sahanaswrld · 2 months
it’s all about you
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summary: 4 times Jake thought about marrying you and the 1 time he did.
pairing: jake seresin x girlfriend!reader
word count: 5.9k
warnings: allusions to smut throughout, mentions of alcohol, swearing, jake being whipped!! MDNI 18+
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“Cookies or Brownies?” you hum, rifling through your kitchen cupboards.
“Cookies, we’re not monsters babe.” Jake replies seriously from where he’s stood behind you, checking out your ass.
You snap back up with a cheer and the brown sugar you were looking for in tow. Jake quickly diverts his gaze in favour of not getting caught and decides that your fridge magnets are suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.
His intense inspection of the little windmill stuck to your fridge has you snorting, quickly turned into a squeal when Jake pats your behind with a little more force than intended.
“What?” He spins around as if to look for someone else who could have committed the offending action.
“You’re stupid.” You giggle, jutting your hip out to hit his own.
Jake reciprocates the action before finally picking up a wooden spoon and smacking it against his palm loudly.
“Where do you need me chef?”
“Fold the butter into the brown sugar,” you instruct, “softly.”
Jake rolls his eyes purposefully obnoxiously and sighs loudly, “I know.”
“Don’t make me remind you of cupcake gate.”
Jake’s attitude drops, “we agreed not to bring that up.”
“I play petty Seresin, now fold. Gently.” You sass.
Jake chuckles at your demeanour and gets to work, following your orders to complete the cookie dough.
Once complete and set to chill in the freezer, Jake goes to leave the kitchen but instead watches on in amusement as you pace around anxiously. After your third rearrangement of the trinkets on the window sill he interrupts.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
You sigh dramatically and throw yourself into his arms.
“I’m nervous.”
Jake snorts, “why?”
You pull back from where you face was smushed into his chest and pout, “don’t be mean. I’m scared they won’t like my cookies. Or me, for that matter.”
Jake’s thumb strokes absentmindedly over your cheek in an act of comfort.
“All kids like cookies. Fact.” He states, “and they’re gonna love you because they love me and I love you.”
“I don’t want to be their uncle Jake’s lame girlfriend who makes bad cookies.” You bite at your pushed out lip.
“You won’t be, now let’s bake these suckers.”
Jake pats your ass playfully as you bend down to retrieve the cookie dough.
“Put the oven on.” You order.
Jake mock salutes, “yes, chef.”
You run through about ten outfits before finally settling on what to wear, and as you brush through your hair once more, the doorbell goes.
You can hear Jake and his sister talking downstairs as well as the excited giggles of his nieces. When you finally descend the stairs Jake’s sister is smiling up at you.
“It’s great to see you again!” She gives you a one armed hug, the other holding the girls backpacks.
“You too!” You look down to where the girls are holding on to each of Jake’s hands, “and it’s great to meet you girls!”
The younger of the two immediately leaps forward and grabs onto your hand, “I’m Ellie, you’re pretty,” she singsongs.
You bend down and wipe at a smudge on her face, “Not as pretty as you!”
Ellie giggles determinedly and turns back to her mom to smile.
“Ellie, Olive, be good okay?” Jake’s sister nods her head to the two girls before looking back up to the two of you, “and thank you for looking after them on such short notice.”
Jake rolls his eyes, “you know it’s fine, now go have fun.”
“Thank you!” She smiles before kissing the girls on the heads and making her exit.
You look back down to the girls, Ellie is still clinging onto your hand with a smitten look on her face. Her golden curls are kept in two pigtails with small scrunchies. She’s adorable and can’t be older than 5.
When you avert your gaze to Olive, she seems to blush slightly. She is partially hidden by Jake’s large frame but you can still make out her blue eyes and long, mousy brown hair. She looks much older than Ellie, probably about 9 or 10. Much more reserved as well.
“It’s nice to meet you Olive!” You beam.
She nods in your direction, “hi.” It’s almost a whisper but you smile in acknowledgement anyways.
“Jakey I’m hungryyyyy,” Ellie drags out the “e” sound of her Y.
“Well that won’t do will it, Ellie bellie?” Jake teases, dropping Olive’s hand in favour of scooping Ellie up into his arms.
Olive chuckles awkwardly at the commotion and fiddles with the straps of her bag as Jake carries Ellie towards the kitchen where the cookies are almost finished. You can sense a small amount of anxiety radiating off of her, you were similar at that age. Never quite feeling in place. It suddenly becomes your duty to make sure she understands it’s okay.
“I love your hair, it’s so long!” You smile comfortingly at her, reaching out to fiddle with the ends.
She leans more into your touch and speaks quietly, “thank you, I- sometimes I think it’s kind of boring.” She shrugs.
“It’s really beautiful! I wish I could grow my hair that long,” you hum, inspecting the completely undamaged strands of hair.
Olive smiles up at you, “I just wish I could do more hairstyles with it.”
“I could braid it for you? If you would like that of course?”
“I would really like that,” Olive nods.
She lets you lead her upstairs where you sit her in front of your vanity with all your hair and makeup products. You watch fondly as she “oohs” and “ahhs” at the products on display.
“Tell me if I hurt you at all okay?” You question as you brush out her mostly untangled hair.
Olive nods in understanding, “can you do two french braids?”
“Of course!”
You sit in silence for a few moments as you brush and part her hair. You can feel her gaze on you from the mirror.
“You okay?” You hum.
“You’re really pretty, y’know? Way more than Uncle Jake.”
Her words make you giggle, “Your Uncle Jake is very handsome, why else would I be with him?” you tease.
She snorts, “I figured it wasn’t because he was clever.”
You try not to laugh too loud at her quip and bite your lip, “he has his moments.”
Olive rolls her eyes and mumbles “sure” and once calmed from your laughter you’re able to start on the first of the braids and talk to her more.
“How’s school?” You question absentmindedly.
“It’s okay,” she answers. Olive opens her mouth again as if to say something else, before closing it again.
“You can tell me,” you affirm.
“Promise you won’t tell Uncle Jake?” She asks.
She quickly intertwines her little finger with yours before beginning.
“There’s this boy,” she blushes as she sees a grin spread across your face, “he sits next to me when we do science, and he’s really cute.”
“What’s his name?” You ask, trying to keep your face neutral.
“Trey. But I don’t even think he knows my name.” She sighs.
“I’m sure he does, Olive, especially if he sits next to you.” You reassure her.
“I mean he only really talks to me to ask for help, but one time he told me he really liked my shoes.” She gushes.
“That’s a good sign Olive,” you confirm, “if a boy likes you he’ll make sure to compliment you, don’t settle for a boy who doesn’t make you feel special, promise me?”
Olive nods diligently, “promise.”
You make a little “aha” noise as you finish with the first braid and begin to move onto the second.
“Did Uncle Jake do that?” She ponders.
“Make you feel special?”
You nod your head as your fingers move nimbly through her hair, “he asked me out five times before I said yes.” you giggle in remembrance.
“Five?” Olive chuckles.
You’re not quite sure how to explain to Jake’s niece that you thought he was something of the manwhore before he finally professed his feelings for you.
“I wanted to know that he was committed,” you decide on.
“Uncle Jake really loves you. I heard him on the phone to my mom yesterday and-”
“Stop spilling all my secrets would ya?” Jake quickly interrupts, butting the door open with his foot.
Ellie is propped on his right side holding a plate of what you can assume are your cookies. She and Jake had long gone through the sheets of her My Little Pony colouring book and had decided to come find the two of you and share the cookies that were quickly depleting.
Olive giggles, “sorry Uncle Jake.”
“It’s okay kid,” he grins and plops Ellie down on your bed before coming to stand behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist and pecks you on the lips quickly.
Olive and Ellie both pull faces and Jake laughs, “I thought that’s what you wanted to do to Trey, Ollie?”
Olive gasps, “how do you know? And no I do not!”
Jake taps the side of his nose teasingly. You roll your eyes and quickly finish off her braid, flipping them over her shoulders.
“Done.” You pat her head and hope her anger will diffuse.
“Thank you,” she smiles brightly at you, but returns to shooting daggers at Jake just shortly after.
“Cookies?” He offers up as a peace offering.
Olive still keeps up her impressive pout.
“I made them babe don’t worry,” you provide.
“Well in that case,” Olive reaches for a cookie and takes a hefty bite, her eyes widen considerably, “these are so good!”
“Thank you!” You smile, brushing at the crumbs that had accumulated on her cheeks.
“These are the best cookies ever!” Ellie proclaims from where she is now chowing down on another cookie.
“Hey! I thought we said no more?” Jake frowns in faux anger, plopping down on the bed next to Ellie.
“You said that, not me!” Ellie giggles.
“You got me there, bellie.” Jake sighs in defeat.
Ellie throws herself into Jake’s arms and gives her best puppy dog eyes.
“Can we watch a movie?” She pleads.
“You wanna watch a movie, kid?” Jake pokes Olive.
Olive looks to you and you smile, “Yeah,” she nods.
An hour later, you’re all squished onto the couch watching Frozen. Ellie is long past waking up and is spread out across the “L” part of the couch snoring quietly.
You’re tucked into Jake’s side and he’s fiddling with your hand, he hasn’t been watching the screen at all. Instead, watching your features and the way Olive will point out her favourite parts and songs to you. He particularly enjoys her version of “fixer upper” which he presumed might be dedicated to him. He enjoys even more so when by the time the film ends the way that Olive is dozing off on your shoulder and the way you’re stroking softly at her arm.
“They love you,” he coos into your ear.
“I’m glad,” you hum, “I really love them.”
“Olive is never like that with anyone, she’s usually so shy.” Jake explains, placing a kiss at your temple and then tucking your head under his chin.
“I was like that too when I was her age.” You murmur as to not wake the girls, “I hope she knows how special she is.”
“You’re gonna be such a good mom someday,” he whispers down at you.
“I hope so.”
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Jake had been waiting for what felt like hours. It was five minutes really. But when you had told him to go wait in the car he had expected you to be out much sooner than you were. And when you finally sat down next to him, he wasn’t all too pleased.
“Let’s go.” You hum, pulling down the mirror to apply a final layer of lip gloss.
“Is that what you’re wearing?”
“Yeah, why?” You turn, a crease forming in your brow.
Jake winces, unsure of whether to continue, “your skirt, it’s really short.”
“I guess so.” You deadpan.
A beat passes.
“Are you going to cover up?”
Jake watches as your face drops.
“Why would I do that?” You reply snappily.
Jake sighs and begins to pull his car out of the driveway.
“Because I don’t want random guys hitting on you all night.”
“How is that my problem?” You retort, anger bubbling up.
“I just don’t want them getting wrong ideas about you, that’s all.” Jake tries to reason.
“And what would those ideas be, Jake?”
Jake can sense your rising anger. He doesn’t want to be in an argument with you by the time you reach the Hard Deck. That leaves him approximately four minutes to diffuse the situation he has caused.
“Just forget I said anything, it’s fine.” Jake dismisses.
“No, I want to know what you mean.” You assert, arms coming up to cross over your chest.
“Can we just drop it?” Jake sighs after a moment, “I don’t want to fight in front of everyone.”
“We wouldn’t have to fight if you weren’t being a dick!”
Jake rolls his eyes and doesn’t dignify you with a response, angering you even further. When he finally pulls into a spot outside of the Hard Deck you turn to him and flick at his shirt that can’t have more than two buttons done up.
“You gonna do that up sweetheart? Touch revealing don’t ya think?” You spit snarkily.
With that you slam the door to the car and make your way inside without looking back. Jake watches as you beeline for Natasha and rolls his eyes when she shoots him a dirty look. It was only more ammunition for her general distaste of him.
It goes like that for the rest of the night. You avoid Jake like the plague, sticking to Nat’s side mostly near the bar top. Although, you always stay within Jake’s line of sight which is heartening for him.
Bradley seems to find the ordeal hilarious.
“What did you do to piss her off this time?” He taunts.
Jake grunts. “I told her that her skirt was too short and that she needed to change.”
Bradley’s eyes widen, “bagman even I know you’re not supposed to say shit like that.”
“Yeah, well I know that now!” Jake spits.
“Hey don’t shoot the messenger,” Bradley rolls his eyes, “just go say sorry.”
“Why not?”
“She called me a dick.” Jake huffs.
“She’s not wrong,” Bradley offers.
Jake stays silent.
“You’re so petty.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Bradley and Jake stare at one another for a moment.
“Yeah, okay maybe,” Jake relents.
He sighs and averts his gaze back where you’re sat with Nat. You’re laughing so hard at something she’s said that you’re doubled over. You really did look beautiful, and Jake hadn’t even told you because he was too worried he was gonna get jealous and be a dick. Yet he still managed to do the last part.
“I hate when you’re right,” Jake admits, handing his beer over to Bradley.
Jake begins to make his way over to you, he’s going to apologise. However, he did not account for what was going to be quite the persistent obstacle.
“Hey,” a voice blurts from in front of him.
Jake catches sight of the owner of the voice, she’s tall and just a touch too blonde to be believable. She’s pretty, sure. But not you.
“Hey,” Jake replies absentmindedly, trying to make his way around her.
She steps in front of him again, blocking you from his view and tries to start up a new conversation.
“I’m Kendra, and you are?” She smiles in what Jake supposes was seduction.
Right now all he’s really trying to figure out is if your still at the bar or not.
“Jake.” He replies, hoping it will satiate her enough to move.
“Well Jake, it is great to meet you,” Kendra hums, sticking out her hand for Jake to shake.
Jake shakes it swiftly and goes to retract his hand, Kendra keeps it in her own grasp and plays with his fingers, keeping an awkward amount of eye contact with him.
“Look Kendra, I’m sure you’re a great girl but my-”
“I love your shirt!” She interrupts, “would probably love what’s underneath more.”
Jake cringes at her line and at the way her hand is now currently moving towards the excessive amount of chest exposed by his lowly buttons. Before she can reach skin, her hand is smacked away by red polished nails that Jake would recognise anywhere.
“Hey baby,” you whisper, before throwing your arms around Jake’s neck and smashing your lips into his.
Jake is all too quick to reciprocate, letting his hands fall to your ass only just covered by the tiny skirt that Jake has suddenly taken a distinct liking to. You pull back only to catch your breath, but instead catch sight of the seething blonde still stood uncomfortably close.
“We were talking!” She insists.
“He’s busy,” you cock your head to the side in faux apology, “sorry.”
She huffs and mumbles “crazy bitch” as she storms off, you pout to try and hold in your giggles. When you turn back to Jake, it proves useless trying to hold them in when you catch sight of his mouth smothered in your pink lipgloss.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Jake breathes out.
“I’m still mad at you,” you tease.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m a jealous dick, you just look so fucking good I didn’t want anyone else to see you.” Jake explains, hands caressing at the skin at the tops of your thighs.
You snort, “I think I’m the jealous one,”
“Good, I like a change of pace sometimes,” Jake pinches softly at your skin and lets a smile grace his feature at the way you squeak.
“Should we get out of here?” You whisper, hand trailing down Jake’s chest to where his hand is resting on you.
You guide his hand underneath your skirt slowly until Jake realises the lack of barrier between his hand and your cunt.
“Fuck, baby.” Jake hums practically into your mouth from how closely you two are stood.
You step away from him swiftly and bring his hand back into yours, pulling him towards the parking lot. Jake could cry from happiness.
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“If this is stupid you can just tell me, okay?” You ask from where you’re stood in front of a blindfolded Jake.
It’s his birthday today and you told him you had a surprise. He figured it would be a party, which he was thankful for but he couldn’t understand the point of the blindfold.
“Okay you can take it off now.” You instruct.
Jake all but rips the blindfold off and looks down at you to take in your attire.
“Jesus, baby.”
“Do you like it?” You question, giving him a little spin.
Jake’s mouth is agape as he watches the way you twirl, clad in the tiniest daisy dukes he thinks he’s ever seen and what can only be his flannel. The cream of your cowboy boots are subtle and suit you well.
“Like it?” Jake steps forward and shoves his hands into the small back pockets of your shorts, “I fuckin’ love it.”
Behind you, Jake can see his Stetson placed on the table, and behind that he can see into the garden where all of his friends are already drinking and chatting.
“You set this up, baby?” He nods to the glass doors.
“I had some help,” you shrug, finally moving out of his grip to grab his hat.
Jake extends his hand out for you to pass it to him, but is pleasantly surprised when you place it on your own head. He opens his mouth to speak, but your catch him before he can with a wink,
“I know the rule, cowboy.” You tease, placing your hand on his chest. “Consider it a birthday gift.”
Jake holds back a groan as you drag him outside to where he’s greeted by a chorus of “happy birthday”s and various other jokes about him getting old. It sort of shocks Jake at the amount of people there to celebrate, and he has to hold in a chuckle as he sees a number of your friends already beelining for the group of pilots nursing beers on the decking.
Bradley is quick to find Jake as the party gets into full swing, people chatting and music playing throughout the yard.
“You’re one lucky son of a bitch,” Bradley chuckles slapping Jake on the shoulder.
Jake has been staring at you for the last 10 minutes as you twirl around with Phoenix to the varied 2000s songs that have been on loop for most of the evening.
“Don’t I know it,” Jake boasts, clinking his beer bottle against Bradley’s.
You can feel a gaze on your back as you grind onto Phoenix whilst Nelly Furtado plays, not to your shock it’s Jake, head cocked to the side with a lazy smirk on his face whilst practically ignoring everything Bradley is saying to him. You can only giggle as Phoenix makes a teasing remark about him being whipped. She wasn’t wrong.
You make you way towards the boys slowly, smiling as you catch the end of their conversation.
“Whatcha talking about?” You goad, as Jake pulls you back against his chest already.
“You.” Bradley answers truthfully.
“All bad I suppose?” You bait.
“Oh the worst,” Jake fills in, pinching at the meat of your thigh playfully.
Deciding not to prod further, you turn in Jake’s grip to face him and plant a sloppy kiss on his face. It makes Jake laugh and Bradley mock gag, rolling his eyes and making his way towards Phoenix. Jake captures your lips with his a few more times, hands wandering dangerously low towards your ass before you pull away with a wink, and also slight fear of traumatising your guests.
“Patience is a virtue,” you remind Jake, he simply groans in response.
The rest of the night goes as such, Jake gets cornered into conversations, his eyes wander to you, you tease him some way or the other, Jake is left half hard whilst talking to an admiral. It’s uncomfortably delicious and Jake cannot wait for his last birthday gift.
At 1:30 AM, the only stragglers left are the dagger squad, drunkenly swaying around Jake’s backyard and singing horrific variations of “Slow Ride” to annoy him. It doesn’t even work, because Jake knows he has something so sweet waiting for him. However, his patience is wearing thin and considering these are the people closest to him, he has no qualms with speaking his mind.
“Alright, y’all time to get going,” he announces, herding everyone out.
Bob had been kind enough to offer to drive everyone home, and Jake was keen to take him up on it, helping Bob strap in their drunk friends with alarming efficiency.
“Hey! What’s the rush birthday boy?” Javy slurs as Jake buckles his seatbelt.
“He wants birthday sex!” Nat whisper shouts into Javy’s ear, with emphasis on the shout.
The truck erupts in whoops and crude hollers towards Jake and only Bob can offer him an apologetic smile.
“Good luck,” Jake pats Bob on the back.
“You too.” Bob replies with a laugh, eyes glancing quickly to where you’re stood on the porch, hip popped out against one of the wooden beams.
Jake all but sprints back to you, hauling you up into his arms, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. You move to place his stetson on his own head, but Jake stops you.
“Nuh-uh sweetheart, you ride the cowboy, you gotta wear the hat.” He smirks, kicking the front door shut behind him.
“Seems fair.” You hum after a moment.
And when Jake walks into the changing rooms on Monday morning, taking off his shirt to reveal hideous claw marks down his back. No one bats an eye.
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Jake had experienced what one could only describe as a clusterfuck of a day.
To start off the day, his alarm hadn’t gone off, meaning he had to sprint to his car and run a red light on the way to work. What was worse than the impending ticket that he was going to receive was the fact that he hadn’t even been able to kiss you goodbye like he does every morning.
It set him up badly. Jake Seresin was never one for superstitions but you were clearly his lucky charm. Proved so even further by the way his concentration was lacking in the flight simulations he was running. Then when they were up in the air, Jake was missing every opportunity to shoot down Maverick, messing up every manoeuvre and just generally souring his already damp mood.
To top it all off, the pièce de résistance, when Jake finally made it back to the changing rooms, itching to change out of his sweaty flight suit. His bag was sat open, clothes sopping wet whilst two of the newbies stood guiltily next to a broken shower head.
He almost blew his lid. Almost. But then he pictured getting back to you, falling into your arms after this tragic day and finally being able to relax. So for once, Jake decided to keep his mouth shut. He picked up his sopping bag and silently stalked out of the room.
When Jake reached his truck and listened to the way his bag squelched as he set it down, he held in another groan of frustration. The sun was still beating down and his sweaty flight suit was clinging to him in all the wrong places. Deep breath in, clench the steering wheel too hard, deep breath out. It was a 15 minute drive. He could do that for God’s sake.
Jake’s 15 minute drive quickly became a 45 minute one when he found out the road he was supposed to be taking was closed due to a burst pipe. The sky was a dusky purple as he finally pulled up outside your house. Jake can see that the light is on in the kitchen as well as your figure moving around languidly.
Jake slams the car door probably too loudly and rushes to the door. When he opens it, Jake is greeted with the loud sounds of your 90s playlist blasting throughout the house, he can hear you voice - although somewhat out of tune - belting along as well.
It makes him smile, for the first time on that horrid day. Jake’s bag of damp clothes are forgotten by the door as he quickly shucks himself of his boots and makes his way towards the kitchen. He opens the door to the sight of you wiggling your hips to Santana whilst holding a spatula and pushing around some type of stir fry.
You continue your movements, but turn at the sound of someone entering, a large smile gracing your face once you realise who it is.
“Hey, handsome,” you preen, dancing your way towards him.
Jake can’t help but chuckle at you movements, but he quickly falls limp once your wrap your arms around his neck. His large arms wrap around your waist tightly, engulfing you in him. You take note of Jake’s subdued demeanour, and raise one of your hands to scratch at the hair at his neck just like you know he loves.
“You okay, babe?” you hum, swaying him slightly.
“Shit day,” he groans out, leaning further into your touch.
“You wanna talk about it?” You continue your ministrations.
“Later.” He huffs, “Just wanna be with you.”
Jake’s sweet words make you melt into him further, burying your face into his chest. The arms of his flight suit were tied around his waist, only his tight black undershirt covering the expanse of his chest. He smelt like a combination of jet fuel, sweat and his cologne that he’d hurriedly sprayed in the morning. It should probably be off putting but it was so undeniably Jake that it was addictive. You inhale again as you place a chaste kiss against his pec.
“Are you sniffing me?” Jake chuckles.
“You smell so good,” you can only groan out, smushing your face into him again.
Jake leans back and takes your face in his hands,
“I’ve not even showered, I stink,” he chuckles incredulously.
“You still smell so good,” you whine, lips forming a pout.
“That means we’re meant to be or something, my pheromones get you going huh?” Jake teases.
“Never say pheromones again,” you roll your eyes and wiggle out of his grip to lower the heat under the pan you were searing the food in.
Jake follows you diligently, arms wrapping around your waist so he can cling to you as you move about the kitchen. Once bored of your movements, Jake swiftly lifts you up to sit at the counter top.
“Jake!” You swat at his chest, “we need to plate up the food,” you remind him.
“It can wait,” he decides, leaning in to connect his lips to yours.
It’s what he’d been waiting for all day. The pillow of your lips on his, the way you melt into his touch. One strong hand caressing the side of your face and the other gripping at your hip. You rest one hand on his chest, the other at the back of his neck, guiding his face to yours over and over again. Jake feels like a teenager again, making out with his girlfriend on the kitchen counter top. Except his 16 year old self would probably lose his mind trying to figure out how he ended up with someone like you.
Once you’d let Jake’s tongue explore your mouth in a kiss that had lasted far too long, you finally pull back to catch your breath.
“You want food?” you question with a smile.
“Please,” Jake hums as you hop off the counter. He smacks at your ass you walk away from him, “I’m starving.”
You roll your eyes fondly, and get to plating up the food. Jake isn’t too keen on letting you out of his grip, so you sit in his lap as you eat, feeding him and yourself at the same time. It’s nice, his strong grip is comforting and Jake appreciates how eager you are to listen to his rant about his shitty day.
“I was missing you all day, baby,” Jake murmurs, kissing at the side of your neck.
“I always miss you, Jake,” you smile earnestly, “now go shower and I’ll wash the plates.”
Jake allows you out of his grip so you can stand and move back around the kitchen, he shadows you once again, moving in tandem with his hands never leaving you.
“I thought you were going to shower?” You question, placing the last dish in the dishwasher.
“I don’t wanna leave you,” he whines.
You sigh, holding in your smirk as you turn to face him. “You wanna shower together?”
Jake has never looked so giddy as he practically races up the stairs, shirt flying off as he climbs the steps.
“You’re insatiable!” You yell after him.
“Only for you!” He yells in return.
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“I’ve thought a lot about what I could say right now,” Jake clears his throat.
He’s not nervous. In fact he doesn’t think anything has ever been so clear in his mind.
“I think usually when people do these things they tell memories or defining moments about their relationship, but the truth is. Every goddamn moment since I met you, I knew this was the only possible outcome.”
Jake looks down to where your sat with your shared friends and family, you look like a dream really. He’d been antsy about not seeing your dress, but now he was glad he’d waited.
“Y’know she turned me down five times before finally agreeing to go out with me?” Jake chuckles into the mic he’s holding.
Laughter rings out through the guests but Jake’s gaze never wavers from you. You’re rolling your eyes at him with a smile on your face, letting out a giggle as Jake’s mom squeezes your hand.
“I don’t blame her, I was kind of a mess. I’d just been stationed back here on North Island, and Javy was my only friend because I was a dick.”
The dagger squad, raise their glasses in a cheers to Jake’s statement, cracking the room up again.
“I never thought Rooster would be sat at my table at my wedding, I’ll admit that.” Jake laughs out.
Bradley in return whoops and raises a hand in salute to Jake.
“He’s single by the way ladies,” Jake winks to your elderly grandmother.
“Anyways, as I was saying, total dick, with a lacking moral compass and even more so in my emotions. I was kind of betting on getting the mission done and going back to wherever the hell I was stationed and moving on. Then I ended up pissing off the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen by pouring a drink down her shirt, and she chewed me out worse than any admiral I’d ever crossed.”
“It was expensive!” You quickly yell out in defence.
“As you can see, I’m still making up for it,” Jake teases, “but from that moment onwards I realised I needed to get my act together. My pea brain was shocked that a woman would cuss me out like that, and I immediately fell in love with her. Which probably makes me sound crazy but seriously, being around you for five minutes makes you want to be a better person, and being around you for this long has made me a better man.”
Jake’s smile can only widen when your glossy eyes meet his, “Rooster once told me I was a lucky son of a bitch to have you, and as annoyingly as always. He was right. I don’t know how or why you agreed to be my girlfriend, and it’s a godsent miracle that I get to call you my wife. You’re the best person in every room - sorry everyone - and the most beautiful person always. I love you, which you already know, but I just wanted to say it again,” Jake exhales.
Jake raises his glass in a final toast, “to my beautiful wife, the new Mrs Seresin.”
Glasses clink around the room and Jake almost misses you beelining for him throughout all the commotion. Your arms wrap swiftly around his neck, pulling his lips against yours. You kiss him softly, before pulling back to whisper to him,
“You know I love you so fucking much right?”
“Of course I do, baby,” Jake hums.
“You’re the best man I know,” you smile, leaning in to his lips again.
Jake dips you as you kiss, feeding off of the theatrics as people holler. People are standing and moving towards the dance floor as he brings you back up, forehead pressed against your own.
“Do you know how hot it is that you’re my wife?” He smirks.
“Mrs Seresin does have a nice ring to it,” you decide.
“The best, actually,” Jake replies, as he’s dragged towards the dance floor by Javy.
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a/n: jake is so husband coded it’s not even funny,,, like THAT IS MY MAN!!!!
@roosterforme ages ago we were talking and you asked me to tag you when i posted my jake fic, sorry it’s been eons hehe i hope you enjoy!!
pls comment, reblog, or send me an ask and tell me what you think!!
thank you for reading :))
- honey <333
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sahanaswrld · 2 months
I need just the tip with hangman
Heed the warnings for this one - but at the same time I need this Hangman to rail me within an inch of my life lmao, I could write so much for these two
Warnings: smut, age gap, power imbalance, virginity taking, innocence kink, fingering, p in v
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The Squad didn't know that Maverick had a daughter when that mission happened. No, they found out about his daughter after, when things were normal and Penny invited them all over for a barbecue in the garden.
Upon hearing that Maverick had a daughter and she was on her way, they all expected her to be Bradley's age or near enough.
They didn't expect her to be in her early twenties.
They didn't expect her to be a stunner.
Maybe it was the beers that gave Hangman such loose lipped. But he couldn't stop that 'holy shit' from slipping out. Who could blame him, though?
But then...
"Bradley!" She ran into Roosters arms and wrapped her own arms around his neck. Figures, Jake couldn't stop himself from thinking as he looked at them.
He didn't interact with her at that barbecue, but he was acutely aware that her eyes didn't leave him. After a few more drinks she whispered something in Bradley's are, something that had him standing up and saying 'No way!'
The next time Jake saw her was at the beach. She giggled, waved and batted her eyelashes at him before she ran back to her friends.
Jake couldn't take his eyes off of her if he wanted to. Everything she did, it was like she was putting on a show for him and only him.
But, even then, Jake didn't approach.
It was only when he found her at the hard deck. He didn't know she was there looking for him, the handsome aviator that her dad knew.
She sat alone, drinking as she waited for Jake to walk in. And, when she did, she was on her feet, standing beside him as he leant against the bar, ass sticking out.
Jake was sweating. Here was Mavericks daughter, pressing her ass against his dick.
"Hey, Hangman," she said as he turned towards him and wrapped her lips around the neck of her bottle, deep throating it.
Jake visibly gulped. His hands were on her hips ss he stared down at her and leaned forward. "Does this shit work on the boys your age?"
She shrugged her shoulders in such a sweetly, innocent way. "I wouldn't know," she said, breath hot on his ear.
Holy fuck, she was a Virgin.
There wasn't much that could restrain Hangman at that point. But Penny's eyes on him certainly did. He kept her near him thought, kept an eye on her while they drank.
And, at the end of the night, he took her back to his truck.
"Is your dad gonna kill me when I drop you home?" Jake asked when he began driving.
Her fingers danced up his thigh and she let out a hum. "Not if you take me back to yours ," she mused as she popped the button on his trousers.
How was Jake supposed to say no to that? He sucked in a breath as he went past her place, continuing on to his own. Her breath hitched when she realised, but Jake didn't notice.
Jake parked up outside of his place. He helped her out of the truck, but they didn't get further than that. No, Jake had her against the truck, lips bruising against her own.
She moaned against him, hands pulling at his hair. Jake threw his head back, a moan coming from the back of his throat. "Holy shit," he groaned as she attached her lips to his neck.
With her legs around his waist, Jake carried her into his house, with his hands under her ass, squeezing and kneeding at the flesh. He managed to open the door and dropped her on the bed.
But then his hands were on her thigh, pushing her skirt up. Suddenly, she was nervous under his pretty gaze. "Wait," she squeaked, grabbing his wrists.
Jake let out a breath as he looked at her. He moved his hand to her knee and moved his thumb from side to side. "What is it?"
"I-I've never done this before," she whispered, and Jakes eyes softened.
He leaned down and kissed her, softly this time. "I'll take care of you," he whispered against her lips.
She nodded. "I've got you, Bug," Jake whispered as his hand moved down from her knee. His fingertips brushed her thighs and touched her through her underwear.
"Holy fuck," she whispered.
Slowly, he pushed her underwear to the side. His rough fingertips were gentle against her clit, and every touch had her crying out for him. And, each noise she made was music to Jakes ears.
The way she writhed beneath him, Jake couldn't stop watching her. He kept his thumb pressed against her clit, his long fingers pushed inside. One at first, but even that had her gasping.
"Hangman," she cried, throwing her head against the arm of the sofa, back arching.
There was something about that, something about her calling him by his Callsign. It unlocked something animalistic in him. But he was still taking things slow and gentle.
As he worked her open, he freed himself from his trousers. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, looked down at where his hard on hit his stomach.
"Jake," she squeaked, and he stilled his fingers. "I-I don't think I can take that," she whispered.
He didn't mean to smirk, but he couldn't help himself. "Too big for you, Bug?" He whispered as he pulled his fingers out of her cunt. He placed them between his lips, tasting her, releasing a hum. "So sweet, Bug."
She whined beneath him, hips moving on their own.
"How about just the tip?" He asked almost sweetly, and she rapidly nodded her head.
Jake rolled the condom into his length. He stood before her and she reached down to wrap her fingers around him. It was such a pretty sight, one Jake didn't think he'd ever get enough of.
He eased himself forward, nestling the head of his cock between her folds. She let out a whine and grabbed his hand, squeezing as he eased himself forward.
"Just the tip," he reassured her, squeezing her hand.
The way she squeezed him, it was almost too much to handle. Jake pulled back and eased himself in again, this time a little further. Her breath caught in her throat and he pulled back again.
"Sorry, Bug. Just the tip, I know."
Jake couldn't wait to have her bent over the arm of the sofa, cock splitting her folds as he ravaged her.
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sahanaswrld · 2 years
oh my god, i've re-enetered my glen powell phase. expect more hangman oneshots
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sahanaswrld · 2 years
@multivrses general masterlist! | multifandom
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— all fandom content will be found here!
blue lock
dc & marvel
stranger things
genshin impact
omniscient readers viewpoint
top gun maverick
demon slayer
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© multivrses
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sahanaswrld · 2 years
@multivrses just posted! | information center
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welcome to our blog! this is a shared account consisting of seven lovely people! each of us will be writing for different fandom(s)! we’re also open for requests so don’t be afraid to ask.
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members/fandoms ♥︎
amya - blue lock
mina - arcane/st
yas - dc/marvel
kei - genshin imp
thalia - dgrnp/st
sahana - orv/tgm
azure - dmn slayer
fandom masterlists! ♥︎
general masterlist — click me!
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see ya!
© multivrses
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sahanaswrld · 2 years
"unattainable" j.h.s
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self-indulgent minific (also posted on my group account! @multivrses )
summary: jake told himself that tonight would be a night dedicated to only him and his fellow pilots, but when you walk in, side-by-side with none other than bradley rooster bradshaw, he decides he needs to have you.
or where you are rooster's sister who catches jake hangman seresin's eye
pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x Y/n Bradshaw
warnings: implied sex, cursing, not proofread
word count: 822
do not repost, translate, or copy my work without my permission.
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it's not like Jake Seresin wanted to be known as a playboy, he just wanted to let off some steam with girls who may have thought it was going to lead into something... bigger, something... more permanent. Jake wasn't looking for that. so tonight, he decided no girls, just him and his fellow pilots. that was until he spotted a gorgeous woman walking into the Hard Deck with none other than his "rival" Bradley Rooster Bradshaw.
when Jake first laid his eyes on you, he had to do a quick double take. Bradley could pull? was his first thought, until he noticed the similarities between you two. your noses looked pretty similar, along with the few other things he could spot from this distance.
against his better judgement, he decided to go up to you guys, where you were being swarmed with the whole crew of aviators, Phoenix taking the lead and introducing you to everyone. once phoenix got around to him however, he took matters into his own hands.
"Hangman, darling." he said, holding out his hand with his cheeky (normally) pantie dropping smirk
you, however, looked him up and down, then looked at rooster with a raised eyebrow as if to say who is this guy
"ignore him Y/n, he always thinks he's the shit" phoenix said whilst rolling her eyes, which earned a few chuckles throughout the group
"Y/n, Brad's sister." you said while shaking his hand
before Hangman could say another word thought, you were whisked away by Phoenix taking you over to Penny to get some fresh drinks. hangman made his way back over to the pool table along with Coyote, Bob, Payback, and Fanboy.
you could feel his gaze burning into you even at the bar with your brother and your newest friend, Phoenix, who told you to call her Tash (short for Natasha) you couldn't lie though, he was attractive. though you promised yourself to never date a navy pilot because of the pain you had witnessed first hand from the death of your father, and the fear for your brother whenever he was called on missions, maybe it was okay to give this Hangman guy a shot.
after some ime, you found yourself waiting at the bar alone for your, now, fourth round of drinks for you and the pilots. Penny flashed you an apologetic smile and told yuo that she would be right to you right after she finished up with some other customers. you were twirling Bradley's credit card between your fingers until you felt a presence behind you,
"Did they leave you all alone darling?"
no doubt. it was Hangman. you twirled around coming face to face with his playful smirk
"Well, i guess i'm not alone anymore, hm?" oh he liked that. his smirk grew noticeably wider, this time reaching his twinking green eyes. they were truly captivating.
"I'm down to keep you company all night sweets" he said with a wink
you just rolled your eyes with that comment and turned around to Penny coming right towards you.
"What can i get you Y/n?" she said, giving a confused look as to why Hangman was standing so close. you just brused it off and gave your order, handing the credit card along with her.
Hangman waited with you until you got your drinks and walked back over to your little group with his arm slung around your shoulders.
as you approached the group, Tash gave you the same look that Penny did, that confused and quite concerned look. Rooster however, was more verbal.
"Hangman what the fuck are you doing with my sister."
"Well I was just-" you cut him off before he could anger Rooster
"He was waiting for the drinks with me Brad, he didn't pull any weird shit don't worry. He was actually pretty nice." you said while passing the round of drinks you got over to the aviators, the actions got a few quiet thanks. You could tell Bradley was about to speak again but you just shut him up with a look.
Tash guided Rooster and the others over to the piano, you knew Bradley was good and just loved to show off. surprisingly Hangman didn't join them, instead he walked over to the corner. you thought about going over with bradley, but decided against it. what's the worst thing that could happen witht his Hangman guy?
many things apparantly. how you found yourself tangled in his sheets, completely naked, with an equally naked Hangman lying next to you was a mystery. all you remembered was a few drinks with him, learning his name was Jake, and the drive over to his place. the rest was a blur but you could already figure out what you did.
as you sat up, Jake's eyes started to flutter. once his vision cleared all he said was:
"Shit, Rooster is gonna fuckin kill me."
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sahanaswrld · 2 years
sahana's top gun maverick masterlist ♡
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genres + characters under the cut
jake 'hangman' seresin (♡)
unattainable in which Jake finds himself tangled up with Rooster's sister
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
none yet
pete 'maverick' mitchell
none yet
natasha 'phoenix' trace
none yet
javy 'coyote' machado
none yet
reuben 'payback' fitch
none yet
mickey 'fanboy' garcia
none yet
robert 'bob' floyd
none yet
what genres(?) i write :
i can do:
multipart fics
i take requests!
( i am also in a group account with many fandoms in which i write for top gun maverick and omniscient reader's viewpoint. feel free to check it out! @multivrses)
sahana, out
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