sadtraxanas · 5 years
The more I fucking think about it, the more Noora/Manon’s actions in Season 4 make sense to me
In Season 2, even though they both struggled with having feelings for a guy that their friend liked, they both still fully acted on those feelings despite how Vilde or Daphne would feel.
Manon making a move on Sofiane even though she suspected Imane had feelings for him is 100% in character.
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
skam nl focuses so much on the friendship between the girls. More than they focus on the romance (the romance is wonderful too though so they’re definitely winning). and that’s why this remake is amazing 
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
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someone tell my lesbian daughter that i’d die for her
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
regardless of whether druck ever acknowledges it or not, the depiction of matteo’s mental health was one of the most raw, honest, and truthful portrayals of mental illness i’ve ever seen and that’s the tea on that
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
i’ve read posts that complain about the crew making this about themselves and overlooking what matteo said, but please keep in mind that:
they are showing support for the whole lgbtq+ community and thus showing support for their friend matteo who has just recently come out as gay himself
they are being good friends and a support system for matteo who also just recently had a depressive episode and this is so important to show him they’ve got his back
they are showing support in general and not making this about david or getting revenge on that pe teacher for him so technically they’re not overlooking what matteo said
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
some time in the near future matteo makes david pasta and they eat out straight out of the same pot like the disaster teenage boys they are
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
Y’all the instagram posts don’t come from a place of maliciousness. 
They’re a bunch of teenagers trying to support someone that was outed. This is a first for most of them, and they’re trying to show that David has allies that will fight for him. They don’t know that it’s something they should have asked David about.
Cringey? Yeah lmao. Super cis? Oh definitely. 
They know Matteo wouldn’t talk about being understood, or how beautiful it is to be with someone if it wasn’t true. That’s not the Matteo they’ve known They’ve seen how much Matteo loves him, and are taking his word for how incredible he is. 
Sometimes you just have to take a step back and put it into context. A group of ten people loving and supporting a boy most of them have never met just from the things Matteo has told them? It’s heartwarming and shouldn’t be criticized so negatively. 
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
the further we get through each remake, the more i want a Vilde season
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
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in love // brokenhearted
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
i feel a bit bad for viri right now,,,, eva and nora have each other now after growing closer last season while amira and cris have been best friends since forever. even eva/cris and amira/nora are pretty close too for different reasons. but viri doesn’t even have a late birthday present because cris was too busy to go and buy it ajkdskjd 
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
What’s up with the Vildes not getting nice presents? First Kiki got a coupon from Mia, then the spanish squad took weeks to buy Viri a present, and now Daphné is going to get a bottle of vodka…
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
can they like… let Eleonora speak? or have a personality? display some of the assets we’ve been told she has? Sana implied that she can hold a discussion, that she’s good at it - when have we been shown that? she didn’t even provide a proper, well thought out point when she was arguing with Edo. she barely participates in the scenes with the other girls and, even when she does, her personality just doesn’t come through. we know pretty much nothing about her. everything she’s supposed to care about - where is that? they’ve only mentioned the radio programme a couple of times, but what does that do? according to her scarce ig posts, she’s supposed to be an advocate for equality, human and civil rights, climate change - show me that! show me a character who’s able to hold her own and that at least tries to stand her ground. i honestly feel like we’ve only watched her dramatically stare ahead and water plants so far. she’s like a victim of the events occurring in her own life; and it actually doesn’t even feel like things are happening directly to her, it kind of feels like she’s just.. there, like a spectator of her own life. and i get that she’s at loose ends and confused and questioning things and detached and maybe scared even and she’s probably self isolating too, but like… Marti was feeling all of those things too, yet his personality was right there and we all fell in love with him (and the contrabbandieri). and maybe i’m being harsh because i had high expectations for this character, but i don’t think i can be blamed for questioning the writing when most people (myself included) seem to care more about Chicco Rodi than the supposed protagonist, can i?
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
i just really want a silvia season. i’ve always been kinda annoyed at her since season 1 but that’s probably because i see myself in her no matter how hard i try to deny it lol. i want them to explore her insecurities—how it is to be that girl who has to try so much harder than her friends who are considered more attractive and smarter… how it is to be the one who gets pushed to the side for someone ‘better.’ i think it’s a topic that’s so prevalent in teenagers but isn’t talked about that often in tv shows/movies because it’s kinda considered unimportant, petty, and yes annoying. but so many girls experience it esp now that we have social media and the whole #goals thing etc. i just really feel like it would be interesting and empowering to see someone deal with that in a teen series.
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
this clip was so underwhelming and lazy. i keep hoping it’s not the end of this because it ended in such a suspect way and silvia’s whole body language just felt… off. 
they dragged this silvia thing out for so long only for her to have a completely unrealistic and out of character reaction to what eleonora told her.��
she didn’t have to throw a fit about it but at least have a more realistic reaction like kelsey on austin.
these are the facts:
silvia bought a STACK of tickets to get to kiss edoardo just a few weeks ago. sana ripped the tickets up and silvia went out and got a whole other stack of tickets and when she didn’t win she basically threw a fit and threw the tickets over her head.
and let’s talk about how she tried to kiss edo when he was wasted and then after he rejected her she was more in love with him than ever (eva’s words)
she has not once hinted at knowing anything about edoardo and eleonora what so ever so this whole “i knew” thing makes absolutely no sense. don’t tell me silvia who has been obsessing over edoardo for a year and has gone as far as calling him a ‘god’ wouldn’t say ANYTHING about her bestie getting with him. the writers/director should have somehow hinted at least a tiny bit at her knowing because this just comes off as a big old plot hole they put in so they could follow the og conversation and not change it at all.
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
So, Silvia just knows?!?
I have to be honest: I’m pissed off. For one thing, I thought we would have more confrontation, more something. This was very anticlimactic. But also, I want to know how did Silvia learn about edo and ele. For me, it doesn’t make much sense. I could accept Silvia reacting the way she reacted because she knows about this for some weeks and had the time to process everything but at least show me when she found out.
It also looks nothing like a reaction that I would have expected from the girl who got extremely pissed at Eva for just getting into his car for a little carpooling. If she did found out about them weeks ago, she would have confronted Ele right away, as soon as she found out. She didn’t had one trace of good information about the incident with Eva, only suppositions and nosy people with a lot of creativity but she still attacked her but with Ele she just… Accepts it? Really? Do they remember their very own first season?
It doesn’t make sense, it just doesn’t for me.
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
unpopular opinion: marlon in this clip was a good person and isn’t deserving the hate he’s getting right now.  he sees a problem with Megan, but Megan is the one who broke up with him.  despite any friendship they have now, they’re not nearly as close as they used to be.  he said “it’s not my place to take care of her anymore” because, quite frankly, it isn’t necessarily his place anymore.  that would be the role of one of her trusted friends, like grace or the rest of the girl squad, who up until now hasn’t addressed the alcoholism or sketchy behaviors.  He doesn’t feel qualified or like he has the closeness with Megan anymore to address something like this, so he defers to someone that he thinks does.
also, grace blaming him for megan’s alcoholism was like. really crappy of her.  obviously she’s really going through something right now so I get it but it’s been a year since Megan and Marlon broke up.  Marlon is allowed to see other people.  Megan should be trying to move on.  her unhealthy coping mechanisms are not Marlon’s fault
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sadtraxanas · 5 years
there’s so much kelsey love in the tag today it makes me so :D
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