runningmeows · 2 years
Dear Nutrisystem-
Thank you for opening up a wound. Every time I see this commercial I want to ball my eyes out.
I lost my dad in 2020. He battled with weight for a good chunk of my life, and that weight led to the health issues that ultimately took his life earlier than it needed to be.
It was a constant non, stop battle for us. He knew he needed to make a change but he struggled with it and mom felt helpless. He might lose a couple pounds here and there but put it right back on.
She wanted to partner with him to do it because she wanted him to be around for a long time.
It never happened.
I will always feel some resentment towards his weight issues and I will always be an out loud believer that we need to work on the obesity crisis because I know how him struggling to make a change and then not wanting to make one cost us; both financially and mentally and emotionally.
This commercial, it reminds me of what could of been with my dad. Why the pain will always be there. How his weight was the root of what took so much from me.
Don't get me wrong. I will always love my dad but I always resented the weight he put on and the up and down struggle and lack of motivation.
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runningmeows · 2 years
"I've Been Called Many Things... But Never That!" | Downton Abbey
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runningmeows · 2 years
Matthew Meets Mary For The First Time | Downton Abbey- One of my fav show moments
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runningmeows · 2 years
Tokyo Christmas Lights Roppongi 2022 // 4K HDR
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runningmeows · 2 years
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runningmeows · 2 years
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runningmeows · 2 years
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runningmeows · 2 years
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Nerd and Jock Ep 175
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runningmeows · 2 years
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Quote from Dan Sheehan
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runningmeows · 2 years
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Traveling mushroom and his trusted cat
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runningmeows · 2 years
An attitude of Gratitude challenge
As part of the Zooma Running Winter Challenge, we are being challenged to focus on our gratitude this week and journaling three things we are grateful for
1- My cat: Charlie chose me to be his human and as he sit next to me as I work on some things, he reminds me what love really is, and why it is so important.
2- The beauty of Portland- I rediscovered one of my fav trails in the past couple weeks and been in awe of the beauty there.
3- The challenges I have faced in the past couple years. The past couple years life threw things at me and tried to take me down. But I have also learned and grown.
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runningmeows · 2 years
Sooo... I got called out again.
But its all good.
So when it comes to wrestling I will always carry the banner for Robbie Eagles. I am an unabashed member of the Sniper Club. Robbie is talented, is underrated magic in the ring. He is also very kind to his fans and has a way of making a connection to them.
I shouldnt of been suprised during his podcast appearance with my friend Marie, that he knew exactly who was in the chat room bragging him up. I don't use my actual name in Twitch but I made a comment about how great he is with connecting with the fans and Marie told him one of his biggest fans made that comment.
He knew I was making the comment.
I am just a little old non sensical wrestling fan, who through everything the past few years has thrown at me found strength and a break from the non stop black cloud that has felt like it has been traveling with me.
It gets to me some of my fav's know who I am. I AM NOBODY. But I am thankful they know I am out there, they know I appreciate them.
Anyhow.. You should watch the podcast. Marie did a fantastic job
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runningmeows · 2 years
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Fields of gold 🍂🌾🌾🌾🍂
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runningmeows · 2 years
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Just a bunch of cats 🎈
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runningmeows · 2 years
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runningmeows · 2 years
My dad would of loved this..
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Dragons in the modern world I
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runningmeows · 2 years
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It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me. At teatime everybody agrees. I’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.
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