sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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   — ❝ SO THEN THE G SITUATION STARTS AROUND OCTOBER … and that’s shortly before the masquerade incident takes place. ❞ They’re intent and FOCUSED on their current objective : trying to make sense of the recent past , especially now that everything has come back to them and , therefore , have brought them inches closer to getting even more of the answers that they’ve so wanted to deduce. Rock music softly plays from their phone on a bluetooth speaker besides them , and they’re currently using dry erase markers & a whiteboard as a map and section for notes so there’s a visual to make connecting these far much easier. They uncap the red marker with their teeth ( it’s their own ) and drag it from a quickly drawn manor to a cluster of stick trees , speaking to themselves , ❝ And forest possibly invokes similar scenarios to that of the manor , so that means the manor and the forest could potentially be connected … ❞ They draw three question marks beside the line to show their uncertainty. And they stand back to survey their work , before a finger points to the left of the board.❝ So then how does G … ❞ A few moments of hesitance as they trail off , tongue in cheek , before they cap the marker and look down.❝ Excuse me - but do you think you could graciously pass me that blue marker right there ?? I’d greatly appreciate it , if you’d kindly. ❞
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it’s  been  awhile  since  edelle  finds  herself  in  zelda’s  presence  ,  but  she  finds  that  her  intrigue  is  piqued  .  if  anything  ,  it’s  reminiscent  of  her  own  endeavors  against  the  church  —  to  find  out  what  rhea  did  .  but  she  knows  it  isn’t  the  same  (  right  ?  )  ,  as  she  doubts  the  city  hall  intern  would  do  something  as  ...  proactive  .  something  as  bloody  and  grim  for  everyone  involved  .  still  ,  edel  hands  them  the  blue  marker  as  requested  .  “  that’s  a  lot  of  work  ,  ”  she  comments  freely  under  a  casual  guise  .  “  i  have  to  say  it  is  rather  impressive  .  even  if  i  don’t  understand  the  context  .  ”  she  doesn’t  have  to  understand  the  context  to  know  it’s  important  .  her  lilac  hues  silently  trace  the  connections  made  ;  the  g  situations  ,  the  manor  ...  the  forest  ?
if  edelgard  didn’t  know  any  better  ,  perhaps  she  would  suggest  those  who  slither  in  the  dark  —  though  she  knows  how  they  work  .  they’re  uncaring  ;  those  who  get  in  their  way  of  gaining  what  they  want  suffer  .  that  night  at  the  manor  would  have  seen  more  horrendous  things  than  it  had  if  it  were  truly  them  .  however  —  a  seed  of  newly  acquired  doubt  sprouts  momentarily  within  her  :  was  she  not  the  same  in  fódlan  ?  starting  a  war  no  one  asked  for  ,  much  less  siding  with  them  .  no  ,  she  refuses  to  think  of  herself  as  the  monsters  who  took  everything  from  her  and  others  like  her  .  she  had  a  greater  purpose  while  they  did  not  .  even  so  ...  it’s  an  uncanny  parallel  that  leaves  her  uncomfortable  as  her  blank  stare  never  leaves  the  whiteboard  .
she  clears  her  throat  then  ,  suddenly  pulling  herself  from  her  stupor  with  a  faint  shake  of  head  .  “  i  apologize  .  i  ...  have  a  lot  on  my  mind  .  ”  she  thinks  back  to  her  own  disguise  as  the  flame  emperor  ,  and  she  hesitates  .  “  what  if  this  g  person  is  going  under  an  alias  ?  i  have  heard  many  rumors  involving  them  ,  yet  everyone  seems  so  convinced  the  letter  g  has  anything  to  do  with  their  real  identity  ...  ”  edel  pauses  ,  “  but  i  guess  that’s  my  own  theory  in  trying  to  figure  out  who  they  are  .  ”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
yeets this @sacrilegiovs·
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&&  — THERE’S NOTHING LIKE FEELING AS IF YOU’VE SPOTTED A GHOST. truly, from the sweaty palms claude now has to the faint , dizzy feeling now spreading throughout his body , this is nothing like he’s ever felt before. and it only comes with the spotting of a girl.
she’s somebody he’s seen before , whether it be in dreams , or in nightmares. something he thought was a figment of his imagination , yet she’s there , crystal clear really , just a few feet away. she’s real , though that can’t be ?? not when he’s seen her die in his dreams , not when everything that’s happened was clearly so fake … right ?? 
he doesn’t know what to do in this instance. a part of him wants to shrug it off like he always does , but it doesn’t seem like it’ll be that easy this time. what if she comes back ?? what if she knows ?? what if this is just his own imagination again ?? there’s no telling what’s going on , but regardless , he swallows hard and marches onwards to her.
“ uh , hey , dude , ” ah , yes , dude. the perfect word to use in a crisis. “ this is gonna sound stupid , but have we met ?? ” maybe there’s a simple explanation for this that she can give , right ?? they met at some party , clearly , after all , the subconscious remembers peoples faces. it’s just his mind fucking with him. “ i’m claude , if that rings any bell. you just look kind of familiar. like an old friend. ” he hadn’t even placed that until he said it , though it definitely lights something in his head up. an old friend … yeah , that seems right.
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for  a  moment  it  didn’t  even  cross  her  mind  that  she’d  eventually  run  into  him  as  well  .  an  absent  thought  that’s  silly  of  her  ,  because  from  what  she’s  recollected  in  terms  of  memory  ,  he’s  the  one  she  showed  mercy  to  .  and  if  poor  dimitri  was  here  ,  alive  and  allegedly  well  ,  why  should  claude  be  an  exception  ?  a  bittersweet  feeling  claws  its  way  up  her  throat  when  she  finally  registers  his  words  .  it  almost  pains  her  to  stifle  a  sigh  —  mainly  because  out  of  everything  to  be  addressed  as  ,  in  typical  claude  fashion  he  still  chooses  ‘  dude  ’  .  no  ,  instead  edelgard  smiles  .  it’s  not  as  gentle  ,  not  as  full  of  lingering  guilt  ,  as  the  one  she  manages  for  dimitri  ,  but  it  turns  up  the  corners  of  her  crimson  tinted  lips  slightly  to  signify  it  is  there  at  all  .  “  i  see  .  i  suppose  i  shouldn’t  be  so  let  down  that  you  don’t  remember  ,  ”  she  starts  with  ,  voice  light  and  borderline  cryptic  .  “  we  ...  went  to  school  together  a  long  time  ago  .  we  were  in  different  classes  ,  but  we  saw  each  other  around  .  ”
though  with  a  pause  ,  she  shifts  ;  it  isn’t  her  heels  that  are  uncomfortable  ,  rather  facing  someone  she  once  called  a  friend  before  the  path  she  inevitably  cut  .  “  my  name  is  edel  ,  if  that  rings  any  bell  for  you  .  or  ...  perhaps  you  may  remember  me  as  the  girl  who  screamed  at  the  mere  mention  of  a  rat  ?  ”  it’s  humiliating  to  even  bring  up  such  an  event  —  that  mock  battle  between  the  houses  all  that  time  ago  ...  how  he  just  knew  she  would  show  a  reaction  ,  only  to  promptly  deny  it  happening  ,  at  that  .  she  swallows  down  air  then  ,  desperately  wanting  to  fight  off  the  churning  of  her  stomach  .  she  does  not  regret  what  she’s  done  in  their  past  ,  and  should  she  be  forced  to  take  immediate  action  again  ,  she  would  .
however  this  life  is  different  .  there  are  no  crests  to  bind  society  to  a  goddess  who  doesn’t  care  .  no  fanatics  to  blindly  follow  .  there  may  still  be  connections  to  that  aspect  ,  unfortunately  ,  but  there’s  nothing  fueling  the  flames  .
it  isn’t  until  lilac  hues  spot  a  simple  white  glove  .  it’s  her  glove  .  she  undoubtedly  knows  it  .  wait  ,  but  then  how  —  why  —  is  it  in  his  possession  ?  “  i  am  sorry  to  derail  our  reunion  ,  claude  ,  but  that  glove  sticking  out  of  your  bag  ...  you  should  do  well  to  take  care  of  it  .  ”  another  cryptic  telling  ,  though  her  eyes  narrow  as  her  overall  expression  remains  neutral  .  “  where  did  you  get  it  anyway  ?  if  i  may  ask  .  it  simply  looks  ...  familiar  .  like  i’ve  seen  it  before  ,  myself  .  ”  well  ,  no  one  said  edelgard  von  hresvelg  was  all  that  subtle  .
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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   — HER VOICE CUTS THROUGH THE AIR , not as much in a way that leaves him intimidated as much as … well , the only way he can describe it as so as that he finds her voice haunting. Again , it’s like he’s looking at a GHOST - but in what way exactly can he pinpoint that she is so ?? It almost feels … foreign , like this is someone he feels like he should KNOW but also is entirely different. But she asks him about fate , and for a few seconds , Dimitri enters what feels like millenniums of just straight thought. Because he remembers a dream from not too long ago , picturing it in his head.
   Three rolls of ribbon - yellow , red , and blue - unraveling beside each other. But then suddenly , the yellow and red ribbons turn - one falls off the edge of the table , never to be seen again wherever its gone , and then when the BLUE crosses over the RED … the red ribbon is cut. Like the flow of a path of blood , suddenly stopping in its wake.And when he looks at her , he feels like she represents one of those ribbons. And he hates it , because if he had it his way ?? Nobody would be trampled on , nobody would be CUT. Ribbons can be tied together , roll in the same way , be a part of the same bows & threads …
   And yet , he’s felt like he’s failed her in the sense that he became what cut her ribbon - even though it’s never what he truly wanted , as much as a past version of himself would SCREAM for it. That was never it.
   ❝ … Yes. Yes , I do. ❞ Maybe he’s not the most religious person to exist , but he’s had faith in a HIGHER POWER or an unseen force - because some things , they can’t be explained by simple fact or science. There’s always something else that pushes it - always something behind the scenes.❝ I am only to assume that you believe in the same - and , possibly … ❞ If such feelings in his chest are correct … ❝ Perhaps your fate & mine , their paths are somehow intertwined. Is that why you ask ?? ❞
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she  simply  hums  as  he  speaks  ,  her  mind  flashing  back  to  that  battle  .  at  the  end  of  the  line  ,  she  didn’t  want  to  do  it  if  she  didn’t  have  to  —  but  she  declared  any  ally  of  the  church  to  be  her  enemy  as  well  .  her  resolve  was  too  strong  to  waver  for  anyone  .  and  what  did  he  do  ?  put  the  both  of  them  in  a  position  she  couldn’t  ignore  .  she  doesn’t  blame  him  ;  she  doesn’t  think  she  ever  did  .  it  was  misfortune  ,  and  a  lot  of  it  ,  that  led  them  to  their  paths  .  in  a  way  ,  they  were  opposite  sides  of  the  same  coin  .  edelgard  remembers  the  aftermath  as  if  it  happened  yesterday  .  byleth  asking  if  she’s  crying  ,  only  for  her  to  brush  their  concerns  off  .  a  private  moment  of  lamenting  the  death  of  her  last  brother  ,  before  handing  off  his  cloak  to  one  who  still  deserved  it  far  more  than  she  .  goddess  ,  it  was  suffocating  to  even  relive  in  memories  .
“  yes  .  while  i  believe  in  making  our  own  fates  and  that  no  divine  being  should  have  a  say  in  it  ,  i  have  a  ...  strong  suspicion  our  paths  are  unavoidably  linked  ,  one  way  or  another  .  ”  edelgard  pauses  in  thought  ,  sighing  quietly  as  she  continues  .  “  someone  once  gave  me  a  gift  as  a  child  and  told  me  it  symbolized  carving  ones  own  destiny  .  at  the  time  i  didn’t  realize  how  important  it  would  become  to  me  and  my  journey  ,  but  i  never  did  get  to  thank  him  properly  ...  ”
her  expression  is  vaguely  mournful  as  her  gaze  stays  on  him  ,  half  trying  to  gauge  a  reaction  and  half  just  to  see  him  again  .  because  to  see  him  when  they  aren’t  going  at  each  other’s  throats  ?  it  hardly  feels  real  .  it  almost  feels  like  the  childhood  that  was  torn  from  them  both  .  almost  .  “  i’m  not  sure  why  i  decided  to  tell  you  all  that  ,  ”  she  lies  smoothly  .  “  i  suppose  you  remind  me  of  him  .  ”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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                    BRENNA  DESPISES  BEING  behind  the  counter.  she  would  much  rather  slip  into  the  back  room  or  the  greenhouse  and  water  the  plants  than  manage  the  cash  register,  but  there  are  times  where  there  really  is  no  one  else  to  handle  the  place  and  she  has  to  suck  it  up  and  do  what  she’s  being  paid  to  do.  that  does  nothing  to  calm  her  fears,  however,  and  the  moment  she  hears  someone  enter  the  shop,  she  makes  herself  smaller  behind  the  register.  it’s  selfish  and  she  will  hate  herself  for  it  later  if  it  works,  but  part  of  her  hopes  that  the  customer  will  assume  no  one  is  here  to  serve  them  and  leave  until  later  when  someone  else  is  behind  the  desk.  that  doesn’t  end  up  being  the  case,  however,  and  she  slowly  steps  to  the  side  so  she  is  properly  in  the  customer’s  view.  she  looks  at  them  and  has  to  resist  the  urge  to  frown  when  she  feels  as  if  she  should  recognise  them  from  somewhere,  but  she  doesn’t.  what  is  this,  the  third  time  now  ??  it’s  becoming  more  and  more  exhausting.  ❝  um  —  no,  i’m  not  busy.  ❞  her  voice  is  loud  enough,  but  her  tone  isn’t  firm,  wavering  slightly  in  the  middle.  she  tries  for  a  smile  that  she  is  sure  must  be  shakier  than  intended.  her  customer  service  skills  are  abysmal.  how  did  she  even  get  hired  ??  ❝  of  course  !!  what  —  what  can  i  help  you  with  ??  ❞
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although  undoubtedly  familiar  to  her  ,  something  about  how  bernadetta  is  acting  makes  her  frown  involuntarily  for  a  split  second  .  perhaps  since  it  reminds  her  of  their  academy  days  ,  with  how  shaky  she’s  being  .  which  is  a  shame  ,  edel  thinks  as  she  remembers  the  other’s  progress  of  becoming  slightly  more  outgoing  .  of  course  even  then  it  wasn’t  drastic  ,  as  one  would  expect  ,  but  it  was  enough  to  show  change  —  something  that  edelgard  found  pride  in  witnessing  over  the  years  .  bernie’s  personal  growth  was  something  she  never  thought  to  see  ,  yet  here  they  are  in  this  new  world  and  it  seems  as  if  many  things  have  reverted  .  oh  well  ,  she  supposes  that’s  how  things  are  .  maybe  if  bernadetta  remembers  ,  then  maybe  it’ll  come  back  too  .  either  way  ,  el  clears  her  throat  before  she  responds  .  “  well  ,  i  was  hoping  if  you  could  show  me  the  best  flowers  to  use  as  a  reference  ?  i  find  myself  very  busy  ,  however  i  enjoy  painting  ...  so  i  was  thinking  ,  perhaps  some  flowers  can  inspire  me  .  ”  though  she  pauses  with  a  slight  chuckle  ,  realizing  how  silly  it  may  sound  .  “  if  it’s  an  odd  request  ,  i‘m  sorry  .  if  it’s  not  too  much  to  say  ,  you  simply  strike  me  as  the  type  to  have  a  keen  eye  for  these  things  .  ”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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   — HE’S TRIED TO IGNORE THE AFTERMATH OF … THAT EVENT , but it’s hard. It leaves him with questions left unanswered , questions that he doesn’t know if he wants answered - and so many feelings and yearns for people he doesn’t know too well , OR has never even met.
   And then there’s her.
   The woman from that night - the woman who , due to him never seeing her AFTER THAT , he was certain was another phantom like the rest of them. But then he sees her now , and almost freezes - her features are distinct and sharp and there’s an otherworldly clarity to her that makes him feel both MELANCHOLIC & SICK. Like … like she is a ghost , but in not the way he thinks. Like the last time he saw her , she was … she was … 
   He snaps out of his trance. El , El , El , El - Lips purse as his eyes trace over her frame , the eerieness of her form still unsettling for reasons that he can’t place ; but he strangely feels more of a yearn to open up , get closer. Like he’s wanted this , but for whatever he cannot describe. He wants to extend a hand out , but restraints himself , remaining entirely still. ❝ I’m so sorry ; I’m so - I’m rather … not much of myself today. Hello , it was … ❞ He pauses. He can’t find her name - what she told him it was , but his conscience soon slips from his lips as he asks , ❝ El ?? It was El , was it not ?? I hope I’m not mistaken. ❞
   She asks how he is - and he can either lie and be positive , or be HONEST. But this is Dimitri , who has never been comfortable … letting any feelings that there’s anything wrong out. There’s too many eyes on him , he feels as if too many are COUNTING on him to allow him to voice how he’s bothered. Invisible eyes on his form he feels place every move he makes , and he replies , ❝ That night , admittedly - shook me a bit. I’m horribly sorry that was our last meeting , but I promise you I’m much better as of now. How are you faring ?? ❞ 
   He chooses to lie.
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a  look  of  surprise  flashes  across  her  face  .  a  nickname  no  one  —  besides  dahlia’s  twist  of  ellie  —  has  said  in  ...  well  ,  she’s  unsure  how  long  it’s  been  .  it  feels  like  an  eternity  ;  hearing  him  say  it  now  gives  her  a  heavier heart  .  “  i  ...  yes  .  you  may  call  me  el  .  actually  ,  i  would  prefer  it  if  you  did  .  however  ,  i  don’t  believe  i  caught  your  name  ?  ”  it’s  easy  to  feign  cluelessness  —  not  that  it  was pretending  a  while  ago  ,  but  as  more  and  more  of  her  memories  resurface  ,  she  has  to  wonder  .  all  that  time  spent  pretending  she  had  no  idea  about   the  flame  emperor’s  plans  ...  edelgard  holds  in  a  sigh  .  that  is  the  past  and  nothing  can  change  it  .  yet  as  she  allows  dimitri’s  words  to  sink  in  ,  she  doesn’t  know  how  to  describe  it  .  remorse  ,  bittersweetness  ,  the  childish  longing  of  wanting  to  keep  him  close  despite  doing  everything  that  would  inevitably  push  him  away  .
the  final  sentence  of   ‘  farewell  king  of  delusion  ’  buzzes  in  her  ears  as  she  absentmindedly  nods  .  did  he  always  have  an  eyepatch  ?  she  can’t  recall  and  she  doesn’t  remember  one  .  is  it  her  mind  playing  tricks  again  ?
“  i  see  .  ” her  voice  is  smooth  ,  neutral  .  (  is  it  wishful  thinking  to  perhaps  hope  this  life  might  allow  them  to  be  kinder  ?  )  still  ,  hesitation  seeps  into  their  speech  —  into  their  actions  —  and  it  doesn’t  go  unnoticed  .  or  at  least  it’s  how  she  feels  ,  because  if  this  life  has  taught  her  anything  thus  far  ,  it’s  that  not  everyone  is  against  you  .  it’s  a  hard  ,  terrifying  concept  to  let  people  see  you  in  a  position  that’s  readily  available  to  overpower  .  but  ,  she’s  taking  baby  steps  .  so  if  anything  ,  she  can  extend  it  towards  the  only  family  she  thought  had  left  for  the  longest  time  .
“  i  have  to  agree  ,  it  left  a  sour  taste  in  my  mouth  afterward  —  though  i’m  alright  now  as  well  .  ”  while  she  still  might  not  understand  how  people  back  in  fódlan  placed  blind  faith  in  the  goddess  ,  she  almost  prays  that  dimitri  has  a  better  life  here  away  from  it  all  .  a  tragedy  :  fully  aware  she  can’t  lament  on  what  if  scenarios  ,  but  it  doesn’t  make  it  any  easier  .  stuck  in  a  loop  of  leaning  in  and  subsequently  tearing  away  .  “  it’s  strange  .  i’ve  had  a  revelation  of  sorts  since  that  night  .  ”  edel  realizes  he  may  not  understand  the  meaning  behind  her  chosen  words  ,  although  in  this  moment  she  doesn’t  suppose  it  matters  anyway  .  “  tell  me  ,  do  you  believe  in fate  ?  ”  the  question  comes  out  before  she  can  stop  it  .  it  clearly  wasn’t  fate  for  them  to  have  their  paths  intertwine  peacefully  back  home  ;  though  now  anything  is  possible  .
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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little sister
(based on this portrait of the romanov daughters)
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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the  sacred  grove  .  a  place  she  hardly  finds  time  to  visit  ,  unless  to  see  dahlia  .  though  edelgard  won’t  lie  ,  the  carnations  are  her  favorite  —  something  that’s  always  been  true  ,  this  life  or  past  .  her  heart  aches  as  she  thinks  about  it  ,  oh  how  frivolous  she’s  being  .  a  soft  sigh  escapes  her  lips  as  pale  fingers  ghosting  over  various  petals  .  this  life  is  a  new  beginning  ,  she  reminds  herself  .  a  life  without  the  harshness  of  fódlan  —  a  life  without  those  who  slither  in  the  dark  ever  existing  .  a  freedom  that  seems  too  good  to  stay  .  although  it  has  its  own  downfalls  ,  edelgard  can  count  her  blessings  .  half  expecting  to  find  dollie  when  she  eventually  finds  herself  at  the  counter  ,  she’s  surprised  to  see  different  familiar  face  .  one  ,  however  ,  that  is  hiding  away  the  best  she  can  .  it  brings  a  slight  smile  to  her  face  .  some  things  don’t  change  ,  she  supposes  .  “  excuse  me  ?  ”  edelgard  calls  out  ,  tone  a  juxtaposition  of  sharp  and  soft  all  the  same  ,  trying  to  catch  the  employee’s  attention  .  “  are  you  busy  ?  ”  she  knows  it’s  probably  hard  for  bernie  ,  and  she  wonders  if  the  other  girl  remembers  or  not  .  it’s  arguably  infuriating  that  she  knows  things  she  hadn’t  prior  ,  because  now  she  struggles  to  be  completely  sure  about  those  around  her  .  what  really  happened  to  everyone  ?  where  were  they  all  from  ?  or  were  they  always  from  this  place  ?  it’s  so  many  questions  ,  not  enough  answers  .  “  i  was  hoping  for  some  assistance  ...  ”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
📱 - lin
SAVED  AS:  LinhardtRINGTONE:  Default
EDELGARD  (Nov.  28,  12  PM):  Where  are  you  ?  Are  you  even  awake  ?EDELGARD  (Nov.  28,  12:05  PM):  Do  not  leave  me  on  read  ,  Linhardt  .  If  you  are  not  going  to  respond  ,  please  at  least  have  the  decency  to  turn  receipts  off  .EDELGARD  (Nov.  28,  12:05  PM):  I  understand  you  would  rather  sleep  and  not  care  if  someone  knows  you  received  their  message  ,  however  I  believe  you  underestimate  how  many  times  I  will  pester  you  until  you  give  me  an  answer  .
EDELGARD  (Nov.  30,  7:30  PM):  I  know  it’s  long  past  7th  of  the  Red  Wolf  Moon  ,  but  I  hope  you  had  a  decent  birthday  in  this  world  nonetheless  .EDELGARD  (Nov.  30,  7:32  PM):  Sorry  .  I  was  just  thinking  about  …  everything  ,  and  remembered  .
EDELGARD  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  Do  you  miss  home  ?EDELGARD  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  The  home  we  all  fought  for  .  The  home  we  dedicated  our  lives  to  ,  to  change  into  something  better.EDELGARD  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  All  that  warfare  ,  all  the  bloodshed  .  Now  that  I  know  what  transpired  ,  I  sometimes  find  myself  wondering  if  it  was  worth  it  .  Especially  considering  that  we  are  far  from  the  empire  these  days  .EDELGARD  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  I  remember  Professor  Manuela  once  told  me  some  problems  require  drastic  measures  .  She  understood  me  ,  believed  in  our  cause  ,  despite  believing  in  the  goddess  as  well  .  Her  words  find  themselves  etched  into  my  heart  once  more  as  I  go  about  my  day  ;  I  know  she  was  right  .  I  know  that  all  the  sacrifices  made  were  worth  it  ,  and  yet  …  Well  ,  I  suppose  I’ve  spent  so  long  without  knowing  that  the  weight  of  it  is  inevitably  sinking  in  .EDELGARD  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  Thank  you  for  believing  in  me  ,  too  .  Despite  your  consistent  drowsiness  and  no  apparent  ambition  ,  I  am  proud  of  what  you  managed  to  accomplish  .
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
Here are the memes for today’s meme day !! Remember to reblog this post , take out the memes you don’t want if you like , and link to yours characters’ askboxes !! Today we’re throwing some more character development memes at you , and will most likely have more prompts up next week so watch out for that !!
More Cellphone Headcanons ( heads up, this one gets pretty lengthy bt its worth it )
edel . genji . myde . dante .
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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ever  since  their  encounter  at  the  ball  ,  edelgard  knew  this  was  inevitable  .  and  perhaps  it’s  worse  now  she  remembers  him  —  all  but  a  name  to  the  face  that  brings  her  such  guilt  .  farewell  ,  king  of  delusion  .  a  scoff  falls  from  red  lips  as  she  thinks  of  it  .  the  most  persistent  memory  she’s  had  ,  the  very  first  she’s  wrapped  herself  around  ;  he’s  a  real  person  and  not  some  intangible  figure  haunting  her  imagination  .  the  man  she  once  thought  of  as  another  brother  .  another  brother  ultimately  lost  to  something  her  uncle  orchestrated  .  though  ,  el  must  admit  ,  it’s  strange  .  in  this  life  ,  he  bears  an  eye-patch  .  a  frown  etches  itself  upon  her  visage  as  she  steps  forward  tentatively  .  “  hello  ?  ”  edelgard  calls  out  to  him  curiously  ,  voice  calm  as  can  be  .  it’s  a  practiced  habit  she’s  falling  into  again  ,  to  close  off  her  emotions  because  she  can’t  have  people  see  her  vulnerability  .  “  i’m  sorry  for  interrupting  .  i  believe  we  met  at  the  masquerade  ?  ”  for  a  moment  when  everything  went  to  shit  .  oh  ,  she  wishes  she  met  him  face  to  face  at  a  better  time  .  although  she  supposes  this  could  be  it  .  “  i  hope  this  isn’t  somehow  too  forward  of  me  ,  ”  she  speaks  steadily  with  a  quiet  chuckle  .  “  but  i  was  wondering  how  you’ve  been  doing  ?  ever  since  ,  you  know  .  ”  a  pause  .  “  from  what  i  can  recall  ,  you  appeared  rather  distraught  ...  is  everything  is  better  now  ?  ”  better  .  what  a  fickle  word  .  yet  ,  perhaps  this  life  is  a  gift  of  sorts  ;  allowing  them  to  properly  rekindle  what’s  been  lost  —  at  least  then  that  way  she  can  rationalize  it  .
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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“  updates  ?  oh  ,  there  have  been  ...  plenty  .  some  good  ,  some  bad  .  ”  edelgard  hums  as  she  takes  out  her  crown  ,  placing  it  atop  her  head  before  she  turns  around  to  face  amy  .  the  scene  playing  out  is  reminiscent  to  the  first  time  she  brought  it  out  for  her  friend  ---  right  before  the  fated  masquerade  .  except  this  time  ,  edel  knows  far  more  than  she  ever  thought  possible  .  “  as  you  already  know  ,  i  am  dating  dollie  now  .  one  of  the  better  developments  that  have  been  made  ,  i  can  assure  you  .  however  ,  ”  she  pauses  with  a  sad  smile  ,  knowing  that  although  she  doesn’t  need  to  hold  back  with  amy  ,  it  might  be  a  lot  to  take  in  .  it’s  still  a  lot  to  process  for  herself  ,  no  less  .  but  because  it’s  her  life  ,  or  rather  former  ,  she  wants  to  share  with  those  close  to  her  .  this  life  or  a  past  ,  even  the  next  ;  true  companionship  was  always  difficult  for  her  .  and  now  that  she  has  more  of  it  ?  she  selfishly  doesn’t  want  to  let  go  .  “  as  it  would  turn  out  ,  i  didn’t  actually  have  to  do  that  much  digging  into  things  .  someone  ...  important  to  me  ,  he  decided  to  bring  me  in  from  the  dark  ,  so  to  speak  .  though  i  must  warn  you  before  going  further  ,  you  may  not  believe  any  of  it  and  i  wouldn’t  blame  you  .  ”  especially  ,  edelgard  realizes  ,  that  if  her  own  life  here  is  fabricated  ,  would  that  not  mean  amy’s  ---  everyone  else’s  ---  is  ,  too  ?
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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she’s  not  angry  .  actually  ,  she’s  relieved  ---  just  like  she  was  with  hubert  .  however  ,  it  does  bother  her  slightly  he’s  managed  to  keep  it  from  her  this  entire  time  .  if  not  only  because  it  was  knowledge  that  could’ve  saved  her  confusion  .  still  as  cool  hues  meet  warm  ones  ,  her  calm  expression  never  falters  .  “  ferdinand  ,  ”  she  speaks  cordially  as  if  nothing  has  happened  .  as  if  she  didn’t  have  her  memories  of  him  and  his  constant  ...  loyalty  to  her  ,  to  their  revolution  ,  even  in  their  darkest  days  ,  until  not  that  long  ago  .  a  pest  he  may  have  been  at  times  ,  he  stayed  .  “  thank  you  .  ”  it’s  simple  ,  although  the  now  faint  softening  of  her  eyes  as  she  continues  may  hint  to  more  than  what  she’s  projecting  .  “  i  suppose  i  can’t  blame  you  for  not  telling  me  the  truth  .  if  i  know  you  ,  i  would  say  you  were  only  doing  what  you  believed  was  best  ---  i  would  expect  nothing  less  .  and  of  all  people  ,  i  think  i  can  understand  that  .  ”  yet  when  her  gaze  flickers  from  his  momentarily  ,  she  clears  her  throat  .  “  all  i  can  ask  now  is  please  forget  seeing  me  vulnerable  like  that  .  i  wasn’t  myself  and  frankly  ,  such  behavior  was  unprofessional  of  me  .  no  matter  how  i  feel  --  felt  .  ”  and  ,  no  matter  how  much  i  trust  you  ,  it’s  embarrassing  .  “  besides  that  ,  i  am  happy  to  have  you  here  .  unless  of  course  ,  you  have  a  list  of  complaints  ready  to  read  off  ?  but  you  should  know  ,  office  hours  are  over  for  the  day  .  ”  her  tone  edges  teasing  and  genuine  ,  hinting  towards  how  well  known  he’s  become  at  the  city  hall  .
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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“If an opera is made about my life someday, I wonder how I’ll be portrayed. The revolutionary who guided the Empire to a new dawn…or the foolish ruler who took her revolution too far…”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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I remember now. You gave me a dagger, all those years ago. I left without giving you a proper answer. But, I’ll tell you now what I wasn’t able to tell you back then. Thank you. My dear forgotten friend…because of you, I never lost my heart.
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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it  never  fails  to  amaze  in  the  worst  ways  how  life  can  change  suddenly  ,  but  edelgard  refuses  to  allow  it  to  best  her  .  there’s  a  list  of  people  she  needs  to  see  ,  and  work  still  keeps  her  undeniably  busy  .  code  enforcement  officer  .  she  almost  laughs  ,  a  burst  of  melancholy  ,  as  she  recalls  what  linhardt  told  her  .  she  was  an  emperor  .  she  supposes  being  an  emperor  in  a  place  like  this  is  unlikely  ,  especially  with  the  circumstances  she  had  to  become  heir  apparent  in  the  first  place  .  she’s  glad  no  one  else  has  to  go  through  that  .  though  as  she  drifts  in  thought  ,  the  tea  spills  and  burns  her  hand  slightly  ---  a  sharp  hiss  leaves  her  lips  as  she  reels  back  .  “  you  have  to  be  joking  ,  ”  edel  grumbles  to  herself  ,  annoyed  as  her  eyes  shut  for  a  moment  .  not  to  mention  she  hasn’t  even  redone  the  pastries  ,  the  first  attempt  burnt  before  dollie  arrived  .  breathe  ,  el  .  you’re  the  emperor  ,  remember  ?  you  have  survived  countless  things  ,  you  can  do  this  .  with  a  determined  sigh  ,  pale  hues  now  focus  on  nearby  napkins  .  as  she  begins  to  clean  up  the  mess  ,  she  calls  out  to  her  company  .  “  i  must  apologize  ,  dollie  .  it  seems  our  morning  tea  party  will  have  to  be  delayed  .  ”  a  tea  party  .  another  thing  that’s  familiar  ,  that  feels  right  ,  but  sounds  out  of  place  to  use  so  casually  .
after  the  spill  is  dealt  with  ,  edelgard  pulls  her  hair  back  into  a  side-swept  ponytail  before  walking  towards  dahlia  in  the  adjacent  room  .  “  we  can  always  order  something  ,  instead  .  and  i’m  sure  lys  ---  lyzabeth  wouldn’t  mind  if  i  called  to  ask  about  treats  from  born  and  bread  ...  ”  granted  ,  she’s  briefly  hesitant  ;  lyzabeth  being  one  of  the  people  she  needs  to  discuss  certain  things  with  ,  to  see  if  she  remembers  or  if  she’s  memory-less  ,  too  .  nevertheless  ,  she’s  not  about  to  let  this  interfere  with  her  plans  .  it  feels  like  forever  since  she’s  genuinely  felt  drawn  to  anyone  in  such  a  manner  .  while  she’s  questioning  many  things  involving  legitimacy  ,  edel  is  near  certain  her  feelings  might  be  real  and  not  a  burst  of  attachment  due  to  something  she  had  no  control  over  .  “  or  we  don’t  have  to  do  any  of  that  ,  we  can  do  whatever  .  frankly  ,  i  don’t  mind  --  i  simply  wanted  to  spend  time  with  you  ,  without  worrying  about  ..  well  ,  everything  .  ”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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&&  — EVER SINCE FINALLY HEARING THE WORDS THAT THEY’VE BEEN DYING TO KNOW, henry… no - hubert , according to an old friend , had felt weird. lost , if nothing else , had been shattered within the past month. “i wasn’t expecting to see you here… i hope you don’t mind if i sit here.” clearing his throat , he presses his shirt down against his chest before , finally , going to sit down in front of her. “you name, it was …” he begins to trail off , eyes almost lighting up as the name forms on his tongue. edelgard. and in a second , a flood of emotion falls over him. anger , frustration , an unbelievable amount of sadness and for that moment , he blanks. “i - er , sorry. your name was something… edel , right? maybe… edelgard?” dark hues search her face for any sign of recognition before he finally looks down. “sorry. i believe we met at the ball.” / @sacrilegiovs​
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the  way  he  says  her  name  makes  her  pause  ;  newfound  heartbreak  in  familiarity  as  she  watches  him  intently  .  there’s  one  person  that  comes  to  mind  ---  and  she  smiles  .  while  it’s  faint  ,  even  melancholic  if  one  looks  close  enough  ,  it’s  there  .  “  you  have  nothing  to  apologize  for  ,  ”  she  reassures  him  as  she  adjusts  herself  to  sit  more  upright  .  although  she  wasn’t  aware  of  it  until  recent  events  ,  a  certain  sense  of  relief  surges  through  her  .  relieved  he’s  safe  ,  like  that’s  all  she  can  ask  for  .  her  companion  through  the  darkest  days  ,  she  can’t  help  but  wonder  how  this  life  has  treated  him  .  the  life  without  her  ,  kind  of  like  the  one  she  faintly  recalls  mentioning  once  upon  a  time  out  of  curiosity  .  “  but  yes  ,  you  are  correct  ...  hubert  .  ”  although  the  name  falls  from  her  tongue  with  unmistakable  ease  ,  she’s  tentative  .  as  if  she’s  waiting  for  him  to  say  anything  that  can  help  her  understand  more  .  “  a  lot  has  happened  since  the  ball  ,  i  have  to  say  .  ”  an  understatement  .  “  however  i  am  ..  happy  to  have  run  into  you  again  .  ”
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sacrilegiovs · 5 years
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“May I be totally honest with you?” Linhardt inquires though he isn’t truly asking for permission, which becomes transparent when he carries on regardless. “I remember many things, I believe more than you or almost any of our friends,” he continues, staring down at his hands and fidgeting with the zipper on his jacket. “You were our emperor, but more than that you were one of my best friends. There were eight of us, the black eagles strike force,” he explained it as casually as he could. Though he was unsure if that was the right approach, but given the alarming information that was to come it was probably best if he did what he could to mitigate the effect any of his nervousness might have on her. “Ferdinand, Hubert, Bernadetta, Caspar, Petra, Dorothea, and the two of us of course. There was a war a… a terrible but justified war against the worst scum of the earth and we… we were together though it. Yet here, despite the presence of almost all of us, it seems most of our comrades, even you, have forgotten it all.”
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as  his  words  settle  between  them  in  a  growing  silence  ,  she’s  unmoving  .  a  million  questions  buzz  through  her  mind  ,  overwhelmed  yet  somehow  calm  .  as  if  she  knew  this  somewhere  deep  down  .  she  was  their  emperor  ?  black  eagle  strike  force  ---  a  war  .  “  the  knights  of  seiros  ,  ”  edelgard  mumbles  absentmindedly  ,  recalling  the  acidic  taste  it  left  behind  .  it’s  stronger  than  it  was  before  .  forgotten  thoughts  and  memories  resurface  and  lash  at  her  heart  in  a  rush  ;  they  tear  viciously  at  false  memories  in  an  inevitable  struggle  .  it  aches  madly  ,  but  now  edelgard  knows  she’s  survived  worse  .  the  goddess  and  society  that  she  felt  so  betrayed  by  ,  her  determination  to  set  things  right  even  at  the  cost  of  lives  .  a  revolutionary  spark  to  change  what  a  corrupt  society  deemed  as  tradition  .  an  urge  to  scream  overcomes  her  then  as  realization  creeps  in  to  stay  ,  and  if  her  hands  tremble  she  doesn’t  notice  .  how  can  she  ,  when  all  she  sees  is  the  domino  effect  of  what  she  began  ?  no  ,  of  what  she  took  into  her  own  hands  because  no  one  else  wanted  to  .  the  brunette  locks  of  a  younger  self  suddenly  comes  to  mind  ---  the  ghostly  children  .  she  was  right  to  believe  they’re  her  flesh  and  blood  .  what  became  of  them  ,  their  family  ,  was  what  colored  her  ostensible  sacrilegious  views  to  begin  with  .  it  was  all  for  them  and  other  children  like  them  .  like  ...  like  ...  lysithea  ,  was  it  ?  lysithea  .  she  remembers  .  those  who  slither  in  the  dark  ,  she  remembers  .
her  expression  softens  subconsciously  as  a  grieved  sigh  escapes  parted  lips  ;  however  ,  unlike  her  time  at  the  mansion  ,  she  doesn’t  cry  .  she  wants  to  ,  but  tears  do  not  change  the  past  no  matter  how  often  one  mourns  .  a  lesson  she’s  learned  the  hard  way  ,  over  and  over  .  “  linhardt  .  ”  edelgard  finally  addresses  him  .  her  voice  doesn’t  shake  like  she  perhaps  believed  it  would  ,  giving  her  a  small  boost  of  confidence  .  alright  ,  el  ,  one  thing  at  a  time  .  “  i  am  sorry  .  ”  although  the  emperor  of  adrestia  knows  there’s  nothing  for  her  to  be  sorry  about  ,  logically  ,  an  albatross  finds  itself  around  her  neck  .  “  i  did  not  mean  to  forget  ,  i  promise  you  that  .   i  have  to  admit  ,  i  don’t  even  remember  doing  so  .  it’s  still  rather  foggy  .  ”
after  her  confession  ,  edelgard  looks  away  briefly  ,  like  she’s  embarrassed  .  to  be  put  in  such  a  vulnerable  spot  ,  it  makes  her  on  edge  .  as  if  to  detach  from  the  topic  of  her  chagrin  ,  edelgard  speaks  again  .  “  ferdinand  is  ferdie  ,  isn’t  he  .  ”  although  said  as  a  question  ,  she  doesn’t  ask  it  like  one  .  it’s  more  for  her  own  confirmation  :  it  would  explain  why  she’s  so  drawn  to  listen  to  him  ,  even  if  he  is  sometimes  a  bit  ...  much  .  “  did  he  know  all  of  this  ?  ”  she  recounts  the  times  they’ve  interacted  ,  how  he  would  console  her  ,  so  to  speak  ---  how  he  would  tell  her  she  never  needed  to  apologize  .  the  ache  in  her  heart  pangs  again  .
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