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@So hey guys! Mod Ron here, and it’s been a bit, but we’re still here... kinda. Some changes going on, so I’ll just put it all in the same post & get on with it. 
Mod April has decided to leave us, so it’s just me and Mod Andy at this point; meantime, Mod Andy has been pretty sick for a spell, so this is why things have been kinda quiet. We apologize. 
Since things have pretty much slowed to a crawl, but you guys are still popping on every once in a while to let us know you’re here, we’re going to just keep this open as a home for our plots for now, but things will be pretty relaxed. It was kind of disappointing that after our successful group plotting chat, and posting the last task everything died off - not one person even did the task - but at the same time we don’t really want to kick anyone out either. Plus, we’ve got our own plots, too. So for now at least, please just try to interact at least somewhat on the dash and with each other, and we’ll just leave it at that. When life evens out, and if you guys want us to, we’ll try to revive things and get more people in. 
The Masterlist is cleaned out. You should all only be following the names on there now, and anyone not on the list you can unfollow please. 
Lastly, please remove this Ashton blog, and add this Ashton one. Welcome, new Ashton, AIM SN = bangashsaveadrum, and thanks for joining us. 
@arrowheart-michael  @lukeejected  @ageckonamedgrieco  @bronydestroyer  @brrapbraapbrrap  @themusicalheartbeat  @monkeysinchevron  @twoheartslou  @yesiknowyouveseenit  @hotdamnhumor  @redwinedrip-filth  @zacharyoftheocean  @saveadrumbangash
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I proposed to Zac and he said yes!
Sorry for the delay in posting this but YAY! Gonna add you to the list. Congrats, guys!
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Please say goodbye and unfollow! These rolls are now open: 
Liam Payne
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TASK #02
As promised, here’s the next task! The group plotting chat a couple weekends ago was so inspiring, and seemed to help a lot of people in terms of their own characterization and plots, as well as generated a lot of plotting ideas between players. So to add to this, we thought it would be fun to give you guys a characterization task to help you learn about your own characters even more, so you can plot better with others. 
RULES of the TASK: 
Simple. Answer the questions for your character. But “answer” them, don’t just answer with a word or two. These questions are meant to probe your brains to help you (and other players) understand your characters more, so a simple yes or no isn’t gonna cut it. We wanna see at least a sentence per response, and by all means more if you feel inspired! Dig in deep and let your muses tell you their answers to these questions, and let us all read about it!
Post your responses to your main blog under a read-more, with the tag #rb.task so we can all read it, but REMEMBER! THIS IS OOC INFORMATION, PLAYERS! No using what you read in the task IC unless your character already has knowledge of it!
As always, tasks here are not mandatory, but we strongly encourage you to do this one, as it can benefit your own play, and help you get plots.
if your character is human, answer the questions based on their secret!
Any questions, just ask!
Copy/paste these questions into your post and answer under a read-more. Don’t forget to tag your post #rb.task so we all know it’s OOC and task related info!
1. Character's Name, Age (if known), Sex, Gender, Species/Race, Religion & general physical attributes: 2. When (time period/era) was your character born, and what is their family history? 3. Three Skills or Positive Traits (important to your plot) Your Character Has: 4. Three Negative Traits of Lack of Skills (important to your plot) Your Character Has: 5. Three Fears Your Character Has: 6. Three Weaknesses Your Character Has: 7. Three Pet Peeves Your Character Has: 8. Three Plot Paths Your Character Has: 9. How Does Your Character Deal with Conflict and Change? 10. What is Your Character's Main Goal or Motivation Based on His/Her Plots?  
Bonus: What plot holes do you have that need filling, or could be filled by another character, character type, etc...
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UPDATE: Okay guys, thanks for your attention to our last couple posts. Unfortunately a few people have dropped due to RL, or just not responded to the mod posts, but the taken list is now updated and we’re ready to move on. If anyone wants to come back: just let us know, and as long as your role isn’t already taken, you’re welcome back!
UNFOLLOW: Alex Gaskarth @michaelcliffordfanboi Jack Barakat @do-it-for-jack Bianca del Rico @bonnie--del-rico Ash Dyson @mybaeiscake
NEW TASK:  Will be posted sometime today! 
NEW MEMBERS:  If you have friends or know of people who are into some deeper plotting and want to do more than just post a couple reblogs here and there, suggest that they check us out! We’ll be working on some better promos this week that hopefully explain our little group a bit better, and attract some attention! 
PLOTTING: Keep reaching out to each other, guys! 
OOC BLOG:  Since that didn’t really do what it was intended to do, please UNFOLLOW @runawaysbeach-ooc and we’ll be deleting it this week. 
SUGGESTIONS? Send them in! What can we do to make things more fun? What do you want to see here? Talk to us! :) 
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LAST CHANCE, GUYS! Like THIS post with your character journals by tomorrow night or we’re gonna assume it’s okay to remove you! 
@michaelcliffordfanboi @do-it-for-jack @lukeejected @brrapbraapbrrap @bonnie--del-rico @mybaeiscake @lipup-payno
Are you guys still with us or no? Please respond by liking the post at the link above by Sunday PM to avoid being removed. Thanks!
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SO HEY GUYS! It’s been a little quiet around here with some people on hiatus and people dealing with school schedules and personal stuff going on, but hopefully things are doing alright for you all at this point. 
We’re going to do a few things in the effort to get things moving here again, so please check this out, as we need you to do something. 
Please LIKE THIS POST WITH EACH OF YOUR CHARACTER BLOGS (yes, this means if you have two characters, you need to like this post with BOTH) and let us know by Sunday that you’re still here. Tell your writing partners so you’re sure they all see it, too. EVERYONE who’s still in the game needs to like this post by SUNDAY, at which point we’re removing those who do not like this post so we can open up those roles and do some more specific promos for you. 
Sunday, after the clean out (which hopefully won’t be many people, we think you’re all still on board here?), we’ll be posting THE NEW TASK to give you guys something fun to do. In the meantime, we’re also working on finally changing this layout to one that’s not broken as well. Then, SIDEBLOGS will go back on track by NEXT SUNDAY, so be prepared and get your characters up to date! Once everyone’s got an updated sideblog, ALICE will be sure to start coming around again since we’re sure she won’t be able to stay away with new gossip to talk about. 
We also want to encourage you guys to POST ACTUAL BLOG UPDATES telling people what is going on in your character’s lives at the moment (what they are willing to talk about publicly at least) or what’s on their minds, and not just reblog stuff. Post things that people will comment back to! That would be wonderful, to start seeing more of that again. Start a discussion! Reply to a discussion! It helps keep everyone involved! :) 
SUGGESTIONS? What can we do for you guys to make the group more fun? We know it’s a bit of a different kind of group since it revolves more around personal plotting than dash activity, but at the same time we’d like to encourage activity as well. So if you’ve got ideas of things you want us to do, LET US KNOW! 
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Please say goodbye and unfollow! These rolls are now open: 
John O'Callaghan
Jennifer James
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Is ash(jensen fc) part of this group? if so, he isnt on the taken list
Thank you for letting us know, he’s on the list now!
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I've been in heart eyes for days and forgot to mention that Josh is the best boyfriend in town
Congrats, lovebirds!!! I'll add you to the list :)
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Josh Duns link doesnt work :(
Thank you! Has been fixed! 
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Reserve Halsey for M and Jenna Joseph for T, please!
I'll reserve those for you! 48 hours :’)
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Please say goodbye and unfollow! This roll is now open: 
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I'm gonna be dropping. I'm sorry :(
ok! sorry to see you go :( 
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The Lawless RPG Feeding the Fire RPG
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I was just wondering if a Foxes (Louisa Rose Allen) would be wanted? :/
Absolutely! All characters are welcome here :)
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anyone need any plots filled?
I know we have alot!! From ships to bro-ships. Even some siblings! Soooo if you members want plots reply to this!!! 
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