silverclaw2968 · 5 years
I’M a straight boy, and even I agree with this!
straight boys are weak and pathetic, queer girls walk into the ladies changing room and see ten women naked, do they stare? do they say something inappropriate? do they make them uncomfortable? no because they have the common fucking sense to recognise when a situation is sexual and that people deserve the most basic level of respect to not be harassed, yet here we are banning shorts and low cut tops in school because straight boys are weak and pathetic
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silverclaw2968 · 5 years
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silverclaw2968 · 5 years
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Texts From Superheroes
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silverclaw2968 · 5 years
Anyone else only in their 20s but feel like they are running out of time to get their life together??
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silverclaw2968 · 5 years
My Personal Patreon
If you guys could follow me and support me it would mean everything to me. I am wanting to start building my collection of arts and crafts supplies so I can start creating my own clothes out of thrifted material. Patreons will get exclusive looks at my depop hauls before they are posted, my bts photos of my recent shoots, and videos of all my processes. Plus some mature content. 
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silverclaw2968 · 5 years
Words currently going through my head right now.
Dead weight.
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
Me? Powerful? Ha! I can’t even find a publisher that will take a straight comic script. And no, I can’t afford an artist. Otherwise, I would happily hire one.
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
My father just ended a discussion and stormed off, saying he was hoping for sanity and got this shit instead. “This shit” being me confronting him about him drinking again, how he always puts other people above himself, and how both habits have rubbed off on me for years. Close to tears.
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
Today is a small victory. I recognized that I was depressed, and finally found something that actually dealt with it. When it comes to my mental health, I’ll take any victories I can get.
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
Yeah right I’m getting my life together. It feels more in shambles than ever, and that I’ve made no progress at all. And broke yet another heart. 
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
Great. Another day where I feel like shit.
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
Current mood
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
Letting Go
A friend recently asked me if I was okay. I knew it was because she found out I was at Kaiser (nothing serious, just making sure I don’t have strep throat), but something finally clicked. I keep saying that I’m not okay, and I say it again. But not the way I usually do. I have not been myself. Past me would never have been angry like this, would never have treated his girlfriend this way. I have lied and broken promises and faith. And I have blamed all of this on other people and things. I have blamed my problems on friends that, only a few years ago, I would have done anything for. I have blamed situations that have absolutely no connection to what I’m going through. I am not stable, and I now take ownership of that. And maybe reading this, you, reader, think that I’m just saying pretty words to cover myself and find yet another excuse. I wouldn’t blame you - I’ve been doing that for over a year and a half. But this time is different. I’m saying no, to me. I’m the one that needs to change my thought process, not my environment. I can change, I know it. I am not some stone slab that won’t change. I am a human being, surrounded by people who love me. I will change, and I will do the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And I encourage others to do this.
Love yourself. Because you deserve it, just like I do.
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
“I pretended to be happy, I acted like I was getting better. I made myself believe I was happy. But deep down I knew I wasn’t. It was just easier to make believe, than to deal with the pain that was lurking within.”
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
I’m not needed, so why am I still here?
Via (missblack22)
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
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silverclaw2968 · 6 years
This, so hard. It’s why things are so tough with my girlfriend. One reason among many.
I hate that i need other’s attention and validation to be happy
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