runcomm · 4 years
Injured List.
2019 was a pretty decent year for running. I PR’d in a 10 mile race (2nd year showing, so my odds were good, what what) and also in the 5K. And overall, I was feeling like this whole running thing was falling into place.
2020 was supposed to be an even better year.
Somewhere circa October 2018, I didn’t stretch properly or at all after my first ever half marathon. And so started a din of pain in my left hip that I could not shake, no matter how much stretching and foam rolling I done did.
And somewhere circa December 2019, the old hip finally decided enough was enough. And then my back joined in the chorus.
Here’s hoping some (forced) time off actually ends up being what I really need.
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runcomm · 6 years
Run faster.
I have a 5k “race” in 11 days. I use quotes here because like really? Who am I racing? I don’t know. How about 5k social? Anyhow.
My 2017 goal was to “officially” finish a 5k under 27 minutes. I use quotes here because for some reason, I need the “race” setting to validate this personal record achievement. Human brains are complicated!
In mid-July of last year, I ran a 5k “race”. I "officially” finished in 27:01. I had a feeling this would happen before the “race” - I even joked about it - and then I delivered. This was the closest I came to meeting my goal. Therefore, goal still stands into 2018.
I’ve run two sub-27 minute 5ks on my own time. One of those times I finished in the low 26 minute range. I would really like to replicate this feat on “race” day in 11 days.
I’ve done a lot of google searches in the vein of, “how to run faster!” and “how to shave down your 5k time!” There are two recurring recommendations: hill repeats and speed work. Hill repeats I don’t really mind; speed work, not so much. It bores me to no end. And it’s hard for someone who is really not a fast sprinter. I generally put it on the back burner in my training. But this year, I need to make changes.
And so, tonight I set out to “sprint” some quarter mile intervals. I, too, live my life one quarter mile at a time. (Shout out to Mr. Diesel.) If you add up all of my quarter mile “sprints”, I’d have ran a sub-8 minute mile. Oh boy! I think this is good? Anyhow, I’m hoping this translates into some fucking fast movement in the impending 5k “race”.
Here are some things I’ve noticed about sprinting spanning from last fall through more recent times:
-I can now tell in my stomach and sides if I’m actually pushing hard. If I think about this feeling while sitting on the couch, or before a run, I want to cringe. But in the moment, it’s actually not so bad. In fact, it feels kind of badass?
-I basically reach a point where I can’t tell what my lower half is doing. My brain is sending signals like, “quick turnover!” and “don’t be a slug!” and “your legs are like very strong, efficient pistons!” but I’m not sure if these messages are being received. It’s not like I’m all Spaghetti Legs McGee or something, but who knows what’s *really* happening.
-I’ve also noticed that sometimes, keeping a low, steady stride - opposed to a high, bounding gait - while sprinting makes me feel faster? I think my times would also prove this to be true.
All I can hope is that this one concerted effort at sprinting helps push me past my 2017 2018 sub-27 minute 5k “race” goal. There are a million variables I’m not willing to track that could effect performance on “race” day. Sometimes things click, sometimes they do not. Such is life.
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runcomm · 6 years
What’s up with that?
Some days I can run a 9 minute mile with grace and class. Other days, it feels like I’m dying. Sometimes I oscillate between the two extremes in a single run.
I dabbled with running on and off throughout my 20s. I’d have a go for maybe three months to six months and then stop for whatever reason - I got bored, my metabolism was still dope, it was a Tuesday. This time, however, I’ve been running in earnest for about two years. I came to the realization that I no longer wanted to be a fair-weather participant in this activity.
At this point, I can definitely say I’m a better runner. I no longer run *just* to finish a 5K. I have much more control over my breath and my body as a whole, which gives me more room to focus on other MILLION granular aspects of running. (Hooray! Infinite possibilities!)
Case in point - I recently gave myself a new goal - to run at a pace I actually choose. On the surface it sounds easy, but I respectfully disagree, it is hard AF. At least for me. I’ve really been trying to learn what a certain speed feels like and commit that feeling to memory. I have yet to succeed. See paragraph one.
It’s all good though. By year seven I will get there!
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runcomm · 6 years
Why does she do it?
Who, me?
This blog? Or run?
Well you answer me this - why do any of us do anything?
Okay. I don’t know. So much for a mission statement.
I mean, really, why does anyone run? I do know, but I also sure as hell do not know. I especially do not know in the dead of summer when everyone is sweating to death just to get that extra half mile in. Like, instead of doing that, can we all just agree to stop and go to 7/11 and get wild with a cherry and cola combo slurpee and cool our damn jets? No, no. No! That just won’t do. An extra half mile it is!
Let’s get one thing out of the way then. If you were hoping to find any authority on the subject of running on this here page, I’m sorry, pack it in now, there’s nothing to see here.
Let’s get one other thing out of the way then. I’ve made a promise to my lovely self not to be self-deprecating, because I’m out there trying my fucking best, okay? Okay. Promises, promises.
I guess what I’m really just trying to do is figure my shit out, share why I enjoy (uh huh, I said it) running, and keep my brain in a happy place where I can continue running indefinitely. Or at least until we all have robot legs to do it for us.
I will share what works for me, what doesn’t work, what half works, and profound (read: weird) thoughts I have while I’m running. The first of which leads me back to...really, why are we all out here doing this inane activity?
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