rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
OKAY SO i’ve moved historia over to @girlworst​! i won’t be posting there properly or following anyone back for 24 hours/until my posts start showing up in the tags, but you’re welcome to follow if you want. this blog will remain up as an archive, and i’ll reblog this post a few times so that everyone’s aware, but from now on you can find me over there!
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
ngl my blog is such a mess that i’m tempted to move historia to a new one? I wouldn’t be deleting this one, just archiving it, and posting the link to the new blog when it’s ready...
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
summer holidays have returned, and i am back!! c:
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
okay, i read the (super rough) typeset and historia’s perspective makes a lot more sense to me now!
i’m conflicted. from a character standpoint, i actually really like this ending (so far, could change my mind lol.) but from a thematic standpoint...
i hate it. it seemed to be trying to justify eren’s actions as right and that makes me super uncomfortable.
which is like... come on isayama. i had faith in you...
it really, really sucks that a series I love is giving us that kind of conclusion. idk. did you guys get that impression from the ending?
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
so far my headcanons are along these lines....
historia was still horrified by eren’s plan, but she also believed it was necessary to save Paradis. that’s why she stayed silent about it for all that time.
she’s still wracked with guilt about her actions, though - but to the military and people of Paradis, she needs to appear strong and unconflicted. that’s why she states in her letter that she believes that eren did nothing wrong.
in reality, she knows it was wrong, but... she still thinks it was needed. i don’t agree with her on this, obviously, but.
she’s hoping that armin’s peace talks will succeed, though. it’s not like she wants to go to war again.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
yeah. i feel like this chapter tried to justify what eren did and i really, really don’t like that. on the other hand. i......... actually liked everything else??
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
really don’t like armin saying thank you to eren for being their devil though, ouch.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
i’m seriously starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with me afhksdjds
i……. actually feel really sorry for eren here.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
really don’t like armin saying thank you to eren for being their devil though, ouch.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
i....... actually feel really sorry for eren here.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
…oh god don’t kill me but i actually don’t mind (most of) the leaks… i def have some serious reservations but i’m waiting for the actual chapter to come out first.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
okay, starting to lean towards not liking them.
…oh god don’t kill me but i actually don’t mind (most of) the leaks… i def have some serious reservations but i’m waiting for the actual chapter to come out first.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
i guess if I end up hating the ending, that’s what fan content is for :P
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
...oh god don’t kill me but i actually don’t mind (most of) the leaks... i def have some serious reservations but i’m waiting for the actual chapter to come out first.
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rulerofthesewalls · 3 years
rulerofthesewalls -> girlworst
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rulerofthesewalls · 4 years
okay so the trying to be active did not pan out lmao BUT in two week’s time i’m officially on holiday! for a month!! so hopefully i’ll be around then. just in time for the final chapter...
i am… alive………………… :’))
i’m so sorry for the absence, uni has been absolutely killing me! that + a bit of a depression relapse over the holidays have meant that i haven’t really been able to be around as of late. i still should’ve told you guys what was going on, though, so I apologize for that. i want to try and be more active, though! hence me making this post lmao. i’ll be getting to the replies i owe hopefully soon, and i hope you’ve all been doing well! <3
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rulerofthesewalls · 4 years
You can be a good person with a kind heart, and still say no.
d.k. (via thoughtkick)
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