s6na ¡ 2 years
revisiting this and thinking was it good or was i tripping?
walk you home
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genre: fluff
word count: 1.1k
part 2 here
you first met him when he pulled you into an alleyway. frantic and on edge, these feelings come naturally when you’re with him, as you have now realized.
before this stranger could ‘paralyze and abduct you’ assumedly, you used your pyro vision to burn the hand that was gripping yours, then grabbing your chance you twist his arm and push him down till his back is touching the ground, your chest on top of his and his arms pinned above him.
“you… you’re the kidnapper… that’s been terrorizing liyuean girls arent you? thought… you’d caught yourself a pretty one..? too bad” you said, trying to sound as authoritative as you could while cacthing your breath from the maneuver you just did.
“you certainly are pretty”
a streak of light from the rising sun suddenly shone in the dark alleyway and allowed you a peak at the person pinned beneath you. ah, a familiar face.
you quickly retracted from him and dusted yourself off.
“it seems i misjudged you, fatui harbinger, i apologize”
you knew his name, recognized his face too, due to rumors circulating around liyue about his connection to the awakening of osial. yet you addressed him with this title, to convey your opinion on him.
“phew, and here i thought i would be convicted for something i didn’t even do.. i mean trust me there’s enough to truly convict me as it is”
he laughed a dry laugh that stopped when he realized it wasn’t being reciprocated.
“then i must get going. i do know the fatui can get away with anything but refrain from dragging random girls into alleways please”
almost out of the stifling back road, you were once again dragged in by the same rough hands.
“seems you haven’t learned your lesson”
you attempted a roundhouse kick which the ginger easily dodged.
“whoa whoa… calm down. i just want you take responsibility”
“what for?”
“it’s the first time a woman has pinned me down like that… shouldn’t there be some compensation?” he smirked
“name your price… there’s nothing i couldn’t give to a lowlife fatui”
“you have to offer your body to me, wholly”
this was the first time someone had left you utterly shocked. if you didn’t have an ounce of elegance left in you, your jaw would be slack.
“you’re bold for someone who was kissing the ground not too long ago”
“what can i say.. i’m enamored”
“get out of your fantasies. there will be no relationship between a liyue qixing and a fatui harbinger. especially one who brought near ruin to my beloved city”
you swiftly twirled around and walked out of the dark corner back into the beaming and crowded liyue harbor.
your encounter with the harbinger was not as one time as you had hoped.
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s6na ¡ 2 years
he's so cute
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