rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
this clip gives off an extremely strong gay aura
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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Zazie Beetz as Domino
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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requested by anon
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
“Hard to sit here and be close to you, and not kiss you.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is The Night (via wordsnquotes)
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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he opened the door with care to lessen any squeaks, and slipped in the house. mindlessly, he locked the knob behind him as he slipped off his shoes. the house seemed quiet, still dark, but that was no indication. benji turned down the hallway and peeked into the left room. empty. relief washed over him.
on his way back to the kitchen, he dropped off his bag on the couch. the selection was somewhat bare. benji knew it was almost grocery day. he counted off how much he would need over again in his head. it wasn’t necessary. he always knew how much. as his calculations ended, he noticed he was staring at the fruit bowl. banana.
moments later, he was rifling through his bag, banana held between his lips. after a pile of receipts and old schoolwork had collected on his lap, he found the envelope he was looking for. he bit off as much was in his mouth and held the rest while he counted the money in the envelope. again.
he finished his banana, shoved the miscellaneous crap into his bag, and the envelope into his back pocket. with a glass of water in hand, he tiptoed down the hall to the right room. angel’s. he’d gotten no more than two steps in before angel rustled. he stopped in his tracks, but it was no use.
“it’s me,” he replied, in soft korean.
they needed that, between them. benji continued then, taking quick steps to kneel beside her bed. he set down the water on her nightstand and brushed her bangs away before leaning in and kissing her forehead.
she whispered a thank you and benji’s body relaxed. he let himself feel the moment, her warmth, the silence, the intensity he felt simply being near her. but he knew he had to let it go. he pulled a foot up from kneeling to try to stand, but his shirt was being held onto.
“stay, please?”
benji could feel his heart melting. he nodded. “let me get to the closet first?”
the small hand let go of his shirt. he took out the lockbox at the back corner of the closet, and placed the envelope in it. safe and locked, benji gently set himself in angel’s bed.
he switched to english to say, “g’night, squirt,” and she replied, “‘night, freak.”
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
wanted connections
notes: none of these connections are set in stone. if you like a certain part but not another, let’s create something that works for everyone. multiple connections could be taken up by the same character. i welcome most any other connections outside of this list as well.
(0/1) tattoo: he pressed his forehead against his forearms, lips tightened against the pinpricks of pain working their way across his ass. when it was done, he looked in the mirror and grinned. “sick.”
(0/1) punch: all it took was a few choice words. a jab at his family. angel, or maybe his dad, he couldn’t remember anymore. but he bets they remember the mark left on their face. benji swore it wouldn’t happen again, but even he’s not too sure.
(0/3) exes:
hateship - passion hissed through gritted teeth, clouding the air with swirling emotion. were they angry or horny? both, or neither? it sounded like confusion in the form of smacking lips.
fwb - they knew what they were getting into. it was simple. primal. no obligations, clothes optional. what could be wrong with that? nothing, to benji.
almost - they were friends, maybe more. benji gladly kept them at a reasonable distance. not too close, not too far. but he slipped. he nearly let them in. what was he thinking? he needed them further away, so he cut them off.
beards - after so long as friends, the age old situation came to change their dynamics forever. if you’re gay, and i’m gay, let’s pretend we’re dating so we can be gay in peace.
(0/2) pranking:
competitor - ardor rides through this relationship. it’s a game, but in the end they both win. friendly or not, they know their relationship is mutually beneficial.
partner in crime - as benji says, nobody knows you like your partner in sin. they vibe on a similar wavelength, feed off of one another in innovation and laughs.
sidekick - not all pranks can be delivered by a single person. sometimes, benji needs back up, and he prefers someone that he can trust. someone that looks up to him.
(0/?) friends:
unlikely - there’s no reason why they should be friends. they live in completely different worlds, are polar opposites from one another. but something connects them.
lights - cigs or weed, sometimes it’s more fun to indulge with a friend. quiet corners, bubbles of laughter, or even a light, they’re there.
lab partners - it’s a necessary evil. when benji’s not cracking jokes with nearby friends, he’s not completely useless, but there’s no doubt his partner got stuck with the short end of the stick.
good influence - benji’s not sure how he got stuck with a friend like them. they bring out the good in him, which he’s pretty sure is locked six feet under in a double safe.
bad influence - they feed one another’s demons. one stacks on another on another, but where is the fault if it’s fun in the end?
friendzoned - there were feelings, on one side. benji isn’t in the business of relationships that involve anything but mutual benefit or sexual gratification.
toxic - their personalities don’t mesh in the slightest, but against all odds, they continue to be friends. the history books will forever wonder why they deal with a toxic environment.
cheat i - neither of them were big into the institution of homework, but when one of them happened to do a particular assignment, it seemed to become an unwritten agreement between them to share with the other.
(0/?) enemies:
ex friends - a prank gone too far left a striking gap between them. whether it was the physical or mental toll, it reflects tenfold in the map of their relationship.
unknown - it’d been so long since their beef, neither of them can remember what had made them so upset in the first place. that doesn’t mean the feud will end, though.
frenemies - ‘friends’ is the term they use, but in practice, it seems like they are enemies. they talk shit behind each other’s back and to one another’s faces, like they’re constantly stuck in limbo.
cheat ii - benji hooked up with their partner. it wasn’t like he knew they were taken, but shouldn’t the blame really be on the person who cheated? although, it’s not like he feels bad about it.
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
There’s a technique that some writers use when it comes to the development of their character. It is used to engage their fictional character in an interview like one would read in a magazine. 
Character Interview Questions:
Where do you live now? Do you like where you are? Why do you like it, if not why not? Is there somewhere else that you prefer? “Got this place southside nowadays. Does its job, but our old place was cool. Shit happens.”
What race/nationally/species are you? Have people mistaken you for a particular kind? “If I got a penny for every fuckin’ time some’un called me Japanese or Chinese I’d buy ten yachts.”
Would you like to have children one day? How many would you like? Do you think you’ll be a good parent? “Holy shit, slam on the breaks. I’m eighteen. An’ besides, I’ve already got Angel’s bratty ass.” 
Do you have any siblings? How many? How old are they? What are/were they like? Do you get along with them? “Y’haven’t heard? Yeah, got my sis Angel. She’s alright. Top of her class, rebellious as hell, little weirdo, too.”
What do you wear when you go to sleep? Why do you wear it? “Nothin’ if I can get away with it. An’ cos it’s comfortable. Is there any other fuckin’ reason?”
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? Any reason why you say them a lot? “Let’s see. Fuck, cunt, bitch, shit, ass, twat, cock. Shall I continue?”
If you have a favorite scent, what is it? Why do you like that scent? “I dunno if it’s a favorite, but I like fresh laundry. Calming and that.”
Do you have a favorite (or hated) song? Favorite type of music or instrument? “Ugh, you know that Barbie Girl song? Just started playin’ the radios and I can’t get that shit out my head. We get it, you like some kinky BDSM shit, shut up about it.”
Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not? “’Go whoring’, you can say sex now, this isn’t the 80s. But yeah, now and again. Drinking’s gross though. Doesn’t have to be a reason for everything.” 
How long is your attention span? “Let’s see, I’ve been here for long enough I think we can call it long.”
Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? “Is it really living if you don’t laugh? Anything’s funny if you put your mind to it. Believe in yourself. Find your path. Shit rainbows.”
How athletic are you? “I’m not on no fuckin’ JV teams yeah, but it helps to stay in shape. Keeps me agile, versatile, —flexible, if y’know what I mean.”
Do you like animals? How do they usually react around you? “Yeah, who doesn’t? If they’re bred and enslaved to be useful companions for humans, don’t y’think we should take advantage of it and enjoy them? Cats are dope.”
What, if anything, do you like to read? “I’ll read just abou’ anything. Big on fantasy, though. Like Lord of the Rings? That shit is mad good.”
What would you do and how would you react if you killed someone? What if they were innocent? “Damn, that’s deep. Think no matter the situation I’d cover it up. Can’t say I trust the justice system to defend me properly even if it was self-defence. But who knows, ‘less it happens.”
Who was your best friend when you were growing up? Are they still your friend? If not, why aren’t they now? Who’s your best friend now? “Uh, think that’d be Noel. Nice dude. Still friends, sure. He’s got his thing, I’ve got mine. Is what it is. Can we move on?”
What is your worst childhood memory? “What is your childhood trauma? At least get me a smoke before insisting on my life’s story.”
When was your first heartbreak? “Kindergarten, coloring time. I remember it like it was yesterday. Shelly stole my blue green crayon. I have never known love since I lost that crayon.”
Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they? “Called secrets for a reason.”
What is your alignment (good or evil)? “Aren’t we all bits of both? Isn’t that the nature of humans by design?”
Do you, or did you, have any role models? Do you have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend? If so, have you ever met them? Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? “Sounds cliche as fuck, but my dad’s a big role model. Best guy out there. Was like he could do it all and still treat people kindly at the end of the day. Maybe I’ve got some illusion glasses on, but I know for a fact he was a great man. The best.”
Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? “...Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? “Dunno dude. Sounds like a sack of bullshit to me, but who knows. Depends on your definition, I guess.”
Who is the most important person in your life, and why? “Angel, for sure. She’s my sister, y’know? It’s my job to love her and shit. But she’s also a total fucking weirdo. ‘s hilarious when some stranger gets blindsided by it. She’s, like, top choice of kids.”
Do you have a lot of friends? If not, is there someone you consider a friend? “Yeah, think I got quite a few. I like makin’ friends.”
Have you ever been in love? “Every day. He’s hilarious and’s got the dreamiest eyes and fucks me like no one else. His name’s Benji and we’re getting married..”
What do you look for in a potential lover? “Well, I like it tight. Nice tits a plus.”
How do you fall in love? At first sight? Over a long period? “Never got that fall in love at first sight shit. Maybe fall in lust, but nah. It’s bullshit. How you gonna fall in love without getting to know someone? What’s it you’re fallin’ in love with?”
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? “Yeah. Gets too touchy feely sometimes one on one.”
How quickly do you judge others? “That’s not a fair question. We all start judgin’ someone the second we see them. Like yeah, I’m gonna judge someone butterface wearing last decade’s hasbeens. Doesn’t mean I’ll treat them different.”
Do you care what others think of you? “Up to a point. ‘Course I’d like to be thought of favorably, but if I’m not, is what it is. Not everyone’s gonna like you, right?”
Do you have any enemies? “Enemies makes it sound like we’re in some comic book. Yeah, guess I’ve probably made some. I don’t hate them for it. Gladly hate them for other reasons, though.”
Do you like yourself? “Kinda question is that? We ought to get something more interesting here.”
What if you were hit on by another intelligent species? What would you do and say? “Are they hot? I need more information here, you can’t leave me hanging.”
Which is your favorite term of endearment (ex: doll, baby, babe, cutie, dear, honey, sweetie, darling, princess, etc.), if any? Who would you use it on and why? Has anyone ever used a term of endearment on you? “Pff. Buy me a packa smokes, get in my bed, and we’ll talk.”
What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back? “That you do, duh. Can’t control if you don’t love somebody.”
Do you like to dance? Would you dance at a wedding? What if someone you love wants you to dance with them, would you do it? If not, why? “I’m no dancer but that won’t stop me from bustin’ it out. Wedding’s different. Guess it’d depend who asked, but yeah, if I loved them I’d do it.”
What color is your underclothes/underwear, if any? “Where were those smokes? -Navy blue.”
If you were frozen for 50 (or 100) years or teleported into the future, how would you react? What would you think about? What are the first few things you would like to know about in the future? “That’d be the shit. Be shocked like anybody else, I guess. Probably wanna check in on Angel ‘n’ me if we’re alive. Ride a flyin’ car. Simple things, really.”
What do you think your evil counterpart would be like? What qualities would you think they would have? Or not have? Anything you think they would be better at? “If they’re the evil Benji would that mean I’m the good twin? Nah, nobody’d believe that.”
What if you were being haunted by a ghost? What would you do? How would you handle that? What if it’s someone you know? What if it’s out to get you, to hurt you? “Ooh shit. Think I’d talk to it? It’d be bomb if ghosts were real. Especially someone I know. If it’s agro, dunno, there’s like, shit to get rid of them right? Find that and fuck them up.”
What would you do if you learned that everything you thought you knew was all a lie? That you’re not who you are? That you were just a puppet, following someone’s orders all along? Or worst that you are a copy…a clone of someone else? Or that you were created and implanted with the memories/thoughts/personality belonging to someone else? “Back up, damn. So many fuckin’ questions. If the world was a lie, think I’d be more interested in figuring out what the real world is like, and how I’m animated if I’m out here a whole fuckin’ puppet. Clone... Maybe duel to the death. Best copy wins. That’d be dope. Same as implanted shit. If there’s no point to life with two of ya, survival of the fittest.”
Writing Technique: Character Interview
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
Imagine you are your character. Each of the dot points below is the start of a sentence. How might your character finish it?
When someone gets in my way I move around them.
When someone treats me unfairly I call them out.
Rules are suggestions.
I couldn’t possibly take this huge wad of cash, Mr. President.
I once felt guilty when I didn’t want to finish this questionnaire.
Women think boys come from Jupiter.
People embarrass me when they explain my jokes.
I would get really angry if someone fucked with my baby sister.
Men are fools.
Perfection is me. Or, like, Angel, probably.
Failure isn’t a way of life.
Family is re-definable.
Intuition gets you far.
It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Sex fucks.
It really annoys me when bitchin’.
Experience is next to godliness.
Life: The Circle of
Children ought to be allowed to be children.
It scares me that everyone’s fuckin’ off to different places now school’s up.
Logic is that shit.
Fun can always be doubled.
"Finish the sentence" character development
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
Full Name: kim benji Reason for name: it can be easily written in korean and is an english name Nickname(s) and how they got them: some kids called him ben but he doesn’t like it Date of Birth: nov 12, 1978 Age: 18 Gender: agender Place of birth: holyoake, co Places lived since: holyoake, co Social Class: early adolescence middle class, older working class Siblings: kim angel, born 1987 Relationship with family: close with angel and father estranged from mother and stepfather
Height: 5′10″ Weight: 150lbs Build: lightly muscular Nationality: korean-american Distinguishing Facial Features: ears that stick out Hair Color: black Usual Hair Style: middle part Eye Color: brown Complexion: occasional acne, especially in long periods of stress. scar on his knee from biking Disabilities: cptsd Health: average immune system but tries not to get sick for angel’s sake. mildly lactose intolerant, allergic to nutmeg What do they consider their best feature?: humor, or ass Worst they’ve ever been injured?: biking when he was 6, tumbled down a hill, broke an arm Ticklish: everywhere anywhere
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): typical late 90s. a fan of bucket hats and loud patterned jackets, but mostly opts for a classic t-shirt tucked into a pair of high waisted light wash jeans and some old sneakers. wears jean on jean. owns a hand me down leather jacket Typical style of shoes: old How does he/she dress up?: Dress down?: dresses up with more style on the hair, button down shirt, tie, dress pants, hand me down shoes. dresses down in old t-shirts including his fathers’s, sometimes pants, sometimes not Glasses? Contacts?: prescription glasses he doesn’t often wear. got a prescription in elementary, and refilled them until middle school. still has the same prescription from then Grooming: showers almost daily, shampoos three times a week, wears what’s available, though prefers clean clothes, never forgets deodorant, wears makeup to cover acne and/or dark circles but as little as possible to avoid more acne, plucks eyebrows, clips nails short for work, washes his hands often enough they develop calluses What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there?: trimmed top, shaved balls and ass Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: has a couple rings from his father but doesn’t wear them. one piercing in his right ear, got after some fuck called him queer just to rub it in their face. usually worn with a stud or less often hoop, but would wear dangly earrings on special occasion. one tattoo, stick and poke, of a middle finger on his left asscheek What does their voice sound like?: speaks from the lowest part of the throat, tone fluctuates but settles on a medium-deep sound, smooth expression of words, like easily spreading butter on a piece of toast. sounds soft without actually being quiet/soft. genuinely softens, deepens, and crackles when tired Style of speech: fades out the ends of his words sometimes, like a slight drawl. loud and enunciates better at school, softer and more slurring at home Accent?: none particularly, occasional awkwardness in speech when speaking english for the first time in a while, and aforementioned drawling speech pattern Unique mannerisms/physical habits: often expresses skinship. expresses comedy through body as well. very limber and it comes across in the way he holds himself. rubs his thumb and forefinger together when stressed out. plays with hair and neck when nervous. shakes when scared Left handed or right?: right What does their writing look like?: generally messy and slanted, but when he sits down to write nicely, has a very small, structured, and round look to his writing Do they work out/exercise?: through work, yes
IQ: 129 Level of self esteem: 6/10 Known Languages: korean, english, remedial spanish Zodiac: scorpio. knows nothing about astrology but would be open to the idea of it Gifts/talents: fast reader, imaginative, used to play drums Shortcomings: messy, smokes too much, no filter, difficulty connecting closely with anyone new, drives somewhat recklessly by himself Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: angel, and his dad. definitely has gotten into a fight over something someone said about one or the other Happiest memory: eating ice cream at the park with angel and their dad Life philosophy: life’s short, laugh some more Religious stance: raised catholic, cares little for the idea of religion Political stance: doesn’t pay attention, though he tells angel she should. leans more liberal in morality Pet peeves: pen clicking, crumpled money, tape rolls that aren’t dog-eared, dog-eared books Vices: cigs, weed, pranks Bad habits: messy, forgetting to put his dishes in the sink Superstitious: vaguely. wouldn’t walk under a ladder but doesn’t have to throw salt over his shoulder and run in circles whenever someone makes a sweeping statement Sense of humor: crude, dark, constant How do they deal with stress?: pranks, escapism What do they do to get pumped up?: get siked mix What do they do when upset?: throws himself into caring for angel aka over the top brother mode What about angry?: not super common for him to get genuinely angry, but depending on the situation he may seek revenge, break things, or take things apart and put them back together again How do they react to frustrations?: with angel generally tries to calm down and be kind, though it doesn’t always work. rarely angrily yells, more uses the quiet and intense method. sometimes passive aggressive How do they accept failure?: from himself he takes it hard. every time he’s lost a job or been late on a payment, it brings down his self-esteem while setting a fire under his ass to do better. with angel, he accepts her mistakes and tries to help fix it if possible. with his mother, he ignores them as it festers more distaste for her. with anyone else, he most likely couldn’t care less Level of comfort with technology: 2/10 it’s ‘97 and he’s not rich Believe in the supernatural: see it, he’ll believe it, but enjoys the thought Believe in an afterlife: see it, he’ll believe it Believe in happy endings: see it, he’ll believe it How do they want to be remembered?: a good son, and brother Good with their hands?: WINK WONK currently works on cars and janitorial work, so yes How fast do they learn new things? Better with book knowledge or hands on approach?: pretty adaptable, but depends on the subject matter. learns faster through hands on but wants to know the details first How do they feel about asking for help?: unlikely to do so for anything that matters Optimist or pessimist: cautious optimist Extrovert or introvert: extrovert Leader or follower: leader Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: for angel, emotion, others, logic Cautious or daring: daring Spontaneous or planner: spontaneous Thinker or doer: doer Organized or messy: messy Worrier or carefree: both Artistic?: unconventionally Mathematical?: eh sure
Sexual orientation: pansexual, not something he keeps hidden per say, but if someone doesn’t know, he’s not inclined to tell them. and if someone mentions it, he’d laugh it off. it’s simpler to him that way Whatis their “type” in regards to looks?: tall, heart shaped face, nice lips, all things he appreciates, but doesn’t actively seek out Ideal qualities they look for in mate: someone he feels close to, that understands him as a person over the 2d image he presents. someone who laughs at his jokes and maybe even jokes back. someone he feels safe with. while he has no sexual preference, his romantic interest, unbeknownst to him, would lean homo-romantic in addition to being demi-romantic Primary reason for being broken up with: pranks to them, more than likely. he’d have dated around in high school, maybe once or twice in middle school, but they’d be meaningless to him Primary reasons for breaking up with people: physical interest in someone else or not gaining anything from a relationship anymore Views on sex: he’s no prude, and unlikely to truly care about other people’s sexual conquests, despite the multitude of jokes he would make about them Age and story of first kiss: tbd, pending as with noel Age and story of loss of virginity: tbd, pending as not having happened. benji puts meaning on losing his ‘virginity’, and would like it to feel right, not be with someone he doesn’t care for. even with a closer friend, he would, but he doesn’t really have close friends Level of sexual experience: up to third base. fools around with anyone he’s interested in that’s interested in him as well Do they have any unfulfilled sexual fantasies?: in general, yeah. he’d like some mild things, like handcuffs, collars, slapping, dirty talk. but at the heart of it he’s pretty vanilla. what his heart really yearns for is loving sex, where he’s taken care of, and able to be himself, unadulterated Love or Lust: love Ever been in love?: yes, and he still is, in a way Do they fall in love easily?: not at all Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?: in some deep deep recesses of his mind, yes. it’s not something that’s ever on his mind currently Believe in true love or soul mates?: not really. see it and he’ll believe it yet again Thoughts on public displays of affection?: generally pro, but the degrees vary depending on who the affection is with. whether he cares for them or not, and how much How do they flirt: approximately 20% more crude jokes
Social Habits: large amount of distant friends How do they treat others?: as a person, he’s generally nice, but his jokes are a specific brand of crude and dark, which can rub some people the wrong way. it depends on the audience Do they trust people easily or tend to be wary?: extremely wary Oldest friend: noel Worst enemy: technically, probably sara, but he doesn’t hate her the same way she seemed to hate him Who do they most respect and why?: his father, for being able to go through being cheated on, a nasty divorce, caring for two children including a newborn on his own, and cancer, but still be kind, have a smile on his face, and make a few jokes Who would they turn to if they needed help and why?: if it was absolutely necessary, and he had no single other choice, he would go to noel. they may not be exactly close anymore, but he’d trust noel over any other to genuinely help him and not judge his life or choices. if it was inconsequential help, autumn straight up. he’d trust her to be reliable How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: a boy, who was once simpler, funny without being dark. a boy, who lost his father and changed before their eyes into something unrecognisable. someone who is broken and should be pitied. an enigma How do others actually perceive him/her?: ‘that loud dude that pulls all those pranks and shit’ Argue or avoid conflict?: avoids conflict unless it’s funny
Phobias: snakes, flying, heights, death Life goals: be a good role model for his sister, and make enough for her to be able to go to college with less worries What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life?: being in a house with his mother and stepfather
Hobbies: nowadays just pranks or reading, previously also played drums and read more often Indoors or Outdoors?: indoors Favorite color: green Favorite and least favorite holiday (and why): both are christmas. he loves the look on angel’s face as she gets presents, but financially it’s one of the hardest times Coffee or tea?: coffee Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: crunchy Do they watch TV? If so, what?: loads of shows with angel, currently liking watching buffy the vampire slayer every week together Favorite type of weather: rainy and snowy days because more people need to have their cars fixed then, but unaffiliated, sunny days with a low breeze
Evil –born or bred: bred Is redemption possible (if so, are there limitations): redemption is possible for anyone, but redemption doesn’t negate the negatives Does the end justify the means?: stealing food to feed your family, yes. genocide to feed the world, no Do they think it’s okay to cry (if not, why)?: he wants to be a good model for angel, and tells her it’s okay to cry when she’s upset, but has a difficult time enacting that within himself, even if he knows he would feel much better if he could let out tears
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: drugs are cool and good stress relievers, alcohol is a menace Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: yes, he won’t quit Age of first cigarette: 14 Age when they first got drunk: never Have they ever tried other drugs: yes, weed, mostly. coke and ecstasy once or twice when offered but not as into it
Daily routine: high school weekday routine - get ready, help angel get ready, make breakfast and lunch, take angel to school, go to school, pick up angel, take her to daycare, go back to school, go to work, pick up angel, take her home, make dinner, sibling time, get angel ready for bed, go to work, come home, sleep graduated routine - get ready, help angel get ready, make breakfast and lunch, take angel to school, go to work, pick up angel, take her to work, take her home, make dinner, sibling time, get angel ready for bed, go to work, come home, sleep Sleeping habits: night owl by necessity. light sleeper. sleeps on the couch or with angel. has bouts of insomnia particularly when stressed Typical Saturday night: watching whatever’s on cartoon network with angel and indulging in a weekly junkfood fest Pets?: If not, do they want any?: no pets, but benji would like a cat one day when he and angel could be on their own Most prized possession: dad’s leather jacket One word to best describe them: veil Do they know how to swim?: yes Can they cook?: can, yes. well? sometimes. the food generally turns out to be good, but getting to that final product is tricky If they wanted to hide something, where would they hide it?: the locked drawer of his desk at the auto shop Are there any places that hold special meaning to them?: tbd
If they could choose, how would they want to die: with angel under his legal care, a legally bound will, and someone he trusts legally set as a guardian for angel. the death itself he’d prefer to be sudden or painless What would they wish for if they found a genie?: 1. enough money to set a hefty college fund for angel 2. to be angel’s guardian 3. his dad back alive the last wish negates the second, but that’s only something he would realise later, because in the moment he would be overwhelmed by his closest desires
In-Depth Character Study
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
“…and the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.”
— Richard Siken, Snow and Dirty Rain
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
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rxttenquinzel · 6 years
Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake.
833K notes · View notes
rxttenquinzel · 6 years
It is a lonely feeling when someone you care about becomes a stranger.
Lemony Snicket, When Did You See Her Last? (via siikens)
68K notes · View notes