rymccrimmon10 · 3 days
Ryan gasped, horrified.
“You didn’t have to do that!” He yelled.
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
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"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 4 days
“Thanks Tina!” Ryan cried as he rolled away. He got onto one knee and looked at the Omnitrix. “‘Y’know, for a watch, you have a very poor sense of timing!” He complained. “Tina you can stop now!” The young adult called. “I got away!”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
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"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 14 days
“Ow! Ow!” Ryan cried with every peck. “Uh guys, I can’t use my powers right now for a reason too complicated to get into right now, I could very much use your help! Now!”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
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"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 26 days
“Oh great.” He groaned. “Well, at least it can’t get any worse.” He looked at the Omnitrix.
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“Aw damn it.” The Omnitrix had entered into recharge mode at the same time Ryan had changed back. “I gotta stop saying that.”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
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"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 1 month
“DON’T!” Ryan was fully expecting an ambush from a large group. Strength in numbers after all. Suddenly-. “OOF!” A brown blur rammed into him, sending him spiraling down towards the ground until- “UGH!” He hit the ground. KABWOOSH! The impact had triggered the Omnitrix’s auto-detransformation protocol, leaving Ryan human and dazed, spitting out sand from his mouth. “Just my luck.” He groaned.
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 2 months
“TINA!” Ryan cried. “IT COULD BE A TRAP!” He instinctively activated the Omnitrix, transforming into-
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He flew into the air, scanning for potential enemies
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 2 months
“Helps he’s the top of the food chain, no one to try and eat him.” Ryan quipped. “At least, not anyone more powerful than his species.” He turned to Rex. “Any ideas what you’re smelling or are we going to have to move in?”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 2 months
“Oh…sorry, didn’t mean to be so flippant.” Ryan apologized. He looked between the two again. “I know you just said “pals” but are you and him…y’know?” He was genuinely curious.
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 2 months
“You sure about that?” Ryan asked. “In my experience when things like “easy” are said things turn out to be the opposite.” He turned to Tina. “I have no idea what you see in him.”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
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"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
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"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 4 months
“Sorry Tina, my mistake.” Ryan apologized. “Any sign of who or what is making the scent you picked up Ray?” He added.
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
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"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 4 months
“Just hope he hasn’t gotten himself into trouble.” Ryan quipped as he followed Ray. “Especially trouble he can’t get out of.”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 4 months
“What?” He looked around. “Where?”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 4 months
“What?” Ryan raised an eyebrow. “No, of course not, I’m not really a dinosaur.” He let the pterodactyl go and pressed the Omnitrix symbol, changing back to normal. “Just wanted to scare her a little bit.”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 5 months
Ryan threw some punches, then attempted to grab the pterosaur in order to throw them.
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 5 months
“Then it’s a good thing this guy has tough skin!” He then went to tackle the pterodactyl to the ground. “Hyaaaah!”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 5 months
Ryan landed on all fours, coughing slightly.
“Thanks guys.” He said. He then looked at the watch and saw it was still dialed up. “That flying freak is going to realize it’s a humongous mistake to mess with me!” KABWOOSH! In Ryan’s place stood-.
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Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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rymccrimmon10 · 5 months
“GUCK!” Unfortunately Ryan was wearing his hoodie, so when the pterodactyl tried to snap him up, he got carried off by the hood. He flailed for a second before he realized. He activated the Omnitrix and began dialing.
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“No….no….god damn it this would be so much easier if I wasn’t choking on my own hoodie right now!”
Open RP
Seeing a Troodontid and a Tyrannosaurus rex on the shoreline is an odd enough sight on its own, but what was odder still was that they were talking, or rather, bickering.
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"You know, I don't think you appreciate the hard work I put in for you, Ray."
Tumblr media
"Your hard work? Tina, I'm the one getting all the food."
Tumblr media
"Yeah, but I'm the one who picks off the insects that buzz around you after you eat."
Tumblr media
"Come on, I said "thanks" this morning, didn't I?"
Tumblr media
"Well, it wouldn't kill you to say it more often."
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