runaway-system · 3 years
OSDD/DID tumblr is exhausting and that’s why we aren’t on very often but Skylar wants everyone to know that we’re fine
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runaway-system · 3 years
Why is everyone fronting GO AWAY IM BUSY
— Riv
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runaway-system · 3 years
Thinking about this bc she just screamed at me for ten minutes and then five minutes later offered to watch my favourite show.
Someone tell me not to watch it with her, I know it’s a bad idea
Inconsistency is fucking sinister.
The fact that abusers aren't abusive 100% of the time is exactly how and why they keep getting away with shit. Every time you expect them to blow up and they don't? Now you feel guilty for assuming the worst from them. They get to go "see, I'm a reasonable person" while you're confused because everything in their track record says that they're not. Every time they're nice, you start thinking that maybe you exaggerated the abuse the entire time. Maybe they're a good person after all and you're just a delusional bitch.
It also creates an environment of uncertainty. You never know for sure when or why they're going to get mad at you again. You know that it's inevitable, but you can't predict it. You'll be relieved when they don't react to something that normally sets them off, then get blindsided while minding your own business because you made the wrong facial expression in front of them.
It teaches your psyche that nothing is safe. You have no way of avoiding danger; your whole life is walking through a minefield. You start assuming that something is wrong with you and beat yourself up for not doing better, because there has to be some kind of pattern. Something you're supposed to be doing to keep them happy, but you keep failing. It's your fault. You extrapolate - the whole world is an unsafe place in which people will hurt you and it's all because you're not good enough. It's your fault. You don't even stop to consider that you were never responsible for anyone else's behavior.
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runaway-system · 3 years
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Love that Rachel knows both me and Mikey are too forgetful to remember them on our own
— River
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runaway-system · 3 years
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God Mikey ate my fuckin pecans yesterday which I would be so much angrier about if it wasn’t for the fact that he usually forgets to eat at all 😠 /lh
— Riv
On one hand I hate it when my headmates switch in without permission but on the other hand I got yelled at at work yesterday and three of them shoved me away from the front and took care of work for me and I felt so protected it was nice.
— Riv (from the runaway system)
yea, honstly i can see the family comparisions durin a lot of these momemnts. annoying as fkc but <333
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runaway-system · 3 years
Right, that was Mikey and uh. Don’t worry, Rachel stopped him before he did anything stupid and we are okay
— Skylar
What’s one more scar anyway
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runaway-system · 3 years
What’s one more scar anyway
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runaway-system · 3 years
I know you’re not supposed to hate prosecutors and I genuinely don’t, but oh my god, I get so mad at Mikey because he’s making everything harder and causing the body to relapse and I thought we were over this. Rachel tries so hard to keep the body healthy and alive and he ruins it
And I really can’t stay mad at him because he’s new and confused and lonely and doesn’t understand why his brother isn’t here with him and I get it, but it’s hard
- River/Rachel
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runaway-system · 3 years
Official heads up to block “eating disorder TW” because oh boy we’re having a bad time
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runaway-system · 3 years
I don’t think I’m real right now
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runaway-system · 3 years
I see a lot of really weird muddling of types and roles of sysmates to the point of people putting stuff like little and/or introject as a role, and its just very odd to me and potentially harmful. 
In our defintion roles are fluid and descriptive lables that describe an alters job in a system, well types are just traits. Roles are what alters do, and types are what alters are.
For instance, a protector is a role as its a job, but being nonhuman isnt, just a thing an alter can be. 
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runaway-system · 3 years
apparently Skylar is an awful driver oh my god.
— Rachel
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runaway-system · 3 years
would y'all be interested in like a trauma vent writing prompt?
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runaway-system · 3 years
Was anyone gonna tell me abba wasn’t dead because I assumed Mamma Mia was a tribute to them
— Skylar
Was anyone gonna tell me abba is making new music or 
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runaway-system · 3 years
Trauma Dump! You’ve been warned
I will never be okay with literal CHILDRENS books and movies having porn made about them because I was ten years old and obsessed with Harry Potter and found a fanfiction about my favourite character, Lily Luna Potter. I didn’t know what any of the words meant, but I knew I shouldn’t have read it. It was a disgusting story about Lily Luna getting kidnapped and SA’d and I wish I hadn’t read it because it damaged me even more than I already was.
I was ten and yeah, sure, my parents should have watched better but also? I feel like a child should be able to read about their favourite character without running across (unlabeled and with no warning) porn. If you disagree, I don’t really care, but you disgust me
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runaway-system · 3 years
Why do ppl get so angry when people use pronouns that “dont match their gender” like…havent you realized this is literally just “men cant wear dresses!!” again? Like its literally the same argument?
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runaway-system · 3 years
I like how older gay men at pride in my city will look after the teenagers and make sure no creeps get to them
anyways i need some positivity today. reblog with ur favorite thing about men. mine is their smiles
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