ryansmusicboard · 3 years
My Three Favorite Artists As Of December 1, 2021
Hi everyone. I’m not sure how much I’m going to use this music board, but its a good way to waste time, as I labour day after day at my job that just doesn't pay enough, and lets me vent my thoughts to whatever is going on at the current moment, which is usually music. I could talk about things that piss me off, like Pop Smoke’s label milking his name for all they could, (Although the Kanye West and Pusha T song on the album does not make me mad), but instead, for my first post on this blog and on the website in general, I want to talk about my top three favourite artists currently.
Now this list has changed drastically since I started really getting into music in early February of 2019, which is when I started my main playlist, which now stands at a whopping 65 hours and 58 minutes, with 1,261 songs. When this playlist began, I didn't realize the wormhole I was opening up in terms of creative experiences, but I am so glad that I started it.
Lets start the list, shall we?
Man, JPEGMAFIA. I remember the first time I was introduced to him. A friend of mine from California, who, at the time I’ve known for about 1 and a half years, sent me this song called 1539 N. Calvert. I trusted his music opinion, he listened to mainly electronic music and still does, but a majority of the stuff he sent me, I liked. So, being the naive kid I was, I opened the link, and heard JPEGMAFIA for the first time. I finished the song, took off my headphones, and thought, “Man, this song is absolute garbage.”.
Weird introduction to my third favourite artist, right? In hindsight, I think the same way. However, I never heard something like that ever. The production was insane, vocals were out of this world, and I just couldn't even start to comprehend the blood, sweat, and tears put behind this one song. A week later after I put my headphones down, I started thinking about the song again. I didn't like it, but it was interesting. Something about it just clicked in my head the second time around, and instead of thinking it was absolute garbage, I thought, “Man, I want more of this.”. That lead me to listen to his 2017 album, “Veteran”. Song after song, I was floored. One by one, the production started to click in my brain. Songs like “Germs”, and “Rock N Roll Is Dead” are still stuck in my head to this day, just because I love the songs that much.
JPEGMAFIA kind of stayed in the back of my mind for about a year, once in a while I would go back and listen to Veteran, or one of his other projects like “Black Ben Carson”, but I wanted something more. Something was missing, something I didn't get until his 2019 release, “All My Heroes Are Cornballs”.
When the first single off of the album released, “Jesus Forgive Me, I Am A Thot”, I knew I was in for something fun; and I do mean fun. Not only could I hear that Peggy was at the top of his game in this song, but that he was genuinely happy making it. Somewhat related, but isn't it so great that you can hear when an artist is enjoying making their music? It’s some kind of shine that you can just, feel. Anyways, I was eagerly waiting for the album drop, and on the Friday when it did, I was not dissapointed. I don't think there's a single song on this album I don't like, which is a reoccurring theme you may see throughout this list. The title track may be my favourite song on the album. Peggy is in his game on this, really putting in his all throughout the track, and you can see it. Top tier production, great bars, and just an overall good time. If you only count production in this list, JPEGMAFIA would be number one. But hes not. And this is my blog, so we’re playing by my rules. Sounds good? Good.
Lets move on to number two.
2. Smino
If you could search up the definition of feel good music on Google, I don't think, I know, that Smino would be the first artist that pops up on your feed. Melodic flows, incredible producers and mixers, Smino plucks every single string you would imagine, and more.
Unlike how I started listening to JPEGMAFIA, I started listening to Smino though an Instagram post, surprisingly. Even funnier, I was listening to him for the first time while working out, which, if you listen to him, his music isn't really made for that. Its made for, other activities - activities which I’m not sure I’m allowed to state on this website (Its my first post here, okay?). Needless to say, I was hooked instantly - who wouldn't be? “blkswn” was the first album I listened to from him, and wow. I have an issue with albums that go over 15 songs - I find it hard to stick to a lot of the songs if you do a continuous listen, but Smino manages to nail it with his infectious flows and smooth beats.
Following up my listening of “blkswn”, I decided to listen to “NOIR”, his other album. Imagining nothing could top his previous album, I went in with low expectations. That thought, without question, made the listening experience multiple times better. On first listen, I was hooked by the most popular tracks, like “L.M.F”, and “KLINK”. Those songs were incredible, but as I re-listened and re-listened, I fell in love with deep cut songs, like “HOOPTI”, and “LOW DOWN DERRTY BLUES”. There’s something about Smino’s voice that just makes you feel good. His entire discography, from what I’ve experienced, feels like a warm hug - and that's just how I like my music.
What really cemented Smino’s place on this list was one of his singles that was released recently, “MLK Dr”. God, I love this song so much - I genuinely do not think I can put into words how much I adore every aspect of this track. Instrumental, vocals, mixing, I cant say anything other than wow.
This dude has the best ad libs ever. Period. I fucking love Smino.
Im gonna stop gushing cause its getting annoying. Number one time!
1. Saba
I usually feel obligated to write a long text blob explaining my love for an artist, or what makes them special in my eyes. For Saba though, I don’t feel the need.
Raised in Chicago, Saba learnt piano at just seven years old. From there, it seems like music was just made for him. From keys on a piano to keys in beat-making software, the kid seemed destined for greatness. He released two mixtapes in the early 2010′s, and collaborated with Chance the Rapper twice, with the second song “Angels”, blowing up and pushing Saba into the spotlight. Later that year, after the songs success, he released his debut album, “The Bucket List Project”.
This album is great, and obviously has no skips. Songs like “Stoney” and “Church / Liquor Store” became instant classics in my eyes, and I still enjoy the album thoroughly to this day. Everything seemed great for Saba.
The next year, tragedy struck in the form of John Walt’s death.
John was a close friend of Saba’s and other members of Pivot Gang, the collective he was a part of. The death was unexpected and horrible, and nobody understood why or how it happened initially.
Over the next few weeks and months, details became more clear and members of Pivot Gang were able to grieve. Saba did something special, though. He took that grief and turned it into something beautiful.
In 2018, Saba released “CARE FOR ME”, a beautiful tribute to his late friend. This album is perfect - there’s no debate. Saba pours his heart out on this album, speaking of childhood experiences and how they have shaped the person he is today.
As you probably have noticed, I link songs that I speak about when I talk about them. For this album I’m not going to do that. I want you to experience this album all by yourself. Listen to it, and when you’re done come back and let me know your thoughts. I’m curious, genuinely.
Well, this is the end of my little talk about my favorite artists. It’s not much, but I wrote it and I’m proud of it, so you better like it too.
Seriously though, if you read this all, thank you. It’s nice to be heard from random strangers on the internet, it’s great.
This may be the first post of many, or maybe I’ll never post again, we’ll see.
Bye for now.
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