s-townsend-blog · 9 years
You hate to do any drinking on New Years Eve? live a little.
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I hate to do it, but.
If I’m drinking as much as I’m planning to tonight then pasta is definitely on the lunch menu.
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
I almost feel sorry for them, but laughing is much easier to do. Monte Carlo? I'm sure they'll make fools of themselves there too and be banned from yet another place.
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That's cute.
Kappas run off to another country because the last house party they tried to throw bombed and they know they won’t get any invites to another.
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
all da symbols~
✆ for a morning text
[text]: You’re horrible at helping someone to stay up all night- you had one job, Diego.
[text] but good morning
♔ for an angry text
[text]: Your asshole act is getting tiring and if you don’t stop with the bullshit, you’re going to end up being banned from this house for life and we’re all just going to fucking laugh while you run away with your tail tucked between your legs. Do not fuck with us like that again, Rollins. I will make sure you regret it.
♠ for a drunk text
[text] iego, diego…. diegito. if yoii ust stopped opning your mouth to say rude shit soetimes you’d be so much hotter, so please STOP
☏ for a vague text
[text] Be there soon, hope you’re ready because I am and there’s no backing out
⁇ for a worried text
[text] I told you not to say anything. All you had to do was keep to your damn self and those guys wouldn’t have started anything.
[text]: (two hours later) Diego… you’re insufferable but I hope you didn’t go back there. Not everyone gives a damn that you’re you.
[text] Diego if this is a joke im going to kill you myself
♣ for a text not meant for you
[text] It meant nothing, like it’s always been. I thought we were on the same page..
✺for a saucy text
[text] You, me- now. You put your money where your mouth is now come pay up
√ for a long winded confessing text 
[text] I don’t not like you. You make it easy to not like you but at the end you always reel people back in enough to keep them talking to you. It needs to stop. I need to stop because you’re insufferable. 
☠ for misguided advice
[text] just tell her you and your mini diego are loney and needy. You already dropped your dignity somewhere on campus so who cares?
☢ for a desperate text
[text] I’m bored and everyone else is busy with stupid things. You have your own stupid things but they aren’t that important so drop what youre doing. Now
☼ for a congratulatory text
[text] Congrats, I heard you weren’t the first guy on campus to get chlamydia since everyone came back from break. 4 for you, diego.
0 notes
s-townsend-blog · 9 years
✆ ♔ ♠ ✺ √ ☢
✆ for a morning text 
[text]: Found something that might be yours. Want it back? Black, French Leavers lace. Sound familiar? Come and get it. 
♔for an angry text
[text] 1- you may be hot and a better fuck than most people on this campus but that doesn’t mean shit. 2- fuck you
♠  for a drunk text
[text] im drnk, and im horny. come find me
✺ for a saucy text
[text] like previews? get off your high horse and you might get one you’ll really like
√ for a long winded confessing text 
[text] Alright so I don’t fucking like most people around here but you’re tolerable and have other really good things going for you. Don’t let it get to your head though 
☢for a desperate text
[text] you’re late, you know I hate when you are 
[text] Sure I’m around when you have needs…fuck, Nat. 10 minutes or else I’m going to someone else.
0 notes
s-townsend-blog · 9 years
Me or Your bed, Me Or Ramen??????? Me or everyone????
My bed, ramen, and you. You were in every option so I get all the good things.
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
MAKE ME CHOOSE! _____OR _____?
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
✆♔♠ ☏ ⁇ ♣ ✺ √☠ ☢ ☼ - so, all of them
✆ for a morning text
{text} Shanny
{text} Shanny, wakey, wakey! GOODMORNING STARSHINE THE EARTH SAYS HELLO!!!!!!!!!
{text} Shannon, I s2fg I’ll come over there and plug your nose up if you don’t fucking stop snoring; come watch The Soup re-runs with me
♔ for an angry text
{text} I’m so mad at you
{text} YOu FuKCTIN ATE THE LAsT Of MY RAmEM?????? Wh O THE Fkck Do U Think U ARE QueN Of FUCKING SHEEBA???????
{text} buy me new ramen and we’re even ily bye
♠ for a drunk text
{text} tuck mEEeeeee in, plzsss
☏ for a vague text
{text} r u here yet, i’m hungary
⁇ for a worried text
{text} I haven’t heard from you in like… a day???? You didn’t sleep in our room???
{text} Do we have a resident serial killer???? PLS TEXT ME BACK
♣ for a text not meant for you
{text} Fucking say that again and I’ll crucify you, okay????? Stop texting me, thanks.
✺for a saucy text
{text} He said he wants to ‘Put his Sasuage in your can’???? I looked that up on urban dictionary and that means anal. You always pick em, right; Shan. That’s Hawwwwwt.
√ for a long winded confessing text
{text} If we had to re-choose room mates… I would still choose you. I love you Shan, even though you yell at me sometimes and you snore like a bear… I love you. Idk why but I missed you even though I saw you an hour ago. Ok. Bye.
☠ for misguided advice
{text} Don’t go to C Hall….
☢ for a desperate text
{text} SoS O MFG I NEeed UR HELP
☼ for a congratulatory text
{text} I heard you bitched her out!! CONGRATS SHE CRIED HAHAHA; can’t wait to hear how you told it instead of that bitch whining in the middle of campus.
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
Read More
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
what is it like 65 degrees
and fyi its 43 
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
Send ✆ for a morning text
Send ♔ for an angry text
Send ♠ for a drunk text
Send ☏ for a vague text
Send ⁇ for a worried text
Send ♣ for a text not meant for you
Send ✺for a saucy text
Send √ for a long winded confessing text 
Send ☠ for misguided advice
Send ☢ for a desperate text
Send ☼ for a congratulatory text
send me a symbol to recieve the following from my muse
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s-townsend-blog · 9 years
lets plot. that's all I've got for this post because its cold and I'm lazy.
I'm open for any plotting and any connections!
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s-townsend-blog · 10 years
Here, between us? Hard to say since I hadn't really thoght of it. There could be, but I said tension builder in general and not to say there's any here. You're going to cross your fingers? How cute, Diego. I bet you don't do that often. That's probably what it is, and once it's over they probably don't regret it either until they actually end up crying. The slower the word gets around the better for you. It was.
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So you think there’s tension here? I mean, clearly. To me it’s just a sign that we’ve been around each other for far too long now. I guess I can give it to you that you’re willing to admit it, and just know that I’m crossing my fingers over here. Maybe it’s just a case of wanting to find out if it’s true or not. It’s stupid, but possible. Either that or word doesn’t get around as fast as it used to. Alright, that one was pretty clever.
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s-townsend-blog · 10 years
It doesn't suck any fun out of it. It's more of a tension builder. You just think that it sucks out all the fun because you weren't actually fooling me. Well that one you just walked into on your own for even thinking about it. Sorry. I'm not going to say that isn't true because if I ever do spend any time like that, it will most likely be something sucking related. I am good at it, maybe one day you'll know how good. Women throw themselves at you all the time and you'd think that after all the girls that run out of the Alpha house crying, the rest of them would just know better. Of course not, I believe you Diego. Fun sucker-- that's exactly what I am.
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Well why the fuck would anyone wanna do that? More importantly, why would you wanna play along? That just sucks the fun outta everything. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Actually wait no, I already regret asking that. Yeah, for some reason I get the idea that you’re on your knees for another reason. It probably ties in with the whole sucking you seem to be good at, you fun sucker. See I can’t really say that I’ve ever played the game before. For whatever reason I seem to find women just throwing themselves at me. And believe me, that isn’t me tooting my own fucking horn here. Again, fun sucker.
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s-townsend-blog · 10 years
Shannon laughed at the idea of anyone liking Liam Vasile.  "I like him as far as the services he offers go, and he's not bad to look at with or without any clothes on but, past that? Not really." She returned the smile and nudged a bit with her elbow, "like anyone would be my favorite before you." The entire thing felt frustrating even though it wasn't something Shay was dealing with first hand. She couldn't really imagine what Aaliyah was going through but it didn't her from wishing she could make things better. "Absence can be the biggest thing to drive a wedge between people. You could always try taking him everywhere with you. I'm sure he can sit quietly and watch while you're doing your thing at dance class or even just practicing," she pointed out. "If he loves you then he'd definitely love watching you in action. Then you two could..you know, do whatever it is you do for fun?" she added with a suggestive smile. "As for Savannah.. If you work things out with him, she's going to have to respect that he chose you. I know she can, she loves you too."
Drinking Makes Everything Better | Liyah & Shay
"You know you like Liam. He’s probably your favorite person. Second to me of course." She teased with a smile on her face. Aaliyah just kind of shrugged at the notion of her being strong. She didn’t feel very strong, matter of fact she had never felt so off kilter. She was just doing what she had to. "Yes, he loves me. I do believe that. He is proud of me…I think. I mean he’s told me that he knows how much dance means to me. But I know what it’s like having someone you love being absent and only popping up every once in awhile. It’s not fun." She sighed, and nodded at Shannon’s words. "Yeah, it’s not okay and I’m not okay with it. I just know I can’t hate her. We’re Alphas and I love her. I do know that if Matthew and I work everything out, I’m gonna have a hard time trusting them two even being friends. Because I wasn’t there, but something happened between them and I’m not underestimating whatever it was.”
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s-townsend-blog · 10 years
"Right," she replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "I just can't imagine life being as good as it is now without you around, Liam." She took one of the chairs by the table and returned the smile turned smirk he shot in her direction. It wasn't the first time she had been in the Alpha house, there was so much about the place that could provide anyone that stepped foot in the house with entertainment to last a lifetime. Everyone knew it, and whoever got the chance to expereince that first hand would always want to come back again and again. The place had sort of lost that effect for Shay but only because she already spent more time there than most probably knew. The card table had always been one of her favorites though and in a way it represented many things she enjoyed: power and winning. A lot of things are easier said than done. You might win the game, or you might lose it," she shrugged completely dismissing his arrogance. It was something she was used to from Liam and if it were anyone else she would've blown them off already. Arrogance just looked good on him, like many things did. Still, the best look on him was when he was wearing nothing at all. "I hope you're a good sport about losing."
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Liam let out a short laugh, the smile still present even as he shook his head, “How sweet of you. I knew you couldn’t stand the thought of life without me.” He walked over to the card table where a deck of cards sat from the last party. Maybe to some it might have seemed odd that they had a poker table, but if one took the time to get to know the boys, especially the President and V.P., it’d make perfect sense. It included three of Liam’s most favorite things: winning, power, and money. He glanced over his shoulder at her, his smile transforming into a wicked smirk at her words, “I told you, I’m not going to lose.” It was arrogant, but even Liam knew it was a possibility he could lose at cards. Maybe. Though if there was one thing he was sure of, he would not be ending the night feeling like a loser, especially when he was bound to have a gorgeous, half-dressed chick in his company - one that he knew for sure could match him in the bedroom. After all, there was a reason their little arrangement had gone on as long as it had. He picked a bottle of whiskey from the selection they had behind their bar and placed it in the center of the table with two shot glasses. “C’mon, gorgeous. Show me what ya got.”
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s-townsend-blog · 10 years
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s-townsend-blog · 10 years
You think I haven't picked up on it? I know what you're like, Diego. Some people do pay more attention to you past your nice face and insults. It amazes me that you haven't picked up that I'm just going along with it all. I know one of you does, from experience of course. Me, praying. That would be amusing. You know I'm only kidding, sort of. I would never bring you and your brothers down on purpose. No but we look so much better when we play the hard to get seduction game. If you disagree then you've been playing with the wrong girls. I'm not going to get depressed on you over something as stupid as that. 
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Or I could just be fucking with you. It amazes me how you haven’t picked that up after four years. Hey, we do aim to please right? I’m sure your prayers would finally come true if that happened. Actually no, the thought of your praying is pretty damn amusing as well. Somehow that doesn’t really surprise me, and ouch, why do you have to bring my brothers down like that? Even if that’s pretty funny. It’s not so fun when you’re on the other end, is it? If only you could find a way who’s apparently easy. At least from what you think. Wait, you’re not gonna get all depressed on me now, are you?
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