sagewritings · 5 months
Shadows of Peace - Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
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pairing: finnick odair x female reader
synopsis: in the aftermath of the war, you and Finnick attempt to grasp a sense of peace amid the ruins. while the external scars slowly fade, the internal turmoil within Finnick's mind persists, casting shadows over the fragile peace you both seek.
word count: 2.4k
warnings/tags: post-war, mentions of death, trauma
a/n: hello everyone! it’s been a while since i’ve posted here on my blog because of college and as an apology, i’m posting 2 fics for yall :> i just recently watched the ballad of songbirds and snakes and it took me back to my hunger games phase when i couldn’t focus on anything else whenever finnick would be on screen lol
the other fanfic is about young coriolanus snow so if you’d like to check that out (as well as my other works) you can check the pinned post in my blog :)
i hope you’ll like this one! happy reading!
The smoke from the rebellion had settled, leaving District 13 in an uneasy calm. Finnick Odair, the once-dazzling victor from District 4, stood on the balcony of his quarters, a ghost of the man he used to be. His eyes, once vibrant with life, now held a haunted look, reflecting the toll of war and loss. As he stared into the distance, memories of the arena, the Capitol, and the faces of fallen comrades flashed before his eyes.
The door creaked open, and you stepped into the room. The connection between you and Finnick was undeniable, a thread woven through the chaos and pain of the rebellion. You had fought side by side, relying on each other in the darkest moments. Yet, despite the camaraderie, an unspoken tension lingered between you two.
"Hey," you said softly, your voice breaking the heavy silence. Finnick turned to look at you, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes.
"Hey," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of the world. The two of you had survived the unimaginable, but the scars ran deep. Finnick's mind was a battlefield, haunted by the ghosts of the arena, the Capitol's manipulation, and the friends he had lost.
You approached him cautiously, your eyes searching his face for any sign of vulnerability. "Finnick, you don't have to carry this alone. We're here for you."
A bitter smile played on Finnick's lips. "We all have our demons, sweetheart. Some of us just got better at hiding them."
The weight of his words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the scars that the rebellion had left on everyone. The cost of freedom had been steep, and for Finnick, it felt like the very essence of who he was had been sacrificed in the process.
Silence settled between you, thick and suffocating, as if the air itself held the weight of unspoken words. Finnick's gaze shifted to the distant mountains, a longing in his eyes that mirrored the ache in your heart.
"I thought winning the Games would be the hardest part," he mused, his voice a low murmur. "But it turns out, surviving them... that's the real struggle."
You nodded in understanding, your heart aching for the man before you who had faced horrors most could not fathom. Finnick's eyes met yours, a mixture of pain and yearning reflected in their depths.
"Sometimes I wonder if it was worth it," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "All the fighting, the sacrifices. For what? A broken world, a shattered existence."
You took a step closer, your hand reaching out to touch his arm. "Finnick, we fought for a chance at a better future. We fought so that others wouldn't have to endure what we did."
He sighed, the weight of exhaustion evident in every line of his face. "I know, I know. But at what cost? Look around, and all I see are reminders of the price we paid."
You wanted to argue, to convince him that the sacrifices had meaning, but the haunted look in his eyes silenced you. Finnick pulled away gently, as if your touch burned him, and walked to the balcony once more.
"The Capitol took everything from me," he continued, his voice a bitter edge. "My family, my friends, my identity. And even though we won, it feels like I'm still in their grip, like I can never escape."
Your heart ached for him, for the wounds that ran deeper than any physical scars. "You're not alone, Finnick. We're here for you, to help you find your way back."
He turned to you, his eyes searching yours as if seeking a lifeline. "I don't even know who I am anymore. The Capitol shaped me into their plaything, and now... now I'm just trying to piece together the fragments they left behind."
Tears welled in your eyes, a mixture of frustration and empathy. "You're more than the Capitol's creation, Finnick. You're a survivor, a fighter. And there's strength in that, in the person you've become despite everything."
Finnick's gaze softened, a vulnerability breaking through the walls he had erected. "I just... I don't want to lose myself completely."
In that moment, you made a silent vow to stand by him, to help him reclaim the pieces of himself that the Capitol had stolen. The journey to healing would be long and arduous, but you were determined to be a steady anchor in the storm that raged within Finnick's soul.
Days turned into weeks, and the remnants of the rebellion slowly transformed District 13 from a war-torn refuge to a semblance of normalcy. Yet, the scars remained, etched into the fabric of the survivors' lives.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the district, you found Finnick sitting alone by the shore of a small lake. His gaze was distant, lost in the ripples of the water as if seeking answers to questions that plagued his mind.
You approached him, the soft crunch of gravel under your boots announcing your presence. Finnick glanced up, his eyes meeting yours. There was a weariness in his gaze, but a glimmer of something else—resilience, perhaps.
"Hey," you greeted, taking a seat beside him.
"Hey," he replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
The two of you sat in companionable silence, the lull of the water and the fading sunlight creating a sense of peace. It was a stark contrast to the chaos and violence that had defined your recent past.
"I've been thinking," Finnick began, his voice breaking the quiet. "About everything that happened, about who I was, who I am now.”
You turned to him, giving him the space to share what was on his mind.
"I can't change the past," he continued, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "But maybe I can shape my future. Find a way to be more than the Capitol's puppet."
Hope flickered in your chest, a warmth that spread through the chill of the evening air. "You don't have to do it alone, Finnick. We're here for you, to support you every step of the way."
Finnick turned to you, his eyes holding a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I know. And I appreciate that more than you can imagine."
As the days passed, Finnick took small steps toward reclaiming his identity. He sought solace in the company of those who understood the scars he carried, forming bonds with fellow victors who shared the weight of the Games.
One evening, as a group of you gathered in the communal area, laughter echoed through the room. It was a sound that had been absent for too long, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
Finnick, now surrounded by friends who had faced the Capitol's horrors alongside him, allowed himself a genuine smile. It was a sight that warmed your heart, a glimpse of the man he could become beyond the shadows of the Games.
In the midst of the healing, a connection blossomed between you and Finnick. It was a slow burn, a fragile ember that neither of you dared to name. The wounds of the past still lingered, creating a delicate dance between wanting to move forward and the fear of what the future held.
One evening, as the two of you strolled through the reconstructed gardens of District 13, Finnick spoke, his words weighed with a vulnerability he rarely showed.
"I never thought I'd find something worth fighting for beyond survival," he admitted, his eyes meeting yours. "But being here with you, it's like... like I've found a piece of myself I thought I'd lost forever."
The admission hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between you. In that moment, you understood that your connection went beyond the shared trauma of the Games; it was a lifeline, a source of strength that allowed both of you to rebuild.
"I feel it too," you confessed, your voice soft but sincere. "We've been through hell, Finnick, but maybe... maybe we can find a new beginning."
He nodded, the weight of the unspoken understanding lingering between you. As the moon cast its gentle glow over the quiet district, you and Finnick stood together, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of finding love amidst the ruins of war.
In the weeks that followed, Finnick and you navigated the complexities of a burgeoning relationship. It was a delicate dance, filled with moments of joy and vulnerability, but through it all, the connection between you grew stronger.
One day, as you sat together on the rooftop of the reconstructed buildings, watching the sunrise paint the sky in hues of pink and gold, Finnick turned to you.
"I never thought I'd have a chance at happiness," he admitted, his fingers intertwined with yours. "But with you, it feels like maybe... maybe I can find it."
You smiled, the warmth of the rising sun reflecting the hope that had blossomed between you. "We'll find it together, Finnick. Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together."
And so, in the aftermath of the rebellion, amidst the ruins of a broken world, Finnick Odair and you found solace in each other's arms. The scars of the past were still there, a testament to the battles fought and the losses endured, but together, you forged a new beginning—one marked by healing, love, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
As the days turned into months, the rebuilding efforts in District 13 continued. The scars on the landscape mirrored the healing process within the hearts of its people. Finnick's journey, too, progressed as he rediscovered pieces of himself he thought were lost forever.
The bond between you and Finnick deepened, evolving into a partnership built on trust and shared experiences. Together, you faced the challenges of rebuilding not only the district but also your lives. The echoes of the rebellion were still present, but they no longer defined the narrative.
Finnick threw himself into community projects, channeling his pain into rebuilding the world around him. The once-dull district started to bloom with life as gardens flourished, laughter echoed through the streets, and a sense of normalcy settled over the survivors.
One day, as you and Finnick walked through the bustling market that had replaced the desolation of war, he turned to you with a sparkle in his eyes. "I never thought I'd see something beautiful emerge from the ruins."
You smiled, grateful for the newfound hope in his words. "We're making something beautiful together, Finnick. It's a testament to the strength within all of us."
The scars on Finnick's soul didn't vanish completely, but they became a part of a larger tapestry, woven with threads of resilience and shared purpose. The Capitol's grip on him loosened, replaced by a determination to shape his own destiny.
As the seasons changed, so did the dynamics of your relationship with Finnick. The initial fragility evolved into a robust partnership. He learned to lean on you not just in times of despair but also in moments of joy. You navigated the complexities of love and healing, forging a connection that became an anchor in the ebb and flow of life.
One evening, as the two of you stood on the balcony overlooking the district, Finnick pulled you into a gentle embrace. The lights of District 13 shimmered below, a testament to the resilience of a community that had faced the brink of destruction.
"I never thought I'd find peace again," Finnick murmured, his breath warm against your ear. "But with you, I've found something more profound than I ever imagined."
You rested your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "We've come a long way, Finnick. And we'll keep moving forward, together."
In the months that followed, the remnants of the rebellion became tales told to the younger generation, a history etched into the collective memory of District 13. Finnick, once haunted by the ghosts of the arena, became a beacon of hope for those who had faced the Capitol's tyranny.
Together, you and Finnick worked to ensure that the scars of the past didn't dictate the future. District 13 prospered, becoming a symbol of resilience and rebirth. Finnick's journey of self-discovery inspired others to find strength in their vulnerabilities, to rebuild not just the physical structures but also the foundations of their lives.
As the years passed, and the wounds of war healed, Finnick and you found solace in the quiet moments. The rooftop sunsets, the shared laughter, and the simple joys of everyday life became the pillars of your relationship.
One day, as you walked hand in hand through the district, Finnick stopped by a patch of blooming flowers. He plucked a vibrant bloom and tucked it behind your ear, a tender smile gracing his lips.
"From the ruins, something beautiful emerged," he said, his gaze filled with gratitude.
You leaned in, capturing his lips in a soft kiss. "And it's still growing, Finnick. Our story is far from over."
In the evenings, as you both sat on the balcony, watching the sunset cast its warm glow over District 13, Finnick would often reflect on the journey from the ashes of rebellion to the blossoming of a new life.
"I never thought I'd find love after everything," he'd say, his eyes filled with a mixture of awe and contentment.
"You found more than love, Finnick," you'd reply, your fingers intertwined with his. "You found a new beginning, a chance at happiness despite the scars."
And in those quiet moments, with the echoes of the past becoming softer, you and Finnick would embrace the present and look towards the future, knowing that, together, you had found a strength that transcended the trials of the Games and the horrors of war—a strength that could build something beautiful from the ruins of a broken world.
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sagewritings · 5 months
Silent Rebel - Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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pairing: young coriolanus snow x female reader
synopsis: despite being raised in the capitol among individuals driven by a thirst for power and violence, your desire to reform the system grew stronger with time. upon graduating, you swiftly initiated your plans for change. however, executing these plans becomes a challenge when you accidentally catch the vigilant gaze of coriolanus snow.
word count: 1.5k
warnings/tags: mentions of death and violence
a/n: hello everyone! it’s been a while since i’ve posted here on my blog because of college and as an apology, i’m posting 2 fics for yall! i just recently watched the ballad of songbirds and snakes and i haven’t stopped thinking about tom blyth since then. also i’m thinking of rewriting this fic into something longer and more detailed so lmk what you think :>
the other fanfic is about finnick odair so if you’d like to check that out (as well as my other works) you can check the pinned post in my blog :)
i hope you’ll like this one! happy reading!
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
The Capitol's grandeur stretched like an unending expanse under the perpetual sun, casting shadows that danced across its facade. Coriolanus Snow, now a phoenix risen from the ashes of exile, bore the scars of Doctor Gaul's mysterious experiments that had purged him, or so it seemed, of the rebellion's cunning influence. Yet, as he trained meticulously for the position of game maker, a new hunger for power gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.
You, on the other hand, have come from one of the wealthiest Capitol families. Freshly graduated from the prestigious university, your eyes were pried open to the injustices perpetrated by the annual Hunger Games. To you, the ritual appeared not only senseless but also a gruesome spectacle, a parade of innocent children's demise for the Capitol's entertainment.
Motivated by an unquenchable desire for change, you secured employment under Coriolanus Snow, tasked with a covert and life-threatening mission: gather evidence of the heinous atrocities committed during the Games and expose them to the oblivious citizens of the Capitol and the oppressed districts.
Months passed, and you meticulously documented the games' ruthlessness. Coriolanus, a master tactician, did not have trouble sensing what you were trying to do.
One day, as you compiled the thick notes in your small office, the door groaned open. There stood Coriolanus Snow, an unreadable expression painted across his face.
"What are you doing?" he inquired, his voice rigid and steady.
You looked up, beads of sweat forming on your forehead. "Just routine work, sir. Managing the games."
Coriolanus's eyes narrowed, a predatory gleam piercing through them. "I know what you're up to, Y/n. Trying to expose the Games, reveal the injustices. I won't allow it."
Panic set in, but you skillfully maintained a calmed image. "I don't know what you're talking about, sir."
Leaning in, his voice now a menacing whisper, Coriolanus intoned, "I suggest you reconsider your actions. If you persist, your family will pay the price. I have ways of ensuring they suffer."
Fear seized your heart. The safety of your family became an immediate concern, and the thought of their potential harm under Coriolanus's influence was unbearable. Reluctantly, you nodded, silently acknowledging the looming threat.
Months passed and you continued your subversive work under the hawk-like gaze of Coriolanus Snow. The ledger of injustices stacked up, the ruthlessness of the games meticulously detailed in your notes. Yet, the weight of your silence became increasingly drowning.
As the Reaping ceremony for the 11th Hunger Games approached, a tidal wave of anger surged within you. The oblivious citizens of the Capitol reveled in the spectacle while innocent lives were put on the line. A few more cheers and praises, and you could no longer contain the seething rage within.
In the climax of the ceremony, as the tributes' names echoed through the theater, you erupted and aimed your anger at the nearest individuals. "This is senseless! You're all cheering for the deaths of children! Have you no humanity left?"
The Capitol citizens stared, a cocktail of shock and disdain painted on their faces. Coriolanus Snow, observing from a calculated distance, felt a spark of intrigue. The fire in your eyes ignited something within him—a curiosity that cut through the cold layers encasing his soul.
Post-ceremony, he summoned you to his office. The air was thick with tension as you entered, unsure of the impending reckoning.
"What was that outburst?" he demanded, his gaze penetrating your very core.
You took a deep breath, the ember of anger still smoldering beneath the surface. "I can't stand by and watch the Capitol revel in the deaths of innocent children. It's inhumane, and I won't be part of it any longer."
Coriolanus regarded you with a calculating gaze, his mind working overtime to decipher the emotions playing across your face. In that moment, the power dynamic between you shifted. You, once submissive under the weight of fear, now stood before him with a resolve that both intrigued and unsettled him.
Days stretched into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Coriolanus found himself studying you closely. The once compliant heiress had become a thorn in his side, yet there was an inexplicable allure in the fire that blazed within your eyes. The darkness within him, even for a fleeting moment, softened as he observed the sincerity in your actions.
One evening, as the Capitol vibrated with anticipation for the 12th Hunger Games, Coriolanus sought you out. The ensuing conversation was unlike any that had transpired before.
"You're different," he remarked, his tone almost conversational.
You met his gaze, a cocktail of defiance and exhaustion mirrored in your eyes. "Maybe I am. Maybe the Capitol needs to change."
Coriolanus chuckled, the sound laced with a bitter edge. "Change? In the Capitol? That's wishful thinking, Y/n.”
Yet, as the night wore on, an unexpected camaraderie developed between you and Coriolanus. The formidable walls he had built around himself seemed to crumble, if only for a fleeting moment. The bitterness that had defined him gave way to a vulnerability he hadn't allowed himself to embrace in years.
In the days leading up to the Hunger Games, you found yourself trapped in a delicate dance with Coriolanus Snow. The man who had once blackmailed you now grappled with his own internal demons, and you became an unwitting witness to a facet of him that few had glimpsed.
As the new set of tributes entered the arena, you couldn't shake the weight that settled in your heart. The Capitol's insatiable appetite for violence, the games transformed into a grotesque tradition—each element bore down upon you. The arena, symbolic of despair, stood as a stark reminder of the darkness entrenched within the very fabric of the Capitol.
In a rare moment of solitude, Coriolanus found you gazing out of a window. His presence, once a source of terror, now felt oddly reassuring.
"You're not the only one questioning the system," he confessed, his voice a low murmur.
You turned to him, surprise evident across your features. "What do you mean?"
Coriolanus sighed, weariness etched into the lines of his face. "The Hunger Games, the Capitol's insatiable hunger for power—it's all a game. A game that consumes everyone, even those who believe they're in control."
The vulnerability in his words resonated with you, a shared understanding of the stifling reality enveloping the Capitol.
As the Games unfolded, the brutality played out on screens across the Capitol. The once-deafening cheers now echoed hollowly. The tributes' struggles, their pain, became a haunting reminder of the cost of the Capitol's insatiable appetite for entertainment.
In a quiet moment between you and Coriolanus, as the tributes faced insurmountable challenges, he spoke, his voice softer than before. "Maybe you're right. Maybe there's no purpose in this. But what can we do? The Capitol thrives on its own cruelty."
The admission caught you off guard. Coriolanus Snow, the orchestrator of the Games, seemed to accept a truth he had long suppressed.
Days turned into nights, and the 12th Hunger Games concluded with the predictable exhibition of victory and defeat. The Capitol moved forward, its citizens eagerly anticipating the next spectacle. However, within the very heart of the Capitol, a subtle shift had transpired.
Coriolanus Snow, once engulfed by an uncontrolled hunger for power, found himself ensnared in a complex dance with you. The darkness that had defined him wavered, if only momentarily, in the face of a reality he could no longer avoid. As the Capitol plunged into preparations for the next set of Hunger Games, you and Coriolanus navigated a precarious balance.
In a clandestine moment, away from prying eyes, Coriolanus spoke, his voice bearing a trace of sincerity. "You've made me question things, Y/n. The Games, the Capitol—I can't escape the truth anymore."
You regarded him with a mix of astonishment and skepticism. "And what does that mean for you?"
Coriolanus sighed, a weight lifting from his shoulders. "I don't know. But I can't keep playing this game. There has to be a way to change things, even if it's just a little."
The admission lingered in the air, a fragile acknowledgment of a truth long concealed. The Capitol, with its gilded exterior, appeared less invincible in that fleeting moment.
As the days unfolded, Coriolanus Snow embarked on a path unforeseen, diverging from the relentless pursuit of power. The Hunger Games, once a symbol of his ascension, now stood as a haunting reminder of the darkness that permeated the Capitol.
The journey had merely commenced, and the road ahead remained shrouded in uncertainty. Within the intricate tapestry of power and rebellion, a spark of humanity flickered. The man who had once manipulated you had begun to question the very system he had upheld.
As you and Coriolanus confronted an uncertain future, the foundations of the Capitol quivered. The dance between power and resistance persisted, and within the very heart of the Capitol, a nuanced revolution commenced subtly.
The Capitol, with its towering structures and glittering facade, stood as both a testament to opulence and a stark reminder of the shadows lurking beneath.
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sagewritings · 9 months
Midnight Library - Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
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pairing: draco malfoy x female reader
synopsis: your moment alone surrounded by books quickly ends when your boyfriend catches you sneaking out to the library in the middle of the night.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: curse words, smut, unprotected sex (read at your own discretion!)
a/n: hello everyone! i’ve been wanting to write for another character so here it is. do take note that this fic is 18+ and if you choose to proceed, your media consumption is up to you.
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
“I didn’t expect to see you here.”
You almost screamed, startled by a familiar voice. You looked up from the book that you were holding and turned sideways to face your smirking boyfriend.
“I didn’t expect to see you here either.” You replied, glaring at him for frightening you. It didn’t affect him at all; in fact, Draco seemed amused.
“You might have forgotten that I’m a prefect. I’m supposed to be out here to check if everyone is in their dormitories.” He explained, crossing his arm. “Meanwhile you, darling, aren't supposed to be here at this hour.”
You groaned, leaning back against your chair. “I’m only here to study, okay? I’m not doing anything illegal.”
“Sneaking out past curfew is illegal.” Draco replied.
Well, you know he’s right but you were not going to tell him that, not with his smug face looking at yours for a reaction.
It’s a few minutes past midnight. You were dressed in your night clothes and a sweater to keep you warm, surrounded by at least five books and a lamp. Truth be told, you didn’t want to be here. You’d rather be sleeping in your dorm room than be seated on a hardwood chair with barely enough light. But with your pride refusing you to fail potions, you decided to sacrifice one night of comfort.
Draco walked closer towards you, his face turning in confusion when he read the titles of the books.
“Potions? Are you studying for a test that I don’t know about?”
You sighed. “No, there’s no test. But I got my results earlier and I feel like I’m going to fail.”
“Why didn’t you just come to me?”
“Because, you’re always busy and I prefer to study alone.” You replied plainly.
Draco rolled his eyes. “You have to go back before another prefect catches you.”
“No, they won’t.”
“This isn’t the first time you sneaked out, didn’t you?” He furrowed his brows.
You smiled innocently, not saying anything. He let out a breath, towering over you while you stayed seated.
“Y/n, get back now.” Draco spoke, sounding authoritative.
You shook your head. “What will you do? You won’t dare subtract points from our house.”
His patience thinning, he leaned down until your eyes were level. One of his hands was placed upon the table, the other was holding the back of your seat. Despite being used to this closeness, you felt intimidated when your boyfriend smiled devilishly.
He closed the gap between the two of you by pressing his lips softly against yours. It took you a second to react, confused that he’s kissing you instead of fighting back.
“What are you doing?” You asked after pulling away from him gently, hands pressed against his shoulder.
“What? Can’t I kiss my girl?” Draco shrugged, standing up again.
You hummed. “Yeah, right.”
“Seriously. We have the entire library to ourselves, we might as well take advantage of it.” He spoke and pulled you up by the hand.
“And what happened to breaking the curfew?” You jokingly asked.
“Fuck the curfew.” Draco replied and pressed his lips to yours once again.
You discreetly pushed aside the lamp and the books, leaning your back against the edge of the table as Draco hungrily kissed you and trapped you with his body. You slowly lifted your hands from his chest to his hair, earning a small groaning sound from the boy.
He deepened the kiss, his hands subtly wrapping around your waist before lifting you up and sitting you down on the table. You wrapped your legs around his hips to pull him close, breathing heavily as he started to kiss the sides of your mouth.
Making out with Draco at the most risky places wasn’t new to you. There’s something about the thrill of getting caught that builds up the heat, and now is one of those times.
You let out a gasp when your boyfriend’s lips went from your mouth to your neck, kissing and sucking your skin softly.
“Hey, no marks.” You reminded him, your breath panting.
“Yes, ma’am.” He whispered, his hands bow sneaking below your sweater. “It’s a bit warm, don’t you think?”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, cheekily removing your sweater and your shirt at the same time. “Happy?” You asked, smirking when you observed his eyes glued to your red bra.
“Very.” He whispered in reply and lowered his head to press small kisses to your breasts.
Your arousal grew when you felt his fingers snaking up your back and within a moment, you felt your bra loosen. You looked down at your boyfriend, catching his smile as he eyed your bra going down. “That’s better.”
You moaned in surprise when his lips wrapped around your left nipple, your back arching as you tried to catch your breath. Without moving his head away from your chest, Draco pulled off his robe while you helped him remove his tie. 
“Draco.” You heaved when his mouth attached to your other nipple, his fingers now working simultaneously as he toyed with the other one. When he was satisfied with the attention that he gave to your breasts, he straightened up his posture once more and you took the opportunity to start unbuttoning his shirt. Your fingers worked hastily while your boyfriend admired the hungry look in your eyes.
You quickly get rid of his shirt, throwing it sideways as you turn your focus on his belt. 
“Someone’s excited.” He chuckled.
“Shut up and help me.” You spat, dropping his belt to the ground.
“Patience, darling. We have a lot of time.” Draco clicked his tongue. He pecked your lips once before crouching down. “Lift your hips slightly, love. Let me take this off of you.”
You obeyed, pushing yourself up from the table to allow Draco to pull down your pajamas and underwear. You took a deep breath at the realization that you were fully exposed, but paid no attention when you caught Draco eyeing your pussy while licking his lips.
“Well, what do we have here?” He smirked, his right hand landing gently on your thigh.
“Draco…” You whined lowly, growing frustrated as his fingers teased you by drawing random circles along your skin.
“What do you want, love?” He asked innocently.
You groaned. “Stop teasing me.”
He smirked. Draco loves nothing more than seeing you surrender to his touches, your sarcasm staying intact despite being desperate. And right now, he’s enjoying the growing smell and wetness of your arousal.
Removing his hand from your thigh, he pressed a finger against your clit and wrapped his other arm around you to keep you in place. You jolted forward, the pressure alone is enough to stimulate pleasure to your core. “Fuck.”
Draco’s finger gently circled your clit, both his cock and smile becoming larger at the sight of you. He surprised you by pressing two fingers in, his thumb taking over your clit. He began pumping, enjoying your moans mixed with the sound of your wet folds.
“Fucking hell, Draco. More.” You demanded through deep breaths, your chest rising and falling.
Draco didn’t respond, instead pulling out his fingers after a few moments. Your brows pinched together in confusion, looking at him as he brought his fingers to his mouth.
“You taste amazing, darling.” He smirked and watched as you stared at his lips. After licking his two fingers clean, he lifted his hands and brought his thumb in front of your face. “Open.”
Without hesitation, you opened your mouth and took his thumb in. You sucked, tasting yourself and letting out a moan while maintaining eye contact.
“Fuck.” Draco spoke, feeling his cock straining. 
After you’re done licking his finger, he pulls down his trousers and underwear. Despite seeing him naked multiple times, you still can’t help but be amazed at his size, your thoughts growing wild with desire.
You watched as Draco kneeled in front of you, his eyes being on the same level as your folds. He pulled you nearer to him, your lower half almost hanging off the edge of the table as he wrapped your legs around his shoulder.
“You gotta keep quiet, baby. We don’t want to get caught now, do we?”
Without any warning, Draco pressed his face to your pussy, his tongue expertly slipping inside and sucking on your clit.
“Fuck!” You moaned aloud, instantly forgetting his words as you pressed your weight against the bookshelf behind you.
Draco slapped your thigh softly. “What did I just say?”
You ignored him, too focused on the pleasure that you’re feeling to control the sounds from your mouth. You squirmed against his lips, grinding your hips upwards to get more. Your boyfriend smiled proudly.
“Yes, yes, Draco…. Shit.”
He pulled one of his hands away from you, lowering it to pump his manhood. His occasional moans caused vibrations throughout your body, your toes curling and your eyes shutting. Whatever information that you got from reading those potions books earlier was now thrown out of the window.
Draco felt your legs shake and he started to pull away. He needed you to cum, but not yet.
“W-what?” You asked desperately, almost whining at the loss of contact.
He gently shushed you, standing up and lining his cock directly at your slits. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll finish you right here.”
He pushed himself into you inch by inch, your warm folds wrapping around him perfectly. Draco groaned at the damp and tight feeling surrounding him, head falling back in pleasure as he settled perfectly within you.
You moaned once more, loudly this time as he started thrusting, his rhythm steady yet forceful. You repeatedly called his name, hands gripping the edge of the table as you shake in pleasure. Draco looked down to watch himself disappear inside you, eyes filled with darkness and pride every time his hips meet yours. He grabbed your thighs and pushed your legs forward, almost keeping them against your chest.
“That’s right, darling. Moan my name.” Sweat started to form on his forehead, his thrusts becoming harsher and quicker in desperate need. “C’mon, Y/n. Let me see you cum.”
“Draco…” You cried, your cunt clenching and throbbing. He pumped several more times before he completely pulled out, pulling you up with him.
Still dizzy from pleasure, you stood shakily, letting him maneuver your body as he desired. Draco turned you around, both of you now facing the shelves as he pushed your body to lean on the table. He kept your leg foot on the ground while he lifted your right, giving him easy access to your pussy.
He looked at your ass and caressed them swiftly before he entered you again, his thrusts becoming twice as hard.
“Fuck, Draco, please…” You weren’t sure what you were begging him for. All you knew is that you needed a release. 
“Yes, baby. Say my name, go on.” He cooed, his hand sneaking up to your front to grab one of your breasts as the other came down to your clit.
The pleasure was overwhelming as Draco focused on every part of you as possible. Both of you panting and covered in sweat, his hands working wonders on your clit and nipple while he perfectly filled your cunt. Your hands grabbed at the bookshelf in front of you, head leaning back to his shoulder.
You knew you were close when you started to feel something up in your lower stomach, the urge to cum increases with every thrust. You knew Draco was close too when you felt him twitch inside you, a warm liquid beginning to leak.
“D-Draco, I’m…”
“I know, baby. Cum with me. C’mon, pretty girl.” He whispered closely in your ear, maintaining the speed of his thrusts as he rubbed your clit faster.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
You almost screamed when you reached your orgasm, Draco following shortly after with a deep groan. Neither of you moved for a while, still breathless and shaking.
Draco rubbed your back and slowly pulled himself out of you, both of you moaning in the process. You sighed and turned around, leaning back against the table once more to keep your balance.
“Are you alright?” Draco touched your cheek, confused and concerned when you didn't say a word.
You smiled back and laughed lightly. “No, I feel like my knees are about to give out.”
He smirked, guiding you to a chair before gathering both of your clothes on the floor. “That’s what you get for sneaking out.”
“If this is the punishment for sneaking out, then I’ll see you again tomorrow night.” You smiled cheekily. “For potions lessons.”
Draco laughed before pulling out his wand and motioning it towards the two of you, your clothes magically reappearing on your bodies. He cleaned the table as well before pulling your hand.
“Let’s go before Filch catches us.”
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sagewritings · 9 months
hi!! i would love to request (if it interests you) a steve x reader ‘one of them is presumed dead and then is found but is severely tortured/traumatized’ fic! they are my SHIT and i never seen any with steve x reader (usually only eddie x reader). id love it if vecna got a hold of steve or the reader, maybe after the s4 finale, and made them confuse reality with nightmares and all that good angst. i know this is a lot and not everyone likes angst, but i thought id ask!
here you go! i'm so sorry it took so long! as a fellow angst lover, i love this request so much. thank you!
0 notes
sagewritings · 9 months
Night Fever - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x female reader
synopsis: after escaping vecna’s curse and the terrors of the upside down, nightmares and trauma started taking over your mind and body. hopefully, you and steve’s feelings for each other will be enough to save you.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of curse, trauma, death threats
request: [anon] hi!! i would love to request (if it interests you) a steve x reader ‘one of them is presumed dead and then is found but is severely tortured/traumatized’ fic! they are my SHIT and i never seen any with steve x reader (usually only eddie x reader). id love it if vecna got a hold of steve or the reader, maybe after the s4 finale, and made them confuse reality with nightmares and all that good angst. i know this is a lot and not everyone likes angst, but i thought id ask!
a/n: hello everyone! it’s been a while since i’ve posted here on my blog (i’m so sorry i got busy with college) but i missed writing fics for steve so here’s one! just a disclaimer, this fic is based on the events from more than a woman and staying alive. i recommend reading them beforehand to fully understand where the reader’s trauma came from but you can still read this on it’s own :)
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
  It’s two in the morning.
A thin layer of sweat covered your forehead, your hand on your chest as you tried to control your breathing. It’s been days. Nine days to be exact, and the ninth time you woke up from a night of disturbed sleep.
Frustrated, you threw the blanket away from your body and sat up. Realizing that it was still very much dark outside, you dimly opened the lamp beside your bed and walked yourself towards the bathroom.
For more than a week, every night has been like this. You, wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, go to the bathroom to wash your face, and settle by the window to read or listen to music until the sun rises.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror and saw how drained you look. How could you not, when you’ve spent no longer than two hours of sleeping?
You never told your friends your dilemma, although you didn’t have to because they can see it. Steve, especially.
He noticed the way you grew quiet, staring blankly ahead in class while you mindlessly played with your pen. He saw how you started losing your interest, slowly turning down every hangout invitation from your friends. He didn’t miss the way your shoulder slumped and your mouth frowned either. It wasn’t a look of disappointment. No, it was grief.
Steve felt as if you were vanishing right in front of his eyes, and it scares him that he doesn’t know the reason why. He tried to approach you multiple times, but in every occurrence, you appear startled and scared before dodging the topic.
After splashing your face with cold water, you silently walked back to your bed and laid on your back. You were too awake and scared to go back to sleep, but with fatigue quickly taking over your body, you can only hope for a dreamless night.
You weren’t sure whether your headache was caused by your lack of sleep or the overwhelming amount of voices surrounding you. Both, perhaps.
Your friends managed to get you out of the house an hour ago, inviting you to lunch at a diner. They said that it was time to unwind after the rough events that took place several days ago. And looking around the large booth, your friends occupying every seat at the table, you start to feel comfortable.
Steve sat beside you as he admired your small smile that he hasn’t seen for a while. He leaned closer to your ear and whispered low enough for only you to hear. “Are you alright?”
You kept your smile and nodded. You didn’t speak a lot these days, afraid that once you open your mouth, all of your burdens will spill out. Steve returned a grin and leaned back, glancing at you from time to time while he simultaneously finished his meal.
You and Steve haven’t made it official yet. Although you two are aware of your feelings for each other and it is clear that you are more than friends, your behavior lately has not allowed him to ask you to be his girlfriend.
On your other side, Max also stops to look at you, her eyes becoming soft as she silently observes how tired you looked. Your eyes met, and you tried your best to look as delightful as you can be.
“What?” You asked her softly.
“You look tired,” Max answered honestly. She kept her voice balanced and quiet, careful not to disrupt the conversation that Eleven and Mike are having beside her. “Have you slept?”
“Of course I did.” You replied coolly. “Just not enough.”
“Are you having nightmares?” You were shocked by her question but maintained a straight face, not giving an answer but you realized that she already knows. “It’s okay, I’m having them too.”
You looked at your younger friend sadly. Max has been through a similar experience as you, probably even worse yet here she is, smiling and laughing as if nothing has happened.
“How do you do it? How are you moving on?” You whispered.
“I just… I don’t want to spend my life in fear. The last time I did, I almost died.” She laughed slightly, but there was no hint of humor in her tone. “Just find a reason to move on, Y/n. There might be one that is much closer than you think.”
You didn’t miss the way her eyes shifted to Steve quickly.
Maybe she was right. Maybe you can move on.
You woke up on a cold hard floor.
It took a while before your sight turned clear enough to assess your surroundings. Hardwood floor, light beige walls, a window, and a door in front of you. You realized that you were in your bedroom, only without the furniture and posters that used to make your room lively.
“Dad?” You screamed, pushing yourself up from the floor. You started walking around but your feet felt heavy and slow. “Dad!”
The door bursts open. You were expecting to see the corridor of your house but took a step back when red smoke immediately entered the room. You shielded your eyes and nose as you felt the air inside the room become heavier. You rushed towards the door, but instantly regretted the decision when you recognized the scene before your eyes.
Four pillars, thick dark vines, and a red sky. The last time you were here, you were almost killed.
Upon instinct, you turned around in hopes to go back to the room, only to find the door no longer there. Your breathing became panicked as your mind tried to process whether this is real or not.
Your hands felt cold upon hearing the low taunting voice.
No, it couldn’t be.
“Y/n. Did you think you could get away from me easily?”
Despite the loud footsteps that you could hear behind you, you refused to turn around and shut your eyes.
“Oh, that won’t do. I’ll always be here, Y/n. You can’t escape me.” Vecna laughed deviously. Your back was still turned against him, but you can sense his presence becoming closer and closer with each second.
You opened your eyes slightly and shifted your eyes as far as you could without looking at the monster. You hoped for an escape, just like the previous times. There was none.
“Can’t you see? There’s no way out.” He laughed even louder.
“You’re not real.” You said to him, trying to convince yourself as well.
“But I am, and I won’t stop until I have your soul. Your death will be my victory.” Tears pooled in your eyes as his laugh echoed. 
You couldn’t take it and run, unsure of where you’re headed but that was the least of your priority. You needed to find a way out. Fast.
After the quick lunch at the diner with your friends, you immediately went home to calm your pounding head.
Steve, still worried and determined to find out what has been bothering you, decided to stop by your house several hours later. He knocked on the door and was slightly surprised to find your father by the door.
“Hey, Steve!” Your dad greeted him warmly.
Steve Harrington’s charm works for many people, including your father. While he is protective of you as his only daughter, he has already observed how gentle Steve is towards you. Only an ignorant person would not notice how you and Steve admire each other. From the simple glances to the subtle touches, there is no denying that you like each other.
So when your friends came over and told him that you and Steve finally confessed, he smiled approvingly. It’s about time.
“Hi, sir. Is Y/n here?” Steve asked politely.
“Ah, yes. She’s upstairs. You were with her a while ago, yes?”
“Yep. I just want to check on her.” Steve replied.
The smile your father had on his face grew small when he heard Steve’s words, motioning him to step inside the house. “Go ahead. But can I ask you a question, Steve?”
“Sure, sir. Anything.”
“Is she alright? I know my daughter, and I know that these past few days have been tough on her. I just don’t know why. And I won’t force you or her to tell me. I just need to know if she’s fine.”
The sincerity and concern behind your father’s voice moved your friend’s heart. He loved your dad as his own, feeling more connected with him than towards his own father. And so his conscience feels heavy every time he has to lie to him about the supernatural beings that your friend group has been facing. If he knew that his daughter had been cursed, your father would lose his mind and would probably lock you up to keep you safe.
“She’s fine, sir. Don’t worry.” Steve shot him a confident smile, ignoring the twisted feeling in his stomach. How ironic is it that he’s telling your father not to worry when he is restless?
Your dad nodded understandingly and patted Steve on the back.
Steve went up the stairs quietly, eyes scanning through the picture frames hanging by the wall. He knew the pictures all too well after visiting your house countless times.
He arrived in front of your bedroom door shortly and knocked. When you didn’t answer, Steve tried twisting the knob to see if it was locked. It’s not.
He knocked again, this time announcing himself. “Y/n, it’s me, Steve.”
No answer. 
Your dad said you were here, right? Maybe you were inside the bathroom?
Carefully, Steve slowly opened the door and peeked inside. He quickly spotted you on your bed, tucked underneath your weighted blanket with your eyes closed. He walked closer to you and adored how peaceful you looked. 
He smiled softly, wanting to touch your face but afraid to wake you up. Knowing how tired you must have been, it made him happy to see you finally at ease.
If only it lasted.
Steve turned around to leave your room when he heard you whimper. He turned around to face you once more. Your calm aura is now overtaken by scrunched eyebrows and low cries.
“Dad.” He heard you mumble as your face twisted with discomfort.
“Y/n?” Steve tried reaching out to you, confused whether you were awake or not. “It’s Steve.”
Your eyes remained closed as you continued to sob in your sleep, making Steve realize that you were experiencing a nightmare. He softly placed a hand on your cheek, hoping to wake you up but failing. Then his eyes widened in panic when he felt you shake.
“Y/n.” He called your name again, maintaining a calm voice to avoid startling you. “Come on, open your eyes for me.”
He heard you whisper a phrase, but your voice was muffled because of you crying and shaking. Steve rubbed your upper arm soothingly while continuing to call your name.
It wasn’t long until you gasped and opened your eyes, frantically sitting up as if you were trying to catch some air.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re alright.” Steve sat beside you, his right hand going up and down your back while the other held your hand.
Although aware of his presence, you couldn’t look directly at Steve as your mind is still trying to process what you have just seen. It took you a whole minute to calm down, breathing heavily as you wiped the tears away from your face.
“Steve.” You finally acknowledged him, speaking his name softly.
A new wave of tears exited your eyes when you finally felt vulnerable. You cried deeply, the stress and exhaustion from the previous nights suddenly poured out from your body. Steve held you close and stroked your hair while you cried against his shoulder, whispering comforting words while he patiently waited for you to calm down.
Whatever your nightmare was about has absolutely wrecked you.
“H-he’s going to come after me.” You finally spoke after a while, your voice hoarse from crying.
“What?” Steve asked, his fingers brushing away the strands of hair that fell against your face tenderly.
“Vecna. He’s still after me, Steve.” You cried out.
You remembered it all. The grief that you felt after you lost your mother, resulted in you and your father moving to Hawkins. How that grief became the key to Vecna cursing you. You remembered the first time you heard that a student was killed. It didn’t take long before two more followed, and then it was you. Almost you.
The headache and constant worry over yourself and Max. Seeing her rise in the air with her eyes glazed in white. You knew you looked like that too, never forgetting the terrified look that Steve has on his face every time you came back.
Then there was the clock, the bats, the Upside Down. 
You recalled how Eddie was accused of murder and how your group tried to protect him from Jason’s vile friends. You remembered the vines pulling you against the pillar while Vecna’s terrifying figure towered over you. Your heart almost pumping out of your chest as you ran away from him and towards Steve.
“That’s not possible, Y/n. We killed him, remember?” Steve tried to convince you.
“I know that. I want to believe that. But he’s still in my mind.” You explained, starting to feel the weight on your chest lighten a bit after confessing to Steve. “I can’t sleep without seeing him. Sometimes he threatens me, sometimes he threatens my dad. He showed me images of you dead.”
You broke down even more. 
Steve didn’t know what to do. He wanted to comfort you but he can’t do anything else other than hold you. Seeing you in tears as you voice out your fears hurts him, but he knew he had to stay strong.
He knew all that had happened, being beside you throughout everything. He would be lying if he said that none of it affected him. No, it was imprinted on his mind. The images of his friends fighting against those deadly creatures, seeing you and Max floating in the air while he can’t do anything aside from hope. Steve hated every second of it.
Yet he knew that you faced worse. If only he could take away your fear, he would.
He gently shushed you, kissing your forehead while he continuously whispered “I’m here.” You two stayed like that for a while, arms around each other as you released your pain through your tears.
“I’m sorry.” You said to him after a while, pulling away slightly to wipe your tears with your hand.
“Hey, you don’t need to apologize. Don’t ever apologize. You shouldn’t have gone through all those things.” Steve looked directly into your eyes as he gently held your face, determined to make you believe him. “You are strong, Y/n. You inspire me, you inspire Max, all of us look up to you.”
You sniffed, hugging him again while thanking him.
At this point, you weren’t sure whether you’ll be fully healed again. But Steve is right, you are strong because you survived. And Vecna is gone, your friends made sure of that. You didn’t know how long it would take you to move on without fear constantly nagging you. But with Steve holding you close, his relaxed breathing calming your own as he leaned back beside you, you didn’t worry.
Finally, you fell asleep without dreaming.
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sagewritings · 2 years
this is so cute for some reason 😭 thank you !! (completely owe it to the theme :3)
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sagewritings · 2 years
Can you do a Steve Harrington imagine set after season 2 before season 3 for Steve and the Henderson!reader where Billy just keeps trying to push them to fight him but she and Steve make a deal to make sure the other doesn't so one day she needs Steve calms her down after Billy (verbally) goes after Dustin so Steve talks about their future and accidentally confesses because they're in love with each other?
here you go love <3 thank you so much for this request!
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sagewritings · 2 years
Late Night Talking - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson reader
synopsis: being dustin henderson’s older sister made you involved in their fights with the upside down, which also led you to become closer with steve harrington. after spending months with each other, and a particular encounter with billy hargrove, steve realizes that he found who he was looking for.
word count: 5.3k
warnings: violence, mentions of blood, curse words, insults/bullying
request: [anon] Can you do a Steve Harrington imagine set after season 2 before season 3 for Steve and the Henderson!reader  where Billy just keeps trying to push them to fight him but she and Steve make a deal to make sure the other doesn't so one day she needs Steve calms her down after Billy (verbally) goes after Dustin so Steve talks about their future and accidentally confesses because they're in love with each other?
a/n: hello everyone! here’s a steve harrington fic based on a request. thank you so much to the person who sent this, it’s really fun to work with! also, as you may have noticed with the title, this story is briefly based on harry styles’ late night talking too :3 i honestly didn’t expect this one to be this long (i was planning to keep it between 2-3k words lol) but i just had to establish the story first.
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
If you're feelin' down
I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around
I just wanna make you happier, baby
We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind
It all began on that one eventful afternoon.
You thought your brother had gone crazy when he barged in your room, panicked while he explained something about a demogorgon. You weren’t foreign to the word, having heard it multiple times whenever his group of friends would come over to play their fantasy game. But when he confessed how he kept one as a pet and became more than ten times its size after eating your mom’s cat, you almost laughed at him.
And then you saw it crawling above the kitchen island. You didn’t know whether you wanted to protect Dustin or feed him to the creature for letting it inside your house.
“Out of all the animals in this world, you chose a fucking demogorgon as a pet.” You hissed at your brother, and both of you crouched down to peek through the wooden door of your mom’s tool shed.
“I didn’t know it was a demogorgon.” He argued back, glaring at you. “Oh, shit. There he is.”
You looked forward, watching the creature eat the ham slices Dustin laid out.
“Yes, yes, yes.” He mumbled to himself when it reached the basement. Dart, who seemed to know that he was being watched, stopped and turned around, looking directly at the shed. “Shit.”
You gasped, pulling Dustin away slightly. Your brother heaved and pulled his hockey stick tighter. Your eyes widened when you realized what was going on in his head. “Dustin, you are not going out there– fucking hell!”
You barely had time to hold him steady when he slammed the door open and ran outside. The demogorgon screeched, lunging at your brother with its wide mouth and sharp teeth.
Dustin struck at the monster using his stick, successfully sending it downwards to the basement. Both of you ran quickly and held each side of the door closed before it could regain its balance and climb up.
“Get a lock and a chain!” You ordered Dustin, leaning to his side to position yourself in between the two doors.
He ran back to the shed to get what you needed, hastily wrapping the handles together when he reached you.
When you were sure that the demogorgon wouldn’t be able to escape, you looked at your brother sternly. “What the hell was that?!”
“I just saved our lives, in case you missed it!” He screamed.
“Yeah? What if that thing was stronger than you and ate us both?”
“Well, it didn’t!”
You groaned. “Where did that come from anyway?”
“Nothing.” He gulped, remembering that you had no knowledge of the upside down. “I’m gonna go to the Wheelers.”
“Absolutely not.” You stopped him, glaring threateningly. “I knew there was something going on with you since Will went missing. And now I just witnessed a fucking alien in our house. So either you explain to me what’s going on, or I’ll call mom this instant so you’ll be grounded for life.”
Dustin sighed. “Fine. But I need you to drive me to Mike’s first. I’ll tell you everything on the way.”
And so he did. Your brother filled you in with everything; the gate in the Hawkins lab, the upside down, Eleven, demogorgons. You didn’t even think about doubting him anymore, not after what you’ve just seen.
When you reached the Wheeler residence, the two of you stepped out of the car, both sweaty and stressed. It didn’t help that Mike and Nancy were not in their house either, and Dustin couldn’t help but mumble curses under his breath while walking back towards your car.
Another car pulled up at the back of yours, revealing a distressed Steve Harrington holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. You were familiar with the boy, having seen him numerous times because you two were both seniors in high school, but that was it.
You ignored him, not surprised why he stopped over because you knew he and Nancy are dating. But your brother had other plans.
“Steve.” He called out, stopping Steve in his tracks as he looked at you and Dustin. “Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?”
Steve questioningly looked at the flowers. “No.”
“Good.” He pulled the bouquet out of Steve’s hand and started walking in the direction of his car.
“Dustin! Where are you going?” You called out after him.
“Hey! What the hell? Hey!” Steve ran too.
“Nancy isn’t home.” Dustin turned around to face Steve before looking at you. “Steve can help us.”
“Help you with what?” Steve asked.
“We have bigger problems than your love life.” Your brother opened one door in the backseat of Steve’s car. “You still have that bat? The one with the nails?”
“I’ll explain later. I just need you to drive.” He sat inside. “Now!”
Steve scrambled after Dustin, a confused expression on his face but he didn’t protest. You were left standing, not knowing if you should follow them while hesitating to leave your car in the Wheeler’s driveway.
“Y/n! Get your ass in here!” Dustin yelled.
You inhaled sharply, feeling nervous, confused, and annoyed all at the same time but you obliged.
On the way back to your house, you and Steve took turns to question Dustin. It surprised you how much you agree with the boy, nodding whenever he would make a scolding statement at your brother.
The events only worsened when you reached the basement and found that the demogorgon escaped, digging through the wall and dirt.
Following Dustin’s plan, you three walked to the junkyard, joining groups with Max and Lucas. The boys were stunned when they realized how quickly the new girl warmed up to you, immediately attaching herself by your side after ten minutes of knowing her. It was probably because you were the only other female there beside her, you thought.
The rest of the night was chaotic. You and Steve took turns in protecting the three children, grabbing them out of the way whenever one of the adolescent demogorgons would attack. Your group had to gather with the rest at the Hawkins laboratory when the creatures ran away.
And now you found yourself at the Byers’ home, following Mike around as he points at Will’s drawings.
“Here, right here. This is like a hub.” He said, kneeling on top of the paper sheets. “So you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire–”
“Oh, yeah? That’s a no!” Steve said.
“The mind flayer would call away his army.” Dustin continued for Mike.
“They’d all come to stop us!” Lucas added.
“We circle back to the exit. By the time they realize we’re gone–”
“El would be at the gate.” Max finished.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! This is not happening.” Steve clapped his hands to gain their attention. He saw Mike open his mouth and quickly spoke before him. “No buts! I promised I’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. We’re staying here, on the bench, and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand that?”
“You’re not the only one in charge of us.” Max pointed out, looking at you.
“Don’t ask me anymore. I’m with Steve.” You shrugged. You saw Steve smile smugly while Dustin threw a glare at you.
The sound of a car engine interrupted your conversation. Max was the first to run towards the window, a look of shock and fear on her face when she recognized the mobile.
“It’s my brother.” She whispered. “He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.”
“Cover the windows. Now!” You instructed, and the kids pulled down all the blinds. Steve walked to the front door before you stopped him. “Where are you going?”
“I’ll make him turn around.” He said simply.
“I don’t know how you’re planning to do that, but I don’t think your charm will work on him.” You said. You didn’t know a lot about Billy Hargrove, but you’ve heard enough to know that he’s more on the violent side.
“Okay, ouch. But I have to try. Just keep them hidden.” He instructed, pointing at Dustin and his friends who were watching anxiously from the window.
You groaned, standing by the door so you could faintly hear their voices from outside. You were confused about what was taking them so long until you heard the children gasp, throwing themselves aggressively back on the couch while mumbling curses.
“What happened?” You asked them, shocked when you were thrown aside from the impact of the door opening.
You winced when your back hit the wooden drawer behind you. You didn’t have time to register until you were face to face with Billy, blocking his path while your younger friends hurried behind you.
“Stay the fuck away.” You gritted, still feeling the pain in your lower back.
Billy met your eyes, angered but smirking when he saw you. “Ah, Y/n Henderson, right? I didn’t expect such a bad mouth from a girl like you.”
“You’ll get more than a curse word if you don’t leave.” You threatened him.
“What are you gonna do? Punch me?” He taunted, stepping forward.
You laughed, which seemed to catch him off guard, before raising your right fist and aiming at his nose. You were surprised by your own actions. If your mother knew you punched someone, she would be in hysterics. But you didn’t care, you were too tired and angry by everything that has happened, and seeing Billy Hargrove’s face just marked your boiling point.
He stumbled back, stunned but furious when he felt blood dripping from his nose. He lunged at you, reaching for your waist so he could throw you down. “You little bitc–”
You stepped away swiftly, leaving him to grab air while you reached for the iron stick beside the couch. You slammed it against his back, hurting him slightly but he was able to grasp your ankle, making you lose balance as you fell directly on your back.
You groaned at the impact, your back, and head both in pain. Billy stepped over you, breathing heavily. “Never come in my way again, Henderson. Or I won’t hesitate to kill you in front of your brother.”
He turned his attention to Lucas, the poor boy was frightened but he couldn’t do anything when Billy picked him up.
Dustin ran to you. There was a mixture of amazement and concern on his face. “Can you get up?”
“Yeah, just give me a moment.” You croaked.
Steve entered the house, a few scratches on his face but still rushing over you when he saw you laying on the floor. “What happened?”
He guided you to sit up slowly, but you pushed him away. “Don’t worry about me. Billy has Lucas.”
Your words alerted him as he walked to the kitchen, prying Billy off of Lucas. Unfortunately, Billy was stronger. In a matter of seconds, Steve replaced your body on the ground of the living room, the other boy hovering above him as he threw continuous punches.
You didn’t know what to do as you watched with the kids, your arms spread horizontally to shield them away from the fight. You looked around for any weapons that could knock out Billy until your eyes landed on a syringe on top of the drawers.
Max followed your eyesight, grasping your thoughts. She reached out before you could move, plunging the needle at her brother’s neck without hesitation.
Billy fell back, rapidly losing his consciousness but Max threatened him first before he could close his eyes. She grabbed his car keys, throwing them towards you.
“Let’s get out of here.”
“Woah, hold on.” You said, making them all look at you. “Where are you planning to go?”
“The hive,” Mike answered.
“Didn’t we have this conversation earlier? You are not going. And we can’t leave Steve here!” You panicked.
“Then we’ll take him with us,” Max said.
You were about to disagree when Dustin stepped in front of you, looking as serious as ever. “Look, Y/n, either we stay here and do nothing, or we could go out there and help our friends.”
“Please. Distracting them is the least we could do.” Dustin insisted.
You groaned, looking at Steve’s knocked-out body. “Fine. But no one goes anywhere without me. Got it?”
You waited for all of them to nod before starting Billy’s car, coming back inside the house to help Mike and Dustin lift Steve’s body to the backseat. Lucas and Max picked up everything they needed in the process, including some lighters and gasoline.
Mike and Dustin were huddled in the middle, keeping Steve’s body steady while Lucas took charge of the equipment at the back. Max was seated beside you as you drove, her eyes focused on the road signs and map.
It wasn’t long before Steve woke up, panicking when he found himself in a moving car. The rest of you tried to comfort him in an attempt to maintain the silence before he opened his eyes.
A few minutes passed and you reached the field, dressing with masks and glasses to avoid inhaling the air from the upside down. You and Steve went down to the tunnels first, making sure that there is no creature waiting to devour any of you.
You stayed in front of your group while Steve positioned at the back, shielding the kids effectively until they lit the hive on fire, all of you running back to where you came from after hearing the demogorgons.
You were all panting from fear and exhaustion when you returned to Billy’s car. Steve let you drive again back to the Byers’ house, admitting that he couldn’t see properly from all his injuries.
By the time you reached the house, Billy was sitting silently in the living room after he regained consciousness, but still groggy enough to feel any anger. It was an advantage on your side when Hopper and Eleven arrived almost at the same time as you, and the chief was successful in scaring Billy away.
The boy glared at you and Steve before going back to his car, Max following him. You were hesitant to let her go with him, but she assured you that Billy will never lay a hand on her as long as they live in the same house with her mother.
Joyce offered to make a quick dinner for everyone before parting ways, briefly panicking when she saw the dead demogorgon in her fridge that Steve and Dustin placed earlier. You settled for a sandwich, thanking her quietly before stepping out to the porch to sit on the bench.
Your mind was still processing everything that had happened in a span of four hours, feeling every sort of emotion while simultaneously thinking of an excuse for you and your brother when you returned home.
You could hear their voices inside the house, your brother’s laugh standing out from the others. The sound of the creaking door made you look up and you made eye contact with Steve, the boy sitting beside you with a can of soda in his hand.
“You look like shit.” You tried to hide your concern as you took in his face.
“I feel like shit.” He shrugged.
“Hargrove did a number on you, didn’t he?” You asked. “How will you explain that to your parents?”
It was a simple question for you but Steve stiffened, covering the tension in his voice with a chuckle. “It’s a good thing my parents aren’t home all the time, then.”
You didn’t reply, taking a bite of your sandwich instead. You weren’t oblivious to reading people’s emotions, and you knew that there is much more to Steve’s statement.
“Is your hand okay?” He pointed at your right knuckles. “Your brother wouldn’t stop talking about how you punched Hargrove.”
You smiled to yourself at the mention of your brother before tilting your hand to inspect it. There was nothing major aside from the reddening area of your joints. “It’s all good. My back hurts like hell, though.”
“Can you imagine his face when we see him back in school next week?” He spoke, eyes widened slightly at the thought of seeing Billy eye to eye again.
“He can’t really hurt us in school, can he? Unless he wants to be kicked out.” You shrugged.
“You know, aside from the part where I got beaten up, I had fun.”
You snorted at his words. “Fighting monsters was fun?”
“Yeah. And, I got to talk to you. You’re pretty cool.” Steve looked at you playfully.
“Pretty cool? Come on, Harrington. I’m more than that.” You said with confidence.
“Okay, you were amazing.” Steve rolled his eyes at your pleased smile. “I wish I could’ve seen you punch Billy.”
“Hey, as satisfying as that feels, I don’t fancy doing it again.”
“Alright, let’s make a deal.” He turned his body to fully face you, reaching his hand out. “No more fighting Billy Hargrove.”
You looked at his hand with a smirk before shaking it. “No more fighting Billy Hargrove.”
You and Steve stuck together since that night, and you even applied to the same colleges. Sometimes you still wonder how that single experience from six months ago suddenly shifted the way you looked at him. From the asshole popular student who always finds himself in trouble, to this softhearted older brother material to children.
You were also introduced to Eleven, who warmed up to you as quickly as Max did, and would always invite you over to their cabin. It was fascinating to witness her powers, and you were always left in awe whenever she would use them.
Billy Hargrove didn’t leave you either. He couldn’t do something physically harmful, but that didn’t stop him from throwing unpleasant statements at you and Steve. Although, it seems like he chose a different victim for today.
After your classes, you made your way to the parking lot where Steve promised to pick you up. It was another advantage of your friendship with him, free rides for you and Dustin whenever you wanted.
From the distance, you stopped walking when you spotted him leaning against his car, talking with Nancy Wheeler. You felt something tug in your chest but you quickly pushed it away, pretending to be unbothered at the sight.
But you weren’t unbothered. You remember the day you fought those creatures, how you and Dustin found him walking towards the Wheelers’ house with flowers in his hand. You are not an idiot to not realize who it was for. And from what you and Steve have talked about, they didn’t have any closure.
It would be untrue if you say that you didn’t have feelings for Steve. Even El told you that she noticed how your smile is always brighter whenever you’re with him. It was hard not to admire the boy, especially whenever you would see him bond with your brother.
Though, naturally, your mouth remained shut. You convinced yourself that this crush will pass, but it’s been months and you find it harder to hide.
You waited for Nancy to leave, waving her hand at Steve before joining Jonathan in his car. Your friend watched her with a smile when she walked away, only turning around when he heard your voice.
“Hey.” He smiled at you.
“I’ll just pick up Dustin.” You said, starting to walk to the next building where Hawkins Middle School is located.
Steve jogged up next to you. “I’ll go with you.”
You chuckled, nodding as the two of you made your way to your brother. But the sight that you caught made your blood boil.
Dustin would always wait for you and Steve at the drop-off area, but he wasn’t alone at the moment. Towering over him was Billy Hargrove, smirking as he looked down at your angry brother.
As you come nearer to the two of them, the more you can hear Billy’s insults.
“You little shit. You think I’ll let you talk back to me?” He hissed at Dustin. “You’re nothing but a piece of dirt, you hear me?”
When Dustin didn’t reply, he became angrier.
“I said, do you fucking hear m–!”
“We heard you, asshole.” You cut him off as you and Steve stood in front to protect Dustin.
“Ah, look who it is.” Billy grinned wider. “Harrington and Henderson. Nice to see you again.”
“You know what’s nicer?” You smirked. “Seeing blood running down your nose after a girl punched you.”
Your words made him drop his smile, breathing heavily as he tried to contain his anger. Steve senses the change in his emotions and pulls you backward.
“Fucking bitch. You’re just like your brother. Useless and patheti–”
You lunged at him, morals are damned. But Steve held your waist before you could throw a punch at Billy. He whispered your name repeatedly, attempting to calm you down and remind you of the deal you made months earlier.
“Let’s go. He isn’t worth our time.” Steve said aloud, holding your hand and wrapping an arm around Dustin’s shoulder.
You jeered at Billy’s face, not letting go of Steve or you might end up bruising his face again.
“If there’s anyone that’s pathetic here, it’s you. No wonder why even your own sister can’t stand you.”
Your words tore through him, replacing his anger with despair. If you didn’t know who he was, you would feel sorry for how he looked like he was about to cry. But your words were nowhere near all the insults he gave you and your brother since that night.
You walked away without regret, feeling nothing but resentment when you saw Dustin with his head down. Steve glanced warningly at Billy too, trying to remain calm for your sake.
The drive back to your house was silent. You and Dustin were leaning against the car doors, distracting yourselves with the sensation of the wind flowing through your hair. Steve would occasionally glance between you two, waiting for you to speak first.
Your mother welcomed you by the door, oblivious to your gloomy mood.
“Hi, sweetie.” She greeted Steve who walked you and Dustin. “You want to stay for dinner?”
“Oh, uh, sure Mrs. Henderson.” Steve smiled.
It wasn’t the first time your mom invited him over, knowing that Steve usually spends his time alone without his parents. She appreciates him, seeing the positive impact of his presence in your and Dustin’s lives.
Dustin made his way to his room, mumbling something about homework before slamming his door shut. You sighed at your brother, planning to talk to him alone later.
You and Steve went to your room and did schoolwork for an hour, only leaving the room when your mom called for your assistance in preparing the plates. Dustin was silent the entire time, looking down at his food as he avoided any conversation.
You volunteered to wash the dishes with Steve’s help. Your mother excused herself early, entering her bedroom with Mews. You noticed that Dustin was about to do the same and you called for him, stopping at his door before he could close it.
“Hey, Dusty.” You smiled softly. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just tired.” He lied.
It was unusual for your brother to go beyond hours without making any playful remarks or swearing. “I don’t know what Hargrove told you, and I won’t push you to tell me if you’re not comfortable. But I want you to know that none of them are true, alright?”
He looked down, not saying anything. You crouched a little and placed your hands on his shoulder.
“I mean that. You’re the smartest and bravest person I know. You even battled with demogorgons! Hargrove got nothing on you.”
You were surprised when Dustin reached forward and hugged you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You two barely hug, but you knew he needed one at the moment.
“Thanks, Y/n.” He whispered, letting you pull away first before softly closing his door.
You exhaled, dragging your feet as you walked back to the kitchen.
“How is he?” Steve whispered to you, wiping the plates that you had washed earlier.
You leaned your back against the counter. “I don’t know. I still don’t know what that scumbag told him.”
“You almost lost control back there.” He stated, standing beside you.
“I just… I didn’t mind it whenever he would push my limits. But I just got so mad when I heard what he said to Dustin.”
Steve let you speak, doing nothing but listening and nodding.
“You’re a good sister.” He whispered after a while.
“He’s a good brother, honestly.” You shrugged. “He treats you like his brother too, you know.”
Steve’s head snapped to look at you, a hopeful look on his face. “Yeah?”
You nodded, chuckling. “Yeah. You have no idea how much he talks about you.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile. If he was being honest, he also treats Dustin Henderson as a brother. He was somehow grateful that he got involved with all these upside down phenomena because he got to meet the kid.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“For what?”
“For being in Dustin’s life.” You met his eyes. “We didn’t really grow up with a father. He would only rely on my mom and me, sometimes on his friends too when he has a problem. And then you came, and he became twice as happy.”
Your words warmed Steve’s heart, trying his best not to show his reddening cheeks. He averted his eyes around the kitchen until it fell on an envelope near the fridge. Even from afar, he recognized the university seal.
“Is that…?”
Confused, you looked at where he was looking, realization filling your mind. “Oh, that? Yep. I got in.”
Your flat tone made Steve turn to you with furrowed brows. “You don’t sound excited.”
You sighed heavily before confessing. “I’m thinking of taking a year off.”
“Seriously?” His eyes were wide.
You nodded. “Yeah. I talked with my mom already, and I told her that I want to save up first. Get a job or something so I can help her. She was fine, thankfully.”
“What job will you take then?” Steve sounds genuinely interested.
“I don’t know. But I saw an opening at the library. They needed two assistants.” You grinned. “What about you? Heard from any university yet?”
Steve’s smile fell. “I got two results yesterday, and I didn’t get in. I’m still waiting for one more. I’m screwed if that fails too.”
“Oh, Steve.” You lean closer to him until your arms are touching.
Steve looked down at you, taking the chance to admire you without you knowing. He would be lying as well if he denies that most of his thoughts weren’t preoccupied with you.
He tried to persuade himself that what he feels for you is platonic, strictly brought by the fact that he experienced his first real friendship with you. But as he looks at you, knowing that despite your sarcastic and carefree attitude, you were a kind, generous, and loving person.
He looked away when you raised your eyes.
“I saw you with Nancy earlier.” Your tone was playful, trying to make it sound like you were teasing him and not as if you were trying to snoop on what they talked about.
Steve scrunched his nose, chuckling slightly. “It was nothing.”
“Nothing? Nothing how?”
“She just asked for permission if they could use the swim team for this year’s school paper.” He explained.
You let out a small sound of understanding. “Steve?”
“Do you… still love Nancy?” You decided to ask him before you could take it back.
Steve raised his brows when he looked at you.
“I’m sorry if that’s weird.” You said quietly.
“No, it’s not.” He chuckled. “I’ll always love her, but I’m not in love with her.”
You shot him a confused look, signaling him to elaborate.
“I guess I always knew that we weren’t as perfect as we seem and that she always loved Jonathan instead of me. Which is why I didn’t really ask for a closure anymore, ‘cause we both knew it was failing but we were too scared to be alone.”
“Damn, that’s deep.” You whispered which made him laugh.
Steve stared at your eyes. “But I did find a girl.”
“Mhm. I’m torn, though. I convinced myself that I like her, but I think I already fell in love.” He said softly, not disconnecting his eyes from yours.
You ignored the feeling of envy that was currently brewing in your chest as you took in his words, faking an interesting look to let him continue.
“I feel like an idiot for not talking to her sooner because she’s the smartest and most loving person that I know. I’ve never experienced so much laughter and sarcasm until I met her. And I knew that I fell when I realized how she made me the happiest person this past few months.”
“This past few months?” You repeated his words, mind failing to grasp what he was trying to say. You tried to think about all the girls he became friends with recently, but there was none other than you.
Steve grinned at your confused face, finding it adorable. He didn’t know if the words he was about to say would ruin your friendship, but he didn’t care. He needed you to know. “She has a brother too, which is great because he’s funny and smart like she is. And surprisingly, we make a good team as babysitters.”
Your mouth opened slightly when the puzzles connected. You blinked slowly, not knowing how to react.
Steve, who was anxiously waiting for your response, asked. “What do you think?”
“A-about what?” You stuttered, a smile forming on your face.
“About the girl.”
“She sounds nice.”
“What about the guy?” He asked nervously.
“I think he has nothing to worry about.” You shrugged, grinning. “Because she fell for him too.”
You saw his eyes brighten, a huge smile covering his face at your reply. “She did?”
You nodded, laughing softly when he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
“You’re not playing with me, aren’t you?”
You faked a gasp of hurt. “I would never do such a thing.”
He lowered his head to yours, one hand raising to move your stray hair away from your face. “Do you think he can kiss her?”
You chuckled again, gazing at his lips. “Absolutely. He’d be an idiot not to.”
And he did. He closed the gap between your faces as gently as possible. Neither of the two of you moved, allowing you to memorize the sensation first. You can feel him smiling against the kiss. He held you tighter as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You remained like that for a few moments before you heard Dustin shout.
“What the fuck? My eyes, my eyes!”
You gasped as you pushed yourself away from Steve, turning around to see Dustin covering his eyes aggressively.
You rolled your eyes at your dramatic brother while Steve held his laugh behind you. “You can open them now.”
Dustin hesitantly lowered his hand, breathing heavily as if he had just run for miles. “What did I just see?”
“What are you doing here?” You ignored his question.
“I came here for a glass of milk!” He exclaimed before you shushed him, saying that your mother has gone to bed. “Are you two dating?”
You raised your brows at his stern voice. “No.”
“Not yet.” Steve corrected you, sending you a flirty smile.
Dustin groaned, glaring at Steve for almost a whole minute before he sighed. “Look, I’m not going to pretend like I didn’t know you like my sister, and I’d rather have you date her than anyone else. But please, never ever kiss in front of me, got it?”
Steve nodded obediently, but Dustin had another threat.
“And don’t you ever hurt her, Harrington. Or I would have El open another portal and bring you to the upside down.”
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sagewritings · 2 years
Scoops and Spies - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x female reader
synopsis: to help distract el from mike, you and max treat her to starcourt mall. upon entering scoops ahoy, you, together with your friends, overhears a conversation that gives you the confirmation you needed in admitting your feelings towards steve.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none :)
a/n: hello everyone! here’s a short steve harrington fic set in season 3! if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
No words can express how much Steve Harrington adores you.
He can clearly remember the first time he laid eyes on you. Hawkins is a small town and everybody practically knew each other. So when he gazed at your unfamiliar face on the first day of his sophomore year, he became interested.
Still, he didn’t do anything to approach you because his pride wouldn’t let him. Girls come to him, not the other way around. It was a good thing that Carol, although she wasn’t really a trustworthy friend, was very nosy and found out the basic information about you.
Steve watched as you rapidly made friends over the next few days. It was as if you had a magnet that naturally attracts people towards you. He could not blame them, however. Because he understood why when you shot him a smile once and it made his entire body warm.
He kept his distance, slightly ashamed of the reputation that he had established for himself in high school. But he eventually got his chance to speak with you, for which he had silently thanked Dustin Henderson.
It was the day that Dustin needed help in catching Dart, and it just so happens that you live beside his house. But your combined skills weren't enough. You needed weapons, and Steve Harrington had one when you and Dustin found him at the Wheeler’s house.
That was the first time he heard Steve stutter around someone.
From then on, you and Steve became close friends. But for your other friends, it was painfully obvious that you two wanted to be more than that.
Truthfully, you were not completely unaware of his adoring looks towards you either, but you didn’t want to assume anything and risk your friendship. The connection that you had created with Steve is special, and you would rather not lose that.
Even now, with you sitting on Max’s bed while she scolds you as if she’s the older friend, you shook your head when she told you to come forward to Steve.
“You know, you don’t have to turn down a lot of guys if you just make it official with Steve!”
You groaned. “There is nothing to make official, Max. And it’s not that simple.”
“Oh, but it is,” Max stood in front of you, hands on her hips. “You like him, he likes you. Done.”
“Except he hasn’t told me that!”
“He doesn’t need to because it’s already obvious!”
“I’m not going to hold on to something obvious, not when our friendship is at stake. I want to hear something. A confirmation.” You explained, hugging one of her pillows closer to your body.
Max was the first person to know about how you felt for Steve. The girl might like to pretend that she doesn’t care, but you grew to learn that she always observes.
She was about to reply when her doorbell rang.
Your eyes widened. “Shit. Is that Billy?”
“Billy doesn’t use the doorbell.” She snorted and walked out of her room.
You peeked through the open door and stood up slightly when you couldn’t see the person Max was talking to. It wasn’t long before you recognized Eleven, walking inside the house while the other girl led her towards the bedroom.
“El!” You greeted her as she entered, throwing your arms around her shoulder for a quick hug.
She laughed softly, hugging you back. “Hi, Y/n.”
“She’s having a crisis,” Max stated seriously after you pulled El to sit on the bed with you.
“What crisis?”
“It’s Mike,” El said.
“Why? What did Mike do?” You asked.
“Last night, Mike was at my house but his Nana got sick and he had to go home. So I called him this morning because he was late but he said that Nana was still sick and he couldn’t come over. And then he said he missed me, and then he just hung up.” Eleven explained.
You remained quiet, trying to imagine everything that she had said.
“He’s a piece of shit,” Max said suddenly.
“Maxine!” You gasped at the same time El asked “What?”
“Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn’t sick. I guarantee you, he and Lucas are playing Atari right now.” The red-haired girl smiled smugly.
“Or, he could be telling the truth?” You tried to reason out, but Max looked at you with her eyebrows raised. “Okay, maybe the part where he hung up was suspicious.”
“But friends don’t lie,” El said, an innocent and confused expression drawn on her face.
“Yeah, well, boyfriends lie. All. The. Time.” Max spoke, lowering her head so it was leveled with Eleven. “You’re going to stop calling him. You’re going to ignore his calls. As far as you’re concerned, he doesn’t exist.”
“Doesn’t exist?” El repeated.
“He treated you like garbage. You’re gonna treat him like garbage. Give him the taste of his own medicine.”
“Give him the medicine.”
“Mhm. And if he doesn’t fix this, he doesn’t explain himself, dump his ass.”
“Okay, that’s enough.” You cut them off, giving Max a warning look. “Let El decide what to do when we have proof.”
Max huffed, but her annoyance was soon replaced with a proud smile. “I have an idea. Let’s go out.”
“And where are we going?” You asked, standing up when you saw her pick up her wallet.
“To have some fun and treat El,” Max answered, grabbing Eleven’s hand. “There’s more to life than stupid boys.”
“Where?” You clarified.
“The mall?” Eleven stopped Max, and when the other girl nodded, she hesitated. “Too many people.”
“Exactly. No one would notice us because there are too many people.” Max persisted.
“Let’s go.” You shrugged, leading them towards your car.
Max laughed, rolling her eyes before she leaned towards El to whisper in her ear. “She just wants to see Steve.”
Roaming around Starcourt with El and Max took longer than you expected. Your younger friends were too hyper to contain their giddiness, and they insisted on going through every store. After almost two hours, the three of you had at least two shopping bags each, with El wearing a new set of clothes and new sunglasses on Max’s head.
“Where are we going next?” Eleven asked, panting after running down the escalator.
“Let’s go to Scoops, I’m hungry,” Max said, side-eyeing you.
You followed the two girls as they ran towards Scoops Ahoy, immediately placing their shopping bags on one of the booths to reserve it.
“Hey!” Robin greeted you when you reached the counter, Max and El trailing behind you closely. “What can I get you?”
You looked at your friends. “Go ahead, I’ll pay for this.”
“Strawberry cone for me.” Max smiled at you.
You turned to El, seeing her brows furrowed as she read the menu. “Vanilla, please. With sprinkles.”
“I’ll have cookies and cream.” You stated.
While Robin enters your orders into the register after you gave her the money, a shouting commotion from the backroom caught all of your attention.
“Why are you listening to the music, Steve? Listen to the Russian, we’re translating Russian!”
“I’m trying to listen to the Russian, but there’s music playing in the background!”
“Is that… Dustin?” You were confused when you made eye contact with Robin.
She rolled her eyes. “I swear, those two are so loud.”
“What about the Russians?” Max spoke too.
“They’re trying to decode somethi–” Robin answered before she was cut off by Dustin’s voice.
“Dude, seriously, just focus!”
“I am! It’s not my fault I can’t speak Russian.”
“Whatever. I’m calling Y/n.”
Dustin’s mention of your name made you perk up, and Robin gestured to the three of you to come nearer to the backroom door. You crouched and stood carefully to avoid showing yourself through the small circular window, allowing space for Max and El as well. Robin casually leaned back closer to the sliding window.
“What does Y/n have to do with this?” Steve asked sternly.
“She’s brilliant. Maybe she could help me.” Dustin answered back.
“No, absolutely not. Don’t involve her in this, Henderson. This is dangerous.”
“Hide your protectiveness,” Dustin said, annoyed. “Hold on. You’re concerned for her, but you’re not concerned for me?”
“Why would I be concerned for you?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I thought you love all your friends equally.”
“Shut up, man.” You heard Steve groan.
“No, I won’t shut up. You’re always so attentive when it comes to her. But when I ask for help, your mind is always somewhere else.”
You furrowed your brows, looking down at Max who was playfully smiling at you.
“Of course, my mind is somewhere else. I’m literally at work.” Steve defended himself.
“You expect me to believe that? Robin told me that you spend 10% of your shift working and 90% trying to ask out girls. Which, if I may add, is extremely unnecessary when you could have just asked Y/n–” Dustin rambled but Steve cut him off with wide eyes.
“Woah, I am not going to ask out Y/n.”
You ignored the slight jab from Steve’s words, already feeling rejected but Dustin continued.
“Oh, please. I am sick of seeing you looking at her with those soft eyes and pathetic smiles. Just do us all a favor, tell her you like her, and ask her out!”
“Remind me again how our conversation went from Russians to Y/n?”
“I needed to mention her so you can focus!”
“Whatever. I’m helping Robin.”
You gasped when you heard Steve say those words, already hearing his footsteps behind the door. You ushered Max and El away, but you realized that it was too late when Steve’s face greeted you.
“Y/n?” His eyes were wide when his eyes landed on you. His heart was racing from the thought that you might have heard their conversation. Which, you all clearly did, but he didn’t know that.
“Hi, Steve!” You laughed nervously, slowly stepping back.
“Uh, hi. Have you been standing here?” He asked, suddenly becoming conscious of his messy hair and silly uniform.
“What? No.” You smiled at him while you heard Robin, Max, and El snickering behind you. “El just wanted to look over at the flavors closely so Robin let us walk behind the counter.”
Your excuse seemed pretty convincing to Steve when he nodded in understanding. “Eleven? She’s allowed outside?”
“Not really. But Max wanted to treat her out because she’s having trouble with Mike.” You explained, your mind ready to make another excuse to leave. “Well, uh, we’ll go now. See you!”
Before Steve could say something further, you waved at him and Robin before walking out of the store with Max and El. Your brain was still processing what you just heard, but Max seems to know it already.
She locked one of her arms around yours, smirking as she licked her ice cream. “You wanted confirmation? You just had it.”
Your eyes were glued to the wide screen in front of you, occasionally looking down at the box of popcorn in your hand until it was empty and the credits rolled.
After your encounter with Steve at Scoops Ahoy, you went back to Max’s house to rest for a bit. You thought that your visit to the mall was over until the girl suggested that you three could watch a movie at the cinema. You barely had time to contradict before El cheered, excited because it was her first time.
This time, however, you made her briefly call Hopper so he’ll know where she is. You heard his grave tone through the phone, but all of you were confused when his voice suddenly became calm after hearing yours and Max’s voices.
So now, you’re walking away from the cinema after watching the last show of Back to the Future for today.
You were on your way to the parking lot when you heard Steve’s voice from behind you.
You turned around, seeing him rush from the escalator.
“Hey, Steve.” You greeted, and the two girls beside you turned around as well.
“Hi. We just closed Scoops.” He chuckled nervously when he reached you.
You nodded. “Are you going home, then?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again, seemingly losing his words for almost a minute. When he continued, he sighed. “Yeah, but I actually want to… talk to you first.”
It sounded like a question if you were being honest, but you figured that it might be important.
“Oh, sure.” You said before turning around to face Max and El. “You wait for me at the parking lot.”
Max scoffed but beamed, eyeing you and Steve before pulling Eleven with her.
“Is everything alright?” You asked kindly.
He wanted to say ‘no,’ to admit that Robin told him that you heard his conversation with Dustin and he had been overthinking ever since. He was even more panicked when he remembered how quickly you took off, and he thought that he just ruined everything. But as he looks at your genuine confusion, he needs to know how you feel.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. I just want to ask you about…”
You nodded slightly, urging him to continue speaking.
“Well, uh, Robin told me that… you heard what Dustin and I said earlier. And I want to know what you think.” He blurted, eyes blinking rapidly.
You gulped, silently wishing that you could see Robin so you can give her a pinch for snitching on you. You tried to get away from the topic. “You know, I only heard the Russian part–”
“Y/n.” Steve interrupted you, raising his brows.
You sighed. “I don’t know, Steve. I don’t want to assume anything.”
“But you won’t be assuming anything because I do like you. A lot.” He spoke quickly. “You understood it right. But… I need to know how you feel about me. And it’s okay if you don’t like me back. We can just forget about this whole thi–”
“That won’t be necessary.” It was your turn to interrupt him, a huge grin plastered on your face. “Because I like you too.”
“You do?” Steve replied quietly, suddenly having the urge to slap himself to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming.
You nodded, still smiling.
“Cool, cool.” He whispered to himself before he smiled. “So, uh, that’s good. Great, actually. Do you mind if I… I don’t know, take you out?”
You chuckled at his nervous state, finding it adorable and unusual. “I’d love to. But I have to go and take El home before Hopper comes hunting for me.”
“Okay, I’ll call you later, then.” He said, suddenly bouncing on his toes from happiness.
“I’ll be waiting. Bye, Steve.” You waved at him, feeling your insides burst from joy and excitement.
Steve watched your disappearing form, cheering to himself when he saw you walk past the door.
By the time you reach the parking lot, Max and El are mumbling to themselves. Your footsteps caught their attention, and they grabbed each of your arms.
“What did he say?”
“What happened?”
You laughed at the girls, smiling softly when you led them inside your car. “I’ll tell you everything on the way.”
“You better. But I think I already know, your smile is creepy.” Max said, eyes squinting. You shook your head and rolled your eyes.
“Let’s go. I have a phone call to catch.”
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sagewritings · 2 years
Staying Alive - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x female reader
synopsis: the fight is still not over. you and max are still cursed, eddie is wanted, and vecna is gaining strength rapidly. time is ticking, and your group needs to act fast to save hawkins. in the midst of all chaos and trouble, you need to find fortitude in yourself, your friends, and steve.
word count: 7.6k
warnings: season 4 volume 2 spoilers, angst, one mention of [tw: su1cid3] and death of a family member, trauma, violence, guns and knives, curse words
a/n: hello everyone! here’s part 2 to more than a woman :) i’m sorry that it took so long to post because the fight scene is hard to write, especially with the shifts in scenes and settings. i initially planned to follow the main plot of volume 2, but i’m a sucker for happy endings so i changed the story a bit. also, similar to the first part, the title doesn’t have a connection to the story. i just named it after another bee gees song lol :3 [connor davidson is a character that i made up on my own. feel free to imagine him in any way you like]
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
part 3 (night fever) is also posted!
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
  If you close your eyes and forget what has happened in the past days, you could pretend that this is just a normal get-together between your group.
After leaving the upside down and your escape from Vecna last night, Max directed all of you to her house, saying that her mom won’t be home until late afternoon. It wasn’t safe to stay at Eddie’s trailer, not when there were still some police and detectives going in every once in a while.
Despite all of you being desperate for some rest, no one could fall asleep. You spot the bruises, dried blood, and dirt that covered your bodies as you sat around Max’s living room, and it was enough to remind you that the fight isn't over yet.
“Henry, One, Vecna….” Nancy muttered to herself, replaying what you told them as she paced in front of the couch where you sat between Steve and Eddie.
You stared ahead, leaning against Steve while you repeatedly listened to More Than A Woman. You had been trying to piece everything together for the past minutes, remembering every scene and expression that Vecna has shown you. Then you recalled what Dustin told you, how a gate is opened every time Vecna attacks, and something sparked in your mind.
“What if he, somehow, intended to let me go?” You spoke quietly, lifting your head from Steve’s shoulder and pushing away one side of your headphones so you can simultaneously listen to the song and your friends. “I mean, he looked mad when I ran away from him, but I don’t think that he’ll show me those flashbacks just because he knows we’re looking for him.”
“What do you mean?” Dustin asked, not catching up to what you were saying.
“You said that he’s trying to open as many gates as he could by killing, right?” You asked him, continuing after he nodded. “But I was in the upside down when he tried to kill me. It would be pointless. And if he knew that we’re after him, then he must also know that I know how to escape him.”
“I’m not getting it,” Steve said from beside you.
You sighed. “He was warning me. Us.”
“Warning us of what?” Lucas asked.
“His takeover on Hawkins,” Nancy spoke up, her brilliant mind immediately comprehending what you’re saying.
“How will he do that exactly?” Eddie questioned.
“The gates. He’ll send creatures… monsters across our town through the gates.” Nancy replied slowly.
The moment after she said those words were silent, all of your minds running through what it would look like if Vecna succeeds. The images of your friends and families who had no idea what is going on at this moment made you fearful.
“Even if that’s the case, we don’t know how many more gates he needs to open,” Dustin said.
“Maybe we do.” Your eyes widened, mind snapping to where Vecna had you stuck. “He brought me to the same place he tried to kill Max. And there were pillars for his victims… four pillars.”
Max’s head shot up, remembering the figures of Chrissy and Fred before she spoke. “Four chimes.”
“I’m confused,” Erica said after a while.
“The visions. Vecna’s clock, it always chimes four times.” Max explained. “He’s been telling us his plan this whole time.”
“Four kills. Four gates.” Lucas gasped.
“If that’s true, he’s only one kill away.” Dustin pointed out.
“No. Try them again.” Steve shook his head, pointing to the telephone beside where Max stood.
Max followed him, disappointedly sighing as she put the phone down after a few seconds. “Same shit.”
“How is that possible?” Lucas disbelievingly wondered.
“I told you, Joyce has this telemarketer job. She’s always on the phone.” Dustin explained.
“Okay, yeah, but this phone's been busy for, what, three days now? That’s not Joyce.” Max said. “No way, something’s wrong.”
“She’s right. It can’t be just a coincidence.” Nancy spoke again. “Whatever’s happening in Lenora is connected to all of this. But Vecna can’t hurt them. Not if he’s dead.”
You gulped at the girl’s last sentence. “Nance…”
“We have to go back in there. Back to the upside down.” Nancy confirmed your thoughts.
A series of disagreements from your other friends filled the air, and Steve stood up from his place beside you protectively.
“Let’s think this through,” Steve said.
“What is there to think through?” Nancy persisted.
“We barely made it out there in one piece,” Steve exclaimed.
“Yeah, because we weren’t prepared.” Nancy continued, obviously not taking no as an answer. “But this time, we will be. We’ll get weapons and protection. We’ll go through the gate, we’ll find his lair, and we’ll kill him.”
“Or he’ll kill us.” You said unsurely. “He’s not scared of us.”
“And for good reason.” You all turned your attention to Robin as she stood up, speaking for the first time since she sat on the floor. “We were wrong about Vecna slash Henry slash One. But we learned something new about him. He’s like Eleven, only a sick, evil, male, child-murdering version of her with really bad skin. But my point is, he’s super powerful. He can turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers. It’s not a fair fight.”
“So then why fight fair?” Dustin remarked, realization drawing on his face. “You’re right, he’s like Eleven. But that gives us an upper hand. We know Eleven’s strengths, and weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses?” Erica asked.
“When El remote-travels, she goes into this sort of trance-like state. I bet the same is true for Vecna.”
Lucas’ eyes widened. ”That would explain what he was doing in that attic.”
“Exactly,” Dustin replied happily. “When he attacks his next victim, I’ll bet you he’s back in that attic, physical body defenseless.”
“Defenseless, yeah? What about the army of bats?” Steve added, pointing at the bruise marks on his neck.
“Then we’ll have to find a way past them. Distract them, somehow.” Dustin suggested.
“And, uh, how do we do that, exactly?” Eddie sighed, putting his face in his hands.
“No idea. But once they’re gone, he doesn't stand a chance.” Dustin shrugged. “It’ll be like slaying a sleeping Dracula in his coffin.”
“That all sounds good in theory but there is no pattern in Vecna’s killings.” Robin cut them off. “At least, not one that I can decipher. We don’t know when he’s going to attack next. We don’t even know who he’s going to attack.”
“Yeah, we do,” Max said anxiously, looking at you. “I can still feel him. I’m still marked. We’re still marked.”
Your heartbeat quickened. “She’s right. Once we ditch these music players, we’ll draw his attention back.”
Steve sat back down beside you, quickly shaking his head. “No, Y/n. Whatever you’re thinking, absolutely not.”
Lucas worriedly looked at Max. “He’ll kill you both.”
“Not us both.” You started, looking back and forth between Max and Steve. “I’ll do it.”
“Y/n–” Max uttered, but Steve’s voice was louder than hers.
“Nope, absolutely not. We can go to the counselor's office again–” He started, but you quickly dismissed him.
“And then what? Go through each file to see who’s experiencing trauma?” Steve stopped talking, his body filled with worry but even he knew that his idea wasn't promising. “We don’t have the time. Besides, we can’t just risk a stranger’s life, not when they don’t know who they’re up against.”
“So you’ll risk yours?” He clashed back, not caring that your other friends can clearly hear and see the two of you.
“Yes!” You grumbled in your seat. “I’m not trying to be a hero, Steve. But you do realize that I only got my visions after Max escaped him. And now that I’ve escaped him too, he’ll just torment another person. I survived, okay? I know what to do.”
Steve massaged his forehead, having a headache from both the night’s events and your stubbornness. He tried to think of another way, but he couldn’t. And he knew that it would be nonsense to argue with you.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly. You exhaled when he met your eyes, seeing the sadness behind them. Your attention was ripped from him when Nancy spoke gently.
“Let’s start with the plan.” 
Eddie slammed a magazine on a table as you all surrounded him, pointing to one of the pages where the words ‘War Zone’ is imprinted. While he was explaining what you could find in the shop, Max silently pulled your hand and led you to the kitchen.
“Look, Y/n, if you’re having second thoughts, I could do it.” She said, keeping her voice low.
You sighed as you looked at the younger girl. “I’m not having second thoughts, Max. I’d rather have you safe.”
“But who’s going to keep you safe?” Max pointed out.
“You will. All of you will.” You patted a hand on her shoulder, eyes softening when you saw her genuine concern. “He won’t take me.”
Max wanted to say something, to keep on arguing until you agree to switch places. She already lost her brother, and she didn’t want to think about losing the person she treated as her sister.
“Fine, but I’ll have Nancy put us in the same group.”
“Hey, Red.” Eddie’s voice captured both of your attention, his eyes looking at Max. “You got a ski mask or a bandana, or something like that?”
You never thought that you would be an accomplice in stealing a car and a house at the same time. After your chaotic escape from the owners of this mobile home, you wouldn’t be surprised if all of you are on the wanted list tomorrow.
Steve was in charge of driving, with you sitting quietly in the passenger seat with your headphones on as you looked at the road. Nancy was seated with Robin, Eddie, and Dustin, whispering, and writing occasionally to complete their plan. Lucas, Erica, and Max were having their own conversation at the back.
“How is it?” You turned to look at Steve, eyeing the van.
“Not half bad, considering that this is a house.” He laughed. “I thought that by the time I drive something like this, I’ll be with my own family.”
You smiled, not saying anything to let him continue.
“It’s silly, but I always had this dream that I’d have this really, really big family. I’m talking, like, uh, full brood of Harringtons. Like five, six kids.”
“Six?!” You exclaimed with wide eyes.
“Yeah, six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys.” Steve continued. “And every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons would pack into something like this and just see the country. You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, California beach.”
You tilted your head back to relax as you listened to him, imagining all the places he just listed. After the upsetting events in the past few days, you were grateful to have a conversation that doesn’t involve the upside down. “That sounds nice.”
“Yeah?” Steve took a quick glance at you, admiring your relaxed state.
“Yeah.” You said when you met his eyes, smiling playfully. “Well, uh, except for the six-kids part. That sounds like a total nightmare.”
“If I only had some practice.” He dramatically sighed, and you realized that he was pertaining to Dustin’s friend group.
You shifted sideways in your seat, giving you the chance to fully face Steve. You take in his tired and bruised image before looking at the rest of your friends, eyes landing on Max who was whispering silently with Lucas.
Steve followed your sight through the rear-view mirror. “She admires you so much.” He said softly.
“Hm?” You faced him again.
“Max.” Steve looked at you. “Ever since what happened to Billy, I’ve only seen her smile around you and Sinclair.”
You smiled to yourself, but it quickly disappeared before you spoke again. “I just figured that, if I was the bait and things go wrong, at least she’ll still be able to live. After everything, she deserves to be happy again.”
“Hey,” Steve grabbed your hand, leaving the other on the steering wheel. “Things won’t go wrong.”
You didn’t reply, knowing that you don’t fully believe it.
Steve noticed the doubt on your face and tried to lighten the mood. “Besides, I’m not letting you leave without going on a date with me.”
You laughed. “Is that your way of asking me out, Harrington?”
“Maybe,” Steve answered cheekily, but he took a brief glimpse at your entwined hands and his tone became softer. “If you’ll allow me, I’d like to take you out on a date after all of this. We could go anywhere, it’s up to you.” 
You didn’t hesitate to answer. Hell, you didn’t even think. It seemed the most unlikely scenario to get asked out, but it gave you something to look forward to.
“I’d love that.”
“Alright, get what you need as fast as possible.” Nancy reminded all of you as you stepped inside the crowded War Zone. “Let’s meet at the teller in ten minutes.”
The rest of you nodded, separating into groups to work faster. You grabbed a cart and walked with Steve and Robin, going over to the clothing section first. Steve picked up a jacket and you reached for some vests.
“These are flammable right?” Robin asked as she pointed to the gallons of kerosine oil.
“Yeah.” You answered, transferring the vests and jackets from your arms to the cart.
She immediately grabbed a few, but you noticed her hand faltering in movement.
“Robin?” You called her, your confusion turning into realization as you followed her eyesight. “Oh.”
You spot a familiar girl standing in front of a keychain rack ahead of you. You know her for two reasons: you two were in the same grade, and Robin wouldn’t stop talking about her for the past three weeks. Vickie’s hair was almost as red as Max’s, and her light aura stood out among the weapons in her background.
You gazed back at your friend, amused at her awed expression.
“What’s going on?” Steve walked closer to you as he put on the jacket he picked up, wondering why you were smirking at Robin. When you turned to him and pointed at Vickie, he smiled too.
“Go.” You urged your friend who looked like she just got out of a trance.
“What?” Robin asked with squinting eyes.
“Go talk to her.” You said.
“N-no, no. Not now.” She dismissed you, turning around to pick up more kerosine oil.
“Robin, our town is currently on the verge of an attack from a supernatural villain. You never know when you’ll get to see her again.” You explained to her, sounding more like a scolding mother than a friend.
“I don’t even know what to say.” She groaned.
“You are the most talkative person I know. I’m pretty sure you can come up with something.” Steve joined, smiling innocently when Robin glared at him.
“Go. Just don’t take too long, okay?” You placed your hands on Robin’s lower back, lightly pushing her away.
Robin was cursing under her breath as she took small steps towards the girl, both annoyed and grateful for your encouragement.
You and Steve were smiling while you watched Robin call out Vickie’s name. The latter turned around, her expression was initially shocked but it turned into a soft smile when she recognized your friend.
“Cute.” You whispered to yourself.
“I know I am, thanks,” Steve answered, and you let out a snort.
“I’m gonna go there quickly.” You said, pointing towards the display of daggers.
“I’ll go with you.” He suggested but you already shook your head.
“We only have ten minutes, remember? Grab more oil and bottles. Oh, and ropes too.” You ordered him.
“So bossy,” Steve whispered under his breath but he was smiling warmly as he watched you walk away.
You, on the other hand, had your eyes dead set on the daggers. There were so many variations in length and material, but every tip shines with sharpness and threat.
A particular one caught your attention. It looked magical, with its green leather handle and gold engravings, and the blade was the perfect shade of silver. You pulled it out of its leather case, and your eyes widened when you saw the price. Still, you admired the dagger, memorizing how it feels in your hand.
You flinched when you heard an unfamiliar voice from your left, making you look up. You gulped when you recognize the person. You didn’t even need to look at his jersey jacket to know that it was Connor Davidson, a senior in Hawkins High and co-captain of the basketball team.
“Y/n Y/l/n, right?” Connor looked just as shocked as you were, but his face formed a smirk when he saw the dagger in your hand.
“Uh, yeah, that’s me.” You replied coolly. “And you’re Connor Davidson.”
He nodded. “What are you doing here?”
If you didn’t know the boy, you would say that he is polite. But you’ve seen him around school, observed how he acted as if he’s above everyone else. Everyone on the team acts the same, besides Lucas.
“Oh, you know, it’s pretty alarming in Hawkins right now.” You faked a chuckle, turning back to the display.
“Ah, I understand.” Connor moved closer to you, pretending to inspect the daggers as well. “Have you seen Henderson anywhere?”
His question made your breath hitch, though you tried not to release any reaction. It was only then that you realize that if Connor was here, then so must be the rest of the team. And from what you’ve heard from Lucas, every member of Hellfire Club is being hunted.
You couldn’t help but feel worried for Dustin and Eddie back at the trailer, and quickly put on a confused face. “Henderson? The freshman kid? No.”
Connor nodded, but you noticed the swift twitch in his upper lip. “Well, I just thought that you’d know where he is because you two are neighbors.”
You suddenly turned to look at him, maintaining a calm face despite feeling irritated on the inside. “You know where I live?”
“Yep.” He shrugged, turning to face you as well. His smirk and taunting expression made you uncomfortable. “And I also know that you two are friends.”
Before you could reply, Steve appeared beside you with his cart. If he was being honest, he wasn’t able to get the things you told him to pick up. Instead, he observed the entirety of your interaction with Connor. Even while watching from afar, he knew your expressions very well, and he didn’t hesitate to come near when he saw your first sign of discomfort.
“Hey, is everything fine?” Steve casually asked, placing a hand on your back as he looked at Connor.
“Steve Harrington.” The boy greeted, immediately recognizing Steve from being popular in school years prior. “I’m Connor Davidson.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve replied uninterestedly which made Connor annoyed. The high school senior huffed before his brows furrowed after looking at Steve’s dirty and injured form.
“What the hell happened to you?”
“It’s none of your business.” He answered, and you let out a small laugh. The sound caught Steve’s attention, and his eyes brightened as he put all his attention on you. “Are you done choosing?”
You nodded your head, grabbing one of the plain daggers and returning the green one with a heavy heart.
“Are you two together?” Connor spoke again, and you heard Steve grumble from beside you.
“None of your business.” He grumbled, thumb moving up and down from its place on your back for some comfort. He was becoming annoyed with the boy, too. Mostly because of how close he stood to you, but also since he could see through his facade and knew what kind of a person he is.
You wanted to laugh aloud from the angered expression on Connor’s face, but you didn’t want to push his buttons too far, not when you had already spotted his fellow teammates around the store.
“Sorry.” You said with a flat tone, showing an insincere smile. “We have to get going.”
“Right. Oh, and Y/n,” Connor’s displeased look returned to a smirk. “Careful with that dagger, you might hurt yourself.”
Steve scoffed at his sarcastic and obnoxious tone, ready to respond but you’ve had enough of the boy’s egotistic face and it was your turn to answer.
“Don’t worry.” You shrugged carelessly, rotating the dagger effortlessly in your hand while you watched his smile drop slowly. “I’ve had more than enough practice with people.”
You smiled, pulling out two more daggers from the display before you walked past him, taking the cart from Steve’s hand. Connor glared at your moving figure.
Steve followed you, his hands falling from your back as he stared at you. “Uh, Y/n?”
“Hm?” You replied, walking towards the shelves of baseball bats.
“What do you mean you’ve had practice with other people?” Steve asked nervously, feeling amused yet scared at the same time. “Have you stabbed anyone?”
You laughed at his bewildered face. “No. I just said that to get rid of him.”
“Oh.” He said, relieved.
“But I can use this very well.” You continued, and you chuckled when his eyes widened again. “Relax. I haven’t used this on people. My dad taught me how to strike and aim from distances when I was younger so I could protect myself. You know, since I’m his only daughter.”
“And I’m only finding out about this now?” Steve said, picking up one of the bats. “Why did you get three?”
“I’m sharing them with others.” You stated, but when your eyes accidentally landed on Nancy and Jason at the gun section, your eyes widened. “Shit. We need to go.”
“What? Why?” He picked up on your panicked tone and helped you push the cart.
“The entire basketball team is here. Go to the counter now. I’ll find Robin.”
Steve followed your instructions and took off until he reached Erica, the younger girl already looking concerned and tense.
You walk towards where you last saw Robin, finding her still talking with Vickie.
“Hi!” You awkwardly said and the two looked at you.
“Y/n, right?” Vickie warmly asked you.
You nodded, sending her a kind smile. “I’m so sorry to interrupt but Robin and I need to leave.”
“What’s going on?” Robin was confused, eyes scanning the store for your friends.
“The basketball team knows we’re here.” You whispered to her.
“Oh, shit.” Robin’s eyes widened, nervously chuckling as she face Vickie. “Uh, w-well I’ll see you around?”
“Of course.” Vickie nodded, shooting her one more smile.
You waved at her as you pulled Robin behind you. “Come on. And tell me everything later.”
After leaving War Zone, Dustin initiated that you make a stop at a field, the same field that used to be the location of his radio tower a few months ago. It was a perfect choice if you admit. The area was open and windy and covered with enough trees to hide your group from the rest of the town.
You look around as you observe your friends. Dustin and Eddie were piercing garbage can covers with nails. Robin was helping Nancy trim the tip of her shotgun. Max, Erica, and Lucas were tying knives at the edges of several rods.
You and Steve stayed near the trailer, filling empty glass bottles with kerosine oil and covering it with a cloth.
“We’re crazy,” Steve said lowly.
“This. Us. What we’re doing. It’s crazy.” He spoke.
You sighed as different emotions flooded your brain. “I know. But if we don’t do this, then who will?”
Steve’s eyes softened when he looked at you directly. He was terrified of what was about to happen, and if he could take you away from here and lock you up in your room, he would. But he knew that you were right. No matter how tiring it is to fight monsters, he would do anything to keep everyone safe, especially you.
“How about you?” He asked. “Are you still okay with this?”
You nodded, knowing that you are willing to go through whatever danger for your friends and family.
“Guys! Come!” You heard Nancy call for all of you.
You and Steve carefully placed the bottles down and steadily aligned them before huddling with your friends.
“Alright, so this is the plan. We’ll go in three groups. Max, Y/n, Lucas, and Erica, you’ll cover the Creel House here. Dustin and Eddie, you take care of Eddie’s trailer in the upside down. Steve, Robin, and I will take care of Vecna. Is everyone okay with that?”
“Wait, no. I’ll go with Y/n.” Steve said suddenly. He knew that you would disagree when you abruptly looked at him with warning eyes. “I’m not leaving your side.”
Nancy waited for you to nod before she continued, grouping Steve with you. While the girl was talking, Steve grabbed your hand and squeezed it, both in comfort and in fear.
It is only a matter of hours before you find out the fate of your lives.
Steve pulled up the trailer in front of the Creel’s house, Eddie preparing to take his place as the driver.
Your group was wearing your usual clothes, but everyone else wore the jackets and vests that you picked up from the store earlier.
“You guys ready?” Nancy nervously asked, eyeing the house.
“Of course.” You smiled at her. “Hey, Nance?”
“Go for his head, alright?” You smirked at your friend.
“Will do.” Nancy’s nervousness was replaced with a proud smile, clutching her gun closer.
Steve opened the door, letting you and the kids go out before him. You took a deep breath when the air around you turned colder. 
“Are you okay?” Steve placed a comforting hand on your back.
“No.” You honestly answered.
All of you went inside the house, and you heard the car take off behind you.
You observed the house, remembering the last time you were here. It was just as eerie and quiet, but you still showcased a brave face for the sake of your friends. You led them into the living room, gesturing for all of them to sit down. None of you can’t really speak, or else Vecna might sense your presence.
Meanwhile, Eddie drove away with a nervous feeling, barely hearing Nancy when she relayed the plan. All he wanted was to finish everything.
Their group entered Eddie’s trailer, plunging through the gate one by one. Immediately after Nancy and Robin took off towards Vecna’s lair, Eddie and Dustin began to strengthen the walls of the trailer, gathering every steel they could find.
Ten minutes after your arrival, Erica stood up and grabbed her flashlight, remembering Nancy’s order for her to stand guard at the playground. You were still sitting comfortably, quietly listening to your song with your head leaned against Steve’s shoulder to avoid interfering with Max and Lucas’ conversation. 
You played with your dagger, and you couldn’t help but admire how the blade glistens despite being in a dark area. You kept one for yourself, of course, but gave the other two to Max and Dustin.
Cinema. Friday? Steve wrote on one of the notepads he brought.
You took both pad and pen from him, writing your response. Can I bring Robin?
You placed a hand on your mouth to let out a silent laugh when he looked at you incredulously. 
Sorry. Friday it is.
He nudged your shoulder playfully, but a flickering light through the window caught your attention, heart hammering nervously in your chest when realization drew on you.
The signal. Nancy and Robin arrived at the Creel House in the upside down.
Max looked at you when she saw the lights too, and Lucas grabbed his flashlight to send another signal to Erica.
“You ready?” Max mouthed to you.
You nodded your head as Steve helped you stand up while you picked up one of the lamps and slowly walked upstairs, careful not to make too much noise. He didn’t let go of your hand all the way to the attic. Your other hand was clutching your cassette, not wanting to let go of the object.
Gathering up as much strength as you can, you stopped the music. If your life wasn’t in danger, you would be thankful for the first moment of silence that you have experienced in the last twenty-four hours.
Steve slowly let you go. He, Max, and Lucas walked towards the side of the attic while you crossed your legs to sit on the floor, placing your music player on one of the boxes. Sighing, you began to speak.
“I thought about what you said, about how I killed my mom. It was an accident, but I know I’m still to blame. My dad tried to convince me too. But sometimes I’ll catch him looking at me sadly and I knew he was thinking about her,” You paused, trying your best to keep your voice steady. “I couldn’t blame him. She was the smartest and kindest person I knew. And everywhere I look, I remember her. And then we moved, but the nightmares still followed. It took almost a year before they stopped... I wanted to end it so badly. Then I met my friends and I felt the most genuine happiness again after a long time.”
Steve and the kids were staring at you while you confess, wanting to engulf you in a hug after hearing all of these for the first time. But you weren’t done. You needed Vecna to see how wrecked you are.
“But it wasn’t constant. There were times when I thought of ending it all because at least I’ll get to tell her how sorry I am. So if you want to take me, then take me. We’ll both get what we want.”
“You killed your mother?” You heard Lucas, and your eyes snapped to him in a warning. It was clear that only you would speak until you got hold of Vecna, so you ignored the jab in his question to stop her.
“We weren’t enough to make you happy?” Max spoke too as the three of them walked towards you slowly.
You were panicking, triggered by their questions but also wondering why they were talking. “What? Guys, no—“
“You don’t trust us, don’t you? That’s why you kept all of these from us.” You stood up when your friends tauntingly looked at you, and you didn’t miss Steve’s sneer when he spoke.
You realized what was happening when you saw their eyes change in color, both flashing red.
“Stay the hell away from me.” You spoke as you kicked Steve’s leg and pushed Max with as much force as you can, making her stumble backward and hit Lucas. It pained you a little when you did that, but you knew that these weren’t your friends.
You took the opportunity to run away downstairs to the main door, but what you saw made you stop in fear. The scene in front of you was the same as your third vision. The wet road, flashing blue and red lights, a destroyed car.
“Y/n, do you think I don’t know what you’re doing?” Vecna’s voice echoed.
You slammed the door closed, realizing that the house has more spaces to hide. You turned around and ran to the living room, but when you heard heavy steps on the stairs, you knew you couldn’t hide there.
You were aware that Vecna holds his victim’s mind, but that’s a hole in his plan. He might be able to show you your darkest memories, but the upper hand is not his. It’s yours. And so you closed your eyes tightly, recalling every happy moment in your life until you finally decided on one.
You let out a huge sigh of relief when you opened your eyes, immediately recognizing the scene in front of you.
Your most recent birthday. It was simple because you insisted on celebrating at home instead of somewhere grand. You remembered how your kitchen was decorated with balloons, with Max and Dustin fighting over the banner design, your father pulling out the cake that he baked from the fridge. Even El and the Byers visited that day.
But as you took in the surroundings, there was no one else with you. That was the least of your concern though, preferring to be alone rather than being in the same room as Vecna.
You sat on one of the chairs and placed your arms on top of the dining table, silently praying that your friends are safe and already halfway in killing Vecna.
Unfortunately, your friends were having trouble.
Max and Lucas were watchful of you. They weren’t able to hear your last sentence, and Max gasped in fear when she looked at your glazed eyes. She immediately gestured at Lucas to let Erica know, who then forwarded a signal to Nancy’s group.
Robin and Nancy waited for a while, making sure that there was no sign of any creature before entering the Creel house. But the vines had secretly made their way around their feet, and trapped them against the wall before they could free each other.
Eddie and Dustin were desperately trying to hide from the demobats. They were certain that their reinforcements on the trailer were enough, but when they saw the sharp teeth of the creatures piercing through the steel, they began doubting.
The arrival of Jason’s group wasn’t helping either. Connor was outside, running after Erica and grasping her arms tightly when he caught her. But the girl’s small figure allowed her to slip away easily, throwing a kick and a slap at Connor.
Jason found the rest of you in the attic, eyes wide when he saw your unmoving state. 
“What the hell is going on here?” He gritted.
“Man, just stay away alright?” Steve stood in front of Max and Lucas, trying to keep his voice kind after spotting Jason’s bloodshot eyes.
“You’re in this too, Harrington?” Jason slowly walked toward the group. “Wake her up, now!”
“We can’t do that,” Max said from behind Steve.
“If we wake her up too soon, we’re all gonna die,” Lucas explained, and Jason’s head snapped towards the familiar voice.
“Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten your little trick at the cabin.”
“Just leave, dude, alright?” Steve tried to reason out.
“I am not going to leave!” They all gasped when Jason pulled out a gun, only standing several inches away from them. “Wake her up right now or I’ll shoot all of you.”
“What the fuck!” Steve exclaimed as he raised his hands on instinct. Catching Jason off guard, he lunged at him, gripping the gun away from Jason.
Max and Lucas took it as a sign to move away, positioning themselves beside you. Jason threw a punch at Steve, but the other had too much adrenaline on his body as well and shook it off easily.
He punched Jason harder, making him stumble over the boxes. He immediately regretted his action when your cassette player fell on the floor and Jason stepped directly over it.
“Shit,” Steve whispered to himself, eyes glued to your destroyed player and unaware that Jason is leaping towards him again.
Jason was more rapid in movement, but Steve’s fist was heavier. 
Max, who was growing angry with the situation, took the dagger that you gave her from her pocket and slashed Jason’s leg. It wasn’t deep, but it was enough to make the boy tumble down. Steve took advantage of his moment of weakness and punched Jason across his left cheek, making him pass out.
“Are you two okay?” Steve asked Max and Lucas, panting. After the two nodded, he whispered a quick ‘thank you’ to the girl.
Steve scrambled to the floor towards your broken player, feeling relieved when he noticed that the tape inside is still fine.
“Isn’t she out long enough?” Lucas asked worriedly as they surrounded you.
Steve reached a hand out to your cheeks to assess your face. He wanted to borrow Max’s player and make you come back, but he knew that it would ruin the plan.
Meanwhile, your few minutes of peace were disturbed when the balloons exploded one by one, making you flinch from the noise. You stood up in a panic, noticing the banner falling down from the wall and the cake melting. The aura changed too, from the bright yellow and white light to a red hue.
You walked towards the front door to lock it, but as soon as you turned around, you came face to face with Vecna. He threw an arm out, and you were lifted with your back against the door.
“You are braver than your friends, Y/n. But like them, you are weak.” He taunts, moving forward until his face is right in front of yours.
He noticed as you struggled to speak against the invisible force that was holding you up, raising his fingers over your face.
You gasped, eyes turning at the back of your head until Vecna was suddenly pulled away from you, making you drop to the floor. You took a few moments to catch your breath before looking up. You noticed him floating in the air, the top of his head almost touching the ceiling of your house.
“El?” You whispered under your breath, eyes wide at the sight of Eleven in your living room. She was barefoot, her clothes stained lightly and her hair was shaved. Her right arm was aimed at Vecna before she threw him aggressively to the other side of the room.
“Y/n!” Eleven ran towards you.
“El, what are you doing here? D-did I make you?” You stuttered as you touched her face, confused whether she was part of the image you projected with your mind.
“I’m here. I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer.” She smiled at you when she held your hand.
“What?” You looked at her as if she had two heads, your brain too fuzzy to even grasp what she just said. 
Before she could explain further, Vecna appeared from behind her. You watched as they threw glares at each other, communicating about something you couldn’t really understand. But you knew that this wasn’t their first interaction. They were in the lab together.
Vecna eventually gained more control, tearing down the image of your house until you were back to a familiar place. The environment was filled with dark red clouds, with pieces of the Creel house floating in the air. Your eyes landed on the pillars once again, a chill running down your spine when you saw the corpses of your schoolmates.
Eleven shrieked when she was lifted and pressed against the front door. You tried to help her, but a vine wrapped around your foot and positioned you on one of the pillars.
Vecna walked towards Eleven, and you felt sorry for her when you saw that she was breathing heavily with tears. He whispered something to her, making her cry even harder.
You shuddered when he returned his focus on you, his eyes angrier than ever.
“You think you and your little friends can defeat me?” He said roughly. “I see everything.”
“Go to hell.” You managed to croak out despite the tightening grip of the vines around your body.
Vecna smiled evilly, dragging his hand over your face. You started to choke, feeling air escape from your lungs as your vision started to fade. You’ve never felt so much fear until that moment. This wasn’t how everything was supposed to end.
You didn’t have time to be confused when Vecna fell back, seemingly in pain when Eleven regained strength. You weren’t aware that Mike communicated with her through her mind, giving her enough amount of determination.
You laid motionless on the ground after the vines loosened their grip, still breathing but your vision was still spotted.
On the other end, Steve, Max, and Lucas were all panicking.
“Shit, shit, shit–” Steve was fumbling with the tape in his hands, inserting it inside Max’s player.
“She’s too far up!” Max screamed when your body floated while Lucas went off to call Erica.
Everything seems going against the plan, but Nancy and Robin successfully arrive at Vecna’s lair, weapons in hand.
“Go for it,” Nancy whispered to Robin as they observed Vecna’s steady body, held up by his vines.
Robin nodded and took her lighter from her pocket, lighting the edge of the cloth that was attached to the kerosine-filled bottle. Without hesitation, she threw the bottle towards Vecna, making him conscious again.
The impact on his physical body discontinued his connection between you and Eleven, and you were suddenly gasping and falling back into the attic.
“Fuck!” Steve yelled in surprise when he heard you take a breath, immediately positioning himself near your body to catch you. You fell onto him, and he stroked the stray hair away from your face. “Holy shit. You’re fine. You’re okay. You’re here.”
He seems to be assuring himself more than you as he whispered, but you were too relieved as you wrapped your arms around him. “Oh, Steve.”
Steve held you close to him, one hand at the back of your head while the other rubs your back. “Never do that again, you hear me? No more sacrificing.”
You pulled away slightly. “El was there, in my head, she saved me.”
You nodded, eyes roaming over his bruised face. “What happened?”
He eyed Jason’s unconscious body near the stairs, and your face scrunched up when you grasp what might have happened.
Max went near the two of you, and you reached out to hold her hand. “Is it done?” She asked quietly.
“I-I don’t know.” You stuttered, realizing that only Nancy and Robin could truthfully answer her question.
But your two friends in the upside down were still battling Vecna.
Robin threw another flamed bottle at him, making the vines break off his body. Nancy raised her shotgun and shot at Vecna’s chest, but the villain just stumbled backward. As if her brain knew the motivation she needed, she started to remember the words you told her before you parted ways earlier tonight.
Go for his head. 
With one swift move, Nancy raised her aim from Vecna’s chest to his head, eyeing the spot between his eyebrows. And as she pulled the trigger, making the monster drop in an instant on his back, she smiled. Nancy Wheeler’s aim is always perfect.
Eleven, Mike, and the Byers went back to Hawkins with Murray and Hopper yesterday. You engulfed El in a big hug when your eyes landed on her, thanking her profusely. It was a bittersweet reunion for all of you after the events from three days ago.
After Nancy shot Vecna, she and Robin made sure that he was dead before regrouping with Eddie and Dustin. They initially feared the lives of the boys after seeing the ruined state of Eddie’s trailer, and even more when they saw some dead bats in the living room. But they were filled with relief when they found them hiding in Eddie’s bathroom safely. The thick steel door was able to protect them just in time before the bats could successfully pierce the material.
They stopped over to the Creel house to pick up your group, collectively agreeing to spend the night at Steve’s house to freshen up. Otherwise, your parents would have an attack for seeing the state of your face and clothes.
The day after that, Eddie came forward to the police, but not without Hopper’s advice. Hopper had successfully contacted Dr. Sam Owens beforehand, who said that he would send agents to clear Eddie’s name. No matter how Eddie feared the public’s judgments, he knew that it would be better than to hide forever. He knew he was innocent, and Hopper trusted Dr. Owens’ connections.
Jason and his teammates are under investigation after the police found out that their weapons are unregistered. The Sinclairs were also preparing to file a report against Connor after finding the bruises on Erica.
Your dad was more than relieved when you came home, and you almost cried when you greeted him with a hug. He was ecstatic when you asked for his permission to go out with Steve tonight, after which he revealed that he already knew how you and Steve felt for each other. 
Steve was true to his word. At exactly seven o’clock this Friday, he picked you up in a very gentlemanly manner. Of course, your father secretly shot him a warning look before letting you leave.
“I can’t believe Robin asked her out already,” Steve said as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel and the other interlocked with yours.
“Right?” You laughed when you remembered yesterday. 
You accompanied Robin and Steve as they attended to their shifts at Family Video when Vickie made an appearance. You and Steve pretended to go over the ‘New Release’ section, forcing Robin to check out her orders. You two were confused why they talked for a long time. It wasn’t until Vickie left that Robin squealed, stating that she managed to ask the girl out for a milkshake next week.
“I’m proud of her, though. I’ve never seen her so happy.” You said, leaning against the window to feel the night breeze better.
Steve nodded, squeezing your fingers every once in a while.
Moments like this sometimes make you forget all the dangers and troubles that you have faced in the other dimension under Hawkins. Still, you knew that you’d go through it over and over again if that meant keeping your loved ones safe.
You don’t know what tomorrow holds for you. But with Steve’s hand around yours, you know everything is well.
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sagewritings · 2 years
Your writing is fantastic and beautiful. I am going feral for a part 2 to More Than A Woman! 😭 (Note: no pressure at all, please take your time 🙈)
thank you so so much!!! i already started writing the second part two days ago and i am aiming to post it before this week ends. it's not as long as more than a woman, but definitely expect fluffy interactions between you and steve <3
i'd also like to thank everyone for the continuous support in my fics. i treasure every single like, comment, and reblog 💚
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sagewritings · 2 years
Hello loves! Welcome to my blog! Down below is a list of all my works and posts for easier access.
Requests are welcome!
If you want to check out more of my works, you can visit my alternate blog 💜
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More Than A Woman - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader [12.3k] -  just as you thought everything was back to normal, the threat of a new entity reminds you that things are never normal in hawkins. once more, you find yourself involved in solving mysterious deaths, fighting beings from another dimension, evading curses, and possibly a love confession amidst it all.
Staying Alive - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader [7.6k] - [part 2] the fight is still not over. you and max are still cursed, eddie is wanted, and vecna is gaining strength rapidly. time is ticking, and your group needs to act fast to save hawkins. in the midst of all chaos and trouble, you need to find fortitude in yourself, your friends, and steve.
Night Fever - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader [2.5k] - [part 3] after escaping vecna’s curse and the terrors of the upside down, nightmares and trauma started taking over your mind and body. hopefully, you and steve’s feelings for each other will be enough to save you.
Late Night Talking - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader [5.3k] -  being dustin henderson’s older sister made you involved in their fights with the upside down, which also led you to become closer with steve harrington. after spending months with each other, and a particular encounter with billy hargrove, steve realizes that he found who he was looking for.
Scoops and Spies - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader [2.5k] - to help distract el from mike, you and max treat her to starcourt mall. upon entering scoops ahoy, you, together with your friends, overhears a conversation that gives you the confirmation you needed in admitting your feelings towards steve.
Car Confessions -  Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader [2.3k] -  in an attempt to help robin with her crisis in her love life, you and steve set up a plan to help her get closer to vickie. but steve realizes that he might just need the same push with you.
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Midnight Library - Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader [2.1k] - 18+ your moment alone surrounded by books quickly ends when your boyfriend catches you sneaking out to the library in the middle of the night.
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Silent Rebel - Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader [1.5k] -  despite being raised in the capitol among individuals driven by a thirst for power and violence, your desire to reform the system grew stronger with time. upon graduating, you swiftly initiated your plans for change. however, executing these plans becomes a challenge when you accidentally catch the vigilant gaze of coriolanus snow.
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Shadows of Peace - Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader [2.4k] - in the aftermath of the war, you and Finnick attempt to grasp a sense of peace amid the ruins. while the external scars slowly fade, the internal turmoil within Finnick’s mind persists, casting shadows over the fragile peace you both seek.
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sagewritings · 2 years
Car Confessions - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x female reader
synopsis: in an attempt to help robin with her crisis in her love life, you and steve set up a plan to help her get closer to vickie. but steve realizes that he might just need the same push with you.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none, aside from very minimal season 4 spoilers (scenes from s4 ep1 only)
a/n: hello everyone! here’s another steve harrington fic <3 this one is shorter than the one i posted a few days ago, but much more chill. this is sort of like an au where vecna doesn’t happen :)
also, if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
  There is never a dull or quiet moment whenever you are with Steve and Robin.
“And then there’s Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she’s going out of state for college. So it’s like, do I really want to start another relationship that has no point other than sex? I mean, I don’t know, does that make sense to either of you?” Steve rambled, looking sideways at you and Robin through his rear-view mirror.
When neither of you spoke, he raised his hands off of the steering wheel.
“Y/n, Robin, are you listening?”
You sighed as Robin ignored him, continuing on her attempts to apply her mascara while holding a small mirror shakily.
“No.” You groaned. “You lost me after talking about ‘Kate’.”
“Cut us some slack, please.” You heard Robin exclaim from the backseat. “It is 7:00 in the morning, we have to go to this stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse!”
“You’re worried about a basketball pep rally. You expect me to believe that?” Steve gave her a pointed look.
“Yeah… so?”
“We all know what this is about.”
“Who this is about.” You corrected Steve, and both of you chuckled.
“Seriously, Y/n? You’re supposed to be on my side!” Robin threw a glare at you, pushing her head in between you and Steve.
“You know what you got to do? You need to stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around Vickie.” Steve said.
“You’re literally quoting me to me. You do realize that?” She turns her glare to him.
You shook your head as they continued to argue.
“What time is the championship game again?” Steve asked.
“6:00 p.m.” You answered.
“Want me to pick you up?” He offered.
You prepared to nod but stopped yourself after remembering your plans for this afternoon.
As a treat in regards to the pep rally and championship game, the teachers decided to shorten their class periods for today. You initially planned to return to your home after your classes, seeing that there are a few hours to spare before the game.
“Oh, no. I won’t leave the school. I’ll be with Hellfire until the game.” You smiled.
“With the entire Hellfire or just with Eddie?” Robin teased, pinching your arm.
You rolled your eyes, slightly pulling yourself from her grasp. “Seriously, Robin?”
She shrugged and Steve rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to talk, but you know him well enough to figure out what he was going to say next.
“Before you say anything,” You started. “Eddie is a nice guy. Dustin and Mike wouldn’t love him if he wasn’t.”
“Yeah, except he sells drugs.” He pointed out.
You decided not to reply; you’ve lost count on how many times you two have fought about this.
Admittedly, you were wary about Eddie Munson too. His reputation of being held back to the same grade thrice, and selling drugs on school nights isn’t particularly enticing. But that was before Dustin introduced you to him a month ago.
You weren’t a member of the Hellfire Club, but most people have mistaken you as such because of how much time you spent with them. You did this for two reasons; you started to genuinely like their company, and you needed to make sure that Eddie does not give drugs to Mike and Dustin.
You all reached the school a few minutes later, and you immediately spotted Eddie’s wavy hair by the parking lot. You quickly thanked Steve and grabbed your bag, leaving his car in seconds.
Steve watched as you walked toward your friend. He didn’t have anything personal against Eddie Munson, aside from the fact that you’re being way close to him. Despite all your assurance that you and Eddie are just friends, Steve can’t help but feel envious and protective.
“You confuse me.” Steve recoiled slightly on his seat, forgetting that Robin was still seated behind him.
“What?” He asked her.
“I don’t know why you still go out with those random girls when it’s already obvious that you like Y/n,” Robin said as she began to gather her things.
“I don’t like Y/n.” Steve groaned. “At least not in a way that you think.”
“You may be good at talking with girls, but you are not good at lying, Harrington.”
 “Are you sure you’re not going?” You asked Eddie as you sat beside him, waiting for Mike and Dustin.
“Nah. Watching little boys toss balls into laundry baskets isn’t really my thing.” He shot you a smile, laughing slightly at his words.
“Alright. Well, I got to go.” You stood up.
“Woah, wait. Are you sure? You know you can stay here for a while longer.” Eddie said, looking up at you.
“I’ve been here for hours, Eddie. Besides, I promised Lucas I’ll attend this game.”
Eddie glowered at his name.
You waved the club goodbye and headed to the gym. While walking, you noticed Steve standing in line for the visitors’ entrance.
“Steve!” You called out, and he turned and smiled upon hearing your voice.
“Y/n.” He said.
You two headed towards the bleachers, taking the seats near the band so you can be closer to Robin.
While the others were tense about the game, your and Steve’s attentions were divided. You would occasionally cheer, especially when Lucas was called to replace an injured player, but your eyes would wander towards where Robin and Vickie whispered to each other.
“Aw, our girl’s finally doing it.” You mutter jokingly to Steve.
He snickered. “Do you think she’s asking her out?”
“They’re just starting to get to know each other, Steve.” You rolled your eyes. It was then that an idea popped into your head. “Hey, let’s go for a milkshake after the game.”
“Sure.” Steve agreed.
“With Vickie.” You continued, giving him a mischievous smile.
“Ooh, I think I know where you’re going with this, Y/l/n.” He laughed, immediately catching up.
You shrugged, still smiling as you look back at the game.
Go. You mouthed at Robin.
As soon as the game ended, you pulled her and shared your plan with Steve. Robin was quick to disagree, eyes wide as she looked at a cheering Vickie. You convinced her that it was just going to be casual, allowing her to spend more moments talking with the girl. After a full minute of contemplation, Robin eventually agreed.
Now, with almost everyone leaving the gym, you quickly motioned for Robin to ask Vickie who was cleaning up her things.
You and Steve watched from your seats, observing the smile and nods between the girls. When Robin pointed at the two of you and Vickie followed her hand, you and Steve waved.
You were giddy the whole time. It was as if you were the one who would be bonding with your crush. Well, technically, that was right too.
Having a crush on your best friend is the most cliche thing ever; you used to think that until it happened to you. But unlike the others, it wasn’t just Steve Harrington’s glorious hair that caught your attention.
You lost count of how many times he openly placed himself in harm’s way just to protect his friends, especially you and the kids. You witnessed him try to fix his mistakes, and you were probably the only person he allowed to see him cry. And regardless of all the silly fights, he shared with Robin, he would still take an additional shift at the Family Video so she won’t be alone.
Naturally, you kept your feelings quiet. Though, you might have slipped a few times because Robin and the kids would often tease you silently.
The ride to the diner took around fifteen minutes, and you were happy that Vickie was at ease with all of you the entire time.
“Two strawberry and two chocolate milkshakes, please,” Steve said to the waitress, shooting her a small smile as he ordered. The lady smiled back at him, returning with the milkshakes a few moments later.
Despite the diner being almost empty, the booth that the four of you chose is located at the corner. You and Steve sat beside each other, facing Robin and Vickie.
“Are you dating anyone?” Robin blurted, and her eyes widened after realizing her words. Before she could reply, Vickie laughed and shook her head.
“Nope.” She said casually as she sipped on her shake, then she turned to you and Steve. 
“How about you two?”
Your eyes snapped back between her and Steve, stuttering for an answer. You didn’t know whether she was asking if you and Steve were together, or separately.
“Oh! I’m not dating anyone either.” You chuckled.
Steve uttered the same, cheeks slightly flushed as he distracted himself with his shake.
Meanwhile, Robin’s panicked expression turns into a smug one, a smirk planted on her face as her eyes darted back between you and the boy.
You glared at Robin, asking Vickie a question about the band to redirect the topic.
The next minutes were filled with questions between the four of you, and it seemed that Vickie and Robin are similar in more ways than one. They even shared a simultaneous “no!” when Steve pulled out his wallet to pay, saying that the drinks are his treat.
“Hey, wanna leave them alone for a while?” Steve whispered to you, ensuring that either of the girls couldn’t hear.
You raised your brow. “How?”
“Just follow me.” He said simply, sitting up straight as his voice got back to its normal volume. “Hey, I’ll just check something in my car. I’ll wait for you guys there.”
He stood up, and you three girls nodded your head. He discreetly motioned for you to follow him and you nodded your head, waiting a few seconds after he stepped out of the diner.
“I’ll go check on Steve.” It was your turn to stand, earning a smile from Vickie and a squinted smirk from Robin. “I’ll see you outside. Take your time.”
You hastily walked out, and you caught sight of Steve sitting on the driver’s seat.
“You think your plan worked?” He asked you with a smile as you sat beside him.
“Definitely.” You proudly grinned.
His eyes went from yours to something behind you. No, someone. There were two blonde girls, laughing as they entered the diner. 
“Do you know them?” You asked, confused and slightly saddened but still keeping a neutral expression.
“Only one of them. The one with the red bag is Heidi.”
Your eyes widened, recognizing the name from your conversation earlier this morning. “No way. Heidi? Heidi for tomorrow night?”
He shrugged, reclining his seat back.
“Does it work?” You asked him quietly.
“Does what work?” Steve looked at you.
“Going out with many girls until you find someone you like.”
“I guess. It works in helping me find the characteristics I like and don’t like. But that’s it.”
“Do you think you found her?” You picked up one of your legs and tucked it under the other, allowing you to fully face him. When he shot you a confused look, you continued. “You know, ‘the one’?”
Steve’s face softened. “I think I did.”
You felt your insides turn, in a bad way. It already pains you to see him with other women every night. But him saying that he might have found the right one for him, makes you ache even more.
What you didn’t know is that Steve is also trying to maintain his calmness. He has been thinking about Robin’s words before she left his car this morning, and he immediately canceled his future dates after he made up his mind.
He was scared; he was probably more scared of coming forward to you than facing the giant Mind Flayer several months ago. But he couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to hug you and kiss you, pull you closer to him whenever you needed someone’s shoulder. Most of all, he wanted to be honest.
“Really?” You asked, trying to keep your tone positive.
“Mhm. Never realized it until this morning, actually.”
You raised a brow in question, and he took it as a sign to continue.
“Y/n…” He started. He looked like he was about to close his mouth again but then he took a big sigh. “What I’ll say may or may not ruin our friendship, but I’ve spent way too much stalling already and I want to be honest.”
You felt your heart pump faster at his words, but you gave him an encouraging nod.
“I like you. And not just in an ‘I-like-you-as-a-friend’ type, but ‘I-would-like-to-take-you-out-on-a-date’ type. And if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay! T-that’s cool. It’s just… you’re beautiful and smart and funny and I’ve realized I liked you since that day you took Max and El out to the mall. Then I thought that I could set aside what I feel for you by going with other girls but I can’t. And I’m sorry if this all sounds like it came out of nowhere, Robin knocked some sense into me earlier–”
You cut off Steve’s rambling by holding his hand, your face beaming.
“Steve.” You softly said his name and his eyes widened, thinking that this is going to be the last day of your friendship. You never thought that you would ever see Steve Harrington nervous as he confesses to a girl.
“Did I say something wrong?” He asked.
You shook your head sideways, still smiling. “I like you too, Harrington. Not in an ‘I-like-you-as-a-friend’ type, but ‘I-would-like-to-go-on-a-date-with-you’ type.”
Steve’s eyes twinkled, his smile reached from ear to ear as he processed your words. He pulled you to him, as close as possible with the gear controls between you. You two laughed softly, pulling away when you heard the bell of the diner’s entrance.
You spotted Robin and Vickie walking towards Steve’s car, almost hip to him beside each other. 
Steve looked at you, faking an annoyed expression but still keeping a smile on his face. “I guess I gotta thank Robin.”
“You really do.”
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sagewritings · 2 years
More Than A Woman - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x female reader
synopsis: just as you thought everything was back to normal, the threat of a new entity reminds you that things are never normal in hawkins. once more, you find yourself involved in solving mysterious deaths, fighting beings from another dimension, evading curses, and possibly a love confession amidst it all.
word count: 12.3k
warnings: season 4 volume 1 spoilers, angst, friends to lovers, mentions of a car accident and death of a family member, trauma, violence, curse words, slow-burn, (fluff, of course)
a/n: hello everyone! i’d like to share this fic that i wrote based on the first volume of stranger things season 4! just a disclaimer, the song doesn’t really have any big impact to the story. i just love it so much :> (go listen to “more than a woman” by bee gees if you can!) i did add some events and information to the main plot of the series to help incorporate the reader, but i refrained from putting any descriptions of physical appearances so you’ll be more comfortable in imagining yourselves in the reader’s position.
also, if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
part 2 - staying alive
part 3 - night fever
 .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
  Every weekend is a blessing for any High School Senior. No school work, no lectures, and no early morning alarms. This thought was enough to motivate you as you start your Saturday morning, and a peaceful breakfast with your father is just the most pleasant way to do so.
That was until he turned the television on.
And we’ll start the news with another mysterious death in the small town of Hawkins.
You could faintly hear the television in the living room as you were washing the dishes, the sound of rushing water blocking the reporter’s voice.
“Y/n! Look at this.” Your father called from the sofa, and you quickly wiped your hands dry and saw him pointing at the screen with wide eyes.
We’re in the Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County. We don’t have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet released the victim’s name although we are told that they’re currently in the process of notifying the family.
You heard your father sigh, briefly lowering the volume of the television as he shook his head. “I’m starting to rethink why I chose this place to move in.” He mumbled.
It was four years ago when you and your father moved to Hawkins to restart your lives after the death of your mother. Everything was normal at first, but as each year passed and you got more entangled with a group of kids who seem to have ‘fighting with the supernaturals’ as part of their lifestyles, you have accepted the fact that Hawkins is far from normal. 
You went back to the kitchen and resumed washing the dishes, thoughts still preoccupied about whoever was found at that trailer. Immediately after, you quickly put on a clean sweater and jeans before heading downstairs to grab your car keys.
“Woah, woah, where are you going?” Your father asked from his seat, confusion and a hint of concern in his eyes.
“I’m going to visit my friends at Family Video.” You shot him a small smile.
“Alright, but don’t take too long. And be sure to call me.” He said, warily dismissing you.
You nodded and began to start your car, fingers tapping the steering wheel as you drove to Family Video while listening to More Than A Woman. The ten-minute drive to the store passed by slowly, as you couldn’t wait to talk to your friends about what had happened.
You first met the kids a week after you moved to Hawkins. It was inevitable when the house that you and your father live in is just beside Dustin’s house. You would often see the boys take turns going to each other’s houses, sometimes with Max, El, and even Steve. Still, like Robin, you were only in action with the group once. And that was when they needed an extra hand against the Mind Flayer at the Starcourt Mall.
Arriving at the store, Robin was the first to notice you when you entered, a smile automatically appearing on her face as she walked from the ‘New Release’ section to where you are standing.
“Y/n!,” She said, which caught Steve’s attention and he immediately went towards you and Robin. You instantly felt brighter as soon as you made eye contact with the boy, almost forgetting about the recent issue in your town. “Have you heard? Someone was murdered.”
“Yeah.” You replied slowly, eyes flickering to the store’s television where the reporter is still ongoing with interviewing people. “Have they released any names yet?”
Steve shook his head sideways. “No, I doubt they will do that anytime soon.”
Spending hours at Family Video is not new to you, and either to Steve or Robin. They’re grateful to have you as a company, your talking and laughing made their shifts faster and more tolerable according to Robin. But seeing you being awfully quiet, your brows pushed towards each other as you listen to the news, is not a sight that they are used to.
“Hey,” Steve said to you as you’re leaning on the front desk beside Robin. “You alright?”
You sighed. “This is weird.”
“I mean, this murder. It just happened out of nowhere. And towards a student?” You wondered aloud, “This is unusual, Steve. Even for Hawkins.”
Almost immediately after saying that, you three were surprised to see Max and Dustin barging in.
“Hey. Steve.” Dustin greeted him, slightly panting.
“You see this?” Steve pointed at the television.
“How many phones do you have?”
“Someone was murd—”
“How many phones do you have?” Dustin repeated, his voice louder.
“Uh, two. Why?” Steve looked at you and Robin in confusion.
“Technically, three if you count Keith’s in the back.” Robin followed.
“Yeah, three works.” Max hurriedly said to Dustin, who slid his backpack on top of the counter and landed towards where Robin and you were seated.
“What are you—! My pile!” Steve panicked. “No, no, no! My tapes! Dude.”
Still having no idea what was going on, you quietly stood behind Max and Dustin as they continued to type on the computer while Steve and Robin muttered annoyingly under their breath.
Fed up with all the noise and questions, Dustin turned to Max “Can you just fill them in while I do this.”
“Fill us in on what?” You spoke for the first time since the arrival of the two.
Max took a deep breath before starting to explain everything.
You didn’t know what exactly made your head hurt; maybe it was because of Max’s statements, the sleepless nights you’ve been having lately, or both. Your mind is still processing every piece of information that has been added to your knowledge regarding this case. 
While your friends are busy looking for wherever Eddie’s drug dealer “Reefer Rick” may be, you excused yourself to the bathroom, earning a concerned expression from Steve which you quickly shrugged off with a smile.
You stood in front of the mirror, hands tightly gripping the sink and wincing slightly as another surge of headaches hit you. You had purposely hidden from your friends, not wanting any more questions.
A knock on the door made you look up from the sink. You must’ve spent a while in the bathroom. You quickly took a deep breath and checked your appearance, making sure that there is no trace of any discomfort on your face.
As soon as you opened the door, you saw Steve standing in front of you.
“We found him.” He said with a smile.
“Where is he?” You asked as you swiftly closed the door behind you, rushing to where your other three friends were cleaning up.
“2121 Holland Road, by the Lover’s Lake,” Dustin said triumphantly as he fixed his backpack.
“Come, I’ll start the car.” Steve began getting out of his work vest and changed into his usual jacket.
“Alright, I’ll be there in a minute.” You said, going over to the telephone to call your father and make up an excuse by saying you’ll be staying over at Robin’s for the weekend.
As Max, Dustin, and Robin take turns informing Eddie of everything that you guys have found so far, you knew that the hope of having a peaceful weekend was thrown out of the window. Your headache only worsened after spending another sleepless night. Only this time, it isn’t because of a nightmare, but because you needed to go out and buy Eddie some supplies.
“Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie upsettingly said, fingers tightening around the box of popcorn that he was holding. 
“Exactly.” Robin replied, earning a whispered “shit” from Eddie.
“So before that happens, we have to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence.” Dustin butted in.
“That’s all Dustin? That’s all?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
Shaking her head, Robin stopped the exchange between the two. “Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean, they have a… a few times, and Y/n and I have once.”
“Ours was more human-fleshed based, theirs was more smoke-related. But collectively, I think we got this.” You continued after her.
Steve nodded beside you. “Yeah, we usually rely on this girl who has super powers but, uh, those went bye-bye…”
“So, we’re technically in more of the…”
“Brainstorming phase.” Max finished for all of you as Steve and Dustin went on to assure Eddie that there’s nothing to worry about.
The sound of sirens caught all of your attention a few moments after. Eddie rushed to cover himself with a tarpaulin while the rest of you went towards the window, looking at a few passing police cars and an ambulance.
“I guess we know where we’re going next,” Dustin stated.
“So you’re saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy… it’s from the Upside Down?” Nancy questioned as all of you are seated on a picnic bench near Eddie’s trailer.
“Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse. Now, whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don’t know.” Dustin explained.
“All we know is that this is something different. Something new.” You spoke.
“Doesn’t make sense,” Nancy muttered.
“It’s just a theory,” Dustin said.
Nancy shook her head. “No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?”
“Maybe they were just in the wrong place. They were both at the game.”
“And near the trailer park,” Max suggested.
“We’re at the trailer park…” Steve said. “Uh, should we maybe not be here?”
“There is something about this place.” Nancy agreed. “Fred started acting weird the second we got here. He was scared, on edge, upset.”
Dustin immediately picked up. “Max said Chrissy was upset too.”
Max sighed. “Yeah, but not here. She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right? So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman—”
“Vecna.” Dustin corrected Robin.
“I don’t know about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” Steve looked around at the table, confusion written on his face.
“Maybe they did.” All eyes went to Max as she spoke. “I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelly’s office. If you saw a monster, you… you wouldn’t go to the police. They’d never believe you. But you might go to your—”
“Your shrink.” Robin finished.
As usual, Steve was the first to notice that you’ve gone quiet. While the others are devising a plan to split your group into two, he leaned toward your ear.
“You okay?”
Startled, you faced him sideways. “Hmm? Oh, yes, I’m fine.”
Before he could ask further, your friends stood up and walked towards Steve and Nancy’s cars. Nancy said something about checking for something, in which you hastily volunteered to join, hoping that you could be of any help. Steve also volunteered after you, deep down not wanting to let you out of his sight because he is still unsettled about your behavior since yesterday.
In the end, You and Steve stayed with Max and Dustin, while Robin was the one to go with Nancy after finding out that she does not have a license and cannot drive the kids around.
Steve sent a few glances towards you as he drove to Ms. Kelly, but you kept your silence throughout the entire ride, head leaning back towards the passenger seat while you internally suffer another headache.
“Alright, we’re here,” Steve announced, followed by the sound of a car door opening as Max stepped out.
Shortly after seeing Max enter the house, you stepped out of Steve’s car, feeling suddenly suffocated from your seat.
“I’ll just wait outside.” You said as you swiftly closed the door, breathing heavily. You were too busy trying to steady yourself to notice that Steve followed you.
“Y/n, hey—” He stopped himself, standing beside you and taking your face in his hands. “Oh, god.”
“W-what?” You asked, suddenly aware that Steve is assessing your face closely.
“Here.” He hurriedly pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to you. It was only then that you felt something run down your nose.
“Oh.” You wiped the blood, slightly embarrassed but thankful.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Like, I know I asked you a hundred times since yesterd—”
“Steve, I’m fine. Really. It’s probably just because of the weather.” You waved your hand dismissively.
Steve eyed you suspiciously but decided not to say anything anymore. Still, he remained by your side during the entirety of waiting for Max. And for the first time in days, you feel calm.
Throughout your friendship, you only hid three things from Steve; the cause of your mother’s death, your growing feelings for him, and the nightmares that caused you to visit Ms. Kelly.
The refusal of Ms. Kelly to enclose any information about Fred and Chrissy has led the four of you back to Hawkins High in the middle of the night. Thankfully, Max was able to sneak out the keys to the Counselor's Office, giving all of you access to the files.
You were hesitant to follow through with their plan, knowing that if they would go through the records, they would eventually find yours too. But it was too late when you noticed Max pulled out three folders from the drawers.
“Holy shit.” She whispered, catching yours, Steve’s, and Dustin’s attention.
“You found it?”
Instead of looking at Dustin, she slowly looked at you. “Yeah, and not just Chrissy’s. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelly too. And… Y/n?”
All heads turn to look at you as you tried to speak but nothing came out.
“Y/n?” Steve said worryingly.
“I had sessions with Ms. Kelly back in my freshman year, but it was only for a few months.” You tried to reassure them, but the expressions on their faces tell you that they know there’s something more. Sighing, you continued, “After that, I only had one more visit with her.”
“And… when was that?” Dustin asked slowly.
“Last Friday.” You noticed Max’s eyes went wide, while Steve and Dustin were still confused. “I was the person that Ms. Kelly was talking to before Chrissy.”
Max hurriedly sat down on Ms. Kelly’s desk, simultaneously opening the folders that she had in her hand, including yours. You sat beside her, flicking through each of the documents as you felt a soft hand on your back. You looked up to see Steve looking at you softly, and you gave him a small smile in return.
“The symptoms…” You snapped your attention back to Max as you heard her whisper, her eyes glued to the sheets.
“What?” You questioned. You leaned towards her side and looked over at the paper, recognizing Ms. Kelly’s handwriting.
Once you realized what the words were, you froze. Headaches, nose bleeds, nightmares. It was common in all of the three files.
You looked at Max, who returned your gaze. She looked like she was about to speak, but her expression turned blank, staring at your face with unmoving eyes.
“Max?” You said, looking at the girl unsurely. “Max. Hey!”
You placed your hands on her shoulders, shaking her slightly. This caught the attention of Steve and Dustin, who seemed to go over to the door to guard the room.
“What happened?” Steve said when he reached us.
“I don’t know!” You panicked.
You three continued to call for Max, and after a few seconds, she gasped.
“Woah, Max are you okay?” Dustin said, stepping away from the girl whose eyes are wandering around.
She stuttered, but before she could answer, you heard a set of footsteps from the hall. You stood up from your seat beside Max and walked towards the door with Steve.
“Come on, stay behind me,” Steve said to you and you nodded as you made your way towards the hallway.
Thankfully, the footsteps weren't from any guard. It was from Nancy and Robin. You immediately returned to the Counselor’s Office where Dustin is still asking questions about Max.
“What happened here?” Robin wondered, seeing the distressed expression of the younger girl.
Max finally found her voice and grabbed one of the flashlights from Dustin’s backpack. “Follow me.”
She led all of you towards a small hallway with a dead end.
“It was here. A grandfather clock was right here.” She breathed. 
“A grandfather clock?” Nancy repeated, earning a nod from Max.
“It was so real. And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just… I woke up.”
“It was like she was in a trance or something.” You quietly said, the image of Max’s blank face still clear on your mind.
“Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy.” Dustin continued.
Max turned to face you all. It was only then that you noticed a few nervous tears in her eyes. “That’s not even the bad part.”
She led all of you back into the office where the folders are still scattered on the desk.
“Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Ms. Kelly for help. Uh, they were both having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn’t go away.” She paused to look at you and shakily continued to enumerate the symptoms she found. “And then, the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They’d wake up in a cold sweat. Then they started seeing things. Bad things, from their past. These visions, they just… they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually, everything ended.”
“Vecna’s curse,” Robin muttered.
You didn’t notice that Steve’s eyes were on you the whole time. He had so many questions, so many things that he wanted to clarify with you. He was slowly starting to understand what Max was trying to say, and why she kept looking at you. Yet, he refused to acknowledge any thought that threatens your life.
What you didn’t know is that your feelings towards Steve Harrington are very much reciprocated. He’s seen you at school before, but his pride and attitude as King Steve did not allow him to spend another thought on you. Though you weren’t exactly quiet because you like interacting with people, you were very straightforward in voicing your opinions. You had solid ground, always fighting for what you thought was right.
Although he would never admit it, he was infinitely grateful to Dustin for giving him the chance to properly meet you. It was a week after they had fought the demodogs underground, and Steve went over to the kids’ houses to check up on them. You were visiting Dustin after his mom invited you and your dad for dinner, and you did not try to hide your shock when you saw Steve Harrington visiting Dustin Henderson’s house.
There were no secrets between you and Dustin, as he already treated you like his older sister. So he was usually the one who tells you every detail of their adventures. At that time, it was hard to believe his stories about Steve’s involvement. You never saw him with any children while he was still in High School, how can you believe that he went through those troubles for a bunch of non-popular kids in middle grade?
Over time, your doubt left little by little. You saw how he genuinely cared for his friends, especially after Dustin. Sometimes it still amazes you that the Steve Harrington you knew from High School is the same as the Steve Harrington you visit at Family Video almost every day.
As Steve looked at you, he felt scared and angry. If he could trade places with you, he would.
Max’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Chrissy’s headache started a week ago. Fred’s, six days ago. I… I’ve been having them for five days. I don’t know how long I have. All I know is that…” She paused, taking a deep breath as tears started falling from her eyes. “For Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so… looks like I’m gonna die tomorrow.”
You stood closer to Max, placing your hand softly on top of hers.
“Wait, Y/n…” Dustin said, making all eyes turn to you. “When did yours start?”
“Four days ago.” You whispered. Now it’s Max’s turn to squeeze your fingers.
“Y/n? What—” Nancy was cut off by a loud crash from the hallway.
“Stay here,” Steve said, picking up a lamp before stepping outside the room.
The rest of you shared a glance and despite what Steve said, you all followed him outside. The sound of rapid footsteps made you hold your breath, and a series of screams left your mouth as the person revealed himself.
It was Lucas.
After the arrival of Lucas, you and your friends decided to spend the night over at the Wheeler’s. You instantly borrowed their telephone as soon as the sun came out the next morning.
“Hey, dad.” You greeted him through the phone, slightly nervous about the inescapable scolding that you know will follow after not coming home for two days.
“Y/n! Where the hell are you?” You heard him speak.
“I’m here at the Wheeler’s. Nancy needed my help with… a paper they’re writing about Hawkins High. I’m sorry, it was sudden.” You said pathetically, hoping that he would not question you any further.
“Goodness! Do you know how worried I was? With all of these murders going around, I can’t have you wandering through town.” Your father said stiffly.
“I know. But I might need to stay a little longer here. I promise I won’t do anything stupid. Besides, Mrs. Wheeler is always here. She’s keeping an eye on us.” You said sweetly, silently praying that it’s enough to convince your father.
You heard him groan at the other end. “Alright, fine. But don’t go anywhere without adult supervision.”
“Dad, I’m eighteen! I’m an adult.”
“I know. It’s just a precaution.” He paused for a while before continuing with a softer tone. “Just… stay safe alright? And make sure you’re always with someone.”
Although he couldn’t see it, you smiled. “Alright. Bye, dad.”
You heard him bid you goodbye before dropping the call.
You walked back to the basement, finding Steve, Lucas, and Dustin seated on the sofa with pieces of paper surrounding them. You contemplated joining the boys, but your eyes noticed the younger girl at the bottom of the stairs, preoccupied with writing something on paper. You walked over to Max, quietly dragging a chair and bringing it over next to hers before sitting down. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” You gave her a small smile, and she tried to hide what she was writing by putting both of her arms on top of the paper.
“Tired... and scared. But I’m not going to sulk, not when it’s probably my last day living.” She tried to chuckle jokingly, but you’ve been friends with Max long enough to know when something is affecting her not.
“Don’t say that.” You shook your head at her, still keeping your voice down while the boys in the background were throwing questions at each other. “We’re going to find a way to save you, alright? I won’t let that Vecna monster take you away.” Similar to what you did the night before, you lightly held her hand.
Max looked like she was going to cry from your words. “How about you? Have you had any visions?” Max asked, trying to make the moment less emotional. 
“No. But if your theory is correct, it’s only a matter of time before I get one.” You smiled sadly.
She looked away after seeing your expression and reached for an envelope with your name written on the back.
“What’s that?” You asked as she handed it to you.
“It's a fail-safe. You know, just in case things go sideways. Don’t open it now, though.” She said to you, now it’s your turn to get teary.
In three years of knowing her, you’ve seen Max go through a lot. You have seen her tough, throwing glares to whoever insults her friends. But you have also seen her vulnerable when she cried for hours after witnessing Billy’s death. You knew she tried to shake off the sadness, but you saw how she screamed for her brother that night. She was devastated, fearful, and crumbling.
You were surprised when she suddenly wrapped her arms around your shoulders.
“Thank you, Y/n. For everything.” Max whispered. 
“Oh, Max.” You hugged her back, pulling her slightly closer.
Your exchange was cut off by the sound of an opening door. You all looked up to see Robin and Nancy hastily going downstairs, the latter was holding two folders in her hands.
“We have a plan.”
Shortly after Nancy and Robin left for Pennhurst Asylum, and Max gave out the rest of her letters to the boys, you find yourselves in Steve’s car.
Max, who was pretty convinced that she was going to die despite your attempts to assure her that she won’t, insisted on visiting her home to deliver the remaining envelopes in her hand. Steve’s protests fell on deaf ears when the girl threatened him.
The stop at her house was quick, and now all of you are headed towards the cemetery.
Steve was able to find a parking spot, near enough for all of you to keep an eye on Max. Dustin and Lucas stood outside of the car, walkies at hand just in case.
“Why didn’t you tell us? Or at least, one of us.” Steve suddenly spoke, turning to look at you. His tone was low but kind, careful not to step over any boundaries.
You hesitated to answer but realizing that this could be the only moment you could have with Steve alone, you let your guard down. “I don’t know. I guess I thought I could fix it.”
“Fix what?” He asked.
“Everything.” You looked at him directly. “When the nightmares came back, the fear also came back. And I just thought that maybe something I did trigger it. But then these murders started happening, and Max and Dustin went on with their theories...” 
“You knew?” Steve sadly asked, his own eyes dropping. 
You nodded. “Yeah. I kind of pieced it together when Max mentioned Ms. Kelly. But I didn’t want to say anything because Max needs us right now and it would be selfish if I—“
“Y/n.” Steve stopped your rambling by placing his hand on top of yours that was relaxed on his dashboard. “Asking for help isn’t selfish, alright?”
You sighed, wanting to agree with him but you’ve always put your friends first. Before the conversation could go longer, Lucas peeked through Steve’s open window.
“Steve, how long has it been?” His eyes traveled to Max, who was still in the same seated position.
But she was steady.
You sneaked a few glances at her during your conversation with Steve. Her head would move every once in a while, looking at Billy’s gravestone and back to the letter. But now, she’s steadily staring ahead.
Before Steve could count the minutes on his watch and answer Lucas, you went out of the car towards Max.
“Y/n? What ar—“
“Hey! Max!” You jogged to her place, noticing that she didn’t look at you when you called her. It was only when you were right beside her that you noticed her eyes. Blank, shaking and covered with a white hue. “Max? Max! Guys!”
The rest of your friends hurriedly went towards you and Max after hearing your panicked shout. You and Steve continued to call for her, while Lucas had his hands firm on her shoulder as he shook her. Dustin was way ahead of all of you, already contacting Robin and Nancy through his walkie.
The next moments were just screaming from the four of you. Max remained unresponsive, and tears were already building up in Lucas’ eyes.
“C’mon! This is code red! Robin, do you copy!”
“Yes, yes, we copy!” You heard Robin’s voice on the other end, and you swore Dustin almost fainted in relief when she replied.
“Holy shit! Finally! What have you guys found?”
“Music! Make her listen to music.”
“Exactly what music?”
“Her favorite song! She has to have a connection with it.”
Not bothering to reply to Robin, Dustin ran back to the car, went through the window, and gathered Max’s cassette player and tapes.
“What’s her favorite song?” Dustin asked as soon as he dropped the tapes in front of us. Lucas scrambled through it, finally handing the right one back to Dustin who placed the headphones on Max.
You were all anxious as you waited for something to happen. Lucas increased the volume so much that even the four of you can hear it.
“Max! Come back to us, please!” He pleaded.
Then her body started to lift, frightening all of you. If you remember Eddie’s recollection of Chrissy right, you know what’s next. Lucas was fully crying as you all stared at Max’s body. He tried to reach her ankles but she was farther.
The next few seconds were tense. You were all afraid that the song might come to an end before Max could come back. But as you heard a deep breath coming from the girl, you were relieved.
Max fell to the ground, and Lucas wrapped his arms around her. It worked.
As soon as you all gathered back to the Wheelers’ basement, Dustin filled in everything with Robin and Nancy. You took a seat on the couch, eyes dropping from all the tiredness and lack of sleep.
“Take a nap first.” You felt Steve position himself beside you, legs stretching outwards after driving around town.
Nancy, who heard Steve, agreed with him. “He’s right. We need to take a rest for a while. I can keep watch first, just in case.”
You all nodded, spreading yourselves around the basement to find a comfortable position.
“Feel free to use me as a pillow.” Steve jokingly said as he patted his shoulders. You let out a small laugh, slightly leaning on his side of the couch before closing your eyes.
When you all woke up from your nap an hour ago, you didn’t expect to be coming to Victor Creel’s house. Nancy shared something about how this might be Vecna’s lair, which only led to more questions about why he would choose Victor’s house out of all places in Hawkins. Most importantly, what was the grandfather clock in Max’s vision doing in its hallway.
You all scattered around the house, trying to look for more clues that could give an answer to at least one of your questions. You were about to get inside another bedroom when you heard mumbles from the hall, seeing Nancy standing behind Steve as she pulled something out from his hair.
Your heart tugged a little as you walked away as quietly as you can, trying to go unnoticed by the two.
You heard a lot about Nancy and Steve’s relationship back in high school. The most popular boy with the smartest girl. According to most people, it was a match that seemed very unlikely yet perfect. Even now, as you look at the two, it is no wonder why they fell for each other.
In hopes of distracting yourself and finding more clues, you made your way down the stairs.
A mistake.
Barely five steps down, you felt cold, chills running down your back and arms. Your surroundings got darker as if someone closed the torn curtains over the broken windows of the house. But what caught your attention was the grandfather clock at the bottom of the stairs.
Minutes ago, it was broken. You could hardly recognize the numbers from how much dust and webs it collected over the years. Now it’s perfectly ticking, one tick louder than the next.
You flinched from the voice you didn't recognize. It was loud, deep, and terrifying. Yet you couldn’t find its source.
“Steve! Max! Guys!” Panicking, you ran back up, but your friends were nowhere to be seen.
The voice got louder as you ran through the halls, checking and opening every door that you could find in hopes that one of them could help you escape.
“You can try to run but I will find you.” It said tauntingly. “Your time will come to an end soon.”
A dead-end made you stop running. You prepared to turn around, still determined to find a way out. But you were shocked when an invisible force pushed you backward, making you stumble a step.
You weren’t aware that Nancy and Steve actually saw you walk past them. It was mere seconds, but Nancy caught the way Steve perked up when he saw your form.
“You like her don’t you?” She whispered to him teasingly as she continued to remove the spider webs from his hair.
“W-what? No, I don’t.” Steve replied, suddenly thankful that Nancy couldn’t see his face as he felt his cheeks warm up. Though his stuttering gave him away.
She replied with a knowing “Hmm”, making Steve groan.
“Am I obvious?” He mumbled.
“Very. It isn’t hard to notice the way you look at her.” She smiled, also discreetly aware of how you looked at the boy.
She heard Steve sigh as he turned around, making Nancy stop picking on his hair. “I’m worried about her. I know she hasn’t experienced any visions— thankfully, but what if she does and we’re not there to save her?”
Nancy saw nothing but sincerity in the boy’s eyes, but she didn’t get a chance to reply after hearing Robin yell.
“Guys! Help, it’s Y/n!”
Steve was the first to run, following Robin’s voice and finding her at the top of the stairway. Her hands are on top of your shoulder, shaking you while you remain motionless.
“What happened?!” Steve said, lightly pushing Robin and replacing her hands with his. “Y/n?”
“I-I was on my way down and I saw her just standing here.” She explained, nervousness in her voice.
The rest of your friends have already gathered to where you are; Max’s eyes were wide as she realized what was going on. “She’s having a vision.” She whispered.
Steve, who was still trying to wake you up from whatever is pulling your conscience away, clearly heard Max’s words and panicked even more. It was just a minute ago when he was telling Nancy how scared he would be if this happened to you.
The moment that you returned, you let out a gasp, startling the rest. Steve felt like he could cry from relief after seeing your eyes move again, and he immediately pulled you into a hug.
“God, don’t scare me like that again.” He whispered to your ear, seemingly forgetting that all of your friends are looking at the two of you.
You were still catching your breath, and your brain took a while to notice that your face was pressed against Steve’s chest. You hugged him back quickly, muttering a quiet “I’m okay” and then pulled away eventually.
Max was the first to approach you when let go of Steve. “Tell us what happened.” She pleaded.
“I saw the clock.” You simply said, trying to remember every detail that you saw from your vision. You saw the way their faces dropped after you said it, and you knew that you didn’t have to explain anything else because they know what it means for you.
You’re Vecna’s next target.
After your first vision, Steve refused to let you out of his sight. You and he stayed outside of the Creels’ house while your friends continued to search around, finding out that the Upside Down version of the attic is possibly where Vecna recharges his powers.
Still shaken up from what happened, you asked the group to make a short stop at your house. There are two things that you need to do; get a cassette player, and see your father.
Nancy volunteered to drive, while you were in the middle seat between Max and Steve. You leaned your head on his shoulder throughout the ride, while Max had her right arm hooked with your left.
“We’re here, Y/n,” Nancy announced as she parked in front of your house.
“Thanks, Nance. I’ll be quick.” You shot her a quick smile. Steve moved out of the car to allow you to do the same, but you raised your eyebrows when you noticed him following you to your front door. “You’re coming?”
“Can’t leave you alone again, Y/l/n.” He joked, eyes twinkling that you almost forgot you were cursed.
Before you get entranced by his smile, you stepped towards your house. The front door was locked, so you had no choice but to knock. Your father looked relieved when he saw your face.
“Y/n!” You threw yourself nearer to him and he opened his arms for a hug. “Oh, Steve. You’re here too.” Your dad smiled at the boy behind you. Everyone does like Steve Harrington.
Steve smiled in return as your dad ushered you both inside.
“So, how is Nancy’s paper going?” He asked.
“Paper?” You shot him a confused look, forgetting about the excuse that you made a day ago. “Oh! Yes, yes, it’s going great! Steve’s also helping her.”
Your dad nodded. “So, you’re staying tonight?”
Your heart dropped, the lingering thought of the curse suffocating you. “I can’t, dad. I’m sorry. I just stopped by to get some… stuff that I need.”
You’re oblivious to the fact that your father knew you very well, and he is certainly sure that you are not telling him the truth. But as he stared at you, assessing the tone of your voice and the emotions in your eyes, he didn't want to hold you back. He trusts you, and he knew that you would eventually tell him what’s going on when you’re ready.
“Do you need me to assist you?” Your father asked softly.
You shook your head with a smile. “It’s okay. I got it.”
He watched as you and Steve stepped upstairs, letting out a sigh before going to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, you started digging through your cabinets as soon as you reached your bedroom to search for your cassette. Steve took charge in going through the tapes, eyes flicking through the song titles.
“Found it.” You whispered under your breath when you spotted it. You were stunned when you stood up and saw Steve leaning against your door, smiling smugly. “What?”
He waved a very familiar dark purple audio tape. “Your favorite.”
Saturday Night Fever - “More Than A Woman” by the Bee Gees
“Damn, how’d you know?” You chuckled, trying to shake off the fluttering feeling that he knows your favorite song.
“Are you kidding me?” He exaggeratedly said. “There isn’t any idle moment when you aren’t singing this. You even kept the extra tape for your car.”
You laughed, remembering all the time that Robin had to shut you up because you wouldn’t stop singing the song. But your happiness was cut off short when you realized that your life now depends on that small tape that he was holding.
Steve sensed the change in your expression and quickly understood. “Hey, you’re going to be fine. We saved Max, we’ll save you too.” He smiled comfortingly.
You nodded, motioning that you need to go back to your friends who are waiting outside.
“Y/n.” Your dad called you before you got the chance to take a step out of your house. He pulled you into another quick hug. “Stay safe, alright?”
You hugged him tighter, suddenly fearing that this could be the last time you’ll ever see him. “Promise. I’ll see you soon, dad.”
You pulled away slowly, giving him another look before walking back to the car with Steve.
“Alright, we’re going to Eddie next,” Dustin announced.
You felt another wave of terror when your group was supposed to bring more supplies to the cabin that Eddie is hiding in, but instead found the police and media surrounding the lake.
Another Hawkins High student was found dead.
The rumbling of Dustin’s walkie caught your attention, immediately identifying the voice on the other end as Eddie’s.
“Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?”
“Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay?” Dustin whispered back.
“Nah, man. P-pretty goddamn far from okay.” Eddie chuckled.
“Where are you?”
“Skull Rock. You know it?”
“Yeah. That’s near Cornwallis and—”
“Garrett, yeah. I know where that is.” Steve finished for Dustin.
“Hold tight. We’re coming.”
You were thankful that your shoes are made for running.
Dustin and Steve’s bantering on the location of Skull Rock had you change your route three times already.
“Oh, boom! Bada bing bada boom. There she is, Henderson.” Steve said, pushing away a few bushes. “In your face, man.”
“Steve.” You shot him a scolding look for his words, shutting him up.
“Doesn’t make sense,” Dustin whispered under his breath but quickly ran up to Eddie when he saw him. “There you are! Jesus, we thought you were a goner.”
Eddie patted him on the back. “Yeah, me too, man. Me too.”
The next minutes were spent on filling Eddie in with everything you guys have found. Starting from Nancy and Robin’s visit to the Pennhurst Asylum, up to your recent vision.
“Wait, Y/n? You too?” Eddie looked at you with wide eyes.
You nodded sadly.
“Oh, shit.” He replied shakily, eyes darting from you to Dustin who was pacing back and forth. “Hey, uh, Henderson’s not, uh, cursed, is he?”
“Cursed? No, no. He’s fine.” Steve said. “Mental? Absolutely.”
“Boom!” You all flinched, surprised when Dustin shouted while pointing at Steve. “Bada… bada… boom. I was right.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“Skull Rock was north.”
“Seriously? You’re serious?! This is Skull Rock. Okay?” He dramatically pointed his hand towards the gigantic rocks. “You’re totally, absolutely, one hundred percent wrong. Right now!”
Dustin looks unaffected by Steve’s bursts, muttering a few “mhmm” while smiling cheekily. “Yes… and no.”
“Oh my god.” Steve threw his hands, stepping closer to you while glaring at Dustin.
“This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheelers.” He began to explain. “It was correct when we got in the car in Curly, but it started to slip the further east we went. Now, it’s way off.”
You all looked at each other, not understanding what he was saying.
“When I was leading us here, I wasn’t wrong. The compass was.”
“So you’re using faulty equipment. You’re still wrong.” Steve butted in, and you gave him a slight shove to shut him up.
“Except, it isn’t faulty.” Dustin pointed at him before turning to Lucas. “Lucas, remember what can affect a compass?”
Lucas, who seemed to be getting what Dustin is talking about, quickly replied. “An electromagnetic field.”
“I’m sorry, I must've skipped that class,” Robin said.
“In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power. So either there’s some super big magnet around here, or—”
“There’s a gate.” Lucas finished Dustin’s statement.
“We’re nowhere near the lab,” Nancy spoke for the first time in a while.
“But what if, somehow, there’s another gate? A gate that we don’t know about. It’d have to be smaller. Way less powerful.” Dustin explained.
“Snack-size gate,” Robin said.
“How? Why?” You asked.
“No idea. All I know is that something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we’ve seen anything like this, it was a gate. And I hope it is because we would have a way to Vecna, and a shot at freeing Max and Y/n from this curse.” Dustin went running, but Steve stopped him.
“Where are you going? Hey!” Dustin stopped, looking at a stressed Steve. “Eddie is still a wanted man. We can’t just go for a hike in the woods.”
Having enough from Steve, Dustin raised the compass in his hands. “This little steel capsule might be the key to saving Y/n, Max, and Eddie.” He turned directly to Eddie. “What say you, Eddie the Banished?”
All of you turned to Eddie who had been quietly sitting.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea.” He looked up. “But, uh, the Shire… the Shire is burning.”
Dustin hops adorably.
“So Mordor it is.” Eddie stated.
If you thought the walk to Skull Rock was long, walking through the woods is even longer. What is even more annoying is that Dustin’s compass just led you back to the Lover’s Lake.
“There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Max wondered aloud.
“Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening,” Nancy answered. “Maybe, Vecna’s the same way.”
“Only one way to find out,” Steve said.
Your eyes noticed a small boat tied to a tree nearby, and you immediately made your way toward it.
“Where are you going?”
Ignoring Steve’s question, you untangled the rope and pulled the boat nearer to your group. Eddie and Steve took hold of each side, steadying the object.
Robin was the first to get in, placing her hands on the two boys’ heads to maintain her balance. Eddie followed, then Nancy, then you.
“Are you sure about this?” Steve asked you as he offered his hand.
“Yeah. Enough worrying, Harrington.” You smiled at him as he followed you in.
“Wait, Y/n!” Max called out for you. “Do you have your cassette?”
You nodded, turning to your side to show the small cassette player tucked in your back pocket.
Dustin walked forward, ready to join your group but Eddie and Nancy stopped him, insisting that he and Lucas should stay with Max. He reluctantly handed the compass, shaking his head as he stepped back with the other two.
Trying to lighten the mood, Robin yelled for them as she and Eddie paddled. “Bedtime at nine, kiddos! Miss you already!”
After around three minutes, the five of you were perfectly at the center of the Lake. Nancy asked to slow down the boat, the compass in her hand spinning wildly.
You noticed Steve taking off his shoes and socks. “Woah, Steve. What are you doing?”
“Somebody’s got to go down and check this out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then… it’s gotta be me. No complaints, alright?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining. I don't wanna go down there.” Eddie said nervously as he looked at the pitch-black reflection of the waters.
On the other hand, you were about to say something when Steve took his sweater off and you felt your throat go dry. Little do you know that Robin was looking at you, fighting the urge to laugh at your reaction.
Eddie handed Steve a flashlight wrapped in a plastic bag. “Good luck.”
“Steve.” You held his hand and looked up at him. “Be careful.”
He almost forgot what he was about to do as he stared at you, face illuminated by the moon. Instead, he smiled and rubbed the back of your hand with his fingers. “Will do. Enough worrying, Y/l/n.”
Turning back, Steve dove right into the water.
Barely two seconds after he did so, you looked at Nancy anxiously. “How long has it been?”
“Relax, Y/n.” She laughed a little. “He’s going to be fine.”
Despite her assurance, you couldn’t stay still, your eyes locked on the water. A minute later, you almost fell back in shock when Steve raised his head on the surface.
“I found it,” Steve said, panting. A series of cheerful exclamations followed your group at his statement.
“Dustin, you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate.” Robin said, communicating with the kids through her walkie.
“Come on. Grab my hand.” You reached Steve with your right hand.
Before he could grab yours, however, he was pulled back under the water.
“Steve!” You shouted, your panic turned into horror when you saw no sign of Steve.
“What the hell was that, man?!” Eddie screamed behind you.
Without another thought, you stood up on the edge of the boat, taking off your shoes as Steve did a while ago.
“Woah. Hold on. Y/n, where are you going?” Robin asked, one hand holding your arm.
“I can’t leave him there alone, Robin.” You said determinedly, pulling your arm away from her grasp.
“Y/n— no!” You heard Nancy yell after you, but you already jumped into the water.
You weren’t the best swimmer, but you didn’t care. You had one thing on your mind, and that is to save Steve.
Your eyes widened when you spotted the gate, its dark red color made you nervous. But you swam right through, shocked when you realized that the other end was dry.
You were panting as you pulled yourself up, legs slightly shaking from tiredness. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed the familiar trees around you.
This is the Lover’s Lake in the Upside Down. Only this lake was dry, and dark thick vines covered almost the entire floor.
You heard a pained yell from behind you, your heart pumping faster when you laid eyes on Steve. You ran towards him and grabbed a paddle from a nearby boat that looked the same as what your group had used.
“Steve!” You yelled, hitting one of the demobats that attempted to go near you.
Steve spotted you, but his screams were cut off when one of the bats wrapped his tail around his neck. You went near him, using the pack of the paddle to crush the creature’s head.
Once its tail was loosened, you helped an injured Steve get up. “Come on. We need to get out of here.”
“Y/n! Steve! Look up!” You heard Robin’s familiar voice. You were stunned for a moment when you spotted her running with Nancy and Eddie.
“Shit,” Steve muttered, bracing himself.
You looked up, seeing another group of the demobats.
Nancy grabbed the other paddle from the same boat, while Eddie, Steve, and Robin aimed for their tails.
You didn’t know how long this occurred, but you were overcome with relief when you saw Eddie slam the last one to the ground. You all sighed, chests heaving from the swimming and physical fight that happened consecutively. 
“Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie screamed, shaking his head.
You ran to Steve, eyes searching for more injuries. “Are you alright? How are you feeling?”
“Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better.” Steve tried to hide his pain by chuckling, but the action made him wince even more.
“This isn’t funny, Steve. We need to get out of here.” Your eyes were glued to his sides, stomach turning to the sight of running blood.
The sound of screeching caught all of your attention, and you spotted more demobats heading toward the lake. 
“The woods. Come on.” Nancy said, motioning for all of you to follow her.
The run through the forest was painful for your feet, but you couldn’t imagine how Steve was feeling with his open wounds. You eventually reached the Skull Rock of the Upside Down, and Nancy gave you a torn piece from her clothes as a bandage for Steve.
“You alright?” Steve asked you quietly as you reached around his back, his own eyes searching for any scrape on your face.
“Don’t worry about me.” You dismissed him quickly, finishing up the make-shift bandage by tucking the ends. “There, all done.”
Steve held your hand, looking from his wound back to your face. “Thank you, Y/n.”
You gave him a nod and tugged on his hand, silently asking him to sit on the ground with you to take a rest. But as soon as you did, you remembered something and you froze.
You hurriedly pulled the cassette player from your back pocket, eyes widening in fear when you noticed that it was broken and leaking with water.
“Shit, St—“ You looked back up, expecting to see Steve but none of your friends were there. The sky was still tinted with the red color, but there was smoke forming around the ground that you were standing on. You froze, already having an idea what is going on.
“Y/n...” You heard the echo of the same dark voice from your first vision.
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You angrily said, looking around you. A tall silhouette on your left made you shudder when you noticed that it was heading toward you. 
“You think you can save your friends. You weren’t even able to save your mother.” It taunts, the voice getting louder as the figure gets closer. “Your time will end soon, Y/n.”
You recognized the same ticking sound that you heard from Victor Creel’s house, and you noticed the grandfather clock embedded in one of the rocks.
On the other end, Steve had his hands on your cheeks. He witnessed the way your arm limped to your sides, dropping the cassette to the ground. Your face turned upwards as if looking directly at someone. But your eyes were unmoving, and your mouth slightly opened. It was the same expression that you had a few hours ago in the mansion.
“Y/n! C’mon, you have to listen to me. Y/n!” He kept yelling for you. Nancy and Robin were also trying to shake your hands, while Eddie is on the verge of a breakdown.
Like the first time, you gasped when you regained your body. You were scrambling away from Steve as your mind wasn’t able to process that you were back with your friends.
“Woah, calm down. You’re alright.” Steve tried again to come near you. This time, your eyes steadied at him, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulder.
Steve comforted you as he hugged you back. He could feel you tremble in his arms; his heart broke as he wished he could take you away from all of this.
You pulled away after a minute, and Nancy was quick to formulate another plan after you assured her that you were okay.
“We need weapons. We’re going to need everything that we can use to defend ourselves. And we also need a music player.” She stated.
“Where are we gonna get those?” Eddie asked.
“Oh, and another follow-up question. Do music players work in the Upside Down?” Robin continued slowly.
“I don’t know, but we have to try,” Nancy said, looking at you. You gave her a small quick smile as a sign of gratitude and the girl was quick to return it. “We need to go to my house. We can find all of those things there.”
“Wait, you said weapons. What exactly are the weapons in your house?” Eddie wondered.
“Guns. I have guns.” Nancy said, her tone flat.
Eddie was left with his mouth open, stuttering more questions about how Nancy Wheeler has guns. Plural.
Nancy simply laughed and started walking, Robin following closely behind her.
Steve positioned himself beside you, but Robin linked her arms with yours, pushing you in between her and Nancy.
Annoyed, Steve glared at the back of his friend’s head but he saw Eddie pushing a denim vest in front of him.
“For your modesty, dude.” Eddie said, earning a muffled “thank you” from Steve.
A few minutes have passed and you were laughing with the two girls as you walked. Steve stared softly at you, happy that you were smiling despite the circumstances. He would rather throw himself into the group of demobats than let anything hurt you.
He felt terrified. Based on his understanding of Eddie’s story and Max’s experience, Vecna’s victims are only given three visions— you just had your second.
“It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.” Eddie’s voice interrupted Steve’s thoughts. “You know, personally I would never jump in that lake to save your ass. No offense. But Y/n, right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in.”
Eddie was careful to keep his voice down, and Steve’s eyes traveled from him to your figure.
“From what I heard, you two are just friends. But let me tell you, dude, what she did is more than just a friendly act.”
“She shouldn’t have done that,” Steve replied with the same volume. Meanwhile, his mind imagined what Eddie just said. You, jumping right after he was pulled down. Why would you risk yourself from him?
“But she did.” Eddie shrugged, a smile forming on his face.
Steve didn’t speak, trying to pretend that he was more interested in the trees. Yet his mind was on you— not the first time though. He felt an ounce of hope, a voice in his head saying that you feel the same way. But the other voice doubts, threatening him that this might ruin your friendship.
A few minutes more and you find yourselves out of the forest, walking on the cemented floor instead of soil.
“Right there.” Nancy pointed at her house, slightly walking faster.
You were both relieved and creeped out by the sight of the Wheelers’ house. The color remains the same, but the same thick vines that you saw earlier were wrapped almost entirely around its exterior, and some branches were able to puncture through the glass windows.
“Come. My guns are upstairs.” You all followed Nancy to her bedroom door, but she turned to look at you before you could enter. “Oh, Y/n, most of the audio tapes are in my parents’ bedroom. I’ll grab my player for you.” She said, pointing at the door next to hers.
“I’ll go with you,” Steve said from beside you and you nodded, quickly thanking Nancy.
Her parents’ room was a bit bigger than hers, but you didn’t have any trouble finding the tapes, seeing them displayed on a work table. You crouched down, eyes dragging quickly over every piece.
“Got it.” You said, pulling out the same tape that you brought from your house.
You were prepared to leave the room, but you stopped when you noticed Steve quietly sitting on the bed. His fingers were picking through Eddie’s denim jacket.
“You alright there?” You asked, walking over to him.
“You have to stop worrying about me. It’s you that we have to save.” He answered, eyes looking at yours.
You sat beside him and smiled. “Well, hopefully, this tape works.”
“I’m sorry.” You heard him whisper, brows furrowed in confusion.
“Sorry? Sorry for what?”
“For not noticing what you were going through.” Steve looked at the tape in your hand. “If I noticed, I could’ve helped you earlier and—”
“Steve.” You said sternly. “You have nothing to apologize for. I chose to hide.”
He went quiet, eyes still dropped low.
“Do you remember when I told you how my mother died?” You whispered. You were still hopeful that you could escape Vecna’s grasp; if Max survived, so can you. But just in case things go unsuccessfully, you don’t want to regret not telling the truth.
“A car accident,” Steve said hesitantly.
You nodded, gulping before proceeding to talk. “There was this girl in my class who was popular, and she was going to celebrate her birthday but only those with invitations could come. I was surprised when she gave me one, but I was so flattered.” You chuckled, shaking your head at your ridiculousness when you were younger. “I asked my parents if I could join, but my mom was against it because she knew I wasn’t anywhere close to that girl.
I was so annoyed. I mean, when I look back at it now, it does sound stupid. I probably didn’t even have any conversation with her, but my thirteen-year-old self was persistent. So I sneaked out to the party and asked one of my friends to cover for me. But my mom knew me very well and eventually found out where I was. I have never seen her so disappointed.
She picked me up that night, and while we were on our way home, it started raining. The rest of my memories were blurred, but I couldn’t forget how terrified she looked. The next thing I know is that I was in the hospital. I saw my dad cry for the first time as he told me that mom was gone. The police said something about losing control of the brakes but it didn’t register to me. If I just listened to her, she’d still be alive.”
You didn’t realize that you were tearing up until you felt Steve hold your hand, squeezing it as he wrapped his other arm around you.
“We moved to Hawkins after a few months because it was just painful, everything in our house reminded us about her. But it still wasn’t easy. I had to go to Ms. Kelly because my nightmares weren’t stopping. Then I met the kids, you, Nancy, and Robin, and I felt like I could breathe again. But then, of course, this monster curses me.”
You had tears freely falling down your cheeks at this point. Steve pulled you closer to him as you cried, your face tucked between his shoulder and neck.
Steve didn’t know what to say— he was never the best at comforting. But you didn’t need to hear any words, content with the feeling of Steve’s hands running up and down your hand.
“We’ll save you alright? I won’t let anything happen to you.” He whispered, and without thinking, he pressed a small kiss on your forehead.
You look up to meet his eyes, your own pair slightly wide from the unexpected affection from Steve. When he saw your expression, his brain seemed to register what he’d done.
“Oh, uh, I… s-sorry.” He stuttered.
Steve Harrington was never the one to stutter in front of girls. He always knew what to say and how to say it; but with you, he always felt like he was lost for words. Now, as he looked at your face, traces of tears still evident on your cheeks after letting him see your vulnerability, he wanted nothing else than to hold you forever. But he needed to tell you the truth first.
“Y/n.” He started slowly, trying to formulate his words. “I-I know this isn’t really the best time to say it but…”
Here goes nothing.
“I like you, Y/n. No, screw that, I’m falling for you. And now I think I just ruined our friendsh—”
You cut him off as you raised both your arms and wrapped them around his shoulder. Your sadness from earlier is no longer there, replaced by the happiest feeling as you laughed softly.
“You’re right. This isn’t the best place to confess.” You said as you pulled away. “But I’m falling for you too, Steve Harrington. I have been for a while.”
Steve looked at you with his mouth slightly open, his mind still processing the words you have said. “You mean that?” He asked, a smile starting to form on his face.
You nodded, looking at him with nothing but sincerity and adoration in your eyes. He leaned in closer to you, feeling the wetness of your cheeks from your tears as he pressed his hands on both sides of your face.
“Can I kiss you?”
You answered him by leaning in, closing the gap between your faces. The kiss was soft and quick, but enough for you to take in the feeling of each other’s lips.
“Hey, guys, we need you downs— oh.” You both pulled away upon hearing Robin’s voice from the door. The girl had her mouth and eyes wide. “We leave you two alone for a few minutes and you’re already eating each others’ faces.”
You and Steve laughed as he helped you to your feet, his hands softly brushing the remaining tears from your cheeks.
“But I gotta say, nice one, dingus! Took you long enough.” Robin said cheekily as Steve glared at her.
“Shut up.” He groaned, following you as you stepped out of the room.
Robin rolled her eyes, but her expression turned serious. “Come on, we might have a problem.”
After swimming to the bottom of the lake, walking through the forest, and now rapidly biking towards Eddie’s trailer, you felt like your legs would give out anytime.
Nancy was disappointed to find none of her guns after realizing that the time setting of the Upside Down is three years stuck in the past. Still, you were grateful for three reasons. One, you were able to communicate with the kids on the other side, and now all of you are on your way to getting out of this dimension. Two, Nancy’s cassette was working and is safely tucked inside your pockets. Three, Robin. Her teasing and bickering with Steve made this entire situation much lighter.
You were happy when you finally took the familiar right turn to Eddie’s place, stepping out of your bikes as soon as you reached his front lawn. As expected by Nancy, you found another portal on Eddie’s ceiling. It looks identical to the one at the lake, and you all freaked when a stick poke through.
You almost screamed in happiness when you saw Dustin, Max, Lucas, and Erica on the other side. A few minutes later, Dustin threw a makeshift rope from blankets, the others preparing a mattress for your group to land on.
Robin climbed first, followed by Eddie and Nancy.
“Go on.” Steve smiled at you.
“See you on the other side?” You asked him, eyes twinkling.
He let out a small laugh, nodding his head. “See you on the other side.”
You reached for the rope, pulling yourself up with every remaining strength that you have. But you didn’t fall on the mattress.
Steve watched you position yourself in front of him, ready to grab onto the rope. But when you went steady with your hands falling to your side, his face went cold.
“Y/n?” He moved to face you, eyes widening when he saw your eyes glazed. It was the same look that Max had at the cemetery. He cupped your face, shaking you as softly as he could. “Shit. Y/n! Stay with me. Y/n!”
On the other end, Steve heard Max shout. “It’s Vecna! Play her music, Steve!”
His hands were shaking as he reached for your back pocket, inserting the tape into the cassette player. He immediately placed the headphones on your ears, holding your hand after he did so.
“C’mon, Y/n. You gotta come back to me.”
You fell into darkness, wincing and gasping as you felt yourself land on your back. It took you a few seconds to sit up, taking in your surroundings.
You were in the middle of a road, with several police cars and an ambulance lined up to your left. The sky was dark; it was night.
Standing up slowly, you were overwhelmed with panic and fear, not fully understanding what was happening.
“Y/n.” The familiar dark voice spoke, making you gasp from how loud it was. “Did you forget what you’ve done?”
You looked around, but everything was dark aside from the flashing lights from the cars. It was only then that you noticed a shattered car to your right.
You trembled upon seeing the familiar car.
Its front part was completely destroyed, looking similar to the bent street light pole. You froze when you noticed someone come out from the driver’s side, slowly walking towards you.
“Oh, Y/n.” You heard your mother’s voice, recognizing her dim-lighted face as she stood a few feet away from you. “You did this to me. You killed me.” She wickedly laughed.
“W-what? I—” You stuttered, stumbling a few steps back.
“If only you had listened to me.” The more she comes near you, the more you can see her figure change. Your mother’s body was slowly transforming into something you couldn’t comprehend. Its body was similar to a human, but taller and covered in the same vines from the upside down.
“I see you’ve been looking for me, Y/n.” Its voice went back to the usual, its eyes glowing red and black.
You gasped, remembering Max’s description of the same monster who curses you.
Without thinking, you turned around and ran. You didn’t know where your path would lead you, but you were desperate to stay away from him. You tripped over something, and the cemented ground that you first found yourself on had transformed into a wooden floor.
You looked up, seeing that you were back in Victor Creel’s house. Although, this was far from what you have seen. This house looked new, fresh, and alive.
“You wanted to find out the truth, Y/n?” Vecna’s voice echoed, though he wasn’t anywhere in sight.
Your attention was brought to the four people in front of you, noticing two kids and two adults. Victor Creel’s family. Your eyes stuck to the young boy, his eyes looking around the house with a blank expression.
Your surroundings shifted every once in a while, each vision focusing on Victor’s son, Henry. You follow him as he quietly watches his family members, spying on their every move. You were shocked when you were led outside, witnessing the boy kill a struggling rabbit with powers similar to Eleven’s.
But that’s not what terrified you.
You watched the night when Victor was arrested. It wasn’t him who killed his wife and daughter. It was Henry.
The flashbacks ended, the house’s walls slowly disintegrating into red smoke. You shivered when you realized that you were brought to the same place from Max’s drawings.
“Your time is over, Y/n. Now, you will join me.” You turned around, seeing Vecna coming closer to you.
“Fuck you!” You shouted, feeling something wrap around your ankle. Before you could look down, you were dragged backward, another set of vines wrapping around your wrists to pull you up against a column.
Vecna watched you struggle, a demonic smile forming on his face as he stood directly in front of you. “I’m here to end your suffering, Y/n.” He raised his right hand towards your face, your eyes widening in fear as you looked at his sharp fingers.
That’s when you heard it.
Oh, girl, I've known you very well
I've seen you growing every day
It was a faint sound, and you almost thought that it just came from your imagination.
I never really looked before
But now you take my breath away
Vecna’s motions stopped, angrily turning around. You followed his eyes, a gasp escaping your lips as you spotted a portal-looking exit.
Suddenly you're in my life
Part of everything I do
But it wasn’t just that. You saw Steve’s form, frantically shaking you. When Vecna returned his sight to you, he was furious.
“You don’t belong with them. You belong with me, here.” He sneered, raising his hand once more.
His words snapped something inside you. You remembered all the times you hung out with Robin and Steve over at the Family Video; the times when the boys would ask you to ride the bike with them, letting them purposely win when they ask for a race; the times when you volunteered to be Max and El’s chaperone to the mall; the times where your dad would always bake your birthday cake because you refused to eat any cake that wasn’t done by him; and the all the times you spent with Steve.
How you two would endlessly annoy Robin. How he secretly enjoys being with Dustin despite the fact that they always fight whenever they’re together. And the moment you had several minutes ago back at the Wheeler’s.
This isn’t where you belong. You belong with your friends, your dad, with Steve.
You got me working day and night
Just tryin' to keep a hold on you
You twisted your right wrist from one of the vines, lifting a punch to Vecna’s cheek. He stumbled back as the rest of his grip loosened around you.
You pushed away all the tiredness from the past days as you took the opportunity to run, avoiding as much falling debris as you could.
Here in your arms I found my paradise
My only chance for happiness
And if I lose you now, I think I would die
Oh, say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine
We can take forever, just a minute at a time
More than a woman
More than a woman to me
You will come home.
Steve was crying, tears shamefully dropping on his face as he looked at your rising body. Your back aggressively landed on Eddie’s ceiling, just a few inches away from the gate where the rest of your friends are shouting.
“Shit. Come on, Y/n. Come back to me.” He said, trying to reach you.
He isn’t going to give up on you. He made a promise to keep you safe, and not even a monster from another dimension will break it.
He cried harder when he saw your eyes return to normal, a loud gasp escaping from your lips. Instinctively, he reaches his arms out, catching you before you land.
Your eyes were distraught, assessing everything around you. Steve held your face with one of his hands, still crying.
“Y-you’re back.” He said shakily as your eyes steadied on him.
“Oh, Steve.” You breathed, wrapping your arms around the boy. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
He held you for a little while longer, occasionally pressing a few kisses on your forehead while the rest of your friends were exclaiming joyfully.
“Come on. Let’s go to the other side. Together.”
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