sailabugg · 7 years
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MUST BE SUBSCRIBED TO ENTER! :D www.youtube.com/grav3yardgirl www.youtube.com/bananapeppers
WATCH THIS VIDEO TO SEE RULES/PRIZES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRWA5HbNebk
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sailabugg · 8 years
Godess Vox box
I also recived always pads a full sized pakage wich os pretty awesome when you consider it was free hahaha but unfortunatly i dont use pads so i gave them to my cousin 😂😂😂😂
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sailabugg · 8 years
Godess Vox box
I recived some awesome products for free to try out and review! BEST DECISION EVER IF YOU HAVNT SIGNED UP DO IT NOW!!!!! I got a satin matte nail polish that i love got to try out some new products that ive never used and we all know i love that! Sign up on influenster and get you a free voxbox you wont be dissapointed!!!!
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sailabugg · 8 years
Godess Vox box
I recived some awesome products for free to try out and review! BEST DECISION EVER IF YOU HAVNT SIGNED UP DO IT NOW!!!!! I got a satin matte nail polish that i love got to try out some new products that ive never used and we all know i love that! Sign up on influenster and get you a free voxbox you wont be dissapointed!!!!
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sailabugg · 9 years
Promise me that I won’t lose you, That we’ll work through everything. Promise me that I can always count on you That you’re always going to be there for me. Promise me that you won’t be the next friend I lose The next person gone from my life. Because I can’t do this without you. I don’t want to. You’re a great person for me to have in my life. Someone I need. And if you don’t plan on staying then you might as well leave now. If you do leave, I won’t question it. Other wise, I need a promise. And I need to know this promise will never be broken.
AAMB, “Promises Should Never Break” (via wnq-writers)
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sailabugg · 9 years
attempting to not text him even though ive already called 12x okay. I'm done I'm never sitting at home waiting for you to get off your bullshit again you wanna keep fucking up and stay fucking up you can do it by yourself now I'm not busting my ass paying bills and taking care of everything so you can act like a jackass I'm fucking over this shit I told you a thousand times to stop being selfish I don't ever want to hear you blame anyone but your damn self I'm taking my daughter and I'm done with your shit you always want to leave me fucking congratulations
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sailabugg · 9 years
I've decided that every time he makes me mad and I get the urge to be that "crazy girlfriend" that "crazy baby momma" who sends 5page texts about how angry they are I'm just going to write it here instead from now on. So if you see some straight shit talking to nobody its to somebody just not anybody lmao I think this way if I am super crazy later I can look back and brush it off no regrets it if I'm not crazy and it still makes me angry with valid points hours later then I can address them properly when I'm calm? what do yal think good plan? hahaha Also SIA if it gets a little TMI sometimes if you were looming for an update on my life I work to much and even my day offs are filled with work at home and today I was ready to rip his head off I was so angry so I typed out a looooonnngggg text and write when I was going to hit send I decided to hit delete and let it breath I wish I had saved it now tho cuz I still feel like its something he needs to hear from me hence the tumblr rant vs text fighting
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sailabugg · 9 years
I think I was only fearless when I was a child. Once you grow up, once the real world creeps in, there’s no going back. You can still be brave, but never again fearless. At least not like before. Because once fear takes hold, it doesn’t ever want to let go.
Ana (via wnq-writers)
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sailabugg · 9 years
Tell me when your hands start reaching for her throat instead of her clothes.  Tell me when ‘baby’ turns to 'bitch’ on the tip of your tongue.  Tell me when goosebumps disappear with your touch, when you start making her skin crawl.  Tell me when you forget how to love her softly,  when you don’t remember how to say her name without spitting, when you don’t know how to hold her without breaking her. Tell me when you lose yourself to the monster, so I can tell her what no one ever told me to do: run.
Tell Me by Auriel Haack (via poppyflowerpoetry)
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sailabugg · 9 years
profound words.
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sailabugg · 9 years
You brush away the reasons of my sadness whenever I let them slip out of my mouth. You make me feel stupid for being sad and you make me feel foolish for letting you know it, but I can’t apologize for how I feel. I can’t apologize for my heart shattering with every damn unfair thing I see. I can’t apologize for wanting to die when I see the people I love in pain, when I see them giving up. I can’t apologize for something I can’t control, but I might need to apologize for the way I handle it. I might need to apologize for holding on to my cigarettes like they’re the only thing that can save me. I might need to apologize for thinking that the only thing that saves me is my killer. I might need to apologize for the way that every long, difficult breath I take, every cough I let out because my lungs couldn’t keep it in, every word I speak, every single damn little fragment of a thing I do, is a death note. I might need to apologize for so many things. I might need to apologize to someone, but not to you.
chaotic-mindd (via wnq-writers)
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sailabugg · 9 years
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sailabugg · 9 years
What is hell to a writer? Hell is being too busy to find the time to write or being unable to find the inspiration. Hell is suddenly finding the words but being away from your notebook or typewriter. Hell is when the verses slip away through your fingers and they never return again.
R.M. Engelhardt (via writingquotes)
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sailabugg · 9 years
This is what happens when friends, close friends, become lovers. When they cross the lines of just a close-knit friendship, and enter the ever so daunting realm of being in a relationship. Once they dive into that, they eventually burn every single bridge that drew them close in the first place. There is no turning back from being in love, to being just friends again. Usually when two friends date each other, you don’t have an ugly break up scene when it ends. There are no shouts heard, there are no vindictive intents in the aftermath. It is a very quiet, interpersonal ending. You support each other until this invisible line is drawn that pulls you apart for good. And in the end, you are left without a friend or a lover or anything in-between. There’s no returning to the past, it’s just all gone in a silent storm. That’s what is happening to you and I. We’re becoming strangers again with each passing day.
sunshinestateblues (via wnq-writers)
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sailabugg · 9 years
My mind holds words that even paper can’t stand.
Noémie (via wnq-writers)
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sailabugg · 9 years
People hate that I flip two cigarettes upside down in each pack for luck, but I hate that people notice when you gain three pounds, but not when you buy a new hat. I’ve been told that the way I sleep with one leg draped over the person lying next to me is annoying, but I think it’s annoying when people tell me I look pretty, but only when I paint my face. I’ve heard that old men like to touch the girls who work late at bars, but I want to know why they never kiss the women they married fourty-two years ago. I’ve noticed that mothers teach their daughters that it’s rude to refuse a hug from an uncle they’ve met three times, but forget to teach them that they aren’t obliged to kiss the boy who paid for dinner.
Taylor (x)
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sailabugg · 9 years
I’m so tired of not being able to sleep and being angry at everyone for other peoples mistakes its not your fault I hated this whole night you try to make me happy sometimes and i know its hard because I’m so depressed and I can’t enjoy the little things like I used to but spending time with someone I seriously can’t stand was the last thing I needed because now I’m up scrubbing my kitchen at 2am because I’m so tense I can’t relax enough to even lay down I’m thankful for you I really am but sometimes I wonder how you could be so fucking clueless about what I need from you.
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