rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Mabel took two heaping spoonfuls of sugar and stirred them into her tea, smiling a little as she saw the journal (though the 2 confused her). “Aw, jeez, my great uncle totally told me once, but I’ve forgotten…” she said, taking a sip. “And… I don’t really know how I get to other universes. It just happens. I can’t control it. Same goes for getting back. I’ll just blip back eventually.”
“Great uncle? -Ah, Prophet Stanford Pines, of course.” Dipper made a few notes in his journal, nodding. “If you do remember, then please do inform me so I may keep track of anyone else from your universe that may stumble upon this dimension.” He chewed on the end on his pen thoughtfully. “That is certainly curious. Perhaps your internal anchor is particularly weak, or your monad matrix particularly lacks direction and attachment to your dimensional fold... Simply theories, of course, I lack any substantive evidence for any of them...” Getting up, he unconsciously started pacing back and forth, muttering around the pen in his mouth. “...fascinating... strings.... a lack of cohesion in the links? But, no....”
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Mabel looked around idly, letting her thoughts start to sort themselves out. The thing she kept coming to was that it seemed like this was a place of worship of Bill. That was awful. And then he kept calling her “Holy Mother”? 
Mabel looked up at the knock, giving him a smile when he came in. She took the cup, blowing on it, then looked back at him. “My first question is, do you have sugar?” She was pretty sure the tea would not be sweet enough for her tastes. “But yeah, we should talk, if I’m gonna be here a bit.”
Covering his mouth with his hand to hide the amused smirk that rested there, he nodded and reached for a compartment under the table, taking out a glass container of sugar and placing it beside the cookies. “Naturally, you are free to leave this place whenever you so choose, but I implore you to rest for a while before heading back through the rift.” He took a sip of his tea straight before flipping through his notebook, stopping at a fresh page and noting down the date at the top with a pen. “You wouldn’t happen to be aware of what number dimension you hail from, would you? Ah, please feel free to speak your mind, by the way.”
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Mabel nodded, relaxing slightly when he said there wouldn’t be any images of Bill there. She walked in, looking around. It reminded her of her brother’s desk. He acted like Dipper sometimes, then. 
She sat down at the table, fiddling with her sweater sleeves. “Thanks,” she said. She needed a bit of time to figure out her thoughts and feelings about all this, and how to act.
“Of course.” Leaving the other to her own devices, Dipper headed down the hallway towards the kitchenette in his room. It was simpler than using the common kitchen area, and closer after all. As he poured the water and waited as it boiled, he sighed, running his hand through his hair. She... really did look like his sister. Heck, she even had a sweater on, and he had a sneaking suspicion that she handknitted the thing. Great, now he was getting sentimental. Huffing, he grabbed a tray and poured the tea, arranging a plate of cookies on it as well before heading back to his study, knocking politely before entering. “I do hope it is to your taste.” He set it down on the coffee table and sat across from her, taking out a black journal with the number ‘2′ written on the cover and placing it on his lap. “I imagine we both have questions?”
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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“Dvoo hvvrmt zh blf ziv orgvizoob hzbrmt gszg Yroo rh z TLW ZNLMT KVLKOV, dsvm zoo sv wlvh rh girxp kvlkov rmgl nzprmt wvzoh drgs srn zmw gsvm gib gl nzpv gsv kfkkvgh sv fhvh xlnnrg hfrxrwv! R gsrmp R szev z qfhgrurzyov xzfhv uli xzoormt blf zm rwrlg!” Dipper literally screamed at the other, getting heated up. He was clenching and un-clenching his fists. He hated Bill, with all his might. 
“I don’t care if you’re a reincarnate or whatever of me. I don’t care what caused you all to worship him. But I can guarantee that WORKING with BILL FOR OVER 20 YEARS OF MY LIFE! Kill people who defied him, Being wrapped in chains, tortured. Having my Head re-written because I couldn’t handle MURDERING young children who foolishly summoned him to get their Hearts or something.” Dipper closed his eyes looking down to the ground. 
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Tears began to stream down his facial features then. “Having to make your sister, forget who you are… making your parents, your family, your friends all forget you exist. You can’t understand why I hate him, Nothing I say will make you change your mind. But if you’re really me.. Than why.. Why would you stay with someone like that if you’re not forced to.” He looked up at dipper, seeing the 2 on the journal. A small smile hit his face. “At least.. that’s one thing we have in common, our thirst for knowledge.”
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He wiped her eyes of the tears then, He sighed. “Journals 1, 2, 3… We had to throw them down the never ending hole in the back yard of our grunkle’s yard. After Weridmaggeddon To keep Bill from returning, from getting power back.. But he never was gone. He was always there in my head, puppeteering me. Like I had a choice. Making me go to his statue, and bringing him back to life, with the magic he taught me.”
Oookay, so much for a respectful, academic atmosphere... Oh man, was he crying? He didn’t know how to deal with hysterical crying people, that was always more of Lie-- Mabel’s forte... Pursing his lips, he glanced around cautiously, making sure they were completely alone before putting his journal away, coming closer and lowering his voice.
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“Look, Father... I have never actually interacted with Lord Cipher before. Formally, anyway, I’m not sure if that’s him in my dreams or not... But regardless, I did not have much of a choice either. You may have been directly forced, but...” He gestured to his glowing yellow eyes, snapping his fingers and producing a small blue flame in his hand. “...my fate was sealed at the same age yours was. Although I suppose I could probably have run away, like Mabel did, but I chose to stay. What good would running and hiding do?”
He sighed, crossing his arms and unsure why he was being sentimental enough to speak so truthfully to him, even if he was a version of the Holy Father. He was weak to tears, probably. How vexing. “Regardless, I have my own way of doing things, and I’m probably just as cold-hearted and cruel as you make your Lord Cipher sound. So, I suppose that’s your answer.
 He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to the other. “Kilyzyob mlg hlnvgsrmt blf dzmg gl svzi uiln nv, vevi, yfg xsrm fk. Li dvoo... pvvk xibrmt. R hfkklhv rg'h zoo fk gl blf.”
Why.. Why would you worship Bill? He's horrible! A menace-!
Vcxfhv nv?
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…Lord Cipher is the savior of our world, and the herald for the utopia we all dream of. He has always been watching over humanity, letting us minor lifeforms flourish. He is most certainly not a menace. Whatever the resistance has been telling you, it is most certainly a twisted perception on things, I assure you.
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Mabel listened with furrowed brow as he spoke. At the mention of “Lord Cipher,” she made a disgusted expression. “You almost look like him,” she replied, crossing her arms. Then she glanced at the statue of Bill, shivered, and let out a sigh. “Some tea sounds nice. As long as we go somewhere else.”
Frowning a little at the other’s blatant dislike for his god figure, Dipper blinked and nodded. “Of course. Shall we adjourn to my study, then? The room lacks any imagery of Lord Cipher, if that is what you are jittery about.” Leading the way down the halls, Dipper rubbed the back of his head, wondering what to do about this awkward situation. Opening the door to his admittedly messy study full of books, his gold eyes flicked away. “Then, I shall prepare the tea. Please, make yourself at home.”
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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[ time to tackle my aristotle essay ]
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Mabel felt herself beginning to shake slightly. “Just… first… who are you exactly? I- I know who you look like but…” He didn’t act like Bill. And the pupils looked normal from where she was standing. She knew there were some weird versions of her brother out there, but it was still unnerving every time.
Mabel felt herself beginning to shake slightly. “Just… first… who are you exactly? I- I know who you look like but…” He didn’t act like Bill. And the pupils looked normal from where she was standing. She knew there were some weird versions of her brother out there, but it was still unnerving every time.
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Oookay…. He didn’t think he did anything to scare the girl, but she seemed pretty fearful anyway. Was he really that scary-looking? He could recall his world’s Mabel calling him a ‘scrawny dum-dum’ though so he assumed not. Maybe he was mistaken. “I am the Reverend Dipper Luca Pines, the head of this church. I assume my appearance is similar to your brother’s? I am the original Holy Father Dipper Pines’ reincarnation, as Blessed by our Lord Cipher. It is truly a pleasure.”
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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“Oh. I have simply set this place as a waypoint for anyone that happens to be travelling dimensions. If it has caused you any inconvenience, I apologize.” He frowned, tilting his head. “...Holy Mother? Is there something wrong? You look... unnerved.” It was the eyes, wasn’t it? No one ever seemed okay with the yellow eyes. Well, except for other members of the clergy, but... “For now, would you like to some tea? I hope you’d be willing to indulge me in some questions I have.”
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
How do you join this cult?
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Ah, anyone is free to worship Lord Cipher, whether through setting up an altar privately or attending mass and praying at your local church. Should you wish to be a member of the clergy, you require the consent of either your local Reverend, and go through a second Blessing ceremony so our Lord is made known of your name and presence. This is, of course, assuming you have been given your Blessings when you have turned thirteen… however, I believe Lord Cipher is willing to make exceptions for inter-dimensional believers who have not undergone the typical procedures.
I would like to give a small piece of advice, however. Please, do not call it a cult. It is a proper religion and should be treated with as much respect as one.
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
"Dipper? Is that you? What is this place?" She took fearful glances at the triangular symbols.
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“Ah-! Welcome, Holy Mother.” He gave her a formal bow. “This is the Triangulum Church, located just outside Celatum. I believe it is most likely a different universe than yours. I do hope you find your stay pleasant.”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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“....Um, right. Are you finished? R dlfow zkkivxrzgv mlg yvrmt rmhfogvw, hri. R zn mlg vmgrivob hfiv dszg R szev wlmv gl vzim blfi dizgs. ” He sighs, straightening his neck ribbon. “I truly apologize for your circumstances, Holy Father... however, the Triangulum Church is a respectable institution that has existed for approximately 270 years. I understand that the name does not hold much weight for you, but I suggest you keep such... revolutionary thoughts to yourself. It is quite insensitive to hear you say that to the Reverend.”
“....I would be willing to listen further, however, as long as we can maintain a respectful, academic atmosphere.” Pulls out a black journal labeled ‘2′ and a pen with a fascinated expression.
Why.. Why would you worship Bill? He's horrible! A menace-!
Vcxfhv nv?
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…Lord Cipher is the savior of our world, and the herald for the utopia we all dream of. He has always been watching over humanity, letting us minor lifeforms flourish. He is most certainly not a menace. Whatever the resistance has been telling you, it is most certainly a twisted perception on things, I assure you.
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Why.. Why would you worship Bill? He's horrible! A menace-!
Vcxfhv nv?
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...Lord Cipher is the savior of our world, and the herald for the utopia we all dream of. He has always been watching over humanity, letting us minor lifeforms flourish. He is most certainly not a menace. Whatever the resistance has been telling you, it is most certainly a twisted perception on things, I assure you.
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
As he made his way up the trek to the large church removed from the city proper, his strides slowed as he watched another approach his destination, observing them with wary but curious eyes as they collapsed on the steps. “Oh-Oh wvzi.” A trap? Perhaps. He managed to come within the wards Dipper put up, though, so he most likely didn't have bad intentions... With that thought, he came up to the other's side, lightly shaking his shoulder. "Hri, ziv blf zoirtsg?" Frowning at the lack of response, Dipper carefully lifted the other, bring them inside (though not without a lot of struggling; he really needed to work out more...) and eventually managing to set him on the couch in his study.
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Dipper left momentarily to grab a glass of water, coming back and startling a bit as the other woke and spoke to him, though the momentary shock bled out quickly to interest. The man was speaking English? He couldn't place the accent, but it certainly wasn’t Atbash. Yet he came from outside the church. Interesting. "Ah- Please relax, sir, you are safe here. This is the Triangulum Church just outside Celatum." He handed the glass to the other, gold eyes looking him over and lingering on the writing visible on his neck. For some reason, his mouth tasted a hint of nostalgia at the script, and he unintentionally stared a bit before clearing his throat. "I am the Reverend Dipper Luca Pines. I found you collapsed just outside... I could get you some soup, if you’d like?”
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Drei had been walking around, for what seemed to be hours and hours. He was tired, hungry, lost, and most importantly confused. He stumbled with each step he took. He didn’t remember anything exactly, bout where he was or who he was… He didn’t understand what happened. After so many years trapped in a area where he had been left in hiding, he’s emerged. His body had taken form as a human to be as undetectable as possible for being a Journal but along that his mind hid the information along his body to keep him safe. He knew three things:
His name was Drei, 
He had two older brothers Zwei and Eins
He was in his 20s… or at least that’s how he looked.
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After walking for at least a mile maybe 3 miles or so, he stumbled upon a church, of which he collapsed at the steps, his body was weak.. So hungry and so thirsty. 
“He…Help..” He called out, his voice was laced with a German accent. Whoever helped this boy was uncertain as he had passed out moments after saying that.
When next he awoke, he was inside and someone was standing over him. He appeared to be in a study of sorts at least he knew that. 
“Vere am I, Vo are you,,, Do,,, Do you haffe any food or Vader?” The journal asked, out of desperation, anxiety, hunger… Anything really.
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
Journal 3: Puppets
Delving deep into the vast amount of confiscated books collected over the years, I emerged with a curious piece of fiction detailing the story of siblings whose souls are eternally damned. The boy and girl were long dead, yet continued to live in a fantasy of their own creation, where they could be together forever. The boy was incurably, terminally ill, and the girl of sin killed him to bind his soul to a puppet...
I... felt unsettled.
It is no wonder that such a text was banned, at any rate. Puppets have always been a touchy subject for the Triangulum Church, even if by this point in time, no one is aware of the reason behind it. In my case, whenever I see the word puppet, a chill runs down my spine. I am honestly perplexed by this. As far as I am aware, I have had no previous experience with such things...
Naturally, then, I suppose that it is due to the unique nature of my soul. Reincarnation... on some level, resembles the binding of a soul to a puppet. Does that mean that the puppet possessed no soul before the binding? Is there nothing of the puppet left behind? Does the soul forced within them constitute their entire being from that point onward? If their entire being is overwritten, memories and all, does the original cease to exist? Nay, to ever exist?
...Such revolving thoughts are, perhaps, useless to think about. If I continue down this path, I will most certainly stay awake all night pondering the issue of my own existence, and there are many more important things to think about. At any rate, my being is repulsed by the idea of puppets and direct manipulation of bodies such as the above. I felt it was important to note for later. Perhaps like this, I may learn more about Father Dipper Pines, and by extension, something of myself.
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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“Nb svzw sfigh... Still haven’t fully recovered from that ritual. I really hope Mabel and her little resistance cell doesn’t attack me right now, Lord Cipher give me strength...”
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rvrnd-blog1 · 8 years
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“So from what I understand, most universes run on a decimal system, rather than a hexadecimal system, and wow... uh... it seems way more efficient.”
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