So this is going to be harder than I thought. I’ve been back for a little over 24 hours and I’ve already had 2 cookies (oatmeal so they’re healthy right?), a cupcake, and a whippy dip tornado (it’s the local version of a DQ blizzard). And yes, they are were amazing. Except the cupcake, never eat Caf cake I tell myself every time, and every time I eat the Caf cake. 
Also it is really really hard to fill up on spinach, and I think I romanticized the Caf food a little too much when I was first making my plan. I think most days my only sugar free, clean eating options are going to be carrots and spinach leaves. I’ll get used to it. I have to get used to it.
Now I’m back on campus and I feel immediately overwhelmed by everyone and everything in my life. I also did not expect the push back I’ve received so far about my plans to be a healthy me. 
So I think I’ll just be a silent badass from now on. Yup, that’s the plan. 
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Made my first healthy DIY thing ever!!! Homemade peanut butter!! It was awesome and super fun and I'm addicted to it.
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Sugar Free Foods for a Sugary Foodie
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Here goes nothing alright. Includes shopping list for dorm stocked items and options at other dining locations on campus. 
Sprouted grain bread (I have no idea if I will ever be able to stomach this but I need my carbs more than I need life) (Also may buy a giant loaf and carry it with me around the school) 
Sugar free pastas and tortillas
Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs
Sugar free rolled oats (Picture this aesthetic, me with my bag of 1/2 cup oatmeal entering the caf and getting a mug of hot water, how extra would that make my sugar free a** look am I right ladies?)
Nuts!!! I currently have sunflower and pumpkin seeds which are kind of the only nuts that I don’t feel like gagging on (hey-oh that was a hella innuendo that I definitely did not intend and my lack of followers makes me completely fine with leaving in) But I’ll scope out the market place (really want to like almonds, really will never like almonds)
Fruit (I solemnly swear that I will steal from the caf as often as possible) (But good apples for once are pretty attractive)
Peanuts to make my very own peanut butter!! Super excited about these prospects. I’ll post if I ever make this happen.
hummus and some pure chips (if no good options, I’ll take carrots)
Popcorn all natural if that’s possible
Cinnamon and other sugar free spices. 
that’s about it for staples from the market, but here’s a list of things to eat from the other dining options at Luther College. 
Caf Options
Meats and seafood that aren’t too seasoned or glazed
gluten free grains if any are available
Spinach and carrots and any other salad line veggie that strikes my fancy
cooked broccoli and cauliflower and green beans
hummus if made from chickpeas and not sugary starches (If so I will be bolting to the co-op because I am addicted to hummus)
to the caf bagels and 90 cent bagels and scones JUST SAY NO (this will probably be as successful as the No Drugs thing the Reagan’s tried to pull. Bagels=Man’s worst drug)
vegan line could be a good bet, but we’ll see.
Water’s great, soda and apple juice are not. It’s a tragedy truly. 
Grab and Go Options
Sandwiches with minimal processed foods and on wheat bread are better than nothing
Can I get an apple? and Carrots? will be my catchphrase for literally my whole life at this line. I hope the cute boy working there in the mornings memorizes my order. 
Oneota Options 
Hey man, there isn’t any sugar in my coffee so that bowel moving staple will be staying
Egg/veggie rolls 
Soup if sugar free-ish
fruits and veggies from salad bar
egg/tuna/chicken salads (yikes if there’s mayo in these, I’ll check)
NO raspberry sweet tea I am so sorry this will be as hard to quit as the caf cookies
Regular tea, that’s a-okay.
pre-made sandwiches might not be trustworthy so keep that in mind
hard boiled eggs (i will have an addiction to these bitches until the day I die)
C-Store and Nordic Brew Options
Not much for these two so they’re combined
no more apple cider and goldfish treat yourselfs just for getting through the day. Remember, food is fuel and a gift, not a means of comfort and emotional support. You have friends, musical theatre, New Girl, lab time, and pinterest for that. 
Almond milk might be pretty sugar free!
Milk, milk, milk, is kind of your only option for a drink (buy lactaid) 
Coffee from Nordic brew is ok if no fancy extras, but coffee from the C store is literally a glass of sugar with a slight coffee aftertaste. 
Check out those gluten food items on the side, usually sugar free and gluten free go hand in hand
Popcorn with small amount of salt are great too
Marty’s Options
u kidding?
chicken and veggie burgers might work (but these are definitely not prime for your body)
cut out these fries cause they ain’t even that good. I need those make you tear up when they open the potato-y golden gates of heaven for your tastebuds kind of french fries. 
This change in diet (that may not happen but I want to happen so I’m going to work my a** off to make it happen) is (hopefully) going to spark an appreciation and a consciousness that I hope will help me in my health and wellness journey and personal and physical growth. And you know me, I’m all about growth. That’s all really life is about anyways. 
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How the H*ck Am I Supposed to be Eating???
So I’m on vacation, which means I will definitely be eating a minimum of 6 reese’s peanut butter cups a day and moving from my bed to the couch and back again to my bed.  I’m decompressing, ya know?
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But recent self evaluations and self reflections got me thinking, how am I eating and is this inhibiting my progress? Answers: poorly, and yes.
Primary offense, I’m a sugar addict. Like crack cocaine dependency levels. Walking into and out of the caf I grab like 4 cookies in each hand. Like by all means, a girl’s gotta treat herself, but maybe to a facemask once in a while not a dozen cookies every day just because I lived through genetics lecture. 
So I’m thinking it’s time for a sugar revolution or more so a sugar removal.
BUt how the H*CK do I do that? Sugar is literally in everything. EVERYTHING.
I watched fed up and had a slight breakdown everything’s fine......I promise.... (No it’s not). 
I really, really care about this issue. It’s terrifying, and it’s terrifying simply because of the biology (warning: I am not a nutritionist, just curious).
Sugar can be natural, and there’s some wiggle room when it comes to added sugar but the high level of consumption by the average American is concerning and sicking. Added sugar rounds out to 130 pounds for each person per year. Sugar consumption results in a spike in hunger and a drop in energy. Leaving me and all of it’s other victims stuffed but starving zombies. 
I think my biggest obstacles are going to be breakfast and snacks. I  L O V E  B R E A K F A S T  S W E E T S. So much. I love each day that I can get chocolate chip scone and an soy-sweetened coffee before my 8 am Norwegian class. I literally want to sob thinking about giving that shit up.
New goal: Find an sugar free scone recipe, if that’s even possible.
But honestly I think it I sweep the sugar from my start of the day meal, the rest of the day might be a little more on track.
Boiled eggs and flaxseed toast
Gluten free and SUGAR FREE rolled oats paired with unsweetened almond milk or water if I’m in a hurry. 
I think it would be interesting to track how much sugar I’m actually consuming but I also think it would be rather terrifying. Also, I would be really really hard since hidden sugar is everywhere.
But I wrote this whole thing eating a rice krispies bar so.... We’ll see what happens.
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@courtknee_bbg #bbgmums !!! Check out this amazing mummy! Progress using my #bbg program 👏💛💜 www.kaylaitsines.com/app #bbgprogress #sweatwithkayla
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Kayla Itsines, Holy shit girl ! ! !
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Abs are earned! More fitspoholic wallpapers here
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INSTAGRAM: @fitandhealthys
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When in doubt, nourish bowl😌👌🏼✨ the best part is, you can switch them up with different ingredients every time so they’re always new and exciting🌟 today I filled mine with brown rice, steamed veggies, purple cabbage, kale, my favourite falafel (recipe from my Ebook) + a drizzle of homemade BBQ sauce👅👅 Don’t forget, using the code 1000POSTS gives you all 10% OFF MY EBOOK! Happy weekend💛
IG: @naturally_nina_
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Source: eatfittrainhard
You have lack of motivation ?  Interesting Ways To Find Motivation
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My name is Kita and I'm a university student studying Nordic Studies and Biology! I'm a fairly healthy person (at least when I'm not caught in the midst of midterms) but I'm headed over to Norway in the fall and I thought there's a few things I'd love to improve regarding my health. Food, diet, exercise, and weight have been themes in my life for longer than I'd like to admit but thankfully after soul searching and the existentialism that a liberal arts education can promise ya, I've sort of figured it all out. Life is a balancing act. One of intense highs and lows, accomplishments and defeats, and one of nearly constant challenges. I went through a rough year in 2016. A rough year that out roughed all years prior. And now I'm kind of just wandering around, shook that I even made it through it. I've fallen in love with my college's gym and the opportunities exercise offers me. I love to explore and learn and try new things. But I am very weak and very off balance right now, just cause life can be a lot ya know? So I started this blog as a little progress tracker. Making a change for the healthier is really hard!! But I feel like I'm on a good path Current goals: I'm teaching myself how to run properly! Taking it slow and short, I'm building by 0.25 miles a week. This week I'm on 0.75!!! It's a breeze some days and hell other days. Yoga! I'm really infatuated with yoga but I fell off the mat when I had a concussion in January. I'm going to try and reignite my daily practice Bbg (I may or may not be doing this but goodness it's a cool program) Learning to lift! Starting small and building fast! So that's a little introduction!! Ha det!
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