sabelladunne · 4 months
Look, Beverley is Queen of My Heart, literally would be her acolyte no question, and in canon I dislike nor deny her good relationship with Peter.
I'm just saying that Starlingale itches that part of my brain I can't reach any other way.
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - Closing Survey
How would you assess your reading overall? Pretty strong actually, only a couple of books, really, but started with a pretty long book, so I’m pretty happy with it.
Did you have a strategy, and if so, did you stick to it? None at all, but just sitting in the quiet and reading was pretty effective.
What was your favorite snack? I had some chocolate, I’ve not had chocolate in a while and I was very happy about it.
Did you add any new books to your TBR/wishlist after seeing what everyone else is reading? Interesting question, I’ve not seen anyone else’s lists yet, but it’s at least made me excited to get to my own TBR and also to somehow get the full P.G. Wodehouse collection without breaking the bank.
What was your favorite book or experience from this readathon? I’ve loved all of the books in their own way. I think getting into Pepperharrow properly though has made me better.
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End!
I was glad to do this readathon, I’ve not been in the best reading space and though I only read a couple of books, it’s been so long since I’ve read anything over much that I’m glad to have had a bit of a reading kick. I’m hoping to continue over the next few weeks, although I’m not sure I shall, I hope I will. and I’ve broken the 1000 page mark!
Partial Reads
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 304 (started page 60)
Summer Lightning by P.G. Wodehouse - 9% (estimated 27 pages)
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 192 pages
Total pages read: 1089
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 23
Very close to the end of the readathon now! and we plow on with Pepperharrow and the anxiety that it induces. I won’t finish it before the end of the readathon as I’m only a bit more than half way through, however I think I might continue with it for the rest of today as I really want to make sure that all my darlings survive to the end.
The story that I would want to be made into a series: I think that the Wayward Children series would look splendid in a visual medium, they’re really vivid worlds.
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 260 (started page 60)
Summer Lightning by P.G. Wodehouse - 5%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 192 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 22
Continuing with Pepperharrow, unsurprisingly. I did quickly finish The Ties That Bind as well. I’ve just started listening to The Blandings Collection, starting with Summer Lightning. 
Pepperharrow continues to stress me out. Can Thaniel just get a break please?
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 214 (started page 60)
Summer Lightning by P.G. Wodehouse - 2%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 192 pages
0 notes
sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 21
Comics: I’ve already read one comic this time around, and ARC of Chef’s Kiss, however I probably won’t read more comics, unless I finish Pepperharrow and want to read something quick, then I might try the next of the Lumberjanes.
I’ve been mostly reading Pepperharrow, but I’m really close to the end of the audiobook too. I might need to start another audiobook whilst I sort out the last of my life tasks, but I don’t know what I should choose next. Probably more P.G. Wodehouse, ngl.
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 171 (started page 60)
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 93%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 20
Snacks! My snacks are red. It is a complete coincidence, but it’s fun to look at.
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I still have a few bits of life admin to do this morning, so I was just continuing with my audiobook, but now have just settled down with Pepperharrow. I’ll see if I can finish it today.
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 119 (started page 60)
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 91%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 19
I woke up (after a couple of attempts) and have been back on the audiobook whilst I start my morning routine and get myself around the outside of some coffee. I really enjoy the Bertie Wooster books.
From past hour posts:
Hobbies: I have a big anxiety problem where I think of wasting time that could be doing something practical/useful makes me feel like I’m dying. Not all the time, but sometimes. When I do that, but I have no mental energy for absorbing anyhting other than youtube videos, I knit. I love knitting, I don’t have to think at all and I can watch my youtube videos without stress, and yet I end up with a practical product that I can use so my anxiety is soothed. Fortunately I’m at an age where making baby blankets for friends is much in demand.
Spoopy: as previously stated, I don’t do horror. At all. But I do enjoy cute spoop. Nightmare Before Christmas style. 
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 102 (started page 60)
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 82%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 9
Probably stopping here before I go to bed for a nights rest. I would push through and sleep less, but I’ve got work starting back up again and need to make sure I’ve got a strong sleep schedule in place. I will get up bright and early tomorrow to continue through to the end.
Reading Pepperharrow stresses me out because I loved Mori and Thaniel (and of course Six) so much in the first book, and I can tell that things are going to go down. I had to ever so slightly spoil the book for myself so I could deal with reading it. I am not emotionally ready.
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 102 (started page 60)
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 63%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 8
Halloween: Do I try to read spooky books? No, really, really not, I’m no good with spook or scare. My brain is overactive about most things, and if I got a lot of horror in my brain I would not be able to sleep. I don’t mind an atmospheric sort of victorian/gothic story, but more or less as a fantasy or magical story, not so much as a horror. I don’t mind some perturbing stories though, I quite liked the dumb house, or or Ruth Ozeki, whose work is not really horror, but does have some difficult parts.
Chef’s kiss is so charming and funny, and I love the way the end resolved. Like Before We Disappear it probably could have continued with more fluff and happiness, but yeah. Lovely.
Also quote: “Is this your beautiful mind moment? Are the pears telling you to burn things?”
I’m just starting to read the Lost Future of Pepperharrow again.
Currently Reading
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley - page 67 (started page 60)
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 54%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - 125 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 7
Reading Buddies: I have none... no pets. No companions. Very sad indeed. My own companion is spyro the dragon and my absolute failure to catch the stupid blue egg thieves.
For the first  part of this hour I was still cooking and therefore still audiobooking, but I very much enjoy the PG Wodehouse as a change of feeling from the previous book, so it’s still excellent. I like this reader’s voice well enough, but he speaks over the lines a bit too quickly and doesn’t have enough of a change in voice so I have to pay attention to know which character is speaking.
I started reading Chef’s Kiss once I finished eating, and it’s really just sweet and delightful thus far. The whole getting experience in a job when all jobs require prior experience is all too real, so glad I’m beyond those post-uni years, they can be the worst.
Also, sexy bee.
Currently Reading
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - page 38
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 48%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - Hour 6
Audiobook: In past events I’ve regularly switched between audiobooks and physically reading, being quite slow at both, but this time around I was completely absorbed in the first print book I picked up, so I hadn’t started the audiobook until I had finished the print book, but now I’m listening to some more P.G. Wodehouse whilst I make dinner.
Look, I’ve heard lots of things about The Ties That Bind and even more than every one of the other Wooster books I read, it reenforces my strong opinion that Bertie is completely queer coded. I don’t care whether it’s intentional or not, but it’s my happy place and I will not be disuaded.
I’ve also got a digital ARC of Chef’s Kiss, so I just about started that before I decided that I hadn’t eaten in a long time and I’m going to do a little cooking and switched to the audiobook. Although the dramatic BIFF/POW sort of batman bubbles about setting up a general moving in adventures is hillarious.
Currently Reading
Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez - page 8
The Ties That Bind by P.G. Wodehouse - 32%
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 5
Finished Before We Disappear and loved it. I kind of wanted the story to continue with just some lovely fluffy found family joy at the end, but the story was satisfying ending where it did.
Currently Reading
Chef’s Kiss ARC by Jarrett Melendez
Finished Reads
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - 501 pages
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 4
The 5 word book mini challenge, I only got 1 of them, but to be fair I had only read 2 of the books on the list.
If I continue reading Before We Disappear at the pace I’m currently reading it, then I might just finish it by the end of the next hour. Nothing is particularly surprising here, but they pay offs are quite satisfying. We’re getting to some very dramatic stuff.
PSA: George can die in a hole.
Currently reading
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - page 381
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - End of Hour 3
#tbr: I shared this earlier, but it’s an extensive list of quite long fantasy and queer books, not really a completeable TBR, but more like a menu.
I’ve now turned off all background music and am totally absorbed in Before We Disappear. Look, it might not be High literature, or even High fantasy, but damn if I’m not having an excellent time with this book. 
It's sort of tried to imply that both the awful guardian figures have hidden depths, but not shown it effectively, I don't care, just bring me more of the rest of this exceptional and very queer cast. 
Currently reading
Before We Disappear by Shawn David Hutchinson - page 270
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sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - end of Hour 2
Before we disappear continues to be incredibly readable. It’s actually a little stressful because there’s a couple of really horrible characters. I will say that Theodore as a character is a bit of a 1 dimensional terrible monster type character, whilst I don’t need all characters to be complex, the main villain just feels like a bit of a caricature. Again, not that I need this to be particularly complex, I’m happy to be reading anything enjoyable.
Currently reading
Before We Disappear by Shaun Davin Hutchinson - page 162
0 notes
sabelladunne · 3 years
24 Hour Readathon - end of Hour 1
Well already this book is making me hate the “guardian” figures. Both incredibly abusive arseholes. Maybe they'll end up together and live in their own brand of special hell.
Everyone else is precious and deserves love and protection. This book isn't exactly what I expected and is a little darker than anticipated too, sort of giving me Night Circus vibes a little bit, but not as subtle. I’m alright with that though, I need an easy read. This is definitely fast paced.
Currently Reading
Before We Disappear by Shaun David Hutchinson - page 80
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