rurus-writing · 1 year
I want to read a fic but I want to read MY fic that I haven't finished yet
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rurus-writing · 1 year
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rurus-writing · 1 year
Bloody silence
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Notes: Those bitches r hurt and homes of sexual AND in pain 🤍I also realised I haven't posted any new writing in a little more than an year and I think that's so funny actually (It will happen again)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Shou, Qiran (Ocs)
Tws: Talks of blood, non graphic descriptions of wounds, biting someone's arm in order to survive and drinking their blood to heal your wound (romantic)
Tags: @a-chaotic-dumbass @edensrose @eden-dum
Word count: 1000 ish words
The metallic stench filling up Qiran's lungs was far too familiar to be confused for else: blood.
Not theirs, but oh - how they wished It was.
How they wished they weren't on the cold, rough ground, deep into Nadaka's silent, dark forest, clinging to their loved one's now red-stained body, rocking him back and fourth, tears falling on Shou's face, just like drops of rain.
An huge wound that originated from the right side of his neck to his abdomen was threatening to paint the ground red. His breathing worsened as the seconds went on, whereas his heartbeat began to slow down.
The moonlight did not touch the pair, almost as though it wanted to keep them hidden.
Neither of them could talk: one barely holding It togheter, the other closer to Mors's touch. Not even Nephele herself could bestow him protection, after all, what protection could she give for him? A surviving offspring of both a demon and an human, an union unprecedented yet deplorable?
No matter whether they'd invoke her name, she wouldn't have replied to their prayers. Not now, not ever.
Qiran knew they had to act fast, as they couldn't allow panic to swallow them even more, making them shake and weep further. They knew they had to go somewhere - anywhere else, but they couldn't leave his lover in those conditions either.
When their eyes met his, realising how their loved one was falling both in and out of conciousness,as he battled quietly for his life, they knew what they had to do.
Qiran gently raised the man's head, as they came even closer to their lover. After a moment of hesitation, they leaned their other arm over to Shou's mouth.
"SHOU -!"
They panicked, as their breath increased and so did their heartbeat.
"- Listen to me! Demons need blood, right?!? You do as well, don't you!?"
Qiran soon followed with a pause.
"Then if so - just...please...?"
They begged, as they leaned their arm even closer.
They could see a glimpse of pure fear through Shou's widened eyes, however, when he tried to talk, to avoid the inevitable, he could not. A mouth open, without any sound.
The only thing coming from his mouth was a faint, quiet panting, soon accompaigned by the sound of drops hitting the ground.
He had just begun to cry. He couldn't do it.
Qiran quietly hushed them, as they slowly started to caress his face. Shou had tried to keep his eyes shut and pretend not listen to his partner's proposal, to no avail. His head was quickly brought back up, however their arm was far closer than It was before.
He opened his eyes, staring at theirs once more.
Shou knew that he would have never forgived himself if he were to die in their arms, and leave them alone to sob until they physically could. Qiran gave him an encouraging nod, their eyes trying not to pour as they waited for an answer.
After gathering up enough courage, he opened his mouth, a pair of long, sharp canines emerging as soon as Shou's mouth made contact with Qiran's arm. His heartbeat was now increasing with every moment passing.
Then, he bit It, his eyes closing altogheter.
He sunk his teeth into their sweaty flesh, trying not to cut too deep, as he needed blood to flow from the fresh bite. However, as soon as he gulped a few drops from the bite, he felt like he had just gained another life.
The adrenaline rush made him thrust in even more, as with every gulp a part of his wound healed. He was in a state of bliss, up until he opened his eyes, and soon noticed how Qiran's head faced the other way, as they trembled, writhing in pain.
Shou stopped, realising how much he gave in. The sharp, shooting pain was the only thing occupying their mind, as they felt their energies fading more and more as they felt their blood pouring. They swear It had reached their hand for how much they were losing.
He slowly raised his head, his canines abbandoning the flesh he had just damaged. His wound had pratically healed itself, disappearing altogheter. He gasped for air, almost as though he had been underwater for quite a bit of time.
Shou was now sitting, slowly getting used to his sorroundings. Yet, the same couldn't be said for Qiran. Their wound was pouring as much if not more than his, as they felt weaker and weaker.
Neither had something to treat it, or to wrap it in. However, that's when Shou noticed just how long his own robes were, followed by a quick -
- Slash.
He had just torn off part of his sleeve with his nails, as he was fast to wrap it around the biting point.
No exchange of words was needed. The silence around them almost seemed reassuring, peaceful, even.
"We cannot stay here."
That's how Shou broke the silence, as his voice sounded much more like a whisper, with an hint of worry and agitation.
"Before anyone else gets hurt - we have to go."
He paused, looking up to Qiran. They had closed their eyes, and had let their body fall upon Shou's. He immidately reacted, making sure they wouldn't fall on the ground, holding them by the sides of their torso.
Soon though, that transformed into an embrace. The two silently held onto eachother.
"Oh, darling...
How shall I ever repay you?"
He did not expect an answer, but he was given one.
"You did - you already did.
I would not trade this moment,
this memory,
for as long as I'm alive."
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rurus-writing · 1 year
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rurus-writing · 1 year
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Source: This
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rurus-writing · 1 year
Did I daydream this, or was there a website for writers with like. A ridiculous quantity of descriptive aid. Like I remember clicking on " inside a cinema " or something like that. Then, BAM. Here's a list of smell and sounds. I can't remember it for the life of me, but if someone else can, help a bitch out <3
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rurus-writing · 1 year
Some resources for those writing medieval-type stories:
list of medieval jobs
more medieval jobs
lords of the manor
ladies of the manor
medieval ladies
medieval weapons
medieval names
more medieval names
guide to medieval terms
more medieval terms
how to write sword-fight scenes
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rurus-writing · 1 year
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rurus-writing · 1 year
Shoutout to the writers who post their writing online but don't receive a lot of reads or recognition. You guys rock and I'm proud of you <3
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rurus-writing · 1 year
i have three responses to "how is your writing going"
1) it's not
2) it's going
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rurus-writing · 1 year
great day for the reminder that fandoms are ruined by those who comment hateful things on fanfic
writers don’t owe you anything
writers make fics for free
there is a back button for a reason
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rurus-writing · 1 year
“the writer’s strike will impact your favorite tv show!!!1!1!”
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rurus-writing · 1 year
Kitty catching snow flakes
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rurus-writing · 1 year
I was getting pretty fed up with links and generators with very general and overused weapons and superpowers and what have you for characters so:
Here is a page for premodern weapons, broken down into a ton of subcategories, with the weapon’s region of origin. 
Here is a page of medieval weapons.
Here is a page of just about every conceived superpower.
Here is a page for legendary creatures and their regions of origin.
Here are some gemstones.
Here is a bunch of Greek legends, including monsters, gods, nymphs, heroes, and so on. 
Here is a website with a ton of (legally attained, don’t worry) information about the black market.
Here is a website with information about forensic science and cases of death. Discretion advised. 
Here is every religion in the world. 
Here is every language in the world.
Here are methods of torture. Discretion advised.
Here are descriptions of the various methods used for the death penalty. Discretion advised.
Here are poisonous plants.
Here are plants in general.
Feel free to add more to this!
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rurus-writing · 1 year
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It shouldn’t be surprising that writers have some of the best strike signs in existence
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rurus-writing · 1 year
writing sucks because after i share what i wrote i wanna be like "hey did u notice this technique i used? did you notice the repetition here? let me write you an analysis on my own work."
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rurus-writing · 1 year
me, the motherfucker with over 50 abandoned works in progress: i have an idea
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