run4acas · 5 years
JOIN the ACAS Community to raise $25,000 for our 25th Anniversary at the 2019 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k #TOwaterfront42k CHARITY CHALLENGE!!!
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Dear Friends, Allies and Supporters of ACAS,
Please JOIN the ACAS Community this October 20, 2019 to help us raise $25,000 for our 25th Anniversary at the 2019 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k #TOwaterfront42k CHARITY CHALLENGE!
You are the reason we exist…to improve the sexual health of East and Southeast Asian Canadians!
MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE! Your support is vital to us! All funds raised will directly support and enhance the lives of East and Southeast Asian service users living with HIV and members of the LGBTQ+ communities.
HELP US REACH OUR $25,000 GOAL! While it is an ambitious goal, we truly believe we can meet this target through your love, support and generous giving.
To register and more information, please visit http://run4acas.tumblr.com/ or contact [email protected].
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run4acas · 11 years
#ACAS25 Scotiabank #TOWaterfront42K Charity Challenge Update: Meet Tsering Choeden
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Thanks to your commitment support, we are pleased to announce ACAS has reached 20 runners and walkers since the launch of the #ACAS25 Scotiabank #TOWaterfront42K Charity Challenge campaign! In each weekly update, we will include a special feature. This week, we will feature our first time runner, Tsering Choeden.
Currently, we have raised close to $2,000 out of our ambitious $25,000 goal. With your support and generosity, we know you can help us reach our target to provide support for East and Southeast Asians living with HIV and Queer and Trans Asian Youth!
We at ACAS are committed to providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services for East and Southeast Asians including people living with HIV and members of the 2SLGBTIQ+ community. Your engagement with our annual charity challenge will ensure that our service users receive the much needed services in the best manner possible. 
All funds raised will help elevate our ability to provide care and support our service users:
50% of the funds raised will provide opportunities for Asian service users living with HIV the opportunity to attend a biennial Holistic Health Retreat and support emergency financial needs through the Dr. Kirby Hsu PHA Fund; 
30% of the funds will help support additional project costs such as the provision of honouraria that is not covered by our funders so we can build the capacities of queer and trans Asian youth to become future leaders in our community;
Lastly, 20% of the funds will help cover organizational overhead and administration costs which are not provided for by funders in the ever competitive and precarious funding environment.
You can help us with the cause by registering as a runner/walker or become one of our sponsors. You can register now at 
Please refer to  https://run4acas.tumblr.com/registration to get the charity discount PIN code and details on how to register for the race.
Currently, we have 5 teams you can join as a runner/walker. Amongst the teams, our Support Program team Love Fearlessly is currently in the lead with $1,080.
1. Love Fearlessly (Support Program; Team Leader: Andrew Miao) 
    Join Team Love Fearlessly here:  
2.  ACAS25 (Community Engagement Team; Team Leader: Christian Hui)
3.  ACAS Running Ninjas (Men’s Program; Team Leader: Ryan Tran)
4. ACAS in Action (CHAMPS by ACAS Team; Team Leader: Edison Luan)
   Join Team ACAS in Action here:
5. Herricaine (Women’s Team; Team Leader: Noulmook Sutdhibhasilp)
   Join Team Herricaine here:
For more information about registration, please visit http://run4acas.tumblr.com
To make a direct one-time general donation to ACAS, you can click on the following link:
Donations over $20 will be issued an electronic tax receipt.
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Meet Tsering Choedon, one of the first-time runners/walkers who is joining the #ACAS25 #TOWaterfront42 Charity Challenge to help ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services) raise $25,000 for our 25th Anniversary in support of East and Southeast Asians living with HIV and members of the LGBTQ communities. Tsering has set a fundraising goal of $5,000 and has raised close to $500 since the campaign was launched three weeks ago.
This is what Tsering has to say:
Dear families and friends,
Please help me raise $5,000 dollars to benefit the Asian Canadian living with HIV. I am delighted to say that it is my first time participating in this meaningful event at the Scotia Bank Toronto #TorontoWaterfront42 Charity Challenge!
You can donate NOW at: NOW: https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=4531910
I really hope to reach my goal of $5000 as this will help provide continual support and specialized services at Asian Community AIDS Services for people living with HIV, Toronto, Canada. I am counting on you, my friends and community members, to donate generously! Your generosity and support will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your kind generosity
*Any donations above $20 will receive a tax receipt.With Giving Gift,
Tsering Choedon”
Have you registered to become one of our runners/walkers to participate at the #ACAS25 #TOWaterfront42 Charity Challenge yet? 
You can do so by visiting http://run4acas.tumblr.com.
For more information or contact Christian Hui at [email protected] or at 416-963-4300 ext 234.
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run4acas · 11 years
Run/Walk with ACAS at Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (STWM) Charity Challenge 2019 #TOwaterfront24  Participant Guide
Dear Runners, Walkers and Donors of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half Marathon and 5k (STWM) #TOwaterfront42:
Thank you for joining the ACAS community as a Runner or Walker at the #TOwaterfront42 Charity Challenge this October 20, 2019 to help celebrate our 25th Anniversary! By meeting the targeted $25,000 fundraising goal, you will help improve the sexual health and lives of East and Southeast Asians we serve, in particular people with HIV, newcomer immigrant settlers and members of the LGBTIQ2S+ community.  Below, you will find information on how you can register for the run and create a personal fundraising profile for the event.
If you are an ACAS Support Program service user and are interested in running/walking at the race,  please contact Andrew at [email protected]. The first 3 PHA will be eligible for free registration.
If you are a Queer Asian Youth service user and are interested in running, please contact Gabriel at [email protected]. The first 3 PHA will be eligible for free registration.
If you wish to make a one-time donation to ACAS, please scroll down to the section: MAKING ONE TIME DONATION TO ACAS
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To register as a Runner or Walker at #TOwaterfront42k and to raise funds for ACAS, please complete the race registration at:   https://raceroster.com/events/2019/20157/2019-scotiabank-toronto-waterfront-marathon
When registering, please use the special discount 
Charity Pin Codes
for the appropriate race:
For 5k ($40): 5K19ACAS·       
For 5k with Stroller ($45): 5ST19ACAS
For Marathon or Half Marathon ($80): M19ACAS
Follow the steps below to register as a Runner or Walker at #TOwaterfront42k and create a fundraising account to raise funds for ACAS:
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For Step 16, please ensure you choose ACAS - Asian Community AIDS Services as the charity you are raising funds for. 
For Step 17, please ensure you use the Charity Discount Pin Code:
 For 5k ($40): 5K19ACAS·      
 For 5k with Stroller ($45): 5ST19ACAS
 For Marathon or Half Marathon ($80): M19ACAS
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After you have registered as a runner/walker, you can select to join one of the ACAS Teams we have this year. Like previous years, regular updates will be provided leading up to race date to inform you which is the leading fundraising team!  To join a team, click on “My Team” on the left panel within your fundraising profile and search for the name of the team you would like to join:
For this year, we have the following teams (team names in italics):
ACAS25  (ACAS Agency Team; Team Captain: Christian Hui):
ACAS Running NInjas  (Men’s Program Team Captain: Ryan Tran):
Herricaine (Women’s Team Captain: Noulmook Sutdhibhasilp):
Love Fearlessly (Support Program Team. Team Captain to be announced)
Donors, to make a one-time donation to ACAS at the 2019 #TOwaterfront42k, please visit the following secure link: 
https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=4463485. Note: Tax receipts will only be issued for amounts over $20.00. 
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Whether you are running in the race or not, the STWM Running, Health & Fitness Expo is one of the best free events in the running year! Don’t forget the show is free so feel free to bring your family, friends and all your running companions to check out all the cool new gear, nutrition and fitness products Canada has to offer!
Friday October 18, 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: October 19, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location: Enercare Centre, Hall D, 100 Princes’ Blvd
If you are DRIVING to the Expo we strongly recommend you:
Park in the Green P lots in the surrounding area
Come to the Expo on Friday, October 18 to pick up your packet when it will be less busy
Enercare Centre/Exhibition Place will be charging for parking on Friday and Saturday during expo hours.
For more affordable options we recommend:
Take one of our free shuttle buses from downtown Toronto to the Expo
Take the TTC to the Enercare Centre located at 100 Princes’ Blvd
Plan your route with the TTC TRIP PLANNER app
Park in a Green P lot or street parking in the area at hourly rates.
Expo Shuttle Bus Information
The Expo Shuttle Buses will be picking participants up from downtown Toronto. The downtown pick up / drop off location is on Armoury Street, east of University Avenue, just behind Nathan Phillips Square.
The Shuttle Buses will be running all day, every 15 minutes between the downtown location (Armoury & University) and the Enercare Centre.
After you visit the Expo, Shuttle Buses will pick up participants from the North side of Princes’ Blvd, in front of the Enercare Centre, 100 Princes Blvd.
Expo Shuttle Bus Schedule
Friday, October 18, 2019
Downtown (on Armoury, east of University, just behind Nathan Phillips Square)
First Bus will be leaving at 9:45 a.m. *Please note the Expo does not open until 11:00 a.m.
Last Bus will be leaving at 7:15 p.m.
Enercare Centre
First Bus will be leaving the Expo at 11:15 a.m.
Last Bus will be leaving the Expo at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Downtown (on Armoury, east of University,  just behind Nathan Phillips Square)
First Bus will be leaving at 9:00 a.m. *Please note the Friendship Run begins at 9:30 a.m., but the Expo does not open until 10:00 a.m.
Last Bus will be leaving at 5:15 p.m.
Enercare Centre 
First Bus will be leaving the Expo at 10:15 a.m.
Last Bus will be leaving the Expo at 6:30 p.m.
#TOwaterfront24k strongly suggest that all participants take responsibility for picking up their own individual packets. Not only will this reduce your stress, but it will help ensure there are no errors in your registration data, that you have the correct shirt & bib number.
Friday October 18, 2019
11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Runner’s Expo, Enercare Centre, Hall D, Exhibition Place
Saturday October 19, 2019
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.at Runner’s Expo, Enercare Centre, Hall D, Exhibition Place
You (or a friend) must pick up your race kit at the Runner’s Expo on Friday or Saturday. There is no race day pick-up.
What you need to pick up your packet:
You need to know your Bib # (will be emailed to you and posted on the online confirmation list on October 16th and available for look up at the expo)
Photo ID
A printout of your registration email confirmation (or copy on your smart phone).
If a friend/family member is picking up for you, they need to have:
They need to know your Bib # (will be emailed to you and posted on the online confirmation list on October 16th and available for look up at the expo)
Email or written permission from you (can be shown to volunteers from your smart phone)
If picking up for friends/family, you can only do so for a maximum of three (3) including your own packet.
In May 2013, #TOwaterfront42k moved to individual packet pickup policy, following the examples of the Boston Marathon, Chicago Marathon and New York Marathons. We will have security at the exits that will only allow three kits at a time.  
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Thank you so much for supporting ACAS and taking part of our ACAS Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K Charity Challenge #TOwaterfront42k and helping us reach out $25,000 goal to build a stronger, more vibrant, sex-positive community for East and Southeast Asians! 
If you have any questions regarding the run, please contact Christian Hui at [email protected] or 416-963-4300 ext. 234.
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