running-frxm-lixns · 4 months
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running-frxm-lixns · 6 months
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my babey.
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running-frxm-lixns · 6 months
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he adopted some cat
( alastor cat designed by @ coma_0423 on twitter <3 )
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running-frxm-lixns · 7 months
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this emerged in my head when I was trying to drive
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running-frxm-lixns · 7 months
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running-frxm-lixns · 7 months
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sir Precious!!!
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running-frxm-lixns · 1 year
Hey guys. I'm starting to think sskk may actually be requited after all
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running-frxm-lixns · 1 year
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Love how he went from victorian clothes to a medieval knight
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running-frxm-lixns · 1 year
We all know about the DDOS attacks on AO3 as it is still down. So it is very important we talk about the KOSA(Kids Online Safety Act) that is going to hit the floor soon. Because if that act goes through this could very much be the new reality of not only AO3 but online fandom spaces within the next year. The point of this act is to limit queer media and to eliminate online queer spaces.
Let me stress, the politicians are lying to you. Democrats and Republicans are lobbying for this. It is not pro trans rights and it is not pro lgbtq rights. This is very reminiscent of the Restrict Act! Politicians can SUE websites for having QEEER CONTENT. This act will not protect kids, it will further separate and marginalize the queer community!
If this bill goes through AO3, Wattpad, TikTok, Tumblr, and Twitter will be limited and fanfiction websites could be wiped out all together. If you are apart of fandom spaces pay attention and ACT! Call and email your senators! AND SIGN THE BELOW PETITIONS!
Reblog this! Send the links to people who aren’t on Tumblr! If you care about fandom, fandom spaces, your ships, your blorbos, fanfiction writers’ works, freedom to create, etc. Spread this!
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Akutagawa!!! 💖💖💖
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who's suicidal or depressed.
no one should scroll past this
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
How many people’s most beloved childhood stuffed animals are actually teddy bears, like I feel like that’s a thing someone made up. Reblog this and put what your longest owned and/or favorite stuffed animal as a child was in the tags, inquiring minds want to know
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
People love to talk about whether or not disabled people can work
but if you can work just fine and your disability is destroying your ability to have a life outside of work (because work takes all your energy and more)
Dead silence. Nobody cares.
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
its unreal how all of my favorite characters have exactly the same traits and hobbies and diagnoses as me
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
Anyway if you see this you have to reblog and tag with a delight from ur day -- even the littlest thing counts
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
also people act like drag queens are incapable of changing how they act for kids. like do you really think things like storytime with drag queens has like, sex jokes and dildos? do you think drag artists are unable to treat children appropriately while in drag? like drag doesn’t always need to be safe for kids obviously but just because a drag artist does a sexual show for adults doesn’t mean that artist can’t also be kid-friendly during times they are around kids. drag artists are not some scary boogeyman that’s gonna traumatize your children by their sheer Aura of Queerness
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running-frxm-lixns · 2 years
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