sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
Do you have some kind of drool kink now?
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
No need to thank me, it's my duty to drool over you. 
Sadie liked your photo
Thanks, love.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
 Ever since the very beginning, Sadie had felt effortlessly at ease around Kellan. Maybe it was the way he could make her smile without trying, or how when she kissed him it felt like the most natural thing in the world. The only way she could describe being with him though was actually rather simple; it just felt right. Like, when you meet someone, and you know, you just know that that's the person you've been waiting for your whole life. She had found that with Kelly, found everything she never knew she was missing, and it was like suddenly everything just clicked into place. 
When she had fallen in love with him, she couldn't tell you, maybe it was from the very beginning, when his lips had touched her's and sent her into a frenzy. She had been keeping it inside, waiting for the right moment to tell him, not wanting it to be too soon and scare him away, just biding her time. Now, she was rushing to get dressed, throwing on one of his t-shirts over her jean shorts, her long dark hair pulled up in a messy bun as she shoved her feet into a pair of flip-flops and left her apartment. 
She arrived at his dorm fifteen minutes later, cheeks flushed and slightly out of breath, because to be honest she half jogged on the way here. She pulled out her key and opened the door, and within seconds he was pulling her into his arms, and it felt like coming home. She breathed him in and nuzzled her face in against his neck, smiling brightly to herself. "I love you," she murmured, before pulling back and grinning at him. "I love you." She smoothed her hands up over his chest until she was cupping his cheeks and pulling him in close  until her lips were pressing against his, the kiss slow and deep, and full of every ounce of passion she had inside of her body. 
This Night Last Forever || Kadie
Love. It’s made out to be a grand, poetic emotion. And while Kellan understood the grand and poetic-like qualities of love, there was much more to it than that. There’s awkwardness: how he’d been stumbling for the right words to say to Sadie that properly encompassed how he felt without overreaching and making her feel uncomfortable. Speaking of which, there was discomfort: how the word ‘love’ felt like it was going to explode from his lips, a heavy pressure on his heart that he needed to be set free. And there was fear: fear that he would admit to his feelings and they wouldn’t be returned. Yes, love was beautiful. But it was also scary as hell. Kellan couldn’t quite tell you when he’d fallen in love with Sadie. It wasn’t like a flip had been switched and boom, he was mad for her. It was a gradual process, until he’d woken up one morning last week, her body pressed comfortably against his, and had just known. Waiting to tell her had been harder than actually falling in love with her. But it was time. He felt it, and he was pretty sure that she did as well. They had saved the princess and were ready to move on to level two: being in love. How that would effect and change their relationship remained to be seen. Dressed in the same clothes he’d worn to class that day, Kellan ran fingers through his hair, getting it to lay in just the right way. Skinny jeans clung to his skin, while a white tee-shirt for the skate store he worked laid under an opened cut-off denim jacket that said “Joe" on the breast pocket. He was just flicking a piece of hair out of his eyes when the dorm room opened, curtesy of the key he’d had made for Sadie. “Babe," he created warmly, padding over to to wrap her up in a warm embrace.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
He left....? Like...he just up and left...?
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
Good…um…remember the guy I told you about? He…um.. He left and it kind of sucks.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
That will work out perfectly. 
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
How about lunch, Saturday?
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
That sounds good...I work the late shift on Friday and Saturday, but I am free during the day and then Sunday. 
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
Yeah, we could do something, this weekend.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
Oh really? That uhm...that would be nice. I'd like that...
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
It’ll be good. Also…um, a while back, Skye mentioned wanting to all get together.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
I hope she will...it will be nice to have a girl's day out. I will be careful, Angel, I promise. 
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
That sounds nice. She’ll, um…she’ll like that. Just, be careful. Her ankle…I don’t think it’s still hurt…but um, you never know. Ugh…sorry. I’m just being a worrier. You’re gonna be fine.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
I was thinking about taking her to Fifth avenue for a bit, do some shopping...then take her to this dance studio I go to to work out. Teach her some tumbling, since she wanted to give it a go. 
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
Yeah, she was. Y-yes, that’s fine…where are you going to go?
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
Was she? I can come and see her tomorrow maybe? I have off, so I could just uhm...swing by maybe and take her out for a bit? If you don't mind...
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
Same…She’s good. Hyper, as usual. She was asking about you, about five minutes ago.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
Tired from work, but pretty good. How's our baby girl? I miss her. 
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
I’m okay. How are you?
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
You're welcome, honey. How're you?
sadie-sinclair liked your photo
Thanks, Sadie.
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
I'll be over in a few minutes. 
#I love your face
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
I just...wanted the first time I say it to be in person, that's all.
#I love your face
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
You don't have to be...I would just rather whisper it in your ear while you're holding me.
#I love your face
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
They do, we're kind of perfect for each other in that way. For the record though, I do love much more than just your face. Like...pretty much everything about you.
#I love your face
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sadie-sinclair-blog · 11 years
Well, I meant being in your ass, so I guess we meant it the same way after all.
#I love your face
I don’t know that! What did you mean then?
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