sailorlisa · 2 years
Hey, I’m kinda curious, what house system do you like for synastry and natal? 🤔 Whole Sign, Placidus, etc? Depends?
Hi! Placidus or webstyle I believe, the basic default setting in Astro.com (extended chart selections) 😭
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sailorlisa · 2 years
Hello astrology tumblr, can you help me?
I've been studying my astro chart for a while now, and I can't find a thing that it's worth living for. Seriously.
Cancer MC but with Pluto conjunct Moon in the first house in scorpio? What I'm supposed to do with my life? How does one nurture their own constant death?
7th house Venus in Taurus opposite 1st house Scorpio Pluto? How could I ever get a healthy love life? I get more hate from people that I get envolved with than strangers. And yes, all the types of love triangles you can imagine.
Gemini Jupiter in the 8th house? A Thousand ideas born and killed every second? Is all that what I'm supposed to be experiencing?
The whole moon + pluto against mercury, venus and sun? Taurus x Scorpio? 1st X 7th? I can't even think of a joke here, it all bad.
And I can't even start with saturn on my ic. Not even home is a place to find peace. Where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do?
I have been in a very very difficult place in my life for a while, and every time I look for meaning I astrology, the response is: you are only here to suffer! But don't forget, your North node is in pisces, 5th house. Have fun with the crazinessof it all! Enjoy!
I've been unemployed for years now -- because of course, there's no reason for me to even be alive -- so I can't pay for a professional to give me a full view, but If one of you feel inclined to, can you look and help me find one thing that I could hold on to? Any hope that I didn't came here to be in pain all the time? Anything will do. Thank you!
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sailorlisa · 2 years
I saw you answering synastry asks. Will u please answer one for me.
What does it mean to have North Node conjunct moon in Taurus in synastry?
Thank you ❣️❣️
Of course!! 💗
North node conjunct moon in Taurus synastry-Deep emotional connection. Any personal planet that touches north node may be a past life indicator . Hard bond to break. Planet person ( Taurus moon) is nurturing. Moon does everything they can to support the north node persons goals and successes . This is a intense emotional relationship. Make sure there’s emotional stability for growth in the connection .
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sailorlisa · 2 years
Hi!Sorry for bothering you again! I saw that aspect you mentioned and we have vertex/union in 5th and north node in 12th in composite ,while in davison we have north node/union/vertex in 7th house!What about them?Since now i'm your greatest follower!Thank you for the patience!💕🌸
Hi! no problem at all!! Ur my #1 😃💞Composite charts are my go to . The connections/dynamics. Davison chart is more of a natal chart for the relationship. I usually just see davison aspects same as composite and call it day. Similiar meanings and extra insight abt the relationship lol 😭
Vertex in 5th- cute placement especially in the house of romance/creativity. Could feel like love at first sight .
Union (1585) in 5th- could had met while doing something joyful . Happy around this person. Marrying for love.
North node in 12th - life direction of the relationship. Here it might feel fated , psychic bonds, soulmate connection ! 12th house is tricky so u may create fantasies around eachother. Make sure to compromise and go with the flow
North node /union/vertex in 7th house- I mean …😳😳💍 ur destiny, marriage purpose , life purpose all in the house of relationships. I think that speaks for itself lol
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sailorlisa · 2 years
Thank you for your beautiful insights!I saw that we have destiny sextile jupiter,conjunct mc,trine north node/vertex and conjunct pluto/anteros but especially we have destiny in 4th and 9th house overlay,then there is a conjunction between sun and boda both in composite and davison chart!!Sorry for the long post,what could mean these placements?💕 thank you!!May you have beautiful and good things/day!!
I’ll try my best lol 😳😳 woahh !destinn aspects with all those planets , u guys definitely have chemistry and an intense affect on eachother.
Is the north node/vertex in 7th house in composite? that’s literally the definition of marriage 💍
Conjunct Pluto/anteros - love is transformative/ intense
Destinn in 4th synastry - buy a house together , live together
Destinn in 9th synastry- travel , go to school together, Learning & growing with eachother especially
Sun conjunct Boda in composite/davison- hmm could mean u guys think of marriage with eachother or the purpose of being together is to litteraly get married . Probably a happy wedding that stands outs .
Ty !! 💗Have a nice day as well! Ask away , I’m happy to share my insights ! 😄
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sailorlisa · 2 years
Hi!Could you talk about destin in 7th conjunct descendant in composite +jupiter in 7th house in synastry?💕
Hii!🙀💗 Asteroid Destinn (6583) in the 7th in a composite chart means the purpose of meeting this person is to have a relationship (7th house -the house of relationships/contracts) whether its as business partners , as friends or lovers. Destined to be together . 😭
Also see your destinn sign in synastry (Destinn conjunct Moon in their 4th house could have a kid & live together etc)
Jupiter in 7th synastry
- ideal couple
- Good long term relationship aspect, many married couples have this
- Abundance /luck/ growth in relationship matters (negative or positive!)
- Usually very happy with the other person
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sailorlisa · 2 years
August 12, 2022
😭Astrology stuff / ranting /screamin cryin Shidin my dik, don’t have much followers or ppl I know here in person so I’ll just put it here as a diary
Capricorn Sun ♑️one day around 2019 I met him on a game. We talked , instantly connected , never dated tho or met , so situationship for 3 years ( ouch!). We are still young not teenagers but this is my first ever sp, 😑I got into astrology bc of him. Read hours of all the dam synastry/composite chart observations here.
His Cap sun/moon/Mercury/Juno in my 4th house. His Jupiter in my 7th house . Mars in my 5th . He literally felt like everything I could ask for.
My Scorpio sun in his 12th house.., My Venus in Capricorn . moon /mars in his 10th , my Jupiter in his 6th
Me -libra rising him- sag rising ( undercover detective work to guess his birth time….based on looks & personality of course 👍🏼)
Scorpio rising- was so comfortable telling me everything abt his life within like 3days of talking. More like (trauma dump)😑 As a Scorpio Sun why do we fall in love with that shid
Scorpio moon in 1st- being vulnerable with me, can let his guard down with me and just telling me everything abt his feelings
Sagittarius Sun / Venus/ Mercury/ Mars in 2nd house - yeah we were long distance besties across the us type beat. Good humor & convos, our personalities clicked.
Jupiter/ Saturn in 7th - I read this was a long commitment/marriage aspect. So when I learned this I ignored all red flags & made a little fantasy in my head that we would get married & have kids & die together lol . Didn’t help when I read somewhere that the asteroid destinn was in our 7th house 😭 litteraly meant to be together
Darakaraka/Spouse - ( lowest degree planet in Vedic chart) - Saturn 🪐😩 , man’s is literally a Capricorn stellium
When it all fell apart
My Scorpio sun in his 12th house. 🥴 one thing I ignored in astrology was how south node /12th & 8th house relationships never last & karmic . And shiiidd this ended abruptly. Like I knew this would happen , just I’m shocked. My south node is in ♑️ , his Saturn in my 8th . Jupiter is transiting my 7th house right now , I thought some lovey-dovey stuff would be happening now. But I guess it’s just a big change in relationships for me.
Lions gate portal / Full moon - I heard a lot of relationships ending right now . Meant to remove all negativity from ur life and karmic stuff with Saturn being retrograde . Uranus / mars / conjunct north node or something like that . This is meant to happen . So he was just a lesson for me. The lesson I’m still trying to figure out.
I know all you little Capricorns are so hard on yourself, I adore you . I don’t know where I messed up I’m usually careful on that stuff , maybe he just needed space to better himself , idk I’m giving myself false hope , would definitely give him another chance if he added me back , if someone sees this talk me out of it haha 😂
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