rundavina2018 · 3 years
It’s a Good Day to……
It’s a Good Day to……
I like to find these positive, uplifting quotes and sayings to put on our letter board that’s in our kitchen…more or less to try to keep things upbeat in this never ending lockdown.  I typically find one on a day that’s kind of a crap day and decide to put it up in hopes that it will turn things around………….it only ever half works (haha).  I also only ever swap the saying out about every…
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rundavina2018 · 4 years
Motivation, Consistency, Accountability
The title says it all…motivation, consistency, accountability…three things I have really struggled A LOT with over the last year.  I feel like my health and fitness has taken a back seat to anything and everything NON-fitness/health related.  And I feel like there are at least a hundred excuses that I could give…this never ending lockdown, a cross global move and still trying to adjust to a new…
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rundavina2018 · 4 years
Hand me a Guinness and call it a day…
Hand me a Guinness and call it a day…
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So I came up with the title knowing good and well that I don’t even like Guinness…but it’s Irish and, well, we live in Ireland now.  Lately, this is just about how I’ve felt nearly every day, but ending my day with a glass of wine.  Side note…Graham Norton has one of the best inexpensive Sauvignon Blancs I’ve tasted…and if you were anything like me, you had no idea the guy was Irish.  But our new…
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rundavina2018 · 4 years
2020 has certainly been a crazy one! Little did we know that after returning from Texas in February that the coronavirus would send the entire world into a mass state of confusion, fear, madness AND a lockdown. It didn’t take long for us to realize that none
Having some fun just before lockdown in SG
of this was ending any time soon, and luckily we were safe and sound in Singapore…and one better, all of our family was also all keeping well 10,000 miles away. Dave was embracing working from home and the kids were all adjusting to home school, but with Dave’s role being international, he was on calls at odd hours and it brought us to a big conclusion…we needed to be somewhere that would make Dave’s work life a little easier. With his work/life balance being calmer, we, as a family, would be able to feel more balanced, too. So where in the world could that possibly be?? Of all the offices his company has all over the world, which was the best fit for Dave (and the rest of the family)??
My opinion was that the convenience of being in Europe would have him in a more central time zone for calls with people in Asia, Europe AND the Americas, we would be closer to Ethan, Grace & Sarah and the rest of our family…and who doesn’t want to live in Europe at least once?! Funny enough, while relaxing with a few drinks on St. Patrick’s Day, we made the decision to move to IRELAND! The company’s international headquarters are located in Cork, so we got to work on figuring it all out.
At the beginning of June the movers came and loaded up our house to start the journey to our new home and once the boys were finished with school, we said our goodbyes to the friends we had made and to the country we had called home for the last three years, Singapore. It was bittersweet…it wasn’t until we were leaving for the airport that I realized just how much we would all miss the life that we had made in that little red dot. We knew it wouldn’t be an easy move with a pandemic looming over everyone (and the fact that we had never actually been to Ireland was also in the back of our minds) but we knew it was where we needed to be. After a few weeks seeing our kiddos and other family in the states, we landed in Ireland.
Our first 14 days were spent in quarantine…which was way more difficult than the months of lockdown in Singapore. What made it even tougher was that the weather was gorgeous!! I had it engrained in my head that the days would be rainy and/or dreary but this was far from it…beautiful blue skies, green grass WITH COWS as far as the eye could see, and weather that felt absolutely amazing!
Now I know that this weather won’t always be like this, but no place has perfect weather year round…so we are soaking this all up and spending our days since quarantine exploring our new home.
You may be asking what’s happening with running or with all the kiddos…so here’s a
NC State bound!
quick update on all of that. Ethan and Grace are gearing up for a new school year at NC State…Ethan is in his third year and Grace is starting out her first year there. What I didn’t mention is that when Grace graduated this past May, she had not only earned her high school diploma, but her Associates degree, as well! We are super proud of that girl and know she will take on NC State without a hitch. Kade (grade 10) and Max (grade 8) will be starting at their new school here in Cork in September and looking forward to it, and Sarah is starting her first year of high school…I’m not sure how this even happened or where the time went for all three of them…how can they all be in secondary school?? Jack (grade 5) is anxiously awaiting the start of his new school year, too. And the girls are just hanging out with momma at home until we sort out the best crèche fit for them. On to running…..(long pause here)…..it’s been spotty but I have gotten out a few times with the girls in the jogging stroller. I’m keeping it easy, which means slow runs or jogging and walking only. Dave is still sorting out his work schedule and with a treadmill on the way, I think he will be back on the running train before we know it.
That’s all for now folks! I’ll try to keep up with this…and the running…but I can’t make any promises. For now we are focusing our time on this new journey we are on, exploring this beautiful country we get to call home, and slowly getting our sh*t together.
  “May love and laughter light your days and warm your heart and home.  May good and faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam. ~Irish Proverb”
  Another day, another adventure! 2020 has certainly been a crazy one! Little did we know that after returning from Texas in February that the coronavirus would send the entire world into a mass state of confusion, fear, madness AND a lockdown.
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rundavina2018 · 5 years
You may all be wondering where we’ve been for the last year…or maybe you haven’t. Either way, the blog definitely got pushed to a spot WAY WAY in the back of my mind…a place where I put things that I don’t really want to think or worry about. Have I been too busy to run or be active? Nope! Have I kept up with running or being active? That’s also a NOPE! We haven’t completely stopped being active altogether…and I have still run on occasion, but there was no regularity of it at all. I think the last time I wrote was right before my trip to Mexico. That was a great “girls getaway�� to my mother in law’s  place where my mom, fave aunt and super awesome cousin met up with me and Shari and we all got to relax and unwind and spend some fun time together in a beautiful place.
In between August and now…well…loads of things went on around us. As all of you sports parents know, sports never end (except when they do for breaks) so we had lots of weekends filled with rugby and soccer.
October break was spent with a getaway to one of our favorite places, Siem Reap, where we introduced the boys to our Cambodian family, and they learned quickly why we had fallen in love with the country and people.
  Thanksgiving and Christmas flew by!  Valuable time with our sweet girl, Sarah…the twins absolutely LOVE their big sister Sarah 🙂
And January, along with my resolution to get my crap together and start running again, also came and went!! But a “ski trip” hit the spot after some HOT months in Singapore!
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For February I vowed to start running and restart this blog…one week in and BOOM! I need to allow myself to be okay with the fact that things can and will come up…it’s part of life. So just days after the twins turned 3, off we quickly went for 10 days in the states…other than the awesome stomach bug that decided to hit 75% of our family (thank God for moms and homemade soup!!)…it was still time well spent. We had the chance to spend time with my mom, brother’s family, grandpa, aunt and uncle…and while my fitness routine was going to need a reboot, it was a trip worth taking (we all somehow managed to not take the loads of family pics like we should have). With the last week of February spent regrouping and getting over a tiny bit of jetlag, I once again made a “new month, new start” promise for March!
It’s the first Monday of March and I’m off to a good start…about 4 total miles done this morning and a solid workout this afternoon. Soooooo balance……….since it’s not something I can say I have been very good at in the last year, I need ideas to keep me motivated. If you aren’t following the Instagram page, DO IT! Keep
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up with the posts and comment and send ideas and words of motivation…they’re valued more than you may think! “rundavina” is the IG page.  For March, I made a promise to at least stick to TWO weeks, so I need to find ways to create a healthy balance when it comes to staying active regardless of things that come up around us. Dave and I are going to work on this together because you know what they say…TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK! On one hand, I know our unhealthy habits and downfalls, so I am going to stay positive, try to avoid the negative things/people, and attempt to keep Dave motivated as well. Wish us luck!!
“Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living.  If you’re not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you’re not demanding more from yourself–expanding and learning as you go–you’re choosing a numb existence.  You’re denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” ~Dean Karnazes
NEW YEAR, NEW YOU….or something like that! You may all be wondering where we’ve been for the last year…or maybe you haven’t. Either way, the blog definitely got pushed to a spot WAY WAY in the back of my mind…a place where I put things that I don’t really want to think or worry about.
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rundavina2018 · 5 years
It’s been almost 6 months since I’ve written…and to be honest, since I’ve even really wanted to write. Too many things have gone on and life hasn’t even started to slow down. Yes, I am still running, but as most of you know, we had a significant loss in our family. Roger “Rogelio” Cronk lost his battle with leukemia on March 5, 2019. To know Roger was to know what being a good, loving and giving man should be…he was someone that not only his own children and grandchildren looked up to, but also the people he worked with daily at the Punta de Mita Mission & Ministry in Mexico. There is not a day that passes that he doesn’t cross our minds. I am thankful for the times that I had with him…and for the way he embraced me into his family as if I was his daughter. As memories randomly pop up, they bring me sadness for the loss that we’ve endured, but also a sense of happiness. He will always be a part of us…never forgotten.
We’ve also had (what feels like) a million and a half great things going on…summer seemed to be filled with so many adventures! We embraced our time with ALL of the kids here in Singapore and finally got updated family pictures…I must say that we are blessed with some gorgeous kiddos! We’ve explored parts of New Zealand, Switzerland…and in a few days, I will be off to Mexico to spend time with some quality women in our lives. And as summer winds down we have Ethan starting his second year at university, Grace entering her FINAL year in high school (OMG), Kade ENTERING high school (OMG OMG), Sarah & Max both in the throws of middle school, and Jack entering grade 4. I didn’t even mention the twins who are now two and half…which only really means they are wild and crazy! They’re going to playdates and making best friends…and they’re even successfully starting to potty train! Time is flying by and we are trying to fully embrace every minute of it.
I’ll move on to the running situation now…since this is, after all, supposed to be a running blog. Well, running has become a bit random. Dave and I are not training for anything in particular…no half marathon, not even a 5k race on the calendar. He has been walking fairly consistently, working out and making healthier eating choices. I’ve tried to run at least 3-4 times a week…without any pace pressure or distance goals…and it’s turned out well enough. I’ve had some awesome runs and a few crap runs but I am completely okay with that. I’m not doing so well on the healthy eating part though. I openly admit that one of the reasons I run is so I can eat whatever I want.
Lately I have been debating signing up for the SCSM 2019 Half Marathon. It’s going to be an evening race this year and I thought it might be a more comfortable run. But I also told myself after last years race that I wasn’t interested in doing any more halves…that I would focus on 5k races and running my best pace for those races. If I can somehow convince Dave to sign up and run the half marathon with me, then maybe I’ll do it. Running the half alone last year was tough on me. As much as Dave likes to tell me that he has nothing to do with my performance, he totally and completely does. He’s always had this way of getting me through those last couple of miles to finish strong. We are a great team…in both running and in life.
<<I will attempt to keep up with the blog going forward…monthly is the plan. Running is still fun for me, and I’ve learned that I do not have to be the fastest or the best. I’ve also learned that by getting out there I am better on that day than a day that I did absolutely nothing.>>
“Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If you’re not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you’re not demanding more from yourself—expanding and learning as you go—you’re choosing a numb existence. You’re denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” ~Dean Karnazes 
Time is Flying By! It’s been almost 6 months since I’ve written…and to be honest, since I’ve even really wanted to write.
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
That Went By Fast…
That Went By Fast…
January has come and gone, and it seems like we were just ringing in the New Year. Where did that month go??
Dave and I were pretty diligent with our running/walking activities for most of the month. He started off much better than I did. We spent a week in Texas and he steadily got up each morning to get in at least one mile a day. I, on the other hand, skipped a few
My one run in Texas…
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
Another year is coming to an end…did you accomplish all of your running goals for the year?? Regardless of whether the answer is yes or no…good on you for setting a goal and TRYING! Dave and I had big plans for 2018…we had big plans to run in at least one race per month…to create a steady routine of running, working out and eating healthy…well, not ALL of that happened. We did do a few races and I created a routine for myself that had me running the best I’ve ever run in my 37 years. We did lose (and gain back) a few pounds here and there. And we DID run in our final races of the year…the Standard Chartered Singapore Half & Full Marathons.
So, our big races this Sunday……….they’ve come and gone and I couldn’t be happier that it’s over. Two months ago I don’t think either of us really felt ready. And as we got closer and closer we both were still not confident in how we would do. Dave’s goal was just to get it done. Mine was to set a new personal best…and to not let the fear of not having my running partner with me completely ruin my motivation to finish when it got tough. My goal was to finish in 2:30…I didn’t. I finished in 2:39…and while I didn’t hit my goal, I DID set that new personal best! Woohoo!! Credits to Dave and the boys though…if it weren’t for Dave’s texting throughout the race and at the end when I wanted to give up…I’m not sure I would have finished in under 2:40. And knowing the boys would be waiting at the finish line was a big help, too. The four of them will never truly know what it meant to me to have them cheering me on until the very end.
The day we picked up our race packets I read this on a running site, “In football you might get your bell rung, but you go in with the expectation that you might get hurt and you hope to win and come out unscathed. As a distance runner, you know you’re going to get your bell rung. Distance runners are experts at pain, discomfort and fear. You’re not coming away feeling good. It’s a matter of how much pain you can deal with on those days. It’s not a strategy. It’s just a callusing of the mind and body to deal with discomfort. Any serious runner bounces back. That’s the nature of the game. Taking pain” (Mark Wetmore). And I couldn’t agree more with this. The pain in my knee and hips was pretty ridiculous Sunday night…same for Dave with his legs. But this pain is only temporary. My first attempt at running again was this morning and it didn’t go as planned…but I’m not going to beat myself up about it…I just ran a half marathon! If it were supposed to be easy and painless everyone would be doing it!
As far as future races go, Dave has vowed to never run another full marathon in Singapore and I don’t blame him. The weather is just too hot and humid for the training he wants to be able to do. But we will run at least 3 half marathons in 2019. In fact, the race schedule is already planned out with a race for almost every month on the calendar. So Dave has plenty of time to get me ready to hit my new half marathon running goal…and no, it’s not 2:30. I think I’ll shoot for 2:20…maybe 2:15…and I feel like I have just the right running coach to get me to that new personal best! There is not one main goal for 2019…the goal is simply to be healthy…run regularly, workout regularly, eat healthier, relax more and enjoy our amazing kids and our amazing life here in Singapore.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the year, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
      “Pain is temporary.  It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place.  If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” ~Lance Armstrong
2018…How’d you end it?? Another year is coming to an end…did you accomplish all of your running goals for the year??
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
I was browsing the Internet the other day for a little inspiration and came across this blurb, “the definition of an obstacle is a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress. Every day we face obstacles – no one can avoid them – and they will be appearing frequently along our path of life. If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” It was so relevant to not only my run, but also to my family’s current season in life. On my run I came across a massive tree branch that was blocking the sidewalk…I had to go around but it was honestly no big deal. Wouldn’t it be nice if all of the obstacles we faced in life were that easy to get around?
As I was on my run that day, my father in law, Roger, was being admitted into M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. Dave made the trip there to be with them and I wished so badly that I could have been there, too. Since I couldn’t, I decided my run that morning would be for Dave and his parents. It is really interesting how running for someone and having your mind on something completely NOT running related can make it seem effortless. I’m not saying that there weren’t times that I wanted to quit, but it was much easier to keep going knowing that I wasn’t doing it to beat some time or pace…I was doing it with people I loved on my mind.
Roger is a man that holds a huge place in my heart. I see the way he loves his wife, kids, and grandkids and it always puts a smile on my face…he’s instilled that quality of selflessness into his son, too. Roger’s obstacle is Leukemia…we really don’t know more at this point. Test upon test is being run on him to find a better answer, but at this point we have to be patient and positive. What we do know is that it won’t be as easy an obstacle to overcome as simply running around that tree branch, but with the love and support and prayers from friends and family all over the world, we know that Roger will pull through this.
Every run leading up to my half marathon will be in honor of Roger and his fight against this disease. The same goes for Dave. And our runs on December 9th will be for him, as well. If you follow our Instagram page you will notice that along with our usual hashtags…#rundavina2018 and #runningourownrace…I’ve added a new one #runningforrogelio. If you are inspired to do a run for Roger please feel free to add the hashtag…it will mean a lot to us, and to him, to know that other’s around the world are keeping him in their thoughts, too.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…you must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Obstacles I was browsing the Internet the other day for a little inspiration and came across this blurb, “the definition of an obstacle is a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
It feels like ages since I last wrote anything…that’s probably because September wasn’t a
Happy Birthday to my favorite person!
very strong running month for me or Dave. We spent a lot of the month feeling so busy, but being busy is kind of the norm these days…especially when you are trying to keep up with work and school and kid’s sports.  Oh yeah…and trying to make time to celebrate your birthday month, too! (Dave’s birthday month, not mine)
Toddler Dave…can you say adorable??
September in a nutshell…I was sick, then I wasn’t. We ran off to Cambodia for an extended weekend to celebrate Dave’s birthday…loads of fun as usual! Soccer games every Sunday afternoon. An all weekend long rugby tournament. And finally, a 10km trail run for me and Dave…you know how we love to do races with little to no prep…it’s kind of our thing ;). This list doesn’t even include the long days of work for Dave, all the school events that have started, and keeping up with those ever so cheeky 20 month olds of ours…
It’s okay though…I think staying busy has become the new norm for almost everyone. Not sure when they lazy weekends or even just a random Sunday became filled up so fast…??? But there’s no time like the present to get your sh*t together…right?! As I was getting ready for bed Sunday night I told Dave that it’s REALLY REALLY time for us to make running a priority again, and REALLY REALLY time for us to start taking care of ourselves.
So welcome to October! October means Fall and Fall weather…..everywhere but in Singapore that is. It’s still HOT, and this first full week of October has brought back the RAIN…so that means it’s also still HUMID! No cold fronts or threats of snow for us! Yesterday I ran a 5k in the morning and did a 5k walk with Dave in the evening…out twice in one day??? Pat on the back Katrina…haha! And today, despite the crazy rain all morning and intense humidity, I had a REALLY great 3-mile run. Hoping to squeeze in another walk or light jog with Dave this evening, too. All I have to say to October is “Bring it on! We are kicking butt this month and taking names! By the time November gets here we will have filled your days with miles upon miles! Be ready October!”
  “Out on the roads, there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be.”   -George Sheehan
Hello October! It feels like ages since I last wrote anything…that’s probably because September wasn’t a very strong running month for me or Dave.
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
After being sick for a week…overdoing it the following week…then making myself sick again, I went to the doctor and got all fixed up. I’m a stubborn girl and I hate dealing with the doctor…it’s such a pain. Luckily Dave pushed me because sleeping all day for three days straight is not really as fun as it sounds unless you’re a bear hibernating for winter. We spent the rest of that week in Cambodia celebrating Dave’s September birthday…had an absolutely amazing time! No running there, but that shouldn’t surprise anyone. What was important to us was getting away and recharging.
Last week I had a great week of running! I think I went out every day and for fun I ran the same route 3 different days to see if/how I could improve. I didn’t necessarily improve speed wise by the third day, but I kept my mind clear of the negative thoughts I typically fuel it with…that alone is a win for me! I’ve been trying to work on starting slower and finishing stronger and faster…it’s something I’ve never been good at. Hopefully as I continue to run I will get that part down…hopefully!
And this week officially begins marathon/half marathon training for me and Dave!! We’ve got our running plans set…and our eating plans. I think that will be the hardest part for the two of us…we love yummy food and there’s no shortage of that in Singapore. Wish us luck!!
“Don’t run with your legs, run with your heart.”   ~Dean Karnazes
And so it begins… After being sick for a week…overdoing it the following week…then making myself sick again, I went to the doctor and got all fixed up.
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
So last Monday I decided it was time to get my butt back out there. I was out for an entire week with a nasty, nasty cold…that’s now turned in to a cough that makes me sound like I smoke several packs a day…ugh! Being sick did have one positive effect on me though…it made me miss running more than ever. The want to just go for a walk was real and the truth was that I could barely function in my house so there was no way I was going to be walking anywhere. By that following Monday I woke up with only a little “cloudiness” left in my ears so I figured it was time to get my running shoes on and head back out!
I went out with zero expectations…just the goal to finish four miles. I had no special pace or finish time that I wanted because I knew that I was ultimately still recovering and pushing myself wouldn’t likely be a good idea. Overall it was a great run…I was happy with my pace and finish time…and why wouldn’t I be? The fact that after the third mile I may have thought I was going to puke would have been enough for most people to just end it right then and there…but I didn’t. Luckily I was right at the entrance to the Botanic Gardens which meant there was a restroom AND water fountain close by…thank the heavens above for that!! I calmed myself down, gulped down a bit of water and set off to finish the last mile. With each quarter mile I glanced at my watch and thought to myself “you’re almost done…you’ve got this”…and the second my watch hit 4 miles I was wiped out! The gagging sensation came back and I just stood near a ditch waiting to puke. Luckily I didn’t!!
I’ve had difficult runs before but that was tough…not once have I ever came that close to puking. My runs the rest of the week were thankfully not as eventful as my Monday run! And I have to say that last week felt great and I enjoyed each of my runs…I even went out twice on Tuesday!
Wednesday I wanted to take the girls out with me but I waited too long and some days it’s just WAY TOO HOT to take them out after 9am (sitting in a jogging stroller with a fan that works about 60% of the time is tough on them).
Thursday I chose to do an early evening run…Jack had soccer practice at 5:30 so I left the house at 5 and headed that way. It’s a little over 3 miles to the fields they practice at and fairly flat. When I was leaving the house I noticed that my earbuds were refusing to turn on…why?? I had them charging ALL DAY!!! I don’t like to “review” products on my blog posts but Beats wireless earbuds are THE WORST! Not only has Dave gone through two sets in two years, but now mine are also messed up! They won’t turn on…hell, they won’t even charge! Needless to say, I had to run with only the sound of the cars and people passing by…I was worried. The music usually distracts me and helps me keep my mind off of all the things about running that stress me. By the time I got to practice it had warmed up nicely…that cloud that was keeping it a tiny bit breezy had completely disappeared and my body was feeling it…but I finished!   Max got me a bottle of water and Jack was pretty excited that I surprised him. Made the run even more with it!
Friday was a rest day……….and so was Saturday and Sunday (HA!).
It’s another new week and Monday has me waking up tired and not nearly as motivated as last week. How does that happen?? And why?? I just don’t get how one week I can wake every day ready to lace up my shoes and head out for a run and then the next week I feel the exact opposite! I woke up this morning, put on my running clothes, walked into the living room and aside from getting dressed to run I have no desire to actually go. I’m just tired…and it’s a dreary, cloudy morning here in Singapore. But it’s honestly probably the best time to go…the clouds are likely making it a little cooler and if it does start raining it will probably feel great! Maybe I’ll actually put my shoes on and head out…maybe I won’t. I’m not going to stress myself about it though, that’s for sure!
As I write this I have two crazy little girls pushing their highchairs down the hall and being silly and loud…so maybe I’ll just be silly and loud with them 😉
Some Weeks You’re On, Some Weeks You’re Off So last Monday I decided it was time to get my butt back out there. I was out for an entire week with a nasty, nasty cold…that’s now turned in to a cough that makes me sound like I smoke several packs a day…ugh!
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
Mental vs Physical
Earlier I read a post that said “I hate running” and “running is hard”…now I’m not saying the poster is wrong or right, but it definitely got me thinking.
I only ran twice this week…I had my super duper awesome Wednesday run and my average run for today. My lack of enthusiasm for running lately is because last week I had a run that I considered a sh*t run…mostly because my entire body felt like…
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
We woke up this morning ridiculously early…result of jetlag…ugh! Dave decided to go for a long walk and I decided to lay in bed a bit longer waiting for the girls to wake up. As I was laying in bed I thought to myself about what tomorrow would bring and the anxiety hit me hard. Tomorrow is August 1st…and the day Dave and I have to get our heads in check and start prepping for our big runs in…
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
Solo Run
On this journey, Dave and I have found both walking and running to be beneficial and helpful. But this post isn’t about that…it’s about how much I miss running when I’m out walking. This month has been eye opening for me in terms of how much I actually DO love running. I know I’m not the best runner and I will never be fast by comparison to some…but I love the adrenaline rush that I get from going on a great run!
This July I have spent most of my miles doing long walks with the twins. And let me tell you…that double BOB jogging stroller is not light with 17-month old twin girls in it! I’m not complaining…I love a great walk with the girls. The walks are even better when Dave can tag along, but that pesky work thing gets in the way during the week. While we always miss him, the girls and I make the best of our walks. We typically walk to the Singapore Botanic Gardens…stroll around looking for swans and ducks, chickens (yes, chickens), dogs, lizards, butterflies…you name it, and we probably see it! And who knew walks could be such perfect napping conditions! When they manage to stay awake, the gardens make for a beautiful walk and we make sure to take lots of pictures to send to daddy…he loves them!
But on our walks I always get that urge to take off running…in 500 degree weather with 1000% humidity (slight exaggeration) that can become rather difficult. It’s interesting that I can go on an afternoon run alone and finish (what I consider to be) a really good run without a problem. It’s the stroller that makes things more difficult for me…and the hills and the heat…it all turns the entire outing into a walk. 
Maybe it’s all mental…? Because mentally I can’t get over the fact that I will have a slower run with the double stroller and mentally I can’t get passed it. I want to be one of those moms I see online, on Instagram, doing fast runs while pushing their kids, but it doesn’t seem to be something I can personally do. Am I just not trying hard enough? Not “practicing”? I mean…before I was running well on solo runs, I was walking. And at one point I was doing runs with the girls that I was really proud of. So maybe I’m just not trying hard enough on outings with the girls…maybe I need to get up early and set out to push myself harder on these stroller runs…? They absolutely love when I take off running, so why not run and make them giggle??
So there’s my August goal…to have what I consider a decent stroller run pace. I also plan to improve on my solo runs, too! When I met Dave he had a pace that I thought was ridiculous. I don’t want to run at his personal best, but I want to be able to run with him when he gets back to that point. I know deep down it’s his goal to run as well as he did before…and I don’t want to be the thing that slows him down when we go on runs together. We leave for 10 days in Texas tomorrow night and it will be basically impossible for us to run while there. He will be working and I won’t have the jogging stroller.
August 1st is the day we take our running lives back…again! I can’t wait!! I can’t wait to go on more “fast” solo runs, to have an amazing run with my minis, and to cheer on Dave as he prepares for his full marathon in December…I will be the most annoying cheerleader and running “coach” he’s come in contact with. But I’m sure he will love every minute of it because the thing we do best is cheer each other on and push each other to be better than we personally thought we could be.  See yall in August!!
Walk, Run…Walk, Walk, Walk On this journey, Dave and I have found both walking and running to be beneficial and helpful.
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
Some people start running as a way to get healthier, to lose weight, to try something new…and sometimes to even compete in races to win a medal. When I started running it wasn’t for any real reason…I was excited at the thought of potentially losing some of the weight I put on with Jack. And the idea of running a race and getting a medal was kind of exciting, too! No doubt about that!! Dave started running to improve his health and then fell in love with running races. It was exciting to know that regardless of our different reasons for starting, we shared a passion for something.
Rainy, Slippery Run!
These days I feel like I’ve been running to stay sane. Rain, heat…doesn’t matter…I need to run.  Don’t get me wrong…I have a great life. I’m married to the man of my dreams. We have some really great kids that (most times) make us proud. We travel to places that I never thought I’d ever see. I even have live in help to assist with housework, cooking, the babies…you name it. My life is admittedly pretty great! But running helps with all those little things in life that drive me crazy. It gives me a chance to forget about the household stuff and the random curveballs that life sometimes throws at us. And when I run I am only thinking about running…I’m thinking about my pace, my lungs, what Dave will think when I tell him my running time…and I get excited about it. It’s a great feeling!
I think Dave ultimately feels the same way about running. It’s time for him to decompress and to forget about the work stuff and all the extra drama thrown his way. He would run a different race every weekend if he could. That passion for running is one of the things I love about him. I love that he has that competitive drive to him, too…makes running races with him even more fun! The summer weeks have kept him (us) busy and running hasn’t necessarily been the priority. But it’s always in the back of his mind. I set myself up with a 20-day plan…I have to run or go on a long walk every day and complete some core work each night before bed. For the rest of the 20 days I’ll be running with the babies…stroller runs are getting more and more difficult as the girls get bigger, but they enjoy the runs so it’s worth it.
Once we get through July I’m hoping that we will be able to really focus on our running again…Dave kind of has to! He signed up for the big marathon here in Singapore that happens in December…so he will have to get his training plan ready and get in gear. I’m not too worried about him though…I know he will get it done and I know he will do great in that race. And I know that I am capable of running a half marathon, but I am more worried about myself than Dave. I depend on him to keep me going and motivated during long runs…what if I can’t do this without him?? It’s my biggest fear about our December races!! Biggest fear!! Guess I’ll worry about that when we get a little closer.
On a side note…you may remember me mentioning that we were running a 10k race with our daughter Grace. She struggled a little…running in Singapore is A LOT different than running in North Carolina where she lives so it was completely understandable. The important thing is that she participated in and finished her first 10k and has set a personal best that she will now attempt to beat. We were really proud of her and the fact that she wanted to finish. It’s so easy to give up…especially when you feel like your lungs are being squished to bits by two very strong hands! We all know that feeling!! It’s exactly how I felt running a 5k in Colorado a few weeks back! All in all, we can’t wait for her to get home, do some race research and sign up for her next run. It will be exciting to watch her grow as a runner, and it will be great for me and Dave to get back into some sort of running routine once August gets here.
“Expect each race to be the toughest yet.  Brace for the worst to run your best.”       ~Matt Fitzgerald
What’s Your WHY? Some people start running as a way to get healthier, to lose weight, to try something new…and sometimes to even compete in races to win a medal.
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rundavina2018 · 6 years
It definitely seems inevitable that any time we go on holiday we will run VERY little. Does that mean we aren’t committed?? I don’t think it does, but others might disagree. We spent a little over a week in the states and we only ran once. Since I am the queen of excuses I’d like to mention that we had to (1) run separately so one person could stay with the twins, (2) the jet lag for us and the girls was UNREAL, and (3) the priority was honestly just not running since we were there for our oldest son’s graduation. And while we didn’t do much running, we did do some shopping for new running gear…Elise even got her first pair of Asics shoes! They’re super cute and it seems that she is ready to be our newest runner in the family (hahaha). Dave and I also celebrated our wedding anniversary on the 16th…I love that man beyond words.  We got new tattoos and I admit that I forgot just how much a tattoo on your ribcage can hurt! (Dave got his on his forearm.)
Our one run was on the second day in Boulder. Dave had a rough time trying to sleep so
Dave’s run…he loves the Boulder trails!
he got up at 3am and made a few work calls and went through emails. At around 5am he headed out the door for his run…he loved running in Colorado despite the altitude wrapping its evil hands around his lungs. Whoever said running in extreme heat like Singapore was comparable to altitude training was clearly a crazy person! But who wouldn’t love the scenery while running in that beautiful location??? (Dave and I got married outside of Boulder so we are a little biased to its beauty.)
  My running stats for my Boulder run
I went out for my run that afternoon while the girls napped. While it was warm in Boulder, nothing compares to the steamy humid Singapore heat! I chose to stay under shaded sidewalks and to my surprise I had a decent run. I definitely ran slower than home because I could feel the altitude, too. It’s unreal how different the ability to breath is in higher altitudes. Makes me wonder how long it takes someone to adjust after a move or long term stay. The next morning we planned to head over to the UC Boulder track with the girls and do some interval work. It was a great plan but the girls slept in…when the girls sleep in, so do mom and dad! Oh well…maybe next time!
After three days in Boulder we made our way to North Carolina. While our AirBnb was beautiful and in a beautiful location, it wasn’t exactly ideal for going on morning runs……..and the local breakfast places were calling our names each day. Yum!!! I am positive my 3-pound weight gain was from breakfasts…biscuits and gravy?? Yes please!!! Pancakes? Sausage?? YES! YES! Ugh…think I can sweat it all off during some good runs this week back here in Singapore?? Let’s hope so!!
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, our priority was spending time with family. Ethan graduated last Friday from high school and we couldn’t be more proud! He’s off to NC State in the Fall…majoring in International Business with a minor in Chinese. Wishing him all the best…we are so excited for him and this next chapter in his life.
This weekend we are doing a 10k with our daughter, Grace…wish us luck! We might all need it after that long week off!!
“To succeed, you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality.” ~Anita Roddick
Give me a break… It definitely seems inevitable that any time we go on holiday we will run VERY little. Does that mean we aren’t committed??
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