rxbelheart · 10 years
He was curious to ask what seemed to be the problem but Darvix knew better than to interfere or pry, some people just needed their space. Sometimes talking could make things worse, he learnt that from experience but Luke didn't seem to be like most people here but yet again hardly someone he knew as a person but from what he had been hearing he could say that he was somewhat impressed with his capability. He would no doubt make squad leader, or go up for a higher rank. The kid had a future clearly ahead of him. 
"Yeah, I know that feeling all too well." He responds with a curt nod, there's a keen sense of understanding in his blue hues; as if he knows what the rookie standing before him was going through. He too had once been new, they all started off somewhere. Wasn't easy getting to where he was at and yet he still wasn't fully there yet. Things had been easier when his brother was around, they'd always have each others backs. Always had each others support but now it was up to him to rely on himself, so far he had been managing just fine. "I'm kind of new myself, I've only been here a couple of months now? I don't even remember but I'm still learning the ropes around here."
"But that's not it, is it?" The question slipped through before Darvix could even know it. He immediately regretted what he had just asked but he was certain that this time the individual he was having a natural conversation with wouldn't mind, the kid looked like he needed someone to talk to, he saw a hint of sadness and something else he just could not describe.
  Luke wasn’t sure how to answer that question at first. He was partly caught off guard by the sound of his name. There wasn’t anything the other could do or help him with. The thoughts running through his mind would have to be put to rest by him alone. He couldn’t dump his problems on anyone else. Leia had the Alliance to worry about, Han wouldn’t take well to a whining kid—and the pilot in front of him was a practical stranger. Luke hadn’t relied on anyone for his own problems in quite a while—not after Biggs left for the academy at any rate. He’d been the only one Luke spoke with. 
        “Oh, no, I just wanted to find out how the repairs were going.” Luke said. It didn’t seem like a satisfactory answer. He was just a ‘rookie pilot’. His X-wing would be taken care of by engineers, just the same as Artoo. There wasn’t much he could do. Luke knew quite a bit about repairing ships (he used to work on modifications to his Skyhopper, and repairing droids wasn’t anything new especially since Uncle Owen only had had a few), but this was different. Everything was different.
       ”It’s been a long couple of days.” Blue eyes dropped away from the other’s face. He wondered when the work day would be over for them. He wondered when they would be able to head back to their small rooms and rest. He wondered when he would feel tired enough to be able. “Guess I’m still kind of wired. Flying out there…it’s a little different from what I’m used to.” 
    But only a little. Flying with Biggs in their Skyhoppers in Beggar’s Canyon had been nearly as dangerous. It felt like years ago that he’d thought threading the Needle was his most amazing feat, and not just a week prior. If only his friends back home knew. He was definitely cut out for more than just moisture farming.
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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It always has been.  But it’s a price I’m willing to pay.
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rxbelheart · 10 years
The Script Sentence Starters (Part Four)
“I wish I could still wish it was over”
“I’m barely used to saying ‘me’ instead of ‘us’”
“Love is this, this is love”
“You can’t reverse the bullet from a gun”
“Why you always leaving us behind”
“There are days when I’m losing my faith”
“We drove all night”
“It’s gonna get better like a fine wine”
“I see you in my mind and I open my mouth and it’s silence”
“Waiting for the wind to come along and take me away”
“It’s been a while since the two of us talked”
“You know you had it coming”
“I won’t know anybody there”
“I know that I’m drunk”
“Wishing is a waste of time”
“The elephant in the room keeps scaring off the guests”
“Time flies but you’re the pilot”
“I don’t know why she’s with me”
“We were drinking Irish whiskey straight from the jar”
“The man wasn’t good he was great”
“Give the love around and back around it goes”
“It’s harder to smell the roses when the sun don’t shine”
“I don’t know where this metaphor is going”
“You can be the greatest”
“So explain to me, how it came to this”
“You can break everything down to chemicals, but you can’t explain a love like ours.”
“She said I won the battle but I lost the war”
“I can’t seem to find the time”
“You left a hole when you walked out”
“I’m gonna leave this place”
“I made a snap decision”
“We just now got the feeling that we’re meeting for the first time”
“Just because you say it’s true, it don’t mean it is”
“I never feel I’m quite enough”
“If the truth is you’re a liar”
“I’m standing for everything we have”
“You’re doing all these things out of desperation”
“It’s so hard to keep yourself on the straight and narrow”
“Both of us are stranded”
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rxbelheart · 10 years
Sentence Starters [Paramore version] - Mixture of fluff, angst, nsfw.
"I think we have an emergency."
"Stay with me; this is what I need, please."
"This heart; it beats, beats for only you."
"Please don't go now."
"My heart is yours."
"Well, what's the problem? You've got a lot of nerve!"
"I put my faith in you -- so much faith -- and then you just threw it away."
"God, it's just feels so good."
"I've watched his wildest dreams come true; not one of them involving you."
"I noticed your eyes are always glued to me."
"You don't know what you do to me."
"You treat me just like another stranger."
"Ignorance is your new best friend."
"Maybe you should tie me up so I won't go where you don't want me."
"You don't have to believe me...."
"We must get more acquainted."
"You don't deserve a point of few if the only thing you see is you."
"We still live in the same town well don't we? But I don't see you around anymore."
"I feel no sympathy."
"There's no need to apologize, I've got no time for feeling sorry."
"Won't you promise me tonight?"
"No one is as lucky as us."
"I am just a ghost."
"All I wanted was you."
"How did we get here?"
"I used to know you so well."
"I'm a renegade; it's in my blood."
"I'm not a little girl no more."
"Some of us have to grow up sometimes...."
"If I have to, I'm gonna leave you behind."
"Aren't you tired of always being mad at the world?"
"Baby, I don't want your pity, so don't feel sorry for me."
"What are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you?"
"Don't go cryin' to your mama."
"I thought I would be happy by now..."
"After all this time, I'm still into you."
"I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you."
"I'm into you."
"Why do you care what people think?"
"The only proof that I need is you."
"So do you love me?"
"All you gotta do is say yes."
"I'd hate to see your heart break."
"Aren't you gonna stay the night?"
"As soon as you walk out my door, I'm gonna call a hundred times."
"I'm not one of those crazy girls."
"I'm not angry anymore."
"You should be alone with me."
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rxbelheart · 10 years
angst sentence starters yay
i have used my satan powers to make another one of these, angst list 2.0
"You're not welcome here anymore."
"Could you tell the truth for once?"
"Don't touch me!"
"I've always hated you."
"Don't go where I can't follow."
"N-no... anything b-but that... p-please..."
"You sicken me."
"Why should I believe you?"
"You're a monster!"
"If you beg I might have mercy on you."
"I will kill you slowly and laugh as I watch the light leave your eyes."
"I thought you loved me."
"Why should I care about you?"
"Get away from me!"
"I have three months to live."
"I don't need your pity."
"No... No! NO! STOP!"
"I will cut you to pieces bit by bit until there's nothing left."
"Go ahead and cry, see if I care."
"I'm dying."
"You have two months to live."
"You don't love me."
"Don't think you can escape me."
"The buyers will go crazy over you."
"I will kill your family and make you watch."
"How could anyone love a monster like me?"
"Are you drunk again?"
"Don't shoot!"
"What am I living for anymore?"
"I can't... not anymore..."
"Pick a god and pray."
"Don't bother screaming, no one can hear you."
"I will do anything for you."
"You killed my family."
"It's all your fault."
"Don't forget that I own you."
"I can't breathe."
"You've been crying haven't you?"
"Who could ever love a monster like you?"
"I will bring you unimaginable pain until death comes as a blessing."
"Let's see... boiling water or red hot iron next..."
"Why didn't you tell me about this?"
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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An aging X-Wing lumbers towards the vacant landing pad, directed in by the hangers deck crew. The sound of repulsorlifts hissing to life fill the enormous room as the starfighter slowly began to set down. With a loud thud, the landing struts made contact with the cold durasteel floor. Moments later, the whine repulsorlifts and flight engines fade. The darkened canopy of the X-Wing rises to it's open position revealing the helmet clad pilot within it.
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rxbelheart · 10 years
Starters anyone?
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rxbelheart · 10 years
If you are a Star Wars RP blog...
please like or reblog this!  I’m trying desperately to find some star wars people to rp with, but you all are hiding :) I’m not asking to rp (though I would love it if someone wanted to!), I just want to follow you :)
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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rxbelheart · 10 years
Brokar Cocked his head silghtly “Let’s see the benefits are horrendous, and I like to play on the team most likely to win so to speak.” The Mandalorian removed his helmet and holstered his own blaster pistol.
"You’re just the lucky rebel that’s crossed my path, besides crashing my ship did provoke it a bit early" his tones made the words come out bluntly.
Lucky? Considering the odds he wasn't roadkill as of yet but it still did not mean he had to trust him, trust was earned and Darvix wasn't sure if this mando was trustworthy or not but he surrendered his weapon which only meant he was here for some kind of proposal but to what?
"What do you want?" Was his response.
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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rxbelheart · 10 years
"Put the blaster down i have a proposition for you and the rebellion." Brokar backed up "In fact me and my platoon want away from the empire"
Darvix knew better than to trust a Mandalorian, yet alone be in the presence of one and was rather weary with what the one right before his eyes had just asked, he arches an eyebrow and his arms unfold rather curious to where this conversation was going down.
“Why are you telling me all this?”
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rxbelheart · 10 years
Darvix's eyes flickered towards the woman who's hostile tone caught his attention.  He was only here restocking supplies for the journey home with a squadron that had accompanied him one one of their everyday routine patrols.
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Quite boring and could leave a pilot stranded for hours; eventually they decided to make a landing at a nearby spaceport in the Dantooine System.  His mates we're around here somewhere.. possibly making a total idiot of themselves.
"Looks like someone's gotten their panties in a bunch." He responded to the woman rather neutrally, he was a patient man but someone here was clearly not up for any of that, he was not quick to judge but the older lady clearly lacked manners but he made no comment.
There’s a tired lean to the pilot’s walk, frustration echoing itself on her features.
She wasn’t throwing her lot in with the Rebels, hell no, but you know, getting grounded in the same damn spaceport as a lot of known ones during an Imperial ‘inspection’ (everyone knew that they were excuses to round up possible dissidents) was costing her time.
Granted, she should be taking some of the downtime to ease up on her body, take care of some of the sleep she’d been ignoring, but then, Dani wasn’t one for really listening to herself.
Orange jumpsuit, probably something meant for an Incom pilot, crossed her field of vision, and a grumpy hand caught the wearer’s arm.
“Che doppha jobake… If you and your lot are the reason this spaceport got itself grounded…”  
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rxbelheart · 10 years
30 Day Music Meme » Day 4 - A song you cried to:
You Could Be Happy | Snow Patrol
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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He obviously did was he was instructed, the sound wave was loud enough to blow out his eardrums! The bomb was effective, the smoke in clearing gave them an advantage to get out of here.   
                                ❝ Your the boss! ❞
Glancing over idly, he peered over idly in which appeared to be higher ground, if they could only reach it. Usually he'd be the one to hold back enemy fire but he was weaponless, his blaster had only given out moments ago. Darvix hated to admit it but he was vulnerable with the only chance of survival relying on the jammed radio single, perhaps if he could reach higher ground then he'd have a higher chance of receiving a frequency. 
❝ If I can get to the top of that slope, I may be able to get us a frequency! ❞ 
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              She gritted her teeth and stared at her boots in thought.               Options narrowing and a broken comm left her almost               stumped and boarding a surrender.                Almost.           ❝ Cover your ears, kid! ❞               There’s the shink of metal on metal, followed by a high                pitched beep. It’s probably easy to tell what came next                when an loud boom, echoed through the trees soon after.               To be honest who knew how effective that was. If they               were suddenly smart enough to surround a commando               of all people then they would spot a grenade on the ground.
              She signaled to Darvix to move up to the next line of trees, 
          ❝ Stay behind me! Keep trying the radio, they can’t hide               forever! 
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rxbelheart · 10 years
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                                               rules ☪  about ☪ verses 
                ╔                                                                                     ╗
                                  ❝ Isn’t the fight for freedom worth any fight? ❞
                                    Indie OC blog for the star wars fandom                                                                                         multi-ship and crossover friendly                                                                                                    preferable to para/icon threads                                                                                                                  selective
                 ╚                                                                                     ╝
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