saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Saatvick’s Summer 2022
This year’s summer was actually quite memorable, last time I remember having such a summer was in 2018,
The year I visited Singapore, played an Asian Tennis Tournament and got International ranking. 2018 was also the last year I spent in Delhi before moving to Shillong because of my father’s posting . He is in Army and I have been to quite a lot of places with him.
2022 Summer was great because this summer was probably the first summer closest to the summers before Covid.
I did travel a lot during covid but not one of my trips were as long as this one.
Summer began with a sense of relief as my first Board exams ended, I was now a Highschool senior with way more responsibilities than before. I had a more clear direction of what I want to do when I grow up and have had the chance to revive many hobbies activities since my 10th was all academics. I did a lot of career counselling .
This summer, that I cant thank enough, was a checkpoint, it made me more calm. I had time more than enough to organise and orient myself and my activities.
The first thing I did when the exams ended was to fix my sleep schedule and sleep peacefully for a few days. After a week full of binging the series I missed out on I scheduled a daily and weekly routine which included swimming, reading, working out and Tennis.
It was a very hard motion to set for me to play tennis straight after breaking my wrist in 2019, I was willingly not playing tennis because of one simple reason, regret of not playing for an entire year and I kept on running away from it till this summer.
I visited my hometown and met most of my relatives which made me feel loved, we could not participate much in family events recently over the last few years because of our busy schedules so this was also a once in a blue moon kind of an adventure for me. We visited many more cities with our buddy Woofy, he is a Labrador . We went on long drives to a few other places.
I also met a lot of my friends during the vacation.
Then on we took a tour of Delhi, the place where we live. I got an electric guitar too which I used to annoy everyone within the range of my amplifier. It was a great experience for me maybe because I was out of the same old cycle, that I followed for an year.
10th grade sure did teach me discipline and consistency. 
I visited my father, who is posted in Manipur, I travelled through flight alone .  he is posted at an extremely remote region which is about 30 km from Myanmar. That was a great way to escape the Delhi heat at its prime( It was 45 degrees when I left).
Hiking, football and travelling to numerous places were the highlight of this trip.
Life is simpler on hills, nature finds its way to one no matter what.
I cant even count the number of places Ive seen and people Ive met. I gained experience and knowledge.
It was cloudy all day there with bright sunshines intermediately, comically the heat of the sun was comforting since it was raining everyday there. We could hear the wind whistle at dark where no lights could be seen far off. The  clouds even visited the habitants who had settled at the top of the mountains. Rivers, waterfalls and tribal villages were the best part of the trip.
Every glimpse was a painting.
I followed a strict Detox diet with my father and was forced to eat and drink stuff I couldn’t even pronounce, did yoga and meditation.
I have had the habit of touring whatever work my fathers been appointed for, he was in DRDO & RCI once, from where I picked up the interest of aeronautics and astronomy. Currently he is in NHAI so I got to learn various processes involved in making roads, believe me its not as simple as just laying concrete down on fields, it took me five days to just process what I saw there.
I visited museums, monuments and labs.
I tried to play video games but they bored me.
I could only bake till the day I learnt to cook food and learnt recipes and become more self reliant .
Music has been a companion to me throughout this journey.
And social media too, I posted literally everything even after the several attempts I did to reduce it influence on me, but I dont regret it either way because my vacation was productive and I enjoyed it.
I grew taller over the days and starting smiling more frequently. I learnt a lot of things, and revived old habits.I finished school syllabus for the first exams before school started.
I came home to find our two turtles greeting me with their intense paddles in their pool and raise their necks high up to see me. My Summer was very rewarding. It was spent exploring and discovering the very little of life that I knew of.
I returned to Delhi a day before the school reopened and hyped myself to start a new academic year with hardwork and devotion. I finally created a list of things I wanted to achieve by the end of 2022.
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saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Time is Cruel
I am 15 years old today and am worried about losing the time I have. Time is invaluable.
There is trillion things to do, be ,have and want and we cant choose all of them.
LYes you only live once and have one shot at it.
It is funny how we don't accept death and believe in afterlife.
Life sometimes gets worse. Hoping for things to change is just not a solution.
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saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Have we been alienated?
I believe there are other civilisations outside our world.
We cant maintain peace within our own, how do we plan to cooperate with them.
Just like the sentinel tribe from the Andaman & Nicobar islands, we may have been isolated from other forms of life.
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saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Efficiency or Happiness
Is it harder to not get what you worked hard for or lose that?
should one worry about what they dont have or be grateful for what they do have.
Does having success give one happiness , even if temporary? Gratefulness may stop one from moving onwards.
Does the success ever satisfy one and end?
The question’s still opiniated differently everywhere.
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saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Unproductive use of Intelligence
The time people spend investing their lives into politics and argument is a total waste of time. One should have the decency to understand others and not enforce their will on others.
Escape the blinds cause disputes dont lead to resolves.
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saatvicksaxena · 2 years
Not to the moon, to the stars.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
I’ll not aim for the best,
I’ll acheive it.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
Vitalising lessons
Everything we are taught is useful, you just have to find a way to use it.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
Make and follow our principles.
Not everythings a punching bag. I don't mind my privacy, it's you who should. Be nice.
Never let your guard down
Love aint a distraction my fellow teenagers. Chasing it is.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
We run the same track but differently
It's sad that not all humans enjoy or suffer the phase one goes through... We all are unique and there is always someone worse or better than another.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
What is our objective as humans?
No human has understood himself, Why would I expect you to get me?
Nobody cares how big your issue is , its your will that decides the pain.
 stay with people who pull me up is so that you stay away from those who drag me down.
instead of thanking people who help us. We should apologize and repay the gesture back...
Its me what matters at the end.
Yes everything influences humans.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
I am not immortal
Villains do be sacrificing the world for you.
Wish I could start it all over...
Revealing weaknesses just downgrades others expectations from you.
Life is limited and time cannot be replenished.
By forgiving someone, you do a better deed for yourself...
Everything has a purpose.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
life is a loop.
So many things to express.
The more you put ,the more you get.Grind.
Everyone gets a chance once, Its up to you to take an advantage.
Just dont judge yourself. You are you. Being grateful is something not everyone understands.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
Violence was never an answer.
We cant live without harming each other.
Everyone gets a chance once, Its up to you to take an advantage.
Life can be heaven , dont make it a hell for yourselfs.
Humans dont deserve life afterall.
Confidence with experience.
We dont understand the significance of the smallest sacrifices.
Being selfless and selfish should be balanced.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
Its a phase.
Respect and modesty.
Listen to music , read , study , draw  , sport , video game , travel or just lie down. Rest.
Efforts are worth it. Everything is earned.
You're strong.Do you really need help?
Its okay to be normal. Cause you are special in one way or another.
Passion , dedication and discipline is the most powerful trait.
Sometimes I cant believe on my own talents and skills.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
Disgustang and sad
Stereotypes and discrimination is just so disgusting. Lets just let the future generations regret our behaviour.
Majority is op.
We forgot Birds and animals have lifes too.
Yes everything has an opposite opinion.
All this competition and comparision, 
All this ego and pride.
 We are all following a path unfaithfully, 
Knowing nothing of where it is to guide.
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saatvicksaxena · 3 years
I wanna do everything.
Another guy who thinks hes humble and perfect.meh!”how humble of you for telling thnx.”
Communication is still a big issue. So many people misunderstanding each other.
Following the trend will keep you away from being unique. But you are not different right, its okay to be influenced.
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