rydain · 2 months
7 years, nearly 125,000 words, 2 stories in mind + 3 more that ran away like the gingerbread man and demanded to be told, and my Sexy Brutale magnum opus is finito at last. A quaint contemporary feel-good found family adaptation featuring -
Trinity/Clay Greyson/Redd Tequila/Willow Lucas being Lucas
I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Fans of a certain good boy pianist and ex-con expert locksmith should also have a look over here at what @scribblemakes made for me 💚💜
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rydain · 8 months
tsb is on my mind today so im looking through a vid of the concept art and holy shit i forgot how good it is
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every version of lafcadio looks so done with my shit. im sorry if ive offended you sir i love you that first one im choosing to accept as what he looked like when he was younger
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the owl mask is SO good... full wise old man mode... im not sure what the concept behind that third one is, maybe a piece of glass or a chunk of post-fire rubble? and the middle one is just so fucking angy hes doing the arthur fist
also another instance of concept versions being SO long and spindly. it's a REALLY really fun art style but i am glad they all got a little chunkier, it really helps the readability from afar and the general cartoonishness of the style
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concept art reggie is certainly something. his ass can NOT see
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this version of clay is killing me who IS this man
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oh fuck here he comes
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trinity of course serving cunt in any form
her ass also cannot see but for reasons unrelated to outfit choices
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godddd we couldve had a willow that kicked ass and took names.... she couldve LOOKED cool in addition to just BEING cool
also sad that she lost the curly hair
i think thats some kind of incense burner shes holding in some of these but for a second i DID think she just had a fucking gun
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tequila im so happy with where you ended up you started out as a fucking nerd im sorry
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beta grey also Could Not Fucking See and that long skinny version of him haunts me i forgot that existed
also he is in fact labeled "lightfingered locksmith" in this art which made me realize they took off the "ed" because of a character limit. it just wouldn't have fucking fit in the title card.
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THERES MY BOY and he is looking BUSTED in that first image holy shit wheres the MEAT wheres the MUSCLE!!!!
that first mask is WILD i kinda love it the second one looks like a silly jack o lantern tho
i like to think lucas gave him a scary spooky mask because hes too nice to actually start shit. gotta max out this sap's intimidation.
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love that aurum barely changed aside from mask design. they said first thought best thought and they were right. i love him so damn much
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they gave him eye holes out of courtesy, very kind of them
also realizing i'm gonna have to draw this bitch's chair in the near future why did it have to be so intricateeeeee
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motherfucker himself. i love the sketches in the corner he's a shitty little bird doing his shitty little jojo poses
glad he got the wing cape back too that is an ESSENTIAL part of the phoenix motif
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god ellie is so fucking CUTE
interesting to see how titles changed as well, maybe she and lucas were originally just engaged and not married?
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i love how many initial designs were just Long
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the portraits are all so gooooood i love all these funny guys :)
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rydain · 8 months
Don't know how much you still frequent Tumblr but I've spent a lot of my time lately reading your The Sexy Brutale fics, and I very much appreciate them. That game has not left my head since I played it, and works like yours help scratch that itch for those poor tragic characters. Just wanted to say an anonymous thanks, hope you have a nice day!
This is such an incredible compliment and so lovely of you to say. I started writing for the same reason of this game sticking with me well beyond what I ever expected from a weekend of chill stylish puzzle solving - and here I am nearly 7 years later with a series that pretty much just took off and will be completed with the care that you and all the wonderful TSB fans out there deserve. It means so much to me that you're enjoying my take on the cast and the mansion bringing them all together. Wishing you all the best as well!
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rydain · 11 months
Yuletide 2023 Letter
Dear Yuletide author,
Thank you so much for writing for me! For anyone unfamiliar with a requested fandom, here there be spoilers - please do be warned. For anyone curious about my own writing, I’m over on AO3 under my usual handle.
General Preferences
Yes Please
Canon tone and setting, or a fitting interpretation thereof for a particular bobblehead murder house of 1920s glamour and modern memetic humor. A strong sense of optimism if said tone allows for it, earned as it might be through its share of angst. Drama stemming from the pressures of setting and conflicts of personal goals and life paths. Emphasis on the sweet within any bitterness. Competent characters trying to do better for themselves, futile as it might be at times. Sex if it fits and is comfortable to write, fade to black otherwise.
Hell No
Nonconsensual sex - coercion or rape. Graphic descriptions of illness, violence, or injuries. Non-canon character death. Non-canon abusive interpretations of characters. Lives effectively being ruined. Emphasis on bigotry - excessive slurs or a focus of the narrative rather than a natural influence on how characters are seen or required to live their lives. Stupidity, immaturity, and general facilitation of petty drama from characters thoughtful enough to damn well know better. Humiliation and embarrassment humor. Focus on non-canon pregnancy or parenthood.
The Breakfast Club
Claire Standish, Allison Reynolds
I’d just love to see more with either or both of these characters - especially more about who they are as people, and how the detention experience continued to shape their growth.
Some possible inspiration -
Post-movie mutual appreciation - anywhere from just happy to see each other around to having closer friendly and/or romantic relations.
The aftermath of their awkward hookups with Bender and Andy, whether any of that goes anywhere (short or long term) or remains a one-off reflex of rebellion and the weird bonding aspect of detention.
Flipping the script of Allison’s obligatory goth-to-prep makeover. Does any of that actually vibe with her to incorporate in her own way? Does she encourage Claire to try out a change of style?
Do not want -
Bender/Brian (as a couple - friendship is fine) or Vernon/any of the kids.
Strange Horticulture
I love the bleak yet cozy Edwardian setting and the fantastic catalog of plants created for the game. I’d especially love to see more of the actual horticulture and the townspeople, either canon or original - studying and researching plants, dealing with difficult ailments and people, perhaps even winning over some cynics and skeptics. The more fantastical aspects of the game’s plot can certainly be mentioned - I’d simply prefer a focus on the more everyday business that it leaves so much room to dig into.
Creative formatting (including images), sequences of short stories, and epistolary framing are all very much welcome.
The Sexy Brutale
Gold Skull, Lafcadio
These two represent a duality of torment and forgiveness that I’d love to see explored - either together, or separately if you prefer to focus on one or the other.
Some possible inspiration -
Lafcadio is both an idealized aspect of Lucas and an old friend of his. Was Gold Skull respectively inspired by someone Lucas knew, or is he all in his head?
What does Gold Skull actually do when you see him around the manor? Is he also working behind the scenes in his own way, or more so observing and introspecting? In the prior loops before you take control of Lafcadio, what sort of interaction might they have?
Conversations with each other, and/or Lucas - either in the background of Lucas’ self-torment, or after the ending of the game - helping him come to terms with the tragedy in their own ways.
Greyson Greyson, Redd Rockridge
I ship Greyson and Redd like FedEx, as my fandom presence will attest. If you’d rather write them as friends or colleagues or newly minted partners in shenanigans, that’s absolutely cool, too. My main request is for them to be happy and better off for each other’s influence - either alive in a world where the terrible, horrible, no good spoiler never befalls them, or as ghosts carrying on with the tomfoolery. I’m also cool with full on AU if you want to have fun with these archetypes in some other setting, including a crossover.
I love these boys’ professional competence and intellect - but I also love how their flailing about the theater throws much of that out the window for the sake of bleak humor - so it would be hilarious to see some scenario devolve into a comedy of errors because they’re too busy checking each other out and/or flirting.
Any and all other end game couples and friendships (as friends or romantic partners) are welcome, as are feel-good polyamorous implications or explorations.
Some possible inspiration -
Treasure hunts! How did they get involved with these in the first place? What else were they after - successfully or amusingly not - besides that damn egg?
They're said to be the life of the party. Let's see more masquerade fun times, please!
In a full on alternate universe, they’re both brought onto some heist or other scheme.
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rydain · 2 years
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now who could he be thinkin about
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rydain · 2 years
in the endgame of The Sexy Brutale (so, spoilers,) mirrors function as portals. and for what? somd kind of Jungian shadow self allegory? as you come to know yourself, you gain access to heretofore unventured corridors of the labyrinthine casino (which serves as a metaphor for the convoluted mind of its proprietor)? self-knowledge?? clarity of vision??
but then the places you access through those mirrors are the most abstract in the entire game—topsy turvy, funhouse mirror, through the looking glass type shit. so do the mirrors have a distortive effect? or a clarifying effect? spoilers again—the game's world is an illusion! so while the realistic areas of the casino are only a reflection of their real-world counterparts, maybe the vortex of cards and the tree in the prison cell and the operating theater in the basement are all, by VIRTUE of their distortion, closer to the reality of the situation
(it should be mentioned that using the mirrors as portals creates a visual effect not unlike a funhouse mirror)
so by distorting what appears "real", The Sexy Brutale's mirrors bring the player closer to the truth
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rydain · 2 years
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The Witness.
support my art on patreon ⭐ ko-fi  
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rydain · 2 years
A transatlantic romantic reunion in springtime New Orleans.
Part 3 of 4 - a long walk and a second wind of night life.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added when the comic is complete. Image Description to be added later.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added when the comic is complete. Image Description to be added later.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added when the comic is complete. Image Description to be added later.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added when the comic is complete. Image Description to be added later.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added when the comic is complete. Image Description to be added later.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added as the next page is released. Image Description under the cut.
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rydain · 3 years
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no i am not over them
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain​, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added as the next page is released. Image Description under the cut.
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rydain · 3 years
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Burning Plans is a fancomic created from the concepts of @rydain, the game property ‘The Sexy Brutale’, and my own illustrations and script (@scribblemakes).
Links to the other pages and cover will be added as the next page is released. Image Description under the cut.
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