rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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The Real World || Welcome to Miami || Episode One Pt. 6
[Confession Room]
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I'm sitting here and I am surrounded by fun people who like to drink and I thought I could hang, I mean jumping in the pool then going topless, taking a few shots, thinking 2 guys my entire life is a lot...boy was i wrong. I came here thinking something fun could happen i could loosen up, but after this game they all probably see me as like the prude of the bunch and I don’t blame them.
Kiara: Okay, so moving on from that... Never had I ever cheated on anything.
Sam: What do you mean by cheating.
Kiara: Any form. Whether it was a test, or a lover. Just cheating.
Mercedes: *takes a shot*
Sam: *takes shot*
Victor: *takes shot*
James: i think i need more than one shot here. *takes a shot*
Blair: *takes a shot* oooooo we all so bad… *giggles*
[Confession Room]
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I definitely think Blair is drunk. If not drunk, then a little tipsy.
Kiara: Now I’m curious to know what you guys cheated on.
James: Women, tests, more women…
Kiara: *gasp* So surprised… says no one James. Could this be why you don’t do relationships?
James: Maybe I just never found a woman worth my time.
Mercedes: I kinda cheated on my Math final...my brother had the class two years before and the teacher never changed the questions. I was scared I would fail I took it as a cheat sheet. Joke was on me though i already knew most the answers.
Blair: My boyfriend...his best friend was just soooooo hot and into me...and HOT!!!!!
Kiara: wait wait wait. You keep getting more interesting. First you hooked up with brothers, and then you cheated on your boyfriend with his best friend? Damn girl.
Blair: Didn’t have sex, but we did some things… and there was no spark with my boyfriend kissing him was like kiss a pet or something.
James: Blair i am loving you more and more.
Blair: *blushes* Sam you should go next!
Sam: Never have I ever had a threesome.
James: Thank God I work in a bar or I would be so wasted right now. *Takes a shot*
Mercedes: I'm gonna be back… *stands reaches for her wet clothes before leaving.*
Blair: Never had a threesome, but i always wanted one. *busts out laughing* why did i say that.
Victor: *takes shot.* Had a few threesomes actually.
*camera shows Mercedes walking to her room.
Mercedes VO: You know being here is making me realize that I am 26 years old and I haven’t even really lived.
Camera pans back to cast outside
James: You said it cause deep down Blair you a freak!!!
Sam: *burst out laughing* It’s cool Blair.
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I think I’m drunk...and a freak but also drunk… sorry mom.
Victor: Never had I ever been arrested.
Kiara: *takes a shot* I will say that I have no criminal record. But that’s all I will say about that.
Sam: No shot for me.
Blair: Oooo Kiara you were arrested! I wasn’t… been to police stations though…
James: Wow finally I don’t have to take a shot… it feels weird not gonna lie. Okay I have one, Never Have I Ever Stolen anything.
Victor: *takes shots* It was candy when I was in junior high. Got banned from the store.
Kiara: *takes shots* I plead the fifth.
Blair: Never have stolen things, I didn’t have too, someone stole something for me...does that count?
James: *shakes his head.* No, that doesn’t count, there was no risk.
Kiara: I agree. *looks around* Mercedes didn’t come back out yet?
Sam: *looks around with heavy lids* Maybe she went to bed?
Kiara: Maybe, she did leave kinda sudden. Someone should go check on her and make sure she’s not throwing up. I would go, but I don’t think I could walk on my own.
Blair: I’ll go! *jumps up and falls back down* No I will not go!
James: I would go but she made me swear never to come in her room again. It’s a whole thing.
Sam: I guess that leaves me because I didn’t drink nearly as much as the rest of you, or do I have a restraining order for her room.
James: I think you are good, you didn’t hop on her bed and offer yourself up to her so yeah...
[Sam is shown getting up and going back inside the house to Mercedes and Blair’s room. He hesitates a moment before knocking on the door.]
Sam: Mercedes? Are you okay?
Mercedes VO: I always intended on going back out, but I smelled like chlorine so I took a shower, and my hair was wet so I had to dry it or it would frizz...plus I am not really a drinker all like that.
Mercedes: *opens the door* Sam? Uh yeah I am okay, just needed to uh dry my hair and stuff, is the game over?
Sam: Oh, okay. No. Honestly it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down, though everyone is pretty drunk, even Blair. She tried to stand up and ended up falling back down. But we were worried because you didn’t come back out. And the girls were too drunk to check on you, and James said you threatened him, so that left me. Are you coming back out?
Mercedes: *nods walking back to her bed.* Guess you drew the short straw then. I am okay. Just think I will let you guys enjoy the rest of the game without me.
Sam: Why?
Mercedes: *Laughs* Pretty Obvious that I would end up more sober by the time the game ended than I was when it started. I even took a lie shot, I have never cheated on anything in my life. Even telling you that now, felt good because I had lied. I came here knowing that we all would be different but I mean Blair who seemed like the most tightly wound up person is drunk.. *she laughs* what does that say about me?
Sam: *laughs* Whatever it says about you, isn’t a bad thing. I mean between you and me, Kiara and James are crazy. If there was a race on who had the most shots, I’m pretty sure it would between those two. Victor seems really laid back and chill and the only wild thing he did was have a threesome. Blair is about as innocent as they come. Plus she’s a lightweight who got a bit tipsy after her second shot. And as for me, I didn’t do anything too wild either. We all have different experience and this show isn’t about how wild you can be. We have to just find a way to coexist with people who are our polar opposites. Plus you got naked in front of everyone and admitted to sleeping with a professor at your college. That bumps up your cool factor.
Mercedes: James is most definitely crazy, he tried to have sex with me after the first five minutes. And me doing that dare was me not thinking and just doing which I never ever do. I guess I am just so used to being judged by my actions that being here is a little weird for me, but it’s good to know that I at least bumped up my cool factor. And that I have a friend here who understands. *throws her hair back up into a messy bun* I am gonna have to make out with a stranger though, can’t be the only one who didn’t do that.
Sam: I honestly think that everyone in there will understand and won’t judge you. I’m sure they would even try to corrupt you a little bit. You just have to give everyone a chance. As far as making out with a stranger, you made out with Vic, so that kinda counts.
Mercedes: Lord I can only image the ways James is gonna try and corrupt us all. I am here, and that's a first step. *walks out the room* No see that doesn't’ count because he made out with me, I didn’t just go up to him and kiss him. *she stops and looks at Sam, then moves closer to him and kisses him.* sorry but that counts for me at least kissing a stranger right? Sorry don’t hate me though.
Sam: *surprised* Uh, yea that definitely counts. And no, I don’t hate you. It’s just a kiss.
So yea, that happened. Did I expect it? Nope? Do I mind? Definitely not. She has pillow soft lips. But hey, it’s just a kiss.
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[Meanwhile back by the pool]
Kiara: Okay, but Blair, How much did you actually drink? Home girl is so drunk! *laughs*
Blair: I lost count after 1…*laughs* I don’t think I need more...
Kiara: Yea, I actually want to be able to wake up in the morning, so no more for me either.
Victor: I haven’t reached my limit yet, but I think I’m going to stop before I do.
James: I haven’t reached mines either but I agree let’s stop while we are ahead. Though I don’t want the night to end just yet. Its barely Midnight.
Blair: We shoulda went to the club I wanna dance!
James: We can always bring the club here? Any takers?
Kiara: James, you have the music. Play something so we can shake our asses!
Victor: I don’t dance, but music sounds good.
Kiara: What do you mean you don’t dance? *stands up on chair* Listen up! Everyone dances, even if you have no rhythm. *almost falls off chair when trying to step off* Gosh, that alcohol is messing with my balance.
Victor: *smirks* You can’t make me dance.
Kiara: Wanna bet? *turns to James* put some music on. Music that we can dance to, not rap.
James: Coming right up. *Turns on “In My Feelings” By Drake* Blair let’s get this thang started. *Grabs Blair helping her up and starts dancing with her* Kiara you are next.
Kiara: Not waiting on you. *grabs Victor’s by both hands so he is standing up. She starts twerking on him to the beat. Dropping it low and winding it back up.*
Victor: *holds her by the hips and moves to the beat.*
James: *pulls Blair close and rocks with her* That's it Blair show me what you got.
[Camera pans over the cast dancing then shows Sam and Mercedes going back outside.]
Mercedes: Well looks like the party is just getting started. *holds her hand out to Sam.* Care to dance?
Sam: *looks around and smiles, before looking back at Mercedes* Uh, yea sure, but I’m not a big dancer or anything.
Mercedes: It’s not about being a big anything, it’s about having fun right? *Takes him to where everyone else is and begins dancing with him almost mimicking Kiara’s moves*
[Camera zooms out and shows the cast mates laughing and dancing.]
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rwmiami · 6 years
SLICE Official Trailer (2018) Chance The Rapper Movie HD
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rwmiami · 6 years
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The Real World || Welcome to Miami || Episode One Pt. 5
James: Okay so not that Truth or Dare hasn’t been fun but I think it’s time for a new game.
Mercedes: Lord I can only imagine what kinda game you are talking about.
James: *smiles* Never have I ever.
Blair: Whats that?
James: Its a drinking game, everyone gets a glass and we go around saying things like Never have I ever got caught having sex in a movie theater, and since Sam got caught he and anyone else who has gotten caught would take a drink.
Victor: If we’re going to really play, then we need shot glasses and Tequila.
[Victor gets up and goes to the bar to get the big bottle of tequila and 6 shot glasses. He then proceeds to hand out the shot glasses and fill each one with tequila.]
Kiara: Okay, I’ll start. Never Have I Ever smoked a cigarette.
Kiara’s VO: I thought I start out simple enough so that no one would feel uncomfortable.
*camera pans around to the cast to see who takes a shot.
James: Nah a better question is Never Have I Ever smoked Weed, does anyone even smoke cigarettes anymore?
Kiara: *rolls eyes and takes the shot.* I know I’m not the only one who has smoked weed before.
Vic: *shrugs before taking his shot.*
James: [*Winks taking a shot] No you are not. [looks over to Mercedes]  How did I know you never smoked before.
Mercedes: Maybe because you know me so well...or because I never really felt the need to experiment with it.
Blair: I have never smoked weed before, but its not because I am a prude its just I haven’t done it.
Sam: No one is a prude for not smoking weed. I smoke cigars and weed occasionally. Though I should tell you guys that weed is safer to smoke than cigars or cigarettes. *and with that, Sam takes his shot.*
[The players who have taken shots, end up refilling their shot glasses.]
James: Okay so who is next? Vic? Sam?
Victor: Never Have I Ever, had sex with someone ten years older than me.
Mercedes: *Looks around before taking a shot] In my defense this dude was sexy as hell
Blair: Ten years older though? How old were you?
Mercedes: 20, I was in college and he might have been a professor there...but seriously we are talking like Chris Hemsworth gorgeous here.
Kiara: I just hope he wasn’t your professor because that is all types of wrong.
Mercedes: No he wasn’t, he was my roommates professor
Kiara: Well did she get a good grade for you sleeping with him? Because I would have had to get something in return. No matter how sexy.
Mercedes: She was failing the class anyways and me and her weren’t that cool so I have no idea, but maybe I should have helped her out. Oh well…
James: Damn, so you just slept with her professor to get back at her?
Mercedes: No we met we dated for like 7 months and that was it.
Victor: That’s understandable if dude was your boyfriend.
Sam: So Kiara, you would trade sex for favors?
Kiara: I sure would. But I’m not talking about little stuff either. Pussy isn’t free.
Victor: *chokes on his drink.*
Mercedes: Preach! Let me tell you she didn’t get a leg up but I enjoyed the benefits of dating an older man, and it’s not like its paying for sex if you are dating someone they do things for you just like you do for them. Everyone pays for sex some way or another.
James: Hell I paid for sex. [James pauses ] Not like that but I mean dinners and flowers, gifts, that's paying for that shit.
Kiara: Exactly. And any women who says they don’t trade sex is lying because when you get a man, and you want him to do something, and he is giving you a hard time, the first thing we withhold is sex. The first thing we bargain is sex. It’s the same thing.
[Confession Room]
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Don’t know how true any of that is. Makes sense though. But hey to each its own
Blair: I don’t know I mean I like sex too much to withhold it. [*stops talking and blushes] I mean just...nothing…
Mercedes: Honestly I think dating and sleeping around it’s easy to do that but I believe if you find love, it won’t feel like that. I’ve never been in love so I can’t say for sure, but it’s a thought.
James: Who needs love? I say relationships and love are trouble. It’s no point in putting yourself out there when you are gonna get hurt in the end.
Mercedes: That's not true, I mean if you love someone you take that risk but in the end it’s bound to be worth it. My parents are still in love after 30 years. I want that kind of love.
Sam: I get everyone’s point. Like some people see sex as a way to get what they want, or to get by, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. *his eyes flicked to James and Kiara when he said that.* And other people look at sex as a way to connect with their lover, and it’s nothing wrong with that. *he glances at Blair and Mercedes when he says that* Some people’s experiences has a lot to do with how they view things. So some people don’t want to experience the heartache that can come with loving someone, and some people want that raw passion that comes with being in love. So I get both points, and they both make sense. But this has gotten too deep so can we get on with the game?
Mercedes: Sam is right and I got the next one… Never Have I Ever Kissed a Stranger, Like walked up to them and kissed them
Kiara: *throws her shot back.* I swear I’m going to be drunk by the end of the night.
Victor: *takes his shot*
James: You know I have *takes his shot*
Sam: *takes his shot* It was a dare though.
Blair: I can actually drink feels liberating *laughs taking her shot.
Mercedes: Wow...well now i need to go find me a stranger, feeling left out here.
Sam: Never had I Ever had slept with siblings.
Kiara: Finally I don’t have to take a shot.
Victor: Me either. I do have some kind of code.
Blair: *takes a shot* In my defense they didn't look alike at all and had different last names…
Mercedes: Really? How did that happen?
Blair: Freshman year of college I dated this guy but he dumped me after a year so it was summer and I wanted to let loose and have fun. I met the guy we hit it off and well he took me home to meet his family and found out they were brothers he just took his mom's last name
James: *takes his shot* Hey i have no excuse they were both hot and  it happened
Blair: on that note i have one Never Have I Ever Slept with More than Five people
[The camera pans in on Sam, Kiara, James and Victor taking shots.]
James: I'm a man who loves him some women, what can i say.
Kiara: I mean five isn’t a big number. I probably have had sex with triple that number.
Mercedes: I have only slept with 2 people in my life...
Blair: 4 for me.
Kiara: And how old are you two?
Mercedes: I'm 26.
Blair: 24...
James: 26 and have only slept with 2 people?
Kiara: Okay, how old were you when you lost your virginity?
James: [smiles] 14 and she was 16.
Mercedes: I was 20 and we had been dating for 3 years before that. Plus most guys were afraid to talk to me, i have 3 older brothers, 2 built like linebackers.
Kiara: Even if you had sex with a different person a year, you would have sex with 6 people. And that’s not a lot. But you’re the relationship and strong commitment type so I can see why you only had sex with two people. Though I don’t know if I would wait three years to have sex, but that’s just me. *turns to James.* 14? Did you even know what your dick could do at that age?
James: Baby my dick could do and did do damage at 14, hop on top sometime and i will prove it. [Winks at her]
[Confession Room]
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What can I say about James? I just have no words.
*Camera pans over the cast and stops on a giggle Blair before continuing to pan over the scene.*
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rwmiami · 6 years
BlacKkKlansman Trailer #1 (2018) | Movieclips Trailers
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rwmiami · 6 years
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The Real World || Welcome to Miami || Episode One Pt. 4
[*Camera opens to the cast sitting in the backyard.]
Mercedes VO: So because we just arrived, everyone decided to order in and spend tonight bonding. I am happy about that part because these are people I am going to be living with for the next 6 months and I hope we can all just get along and have some fun.
*Camera pans around to the different castmates, on the lounge chair and laughing.
James: Okay who is next… Sam...truth or dare?
Sam: You know, what, I’m going to play this one safe, and say true.
Kiara: You know, if you get ask the right question, true is more dangerous than dare.
Kiara’s VO: Like seriously, I’ve played some games with people and avoided truth like it was the plague.
Sam’s VO: I’m not worried. They don’t know enough about me to ask me crazy questions.
James: Come on man playing it safe? But then again Kiara is right… so let’s see what can I ask…
Blair: Make it something good… like epic
James: Okay, Sam, have you ever been caught having sex and if so when and where?
Mercedes: [spits out her drink with a snort] Okay I see how this game is gonna go.
Victor: Oh, now this is where shit gets real. I’m very eager to know.
[*Sam says no words, just looks at the camera.*]
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Sam: *breathes deeply* I have. It was when I was 17, and at the movie theaters. Need I say more?
[Confession Room]
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Did he just say movie theater? I must have heard wrong.
Kiara: Okay, but like you’re not going to end it like that right?
James: Bro come on you can’t end it like that, who caught you? What movies and most importantly, how?
Blair: *blushes* Are we really talking about this??
[Confession Room]
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Seriously I didn’t know it was going to be like this on the first night.
Mercedes: Yeah we are gonna need more.
Sam: Okay, so it was my first girlfriend, and a few weeks prior, we had lost our virginities to each other. And since then, she wanted it all the time. So we had a movie and dinner date. I can’t tell you what movie because I honestly don’t remember. But next thing I know she climbed in my lap and began kissing the shit at me, while undoing my pants. Let’s just say, thank god the theater wasn’t crowded. But we were so into it, that we didn’t know the movie was finished until the usher came in and shone the light on us. She was naked from the waist down and so was I. *blushing profusely.*
[Confession Room]
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Sorry mom.
*Snickers could be heard as the camera panned around.
[Confession Room]
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Kiara: Okay, but why did Sam just get hotter?
James: Because that was hot! *stands up and high fives Sam.] Yes! That is what I am talking about.
[Sam is shown giving James a five and winking at Kiara.]
[Confession Room]
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That was one wild story. Man it’s always the quiet ones.
Mercedes: That was TMI but such good tea… [sips her drink] Guess it’s your turn Sam.
[Confession Room]
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I think I’m going to go with one of the quiet ones just to get them to loosen up a bit. But who to choose, Blair or Mercedes?
Sam: Okay, Mercedes truth or dare?
Mercedes: [*looks around before staring back at Sam with a smirk.] Let’s go with Dare! YOLO Right?
[Confession Room]
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Dear God Sam make her kiss someone!
Sam’s VO: She will regret this.
Sam: I dare you to get in the pool fully clothed, and then take off your clothes.
James: Hell Yeah!
Blair: That's why women should never say dare.
Mercedes: Wait when you say take my clothes off you mean...everything?
Sam: You know what, since it’s the first night,I’ll go easy on you. You can leave your panties on, everything else off.
Kiara: Oh kay, Sam got balls I see.
Mercedes VO: My Brother’s are gonna kill me or him...or anyone who looks but he challenged me and I can’t back down...I don’t want to look like a prude in front of them... It’s on now.
Victor: I’m looking forward to this.
*You see Mercedes stand up putting her drink down, throw her hair into a bun and walk to the pool. She jumps in completely clothed. She swims to the edge and gets out.
[Confession Room]
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I can not believe I am doing this, these guys are about to see real curves.
*Camera focuses on Mercedes as she steps out of her jeans, revealing her purple boy shorts, then reaches for the hem of her shirt and pulls it off. She looks up staring at Sam as she reaches behind her back and removes her bra nervously
Mercedes: Dare Completed! [she said tossing her matching bra at Sam but holding her breast in her hands] You pervs seen enough? Can I get a towel now?
Sam: *Let’s out a loud laugh as he caught her bra and held it up.* You have surprised me, really. Nice bra by the way. *he tosses her a towel and then put her bra on himself.* What do you think? Looks good?
Mercedes: [Catches the towel and wipes her face before wrapping it around her.] What can I say, I am full of surprises.
James: God that was so hot I think I am gonna need a minute…
Blair: Wow…
Mercedes: [sits down] I don’t think that's your color...but good try.. Okay Kiara truth or dare.
Kiara: Before I answer, *She gets up and grabs Mercedes bra from Sam and hits him upside his head.* That was a catastrophe. Not your color or size, and my eyes can’t handle it. *she hands it back to Mercedes.*
Sam: *smiles wildly* Hey, every color is my color.
Mercedes: Thank you Kiara and I agree with her Sam, that was not your size or colors, only people who are blessed like me can pull of the big cups!
[Confession Room]
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Hey you gotta love your body, women come in all shapes and sizes and we should all embrace our bodies those with curves or without them...but seriously I am freaking out I can’t believe I just did that.
Kiara: *rolling her eyes at Sam* Anyway, dare. Always dare.
Mercedes: Okay hmmmm its gotta be good… I dare you to do a body shot of hot sauce off of someones belly button.
Kiara: *bites her lips*  Anyone I want?
Mercedes: Yep! Dealers Choice.
Kiara: Okay, this is a long shot, but I choose Blair.
Blair: Me?
James: Best! Night! Ever!
[Confession Room]
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Kiara: Yup, you. Can someone get the hot sauce please?
[Confession Room]
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I chose Blair because she really has to loosen up. I know it’s the first night, but no one will bite her. It’s all good fun.
[Victor was up out of his seat in no time.]
Victor’s VO: Ain’t no way in hell I’m missing this.
[*Scene goes to Kiara standing and Victor running back into the back yard with a bottle of hot sauce. Blair lays back on her lounge chair and lifts her shirt as her foot taps against the floor. Victor walks over and puts some hot sauce in Blair’s belly button, Kiara leans forward, hesitating for a moment before going in and sucking the sauce out. She smiled but it comes out like a grimace.]
Kiara: Oh my god, my tongue is burning. *she runs to the water fountain to get a sip of water.*
*Mercedes stands and walks inside, then a few moments later, she returns with a cup.
Mercedes: Milk is better for hot sauce…
Kiara: Thanks, *takes the cup and drinks the milk* Much better. *Turns to Blair.* Are you okay?
Blair: [*nods] I’m good. [sits up and clears her throat] Okay Vic truth or dare?
Victor: *with no hesitation.* Dare,
Blair: Okay, this has got to be good I mean these dares so far have been kinda epic...ummm no one has made out yet so Vic I dare you to make out with one of our cast mates.
James: [*sinks back in his seat] i'm good.
Victor’s VO. I don’t mind kissing strangers or strange people at all. After all, it’s just kissing.
[Victor walks up to Mercedes, gets on his knees and with his hands, cup her cheeks bring her lips to meet his. He let’s them press against each other a bit before slipping his tongue in and letting the tongues massage each other. When he is done, he pulls away, biting her lip gently before getting up and going back to his seat. Mercedes is seen fanning herself.]
[Confession Room]
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Like damn can I get a dare where I get to kiss someone. Her lips fucking popped man, like you know yo girl got big lips when you stop kissing and they pop!
Mercedes: Ahem [clears her throat] so Vic its your turn.
Victor: *[smiles and wink at Mercedes*] James, truth or dare?
[Confession Room]
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Was he a good kisser? Well I mean…
James: [James claps his hands together] Dare! Let’s do this!
Victor: Okay, I dare you to give anyone of your choosing a lapdance.
James: Too easy my brotha I got this. Now who to choose… [James looks from girl to girl then stops at Kiara with a huge smile] Mercedes got to make out with Vic and Blair had you all up and in her stomach, and if I was being fair I would give Sam the lap dance but that would be too weird for me, I mean I am hot and he would get hard and since I am straight I would have to break his heart and we don’t need that drama in this house so I think you deserve this lap dance.
Sam: *laughs loudly. And shakes his head.*
Kiara: *smiles* Well if you’re going to do this, might as well do it right. I’ll be right back.
[Kiara leaves and goes into her room, and purse and grabs her wallet. She comes back and sits on her seats.]
Kiara: *taking out a few singles* I’m ready for my lap dance now. *James stands going through his phone. “Poison” by Bel Biv and Devoe comes through his speakers and he walks over to her, dancing to the beat before taking his shirt off and throwing it at Blair, then James takes Kiara’s hand and pulled her up to him, running her hands down his chest. He sits her back on her chair and shakes his ass in her face before sitting on her lap and moving his hips from side to side, then he stops, kneels to the ground to do a few one handed push ups before standing again and grinding his ass against her thighs once again. While he was grinding on her, she decided to slip some dollar bills into the waist of his pants, not shying away from grazing some of his skin. This goes on for the entire song. When it’s over he kisses her hand and returns to his seat.
[Confession Room]
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Of course I enjoyed it. I mean look at him. He’s hot and he has a great body and he definitely knows how to move those hips. *pauses* maybe sharing a room with him wasn’t the best of ideas.
Kiara: *blushes* That was an experience.
[Confession Room]
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Okay, he did good, but take it from someone who was an actually stripper, it’s all in the hips.
Victor: *smiles* way to hot for me.
[Confession Room]
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Yeah pretty sure they all are in love with me and want me now. What can I say, I got it.
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rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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The Real World || Welcome to Miami || Episode One Pt. 3
*Camera cuts to Mercedes and James walking around the house.
Mercedes: This place is amazing.
James: So looks like there are three bedrooms here...and a full kitchen which as long as its fully stocked am good!
Mercedes: [ laughs.] That's really all it takes?
James: Pretty much I am a simple man.
[*Walking through the foyer they made their way to the living room, kitchen and dining room before they found themselves outside.]
Mercedes: Wow, our backyard is literally the ocean… it’s like a tropical vacation.
James: And we have a boat? Just call me Captain James and i will make sure all your needs are met.
Mercedes: [chuckles and wraps her arms around herself.] I don't know about all that but this, this is perfect.”
James: I agree it’s a beautiful view...hey let’s find our rooms before the others come.
Mercedes:  [follows him back inside.] Let’s use the elevator so we can take our bags up too.
James: You know you can room with me if you want.
Mercedes: [cocks an eyebrow side eyeing him.] Yeah in your dreams.
[Confession Room]
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Okay so this house is amazing and I can not wait to see my other roommates! Also, James is a flirt, do people just do that openly now? Cause it’s gonna take some getting used too.
[The SUV pulled up to the font of the house and Sam, Victor, and Blair got out.]
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Okay, so as far as houses go, we just hit the jackpot. I mean just the front alone is gorgeous!
Victor: Damn, this is the shit. All of this space just for six people? It’s gonna be lit.
Blair: This place is gorgeous. it definitely lived up to her standards. She wasn't a stuck up rich girl but she did enjoy the fine things in life.
Sam: Hello! Roomies! Maybe we’re the first ones here.
Sam’s VO: I really do hope we are the first ones here because we can pick our rooms first.
Victor: Sam chill, let’s explore. This is going to be our place for the next six months! I’m stoked man.
Mercedes: *walking out the bathroom.* I swear I am in love with that spa tub, forget the bed I am living in there.
James: *moving closer to Mercedes* Yes! My kinda girl. Now… *jumps on the nearest bed* Lets make some memories.
Mercedes: Boy, don’t make me hurt you. *pushes him off the bed*
[Sam’s voice can be heard in the background.]
Mercedes: Someone is here, come on.
[Mercedes pulls James as they walk down the stairs.]
James: Okay no one is here and you ruined a perfectly good scandal moment. We’re supposed to be making good tv here.
[Mercedes is shown rolling her eyes as she went to search for their other roommates.]
*Sam sits in front of the camera.*
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‘This is crazy! This house has an elevator. I repeat, this house has an elevator. Damn man.
[The camera pans to Vic heading upstairs, but Mercedes and James coming down.]
Victor: Oh, hey, two more roommates. I’m Victor, but please call me Vic.
[He reached out and shook both Mercedes and James hands.]
Victor: Sam, Blair our roommates are here!”
[Mercedes turns to James with a big smile on her face.]
Mercedes: I told you i heard people.
[She walked over to Vic and  took his hand.]
Mercedes: I’m Mercedes and that is James.
[James moved over to the guys giving them each a pat on the back before looking at Blair.]
James:  I didn't think it was possible to fall in love twice in one day, but here you are and here I am.
[The camera pans to Mercedes as she rolls her eyes and then addresses Blair.]
Mercedes: You can ignore him, I already am. I love your shoes by the way.
[Blair is shown laughing and then sending James a wink. She moved to Mercedes with an easy smile.]
Blair: I love your hair!! Ugg i can't pull off big curls.
Mercedes: Girl trust me some extensions and my skills I got you.
James: Are we not here?
[Vic is shown shrugging at James question]
Victor: Man I don’t know, but I’m just about ready to get my drink on. We should definitely go to the club tonight.
Sam: But what about our other roommate?
Victor: Okay, then when they gets here. Let’s pick our rooms then.
James: If you guys want a drink now, we do have a bar here, and I am a bartender after all, I am thinking...signature drinks all around.
[Blair is shown picking up her bag.]
Blair: I am with you guys let's find our room first then i guess we can go out.
Mercedes: *hesitant* Let’s take the elevator up.
[The group is shown picking up their bags and heading towards the elevator.]
Sam: How are we splitting rooms?
[While the cast is talking about room arrangements and getting to know each other, The camera shows the airport as another female is shown getting her bags off the belt and meeting the chauffeur.]
*Kiara sits in front of the camera.*
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Hello, I’m Kiara, and I’m from Atlanta, GA. I am 24 and a hairstylist. And I’m excited to be here in Miami.
[Kiara is seen shaking the hand of the chauffeur and talking to the producer before getting mic'd up.]
Kiara’s VO: This is such an experience for me. I’m not by any means from a small town, but I’ve never experienced being any other place besides Georgia. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is meeting my roommates. I’ve never had a roommate, or had to share a room with anyone before let alone a house, so this should be interesting.
[45 minutes later, the SUV pulled up and Kiara was let out. She grabbed her bags and headed inside.]
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Okay, so the house is perfect from what I’ve seen so far. It’s huge. I feel that it would spoil me while I’m here. My house at home with my parents is probably a little smaller, but there were so many rules, which is why I moved out as soon as I turned 21.  At least here, I’ll have some freedom.
Kiara: Anyone here!
[The cameras shows, Mercedes coming down the stairs followed by the rest of the castmates.]
Mercedes: Hi! I'm Mercedes.
Kiara: Hello, I’m Kiara. Nice to meet you.
[The camera shows James greeting Kiara with such enthusiasm.]
James: Hello Beautiful I’m James, and who might you be?
Kiara: *smiling* Kiara.  
[James is shown moving  mumbling to the Sam and Vic with a smile on his face.]
James: God must love us cause we are in a house full of beautiful women…
Blair: *moving closer to Kiara, and speaking with excitement.* I’m Blair. Nice to meet you.
*Kiara smiled and gave Blair a tiny wave.*
Kiara: So, have you guys assigned rooms yet?
Sam: No, not really. So you came just in time.
James: So let’s just address the elephant in the room, there are three rooms and six of us, one pair will have to be guy girl.” *sighs* I volunteer as tribute to room with any of you ladies.
Blair: [*looking at the other girl's and shaking her head*] Yeah no thank you for me.
Kiara: I’ll share with you. Just don’t snore.
James: *grins* No worries b- Kiara I don't snore.
Mercedes: *moves over to Blair* Guess that makes you and me roomies! But Kiara you can come in anytime you want.
[Blair nods in agreement, while Kiara smiles.]
Sam: *turns to the rest of the group* Okay I guess we can unpack, and then did yall want to go out afterwards?
Victor: I’m game for going out. Celebrating our first night in Miami together. The night life is insane.
James: *clapped his hands together* I agree with Vic lets go.”
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rwmiami · 6 years
Amazon Echo - SNL
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rwmiami · 6 years
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The Real World || Welcome to Miami || Episode One Pt. 2
*The camera switches to a young Latino boy getting heading towards baggage claim.*
Victor’s V.O : I hate flying with a passion. My flight had some turbulence so I couldn’t really enjoy it, not that I would have enjoyed it without the turbulence.
[Victor sits down in front of the camera.]
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What’s up? I’m Victor, but people call me Vic. And I am 27 years old, a personal trainer, a Halloween baby, a Scorpio and I like long walks on the beach. [he smiles big before bursting in laughter*] Just kidding, but I am a Halloween baby. Okay, so I’m from Montebello, California, and I came on this show because I needed something new and exciting in my life. -he shrugs-  So why not start that in Miami?
[Victor grabs his bags off the belt, and followed the signs to where he was supposed to meet the other cast members.]
Victor’s VO: Growing up in a single mother household with two younger sister wasn’t easy. I was the man of the house since I could remember. I had to be the protector and sometimes the provider. I never really got to do anything for myself, so I consider this show me doing something for me.
[Victor sees a man holding up a few signs with the names, V. Martinez, S. Evans, and B. Moore, and walks over to him. The man takes his bag and tells Vic that they are waiting for two of his roommates.]
Victor’s VO: Okay, so a chauffeur with my name had me thinking I was someone important. I can definitely get used to this.
[*The camera pans over to a blonde man grabbing his bag off of the belt.*]
Sam’s VO: Miami, the place of blazing weather. I thought LA was hot, but that heat has nothing on Miami.
[*Sam sits down in front of the camera.*]
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Hey everyone! I’m Sam Evans, but you can call me White Chocolate!...Just a little inside joke. Okay, so I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, but right now I live in Claremont, which is a little town in Los Angeles. Um, I’m also a firefighter, and I have three dogs that I share with my two roommates. Macie, Jackpot, and Lucky.
[Sam is walking to where he is supposed to meet others, and he smiles big when he sees his name.]
Sam’s VO: Actually my roommates signed me up for this and help me put together a video. I had a few bad calls at work, and I was in such a bad place, and kind of withdrawing inside myself. So I’m just taking this as a much needed sabbatical.
[He walked up to the men he saw waiting, and shook their hands as he introduced himself.]
Sam: Hey, I’m Sam. Are you one of my roommates?
Victor: I am. The name’s Vic.
Sam: Cool, I was hoping for all women roommates, but one dude is cool. Sam joked.
Victor: Hey, I’m not going to let you have all the fun”.
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My first Impression of Vic is that he’s  a funny dude. He has a sense of humor, and that will make these next 6 months fun, or at least bearable.
Sam: So who are we waiting for?
Victor: One more roommate and then we’ll be able to go back to the house and relax.
Sam: That’s what I’m looking forward to the most. Just have some drinks, maybe a dip in the pool.
Victor: Me too man.
[* Camera pans around until it stops a brunette walking.]
Blair VO: I hesitated only a moment before making the choice to be here, it’s a big change for me.
[*Blair sits down]
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Hello I am Blair Moore, I am 24 and from Boise, Idaho. I grew up knowing that I wanted to be a photographer and despite some reservations by my parents I did it.
Blair: [places her sunglasses atop her head as she grabbed her bag walking to the boys] Hey I am Blair, can i assume you guys are waiting for me?”
Victor: [smiled and took her bags to hand to the driver.] That’s right. I’m Vic, short for Victor. Nice to meet you.”
Sam: I’m Sam, short for Samuel, but please don’t call me Samuel. I always feel like I’m being reprimanded when someone calls me that.
Blair: Vic and Sam, simple enough. I am Blair, it’s nice to meet you.
Kyle: [Walks out towards them] Okay, you all are here and made good time. I’m Kyle and I’m one of the producers.Now before we go to the house. We have to hook the microphone up to you because recording starts now.
[*The same interns that helped the others put the mics on, then the three walk out to the SUV]
Sam: This makes it all seem very real now.
Blair: I know what you mean, no turning back now.” Blair said with an air of uncertainty.
Victor: Let’s get this show on the road.
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Can I just say that Blair is hot? Sam too for that matter. And yes, I am bisexual. I’ve been out since I was sixteen. But anywho, I’m just ready to get this show started.
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rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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The Real World || Welcome to Miami || Episode One Pt. 1
[James exits the plane nodding at the camera before he is directed to the baggage claim area. You can hear the activeness of the airport as people rush by. James smiles towards the camera pointing to all the beautiful women walking past him.]
James VO (Voice Over): God I love my life. Moving to Miami for 6 months and I am surrounded by beautiful women…
*[James sits down in front of the Camera and waves. ]
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Hi I am James Matthews and I am 25 years old. I am from Alexandria, Virginia and I am a full time Bartender back home. I auditioned for the Real World, because it’s something I always wanted to do.
*[James grabs his bag from baggage claim and walks over to a man holding up his name on a sign.]
James VO: I have seen the show a bunch of times, but never had the balls to audition and finally I said I wasn’t getting any younger and you need to take a chance. Here I am.
*[Mercedes smiles at the camera and waves.]
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Hi I am Mercedes Jones and I am from Baltimore, Maryland. I am excited to be here! I am 26 years old and a registered nurse.
*[Mercedes exited the plane following the signs to her bags. She is focused on the task at hand, moving through the crowd with ease]
Mercedes VO: So this is my first time in Miami, first time anywhere for longer than a few days so its exciting. I grew up the youngest and only girl of four so needless to say it’s been an experience. I don’t really know what to expect from this experience but I am excited at least.
James: [Sees Mercedes walking towards him smiles taking her bag.] James Matthews at your service, and who might you be beautiful?
Mercedes: [Hesitates for a moment] Mercedes.
[They shake hands and follow the driver of the town car out the airport. As they move towards the exit  a man who looked very professional came up to them.]
Kyle: Hello, I’m Kyle and I’m one of the producers here. [He shakes both of their hands.] I hope you had a good flight. And I know you all want to go to the house and get situated, but we have to put the microphones on you because recording starts now.
*[James is sitting looking at the camera]
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So my first impression of Mercedes was, she is beautiful I love women and that is a woman right there!
[*Two Interns Mic up James and Mercedes]
Kyle: Okay, you guys can go back to the house and unwind. I’ll be seeing you shortly.
James: So where are you coming in from? [Opens car door for Mercedes as the driver places their bag in the back.
Mercedes: Baltimore, Maryland...what about you?
James: Alexandria, Virginia. Looks like we live kinda close to each other.
Mercedes: Looks like it, so what do you do, or did you do?
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My first impression of James was that he was really cute but he seems like a “player type” you know the one who thinks he is God’s gift to women?
James: Oh I am a Bartender. What about you?
Mercedes: I am a Registered Nurse and figured I would do something drastic before getting settled in my new career.
James: [laughs] “This is drastic for you?
Mercedes: [she nods.] I signed up for this on a whim, it was a dare but when i got accepted i realized i had a great opportunity to be somewhere else.
James: So you never did anything crazy before?
Mercedes: No, i mean I ummm dyed my hair before and whatnot but i don't really l… well yeah what about you?
James: I mean I partied, got laid and loved every minute of it. You drink right?
Mercedes: Not really.
[Car pulls up to the guarded gated driveway of the home and they exit as they start exploring the house]
Mercedes VO: Okay this house is insane, it’s so huge and beautiful. I have never been inside a house like this before.
Mercedes: Wow, I can fit my apartment and childhood home in here and still have room to move around freely.
James: [followed her]. “Oh hell yeah this house will do just fine! Let’s find the booze !
Mercedes: I told you i don’t drink.
*James smirks.
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She says she doesn’t drink...yeah we are gonna change that.
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rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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rwmiami · 6 years
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