ruminogami · 6 years
xD I always had a good laugh with this
The rather perverted openings featuring the oldest member of the group at the time. (Geez you never know what the members of this generation would do to appeal themselves…)
But just listen and look at the members’ reactions to this. So funny. XD
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ruminogami · 6 years
Person: oh my god this kpop group has 7 members I don’t know how I’ll remember them all
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ruminogami · 6 years
Job Train
I pray that everyone who likes/reblogs this gets the job they’re looking for. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Good vibes sent 💸💸💸💸💸
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ruminogami · 7 years
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ruminogami · 7 years
Soy yo o tiene mas aire de la mama(milky) que de sayanee
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Aayan is receiving a lot of push from the Staff, she is the first member of the 5th generation to be promoted, she was chosen to be Senbatsu from the new single from NMB, she participates in a song from the next AKB48 album and she is the cover of a magazine with Sayanee (Captain and center of NMB)
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ruminogami · 8 years
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2016.10.26 22:16 Renahyuu’s blog Part67
Good afternoon everyone!
I am Draft 2nd gen’s
Isshiki Rena AKA Renahyuu! (Hyuuhyuu)
I appeared on Tokai TV’s “Style Plus” On October 23!
I’m really grateful to Tokai TV For preparing such a lovely stage for me, Documenting me for 2 whole weeks, And putting me on screen for 16 minutes.
Thank you SO SO much! For giving me this lovely chance!
Apart from Tokai TV, I’m also very thankful to my seniors!
Saito Makiko-san, Yakata Miki-san and others Taught me the meaning and importance of the stage And scolded me when I needed it, When they came to watch my dance lesson, And saw me anemic and dizzy, They brought water for me, Stroked my back and talked to me to keep me awake They are really kind.
It wasn’t shown in the VTR but Actually Suda Akari-san and Kumazaki Haruk-san Also came to watch my dance lesson, Complemented and encouraged me. I tried to dance powerfully for the whole song, But they elaborately taught me that I should go easy On some parts so that it looks more elegant.
Other than that particular day, Suda-san came to talk to me And was worried for me And practiced together with me.
During the interlude, There’s a part where I dance with Hidaka Yuzuki as a pair, And I couldn’t do it properly no matter what But even then, She practiced with me many many times!
As for Ego Yuna-san, There was a part where my timing was off No matter how hard I tried, And she taught me kindly and thoroughly.
My seniors wrote a lot about Rena on Twitter and their blogs posts, And it makes me really happy!
Makiko-san wrote “Isshiki-chan will become a BIG (star)” And that surprised me! But I’m really happy to find out that She thinks about me in that way! I will do my best to become a BIG (star)!!
And as for Takeuchi Mai, We couldn’t perform together this time but She had been concerned about me since the very beginning, Contacting me on the phone And wrote a long blog, Talking about me from the first word to the last. I feel so blessed.
Yakata Miki-san is also Very kind, Before the performance, She talked to me, seeing that I was nervous, And wrote so mmuch about me In her blog. I’m full of gratitude for her.
On Mai-san and Miki-san’s blog, They wrote not only about Style Plus But also about the draft meeting, And that touched me. It made me feel, from the bottom of my heart, “I’m so fortunate”!
During the draft meeting, Mai-san named Isshiki And Miki-san drew Isshiki’s name during the lottery. I never imagined I would be drafted so I was surprised but I was Really! Happy! Thank you so Very much!
When I first came to Nagoya, I was full of doubts and worries And was really nervous but Now I’m really glad that I got into “SKE48” If I had not auditioned for the Draft meeting, I think I would not have entered SKE48 so I want to say to myself when I took the audition, “Nice!”
I’m really clumsy so I think my true feelings Have not gotten across to fans but I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE SKE48!!
I think even this is not enough To get my feelings across!
I wonder what I need to do to get it across…
Miki-san wrote in her blog that
“I felt really guilty That we drafted Rena-chan during the Draft meeting”
“I was sorry that it Totally changed her lifestyle”
But it’s not a problem at all!!!!! I’m very grateful instead!
I couldn’t dance and had no unique skills, And had no confidence in myself.
And yet they chose me, And for that I am Very Very Grateful To Mai-san, and Miki-san, All other SKE48 seniors, And the management as well!
In order to make everyone know that I’m grateful, I will put in even more effort!
Also, To the fans who lined up early in the morning To watch the stage, To everyone who watched on TV On the day of the Style Plus performance, Thank you so very much!!
During the rehearsal before the real performance, I found one of my fans and thought, “Wow there are so many people here already! I’m sure they started lining up Really early in the morning” And that made me really really happy And made me feel really blessed! Thank you so much, everyone.
For today’s blog, I wanted to use the photo Of myself when I was on “Style Plus” but… I dropped my phone the other day And the the camera cracked badly so I couldn’t take any photos at all…
It will be Halloween soon! So today’s photo is Halloween themed? It’s a two-shot with Kamimura Ayuka-chan!! Is it cute? lol (Hyuuhyuu)
Thank you so much For reading my blog today. Sorry about the long post m(_ _)m
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ruminogami · 8 years
maybe I can apply to this one
AKI-P would open a theater in the devil’s backyard if he could tbh
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ruminogami · 8 years
SakurAnna or SakuNya
aunque suelo escuchar que ellas misma se llaman sakunya en los videos
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ruminogami · 8 years
cuando recuerdo esto siempre me hace el día
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ruminogami · 8 years
Algo asi fue en mi historia, no sabia en que bando iban
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Un meme que se me ocurrió XDD
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ruminogami · 8 years
Hubo un capitulo de hakata hyakatten, donde se levanta a su modo escandaloso a promocionar sus ojos xD
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ruminogami · 8 years
Yeah, aunque aveces pasan a cafe claro
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ruminogami · 8 years
caminando hacia las lolis?
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Tanikawa Hijri Solo Interview “The day that I became an Idol”
「保育士になりたい」って言ってたけど I said that I want to be a nurse, but…
私のうちは、秋田県のなかでもめっちゃ田舎にあるんです。うちのまわりも人がぜんぜん住んでないから、夜中にカラオケしてもピアノを弾いても平気なくらい。遊ぶところもないので、結局、一番楽しいのは学校なんです。人がたくさんいるから。 My home, even in Akita is really in the countryside. There are no other people living around us and because of that it’s okay if I play the piano or karaoke in the middle of the night. Because I also don’t have someplace to play, in the end, school is the most enjoyable place. Because there’s a lot of people. 
芸能界には、小さいころからずーっとあこがれがありました。かわいい衣装を着て、みんなにキャーキャー言われるのが夢だったんです。意外と目立ちたがりな性格だから。 I always adored the entertainment world ever since I was a child. It’s my dream to wear cute costumes and for people to go crazy for me.  Surprisingly, I want to stand out.
でも、将来の夢を聞かれたときは、いつも「保育士になりたい」って答えてました。まわりに芸能人を目指してるような子がいなかったし、こんな田舎の子が芸能界に入りたいって言うこと自体が、恥ずかしいと思ってたから。 But, when asked what my future dream is, I always answered with “I want to be a nurse”. There are no other people around me that were aiming for the entertainment world. And because it’s embarrassing for this countryside girl to say that she wants to enter the entertainment world.  
お披露目の次の日は、学校中が大騒ぎ The day after the unveiling, there was uproar in the school
アイドルを好きになったきっかけは、前田敦子さんです。「イケメンパラダイス」(「花ざかりの君たちへ」)や「Q10」に出ているのを見て、好きになって。それでAKB48の曲を聴いたり、総選挙の放送をテレビで見たりするようになりました。 The reason that I like idols is Maeda Atsuko-san. I came to like her after watching “Ikemen Paradise” (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e) and “Q10”. After that I listened to AKB48’s songs, and watched the Sousenkyo on TV. 
友だちには芸能人になりたいって言��てなかったけど、お母さんにはよく話してたんです。このチーム8のオーディションも、お母さんが見つけてきてくれました。友だちには言わずにオーディションを受けてたので、合格して、お披露目された次の日は、学校中が大騒ぎでした。 I never told my friends that I wanted to enter the entertainment world, but I often talked to my mother about it. My mother was the one who found out about the Team 8 audition.  Because I didn’t tell any of my friends about the audition, I passed the audition and the day after the unveiling, there was uproar in the school. 
でも、みんなよろこんでくれたのでよかったです。学校の友だちはみんな保育園のころからの幼なじみなので、アイドルになったあとも、普通に接してくれてます。チーム8に入って2年経つけれど、いまでも「聖がAKB48だなんて信じられない」って言われます。 But, I’m glad that everyone was happy about it. Because I’ve known all my school friends since we’re little, even after I became an idol, we’re still close. It’s been 2 years since I joined Team 8, they still say “I can’t believe that Hijiri is a member of AKB48” all the time. 
気がつくと、頭の中でイメージトレーニング Without realizing it, I did an image training in my head
ファンの方には意外だと思うんですけど、実はリーダーをやったりするのが好きなので、小学校や中学校では学級委員や行事の実行委員をしてました。自分でなにかを決めてやる、っていうことが好きなんです。 The fans will probably think that it’s surprising, but the truth is that I like to lead, I was the class president or part of the organizing committee during elementary and middle school. I like deciding things by myself.
でも、チーム8に入ってからは、メンバーの間で「ポンコツ」って言われるようになりました。最初は「違うから!」って否定してたんですけど、最近は、「これも愛情表現だな」って思うようになりました。りんりん(岡部麟)や、ひーちゃん(本田仁美)は、話してる途中でもちょいちょい「ポンコツだなぁ」ってうれしそうに言ってくるんですよ。 But, since I joined Team 8, the members called me “Ponkotsu”.  At first I denied it saying “No, I’m not”, but lately I thought to myself that that is also a type of affection. When I’m talking to Rinrin (Okabe Rin) or Hiichan (Honda Hitomi), they will happily say that I’m a ponkotsu every now and then.   自分で一番ポンコツだと思うところは、ダンスです。自分の頭の中では思いっきり踊っているつもりでも、ビデオで見たら、想像してる半分くらいしか体が動いてないんです。いままでダンスもなにもやったことがなかったから、ほかのメンバーに追いつくのはいつも必死です。家で自主練もするし、授業中も気がついたら頭の中でイメージトレーニングしてるんですよ。よく、うしろの席の子に「肩がピクピク動いてるよ」って言われます。 I think that the most ponkotsu part of me is my dancing. Even when I think that I was dancing with all I’ve got, looking at the video, half of my body is not moving like I imagined. Because I’ve never danced before in my life, I’m always desperate to catch up with the other members. I practiced on my own in my house, and without realizing it, I did an image training in my head during class. And the person behind me often said that my shoulder is moving.
最初にあこがれたのが前田敦子さんなので、将来は、私も女優に挑戦したいです。写真を撮られることも好きなので、モデルさんにもなりたい。テレビや雑誌で私のことを見てくれた人に、「あんな人になりたいな」って思ってもらえるような人になりたいです。 At first because I look up to Maeda Atsuko-san, I would like to become an actress in the future. And because I like having my picture taken, I want to be a model. I want to be someone who when they see me in TV or a magazine they will think “I want to be that kind of person”.
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ruminogami · 8 years
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Today, I will introduce my 7D2 oshi  Isshiki Rena, Team S’ Draft 2nd gen KKS. (Hyuuhyuu~) She debuted as understudy in today’s (160415) Team S Seifuku no Me! (Deden!)
First of all, Renachan is so pretty! ^O^ She loves watching animes, practicing judo, fawning on 7th gen’s Wada Sama, and her cat Jewel.
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ruminogami · 8 years
lol a mi cabeza vino el fic donde tomu le prohibió hacerlo xDD
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AKB48 no All Night Nippon 2016-03-16
Fujita Nana, Muto Tomu, Tano Yuka
Studio Photos 
from the AKB no All Night Nippon website
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ruminogami · 8 years
shige y su problema de balance 
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ruminogami · 8 years
juri papa and daughters
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松井珠理奈 - twitter (2016/03/14)
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