rwtsntheme-blog · 6 years
he didn’t want to get in the middle of this  .         this was an entirely stupid argument that he could do without         ,         &         yet         ,         they both wanted him to take their side  .         he’s pouring out tea into his mug         ,         then         ,         on second thought         ,         he’s grabbing two more         ,         just to be fair  .         maybe the tea would help them to settle  .         he brings sherlock’s over first         ,         tucking it into his hands  .             ❝        i really don’t believe a single word that’s coming out of your mouth right now   .         if you weren’t capable of human emotion         ,         then you wouldn’t have kept me around         ,         would you   ?         called me your best friend   ?         comforted me when i was having a breakdown   ?         think about it   .         you may not even realize it         ,         but you are perfectly feeling   .         as for you        ————        ❞             he’s turning to rosie now         ,         handing over her mug of tea  .             ❝        maybe uncle sherlock doesn’t want to put every aspect of his personal life out there         ,         did you think of that   ?         when a person’s comfortable saying something like that         ,         they will   .         in their own time   .         so         ,         leave off it   .          ❞
The tea is instantly accepted. He needs some calming tea right about now because he’s done with this entire thing. SO UTTERLY DONE. He wants nothing more than toLEAVE. Escape this entire conversation by leaving the flat and taking a walk. He’s ready to flee, five seconds away from fleeing if he doesn’t calm himself.
“……..” John’s right, if he wasn’t capable of human emotion, he wouldn’t keep John around or care about them BOTH so much. If anything were to happen to them, he’scertain he’d be DEVASTATED. To feel that way, he MUST care. But love? He’s not sure if any of it is love.
He brings the tea up to his lips to take a sip of it, hoping it will soon calm him before he runs away from this entire thing. “…..There’s nothing to talk about. There’s no personal life to put out there. I’m not in love with anyone. Why is that so difficult to accept? John’s my best friend, that’s all.”
her  eyes  just  flicked  between  them  both  ,  happily  accepting  the  tea.  she  needed  to  work   out  how  to  make  the  pair  see  what  she  saw.  idiots  ,  men  are  idiots.  THAT was  the  conclusion  of  this  story  and  sherlock  was  the  biggest  idiot  of  them  all. she  tried  not  to  let  a  smug  grin  form  on  her  lips  as  she  heard  that  sherlock  didn’t  have  a  response  to  her  dad  remark  that  sherlock  was  capable  of  human  emotion.  see  ,  you’re human  ,  she  thought  mentally.
“JESUS  CHRIST  ,  are  you  two  as  thick  as  shit.  i  know  guys  are  idiots  but  you  two  must  be  the  king  of  the idiots.”a  small  huff  escaped  her  lips  ,  before  taking  a  sip  of  her  drink. “sherlock  admitted  he  liked  liked  someone  and  all  i’m  saying  is  he  needs  to  tell that  person  because  they  person  likes  him  too  and  i’m  pretty  sure  it’s  been  for  a  LONG ASS TIME.”she  commented  ,  slouching  on  the  couch. “and  i  know  who  it  is  and  if  he  doesn’t  say  he  likes  the  person  in  a romantic  way   ,  i   will   because  i’m  fed  up  of  being  piggy  in  the  middle.”
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rwtsntheme-blog · 6 years
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