maliawontstop-blog · 7 years
journal 001
Disney has been great but I need to get out of here. Back home to Columbus, back to my dogs. Back to my business where I feel so much more in control of myself and who I am. Back to the only place that I feel safe other than on the road when on tour. Which is another thing, I need to be on tour again. I need to see my band and my friends. I need everything to be like it used to be and not in a long rut that I feel we can't get out of. I'll be okay though, I always am.
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jobeisouttie-blog · 7 years
journal 001
Disney has been interesting. It's bit that I've been doing much, not that I'm here to, either. I've been exploring, trying to make new friends. Reconnect with old friends too. It's been hard though, when I'm missing my little girl. When I keep running into old contacts that I thought I would never have to see again. That I hope I don't have to ever worry about. But I do and I'm scared. I want them to go away for good, so I can have my family in the right place again.
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brewingpoison-blog · 7 years
journal 001
I don't have much to say for a journal. I can say I've been lost in Disney for what feels like forever. I can say I feel like I gained and lost a new friend. Mostly gained. I can say I've had a one night stand, something that I'm not very proud of because that isn't me. I'm not that type of guy. So there you have it. This is who I've become. Fucking around and feeling hurt over it in the end. Fuck me, right? Fuck who Patty Walters really is because it sucks to be me.
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
hey cuties! if you haven't received an invite to our ooc sideblog, like this post and we will get you one asap!
also don't forget to do your task, located on the confessions blog, and tag it as rb.task.
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TASK #02
As promised, here’s the next task! The group plotting chat a couple weekends ago was so inspiring, and seemed to help a lot of people in terms of their own characterization and plots, as well as generated a lot of plotting ideas between players. So to add to this, we thought it would be fun to give you guys a characterization task to help you learn about your own characters even more, so you can plot better with others. 
RULES of the TASK: 
Simple. Answer the questions for your character. But “answer” them, don’t just answer with a word or two. These questions are meant to probe your brains to help you (and other players) understand your characters more, so a simple yes or no isn’t gonna cut it. We wanna see at least a sentence per response, and by all means more if you feel inspired! Dig in deep and let your muses tell you their answers to these questions, and let us all read about it!
Post your responses to your main blog under a read-more, with the tag #rb.task so we can all read it, but REMEMBER! THIS IS OOC INFORMATION, PLAYERS! No using what you read in the task IC unless your character already has knowledge of it!
As always, tasks here are not mandatory, but we strongly encourage you to do this one, as it can benefit your own play, and help you get plots.
if your character is human, answer the questions based on their secret!
Any questions, just ask!
Copy/paste these questions into your post and answer under a read-more. Don’t forget to tag your post #rb.task so we all know it’s OOC and task related info!
1. Character's Name, Age (if known), Sex, Gender, Species/Race, Religion & general physical attributes: 2. When (time period/era) was your character born, and what is their family history? 3. Three Skills or Positive Traits (important to your plot) Your Character Has: 4. Three Negative Traits of Lack of Skills (important to your plot) Your Character Has: 5. Three Fears Your Character Has: 6. Three Weaknesses Your Character Has: 7. Three Pet Peeves Your Character Has: 8. Three Plot Paths Your Character Has: 9. How Does Your Character Deal with Conflict and Change? 10. What is Your Character's Main Goal or Motivation Based on His/Her Plots?  
Bonus: What plot holes do you have that need filling, or could be filled by another character, character type, etc...
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do-it-for-jack-blog · 9 years
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So what if you can see the darkest side of me No one will ever change this animal I have become.
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Task 1- Mood Boards!
So the mods are here and coming up with ways we can encourage both character development and of course dash interaction! So one of our ideas is for bi-weekly OPTIONAL tasks. That’s right, optional. Choosing to not do these wont end up with you getting kicked out or getting a strike. Its just a fun thing to do if you have the time. 
So with this first task we are asking you to post them to the dash! And what are they exactly? MOOD BOARDS! These are Mod Andy’s personal favorites. They are fun, creative and usually can spark conversations between people you may not know or have hardly talked to. 
So whats the theme for these mood boards? It is simple really! 
We want you to really think about this. Who is he/she/they to everyone else? What are their interests? Hobbies? Favorite foods? For instance if I was doing Luke’s I would possibly put gummy bears, Michael, his family and possibly soccer. This task can be as thought out as you want it or as basic as you want! 
Perfect! The more the merrier! Say you want to make a sappy love one dedicated to cheesy french fries (yummmm) you could do that! The point of this is to look at your character and have you guys show the world what you want. Keep in mind, since it IS on the dash this is going to be IC knowledge. If your character is hiding a big secret, maybe don’t allude to that. For instance, Luke is growing his wings out and its taking a lot out of him emotionally, mentally, and physically, but since that’s an in-character secret, I wont be posting it on the mood boards. 
That’s easy enough dear! Mood boards are a 3x3 gif set, where the middle gif is a picture of your character. The surrounding gifs are all going to be the same size and related to your character! Here are some links to mood board gif packs and you can always type “mood boards” into the tumblr seach engine and find millions of pre-made gifs! 
Simple! Post it to the dash! Make sure you tag it rb.task so we can go back and track everything for the gossip! 
So we are setting this up a little early, just because it will be easier to help you lovelies over the weekend and to help with dash love. The “official” start date for this is August 1st and we are closing it August 13th to post the new optional task August 14th! 
And last but not least, us mods are HERE FOR YOU! We love you and wont judge you if you have any questions or need help! Just ask! 
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