saikagerights · 3 years
I have been reading Saiino for over 2 years now, and I have an incredibly critical eye about the fanfiction I consume, especially with characterization. Here’s a general recs
Very sweet two-shot (kind of NSFW)
One of my personal favorites
If you are looking for pov specific recs:
For Ino:
A classic in my book
A good chunk of thegizka’s Ino week fics are golden
A decent multichapter
A comedic one shot
Another classic
I’ll also be that bitch and shamelessly recommend some of my own stuff. I’ve read many AN’s that say they have trouble portraying Sai, but I personally don’t, so that’s why I write his journal my current ongoing series). I also have a few one shots here and there
Hope this helps
does anyone have good saiino / sai fic recs? i wanna write a thing but mhm im struggling w their voices and im not sure which pov i wanna use
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saikagerights · 3 years
A Walk on Sacred Ground- A  New Possession One Shot
And back with a oneshot 9 months in the making. The same amount of time as a pregnancy, ya’ll. And it is finally here. There’s a lot that’s happened in the past year, but I finally managed to finish the continuation to the Sai Journal. Hopefully from this point forward I can continue to make strides in my Sai Journal, but until then, here’s me overcoming a large hurdle. 
Now available on AO3
March 20th
The illustrious Yamanaka clan was a fundamental element of the strong foundation that Konohagakure had emerged, giving meaning to the deep ties they held to the land itself. Before the founding of the village, the ancient clan resided deep in the mountain, often  clashing with others that dared trespass upon their home. Among this came their union with what used to be their fiercest rivals, the neighboring Nara and Akimichi clans. Upon the establishment of Konoha, Hashirama Senju had drawn the lines of the village’s territory to extend right along the edge of Yamanaka's mountain home so they could utilize their skill of sensory and detect any outside threat to the young village. Despite their prior resolve to protect their land, the allure of village life eventually took hold of the clan, leading to their descent from the mountain and into settling within the bustle of the village’s central, where they would then further cooperate with the First Hokage and develop the first team of Konohan interrogators. But no matter how far they strayed from the mountain, it would always be home to the Yamanaka. The clan’s elders along with the head vowed to protect their land, even if that meant warding off oblivious civilians who may have accidentally trespassed upon the grounds.
In recent years, the village along with the sacred spot had been on the receiving end of devastation, leaving the land devoid of the life that once flourished. The sacred ground was not the only thing missing from the honorable clan, however. The life of the 15th generation clan head, Inoichi Yamanaka, had been tragically lost during the battle waged in the fourth great shinobi war, leaving his well acclaimed legacy to be inherited to his only daughter, Ino. She had attained the position of clan at the youthful and inexperienced age of 17, a transfer that prompted the scorn of many within the family that believed her too young or unfit for the vast responsibility ahead of her. This did little to dissuade the girl, very eager to honor her late father and prove her naysayers wrong.
She decided to begin her leadership with her clan’s most cherished site. Much like her ancestors, she knew very well the ground’s meaning to her family, and held precious memories of the time she had spent there with her father. The land she inherited however, had been completely unrecognizable; barren soil and no plants or animals were in sight. Any sign of life had been undetected by any sensory jutsu. That was the beginning of her vow to restore the beauty and grandeur to the sacred spot that her lineage had sought to protect for generations. Utilizing the numbers of her clansmen and her own vast proficiency in botany, she enacted a project that would breathe life back into the land and worked tirelessly to complete it. After two years of immense effort, the grounds had only just shown signs of its return to former glory, something the young Yamanaka clan head could only be proud of. And she was sure her father would be proud as well.
“-and that is pretty much why I decided to bring you up here.”
This fic ended up being over 4k, so I’m only posting a small chunk of it here. The rest can be found here:
Thanks for all of your patience
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saikagerights · 3 years
I would like to clarify some things said in the replies of this. To answer some questions and provide my own input as well as someone who has followed this pairing closely and has even written some fanfiction for them as well. 
Warning, there is a lot to be said from the little they have gotten in comparison to this entire franchise, but it is really really good. I can go on all day about it, but I want to keep it as short as possible. 
(I’m also a third-year education major, so I want to keep it as informational as it is digestible)
The development of Sai and Ino had little to do with the work of Kishimoto. All he offered up was the BBQ scene and the creation of Inojin. All supplemental material and development of this pairing came from the light novels that took place between the ending of the series and chapter 700, which gave us the Shikamaru novel, Wedding novel etc. (the post-war episodes lightly adapt these stories)
It is in the Shikamaru novel and the un-adapted Sakura novel that portray the early stages of Sai and Ino’s relationship, with Ino saving Sai from a powerful Genjutsu and them working together on a mission alongside Sakura. Their dynamic is put on display, as Ino’s attraction to Sai is revealed as intrigue in his mysterious demeanor, which eventually grows into a desire to help him understand emotion better and give him the companionship he needs. The Sakura novel in particular highlights how her crush on him affects their working dynamic, and how humorously Sai responds to it. 
By Boruto, we can say there is a lot left to the imagination, but we can also see through Sai’s character in the series that his marriage to Ino has resulted in incredibly positive development and “maturity,” shown through his mentor/parent role with his son and the other genin characters that he is responsible for. He is one of the only male characters in the show that has a relatively healthy and close bond to his family, shown through small glimpses like in the sceenshots above, or in episodes revolving around Inojin.
Unlike the other kids, Inojin’s episodes so far solely revolve around his relationship with his parents and his training in their techniques. The first about the Choujuu Giga, and the second and third about the Shintenshin and Sensory techniques of the Yamanaka clan. In these episodes Ino and Sai’s individual and combined parenting styles are put on display, with Ino being an overbearing tiger-mom and Sai adopting the hands-off approach, which can be as effective as it can be troublesome. It is clear that while Inojin respects his father, he often treats him more like a friend than an authoritative figure, which in the Choujuu Giga episode, leads him to neglecting his advice and contributing to his problems with his father’s technique. 
With Ino, he often feels overshadowed by her skill and influence, leading to his problems in the Sensory episode, when his lack of training with the technique comes into play with her reforming of the sensory division in the village. It’s also revealed through a father-son conversation that Ino never pushed him into learning techniques, and wanted him to have a choice in how he led his shinobi path. 
In my opinion though, I believe that Sai and Ino’s marriage is meant to simulate a modern union, in which both partners work and share child-rearing responsibilities. It would be more specific to say that they represent the modern Japanese household, which is best displayed in the Shintenshin episode. It is shown when a training session turns into a domestic dispute that goes off the rails when Inojin tries to intervene and control both of his parents into reconciling using the Shintenshin. It is solved when Inojin manages to remind Ino of that time in which she saved Sai (in the Shikamaru novel mentioned earlier) and the argument ceases when Ino returns consciousness in Sai’s embrace (Yes, this seriously happened and it was ChoCho who told him to do it. She is common place in Inojin episodes). Even though there are elements about this episode in particular that bother me (Inojin putting responsibility on himself for the argument), neither Sai or Ino are antagonized, and have valid points behind their argument, feeling like a fairly grounded and understandable row. 
All in all, I think that for all of the canon relationships displayed in Boruto, Sai and Ino easily have the best handling for as little as it is shown. These few episodes and instances have left a fairly sizable influence to their dynamic, and it feels quite genuine. And the things I mentioned are just the obvious examples, because there are more smaller moments that take shippers like me to analyze and contribute to the bigger picture, which is that Sai and Ino had so much unrecognized potential as a pairing that Kishimoto simply didn’t capture. 
Thoughts on SaiIno?
I really don't know anything about this pair!!!!
Except for this...
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Apart from this, I really didn't know how they got into a relationship and got married!!!! I've seen a picture related to these two which was very similar to SNS style confession.
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Probably it might have happened after Episode 488 or something??? And I vowed to never watch those Garbage episodes in my life just like how I never want to read Chapter 700.
Anyways, I feel happy for Ino that she moved on from Sasuke and made a practical decision to prefer someone who can spend some time with her and treat her special unlike certain 'someone' who went for a man who seems to be running away from her at every given chance and never treated her in any special way.
In Boruto, there is this filler episode where Sai and Sasuke leaves for a mission to Amegakure. After the mission, Sai proudly asks Naruto about the contribution made by Ino on certain Investigation.
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Which shows that Ino is not just managing a flower shop or staying as a housewife but she also took the mantle of her father and works in Intel Division of Konoha. And her Husband seems to be very supportive and proud of her.
I know this is a filler but in the Manga it was shown that she works in Intel Division in several places. I just wanted to show their dynamics through this picture.
Whereas the so-called 'Heroine' of the series was reduced to
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KuKuKu....🤭🤭 A House Cleaner.
Atleast that's what her husband thinks of her.
SaiIno dynamics seems to be much better and healthier than the main canonical couples.
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saikagerights · 3 years
Don’t Worry, I’m Still Writing
There may be something coming on the horizon soon
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saikagerights · 3 years
A New Day is Approaching
Hello to whoever may still be listening,
It’s been a bit since I’ve made a post on this blog of my own creation, and it’s made me reflect upon my long journey on this site. Through my insufferable highschool days and my first dips into the anime, the media I now cherish. My follower count still impresses me, though I am not sure how many of you are still active or watching. I know that many users with older blogs like me probably lost a lot with the 2018 tumblr purge. 
With my fixation on The Promised Neverland being my last big Hoorah on tumblr, with posts I still receive traction for to this day, I’ve found myself mostly inactive on this blog.  My fanfic blog @saikagerights is where I currently find myself free to post about my more recent endeavors with the Naruto and Inuyasha franchises.
That being said, I think it’s time I rebrand myself, and be more open about the promotion of my fanworks, seeing as tumblr is one of the only places I have to interact with fandoms. I want to be able to be honest with both myself, as well as the followers that still have my blog in their peripheral, as well as breathe life into an old account that hasn’t seen action in a good two years. 
Basically, this post serves as the first step my process to rebrand my blog into something that reflects the current, me. 
Thanks for listening,
Lauren (grizzlegreertrash/saikage)
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saikagerights · 3 years
So I was writing my new oneshot when
I found a new scenario opportunity and started writing a little comedic “script” for it. And after @neutronstarchild‘s new fic, how could I not be inspired by such a lovely piece? Come take a peek. Kind of NSFW but only because of implications. 
Please enjoy!
(Sango stands up, leaving Miroku alone in their bedroll) "Okay...we're done here"
"What?! What do you mean 'we're done?'"
"It's been 3 days, Miroku. I want to leave the house for once"
(Miroku tries to sit up, but exhaustion makes it difficult) "Ugh (groaning) Come on Sango, 3 days isn't that long. We have the rest of our lives together now."
(Despite her own exhaustion and shaky knees, she patters around their small abode gathering up her discarded garments to begin dressing herself) "And what of it, dear husband? (mockingly) Look at you! You're exhausted!"
(Miroku gives up on his attempts to get up and flops back onto the pallet with dramatics) "A minor setback, but I'll be fine. In fact, I could die here right now and be completely content with that."
"Yeah, right. After all this time of trying to keep you alive, you think I'll let you go so easily?"
"That's the spirit! Now come back over here so we can test that sentiment." (Miroku relents to his side to face her and stretches his arms out uselessly to reach her)
"Not a chance. Now quit with the dramatics and get up. I just want some fresh air, at the very least."
(Miroku huffs like a child, but gets up and follows after her regardless) "Who really needs that stuff anyway?”
(Sango sends a glare his way. She means business) "But seeing as you cannot be convinced otherwise, I guess we can take a small break.”
Technically speaking, I’ve created a oneshot that follows the one I was still in the process of writing, but since I’ve now made more progress in this one, it might take longer for it to be released. Or maybe I can convince myself to post this one first since they are connected very lightly. 
Just wanted to let you know I’m not dead and I’m still writing despite the other things in my life taking up my energy. 
Hope this could make you laugh like it did for me as I was writing it.
See ya,
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saikagerights · 3 years
As a Sai/Saiino stan, I love to appreciate their love for one another, but I respectfully disagree with vilifying Naruto and Sakura so much. Yes they were quite hateful of him in the beginning, and the comparisons to Sasuke are the worst, but apart from that first arc, Naruto and Sakura cease directly comparing him to Sasuke, and it’s only from other characters, and in the case of the novel stuff, filler added by SP’s anime adaptation.
Yes they contributed to Sai’s feeling of ostracism, but it’s not as if they fully intended to keep him from engaging with the group outright. It was more the idea that they weren’t equipped to help him along with his rehabilitation. They accepted him into their group, but it wasn’t more than that. Though we cannot fully dismiss this because being welcomed did a mighty bit of good to help Sai break free of Danzo’s influence. They definitely could have done more to help him in the long run, but they didn’t do anything to completely “halt” his progress if you get what I’m saying. 
As for the recounting of events from the novel, what you have described was the anime’s retelling of the story, rather than the novel itself. For one though it was not brought up, Gengo’s seduction of Sai was never described in the original novel, and was an anime-only addition that frankly in my opinion doesn’t make much sense. By this point, Sasuke had left for his redemption journey and Sai had been established in this particular series of novels as Kakashi’s personal dog. He was gaining his own sense of identity at the time, so Sasuke’s influence shouldn’t have been as apart of his character at this particular moment. What probably caused Sai’s cave-in to the genjutsu was his struggles with personal identity in regards to Danzo’s conditioning during his time in ROOT. To someone like Gengo, a blank slate like Sai who still lacked a strong personal conviction seemed like a perfect candidate to become his own personal servant. 
But that’s beside the point. The original novel did in fact have Sakura come along to pursue Sai with Ino, Choji, and Temari. And a reminder that this particular mission was one unbeknownst to many, including Naruto. In fact, Sakura is the one who manages to get Sai off of Temari as he nearly kills her with a kunai, and swiftly heals Temari while Choji and Ino deal with him. 
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Another good thing to note about the novel is that Ino’s deep dive into his mind is portrayed way different by SP. In fact, the OP theme during this arc paints a more accurate picture of the moment as opposed to the anime itself. The novel’s version of events details a struggle, highlighting the risk Ino faces in going into Sai’s mind as it’s wrought with the genjutsu. But more importantly, take a look at what she witnesses:
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Regardless of what we interpret as the reader/watcher, what is clear is that without Sai’s strong feelings for Team 7, Ino wouldn’t have found his heart to begin with, and that is what is important here.
I fear to think about where Sai would be without Ino if she wasn't there for him or if she hadn't saved him. Naruto and Sakura were super mean to him and purposefully made him feel like an outsider and even shamed him for trying to learn and read about relationships and emotions. Like wtf you should be encouraging him he's doing the right things! But he felt so unwanted that he had a mental breakdown and he didn't have a strong will of his own yet so he was super susceptible to genjutsu. Sakura and Naruto didn't even go to look for him at all. That makes me so mad. If team 10 and Temari hadn't gone, no one would have. Sai would have just disappeared. He would have died with no regard for his own well being, or he would have continued to be a slave of Gengo, or something else terrible I'm sure. I'm so glad Ino took interest in Sai and wanted to talk to him more and learn about him and help him. Her compassion is a canon trait of hers that's pointed out. Her having a strong personality and a strong will and sense of self is exactly the opposite of Sai, and that's a really good thing because he's able to learn so much from her. I love saiino so much and I'm so happy Sai didn't just disappear and die alone and depressed. I'm so happy both of them have a partner who is loving and caring and supportive and they help each other and work together and Sai brags about Ino being awesome and he's so in love with her and ugh I love them 😭
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saikagerights · 3 years
Literally my favorite in-progress fic right now. Absolutely can’t wait!
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It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything 273 related, so I figured you all deserved a little sneak peak on what I’ve been working on :) I *think* I’ve finished the next chapter, but I’m still deciding if I need to tweak the ending a bit. Also, I am still SHOOK that you all nominated this story that I never thought ANYONE would read. You guys are seriously the best.  So…this is a wee bit more than 6 sentences, but you guys deserve it :) If things progress because of her, then lines will be crossed that shouldn’t be crossed. Her heart whispers what-ifs. Her brain argues that there are months still left on their lease, and it will turn problematic the moment she confesses her silly school-girl crush.
When she daydreams, it goes one of two ways. She admits her feelings. He laughs and teases her for all eternity for falling for his charms, because he is oh-so-charming. Or she succumbs to her fantasies and sleeps with him. She becomes one of his one-night stands. Stuck. Unable to escape into the morning. They tip-toe around each other in awkwardness for the remainder of their lease.
So, she decides on the third option. Avoidance.
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saikagerights · 3 years
Feudal Era Family Album- Ch 2. is Live!
Hello again! The story I willed to create is finally complete and ready for your viewing! Thanks again to all of the support I received on the first story, and I hope this one is also to your liking!
Feudal Era Family Album
A oneshot collection revolving around Miroku and Sango's family after the original InuYasha manga. There may be some cameos from other characters/pairings here and there, but this is mainly a MirokuxSango story
Story #2- Son of The Slayer
Sango comes to grips with her son's concerning new routine as he begins his transition into his job as a full-time slayer.
Read Here on AO3
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saikagerights · 3 years
Today I said  “I’m Gonna Write Mirsan” and I did (for the most part)
The second story for FFA has been constructed, but I still need to clean it up, add some detail, and clarify some things. Expect the new snapshot to be up sometime either tomorrow or during the weekend. 
Here’s the first few sentences if any of you are interested:
They were surprised to see their son walk through the door 3 days early from what was said to be a week long extermination job with his uncle. Her calls to him were ignored by the young man as he trudged along before them, paying neither of his parents any mind in the process. A quick glance was enough to tell how worn he truly was. Aside from the pure exhaustion that radiated from him, his face and body were thoroughly scraped and filthy. Not desperate enough for immediate attention, but surely in need of a bath. She could tell that it did not matter to him,  and that sleep was the only thing on his mind.
"I'm not dying. I'm just going to sleep." He softly vocalized, before disappearing into the connecting room.
This did little to reassure Sango, who was starting to grow weary of this sight. This wasn't the first time he had returned home in such a state.
Thanks for all of the support I’ve received so far on my stuff so far. I really do appreciate it despite my shaky writing schedule. 
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saikagerights · 3 years
Feudal Era Family Album- Ch 1. is Live!
Hey again. It’s been two days, but I finally have the first story from my MIrSan oneshot collection live now on AO3! 
Feudal Era Family Album
A oneshot collection revolving around Miroku and Sango's family after the original InuYasha manga. There may be some cameos from other characters/pairings here and there, but this is mainly a MirokuxSango story
Story #1- The Heiress
Miroku is reminded of a morning when his daughters were still small, and his eldest daughter Kin'u claims a bold request of him.
Read Here on AO3
Also tagging @dayofmirsan because I merely want to stay consistent with the preview I posted a few days ago
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saikagerights · 3 years
Sneak Peek at a little something
Well, I guess I ended up writing more MirSan sooner than I anticipated, because inspiration struck once again. After my partaking in @dayofmirsan , I decided that since many of my ideas were not large enough to constitute full stories or large one-shots, I should probably compile them into one. Here’s a snapshot from my first:
"I would like a son to inherit our family's mission"
Of course, this mission wasn't to carry on the curse that once bound his bloodline. His daughters were proof enough that he had no need for a son to burden the fate that ended with him. The mission he spoke of was to help Sango in restoring the Taijiya clan, imparting their culture and legacy to their children. He had come to accept that the ten children he asked of Sango would never be, but the desire for a son to have ten children soon formed. He could only hope that the generations that follow him will be plentiful and prosperous, and it may just start with a male heir. He couldn't help the small laugh that escaped him at the sight of his daughter; head slightly cocked and face reflecting the child-like confusion he expected from her.
"It's okay if you don't understand, sunshine."
But what he didn't expect was her little face hardening to match her rather bold retort.
"I wanna"
Hard-stopped, his gaze shifted between the two girls. Gyokuto had essentially checked out of their conversation, her attention drawn to the feeling of her yukuta's fabric in her fingers. Kin'u on the otherhand, was clear on her challenge, staring him right back in the face.
"You want to be my heir, Kin'u?"
If we are lucky the full thing will be posted today, but it is still the week before my final exams, so who knows what will happen, but I hope you enjoy. 
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saikagerights · 3 years
Lay Me Down to Rest - Entry for Day of MirSan 2021
Hello there! And welcome to my first Inuyasha fanfiction, as apart of the @dayofmirsan event. 
I initially was planning to be an observer of the event, but sudden inspiration struck at 1am during my nightly routine of falling asleep to Inuyasha. Rewatching the Monkey Sprite episode is interesting for many reasons. For one, there was an unhealthy amount of filler added into the anime adaptation of this story-line, which gave hit-or-miss comedy. But the most important thing is that Miroku and Sango are mostly unaccounted for in this story-line, which gives shippers like me an opportunity to write some “off-screen development” for them. And though the anime does give us an idea, I’m afraid that Miroku’s indifference and frustrated edge in the scene feels a bit off, so I decided to add a bit of a bit of context. Consider this a bit of a fusion between the anime in manga, though the scene is based off of the anime. Also I was very liberal with my use of English/Japanese dub terminology. I watched the anime in English, but switched over to the manga to replace the Final Act, so it’s a bit inconsistent. 
I’ve been observing this fandom from afar ever since I started getting into Inuyasha back in December, and though I wanted to try and engage with it, it seemed very daunting given this fandom’s age and organization. But I’m very grateful that I was given the chance to participate in this event, and lucky that inspiration struck me at the right time. I’ve really been looking forward to seeing the works that come out of this event, and I hope you enjoy my contribution. 
And thanks for the mods for allowing me to share my work with you fellow fans
InuYasha and it’s properties are owned by creator Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise 
Read on AO3
Sango tailed the monk as he led their investigation. The villagers they had asked so far had no knowledge of the wicked demon, only of the pestering monkeys that were ravaging their fields. Her companion simply nodded, thanking them for their time and promising that the Inugami would save their village. They soon found themselves at the outskirts of the village on an empty patch of land outside the forest, save for one tall tree. Sango found his behavior during their search to be strange, especially as he now paused at the tree, leaving his Shakujo leaning against its trunk.
Was he just as stumped as she was? Would this reprieve be a chance for them to rethink their approach? 
“Why have we stopped here, Miroku?” She questioned. “Aren’t we supposed to search for Naraku’s whereabouts?”
Her befuddlement heightened as he laid his body to rest in the grass underneath the shade of the tree with a sigh, both hands pillowing his head. His intentions then became clear at the sight of his eyelids slipping shut.
“How might we do that when we have neither Inuyasha’s nose or Kagome’s detection?” His tone reflected his relaxed poise. “I merely said that so that Inuyasha would be more inclined to help those villagers.”
Her head tilted downward towards the monk’s resting face. “I understand wanting to help, but do you honestly think that Inuyasha dealing with those monkeys will get us any closer to finding him?
“Not particularly.” He punctuated the off-handed remark with a yawn, overstating his disinterest. “But enough of that... Why don’t you join me here?”
She stood awestruck at his bold request. He lays there while their friends were helping this poor village and now he asks her to do the same? If Inuyahsa were to find out, he’d surely have more pressing things to worry about than the food security of the village. 
“I don’t think it would be wise, considering your flippant lies.”
The man remained still, no sign of concern disrupting his posture. 
“If you changed back into your battle attire before our return, they’d never suspect a thing.” He ignored her statement, a peaceful smile casually appearing on his face. She instantly recognized this move. He was fully convinced he would get his way, the sleazy crook. “Besides, I’m sure sleep has been as kind to you as it has been to me as of late.”
Although it was usually hard to detect amongst his manner of speaking, the monk’s sarcasm was not missed by the slayer. She knew very well that Naraku’s sudden disappearance had their whole group on edge, including herself. And while sleep had become its own battle, the desperate investigations of their enemy have left her distracted from everything else. Sleep meant the rest needed to fight again, but it also meant time alone with one’s most intimate thoughts. What always plagued her mind nowadays were things she’d rather not willingly engage. Finding Naraku should be her biggest concern now, but she indulged her companion despite what she would consider was her better judgement.
The monk had a particular talent for steering her away from rationality.
“Knowing your pervy ways, I’m sure you’d try and sneak a peek at me”
The monk could’ve never noticed the sneer on her face behind his still-closed eyes. The same smile was plastered on his face as well, despite her accusation. He really did enjoy giving her grief, didn’t he...
“Trust me, my dear. I have no intention of moving from this spot for a while. Or at least until Inuyasha comes for my head.”
 “Then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I left Kilala here to guard this spot until I returned.”
He chuckled at that. “I don’t mind at all. I’m sure she’d love to watch me lie here, right Kilala?”  
Sango looked to the nekomata, who merely chuffed in response. She was wary of Kilala’s strange trust in the monk at times, but she was sure that the demon would keep an eye on him in case he tried something funny. 
Miroku took this as the perfect time to reveal his indigo eyes to her. 
 “Please, my intentions are more honorable than what they seem, believe me.”
There it was, that gentle voice of his used to convince her of his authenticity. The same breathy tones that sent her heart racing and her stomach in somersaults. She knew Miroku was confident in his charms, but she also liked to think that he was fully aware of this game they played. She only came to grips with it recently, but there was something going on. 
They’d fight, they’d talk it through, and just when she thought he would try to make a move, that damn hand of his would find the wrong place to caress. Or it would be when she found herself grieving once more, and he could comfort her with his words alone. How did he always know what to say that made everything clear and could heal every fiber of her being, but also had a hand that never failed to do the exact opposite? He was a truly frustrating man, but he was the only one she ever considered more than just that. 
But did he really know? That was a puzzle Sango couldn’t solve. It wasn’t as if anything meaningful resulted from these escapades. Afterwards, they would act as if nothing happened, and he would return to his typical flirtatious ways with any woman that entered his line of sight. So Sango liked to think that Miroku fully knew that he was toying with her feelings. That way it made it easier to lower her expectations and resent them despite Kagome’s not-so-subtle prodding. 
When she became abruptly aware that her eyes had been locked on him for too long, she made her hasty retreat, hoping he didn’t catch her bright red flush in the shade of the tree. 
“This man will be the death of me,” she softly cursed herself as soon as she knew she left his earshot. 
Upon her return to their little “spot,” she was greeted by an alert Miroku. His body was now fully upright and turned towards her approaching form. 
“You’ve accepted my invitation, I see”
“I thought you were trying to sleep”
“I still am, but I’d figured it would help if I got a quick glimpse of your beauty before-hand.”
She rolled her eyes at his shameless attempt. “You really are troublesome, you know that?”
“You wound me, dear Sango!” He unceremoniously flopped back into his previous position, his left hand patting the spot next to him. “You are free to lie beside me if you wish.” 
Without the need for consideration, she silently opted to sit against Kilala’s curled form, stretching her legs in front of her. He managed to convince her to relax alongside him, but she had no intention of allowing herself to get too comfortable around him in the likely case the monk’s wandering hands wandered once more. He sighed audibly at her decision, but allowed his eyes to close again without any further word. He could act like a child all he wanted, but she would not budge. 
She watched the man for a while, observing his state of rest. She could tell as much that he hadn’t fallen asleep just yet by all of his idle noises and the way he kept trying to steal a glance in her direction. 
“Can’t sleep?”
She hadn’t even tried to close her eyes just yet, as she was still trying to grasp their current situation. Why was he so insistent on sleeping if he was just going to try and stare at her the entire afternoon? Why did he lie to Inuyasha in the first place if this was how they would spend their time? With all these questions moving around in her head, she might as well ask for the most basic of them.
“Miroku? Why do you lie and steal as casually as you do? I always thought that monks were pure-hearted.”
“What a wonderful question!” He exclaimed. With such enthusiasm, she was almost afraid of the answer she would soon receive from him. “I’ve been traveling on my own for so long, and it’s quite difficult to acquire wealth in such unfortunate times. I wish to give aid to those in need, but I also believe that it never hurts to help yourself as well.” He settled for an even tone and let his eyes slip open once more. 
 “And you are right, It is true that holy-people such as myself are meant to be free of sin. But,  I was born tainted by the hole that resides in my hand.” His voice tapered off at his pause, the newfound silence growing thick with each passing moment. His sound returned to him, soft and low, as if it were only meant for his ears alone. 
“It doesn’t matter how much I devote myself to my faith to any idol or deity. My curse is hell-bent on deciding my fate....”
But we are trying to stop Naraku! To free you from the Kazaana. You can always change your path after that! She immediately contested, perhaps a little too loudly, but she didn’t care. How dare he speak so little of himself and avoid her gaze as he did it?! She refused to accept his belittling statements. 
“It is very hard for me to see a future for myself at this time, I’m afraid…” He brought his head up to look at her. A flash of fear ran through his eyes before he looked down once more. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t speak like that.”
He’s afraid…
And he had every right to be. 
“Please don’t apologize.”
He never showed it in front of their group, but behind that calm and smooth exterior remained a man trembling under the weight of his own mortality. He was a man after all, and men were never to show what made them most vulnerable. But with how much he gives to help others, it feels unfair for him to just allow himself to suffer inside as he did.
 If they understood each other as well as he liked to claim, then she knew he hated the restless feeling they had knowing nothing of where their wicked nemesis resided, surely plotting something to exploit the fears he caused within their hearts. Knowing that her poor brother remained in that demon’s grasp sickened her to her core, and sitting around with no leads made it hard to lay dormant as they did now. 
“I get it. I am just as frustrated as you… About Kohaku-”
“-You don’t need to go any further” He  interrupted her thoughts, I didn’t mean to remind you of your pain like that.”
 “-Please,” he sharply cut in once more, hoarseness settling into his throat. He must’ve noticed it as well, as he cleared his throat soon after. “let’s just try to find rest while we still can.” 
He squeezed his eyes shut, clearly trying to force unconsciousness upon himself. Sango relented, trying to relax her body, idly stroking Kilala as she watched the man slowly succumb to rest. It was surreal to see him struggle like this when it seemed like meditation was second nature to him. She decided on trying for sleep once his breathing evened out and all the remaining tension left his face. 
Miroku wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep, but he could tell from the shadows before him had grown considerably when his eyes peered open. He turned his head to see Sango now curled up against Kilala, her face all but buried in her demon companion’s fur. He slowly rose to his feet, slightly stretching as he made an intake of his surroundings. It looked as if the sun would soon begin it’s retreat from the sky. The monk knew the rest was necessary, but he definitely didn’t look forward to another predictively sleepless night. 
One more glance at Sango’s sleeping form was enough to convince him to approach her, neglecting his Shakujo to silence his movements. He knew, probably better than anybody, of the threat imposed by the slayer’s attuned senses. He also knew the danger of being caught if she awoke to his gawking. Unfortunately it was a risk he was willing for one small fleeting moment to stare at her.
What an idiot he had been for making her sympathize with his life. Even worse that it reminded her of her own grief. He was happy to indulge her curiosity, but when he looked up at her, he turned cowardly at what he saw. It wasn’t fear, or sadness over his grim fate. It was the very same fire that lit behind her eyes in battle. 
She was prepared to fight for him, it seemed…
He dare not think that she would go any farther for that. He was not worth her death. In fact, nothing was worth her death. The honor of her clan was at stake, and her life was essential in carrying on their legacy. One measly itinerant monk with a fated death should be worthless in her eyes, even if he wanted nothing more than to keep her alive.
Even if he wanted more than anything to see a future with her.
He turned away from her, returning to his spot in a now seated position. The monk had half a mind to wake the woman, but decided against it. Every waking moment for her was its own battle, after all. She needed all the rest she could get. And he’d gladly wait for her until that battle resumed, and fight with her at every step.
And if dying for her now meant he could spend the next life by her side, then he would welcome death with open arms. 
“I hope this woman is the death of me,” he softly wished before all else melted away to his own meditation.
Yeah I realized I took some liberties here with how Miroku and Sango’s relationship was at this point. This episode takes place after the Temptress of the Mist and Demon-Head castle, but far behind Mt. Hakurei, so what was going on with them hadn’t really become a “pattern” just yet. And Miroku had just comforted her in her grieving state for the first time right before that. Sango wasn’t deep enough to say he was her reason for living, so that’s why I kept her on the fence and didn’t have her feel too disappointed, because that’s what came after Mt Hakurei. 
I’m a sucker for long winded perspective changes, especially here with all the parallels I draw between them. Some of my best lines were written here, especially the ending line. My GOD. I swear, I wrote that and everything made sense. I said “yes” over and over again, it was so good.
Also can you tell whose voice I’m talking about when describing Miroku’s? The answer is Koji Tsujitani. I always knew about Tsujitani’s delivery that makes Miroku sound truly “fake” but I noticed rather recently how he would add so much breath, especially in serious scenes. On the other hand, Kirby Morrow played the character down and deep in his throat, which isn’t bad when talking about his overall performance, but I decided to favor Tsujitani’s performance in this instance. 
(I’m a classically trained singer and a music education major, so I’m a nut for analyzing voice acting. I have respect for both of these men may they rest in peace.)
Thanks again for the opportunity, and I hope to write more for this series. 
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saikagerights · 3 years
Quick Update
Hey guys, I know it’s been a while..... A LONG WHILE! But this year and this school semester have both been very rough on me. Between work and school, I had no time to write at all. And on top of that:
I kind of fell off of Naruto a little bit. I still have obligations to the journal, and the one-shots I planned for back in January, but believe me when I say that I am going to try my hardest to give them the time they deserve and get them all out to you. But for now, I’ll tell you why I am here today.
I’m going to be posting a contribution for an InuYahsa fan event tomorrow, a MirokuxSango fic to be exact. Ever since InuYahsa became a comfort anime for me last December, I haven’t interacted much with its fandom on tumblr, and have been very hesitant to write for it. Suddenly I found inspiration yesterday, and poured myself into writing a oneshot as a last minute contribution for the event.
If you are still with me after all this time, please be patient. I want to continue, trust me. And I’ll have more time in the next few weeks once school finishes up.
Thanks as always,
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saikagerights · 4 years
Technical Difficulties
Hello Saiino nation!
I am beginning my return a little earlier than I anticipated! I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind today and start work on my upcoming projects for the winter and the highly anticipated Yamanaka Week 2021. But I realize that I first must post this leftover oneshot that was written right before my school hiatus in August. A little background behind this fic is that it was inspired by an art drawn by our nation’s very own @sugarriene. It was something that stuck in my mind long enough that I had to write about it and there we go! I even added a mild bit of angst for the culture!
Read on Ao3
Right on cue, her husband peaked into the room. What he had witnessed was an utter catastrophe. 6 ink mice crawling across her body and she was understandably horrified.
“What’s wro-” “Ah. I see...”
“Uh…” He stuttered, proving he was just as useless in handling this as she expected. “A-as much as I would like to assist you, I am unable to control them. These are not made of my chakra.” Of course they weren’t his! Sai wasn’t the type to pull pranks like this. And even if it wasn’t a joke, he had a much better handle with his ink. There was only one other person who could be responsible.
“INOJI-mmmmph” Her husband’s hand swiftly covered her mouth to muffle her. She had an inkling of an idea to bite it.
“Don’t do that.” “If his concentration breaks, your clothes will be stained.” As rude as Sai was being, he did have a point. She would prefer it not get any worse than it could be, or else her son would be in for a lot more trouble than he anticipated. Perhaps it was just a mistake. It better be a mistake or she would make sure that the boy wished he hadn’t learned to use that brush in the first place.
His deft fingers gently scooped up two of the mice from her shoulders. The unrestrained gesture would typically make her stutter and blush at his forwardness, but in her current predicament all she could do is stand there holding back a yelp. “Just sit tight. I will handle this.”
With that, her husband swiftly left the room, leaving her alone with only her son’s animated mice to keep her company. Ino had nothing more to truly fear. She could trust Sai to fix this. It was his expertise, afterall. Maybe this time her husband would actually act like a father for once and discipline their son. She inwardly sighed; That was a long shot for sure, but she could only hope.
Inojin knew he messed up. And his fate had been sealed the moment he heard his mother’s shrill scream from down the hall.
He was dead
He was so dead
He had always been instructed by mom to only practice the Choujuu Giga outside, but it had been raining. Dad had advised him (without mom’s knowledge of course) so that he could successfully practice indoors in the safety of his room as long as the door had been shut. And to his misfortune, he forgot the step regarding the closed door. At least he had solace that his father would also be punished. If she realized that they had conspired like this from under her nose than they would both be in for it.
The mouse perched upon his head turned towards the door with him when he heard his father’s footsteps approach his room
“You’ve lost control.” He fully entered the room, closing the door behind him with his foot until it was only slightly open. He had an ink mouse in each of his hands, struggling against the pressure of his grip.
He chuckled nervously. “You noticed?”
His father was never one to raise his voice, but he did express his disapproval through soft sighs and furrowed brows. He was already aware of how much trouble he was going to get into with mom.
“Do you know what caused this?”
Inojin shrugged “I don’t know how it happened, but I was fine until mom called for me.” His head dropped and the mouse tumbled to the floor, splattering into black ink onto the wood. So much for keeping tidy. “Then a bunch of them escaped.” He looked timidly back up to his father. “She found them, didn’t she.”
“Oh she found them pretty well actually. I plucked these ones right from her body.” Inojin’s stomach lurched. He was worse off than he initially thought. Dad looked down at the mice in his hands. His thumbs had secured their heads, calming their struggles down. “These drawings do not have a mind of their own, nor are they entirely mindless.” He crouched beside Inojin, setting the mice onto his scroll. He was surprised that they didn’t scamper off like before. They only sat there looking up at him. “They are an extension of your will, Inojin. They rely on you to move, so one little distraction may change their direction entirely. You must remember this.”
He did remember. Dad had been telling him that for years, ever since he was young. But here he is now, still making the same mistakes as he did when he was 5. How was he supposed to get any better at this rate? His frustration stirred within him and the mice sitting on the scroll began to tremble and distort. They were going to break at this point, and it would all be over and mom would come for both of them. His father’s hand came to rest on his shoulder, the tension built up in his body slowly releasing. “Mistakes are bound to happen, though. You are still learning.”  Dad’s smile was warm and encouraging, something that Inojin couldn’t help but reciprocate.
“You lost control like this too, right?”
The smile hadn’t faltered. “Of course I did. The Choujuu Giga was something I mastered on my own, so I made plenty of mistakes. In fact, I did something like this to my brother as well.” Inojin’s curiosity piqued at the mention of his uncle. His father’s sworn brother had tragically died years before he had been born.
“What happened?”
His father’s smile began to shift, pursing his lips as if he had been holding back a laugh. “I had drawn a snake, and when I wasn’t paying attention, it constricted him until it burst. He was completely coated in ink!” Telling the story alone was enough to free his laughter. It was a sight to behold, as he was usually very slow with humor. It must’ve been a cherished memory for him. “Anyway, I hardly saw him the rest of the week. He was probably too angry with me to talk, but I’m sure he found it as funny as I did.”
Inojin gave a worthless sniff, gluing his eyes to the scroll in front of him. The mice retained their shape, now crawling towards him. “I think you were too concerned with what Mom wanted, so they decided to figure it out for themselves. And now all you have to do is fear her wrath.” Inojin’s fingers shot up into a sign and the mice immediately scurried back to him.
The misunderstanding was eventually cleared after numerous apologies and pleas to Mom. She didn’t kill him like he envisioned, but that didn’t mean he was completely in the clear.
Although Dad did talk her down to a week, his video games would still be confiscated. Probably locked in the same place as his father’s expensive paints for hiding from her.
“Your clothes are stained.” The imposing presence of Danzou-sama stood before him. “Why is that?” His question barely above a whisper, drenched in suspicion. But he could already tell from his half-lidded gaze that he wasn’t impressed.
But then again, he wasn’t impressed by much...
The white haired boy stood relaxed, his eyes to one of the many trees that surrounded them. Anything was better than looking directly at him. “We were sparring. He lost control and now I’m covered in ink.”
The sounds of calming wooded atmosphere was drowned out by his master’s silence
“Look at me” His voice was still no louder than it had been before, but held a commanding power that struck fear into the boy’s heart. He forced his gaze up.
“A loss of control is not something I tolerate.” His hand moved to reach towards his bandaged eye...
“No! Please don’t punish him. He’s getting there, he just needs more practice.” The boy pleaded. Realizing that this was out of line, he swiftly bowed. “Please, forgive us!” His brother was still too young and inexperienced. He’d hate for him to receive their master’s swift hand over a simple accident.
“Very well. But I best not bare witness to such a sight ever again, or there will be consequences for the both of you. Although you may believe you are noble in taking the blame for his mistakes, it is actually a foolish endeavor.”
The boy’s eyes widened and panic set in his chest as Danzou-sama turned to trudge his way back into the forest. And just before he thought he was safe enough to catch his breath, the man halted his steps. “You know that there is no room for weak shinobi in my ranks.” He turned his head slightly around, the atmosphere intensifying. “And If he so much as passes without meeting my standards, I will do everything in my power to make sure your death is insignificant.”
And with that, Danzou-sama was gone in a cloud of smoke.
The boy’s knees buckled beneath his weight, collapsing into a seated position. Gasping for air, his lungs felt ablaze. He couldn’t restrain the coughing fit that ravaged his body, grasping tightly at his ink-stained shirt.
as much as he wanted to persuade himself that he was fine.
He was still able to keep up with his master’s demands.
He was still able to live with his brother without fear of what was to come.
He gritted his teeth. That wicked man still held them firmly within his control, his brother knowing not of what truly awaited him. Soon his brother would be all alone and forced to bear the weight of Danzou-sama’s will. His brother had to be prepared for that burden or else he could never truly be free.
And there it is! I hope you enjoyed this long time coming one shot! 
Until Next Time!
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saikagerights · 4 years
Update: ”I Know What We’re Going To Do Today!”
Howdy Guys!
I hope you didn’t miss me too much. Yesterday, I was suddenly reminded of all of the work I left unfinished back in August. What I also realized is that I never posted the last thing I wrote before my absence. 
I’ll be frank:
These past few months have been pretty strenuous for multiple reasons, and I haven’t found the proper time nor the inspiration to sit down and write more of the journal. In fact, the last oneshot I wrote was directly inspired by art that took ahold of me right at the beginning of the semester. 
Besides the world constantly being on fire in 2020, the problems with my stomach hit a wall in August. I had multiple different tests done to try and find the problem, but there was no diagnosis in the end. My doctor prescribed that I start taking natural remedies to try and ease my sickness, and so far..... It’s been working! I’ve actually had an improvement in my health since then. I started taking probiotic vitamins in the morning and drinking kombucha, and now my persistent nausea during the day has disappeared. I’m down to taking one nexium before I go to bed, which is great because this medication was initially prescribed for twice a day. 
School, has been interesting so far. It’s my first true semester deep into my music education degree, and I find myself struggling in certain areas due to the pandemic. Some classes are made more difficult to achieve in, while others make it hard to attend consistently. However, I’ve been keeping my head above water relatively well regardless of that. Work......I can’t say that I’m too satisfied with my current employment. If you read my notes on AO3, you knew that the summer was about readjusting to work amid the pandemic, which went over with ups and downs, but more often the latter. I realize now that after 3 years, I am not making enough money to be dealing with the type of work environment I am currently in. Many of the coworkers that I had come to realize as family have left or plan on leaving as well because they feel the same. I gave an ultimatum to my manager that I need to get my much needed promotion and raise or I am walking out before the holiday season, which for a retail store is major crunch time. In this department is where I find the most stress, as it is transitional period. I am in the midst of finding employment elsewhere, which can hopefully give me a much larger paycheck that can help boost my savings and support my college fees. 
Free time is spent prepping. Whether it is singing, or practicing another instrument for my methods courses, or even supplemental music theory, I am in a constant state of prep work. And for watching or reading anything, there’s been a lot of comfort shows and not too much else. I took a tiny break from anime and started watching more western television. One thing that my coworkers have been wanting me to watch for ages has been Stranger Things, which I’ve enjoyed a lot so far. I took a short break from it after the slog fest that was the 2nd season, and am now on Season 3. I got access to Amazon Prime Video, so I finally watched the anime adaptation of Wotakoi, a manga I really love, and recently began watching Blade of the Immortal, which is very bloody and very interesting. But above all else, my general mindset this fall has been around one thing and one thing alone: Phineas & Ferb
A cartoon that has been one of my favorites since I was 6 years old has recently resurged in my life and has overtaken my attention once again. What was meant to be my comfort show of the lockdown during the spring has become my comfort show of the fall semester, turning into a massive hyperfixation that has overriden my thought process. Don’t worry, I didn’t go that deep. I just might’ve written 3k words of an analytical piece for the show’s emotional finale, “Act Your Age.” But I stuck true to my morals and didn’t read any fanfiction (this time). This laser focus on the show is actually 5 years late, as I was in the thralls of a fixation when the series ended back in 2015 just as I was discovering Steven Universe, which was the series that won my attention for the next year before I was captured by anime in highschool. But now, I’ve decided to take a break from it until Christmas, as I didn’t watch either of the show’s Christmas specials during my 3 month fling. Everything has connected to this show, and I mean everything, including my own musical development which I really don’t want to go into detail with. 
But today, the dreaded Election day in my country, I’ve finally found the resolve to come back to writing Saiino related things. Last night, I took a step back and began to reread my journal to re-immerse myself within my ideas, which ended up being a fantastic idea because it actually made me realize that I needed to change the perspective of the next entry. Along with that came my idea for the prompts in Yamanaka Week 2021. I actually have decided that my participation will follow it’s own running theme that coincides with my journal while also following some of the prompts. They will all be centered around 1 particular headcanon, so I hope you aren’t too dulled with my idea. It will start with my next oneshot chapter for the Sai Journal. As exciting as it is however, I will not be able to start working on this until I can clearly see the end of this semester. Be on the look out for my oneshot, “Technical Difficulties,” and any more updates about Yamanaka Week, because they are coming. I have to go to a zoom meeting for a class, so I will end it here.
Until Next Time
- Saikage
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saikagerights · 4 years
A New Possession- Entry #13
Hello there! Sorry for the wait, but here we finally are. I’ve been working on and off on this one for over a week now, but today something came over me and I was able to write the last quarter of the chapter on a strong note. My fingers really were working. I have so many fic ideas in my head but then I start thinking about this and become guilty. I a working on other things, but this has to be my top priority moving forward.
Anyway, here it is 
Also available on AO3 
March 10th
I’ve been rather deep in thought the last few days over a particularly odd incident that occurred during my most recent assignment. I have never been one to pick apart missions. In ROOT, a successful job was never one to be questioned. Operatives simply moved onto the next assignment while the last was left to the shadows.
An independent investigation I had conducted under the supervision of our Lord Hokage had finally exposed a primary source of corruption that had plagued the ANBU since Danzo-sama’s shortly-lived rule as Hokage. Taking down senior operative Kido had been a massive undertaking for Sakura, Ino, and I, one that will surely reshape the system in the years to come. We still have plenty of work ahead of us in dismantling the old ways of our elders, but it is another step towards a new era for shinobi. Until then, we are set to be taking measures that do not halt or regress our progress. One preventative procedure is that I have been appointed to be the  Daimyo’s primary escort over the duration of his visits to the village. It seemed strange for someone of my caliber to act as a diplomat, but Kakashi-sama had convinced me that this was in order to instill trust that he will not be targeted again.
As grateful as I am for the changes succeeding this mission, there is one thing that has completely “floored me” or so to speak. Besides being a major break in our investigations, it was a fairly abnormal assignment to begin with. I had been appointed to a team alongside Sakura and Ino, who happened to have gotten entangled in the case by pure happenstance. I had been plenty accustomed with working with Sakura, but this was the first instance where I could say I had property coordinated with Ino on an assignment. Beside being one part of the InoShikaCho Trio, she was more often seen working in the Interrogation department, the hospital, and her family’s flower shop.
It wasn’t as if I was disappointed or uncomfortable with this assignment. In fact, I had grown well adjusted to interacting with Ino in recent months, so I expected our cooperation to be a smooth transition despite the rather unexpected circumstances. However, it seemed as if she had been rather off. I’ll admit that I am no expert in identifying emotions of others, but it looked that way through her mannerisms. She was...skittish, and easily startled, something that contradicted her status as an incredibly skilled ninja. I had assumed that she was able to handle the trials of this assignment. It would be a safe guess to say that she was uncomfortable, but I could never guess as to why that was. Even questioning this later made her squirm and wave it off.
This odd behavior continued even after the mission’s completion, when Sakura suggested the two of us share a meal together. She had been unable to meet my eyes, constantly shaking her shoulders whenever she spoke, another one of the little tics I noticed.
“Are you sure you are okay? You can tell me if I’m making you feel uneasy.” I seemed to have startled her once more with that line of questioning.
It came out as a squeak, foreign to her true sound. I had once read that the sound of one’s voice was also an indicator of emotional response. This particular instance further convinced me that she probably wasn’t feeling what one would consider to be “normal.” She glanced at me once before shutting her eyes completely and revealing a smile.
“I’m fine, Sai. Honestly.” She accompanied this statement with a short laugh.
Was that a fake smile?
We sat in silence for a few minutes more before she spoke up again.
“Could you at least walk me home after this? I want to show you something.”
I complied with her request as my interest piqued with her offer. I had a glimmer of hope that this “something” could give me a clue as to what had been bothering her. What I received however, only sent me spiraling further into confusion.
There were flowers in her grasp. Dogwoods to be exact. But with a single sprig of lavender lodged into the bunch.
“This is the reason for my feelings, lately. Please accept them!”
Her eyes looked sharp, focused entirely on me and her mouth was set into a frown. She looked angry, but it could’ve also been some other strong emotion. But why? She had just offered me flowers. It was strange to see something so delicate in her hands when she looked at me like that.
“I don’t understan-”
“You don’t need to understand right now. It’s okay. I’ll wait.”
I was still, no thoughts coming to mind as to how to possibly react to this situation. My gaze phased between the flowers and her. At this point, her expression softened, leaving behind a coat of redness upon her cheeks. Another smile, only this one hadn’t been like the last. This smile was true. Soft and gentle, just as it had been when she appeared to me in my subconscious. Just as I had wished to replicate through my drawings. I unconsciously reached for the flowers, my hand briefly grazing hers. It was also soft, almost as it was made to handle fragile things with care. I could only stutter words to gratitude before I left, glancing back to see her still form still standing there in front of the shop.
What was the true meaning of this mysterious gesture? I poured myself into every Hanakotoba book I could acquire. But after days of research all I could gather was a conflicting message. The dogwoods symbolized the accepting of one’s feelings.The Lavender itself symbolized the concept of waiting for another. One shouted a strong compelling request, while the other whispered patience. A truly strong message, but what did that have to do with Ino? When she offered the flowers, she explained that this was the reasoning for her odd behavior. “The reason for her feelings.” The dogwood I presume. But she also said she would wait, symbolizing the lavender. For her to send me this message meant that I was supposed to “accept her feelings.” What feelings? Why was she feeling to begin with? I should ask, but no. I want to decipher this for myself. This is much too important for me to just let go of.
I’m sorry to make you wait longer, Ino. But I need to figure this out on my own.
Finally we get to the good stuff! So for those of you unaware. In the Sakura novel, Ino is constantly fighting down her budding feelings for Sai as they are paired off to work together in the novel, to Sai's confusion. Sai meanwhile, is quite comfortable being around Ino, comfortable enough to open the door to her in only his underwear!
In the beginning of the novel, Ino reveals to Sakura her crush on Sai, lamenting that she is still deciding on what flowers to give him. Although her and Sakura agree that the blunt message of the dogwoods suit Ino best, I like the idea that she is also waiting for Sai. She is patient in his understanding of what her true feelings are. So I said screw it and had her give him both.
Also the ending was not planned to cut off like that, but I thought it to be a good stopping point. Sai is already confused enough by the gesture, so we'll give him some time to figure it out.
Anyway, thanks for being patient with me. School is starting very soon so I can't really gauge how much free time I will have to write.
As always, comments and criticism is appreciated
See ya next time
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