vivacissimos-a · 4 years
It was a nice day. Sunny, bright, lovely. Birds chirping, sun beaming, sky opening up to the heavens and right back down to Earth. Magdalene hated it. No, that was a lie. She hated what it reminded her of. But now, in the midday of the library, she was adjusting the curtains to the shifts in the sun so that her patrons weren’t blinded or off put by the light. She sees Bo a few times, wandering, and it seemed they wouldn’t have much to say to each other today--which didn’t bother Magdalene. Mona could talk to anyone, or not talk at all. Either suited her. So when Bo does approach her, after what seemed like a fruitless search, Mona could only smile a little good-humouredly. 
“Well, that would depend on what you think is good,” Mona says, gesturing to the books. “What is it that you think you would like to read, my dear?” Mona liked people. And Magdalene liked learning how people worked. It was a fair arrangement in personalities. “New, old? Fiction? Non? You’ve got to help me a little, lamb.”
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CLOSED STARTER FOR @vivacissimos​
There were days where Bo kind of had nothing on her agenda, it was weird she knew that, or perhaps it was more of the fact that she had so much to do but she didn’t actually want to do it so she just kind of pushed it to the side and went to the library instead because it was more peaceful then her mind was right now. On most days her mind was chaotic and cloudy and all over the place so when that happened in order to push past that, the library was where she was headed.
The shelves were giving her nothing today and that was a sad defeat because she always counted on these shelves to give her something to say the least but today was a big fat ‘no’ from them, which is usually the point where someone would just exit only to return on another day but not Bo, as she slunk over to Mona and basically moaned at her; “Please give me something good to read because I go insane”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
@demonxofxlight​ || starter here!
“Do you ever think about how far light has to travel to get here? Or how small we are in the universe? Kind of spectacular. Kind of... magical, wouldn’t you say?”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
👪- They see their family (Rapunzel, Cassandra, anyone from before Cass was born)
Simply... Cass is her remorse and Rapunzel is her regret.
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
@hiddenthimbles​ || starter here!
“Oh, my dear! Did you have some books on hold?” Mona appeared with a cart of books, apparently some holds or other books to be reshelved. “I’m so sorry. Some information got crossed and the holds for today got all muddled.” Wendy’s here. Respectful. Nice. And Mona didn’t mind her much. And it was true, the library cataloguing got a bit muddled. Records got mixed. “If you did, I can try to find them for you but... it’s alright.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
Anna was always trying to seek approval from others, and Mona was no different. In fact she wanted Mona to like her way more than she wanted people her age to. Just because she wanted a grown-up to see her as a grown-up. Because she was one she just…was awful at it. 
“Yeah I do! Twelfth Night is one of my favorites….aside from Romeo and Juliet of course. I am a sucker for romance. Or just a sucker! Either way I have read a lot of his plays. Do you like him a lot too?”
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“Ah, a girl after my own heart. And what a lovely thing you are too,” Magda says, smiling. Truthfully, Magdalene did want to like Anna more than just a--... a soul in her path to power. So why not indulge in these fine moments. “Romance. How romantic. And would you consider yourself fanciful? For romance and love? Yes, my dear, I love Shakespeare as well. Perhaps it’s a matter of theatre, the arts, etc. Or perhaps psychology. Psychologists are fascinated with Shakespeare, you know. The human mind and all.”
She takes another look at Anna, kind and thoughtful. “Do you think you’d want to study Shakespeare, dear? I do think you’re the type of person who could take on such a task. Learning more about Shakespeare than what is... what most do?”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
Mona always made Anna a little nervous. Not in a mean way, but in a wow she’s just so put together way. She was so organized and kind and Anna liked going to the library because of her. But she also didn’t know how to talk around her. Or anyone. “It’s uhh….The Twelth Night. Shakespeare….super easy to find and yet I still managed to goof that up! Go me!”
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If Anna wasn’t related to Rapunzel--if Anna weren’t who she was--,,, Magdalene would have loved her company. Truly. Genuinely. But it looked like it wasn’t to be that she’d get to spend time with her in a non-calculating capacity. Magdalene smiled--or rather, Mona did--as Anna explained the book. Magdalene had a soft spot for the bard. Damn. Anna truly was the type of person Magdalene would like. 
“Ah, that’s alright, dear. Don’t worry, please. Do you like Shakespeare, Anna? I haven’t seen you in the last few days. Reading, were you?”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
tarot questions - justice: favorite color of rose?
“Lavender roses, perhaps? Those are nice, I think. Or black-- aesthetically speaking.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
🙇- They meet someone new and first impressions are good
“I will...-- not stab them.” Beat. “Oh, you wanted a real answer? I would probably speak to them about books. Or go to dinner or coffee with them, if we so chose. Simple, distanced acquaintanceship bordering on friendship of they like. And... I will also not harm them.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
☀️🌙✨ tarot questions ✨🌙☀️
the fool: do you have any nicknames? the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else? the high priestess: what is your dream date? the empress: do you think you will ever get married? the emperor: what are some names that you like? the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts? the lovers: do you have a crush? the chariot: thoughts on astrology? strength: what is your dream occupation?  the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop? wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle? justice: favorite color of rose? the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack? death: what are three things you want to do before you die? temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had? the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms? the tower: favorite colors to wear? the star: have you ever seen a psychic? the moon: have you ever written a love letter? the sun: do you believe in magic? judgement: do you enjoy school? the world: do you like waking up early?
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
How Does Your Muse React/Feel When...
😇- They are given praise 😰- They get scolded 🙇- They meet someone new and first impressions are good 👺- They meet someone new and first impressions are bad 🙌- They see their best friend 👿- They see their worst enemy ☺️- They see a friend 💅- They see a rival ❣️- They see their crush ♥️- They see their boy/girlfriend 💍- They see their spouse 🚸- They see their children 👪- They see their family (specify if desired) 💮- They get asked to hang out 💐- They get asked out on a date 💔- They get stood up/broken up with 💎- They win a huge reward 🎁- They are given a gift they like 💣- They are given a gift they dislike 🎎- They find a long lost possession of theirs 💵- They see something on sale for a bargain price 🗑- They see something that is being given away for free 📍- They narrowly escape a perilous situation 🚪- They hear someone knock on their door 📱- Someone asks to borrow their phone
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
“You’ve been sitting here for six hours, kid” Mona says. She didn’t even know if he realized she’d been standing behind him for a while. There isn’t any malice in her voice. Just--a soft exasperation. “Studying, are you?” Carefully, she sets down a glass of water and some snacks. “You really ought to feed yourself. And since you’re a regular, you get the very best vending machine snacks we have.”
Magda didn’t have favorites. Okay that was a lie.She had a few. Mona Gaertner did. More like. But Magda did too. And somehow, Huey was one of them. He came in, studied, and Magda couldn’t help but appreciate his relative civility in the space. 
“What are you working on?”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
“Perhaps if the books weren’t overcrowded on the shelves they would fit more nicely and the whole thing could be avoided.” Hera smiles but it isn’t genuine. She hands the book over to the other woman and raises an eyebrow. She wonders why the woman can’t just read the title herself and let Hera move on. “Spy by Danielle Steel.” Hera enjoyed reading and owned plenty of books but there was a bit of excitement when it came to getting a book from the library. It wasn’t money wasted if she didn’t like the book. Not that money was an issue for her. “I recommend it if you haven’t read it.”
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Magda nods, not particularly interested one way or another by the woman’s irritation. Despite what seemed like more of a catty attitude towards Mona Gaertner doing her job, the woman recommending books seemed friendly enough of a gesture. “Oh, I’ll have to put it on my list then,” she says, politely enough. “Fan of historical books, then? Or romance?”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
“Well, this doesn’t look right..does it Pelydryn?” She glances down at the golden retriever at her feet, the two walking side by side as she flips through the bound pages with care. She didn’t expect any sort of response from her pet, but naturally he gave her a quick brush with his head when his name was called. She looked up just in time to avoid running into someone, reminding herself to be more aware is she was going to walk and read at the same time.
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“Eilonwy, please be careful,” came a voice that was sharp in cadence but friendly enough in tone that it wasn’t quite rude. Magda had seen the girl coming up the street, accompanied by her golden retriever, from the other end of the block. She was hard to miss, her energy and excitement for books quite easy to track. Unfortunately for both of them, other pedestrians weren’t as kind to give them much walking room, and Magda had to narrowly miss running into her coworker in such heavy foot traffic. She had been grateful when Eilonwy looked up to help in that endeavour. “Rare day for both of us to be off,” she says, smiling at the girl. Her voice is soft, like the character of Mona Gaertner that she pretends to be. “Rare day for both of us to be off... and... you’re still reading. Things may never change, my dear.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
Chace’s eyes went straight to the woman approaching him a few feet away, before analyzing the book in his hand. “I’m looking for one called Society of… Mind? If I’m not wrong?” Raised a brow with a small grin. “It was recommended this one by a friend. For a research I’m making.” He gave the book back to the woman.
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“If you’re looking for Minsky, you’re not wrong,” Magda says, smiling. She takes the book from him, catalogues it, and sets it in a particular section of her library cart. “Society of Mind... Marvin Minsky,” she repeats the name a few times, looking through her book. Honestly, if Magda would just take the digital catalogue they gave her... but no-- of course not. Magda wasn’t a fan of them. She searched back a few pages and sighed. “I think that one was checked out a few days ago, unfortunately. Um--... I could help you find new sources but... what research are you doing, might I ask? I could see if I could get another copy for you. Or check the returns bin. But unfortunately, the main copy from the stacks has been checked out.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
The voice startles Penelope, so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t realized someone was approaching. She jumped a little, pulling the book close to her chest out of reflex. “Oh- I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize I was being too forceful.” Her arms uncrossed with the book in on hand, delicately handing it over. She could tell the voice wasn’t angry which tamped down her anxiety. It was unusually low because the library was quiet and she was stuck in her own mind. Well she was until this very moment. “It’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I decided on a different title.”
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“Oh,” Magda says, smiling, “is there a usual title? Do you usually read The Bard or is there another genre altogether?” She checks the state of the book, turning it over and finding no flaws with the spine, binding, or pages, and casual marks the book in her own and sets it on the cart. “It’s funny. Sometimes I’ll see a patron walk in and I can tell the moment they set foot in the building which book they want. Sort of... like regulars at a coffee shop? Except, a different kind of consumption. Words, this time. I like it. It’s quaint, but in a calm way.” 
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
“The first rule of the library? Don’t shove books back haphazard, thank you very much.” Magdalene stands by the library cart, in the process of checking books back into the stacks and holding one of those old fashioned books for bookkeeping and cataloguing. Her voice isn’t angry, or even upset. Rather, she sounds good-humoured about it. Magda’s used to it by now. Or rather, Mona is. Even though she’s got the name printed on a small name tag, it still might take a time or two for her to answer to it. She holds out her hand, “I’ll take it if you’re done with it. Name of the book, please?”
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