s7arry · 8 months
The Moon Bid Her Farewell
Chapter 3 teaser (yandere!proxies x fem!reader) Tw: panic attack
“God damn it, the batteries aren't on sale until next week," I said to myself, or Cabbage. I stretched to try and reach my phone while maintaining Cabbage's weight, but he got fussy and hissed at me. So, I accepted my fate.
I sat for about ten to twenty minutes in peace before my mind wandered. 
"Shit I forgot to buy a new picture frame," I glared at the lump deeply asleep on my lap. After all, he was the reason it broke. The picture... I strained to remember the faces of the people in it. I knew who they were, they were my old friends from college. Were. Before they left me. Before I dropped out. Before everything... Maybe it would've been better if yesterday-
No. We're not going there right now. I thought to myself. I forced myself to breathe in and out, but the thoughts infected my mind like a plague. How are they? The last time I saw them, they were so mad at me. Do they remember me? I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. Do they miss me? Why would they honestly? I force myself to try and remember.
I remember staring at the moon. It was so full and bright that night. I stared at the reflection in the water to distract me from the yelling. To be fair, I did start it. 
"Y/N! Why are you acting like this?" One of them asked. He expressed his anger with his hands, which I focused on. His face was blurry. I didn't respond. He kept yelling, but his words were like mush. My throat was closed and my eyes burned. I tried to make a sound, but a quiet sob was all I could let out. The other one called my name. I tried to look at him, but my tears made everything blurrier than it already was. I felt sick. My body felt too light and too heavy. Both of them called my name, one angrier than the other. Both of them called my name. 
I wiped my eyes again, again, again, but I still couldn't see clearly. What was wrong with me? 
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s7arry · 8 months
The Moon Bid Her Farewell
Chapter 2 teaser yandere!proxies x fem reader
The stupid alarm I haven’t changed since college went off every day at seven in the morning, yet every day it annoyed me. 
I went through my morning routine: deciding I could wait another day to shower, got dressed, poured coffee, shut my window, and pet Cabbage, before leaving with just enough time to clock in at 7:45. 
“You know, Y/N, I don’t know how you always make it, considering you always seem to be running late.” My coworker Annie always has something to say. I think she liked the sound of her own voice. She twirled her dyed blonde hair in her fingers and popped her gum as if she was trying to seem innocent. 
“Oh yeah?" I heaved. "Well, at least I’m here right?” I muttered sarcastically, slightly out of breath from my run to get to work on time.  Annie rolled her eyes, popped her gum, and continued stacking soup cans. With a huff, I set up my workstation. I put on my vest and grabbed a name tag left on the counter, put my cup of coffee in the corner, and started counting the money in the register. 
The first few hours weren't anything too special. Some lady had enough coupons to get her cart of groceries down to $46.87, which was quite the feat. Some teens decided to replace all the Red Bulls with Monsters and vice versa for some reason. And just when I thought my day couldn't be any more lame, a guy I'd never seen before came in. Which wasn't anything special, bigger towns hold a lot of people. But by my third year, I had at least recognized most of the patrons who came to my work. This guy, though, he was different. Not in a bad way, I thought while stacking cans. The guy came up to me with a kind, decently attractive smile. 
"Excuse me miss, I saw this next to a sale sign but I'm not entirely sure if it's a part of it. Could you help me?" He looked down at me slightly, he was probably 5'10", but his shoes made him look taller.  Are those hiking boots?
read the rest of the chapter here
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s7arry · 8 months
The Moon Bid Her Farewell
Chapter 1 teaser yandere!proxies x fem reader
tw: attempted suicide
The water looked lovely from the height, but I’ve seen the view yearly. This time, however, I might succeed in my mission. Did I finish the note? Check. Made sure someone can take care of Cabbage? Check. This was it. My whole life was leading up to this moment. Anything I did or didn’t do was in the past. 
I rested my hand on the safety bars, just like the year before. I lifted myself over it slowly and secured my feet on the old brick. Blackish water greeted me, splashing a few feet below. The moon bid her farewell too, high in the sky without clouds to hide my act. I knew what I had to do. Slowly, I removed my hands from the bars keeping me from falling. One wrong move and it was all over. This was the furthest I’d ever gone, I couldn’t stop a smile at the thought—any moment now, I wouldn’t have to worry anymore. 
Everything would be over soon.
My legs started to wobble. Tears fell from my eyes. My head was too cloudy for anything to make sense. I could hear my heartbeat grow faster and faster, it hurt my chest. This couldn’t be it. This couldn’t be all my life was. I didn’t do anything. I won’t get to do anything.
read the rest of the chapter here
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s7arry · 2 years
hot girl movie recommendations
- virgin suicides (1999)
- black swan (2010)
- daisies (1966)
- girl interrupted (1999)
- leon the professional (1994)
- possession (1981)
- love lace (2013)
- closer (2004)
- gone girl (2014)
- lady bird (2017)
- palo alto (2013)
- the bling ring (2013)
- helter skelter (2012)
- jennifer’s body (2009)
- speak (2004)
- lost in translation (2003)
- breakfast at tiffany’s (1961)
- moulin rouge! (2001)
- perfect blue (1998)
- marie antoinette (2006)
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s7arry · 2 years
i present to you all my favorite genre of men:
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s7arry · 2 years
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i am literally on my hands & knees begging.
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