ryanamaro582919293 · 8 months
jeepney social media posting
Abusive Jeepney Drivers!.
Well, I should have posted this yesterday but due to lack of time and the need of my body to sleep i was only able to blog it today. 
Since I am now working in Shaw, I have to take a jeepney ride from my place to workplace taking the jeepney route.
  Let me start this with a strong statement. Jeepney drivers and barters of this route are abusive!
Why did I say so?
  Its been three weeks already of commuting and riding jeepneys everyday and I must say that I had horrifying experiences already.
  Few weeks ago, I witnessed a bloody fist fight of two jeepney drivers and their barters. Well, it is not really a fist fight because they used "tubo" which makes it bloody. The reason why they fought is so shallow. Nag uunahan sila kumuha ng pasahero. Its amazing yet scary to see that these souls are ready to kill in exchange for a small amount of income. Policemen rush towards the scene and the tubuhan fight ended.
  The jeepney terminal for this route is just beside our building. So everytime i go home, that is the spot that I go to get a ride. 
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Apparently, these jeepney drivers doesnt know how what "overloading" is. Aside from making a 20 seater jeepney to a 22 seater, they are also fond of putting a small stool in the middle of the jeepney for two passengers to  squat and sit in. I always make a point to get my self a good seat near the front or the middle so I can seat decently but not comfortably since they will overload the jeep as much as they can anyway.
  The fare going to my place is just 10 pesos but because this drivers are rip offs and money mongers, they made their own version of fare matrix. They make the minimum fare as 15 pesos instead of 8 pesos. So whether you will just get off in the next kanto, it is 15 pesos already. These folks are genius. Dapat ginawa na lang 16 pesos para obvious na dinoble nila. A violation of LTFRB I think.
  Aside from creating their own overpriced fare and overloading, they also have this practice wherein, if you are the passenger na unang bababa, you will be the lucky one to seat on the wooden stool placed in between of the two rows. Apparently, since my drop off point is pretty near, I am always the victim of this practice. I am not ammendable by it for obvious reasons. I mean who's not? who's willing to seat on that small improvized seat in rows in between. It’s a disaster and a big hassle specially with my size. Lol.
  Unfortunately, I'm a big, fat and sexy guy. I cannot really sit on those improvized chair because of my belly and my big legs too. Well if I am petite then maybe I can but I am not. And Besides, since the fare was doubled and overpriced, I am sure that even the petites are not willing to sit in this seat either.
  Everytime I went home, I always face this challenge not to be seated on this throne. And I think the more I wish that I am not the lucky one lagi na lang natitiyempo na ako yung pinakamalapit na bababa. There was one time that I don’t have a choice but to abide with them. (Bait baitan) and I tried sitting on that chair and during the ride namamanhid yung paa ko. It is not really comfortable. There is also a time when I refuse and politely told the barter that I have pilay and it worked. The next incidents, nagpatay malisya na lang ako like pagtinatanong nila kung sino pinakamalapit kunwari hindi ko narinig.
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ryanamaro582919293 · 8 months
Literary criticism” is the name given to workswritten by experts who critique—analyze—an author’s work.It does NOT mean “to criticize” as in complain ordisapprove.Literary criticism is often referred to as a “secondarysource”.
2.Literary Criticism and Theory
Any piece of text can be read with a number ofdifferent sets of “glasses,” meaning you arelooking for different things within the text.Literary criticism helps readers understand atext in relation to the author, culture, and othertexts.
3Literary Reading through a Linguistic Context
4.Literary Reading through aBiographical ContextLiterary
Gender Theory
– What possibilities are availableto a woman who eats this orange? To a man?
– What shape and diameter is theorange?
Marxist Theory
– Who owns this orange? Whogets to eat it?
5.Reading through aSociocultural Context
It’s included in the current education curriculum of Filipino highschool students. Written by the country’s national hero, Dr. JoséRizal, this novel sparked the social awakening of Filipinos during theSpanish colonial era.
As Rizal cannot fathom the unfairness of the Spanish priests and theruling government at the time, his purpose of writing the book was toexpose the ills of Philippine society at the time.
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ryanamaro582919293 · 8 months
Ryan muelle amaro
21st century
Super heroes devote their lives to fighting crime and keeping the streets safe. They are truly remarkable beings because they always put others first and risk their lives everyday to help people in trouble. Also, they usually have cool costumes, names, and personalities that children and adults around the world know and love. If I could be any superhero in the world I would be Wonder Woman, of course, because she has all the strength of Superman, all the allure of a good and beautiful woman, and she is respected and admired by young girls everywhere.
Wonder Woman is the ideal of girl power and strength. She is as strong and courageous as any man; thus, she has earned the respect of both females and males around the world. Wonder Woman is faster than Mercury and stronger than Hercules. She can deflect bullets with her gold bracelets. She has a lasso which forces people, when caught in it, to tell the truth. In addition, Wonder Woman has a telepathically controlled, invisible jet that flies her quickly to the problem. In regards to strength, Wonder Woman has the ability to survive in a world seemingly dominated by men.
Though Wonder Woman may be exceptionally strong, she also possesses the goodness and beauty of a flawless female. With her long brown hair and green eyes Wonder Woman has caught the eye of many. She dedicates her life to doing right and being a good person; therefore, her beauty is not only on the outside but on the
inside as well. Wonder Woman shows people that true beauty comes from the heart.
Wonder Woman is a positive role model to everyone because she teaches people to do right. She also shows how the fairer sex can break free from their traditional roles. Young girls everywhere look up to Wonder Woman because she fosters equality of the sexes and inner strength. She shows that women can flourish in this world and influences girls everywhere to strive for excellence.
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ryanamaro582919293 · 1 year
Israel Gaza War
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The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented assault on Israel on Saturday, with hundreds of gunmen infiltrating communities near the Gaza Strip.
At least 1,300 Israelis have been killed, while dozens of soldiers and civilians, including women and children, are being held in Gaza as hostages.
More than 1,300 Palestinians have also been killed in numerous air strikes on Gaza that Israel's military is carrying out in response, and Israel has imposed a total blockade on the territory, denying it food, fuel and other essentials.
It is also massing its forces along the Gaza border and Palestinians are bracing themselves for a ground operation which could cost many more deaths.
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By the time the fighting ended in a ceasefire the following year, Israel controlled most of the territory.
Israel territories-
Jordan occupied land which became known as the West Bank, and Egypt occupied Gaza.
Jerusalem was divided between Israeli forces in the West, and Jordanian forces in the East.
Because there was never a peace agreement there were more wars and fighting in the following decades.
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Israel still occupies the West Bank and claims the whole of Jerusalem as its capital, while the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a hoped-for future Palestinian state. The US is one of only a handful of countries to recognise the city as Israel's capital.
Palestinian territories -
In the past 50 years Israel has built settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where more than 700,000 Jews now live.Settlements are held to be illegal under international law - that is the position of the UN Security Council and the UK government, among others - although Israel rejects this.
Gaza Strip
Gaza is a narrow strip of land sandwiched between Israel and the Mediterranean Sea, but with a short southern border with Egypt.Just 41km (25 miles) long and 10km wide, it has more than two million inhabitants and is one of the most densely populated places on Earth.In the wake of the 1948-49 war, Gaza was occupied by Egypt for 19 years.
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14.3 million
Total population
West Bank3 million
Gaza Strip2 million
Jordan2 million
Israel2 million
Syria0.5 million
There are a number of issues which the two sides cannot agree on.
These include:
What should happen to Palestinian refugees
Whether Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank should stay or be removed
Whether the two sides should share Jerusalem
And - perhaps most tricky of all - whether a Palestinian state should be created alongside Israel
Palestinians in Gaza say Israel's restrictions and its air strikes on heavily populated areas amount to collective punishment.
This year has been the deadliest year on record for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. They also complain of the restrictions and military actions being carried out there in response to deadly attacks on Israelis.
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9.8 million
Well I'm not really pro-Israel as much as just amused and dismayed in equal parts by the utterly disproportionate amount of bile directed at her.
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