ryuuenjis · 7 years
Series: IDOLiSH7 Characters: Ten Kujou, Riku Nanase Pairings: None
Summary: Just this once, on this hot summer day, Riku wanted to do something for Ten.
A/N: I’ve legitimately had this idea in my head since 2015 and I only JUST wrote it now. 
You can also read it here. 
It is a sweltering summer day. The sun shines down on the world below from its perch high in the sky, baking the streets and all who walk in them.
A family walks along these sun-beaten streets--a family of four. Mother and father linger a few strides behind their two nine year-old boys, watching over them. Ten and Riku pad ahead down the street, mirror images of one another if not for Ten’s pale features and the parasol he holds in his hands. It’s one of the rare days when the family is able to go out together; Riku’s health has been stable for the past few weeks, and Riku has been absolutely ecstatic about it. He bounds ahead, his attention captured by anything and everything around him until he is scolded lightly by his parents and meekly heads back to the rest of the family. Restless still, Riku saunters back to Ten’s side and stares quizzically at the parasol in his hands.
“Ten-nii, why are you carrying an umbrella? It’s not raining!”
“It’s a parasol, Riku. It’s so I can get shade from the sun.”
“But why?” Riku tilts his head. “Ten-nii, you don’t like the sun? Even though it’s so warm and nice!” Riku spreads his arms and spins on his heel once, as if to demonstrate his point by basking in the sunlight. Ten smiles at Riku’s show of childish innocence. Of course Riku would love the sun when the source of light he knows best is the cold, sterile lights of the hospital. Nevertheless, Ten answers Riku’s question with patience that belies his nine years.
“It’s because I get sunburns easily. I can’t stay out in the sun for as long as you or Mom and Dad can.”
“Ehh…” Riku looks sad, almost disheartened. “But you won’t be able to feel how warm it is…”
Ten laughs softly. “It’s okay. I know what the sun feels like already.”
“But it’s not fair! I want to enjoy the sun with you! We never get to go out together,” Riku whines, practically on the verge of tears before his eyes light up with a spontaneous idea. Ten only hopes it’s not one of his infamous high-handed requests. “Okay, then… If you can’t go out into the sun, then I won’t either!”
Riku then sidles up to Ten underneath the parasol. It’s a little cramped with the two of them there, and in the summer heat, Ten can’t deny the discomfort the proximity brings. He doesn’t show it, knowing that Riku’s actions come from a place of consideration--as childish as it may be.
“Riku, you don’t have to.”
“I want to! Since we’re together, I want to experience the same things that you do! Oh, I’ll even hold the umbrella for you!”
“It’s a parasol, Riku--ah…”
Riku snatches the handle away from Ten, and the parasol is held lopsided above their heads. Ten frowns, a little caught off guard.
“You really don’t have to.”
“I want to!” Riku insists before his smile fades a little. “Why do you keep saying that I don’t have to? Do you think I’d be bad at it? You’re always the one doing everything for me, so I wanted to do something for you...”
Ten’s heart twinges with guilt at Riku’s expression, which resembles a kicked puppy, and he can’t deny the emotions that are stirred by Riku’s heartfelt confession. Ten smiles, swallowing the discomfort of the heat, and inches a little closer.
“Okay. You can hold it for me.” His smile widens as he concocts a plan to get Riku smiling again. “Today, you can be my knight. Since you’re protecting me from getting burned.”
“Whoooa!” Riku is immediately reinvigorated by Ten’s words. “Like in the story that you read for me last Sunday?! I can really be that cool knight who protected the prince no matter what?”
“Yes. Only you can do it, Riku.”
“Yay! I get to be Ten-nii’s knight! I absolutely won’t let anything happen to you, Ten-nii!”
The way Riku beams at him is much warmer and brighter than the sun can ever be, and Ten just thinks that even if he could never go out into the daylight again, he wouldn’t need to, so long as Riku keeps smiling.
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ryuuenjis · 7 years
Like a Human
Series: IDOLiSH7 Characters: Jane (Iori Izumi), Terra (Riku Nanase) Pairings: JaneTerra (ioriku)
Summary: Mechanical Lullaby. Terra's endless curiosity leads him to ask Jane what a waltz is, and Jane agrees to show him.
A/N: I'm finally writing a fic that doesn't involve Tasuku? Incredible
I've had this idea in my head for MONTHS but I only decided to write it a few days ago an hour before midnight.
It's set in Mechanical Lullaby, so Riku's and Iori's dialogue are probably going to be a bit different from their canon selves! ie. Jane isn't as sassy and Terra's even softer than Riku.
Also, this is the music that I wrote this fic to. Please imagine this as the music that plays when Jane and Terra begin dancing!
You can also read it here.
“Jane-san, what’s a waltz?”
Jane looked up from the books he had been organizing. Ever since Terra’s awakening and subsequent arrival at the library, Jane had been peppered with questions regarding the plethora of subjects that Terra had chosen to immerse himself in. It wasn’t as if he minded, though; as the robot doll in charge of the library’s upkeep, it was his obligation to provide information about the books when asked.
“It’s a type of slow dance,” Jane said. “According to history books, it was quite popular among humans.”
Terra’s large, mismatched eyes shone with curiosity and wonder. “Dance…? Like the seven boys who sang and danced in that other book?”
“Not quite. I believe those boys were called idols—humans whose roles were to sing and dance. Not every human could be an idol, but any human could waltz. Additionally, there can be many idols performing a dance, but only two people can waltz together.”
“Whoa… Jane-san, you know a lot!” Terra’s eyes seemed to light up with excitement. “So anyone can waltz?”
“Yes. So long as that person has a partner, it’s possible.”
A metaphorical light bulb seemed to go off in Terra’s head. “So can we waltz together, Jane-san?”
“Eh?” The sudden question threw Jane for a loop. “I suppose it’s not impossible,” he said slowly. “But shouldn’t you be focused on finding out what your role is? You have yet to uncover any leads with regards to that.”
“I… I know! But I want to try it at least once! It won’t take long, right? Just once… Please?”
Terra stared at Jane imploringly, simultaneously looking like a kicked puppy and an innocent rabbit, and Jane felt as if he had no choice but to give in. Refusing such a face felt like a crime on the same level of the cruelest of atrocities...
“Very well,” Jane said, resigned to the startling amount of power Terra had over him. “Just once. It will be hard without music, so let me find some. Please wait in the reading area for me. There should be enough space there for us to dance.”
Terra obediently padded over to the area as Jane grabbed a record off of the shelf and dusted it off before placing it in the phonograph. The needle threaded along the vinyl, and a soft orchestral tune began to drift through the vast library. Jane stood before Terra and took one of his hands into his own. He then placed his free hand on Terra’s waist.
“Eep!” Terra squeaked. Jane quirked an eyebrow.
“What are you getting so riled up about? This is the starting position of a waltz. Place your other hand on my shoulder, Terra.”
“L-like this? I didn’t know we had to be so close for a waltz...”
“Yes. I’ll take the lead so that you become familiar with the steps. Your movements are to mirror mine. When I step forward, you step back. When I turn, you follow. Do you understand?”
And they began. Jane stepped forward. Terra stepped back, tense and nervous. Jane himself was unaccustomed to dancing, his own movements stiffly precise as he tried to keep in time with the music. The two dolls waltzed, moving like clockwork and mechanically stepping to the slow rhythm of the piece. Terra stumbled a few times, occasionally stepping on Jane’s toe or tripping over his own feet, with Jane hastily sweeping Terra into the next step before Terra could fall.
“You’re quite clumsy, aren’t you, Terra.”
“I-I’m sorry…!”
But then, something changed. Perhaps it was the gentle crescendo of the music, filling the library with its soothing melody. Perhaps Jane and Terra grew more practiced with every step they took. But as the music continued, the two dolls eased into the routine, their movements becoming smoother, more fluid; they melded together naturally, as if created for this very moment. By the time the piece had reached its climax, Jane and Terra had lost themselves in the other’s eyes, as if caught in their own world--a world with just the two of them.
Time seemed to stop, and it was in that second that lasted an eternity that Jane became acutely aware of Terra’s features; the way his smile adorned his face, the way his innocent, warm eyes glistened in the dim light of the library as they remained fixated on Jane’s, the slight rose tint of his cheeks, the absolute trust that he seemed to place in Jane to guide him through the dance.
Jane was certain that, if he had a heart, it would’ve been pounding.
The music came to a close, and it was with some reluctance that Jane and Terra slowed. However, neither pulled away, both simply breathless and revelling in the quiet yet comfortable silence that had blanketed them. It was Terra who broke that silence first.
“That was a lot of fun,” he said. “Thank you, Jane-san.”
And he smiled at Jane, smiled so warmly in a kind and fond expression that was meant only for Jane, and for the first time since his awakening, Jane found himself moving without thinking, his face slowly inching closer to Terra’s until their lips met in a gentle kiss.
It was a kiss that lasted for only a second before Jane pulled away again. Terra was staring at him curiously, and even Jane was startled at what he had just done.
“Jane-san…?” Terra tilted his head. “What was that?”
Jane cleared his throat. “Ahem… Forgive me. I’m not sure what came over me…”
“It wasn’t a bad feeling, though.” Terra smiled as he touched his fingers to his own lips. “I kind of liked it. What was it…?”
“Perhaps I’ll explain it in detail when you’re able to find a book on it.”
“Ah!! That’s not fair! There are way too many books here! I’ll never find it…!”
Jane only smiled coyly in response, but when something else had finally torn Terra’s attention away from Jane, Jane placed a hand over his own chest. Where a heart should’ve been, there was only a mechanical core; he was the very picture of a machine dressed to play the part of a human. And yet, the sensation he had felt when dancing with Terra was something beyond the programming in his circuits. Emotion, longing...love.
For those few brief moments, it was almost as if he were like a human.
Jostled out of his reverie, Jane looked up to see Terra looking at him again, the same captivating smile on his face.
“I know I said just once, but I’d really like to waltz again sometime soon.”
This time, Jane smiled in response.
“Me too, Terra.”
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ryuuenjis · 7 years
shoujikazuma -> ryuuenjis
when will i be satisfied with a url
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ryuuenjis · 7 years
Clipped Wings
Series: Future Card Buddyfight Characters: Kanata Ozora, Tasuku Ryuenji, Gao Mikado Pairings: KanaTasu if you squint?
Chapters: 1 | 2
Summary: Tasuku saw a bit of himself in Kanata. That's why he wanted Kanata to be able to spread his wings again.
A/N: I almost forgot to post this here whoops. I haven’t actually watched a single episode of Buddyfight X. I’m only drawing on basic ideas, but otherwise diverging completely. This was the year of self-indulgence
Throws some vague references to the Fall from Grace series so if you see anything that you’re sure didn’t happen in the anime, it’s because it actually didn’t happen
Thank you to Ena (@n4391) for helping me with this. You can also read it here!
“An invitation to join the tournament?”
Takihara nods gravely, and Tasuku sighs and returns his gaze to the files he had been looking over in his tablet.
“With everything going on, I don’t think I can afford to participate. I’ve been barely able to keep up with school as is…”
“You won’t even consider it?” The worry on Takihara’s face is evident in the form of creased eyebrows, and he looks at Tasuku with concern set deep in his eyes. “A couple of weeks off from Buddy Police work could do you some good. We’ll be able to handle things…”
Tasuku smiles, though it is somewhat empty, and there is little humour in it. “I wouldn’t be able to do it in good conscience… We’re close to getting a lead on these ‘Chaos’ guys too. I don’t want to relax just yet…”
Takihara shakes his head, but cedes to Tasuku’s decision. The boy is unyieldingly stubborn when he’s made up his mind. Changing it is more trouble than it’s worth.
“You’ll have to find a replacement, then… The tournament is a fight between fighters chosen as representatives for the worlds. You were chosen to represent Star Dragon World, so it might be tough to find someone else…”
“It’s okay,” Tasuku says as he absentmindedly swipes the tablet screen up and down, as if hoping answers will leap out at him if he does it enough times. So far, no dice. “Gao-kun told me that more and more people have been using it lately. I’m sure I’ll be able to find someone.”
Tasuku starts his search in an obvious place: Aibo Academy. With its repository of budding Buddyfighters, he figures that there is sure to be at least one noteworthy Star Dragon World user.
After an hour of searching through the Buddy Police’s database, he finds one.
Ozora Kanata.
A dark horse of sorts, the sixth grader had won several tournaments in the past, but has ceased activity in recent months. Among the few Star Dragon World users he finds, Kanata is the one who stands out the most.
“He’s the one…”
Tasuku appears on the school grounds in his civilian clothes at the end of the next school day to avoid causing a ruckus, but someone familiar recognizes him and runs up to him anyway.
Tasuku smiles when he sees Gao’s approach. “Gao-kun. Long time no see.”
“It really has been a long time! I haven’t seen you in forever! Mom’s been really worried. She keeps talking about how she’s gonna slam you into the ground if you show up looking ‘pallid and exhausted.’”
Tasuku can’t quite contain the nervous laughter that escapes his throat. “Is...is that so? Please tell Suzumi-san that I’m fine, and that she doesn’t have to worry…”
Gao has begun to pout, and Tasuku looks away before he can get sucked into his huge amber eyes. “I don’t believe you,” Gao says. “It’s been a while since you’ve visited our place. It’s been so long that even Noboru’s begun complaining! He keeps asking me whether you’re coming over today, whether you’re gonna be here or there…”
“Even Noboru-kun? I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder.” Tasuku is smiling, though, when the blond comes to mind. Despite Noboru’s prickliness, Tasuku knows he’s a good kid. Gao concurs with a nod and a grin.
“Let us know when you’re free again! It’s been a long time since the three of us were able to hang out together. You should sleep over again too. Mom’s always cleaning the guest room so it’s always ready for you in case you drop by.”
In spite of such harsh and troubling times, Tasuku is able to smile warmly, thinking about how Gao and his friends and family are always going out of their way to make sure he has a place with them.
“Thank you. I’ll visit sometime soon.”
“Alright!” Gao pumps his fist, but seems to realize something, and turns back to Tasuku quizzically. “Why are you here in Aibo anyway? Is it another undercover mission?”
“No… Not this time. Gao-kun, do you know of a student named Ozora Kanata? He’s in your year.”
“Kanata? Yeah, he’s in the class next to mine. Why?”
“I see. Can you tell me more about him?”
“Huh? Sure. You see, he’s…”
 As they walk together throughout Aibo, Gao tells Tasuku of his schoolmate. Once lauded as the “no-damage fighter,” Kanata was one of the strongest fighters on the scene, his partnership with his Buddy Monster and incredible synergy with the Prism Dragon build making him top class.
“He probably started after even me, since it was after Star Dragon World began appearing. Maybe you remember giving him his core deck case?”
“I do, actually. I remember the faces of everyone I’ve ever given a deck case. I don’t really keep track of them afterwards, though. You’re probably the only one.”
“Ehhh! Lucky me!”
They both share a chuckle before Gao continues on.
“I’ve never actually fought him, so this is what I got from word-of-mouth… But apparently, he won a lot of tournaments. And get this--he was able to win entire fights without taking a point of damage. Never lost a fight once! So he was super strong!”
“Ah, yeah, about that…” Gao frowns. “I heard that he lost interest in Buddyfighting because he could beat everyone so easily. There was also…”
Tasuku nods, waiting for Gao to continue, and Gao’s face falls a little. “I heard that people also began hating him. Because of the way he plays. Stuff like, he’s looking down on his opponent, hiding behind his Buddy, and not even bothering to launch a direct attack… But, I think it’s because people were bitter towards him. Since he had just started, but became a pro in no time.”
“A hated genius…”
“Yeah, yeah! Exactly like that! People didn’t want to fight him, and Kanata didn’t want to fight other people because of that, so I guess he just kinda stopped?”
“I see. What does he do now?”
“Kanata? Uhh… I think he’s part of Aibo’s soccer team. He’s been into soccer since before he got into Buddyfight. Come to think of it, they always have practice after school, so they should still be on the school grounds! I can show you there if you want!”
“I would really appreciate that. Thank you.”
Tasuku explains his own situation to Gao on the way to the field, and Gao agrees to help him. They watch a soccer team in progress, and one player clearly stands out above the rest. With dual-toned minty blue and white hair and deep blue eyes, Kanata zips between the opposing team and launches the ball into the goal with expertise. Gao’s eyes light up in admiration, and Tasuku observes silently as Kanata’s teammates high-five him for the goal while the opposing team huddles to regroup. This goes on for the next little while before the club president finally dismisses the team, and the members disperse.
“Ah! There he goes! He’s gonna wash up on his own. Let’s go talk to him--”
Gao’s phone suddenly goes off, and Tasuku yelps and jumps at the abrupt loudness of his ringtone. Gao is snickering as he answers, but the humour fades from his face when he hears who’s on the other end. Tasuku can swear he can hear Suzumi Mikado yelling at him.
Gao claps his hands together apologetically as he looks to Tasuku. “Sorry, Tasuku-senpai! I totally forgot that I had practice today… If I don’t get home in five minutes, Mom’s gonna kick my butt.”
Tasuku smiles both reassuringly and sympathetically. Even with a Buddy Skill, the Mikado dojo is more than five minutes away. Gao’s in for a rough time. “Don’t worry about it. I can talk to Kanata-kun on my own. You should go. Say hi to Suzumi-san for me, okay?”
“Will do! Seeya! Let’s meet up again soon!”
Tasuku waves and turns to where he had seen Kanata walking off and starts in that direction too.
The path leads him behind Aibo Academy, where Kanata is hunched over the outdoor tap and running his head under the cool water. Tasuku waits until he’s done…
And waits…
And waits…
But Kanata isn’t moving.
Concerned, Tasuku calls out to him.
“Ozora Kanata?”
Kanata finally slowly raises his head from the tap, staring at Tasuku with sleepy-looking half-lidded eyes. His bangs cling to his face and his soaking hair drips water onto the grass.
“Ah… Sorry. I must’ve fallen asleep.”
Tasuku cocks an eyebrow. “...While there was cold water running over your head?”
“It happens sometimes.”
The little Prism Dragon that had been standing beside Kanata, whom Tasuku assumes to be Athora’s mini form, pipes up:
“You’re so silly, Kanata! Did all of that cold water feel good?”
“It did, it did. It felt so good that I fell asleep.”
They both share a light chuckle, and Tasuku feels slightly concerned.
Tasuku definitely remembers giving a core to this boy. Back then, Kanata’s eyes had been bright with wonder and enthusiastic to discover the friend in his Buddy, Athora. Tasuku had seen a bit of himself in Kanata that day.
But when Kanata finally turns to Tasuku again, Tasuku sees that his eyes have lost their light. The passion that soccer seemed to have ignited within Kanata has fizzled out now that the game is over, and all that is left in his sleepy-looking eyes is emptiness.
“So… You’re… Uh…” Kanata’s brow creases over as he thinks. “That guy who appears on T.V. a lot… Umm… Gaen Kyoya?”
Tasuku feels like he has been punched in the gut, and it takes him a few moments to recover. That is not a name he had been expecting to hear any time soon, nor is that person anyone Tasuku ever wanted to be confused with. “Ryuenji Tasuku. I’m with the Buddy Police.”
“Kanata,” Athora says, with endless patience. Tasuku swears he can hear a twinge of fondness in his voice. Or is it amusement? At Tasuku’s expense? “He was the one who gave you your core deck case, remember? When we first met.”
“Ohh. Yeah, that guy. Ah, it’s you, the one who gave me my core deck case.” Kanata seems enthralled, but his face falls a little. “But if you’re here...does that mean you’re gonna arrest me?”
“Absolutely not!” Athora leaps in front of Kanata, seemingly appalled at the notion. “Kanata has done absolutely nothing wrong his entire life! If I must fight you to prove Kanata’s innocence, I will!”
“I’m not here to arrest him,” Tasuku quickly intervenes before the situation spirals downwards. “I actually wanted to ask a favor of you, Kanata-kun.”
Both boy and dragon’s interest appear piqued by the request. “A favor…?”
“That’s right. The World Buddyfight Tournament… I want to ask you to participate in my place, as Star Dragon World’s representative.”
As soon as he hears the word “Buddyfight,” Kanata’s demeanor completely changes. He looks away with a grimace and seems to shrink back. Curiosity becomes apprehension, and the rest of Kanata’s emotions seem to become shrouded in a veil.
“Buddyfight, huh… I don’t really play Buddyfight, though. You see, I’m kind of not that good at it…”
“Huh?” That doesn’t line up with what he has heard from Gao. “You won many tournaments back in the day, didn’t you?”
Kanata shrugs lackadaisically. “That was then… I probably just got lucky. I’m focusing on soccer now, so… Sorry. I don’t really have the time.”
Tasuku feels as if that isn’t the full story, and notices that Athora has fallen strangely silent, but before he can speak up again, Kanata suddenly straightens up.
“Ah! I totally have to get going now. It’s real late. Bye, Tasuku-san.”
And before he can stop him, Kanata runs off, leaving Tasuku to ponder his vague excuse. 
That night, Tasuku lays on his futon with Jack’s mini form curled on his chest, but finds that he can’t sleep.
“...Jack, are you still awake?”
“...I am. You’re thinking about Ozora Kanata, aren’t you?”
“Yeah. I can’t help but wonder whether he was telling the truth. According to Gao-kun, he was really strong, and the records can’t be lying, but… I don’t know. He seemed like he really didn’t want to Buddyfight. If that’s the case, then I don’t want to force him into it...but…”
“But you think something felt off about what he said, correct? I felt that way too.”
“I did.” Jack opens his amber eyes a crack, and looks at Tasuku. “I think he lied because he was afraid.”
Tasuku reflects on what Gao told him earlier. “Because he lost interest… Or because people began hating him.”
A hated genius…
“It’s possible. We don’t know the extent of what happened, but it’s clear that the experiences have clipped his wings. He prefers to stay grounded where it’s safe.”
“But he has so much potential!” Tasuku sits up abruptly, and Jack tumbles onto his lap. “I could see it in his eyes, his bond with his Buddy! It’d be a shame for all of that to go to waste, wouldn’t it?”
A little disgruntled, Jack shakes himself off and stretches his wings out before looking up at Tasuku again. “If you think it’s wrong, then it’s up to you to show him, Tasuku. You’re the one who chose him.”
Despite Jack’s words, Tasuku feels uncertain. His previous enthusiasm vanishes like wisp of smoke as he thinks of all of the ways this could go wrong. “I don’t know… I can’t connect to people as well as Gao-kun can.”
“Have faith in yourself, Tasuku.” Jack places a tiny claw over one of Tasuku’s hands. “You don’t necessarily need the same strengths as someone else to achieve the same result. You have your own unique way with people. There will be something that you can do. No… You’re probably the only one who can do it. Who can help Ozora Kanata fly again.”
They settle down after that, but even after Jack has drifted off, Tasuku spends a long time staring at the dark ceiling, chewing on Jack’s words.
 Tasuku appears at Aibo again the next day, and again waits for Kanata to finish with practice. He approaches him again, and meets the same response. That he’s busy with soccer, that he’s focusing on academics, that he doesn’t play Buddyfight anymore. No matter how hard Tasuku tries to get through to Kanata, his attempts are rebounded off the impenetrable walls that Kanata has erected around himself.
“I did a bit of asking around. Other people in your class say that when you’re called on, you answer the questions wrong on purpose, yet you still get really good grades. The others call you a ‘doofus’ or an ‘airhead,’ but you’re really not one at all, are you?”
“Tasuku-san," the 6th grader pauses and slowly turns to Tasuku, addressing him with so calm and lighthearted a voice as if he were simply talking about the weather, "I’ve been wondering this for a while, but are you actually a stalker?”
Tasuku blanches, a little taken aback by the sudden question. “Does...does it feel like I’ve been stalking you? That wasn’t my intention at all…”
Kanata smiles sleepily. “Even though you’re really cool on T.V., you’re actually pretty bad at personal relations, huh…”
Right back at you, buddy!
“I just want to understand,” Tasuku is sure to choose his words carefully, just in case Kanata somehow manages to turn them against him again, “why you put up an act like this.”
“It’s not an act, though… Sometimes I can’t even remember what 2 + 2 is, and I really do put my shoes on backwards everyday.”
That was oddly specific. “Are you happy with people thinking that way about you?”
“Mmhm. It’s the truth, after all.”
“Is Athora happy?”
Kanata visibly falters at the question and doesn’t answer. Tasuku continues speaking.
“He cares about you a lot, I can see that. But...he’s still a Buddy monster who formed a contract with you. You won’t even consider picking Buddyfight up again for his sake?”
Kanata bites his lip and looks down. Athora places a paw on his shoe as if to reassure him.
“I’m fine with the way things are, Kanata…”
But all three of them know that isn’t entirely the case. Tasuku can hear it in Athora’s voice, and he knows Kanata can too. Judging from the way he reacted to Tasuku’s sudden question, Kanata had been thinking about it for some time, perhaps even before he met Tasuku.
“Kanata-kun,” Tasuku is sure to face Kanata to make his intentions clear, “will you have a Buddyfight with me?”
There’s no answer, so Tasuku continues.
“This is the very last thing I’m going to ask of you, and then I’ll leave you alone. You were right, you know--I’m not that good at personal relations. But I can understand someone through a fight. And I want to understand you, Kanata-kun.
“Regardless of whether you win or lose, I won’t force you to accept my request either. So you don’t have to put anything on the line in our match. We can just have a fun fight without worrying about anything. Does that sound fair?”
Kanata finally looks up. “...Just one fight?”
“Just one.”
Athora is visibly delighted, and Tasuku has to dampen his own feeling of triumph so that it does not show in an obnoxious display of cheers. But Kanata isn’t finished speaking yet.
“I have one more condition, though, Tasuku-san. I don’t want anyone to see our fight.”
“Hm… That’s fine with me. I can’t promise anything, though... Paruko-san always has a way of finding out…”
“Did you say something?”
“No, nothing. I know just the place.”
 The fight begins with a slow start. Tasuku strikes hard and fast, but his attacks are deflected each time. However, Kanata makes no move to launch a solid attack, opting to chip away at Tasuku’s life little by little. Tasuku only knows the Prism Dragons as a defensive build, but Kanata’s plays are beyond even that.
It’s almost as if Kanata’s too afraid to attack.
So Tasuku attempts to goad him into it.
“What’s wrong? You’re not planning on spending the entire fight hiding behind your Buddy, are you?” he says, and the expression he wears exudes confidence. Kanata only smiles harshly in turn.
“I did tell you I wasn’t good at Buddyfighting… I’m not sure what you were expecting from me, Tasuku-san.”
“You won’t win against me and Jack that way. This match will be over soon if you don’t get serious.”
Kanata clicks his tongue at his hubris, and Athora shakes his head.
“Don’t listen to him, Kanata. He’s just full of hot air; he has yet to deal a single point of damage on us. Stay calm.”
Kanata takes a deep breath and focuses on Tasuku, and finds himself admiring how free Tasuku’s eyes look.
 Tasuku manages to break through Kanata’s absolute defense, destroy Athora, and inflict his first point of damage on Kanata.
That’s when Kanata finally gets serious. Tasuku sees the way Kanata begins truly coordinating his plays, almost out of desperation, and sees that his own suspicions were on the mark.
A small smile on his face, Tasuku raises Radiant Star, Linkage, and attacks.
 It’s a close match, but Tasuku emerges victorious. With a vicious combo of Linkage and Soul Generator, with Radiant Alma and J Galaxion in Jack’s soul, Tasuku unleashes a brutal 4-hit attack with Galactical Punisher that tears down Kanata’s defense for good.
Kanata takes the loss into stride, smiling sardonically.
“You beat me.”
But in spite of the lackadaisical posture and averted gaze, Tasuku isn’t fooled. There is a spark in eyes that were previously dull and uninterested. He smiles and approaches Kanata.
“You almost had me there. I had to go all out on you from the very beginning, but you only began fighting me seriously halfway through. Can you imagine how that could’ve turned out if you gave it your all from the beginning?”
“You’re giving me too much credit, Tasuku-san. I’m not actually that good.”
“If you keep saying that, you’ll disrespect yourself, and Athora.”
Kanata falls silent at that and looks up at Tasuku again, and Tasuku takes that as a cue to continue speaking.
“Please give it some thought. I think you felt it in that fight too, didn’t you? You want to see how far you can go.
“Isn’t it about time that you spread your wings again? Ozora Kanata.”
Kanata is still silent, and Athora hovers in between them.
“Please give Kanata some time to think. We’ll have your answer by tomorrow.”
Tasuku smiles and nods. “Alright. Understood. Thank you for the fight, Kanata-kun.”
As Tasuku walks away, Athora turns to look at Kanata again.
“He was actually quite nice after all, wasn’t he, Kanata? ...Kanata?”
Kanata stares after Tasuku’s retreating figure and slowly raises a hand to his chest, where his heart is still pounding, and his blood still tingling with adrenaline.
There are only two thoughts on his mind at that moment.
I want to feel that rush again.
I want to beat Tasuku-san.
The next day, boy and dragon arrive at the Buddy Police with their answer, and Tasuku smiles.
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ryuuenjis · 7 years
Text Message
Series: Future Card Buddyfight Characters: Gao Mikado, Tasuku Ryuenji Pairings: Light GaoTasu
Chapters: 1 | 2
Summary: A single text message from Gao spurs Gao's and Tasuku's budding friendship. It seemed like they could only get closer and closer, but fate would not have it so.
A/N: I don't really know what to say about this other than the fact that these are the kind of GaoTasus I wanted to see from the anime.
This follows Fall from Grace's storyline. This chapter is from Gao's POV. Tasuku’s chapter has also been posted on AO3.
On the day of Gao’s shocking victory against Tasuku, it isn’t just cards they exchange.
As Tasuku is about to take off from the school grounds with Jack, Gao runs up to him eagerly.
“Oh, Gao-kun!” Tasuku greets him with a friendly smile. “Did something happen?”
“No, not really. I was just wondering…” Gao fishes his phone out of his pocket. “Did you wanna exchange numbers?”
Tasuku opens his mouth and stares wide-eyed at Gao for a few moments and Gao begins wondering whether he’s asked for something out of line before Tasuku fumbles for his own phone.
“Sure!” It comes out more emphatically than Tasuku seems to like, and he speaks a little quieter next. “Yes, I’d love to, Gao-kun. Although, I might not be there all the time because of work…”
“That’s fine!” Gao grins. “Take your time. I know you’re busy.”
Tasuku smiles softly at Gao before gently lifting off the ground with Jack’s Buddy Skill. “Well, then… I’ll keep in touch. See you around, Gao-kun.”
“Yup! Seeya!”
Gao sends the first message. And in spite of Tasuku’s warning, Tasuku responds almost instantly.
Their texts are few and far between at first. Normal greetings rife with formality. Small talk. Light questions about what the other had for breakfast and their plans for the day. But as days become weeks, their conversations become more colourful, more spontaneous, and more fun.
And following their latest exchange of pictures, Gao finally ventures out and asks Tasuku if they can meet up again.
Tasuku is quick to affirm that he’s off duty next week, and can meet up after school on Monday. Gao smiles at the text and lies back in bed, unconsciously beginning a short countdown in his head.
When they meet on that Monday, Tasuku is in his school uniform, apparently having just arrived from his school. He looks really mature in a suit and tie, Gao thinks, but smiles and waves nonetheless. Tasuku notices his presence immediately and runs over.
The two do what they know best, and that’s Buddyfighting. But unlike their fateful first match, Gao is completely crushed. Even without Gargantua Punisher, Tasuku takes down Gao’s life points in one fell swoop while easily keeping his own above 4.
Tasuku looks a little uneasy at his total victory at first, but Gao’s shining eyes seem to put whatever fears he has to rest.
“That was so awesome! You just like…BAM! Instant win! I couldn’t even do anything to defend myself!”
“Ahaha… Your deck build is pretty solid, though. I guess it’s just a matter of practice and timing.”
“Practice, huh.” Gao mulls on it for all of five seconds before looking up at Tasuku again. “Alright! Then let’s have another fight!”
“Huh?! Are you sure?”
“Is that a problem?”
“No, not at all!” Tasuku’s smiling. It’s a different kind of smile, Gao realizes, from the one he had during their first match. That smile was confident and proud. The one on Tasuku’s face right now is simply radiant. “But don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Tasuku-senpai!”
Tasuku’s hectic schedule only allows for infrequent get-togethers. Gao nevertheless waits eagerly for Tasuku’s confirmation each and every time and is always a little disappointed when Tasuku can’t make it, but he accepts it. Tasuku had warned him of his schedule, after all. When he can, the two Buddyfight until they drop, and spend the rest of their time making conversation out of anything and everything. Gao comes to realize that it’s easy to talk to Tasuku. He has a calm disposition, is mature, and is a good listener.
Gao would be lying if he said that his many consecutive losses to Tasuku (now numbering around 14) weren’t discouraging. But Tasuku never lords it over him, simply smiling softly and offering pointers and advice. Gao keeps the advice close to his heart as he goes into his next fight in Aibo Academy and slowly feels himself improving.
Whenever Tasuku is on the news, Gao finds himself glued to the screen. He begins to keep up with the latest, watching for his newest friend’s exploits against criminal fighters.
He doesn’t want to risk distracting Tasuku during a crucial moment. But as Tasuku deals the final blow, Gao cheers from his living room, and hurriedly sends a text:
         [sent 13:14] congrats!! i knew you could do it!!!!
And as live footage continues rolling, Gao sees Tasuku taking out his phone and smiling, and he feels elated.
It becomes a routine that every time the two meet up, Gao tackles headlong into Tasuku. Sometimes he bowls Tasuku right over. Sometimes Tasuku catches him and spins on his heel. Either way, it’s always filled with laughter.
At one point, Tasuku begins holding his arms open for Gao to run into, and Gao all but leaps into them every time.
On Tasuku’s 19th consecutive victory, Gao throws his arms up in defeat.
“Tasuku-senpaiiii,” he whines. “Can’t you go a little easier on me?”
And Tasuku, as calm as ever, only smiles. They both know that Gao isn’t being completely serious. “You know I can’t do that, Gao-kun. I’d be disrespecting you as a fighter, and that’s the last thing I want to do to my rival.”
“It’s not much of a rivalry if you keep crushing me!!!” Gao cries out, before flopping dramatically against Tasuku. “You’re too strong, Tasuku-senpai! You’re on a whole other level than me!”
“No, actually, you’ve come a long way, Gao-kun. If I hadn’t beaten you that turn, I would’ve lost to you. You’re becoming a really strong fighter. You’ll definitely catch up to me soon.”
The honest and serious praise catches Gao off guard and he feels his cheeks glowing with pride.
At that moment, Gao feels that even if the rest of the world were to turn against him, as long as Tasuku continued encouraging him, he could keep going.
Gao’s eyes drift over to Youta’s photo one day, and he suddenly feels the crushing weight of the world on his shoulders. He automatically reaches for his phone and calls Tasuku on a whim. Tasuku answers right away.
“Hey, Tasuku-senpai. Do you mind talking to me for a bit?”
“Are you okay? Where are you right now?”
Even from the other side of the line, Tasuku’s voice is laden with concern. It lifts the weight over Gao’s chest a little.
“I’m at my house.”
“I’ll come over right now, okay?”
Gao lets the call terminate and stares at his black screen. A light conversation had been all he was hoping for, but the fact that Tasuku is actually coming to see him chases some of the sadness away, and he waits eagerly until the doorbell rings.
When Tasuku arrives, the two head to Gao’s room and chat. Tasuku doesn’t once ask Gao for the details. He only sits and listens as Gao speaks whatever is on his mind, and Gao appreciates it.
He’s not ready to talk about Youta. He wonders if he ever will be.
And when Tasuku’s about to leave, hours later, Gao grabs his sleeve.
“Wait… It’s gotten dark outside. Do you...wanna stay the night?”
“Huh?” Tasuku looks unsure of how to answer. He glances around the room and out the door, where a barely-audible conversation between Gao’s parents drifts up the stairs and into Gao’s room. “I wouldn’t want to trouble you, Gao-kun.”
“You’re not troubling me at all.” Gao grins. The look of apprehension on Tasuku’s face is...strangely cute. It makes him seem so much closer to earth. So much more human. “You’re the one who came running when I called. Stay the night, Tasuku-senpai.”
Tasuku seems to relax at Gao’s lackadaisical tone. “If you say so. I have to get up really early tomorrow to clock in for my shift, though…”
“Like I said, it’s no trouble at all! Just come and relax already!” Gao’s previous sadness forgotten, he pulls Tasuku back into the room by the hand.
Gao begins to realize that Tasuku never talks about himself.
But when he points this out, Tasuku looks a little taken aback.
“There’s not really much to say.”
“Really?” Gao flops playfully with his back against Tasuku’s chest, craning his neck upwards to look at his upperclassman. “You’re not gonna tell me about the latest criminal you arrested?”
“Well, I can’t say too much. I might breach confidentiality terms.” Tasuku smiles knowingly down at Gao, absolutely comfortable where he is right now. “Besides, you watched the entire fight on TV, didn’t you?”
“That I did,” Gao says with a sunny grin.
“There you go. The only other thing I have left to talk about is how much homework I had to catch up on over the weekend. You don’t want to hear about middle school algebra, do you?”
“Eugh! No way!”
Tasuku laughs, and Gao finds that it’s a clear and innocent sound at the same moment he realizes he wants to hear more of it. “See? I’m a lot more boring than you think.”
“Hmmmm…” Gao rests with his back against Tasuku, the very image of content. “I don’t think you’re boring though, Tasuku-senpai. I bet all the ‘boring’ things about you are actually really interesting.”
And Tasuku only smiles, but it’s a little distant, and Gao doesn’t press him any further. Tasuku will tell Gao when he’s ready, and Gao won’t force Tasuku to say anything.
Something is wrong.
Gao has had the niggling feeling of it ever since he and Tasuku parted ways after the Sengoku Academy fiasco. He can’t forget the look of utter despondence and hopelessness that had been on Tasuku’s face, a face that Gao thinks should only ever be smiling.
The feeling slowly becomes dread when Gao sends a message and the ever-diligent Tasuku doesn’t respond.
He’s just busy, Gao thinks. Or he’s on some kind of top secret mission that isn’t on TV. He probably can’t answer me right now.
Nevertheless, Gao watches his dark phone screen with trepidation…
Tasuku finally replies a few days later, and Gao nearly leaps at the notification.
         [sent 16:05] Tasuku-senpai! i was worried! is everything ok?
He wonders if it’s his imagination, but Tasuku is slower than usual in replying.
         [16:10] Sorry. Something came up. Are you alright?
         [sent 16:10] yea i’m fine! i was just worried about you
         [16:13] I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.
Gao frowns. There’s something about Tasuku’s messages that seems...off. They’re rather short, and lack the same warmth they usually have.
It’s like Tasuku is trying to end the conversation as fast as he can.
         [sent 16:14] ok. can we meet up soon?
         [16:17] I’ll be busy for a little while. I’ll let you know when I’m free, ok?
         [16:17] sure
But even as he sends the last text, Gao simply can’t dispel the strange sinking feeling in his gut.
Tasuku never does contact him again after that.
By some miracle, he sees Tasuku across the street, but Tasuku seems preoccupied with other things and apparently doesn’t notice his presence until Gao runs right up to him.
Tasuku jumps and whirls around. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Gao…-kun?”
It’s Gao’s turn to be a little taken aback. Tasuku has never looked at him like this before. In fact, Tasuku looks like he has seen much better days. He looks so tired, and what used to be a passionate blaze in his eyes seems to have died down to flickering embers. Has he gotten thinner too? “Yeah, it’s me! Long time no see. Are you okay?”
Tasuku’s mouth moves, as if he wants to say something, but he gives Gao a dilute smile instead. “I’m fine. I have to head home, though… Sorry.”
“Oh,” Gao’s face falls a little. The way Tasuku brushes him off, when he has only ever been kind and receptive towards Gao, hurts. “It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize. You’re busy with Buddy Police and stuff, right?”
“Ah--yeah. That’s right. I’ll see you around, Gao-kun.”
Before Gao can ruminate on the strange quiver in Tasuku’s voice, the older boy has already turned on his heel and is walking away.
I should go after him, Gao thinks. I should ask him what’s wrong. I should be there for him.
But he doesn’t move.
It becomes painfully obvious that he doesn’t actually know anything about Tasuku.
That, for all the times Gao has relied on Tasuku for company and support, Gao has never offered the same to the degree Tasuku has.
That Tasuku has every right to be a little distant and closed off around Gao, even though it hurts. That any further, and Gao would be overstepping his boundaries. That Gao doesn’t have any right to inquire any further, even though his instinct tells him that he should run after him and pester him until Tasuku tells him what’s wrong.
But even if he did that, would he be able to help Tasuku at all?
So he only stares at Tasuku’s retreating back, a cold, sickening feeling creeping up his spine.
         [sent 21:00] hey, Tasuku-senpai
         [sent 21:01] i haven’t heard from you for a while
         [sent 21:01] is everything ok?
         [sent 21:03] if you need anyone to talk to im here
Tasuku never replies.
Gao trudges into the Buddy Police headquarters a few weeks later and finds that the atmosphere is tense. It definitely isn’t as welcoming as it was before. He sees Stella (Why is she dressed in the school uniform from Tasuku-senpai’s school? Gao wonders) and wanders over.
When he asks about Tasuku, Stella’s face falls, and she tells Gao quietly that Tasuku has gone missing from his home, and Gao feels ice freeze the blood in his veins.
Gao continues sending Tasuku messages, but they either aren’t getting delivered, or Tasuku isn’t reading them.
But of course he wouldn’t. No one knows where he is. He could be in danger, and no one would know.
Gao can’t chase the image of such a sad and hopeless looking Tasuku out of his mind.
Tasuku-senpai… Are you hurting all by yourself somewhere…?
Please answer me soon...
A month and some weeks later, the Gaen Cup begins.
A few days after that, Gao meets the enigmatic Purgatory Knight, and he wonders why his heart begins pounding the way it does.
The Gaen Cup begins to get ugly. While Noboru faces off against the Purgatory Knight, Zanya seems to have come to a dreadful conclusion and rushes onto the fighting stage. It’s all Gao can do to keep up with him.
“What happened?! I’ve followed you for your entire career and you’ve NEVER been the type of fighter who would sacrifice his own teammates!”
Gao tries to calm Zanya down, but it’s a fool’s errand. Zanya is far too incensed.
“Why are you hiding behind that armor and not showing your face to the public?! Actually, let me answer that for you!”
Don’t say it, Gao pleads Zanya internally, but finds that he’s unable to find his voice. Deep down--deep down, Gao has come to the same conclusion, it’s the only conclusion that makes sense, but he doesn’t want to believe it’s true. Don’t say it. Don’t say it.
“It’s because working for Disaster is something to be ASHAMED of!”
Please. Please don’t let this be true.
All eyes are on the Purgatory Knight, and no one notices Noboru moving. In a fluid motion, Noboru throws his core gadget at the Purgatory Knight’s helmet, knocking it off his head.
Gao feels his heart sinking to the pits of his stomach.
This can’t be true. This can’t be true.
But it is true. The unmasked Purgatory Knight stares down at them all, his red eyes cold, dull, and lifeless, and it’s like the world is falling apart around Gao.
Tasuku, kind and strong Tasuku, whom Gao and everyone else looked up to, is the Purgatory Knight. Righteous Tasuku, who had so vehemently opposed chaos and lawlessness, now works for the one who spreads it.
Tasuku isn’t even looking at Gao. His eyes are fixated on his opponent, but Gao can’t stop staring. He’s deaf to the conversation between Noboru and Tasuku until Tasuku yells.
“Don’t treat me like a child!”
Gao is so stunned by Tasuku’s tone--Tasuku, who only spoke to him with warmth and kindness, who had cried out with such bitterness and sadness and pain.
“Kids are so powerless, and I would be too if I didn’t change! I couldn’t even help my family! That’s why I decided to become an adult! I went from being protected, to being a protector!”
Is this why you disappeared…?
The question torments Gao. And as Tasuku brutally defeats Noboru with Distortion Punisher, Gao can only look between his distraught friend and the Tasuku who uncharacteristically coldly turns his back to all of them and descends back into the waiting room below without another glance back.
I should’ve gone after you that day.
I should’ve tried harder. I should’ve talked to you more.
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ryuuenjis · 8 years
Series: Future Card Buddyfight Characters: Rouga Aragami, Tasuku Ryuenji Pairings: Low-key RouTasu?
Summary: In which Rouga dares Tasuku to call him “senpai.”
A/N: I don’t know. Spur of the moment idea. Listen. There is absolutely nothing to deny that Rouga doesn’t occasionally crash at Tasuku’s place (because he’s freaking homeless). And there is absolutely nothing to deny that Rouga and Tasuku don’t get into petty arguments all the time.
We don’t see them interacting too much, but I do think Tasuku would be a little more frank when he’s speaking with Rouga, hence his dialogue may seem off-kilter in this fic. 
 (This is just my thinly veiled excuse to write Tasuku being a sassy little shit)
It starts with a simple comment.
“You know,” Rouga begins, speaking over his shoulder at Tasuku, who’s currently washing the dishes. “For someone so prim and proper, you sure don’t respect your elders.”
“What?” Tasuku snorts when he hears, and dries the last of the dishes, placing them on the drying rack. “What’re you babbling about now? Of course I do.”
“Really.” Rouga’s eyebrows raise. He speaks with a tone of false incredulousness. Of course, he knows full well that Tasuku is the last person anyone could call disrespectful or impolite, but Rouga is in an ornery mood and feels like ruffling the so-called Boy Wonder’s feathers. And besides--
“You don’t respect my age. I’m older than you, aren’t I?”
“Ha? Is that what this is about?” Tasuku dries his hands with a towel and sits back down at the table, where he was working on homework. “C’mon. Do you really want me to start treating you like an upperclassman now, after everything? That’d be way too weird.”
“Call me ‘senpai.’”
Tasuku drops his pencil on the table. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Rouga has a shit-eating grin on his face. This situation is just far too amusing for him. “Say it like how Mikado and Hyoryu do.”
“Okay. You know what?” It takes all of Rouga’s self control not to burst out laughing at the sheer amount of exasperation dripping from Tasuku’s voice. “I’ll respect your age when you give me a reason to respect you.”
“Oh? Was that a challenge?” The grin still plastered on his face, Rouga pulls out his deck. “Between fighters, strength is plenty a reason to respect someone else.”
“This is ridiculous.” Tasuku pinches the bridge of his nose. “Besides, I don’t know about you, but I remember beating you quite handily the last time we fought.”
“You really think I haven’t been preparing for the day I could settle my score with you? Things are different now than they were back then.” He’s definitely baiting Tasuku at this point, but he knows Tasuku will rise to the challenge. They’re cut from the same cloth, after all; Tasuku is every bit as competitive as Rouga is. “Or are you scared, Ryuenji?”
Tasuku slams his deck onto the table.
“You listen here, Aragami.” Tasuku growls Rouga’s name, and Rouga once more takes pride in the fact that he seems to have the unique ability to draw out this side of the ever honor student Ryuenji Tasuku. “I’ll play your little game. But if I win, we’ll never speak of this again. Agreed?”
“Agreed. And if I win, I’ll just have you follow up on my request.”
“As if I’ll lose with stakes like that!”
Tasuku, naturally, loses the fight, and the look of horror and disbelief on Tasuku’s face is so priceless that Rouga wishes he could snap a picture of it.
“Unbelievable,” Tasuku is pinching the bridge of his nose again in utter exasperation. The one time he needed to win… The one time. “Absolutely unbelievable.”
“A deal’s a deal, Ryuenji. I’m waiting.” Rouga speaks up, knowing full well that Tasuku would never go back on his word. Tasuku grimaces, takes a deep breath, and slowly, as if it’s the most difficult thing to do, opens his mouth.
And Rouga realizes very quickly that he doesn’t derive as much satisfaction from that as he thought he would. It’s the most foreign thing he’s ever heard, and coming from Tasuku’s mouth, it just sounds wrong.
“What’s with that look!” Tasuku catches on to Rouga’s mild disgust as quickly as it appears on Rouga’s face. “You’re the one who told me to say it!”
Rouga presses his palm against his eyes. “Yeah, uh. Never mind. Didn’t think it’d sound so weird.”
“You’re just impossible…”
An awkward silence falls over them before Tasuku speaks up again.
“If you breathe a word of this to Gao-kun and the others, I’m throwing you in jail.”
“Ha!” Rouga guffaws. They both know that Tasuku’s not completely serious. “After all this time?”
“Oh, I’m sure there are a number of felonies you’re still guilty of.”
“Was that another challenge, Ryuenji?”
“I don’t know. Was it?”
But Rouga’s already gathering his cards into his deck again. Their competitive spirit is rekindled, and sparks fly between their eyes once more. “Fine with me. But I hope you’re ready for another crushing defeat.”
And Tasuku can only grin in kind. “Ha! We’ll see about that, Aragami.”
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ryuuenjis · 8 years
Series: Future Card Buddyfight Characters: Tasuku Ryuenji, Kakeru Futaboshi Pairings: None
Summary: AU. A Buddy Police raid leads to the successful arrest of one Kakeru Futaboshi. Tasuku attempts to question him about his older brother, the notorious Doctor Gara, but it turns out to be one monster of a task.
A/N: This is set in an AU where Kakeru and Gara are twin brothers (Gara being the older one). This fic was 50% driven by my desire to see the Futaboshi twins scenario come to light, 50% my desire to write Kakeru being a lil shit, and 50% me wanting to explore what Tasuku does at work. What do you mean that adds up to more than 100%
Not sure about the timeline, but this doesn’t take place during DDD probably.
The interrogation room is deathly silent. Tasuku keeps his back to the subject as he waits for the interrogating officers and goes over the information in his head.
Futaboshi Kakeru. Formerly a prime suspect in crimes that were linked to the Buddy monster black market. Tasuku had previously and erroneously concluded that he and Doctor Gara were the same person, but the Buddy Police’s raid on one of the secret labs proved him wrong.
Tasuku re-evaluates the information now: Futaboshi Kakeru is Gara’s younger twin brother and has been an accomplice to his many crimes.  Gara and Kakeru are able to mimic one another’s mannerisms perfectly, and this devious tactic has sown confusion throughout the Buddy Police ranks for months, fooling even Tasuku. Kakeru’s involvement with Gara’s illegal experiments and unethical research makes him just as guilty as Gara himself, and because of the aforementioned mimicry, he is responsible for meddling with police affairs as well—
“Hey, hey, will I be able to eat something soon?”
The faux cheery voice breaks the silence and grounds Tasuku’s train of thought to a screeching halt. He turns to face Kakeru, who’s currently sitting on a chair and handcuffed. Kakeru is awfully chipper for someone who was just arrested, and Tasuku wonders whether this is one of his many ruses.
He doesn’t want to give Kakeru the satisfaction of an answer, so Kakeru continues on happily.
“When am I going to get fed? I’m really hungry… Oh, silly me! I can’t eat with these handcuffs on. Are you going to feed me, Tasuku-chan?”
But Tasuku can’t stay silent at the quip.
Kakeru is all smiles. “It’s cute, right? Just like you! At least, I really think so~”
He’s trying to mess with him. Tasuku knows Kakeru is trying to mess with him. Nevertheless, he can’t help but feel a little flustered at the abruptness of it all. He hopes it doesn’t show on his face.
“You’re really bold to be talking like that to the person who arrested you,” Tasuku manages to say and thanks the stars that he is able to keep his tone even. “Though it’s not something I haven’t seen before. If you think you’re going to be getting anything out of it, you’re wrong.”
“Hmm~” Kakeru hums softly, teasingly, and it’s one of the most grating things Tasuku has ever heard. “Bold? I don’t think so. I’m plenty shy, actually!”
“Enough,” Tasuku interjects before the conversation can spiral downwards any further. “You’re going to be questioned soon, so don’t misbehave.”
“Ehh… Are you saying I’m being bad? But I was complimenting you! I didn’t mean to offend you, Tasuku-chan!”
Tasuku has already turned away, but he can practically feel Kakeru trying to peer over at his face. “Oh, I’m not offended. I know it’s not genuine, anyway.”
Kakeru falls strangely silent at that and seems to sink back into the chair.
“You think so?” The other boy’s voice is a lot softer than before, and the change in tone prompts a sidelong glance from Tasuku. There’s a strange look in Kakeru’s eyes that he can’t really put a finger on.
“I do. What reason would you have for saying things like that to the cop who put you in handcuffs?”
“Are you saying there’s a time and place for everything? That doesn’t really pertain to me, though.” Kakeru is smiling crookedly, and he’s cast his gaze to the side. “It’s very much the end of the line for me.”
Tasuku has barely the time to ruminate on the abrupt change in demeanor before the interrogating officers enter the room. He steps back and watches silently as the questioning begins.
Half an hour passes, and the Buddy Police is no closer to getting the answers they want.
Despite Kakeru’s age—according to the information they had received prior to the session, he’s only one year older than Tasuku—Kakeru is proving to be one of the most difficult suspects they have ever had in their custody. He talks in circles, often diverting the subject in a way that leaves the officers frazzled, their previous line of questioning completely forgotten. His chipper façade and singsong voice are grating and Tasuku can see it wearing on the other officers.
Tasuku stands quietly behind them as he listens in on the interrogation, trying to sift through the things that Kakeru has already told them. It’s not easy; there’s a clutter of unnecessary and useless information that Kakeru has added to throw all of them off. But as the interrogation wears on, Tasuku can begin to paint a picture of what’s really happening.
“You little--!”
He’s jolted out of his thoughts when one of the officers suddenly stands up.
“Stop!” But Tasuku’s shout is in vain. The officer backhands Kakeru across the face and sends his head jerking to the side. Kakeru cries out at the impact, whimpering pathetically. If it’s an act, it’s a good one.
Tasuku grabs the officer’s arm before he can get too heated. “Hey, calm down. We’re supposed to be questioning him, not hurting him. We’re not going to get any answers this way.” He pauses, going over what he learned in his head once more. “Let me handle this. I have an idea.”
If it were any other child, they would have been met with scoffs or disapproval. But Tasuku has been a trusted member of the Buddy Police for years now, and the officers cede and agree to leave.
When they’re alone in the room again, Tasuku looks back at Kakeru and sees him sadly nursing a reddening cheek. He decides to pick up where the officers left off, but on a softer note.
“So,” Tasuku takes a seat across from Kakeru. “Tell me. Were you the one responsible for the list of offenses that you’re accused for?”
“It might’ve been me, it might not’ve been~” Kakeru’s voice is light and airy, though a little half-hearted. He still isn’t looking at Tasuku. “Was it me? Was it Gara? Who knows~ We may even be the same person! Isn’t that what you thought at first? O wise Tasuku-chan~”
“Very funny. I know the two of you can mimic each other easily.”
“Right, right? Am I Kakeru? Or maybe I’m Gara! It’s an ongoing mystery, isn’t it? Heheheh!”
Tasuku remains unfazed. He feels as if he’s onto something. Just a little more pushing, and Kakeru will be where Tasuku wants him to be.
The young cop smiles coolly. “So you’re telling me there’s a possibility that you’re Gara, rather than Kakeru?”
“What if I told you I am? And what if I told you, that you were all wrong? Kakeru’s the real criminal, and Gara’s only been helping him. Wouldn’t that be a twist?”
“Taking the credit? Or taking the fall?”
At Tasuku’s words, Kakeru pauses, and Tasuku takes that as a cue to continue on. “Just so you know… I don’t believe you at all. I know you’re Futaboshi Kakeru, and not Doctor Gara. There’s no way Gara would take the fall for anyone if it meant giving up his precious research. He has too much to lose. You, on the other hand, have only ever been in his shadow… You don’t have nearly as much to lose, do you.
“But what I don’t understand is...why would he leave you in his dust? Was he unprepared for us this time? Or…?”
Kakeru hums pensively again. His smile is soft, and distant. “You’re talking like this is a misstep. Nii-san would never make a mistake like this.”
“So you’re just a diversion, then… And while we’re here, trying to whittle you away, Doctor Gara’s escaping.”
“Ooohh, you’re so smart, Tasuku-chan. As expected of the Boy Cop Wonder! What a genius~”
“Futaboshi Kakeru… Does that make you happy?”
Tasuku levels a hard stare on Kakeru’s face and Kakeru looks confused for a moment. “Sorry?”
“Does it make you happy that your so-called brother threw you away to save his own skin?”
And just like that, the neutral, happy-go-lucky smile is back. Kakeru’s face is unreadable again, his eyes revealing nothing. How quickly he’s able to put up a veil, Tasuku muses.
“Yes.” He answers Tasuku’s question with no hesitation. “I’ve always been aware of this outcome. It was only a matter of time.”
“Somehow, I doubt that.”
“Are you trying to say that you understand my feelings more than I do…? That’s rather arrogant, officer~”
But it’s Tasuku’s turn to smile. “I understand what it’s like to have an only family. You want to do whatever you can for them. You want to protect them no matter what. Because they’re the only one you have.”
Kakeru is silent, and Tasuku continues on. “Even if he steps all over you, you still do everything your brother asks...because he’s your only family. And do you know what I think? I think that you want Gara to acknowledge you. You want him to love you. Is it a return to simpler times in the past? Or yearning for something that was never there?
“Either way… You’re letting him lead you around by the nose. Because if you do that long enough, maybe, just maybe, he’ll give you the love you want. Am I wrong?”
There’s a strange look in Kakeru’s eyes when Tasuku meets them again. His smile is gone, and it’s almost as if he’s glowering.
“Why are you even asking me this?”
“You’re not denying it.”
“...So? What’s wrong with that?”
“Do you want to continue living that way?” Tasuku’s question is prompt and sharp. “Do you want to continue living in Gara’s shadow, unsure of whether he really cares about you or not? Do you still want to go back to him even though you know how easily he’ll toss you under the bus?”
No traces of Kakeru’s previous cheer remains. It’s almost as if Tasuku’s looking at a different person. The chipper demeanour has vanished so utterly and completely and Tasuku knows he’s found the crack in Kakeru’s faux cheerful armor.
Kakeru is silent for a long while before he speaks up again. His smile is sardonic, and a hint of defeat hangs in his tone. “You got me, officer. But it’s not like I really have a choice, right? You said it yourself. All I have in this world is nii-san, no one else.”
“But now that you’ve been arrested, he won’t want you back.” He sees Kakeru freeze at the words. For the first time, Tasuku sees dread and horror in his eyes. “No… You’ll just be a liability to him now. He might even think you’re a failure. He might’ve factored your arrest into his escape plans, but I’m sure he’ll suspect that you’ve told us more about him than he’d like, no matter what you try to say to him.
“I don’t believe someone like him would trust anyone, not even his own twin. In fact, it wouldn’t even be a stretch to say that he’d come after you and kill you for it. You’ve realized this too, haven’t you?”
Kakeru opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again. That expression in his face--Tasuku can hardly call it a smile. It’s just some imitation of one; a last ditch attempt to hide himself from the rest of the world.
“Ha… It really is the end of the line for me, isn’t it…?”
Tasuku watches him carefully, but Kakeru doesn’t attempt to put up anymore defenses. His work is done. They don’t have all of the information they need, but he believes they can secure it now, provided Tasuku plays his next cards right.
“I can give you a choice.” Tasuku leans forward, staring hard into Kakeru’s amber eyes. They unwaver with uncertainty now. “Stay here with the Buddy Police. We’ll put you under protective custody.  In return for your cooperation, we can overlook your crimes, and let you off with a slap on the wrist…
“But you need to help us. You could choose not to, of course, but the only thing waiting for you is a cold, dark jail cell. Or possibly death. I can’t guarantee that Doctor Gara won’t be able to break into the prison to finish the job.”
“Heh… Heheh… You’re cruel too, aren’t you, Tasuku-chan…?” Kakeru sighs dramatically, humming to himself, but there’s no longer any cheer in his voice. It is the half-hearted tone of someone resigned to their fate. “What should I do, what should I do… I’m caught in between Tasuku-chan and nii-san… This is the absolute worst~”
Tasuku watches Kakeru for a little longer and notes the despondence in his eyes. It’s almost pitiful. Whereas most criminals look at Tasuku with resentment, Kakeru only looks sad, defeated, and hopeless. It tugs on Tasuku’s heartstrings--he feels like he can relate a little. That the expression on Kakeru’s face reflects one that the younger Tasuku would’ve worn once upon a time.
He will allow Kakeru to deliberate on his (albeit limited) choices for the night, is what he decides as he gets up from his seat. But before he leaves Kakeru to his own devices, he decides to say one more thing.
“Hey. Nothing’s ever the end.”
Kakeru looks up from his lap quizzically and Tasuku spares him a glance.
“It must be rough. Living like that with your brother is basically the same thing as having no family at all, isn’t it?”
Kakeru doesn’t answer, opting only to look back down at his lap. Tasuku stares at him before turning back towards the door.
“...It doesn’t have to be that way anymore, you know. There will always be something for you out in the world. You just need to find it.”
He opens the door, but before he leaves, he pauses.
“Oh, and… I’m sorry about the officer that hit you. He really shouldn’t have. I’ll get some ice for you in a bit, alright?”
If Kakeru says anything in response, Tasuku doesn’t hear it; he exits the room, closing the door behind him. But Kakeru is left staring at the place Tasuku once stood for a long time.
He realizes, belatedly, that Tasuku’s words are the kindest that anyone has ever spared him for as long as he can remember.
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ryuuenjis · 8 years
Fall from Grace
Series: Future Card Buddyfight Characters: Tasuku Ryuenji, Kyoya Gaen Pairings: None (unless you squint maybe?)
Summary: Tasuku’s dismissal from the Buddy Police shook his world. With Jack seized from him, Tasuku found himself completely alone in a society that he had detached himself from long ago. How could he not grasp desperately at the first and only hand that was extended to him?
A/N: This is a re-imagining of what happened after Tasuku got fired from the Buddy Police all the way back in season 1. Because the stuff that happened in the anime was inconsistent as hell and my pea brain still hasn’t figured it out two years later. So I just wrote my own thing.
Shout out to Ena who helped me write some of Kyoya’s dialogue.
When Tasuku returns alone to his apartment suite, a barren, empty thing, he realizes just how cold it is without Jack.
There is never anyone to greet him. There never has been for four years. But with Jack, there is life in this room he has called home. With Jack, there’s the light of company that staves off the deathly silence of solitude. They speak as family would, talking about this and that, what happened in the news the other day, the successful arrest of yet another criminal fighter, what to have for dinner that night and the night after…
But Jack isn’t here.
Jack was taken away from Tasuku by those people, those sneering, corrupted pigs who could barely be considered men, and yet Tasuku could do nothing about it.
Tasuku was helpless.
Tasuku is helpless.
The car rumbled through the night, its inhabitants completely silent. He clung stubbornly to his core deck case the entire way back, clung desperately to Jack’s card.
For the first time in his life, Tasuku dreaded the approach of the Buddy Police tower.
Nobari and Shidou were there to “greet” them. With malice thinly veiled behind his loathsome grin, Nobari held his hand out expectantly and ordered for the confiscation of Tasuku’s deck and Buddy.
He held on as tightly as he could, as long as he could—Takihara, Stella, and Commander I argued his case to the best of their ability as Tasuku stood behind them, overwhelming numbness trickling through his entire being—but all it did was draw out the outcome.
Tasuku handed his deck over first. And then Jack—his only family.
He hated the look in Takihara’s and Stella’s eyes then. He didn’t hate the people themselves—the only people who had dared to stand up for him in this cesspool of corruption—but he hated that he had induced that look from them.
That detestable, deplorable look that one would give to a lost and helpless child, was now directed at Tasuku.
Tasuku hated himself.
Takihara and Stella promise, as they see him off, to check in on him when they’re free and do what they can to reverse Nobari’s decision. Tasuku doesn’t keep his hopes up. He definitely doesn’t resent them for not showing up for days on end. Adults have little time to spare for a helpless child, and Tasuku knows this.
The days following his dismissal from the Buddy Police are hard and painful. Without Jack’s Buddy skill, getting to school is not the exhilarating joy ride it always is. Instead, it becomes a listless and arduous trek through crowded streets that Tasuku feels like he barely knows. He’s very nearly late on the first day, Tasuku having underestimated the distance, and the drone of his homeroom teacher sounds muffled and far away.
No one at school knows.
His teachers, his classmates—all of them still think he’s the Boy Wonder Cop. All of them still think he’s the brave hero who has saved countless of lives and protected civilians.
Nothing changes. No one approaches him. No one dares to approach the great Ryuenji Tasuku, the prodigal Buddyfighter whose partnership with Jack is legendary; who has yet to let a criminal escape.
What would they do if they knew?
Tasuku is afraid to find out.
He was afraid to reach out to others, to be nothing at all like what they expected him to be. He was afraid of betraying their expectations. He was afraid of their disappointment. He was afraid of how they would look at him when they realized that beneath his confident facade, he was nothing.
So he remains alone and isolated, even among the very people he protects.
The month crawls by and another worry begins to gnaw at him.
Before long, Tasuku will be unable to afford to live on his own.
He still has savings, and has already begun cutting back on food and electricity. But what will become of him once he runs out? Will he starve to death? No one will hire a 13 year-old boy, regardless of his reputation.
The only reason Tasuku was employed in the Buddy Police was because of his incredible aptitude for Buddyfighting and his Buddy contract with the powerful Jackknife Dragon.
Without Jack, he’s nothing.
Without the Future Force, he’s nothing.
He’s just a powerless child.
The boy he recognizes as Kisaragi Zanya from Aibou Academy lands before him one day and for a split second, Tasuku feels gut-wrenching envy at the sight of boy and Buddy.
He demands to know why Tasuku hasn’t been doing anything. Why, in the advent of the spread of the enigmatic black core deck cases and the stealing of Buddy monsters by the “Grim Reaper”, the Boy Wonder Cop has yet to appear on the scene.
Tasuku can barely bring himself to say anything. Zanya looks at him expectantly. Expectations, expectations, expectations. Tasuku can’t meet them. He can’t meet them anymore.
So he brushes past Zanya, his fringe covering his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I can’t do anything.”
And Zanya lashes out.
“This is the Boy Wonder Cop?!”
Tasuku can understand. He can understand Zanya’s frustrations. After all, Tasuku feels them tenfold.
But it still hurts.
It hurts so much. Zanya’s words cut into him like a cold knife. The aggression in his voice sounds more like betrayal. Perhaps he’s one of the many fans that looked up to Tasuku.
One of the many fans that Tasuku has betrayed.
“If you won’t do anything, then I will!”
Tasuku whirls around at these words but Zanya is already flying away, without even a glance back, and Tasuku feels his gut tying itself into a tight knot.
When school lets out, it is raining.
It is raining when Tasuku walks down the streets alone. Many have taken shelter from the storm already, but Tasuku’s home is still at least an hour’s walk away.
He suddenly feels really tired.
The rain batters him like icy needles and Zanya’s tirade still rings loud and clear in his head. Weighed down by a sense of crushing hopelessness, Tasuku stumbles beneath a solid fence with an overhanging ledge and sinks to the ground, hugging his knees close to him for warmth. It is a pathetic facsimile of the warmth another presence would give him, and the ledge barely shelters him from the rain.
He doesn’t care right now.
Tasuku doesn’t have the strength to walk anymore.
He closes his eyes and presses his face into his knees and ignores the cold, the wetness, the dark clouds hanging overhead. He ignores the rumbling of a car nearby that draws closer, ignores the sound of a car door opening and someone stepping out, ignores the footsteps drawing closer.
Tasuku doesn’t realize the man is before him until a shadow falls over him. He looks up listlessly and sees a large figure in sunglasses and a black suit.
“Gaen Kyoya wishes to see you.”
The words barely register but the man is already walking back to the car—the limo, Tasuku realizes that it’s a limo that’s parked right in front of him—and sidles into the seat. He looks at Tasuku, as if waiting for him to follow.
Tasuku wonders, briefly, whether this is a trap, and then realizes he has nothing to lose anyway. He stands sluggishly and follows the man into the limo and he’s driven away.
The grand manor that spreads before him is one of Kyoya’s many estates. Tasuku is escorted up the stairs and into a large office, where the young scion sits behind a desk. They have met once, it was at the yacht, but Kyoya looks strangely different here. There is no twinkle in his eye, no humour. He only stares at Tasuku, intentions masked behind a veil that Tasuku can’t see past. Tasuku stands awkwardly, focusing on a particularly interesting spot on the immaculate wall as he tries not to think about how his sopping wet hair and clothes drip and soak into a rug that’s probably more expensive than his entire apartment unit.
He doesn’t know what to say. But Kyoya saves him the effort.
“I’ve heard rumours that you were let go by the Buddy Police…”
Tasuku tenses at the words. They are spoken with a sense of sympathy, and Tasuku can feel Kyoya’s crimson eyes on him, but he refuses to raise his head. “Rumours are rumours,” Tasuku says, and he only realizes how hard he’s gripping his school bag when he sees how white his knuckles are.
“They’re not rumours, are they?”
Kyoya’s voice is serious and cuts through the heavy atmosphere like a knife. The charming smile he had worn at the yacht is completely absent now and the gravity on his face is almost palpable. “You’ve had everything stripped from you. Now that the Buddy Police has milked you for your worth, you’ve been tossed aside like a chipped tool.”
Tasuku continues to look away, unable to face the truth. Unable to face Kyoya. But Kyoya gets up and circles around the desk, walking closer and closer.
“We’re a lot alike, you and I.” He pauses, as if to let the words hang in the air before they begin sinking in. “I want to help society… I want to protect it from the corruption you’ve been forced to withstand.”
The words finally inspire Tasuku to lift his head, and he looks at Kyoya sadly. For the first time, vulnerability leaks through.
“So why did you call me here?” But that moment lasts only for a second, and Tasuku looks away again. “It’s like you said. Everything was taken from me. I don’t have anything left. I’m just…”
Zanya’s words sound in his mind again and it’s like a blade twisting in his gut. “I’m just me. I can’t do anything.”
But Kyoya only smiles.
“Yes, you can. You’re brilliant and determined… You’re still a prodigy within the Buddyfight world. And I can give you back everything you’ve lost. I can polish you and give you strength again.
“I’ll be your only friend, even if the world has turned against you.”
He holds out his hand out to Tasuku and it’s the most inviting, warm gesture that Tasuku has seen in a month and he reaches out for it in turn, only to stop half way. The better part of him knows there has to be a catch. Why would someone with so much power bother with a child that has none?
He looks up at Kyoya, a twinge of suspicion in his eyes. “What’s the catch? I find it odd that you knew where to find me… And how are you expecting me to do anything without my deck? Without Jack?”
As if expecting such a question, Kyoya smiles without skipping a beat.
“A catch? It doesn’t work like that. As comrades, I’ll provide you with everything you need. A new deck, new Buddy… Money is not an issue.”
“All I ask,” he continues. “Is that we work together to stop the corrupted adults. Please, Tasuku-kun… I need you.”
Those words. It is those words that ultimately convince him. He wants to feel needed. He wants to have the power to protect again, to be able to fight and right wrongs, to be able to save people.
As if having such a thing would make up for him not being able to save his family.
Desperation blinds Tasuku and he takes Kyoya’s extended hand. From that moment on, Ryuenji Tasuku disappears from the world.
Two weeks pass before someone recognizes that Tasuku’s extended absence at school is abnormal.
It’s another week before the absence is reported to the Buddy Police.
Takihara and Stella and Commander I are frantic with worry, but Nobari has a tight hold on their metaphorical leashes. Corruption has taken root in their chain of command and with so little lee-way to search, they can do nothing but wait in trepidation for any leads.
Though the food laid before him was a grand feast fit for a king, and though Tasuku had barely eaten for the past few days, he couldn’t gather up the appetite to take a single bite.
Gaen Kyoya sat directly across from him, the epitome of poised. Half-lidded eyes watched Tasuku intently.
“Not hungry?”
Tasuku was quiet before lifting his head.
“What exactly are you going to have me do?” A pause as he let the question hang in the air. “I can’t do anything without a deck and they took Jack away from me.”
His response was a lofty chuckle. “Patience. I’m gathering more people for our cause… The time to act hasn’t come yet.”
Apparently sensing Tasuku’s dissatisfaction with the answer, Kyoya continued. “In the meantime… I’ll have you test out a new power that rivals even your Future Force. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Disaster Force?”
“Disaster Force…? No, I haven’t heard of it…”
Kyoya smiled. Reaching into his pocket, he procured a grey core deck case, and slid it across the table to where Tasuku sat.
Tasuku’s eyes widened. He stood so quickly that he nearly knocked his chair over.
“One of those black core deck cases…?!” And without a doubt, the same ones that Wolf and Yamazaki Davide had used. “Why do you have this?! Don’t tell me you’ve been the one distributing them?!”
In spite of Tasuku’s clear agitation, Kyoya’s smile remained unchanged. Always so poised, always so perfect. “Yes. My company has produced these. It’s my dream to further Buddyfight as a game, after all…”
“But of course… You’ve heard about criminals using these for evils, correct?”
The smooth smile faded and Kyoya leaned forward. Rather than a pampered heir, he wore the grave expression of a young man with the world on his shoulders. The burning desire for change blazed in his eyes; the same eyes that had swayed Tasuku and sucked him in.
“Already, you can see that my visionary has been abused by this society. But you… You won’t use this for your own selfish deeds, will you?
Tasuku’s eyes drifted from Kyoya’s face to the dark core. The eye-like gem seemed to stare back at him.
He swallowed thickly, feeling his heart pounding against his chest.
“…No. I wouldn’t……”
And just like that, Kyoya’s smile was back.
“Good… Then I’m entrusting you with it, and the deck inside. I want you to learn it inside out… And after some arrangements, surely you’ll be able to get your Jack back.”
His instincts screamed at him to reject it, to push it away, but the desire to see Jack again, to reclaim his own place in a society that had spat him out so unfairly overwhelmed the better part of him.
Slowly, Tasuku reached out and closed a hand over the cold dark core.
It’s been a month since then.
And in that month, Tasuku has come to realize that there is something seriously wrong.
He has changed. He’s grown colder, more repressed, numb. What once burned as a passionate flare to bring criminals to justice has metamorphosed into a desire to crush, to smite such people into nothing. He knows it’s wrong. His heart of hearts tells him so.
But that righteous part of him is being smothered somehow. Every time he questions, every time he doubts, the doubts are quashed. He thinks nothing of it—he’s grown used to it and stubbornly holds onto the dark core. But there are times when he is alone—when is he not alone?—that he recognizes that something is seriously, seriously wrong.
He’s scared.
Childish pride stops him from reaching out. Childish pride makes him keep the dark core close to him, even though he suspects it's the culprit of his straying thoughts. Because it's what Kyoya told him to do. Kyoya…is right. Kyoya has to be right. Because Tasuku has thrown everything away for those ideals. They have to be right.
He can’t be wrong. He can’t make mistakes. He has to be the saviour that everyone has built him up to be.
Tormented by conflicted thoughts, Tasuku curls up on his bed and presses his hands over his ears as if that would deafen him to the traitorous thoughts and doubts that linger in the back of his mind.
At his bedside, the dark core glows a faint, ominous purple.
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