ryokuu · 1 year
If I’m being honest, I don’t like yanderes who only care about themselves. I don’t like the ones who could hardly give a damn about their darlings other than the fact that they’re theirs. They’d lock them up in dog cages or a make-shift prison cell, perhaps, even chained to a bathroom with no care about them. They treat them like prisoners, only giving them basic care.
No. Not my thing. 
That isn’t yandere.
Yandere is about being so hopelessly in love and devoted to your object of affection, your darling. It’s about being so deeply in love with someone that those feelings distort into obsession. And it’s not always about murder-fuelled thoughts or raging jealousy, it’s the idea that without your darling, you are hopeless. You can’t function without them, they are the oxygen that fills your lungs, the sun that guides you home. Without them, you feel empty and hollow, like you were born a second too early to appreciate this world. Your heart feels too heavy, your mind doesn’t feel right, and the people around you don’t matter anymore, because you just can’t function, can’t exist.
A yandere needs their darling’s validation and attention. They need YOU to tell them how great they are, that they’ve been doing a good job– because they can’t get it from anyone else. You become their sole motivation in life.
They don’t necessarily have to be devoted to you, spend their days attached to your hip and stalking you from behind. I mean, yes, those yanderes are great and I could go on and on about them, but I think I’ve touched on this before. Yanderes are allowed to exist outside of their darling. They’re allowed to have hobbies and work and things they treasure that aren’t just centred around their darling…
But they need YOU to help them, to motivate them and get them ready and going to fight whatever obstacles they face in life. They dream, fantasise about having you as their spouse, their partner, their best friend. Just knowing that they can call you up, maybe even get a text message before a big life event (like a sports game or a once in a lifetime job interview), they need that.  They want to know that they have an ally in life, someone who will always be there for them. Someone who cares enough to see that they’re well-fed and clothed. Who will make sure they’re healthy and happy and comfortable and loved. Who will be able to give them confidence whenever they’re lacking.
And the only probable person they can see that coming from, is you. And if they have to do some under-handed things to get you by their side, be it stalking to figure out all the things you like, so that the next time you guys meet they’ll know exactly what to say to get into your good books, then so be it. And if they happen to be a little deluded, a little demented, and they decide the best course of action is to kidnap you and chain you by your ankle to their apartment/room, then that’s what they have to do.
In the end, as long as they have you, does the journey really matter?
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ryokuu · 1 year
I love Yanderes who’re clingy, desperate, submissive, and loving
The ones who’d do anything for your approval, attention, and love
A yandere where you can just say that they belong to you and they’d wholeheartedly agree
A yandere where you can ask/wish for anything and they’d make sure to fulfill that wish no matter what
A lovely Yandere where they’ll willingly stay in your basement since you asked so nicely
A yandere who does anything and everything for you just so you can give them a fraction of your attention
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ryokuu · 1 year
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Some Yandere Scummy Scaramouche alongside my personal HC for him. The AU belongs to @celabi.
I haven't been able to get any free time ever since I started college since they keep packing on projects and assignments on me TwT.
I'm needing to relearn to use a drawing tablet since the graphic design course I'm taking doesn't offer those so I've been drawing with a mouse, my hand was actually shaking from how long its been since I've drawn on here T7T
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ryokuu · 1 year
people who don’t like x reader because they’re like “i wouldn’t do that” are so strange to me…… like don’t you want to be somebody else for a bit? somebody more fun? somebody naive? somebody smarter? somebody who makes worse decisions? better decisions? i love zoning out and being a whole new person like yes i AM a milf with a rich neglectful husband actually
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ryokuu · 1 year
no offense but is anyone else just... tired??
all of our entertainment is made purely for profit. anything made with genuine creativity or passion is cancelled or abandoned. millionaire ceos judge passion projects based on whether or not the lowest common denominator will instantly fall in love with it. and when that fails, artists watch the work they love get discarded like it's nothing.
my dad tells me it's all about the profit margin. that they're not being cold, but clever. if it doesn't make money, there is no value in keeping it around.
i'm a writer. this is the business i want to go into. but i'm losing steam and losing faith watching these unwritten rules get decided.
to succeed, you have to trend. you have to go viral. you have to cut yourself into whatever shape they want to see. you have to dumb yourself down. you have to sugarcoat, to smother, to dampen.
i don't think it was always like this.
i remember campy adventures and colorful animation and creators who poured pure love into the things they made.
i'm tired of dollar signs and carefully crafted money makers.
i just want to feel something.
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ryokuu · 2 years
little star — diluc 。
synopsis!! everyone knows the creator doesn't favor diluc (everyone is wrong).
cw !! gn reader, reader is peak diluc simp 😐 somewhat self-aware characters, mild sagau themes (not too much), reader is recognized as the player, reader is a little shy at first. angst with reverse comfort!
note !! the plot feels a little everywhere but i tried to organize it as best as i can, i think i got carried away eheh honestly doesn't feel up to my standards but it was pretty enjoyable to write
word count !! 2.8k something
"No, it's definitely Outrider Amber, she was the first to ever be favored."
"Are you kidding me? Outrider Amber may be the first, but sir Kaeya was definitely loved. Have you seen the sword he was gifted with?" One growls.
"It's the Acting Grand Master Jean!" Someone slams the table with his beer mug, "Twice was she bestowed with fallen stars of gold."
"I'd say that wolf boy in the woods seem lucky."
"It has to be Bennett. I don't know why but that kid has two crowns! Two!"
"You're all missing out on Miss Lisa!"
"Stop, stop! You rowdy drunks! Every vision holder in Mond has been granted favor, this is just impossible to decide!"
There was a pause. "Well. . . not every." Someone mumbles under their breath.
"Not every? Who's the poor allogene that couldn't even get the Player's favo—" Shushing sounds break his sentence, the men glare at their companion, pointing to the redhead behind the bar.
It's useless, really.
Diluc has been listening in the entire time. He can't really help it when their voices were loud enough to reach where he stood. Still, he was merciful and pretended not to hear. He's not exactly bothered by what they're saying. It was the truth, after all.
For two years, vision holders all around Teyvat were being granted favor.
It often begins with a meteor shower gracing the sky.
A star gently falling into the hands of a vision holder, embracing them in warm light.
They call the ethereal sensation as something akin to "coming home".
The favored would then be given different things; quality weapons, enhanced abilities, beautiful crowns— Some allogenes were even gifted summer apparel (Mondstadt is proud that their Gunnhildr sisters were one of the very first). Even their equipped wings would change into ornamented works of art!
It's been two years, and it seems like every allogene he knows of has received the Player's grace.
He supposed he just wasn't favored. It isn't too difficult to believe that he isn't likable.
He convinces himself it's fine.
It's fine if his summoned weapon is a cheap claymore made of scrap metal. It's still efficient to have the extra blade while he manually carries around another claymore (commissioned from Wagner as the best money could buy). Or that his abilities can only be improved through hardwork, unlike the many who broke the limits of their power through your favor.
It's fine.
As the bar goers leave for the night, as Venti and Kaeya wave around their almost divine-looking five-star weapons to show the crowd, and as he's closing up the tavern and retreating to his upstair quarters for comfort, he convinces himself that the he'll be okay on his own.
The arrival of the Creator was festive and grand; The day the sky parted itself and glowed as the brightest of all stars fell with grace into Mondstadt's very own Windrise.
Teyvat rejoices in the ecstatic ideal of being loved.
A meeting of vision holders was quickly held in the Cathedral, discussing immediate plans as some of the most favored (Venti, Jean, Kaeya, Albedo to name a few) went ahead to fetch the Creator from the large tree.
While Diluc was often the center of any other meeting due to his authority and influence, this was something he chose to step back from. Standing by the windows, away from the meeting, he watched on as Eula and the rest conversed around the circular table.
He isn't even sure why he's invited. Perhaps they felt it was obligatory for vision holders, regardless of favorability? Then again, he could always offer a fraction of his mountain-loads of wealth to help with the festivities.
At least he's competent at being a wallet.
As the others pull out their crowns and stars, weapons and artifacts, eager to thank the one responsible for the gifts, an unknown emotion bubbles in his stomach. It's faint, but it's there.
He tries to look away.
"Everyone, everyone! They're entering the gates!" Fischl announces uncharacteristically to the room as her eye glows brightly, undoubtedly looking through Oz's eyes from the sky.
"We should wait by the statue to welcome them, right?" Barbara chirps in, hands clasped and wavy hair bouncing with every step.
Diluc watches as people steadily leave the room, following last as they walk down the steps to greet the approaching group. Some civilians gathered to see the scene, others didn't really understand what a Player or Creator was to a vision holder, while Diluc—
Diluc stood by the steps to see them crowd around you.
You, surrounded with words of gratitude and cheerful squeals. He sees the smile on your face and feels relief that you don't seem too overwhelmed.
He leaves the area without a second thought.
He doesn't exactly see you around the next few days. With Mondstadt celebrating a new festival, the taverns were always full and busy with customers (both local and foreign). You were probably busy too, spending time with the different allogenes and entertaining those who came from Liyue to meet you. He's heard of a funeral consultant with three crowns (are consultants that admirable of a job to you?) and an adeptus gifted with various five-star polearms (this was understandable for the adepti, unlike the consultant).
He doesn't expect to see you at all until you leave for the next nation, honestly.
That is, until the tavern settles into a more peaceful atmosphere and Jean rushes in with several other allogenes. It's unusual to see his childhood friend in the tavern; still, he greets her amicably and asks what brings her here.
"(Name) will be coming here soon with Kaeya and a few others. It's a little impromptu, but we were hoping for a place to settle in with drinks. Perhaps try some apple cider." She smiles, taking a seat by the bar.
(Name)? Jean was already on a first name basis with the Creator?
Diluc thinks perhaps Jean truly is the favorite, she does have a few golden stars in her home.
Somehow, it's not surprising at all to know that his apple cider was famous enough to drag you in. At least there's something about the Dawn Winery in your favor. He promptly gets his employees to work, clearing a few tables near the bar, rearranging the furniture to give space good enough for a group.
Your entrance into the bar was just as lively; with your favored allogenes chatting away with you, everyone falling into place at different parts of the tavern, ordering drinks and meals.
He's glad you enjoy apple cider.
You're trying to play it cool, really. Trying your best not to get overexcited and glomp everyone and everything.
You're taking things step by step as you converse with Jean, Lisa, and Albedo; as you share meals with Barbara and Sucrose; as you play with Klee and Diona; tour the city with Fischl and Bennett. There's plenty of time to meet everyone and your schedule has been filled to the brim with all the fun your having.
You'll see that glimpse of red hair again— one that was lingering by the Cathedral staircase. Diluc doesn't like crowds, so it's fine that he isn't approaching you. It's also fine that he hasn't visited at least once, unlike the several raging from Liyue to Sumeru who took the journey to meet you early.
Diluc is too busy a person to meet you; whether it's because of the winery or his darknight hero duties, you wouldn't dare take his time.
— but when are you supposed to give him all the gifts you've brought for him???
Your determination to build him up in one go, from Talent levels to Constellations to Artifacts and Weaponry, all came down to this moment — and the man was simply nowhere to be seen!
An unknowingly loud sigh escapes your lips, catching the attention of the Cavalry Captain next to you.
"Now, what's got our (Name) so down in the dumps?" Kaeya hums, glancing at your face as you stutter a response.
"Aah it's not that, it's just. . ."
Your brother is too busy, I just want to meet him!!
"I'm thirsty." You deflect, looking around for a stall. The streets of Mond were nothing like the minimized version you see in the game; with the city being ten times larger than what you remembered it to be.
"Oh! Oh! Klee suggests apple cider!" The little girl giggles, running around your legs in excitement, "Angel's Share is nearby and big brother Albedo alwaaays takes me there for apple cider!"
Angel's Share. Bartender. A great idea has appeared!
At the excited look on your face, Jean walks up ahead of you.
"Why don't I go and inform the tavern to prepare us a space first, it would save us the waiting time."
"That would be great, Jean!"
You hope you aren't being too obvious.
With the way your eyes would linger on him, casting side glances and hoping he would greet you to strike up a conversation, the way most allogenes do. You didn't want to abruptly disturb his work, nor do you want seem desperate, so you waited for his initiative.
Yet, Diluc lingers just a little outside your group's circle. Your food and drinks were refilled by Charles, you've talked with nearly everyone but the person you want to talk to.
"It's getting pretty late, we should head home for the night." Someone suggests.
"Hm? Do you still have something in mind?" Kaeya asks. You realized you said it out loud, catching the attention of nearby patrons.
With a frantic glance around the tavern, your eyes make contact with Diluc's. He pauses as well, wondering what caused your little outburst.
You are definitely not leaving, not when you don't know when you could catch Diluc in his free time again! You'd be leaving for Liyue by then!
Hands slamming the table to stand up and with a small burst of courage, you approach the bartender who turns away from Charles. He raises an eyebrow at your approach. It's odd the way you feel flustered and nervous, finally facing him.
Pausing just in front of him, he looks on curiously.
"Would you like a refill?" He asks.
"A-ah no, I mean, yes but that's not why I'm here. I. . ." You stutter, stumbling over your words as you try not to behave awkwardly. Should you start with a casual topic?
"You seem to be quite busy." You say.
Diluc blinks. He isn't sure what you're implying. Neither is Kaeya or Jean, who stopped to look at the exchange of words.
"I suppose. . . but as a winery, we do thrive in impromptu festivities." He replies curtly before realizing, was it rude that he never visited the Creator?
"Ah, is it my lack of visit? I apologize, I would have visited but it seems that you were quite satisfied with your favorites and-"
"No, no, no," You wave your hand, cutting him off, "I understand you're busy. You don't have to visit at all! How could I take your time— wait," You pause, recalling his words.
"Favorites?" You tilt your head, "What do you mean I seemed satisfied with my favorites? What do you mean by favorites?"
"Your favorites... allogenes who received your favor. Those you have granted gifts."
Your jaw laxes. Favorites? They decided you play favorites based on how much you've built them?
"You think. . ." You say carefully, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, "That I offer gifts to my favorites?"
Diluc nods slowly, unsure of your questioning.
Although it would be a lie to say you didn't have your personal favorites, it would still be inaccurate that it's based on gifts. After all, you built everyone who came home by chance. As an avid player, you did your best to farm and push everyone to their full potential.
Diluc, however, never came home no matter how much you wanted him to. It can't be possible that he doesn't know how much he is loved, right?
"Then what about you?" You blurt out, "How do you think I view you?"
He stares at you oddly. At this point, many around you had stopped to tune in. Everyone knew Master Diluc never received your favor, so why are you conversing with him?
Meanwhile, Diluc wonders if you want him to admit it. Must he say it in front of everyone how he never received gifts?
"I suppose. . . I'm not one of them. It's quite understandable. I don't intend to question your judgement—"
"What?" You exclaim, a look of shock crosses your face, "You think I don't like you?" Voice raised in disbelief, you feel the eyes of many turning to watch the scene.
Diluc mirrors your confusion.
"I can't believe you would– no, that isn't it at all!" You stutter over your words, a frantic need to prove him wrong goes through you, "You— you of all people!"
"Me?" He repeats.
"I've always wanted you!"
A silence settles over the tavern. Did you have to put it so bluntly? You freeze in shock at your own words. Diluc's expression of disbelief turns flustered, face turning as red as his hair.
Explain yourself.
"I- I mean, I've always wanted you to come home. Ever since the start, really! It's just that you never did-"
"Hmm... so it implies that it's out of your control, correct?" Kaeya piqued, looking on curiously. He's been listening in the entire time. You nod your head.
"Yes! It's a game of chance for me as well. It's not to say that favor is an accident, I truly wanted everyone to come home! It's just that—" You turn to Diluc, "You never did, no matter how much I wanted you to. How was I supposed to give you your gifts?"
Diluc snaps out of his shock, blinking at you, "Gifts?"
"Yes, gifts! I've been saving them up for you, ever since the start." You pause, shyly looking away, "When I said I wanted you since the beginning I meant it. I came here for you, after all."
He looks at you in disbelief, and probably half the tavern as well. You can't help the small chuckle from your lips. With an outstretched hand, something materializes between you. It glows a blinding golden light, before settling to reveal–
"Wolf's Gravestone. It's a weapon for you."
You didn't have to say it— anyone with eyes could see how it was practically made for Diluc. With large handles and a color scheme that matches his own, Wolf's gravestone doesn't look as divine or ethereal as the other weapons you've gifted, but it looked just as powerful, if not menacing.
With a gesture, Diluc grips the handle.
"Fits like a glove." Kaeya whistles, impressed. As does the rest of the tavern who stopped to stare.
Suddenly, flames burst forth from the weapon. It sears and glows red. Unlike the common claymore that can't handle the the prowess of Diluc's flames, Wolf's Gravestone embraces it. Like an extension of his own hand.
He breaks his gaze away from the weapon to look at you.
"Thank you. . ." He mutters softly, but it's genuine. You smile.
"That's not the last of it, you know."
With another flick of your hand, artifacts and talent books materialize. They flow around him like a dance as more and more begin to appear, lighting up the tavern like the night sky.
"I told you I brought gifts!"
All the days spent farming for him and other pyro characters finally paid off. The glimmering artifacts reflected in his own red eyes as he stares, entranced.
Favor did not come to him in meteor showers like it did to the other allogenes; rather, it came to him in your form. Proof of him being loved. The spectacle continued— after the artifacts and talent levels were the constellation (the crowd ooh'ed and aah'ed at the sight), then came the five star apparel (a nostalgic sight to him, and it changed his flames to a darker red), and the ascension materials you passed off as trinkets.
By the end of it, he had a hand over his lower face, his red bangs hid just the ends of his eyes. "I just thought I wasn't that favorable. . ." He muttered and you leaned in to peek at his covered face, wondering why he was shying away.
But it was evident to the tavern— the pink dusted ears, the flushed cheeks, and the overwhelming emotion in his eyes. Diluc Ragnvindr was flustered, and it's a sight enough to make even the drunks place down their beers for a closer look.
You bit your lip, trying to prevent the widest of smiles, "Do you believe yourself loved now?" You ask and he gives the faintest of nods.
"Thank you," He says, "For favoring me."
m.list 2 || consider supporting me on ko-fi ! || sagau m.list
note !! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE a very short brainrot that became a fic huhuhuhu
I don't often write creator sagau themes but here we are! this is like peak diluc simpery idk ive never been this down for a man. i wrote this immediately after getting his skin i just got so excited 😅 I wanted to spoil him so bad (but i gave all his mats to thoma before he came home :< )
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @shizunxie
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ryokuu · 2 years
why is it that sub!reader is often not tagged as such but when it's dom!reader people whine if you don't put warnings and tags like it's some kind of crime
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ryokuu · 2 years
Discussion plan gone wrong
 [SAGAU! Imposter Reader]
Veritas Inter Astra
Tw : Contains Violence
Welp, this is it. This is the continuation. Have it folks. I’ll surely be updating this in the future but IDK how long. cuz currently, I’m still preparing for a college entrance exam. Hopefully, this will suffice for now. If you have any ideas, complain, or brain-rot, feel free! Oh, Ayato simps be winning in this chapter lol.
Keep reading
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ryokuu · 2 years
This man came home fucking three times already i want my lucifer card🤬💔
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ryokuu · 2 years
So I was thinking... How about Ayato!reader × fish mafia trio! Especially Azul tho. Their mole, cunning personality, and more! Also, in a hc format. A big thanks!
AAAA OMG I REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME AYATO'S OFFICIAL DESIGN GOT RELEASE I WAS LIKE ??? looks familiar then i look at azul and a light bulb light up LMAOOO
octavinelle with a kamisato ayato-like gn!reader!
the young but highly accomplished head of the a known distinguished clan in their world. Cultured and polite, they are a person of many ways and means.
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: ̗̀➛ azul ashengrotto
i'm sure i've forgotten something... oh my? i am pretty sure this isn't the kamisato residence, can you kindly tell me where am i?"
azul's first thought is - oh my god am i looking at the mirror? is he my lost twin? he is just like me fr fr.
the octavinelle dorm leader couldn't help but to avoid you, after his senses telling him not to get tangled in your business but in the end you two become friends- close friends in fact
he just find it so amazing how you can give the sweetest and the most pleasant compliment anyone would want to hear to and also insult a person with a smiling face
at times you and the tweels would team up and pull some pranks on the octopus like taste testing some of your cookings 😨
"ne, ne azul. we got you some food~"
"oh? it is not my birthday today, but thank you very much." after taking a bite, jade came in with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"that was made by (name)-san by the way."
he banned you from entering the kitchen after that.
very interested about your nation's cuisine though, and would try to ask you specific ingredients but never lets you cook
despite your mischievous personality, azul would always count on your knowledge during the questionable and troubling times.
you are not really the type to take one side of the question immediately and sees the problem as a whole and at a third person point of view
"thank you for such a wonderful advice (name)."
"it's alright. trusting another person isn't easy, but you have placed your trust in me, and of course i will not let you down."
whenever he is having a bad day, you would never fail to cheer him up and take him out to buy boba to also refill you 'magical sleeve'
"the boba was delici- didn't you just finished drinking that?"
"huh? i have my refills in my sleeve." cue you grabbing another boba from your sleeves and handing it to azul. "here i really like this flavor."
"... did you just got that out of your sleeve?!"
azul is like the little brother you never had and you are so proud of the achievements he is making on his own and azul also feels the same - seeing you as his older sibling but please do not tease him too much 😭
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: ̗̀➛ jade leech
oh my? jade never met someone as matured and refined as you. and the moment he notice your striking physical similarities with azul he couldn't help but to be amused. like who wouldn't?
insane duo for real, because having you together with jade - no one can read through your smiles and expressions except for your closest friends
the vice dorm leader knows about your 'cooking' skills and once tried helping you but he regrets and learn the hard way not to let you in the kitchen
"so? how does it taste?"
"hmm... i have no words how to explain it, how about we make azul judge?"
the eel really appreciate how you often keep him in company especially talking about your family and duties as the head of a clan makes him admire you
like having such responsibility at the age where you could've have fun and make some friends at your age and yet you chose to manage your clan to protect your younger sister
"isn't it hard for you at that age?"
"it was hard, not being able to trust other people knowing that they are after my position and my family's power. but seeing my sister and close friend safe? it gave me strength and more motivation to keep going on."
jade is the type of person you will rarely caught off guard but with you grabbing stuff from your sleeves always made him lose his composure a little bit
"you know what? i wouldn't question it anymore."
why on eat do you have a milk-tea and dango in your sleeves? oh you are offering him to eat? sure why not he would like to try out your world's food of choice.
sometimes join you and floyd whenever you two decided to train, seeing your watery illusion is so fascinating to see and you swordsmanship too is also no joke.
overall jade is very glad because not only did he gain your trust but also a very wonderful friend. he will always have your back no matter what.
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: ̗̀➛ floyd leech
floyd really found it interesting, meeting a person very unpredictable and hard to understand that is why the eel intend to make friends with you.
whenever he is not in the mood, the eel would go look for you to ask some milk-tea and listen to your stories about a certain oni always fight
you are okay with beetle fights? fight with floyd rn! trying to follow your friend's recipe in cooking? let him help! going to prank people? gladly 😈
"burūmārin, what are you doing?"
"oh hi floyd! i was just about to nicely set ace and deuce lunch box hehe, do you want to join me?"
"hehe sure~ i have nothing to do anyway."
knowing how floyd loves to threaten people that he would squeeze them but to his shock - you always beat him in doing so!
always hugging him first whenever you two see each other + ruffling his hair making him light up like a christmas tree 🥺
sometimes you are the person he would drag whenever he would go buy new trendy shoes and you had lots of fun!
happy eel + happy prefect = enjoyable day 🥳
prefer to fight your water illusion 😡 why is the illusion just standing there looking through him huh round up!
"huh? floyd what are you doing?"
"having a staring contest with your illusion."
"..." then the illusion splash some water in his eyes before hiding behind you. "come back here you!"
despite the pranks and playful banter, the eel really looks up to you - not only for your skills but also the way you handle matters especially after knowing about your past.
and floyd really appreciates it when you would go out your way to ensure that he is feeling okay after walking out of the lounge
its feels like he gain a big brother that always dotes on him and spoil him. to return the favor, he vow to always look after you and will not hesitate to defend you from any harm.
I RECEIVE SOME OF THE REQUESTS UEUEUE ILL START DOING IT BY TOMORROW <33 and wieee i have been binge watching k drama for a while i am curious what kind of genre you guys look for when watching series 🥸 ???
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ryokuu · 2 years
Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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ryokuu · 2 years
Since there's still no entries for Inazuma, can I request a max friendship level with Ayato?
Hope you'll have a lovely day!
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fandom genshin impact
series in which genshin characters reach level 10 in friendship and become self aware
word count 467
series masterlist // series masterlist inazuma // navigation
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notes // hi hi ^^ welcome to my blog and thank you for the request! thoma has actually been requested first, but i didn’t have time to start that request yet. i hope you like this one :)
warnings // none, hints of god!reader
Since he had been young, he prayed to the gods of Inazuma. Naturally, the Raiden Shogun received most of his prayers, yet he knew all gods of the islands. He followed their respective rituals, together with his parents and sister, and as the Heir of the Kamisato Clan, it was his duty. A duty he gladly did.
He had looked up to the Raiden Shogun, proud to receive a vision, even if it had been a painful and somber moment. His prayers now also included the Hydro Archon, but the Shogun still received the most of them, if not more than in his youth.
But then- then she started hunting them. The once protective god of the inazuman people, began hunting her own, their visions. He didn’t know why, but he saw the suffering his people went through, all because of the whims of a god.
The Raiden Shogun no longer received prayers of Ayato. The only god he still prayed to was the Hydro Archon, but his times of prayers has been cut, time he now spent on other things, time he spent for the duties as the Lord of the Kamisato Clan.
While he still appeared as the religious and dutiful son of the Kamisato Clan, he no longer prayed to any god, even to the Hydro Archon. Never he told his sister, not wanting to burden her with even more. Why did he stop praying to the Hydro Archon?
Why should he pray to someone who doesn’t even protect him of the wrath of the Electro Archon, the Archon of his own nation?
Yet one day, someone answered his prayers. Not even the gods he dedicated them, no, he was sure it was someone else. Someone more powerful than the Archons, more powerful than the Raiden Shogun. With a soft and soothing voice, guiding him through the dangerous paths of Inazuma, finding an unbelievable amount of Sakura Blooms and treasure chest, all while his strength grew and reached new highs.
A long time the voice had been nothing but a faint whisper in his ears, nothing more than a soft breeze in a warm summer day. But then the voice gained volume, suddenly and without any explanation, all while he fought a few rouge samurai near the Kamisato Estate.
And as if that hasn’t been enough, he suddenly was in the possession of the legendary 'Haran Geppaku Futsu', making his attacks much stronger and the use of his hydro vision easier.
Kamisato Ayato no longer prayed to the gods he had known his whole life, not to the Raiden Shogun or the Hydro Archon. No, he prayed to the god which guided him through the dangerous times of Inazuma, ever present and gifting him the mightiest gift a god can give to a mortal.
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ryokuu · 2 years
Now that elections are over, I have more time to indulge compared to the previous days, seeing as a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and some responsibilities are no longer mine to prioritize, I FINALLY GOT THE TIME TO FINISH THIS.
Seriously, this would have been done if I WASN'T A COMPLETE DOWN BAD SIMP. I could've been done with this just by drawing ONE head but NOOOO my hands HAD to slip and ended up drawing 1 2 3 4- SEVEN HEADS WITH TWO FULL BODY ILLUSTRATIONS
Special mentions to @veritasventis and @crystalizedlegend ❤️ without you this absolute simpfoolery wouldn't have happened hehe. The art is based from these fics, 1, 2 and I recommend READING because it's AWESOME ಥ_ಥ
So Here's my attempt of drawing Noire
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(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻ 7 heads, 4 bust up, 2 full body, and 1 waist up- My dedication to simp is concerning (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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Noire is a blessing y'all. If it's his spouse, he'd do anything. Like, he's not hesitating looking down on literal archons for you. Giga chad with balls of steel.
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I realized that the paragraph said 3 piece and I was stuck on my chair for 5 minutes trying to process my mistake and then add more 6 minutes to internally debate whether I should erase the whole thing and draw it from scratch or just stick with it- I stuck with it.
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Add another 5 minutes of me internally debating about which delusion and which vision to give the guy, and then settled for the elements that matches his personality.
Ps. This OC belongs to @veritasventis so it's not mine, I just wanted to simp and drew this. I hope you liked this 😁
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ryokuu · 2 years
this is a sagau ask. But us trying to send them signals that we wanna have seggs with them but they're to happy that were paying attention to them to notice. So we got so frustrated we just yelled cant you tell i wanna fuck you!!!!!!
Oh god, this has Ayato written all over it, I'm sorry-
A/N: sorry if it's not to your liking- this turned into more of teaching Ayato about sex lmao-
C/W; Virgin!Ayato, fingering, anal, Semi public sex [Yahiro comission office], Ooc!Ayato [?], sub! characters, praise kink. mentions of creator having long hair.
It's canon that Ayato has so much on his plate since he took over his father's position after his passing, so I doubt he had a lot of time for himself, and to even entertain the idea of sex.
AMAB! Reader
Pronouns: He/They
Spoilers for Irodori Festival!
Fic under the cut!
Ah, the Yashiro Commissioner.
A man of prestige and smooth talk that have swoon many. Like everyone in Inazuma, he has worshipped the Creator of all throughout his childhood to adulthood.
He fantasized about meeting them since he was a young boy, his father often indulge him in stories of Creator. When Ayaka didn't come home from her duties, he became worried sick.
She returned a few days later [because time dilation]. He asked her where she had been, and she responded with, "I was quite busy with the traveler, Mondstadt's Grand master and a young water swordsman. We fought many enemies, tho we did hear some mumbled curses when we were fighting the Nobushi, as traveler called them."
Ayato sighed in relief, he has heard tales of people going missing, only to return a few days or even months later stronger than before. An old inazuman poet described it as a wonderful experience, getting to partake in travel freely, seeing magnificent views, and so much more.
And he believed Ayaka was chosen as a Vessel for them to use. He watched the night sky with her once, stars light up the dull area. He witnessed many shooting stars that very night, ranging in color from blue to purple and even gold. It was that night that Ayaka felt warmth unlike any other.
When he caught wind of Creator appearing in Inazuma in person, in time for the Irodori Festival, he was estatic. He quickly finished his duties, and head towards the plaza. He saw the Traveler accompanying a young man. His face obscured slightly by a large umbrella, Ayato noticing their long hair tied into a ponytail. Gold and silver moon shaped hair pins secured it in place. They wore traditional Inazuman attire, their eyes highlighted with red eyeshadow.
He cleared his throat and made his way towards the four chatting.
"Ah, lady Yae did mention that there would be some reliable helpers coming to assist with the festivities. It appears she meant you two."
"At last, we meet again Traveler and Paimon. Tell me, how are you faring recently?"
"Oh my, it appears that you two would be busy with the festivities. It seems that you cannot accompany me this afternoon. Such a shame." They mumbled.
Traveler looked over to him, "Ah, Creator-sama, I assure you we can accompany you for today. I can easily get it all done, then we enjoy the festival together!" He chirped.
They smiled, "Nonsense. I've told you before that you shouldn't bite more than you can chew at a time. I don't want you to get too tired."
Aether shook his head fast, "No, No! It's fine! I can handle it-"
"How about I join you today?" Ayato piped up from behind them. "That's certainly ideal, however-"
"Great! Shall we go now?"
Their eyes widened slightly. They chuckled, "Why not? Let's go."
And with that, Ayato and Creator walked away from the three. The pair walked side by side, with Creator humming a soft tune. Ayato took mental notes of Creator's appearance, Their beautiful long hair, the details on their Kimono, Their nails, everything about them looks curated and perfect.
"Don't you have other things to worry about? like I've heard, This festival requires the management from the Tri commission. It would unfortunate if the minor things aren't checked first." Creators voice pulled him from his daydreaming.
"Ah, don't worry about it, Your honor. I've got it all under control." Ayato assured them.
"If you insist..."
"A-Ah, Creator... This... Feels odd.." Ayato cooed from Infront of them. Noticing that their fingertips was caressing his chest. Their left hand situated on his stomach, while their face was buried on Ayato's shoulder. He was finishing the documents needed, and Creator offered to help. He felt their hand lowered down to his crotch.
"Your honor- what are you doing?" Ayato asked, the quill on his hand stopped writing.
They hummed into his shoulder. "After watching your Story quest through Travelers eyes, I cant help but feel sorry for your living conditions. Your duties from childhood took a toll on your relationship and social skills didn't it?, How I wish we could've met sooner, that way I could've helped you get through life much easier."
"You haven't had a steady relationship, no? Too consumed by your job to even entertain the idea of romance..." They mumbled, leaving kisses onto his shoulder. Ayato blushed at the implications. Sure, he've read a few romance novels, and even some erotica from time to time, but when it comes to actually doing it, he has no experience whatsoever.
"Tell me, do you want me to show you the beauty of reproducing?"
He dropped his quill. Creator looked up to see the tips of his ears are red. "I- I wouldn't mind.. if it's you..."
"C-Creator! Your fingers are- it feels weird-!" He gasped out, his hands wrapped around Creator's shoulders. He turned his head back to see their fingers moving in a scissoring motion inside him.
"I know it does, this is called fingering. This helps loosen up your ass, so that it can accommodate my cock." They said, Ayato couldn't believe they can say this without shame.
They can't exactly break him so fast, this is his first time after all...
They moved their fingers deeper inside him, seemingly looking for a spot inside him that can make him see stars. After a bit if prodding, they found it making Ayato moan loudly. They felt a sticky liquid being pooled onto their bottom half. They looked down to see Ayato had came.
They sighed softly, and slowly removed their fingers from inside him.
"Can, Can we do that again?"
Creator nodded, securing him onto their lap, his ass rubbed against their dick. Ayato's legs wrapped themselves around their waist. They took a breath and slowly pushed in. "See this dear? This is called sex. A key part of reproduction. I'm sure you know the basics, yes?"
"I-I do, Your honor.. it's j-just that I've only seen it applied between a man and a woman. Thi-This feeling is very different and foreign.. I like it a lot- augh-!" The air got knocked out of his lungs when he felt them deeper inside him. "Good to know, dear..."
They began to lift his hips up and down their dick, relishing the lewd sounds and skin slapping against one another. "I've always wanted to fuck you, Ayato.. teach you all the ways to please me.. now this dreams a reality... Im so happy,"
Ayato's heart fluttered at their words, tho dirty by nature, he couldn't help but agree with him. He always wanted to experience a kind of skinship with them for a long time. He felt as if he wasn't good enough to even get a glance at them yet here he is, his virginity getting taken by the holiest and most powerful person in Teyvat.
"Ne, A~ya~To. Can we buy books together later?"
Right, he nearly forgot about the festival.
"O-Of course-! We CAN-!~"
"Thank you~ for now, let's enjoy ourselves, ok~?"
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ryokuu · 2 years
I mean if it was then congrats?💀
I don't trust this big news in about 10 days very sus it better not smth like a rick roll or imma go decreased😍☝
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ryokuu · 2 years
<333 i love him so much smh
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kazuha (´∀`)♡
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ryokuu · 2 years
Finally atleast someone points it out like i been seeing alot of smut of minor characters or like ageing them yet then they saying stuff like that just make up ur mind??
Mfs really be like "minors dni" and it's minors they're writing smut about ☠☠
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