my little ponys working minimum wage
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ruledbyrarity · 1 year
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I just don't know what went wrong this time.
I have thought and seen a lot of things in these last couple of months, but the words always get tangled up. I'm surrounded by people who genuinely believe that fear is for the weak. By people who call themselves your friends but can't bother to congratulate you on your birthday and don't have time to answer any of your messages and greetings, but they have all the time available to post a story on their Instagram profiles whenever they go for a drink. By people who simply don't care. Engaging with someone new in my life has become a challenge, rather than something normal.
That's why the words won't come out. That's why they're better off on ink or in my head. I can't talk with you, I'm just setting myself up for disappointment, and every time I try, it feels like I'm humiliating myself, again and again and again...
Something really quick that found its way out of my mind into my sketchbook. I tried to make a colourful and detailed piece, but I barely have any time and pencils. :(
Aside from sharing a couple of things here and there, I haven't been active for more than two months now. College is making me suffer in an unimaginable and unhealthy way, so the fact that I'm having time to post this is a miracle.
What else can I tell you about these months? Just overthinking and disappointment with people, lack of time and struggles to get everything done. :D
Regardless, I keep writing and scribbling down ideas for music or illustrations every time I can. I haven't had the time or space to record the demos I've wanted. But that's ok, because there's still some changes I'd like to make before I start recording anything. Trixie's getting the most of my writing, as I could notice in these past days...
much love,
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ruledbyrarity · 1 year
goat drawing
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The trick is to radiate self-confidence, darling.
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