saintofcorpses · 8 months
"I'm an antizionist and I believe Israel has the right to exist."
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
books on, about, and made by palestinians. non-fiction books about palestine, palestinian poetry, history books, fiction books by palestinian authors, links to free e-books and poems. i apologize in advance for not breaking this down by genre / type.
Free Ebooks for a Free Palestine!
Verso Books: Solidarity with Palestine: Free Resources and Further Reading
Free Palestine! A Reading List
Books for a Free Palestine
Google Drive of Palestinian Poetry made by @firstfullmoon
Palestinian poems series by @fiercynn
40 books to understand Palestine
Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa
Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli
Salt Houses by Hala Alyan
Wild Thorns by Sahar Khalifeh
The Things We See in the Light by Amal Awad
A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum
Secrets Under the Olive Tree by Nevien Shaabneh
Trees for the Absentees by Ahlam Bsharat
The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah
Mother Country by Etaf Rum
The Sea Cloak and other stories by Nayrouz Qarmout
The Parisian by Isabella Hammad
My First and Only Love by Sahar Khalifeh
Velvet by Huzama Habayeb
Haifa Fragments by Khulud Khamis
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
On Palestine By Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappe and Frank Barat
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappe
Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire by Jehad Abusalim (Editor), Jennifer Bing (Editor), Mike Merryman-Lotze (Editor)
Except for Palestine The Limits of Progressive Politics by Marc Lamont Hill, Mitchell Plitnick
Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians by Noam Chomsky
Where the Line Is Drawn by Raja Shehadeh
Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza by Mosab Abu Toha
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Omar Barghouti
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction [edited] by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
From the River to the Sea [edited] by Sai Englert, Michal Schatz and Rosie Warren
Palestine Speaks [edited] by Mateo Hoke and Cate Malek
The Punishment of Gaza by Gideon Levy
The Question of Palestine by Edward W. Said
I Saw Ramallah by Mourid Barghouti
Shell Houses by Rasha Abdulhadi
Born Palestinian, Born Black by Suheir Hammad
Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat
Orientalism by Edward W. Said
Gaza Writes Back by Refaat Alareer
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd
Ever Since I Did Not Die by Ramy Al-Asheq
The Butterfly's Burden by Mahmoud Darwish
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
thinking about the swiftie who got arrested for dodging the idf draft, that shit was so fucking funny good for her, the one good swiftie
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
palestinians don’t owe you anything
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
hamas has released a 16-page document addressing the events of october 7. it outlines the motivations and objectives of the operation, summarizes their political positions, and calls for an international investigation for all crimes committed in occupied palestine. worth reading the whole thing to get a better idea of their perspective.
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
I have a political thought experiment that I would like to share with you all that I call "Persuading the serial killer," which is really just about how you'd persuade someone who exists outside of your moral framework.
This is inspired by the fact that I watch too much true crime, but the thought experiment goes like this: If you were faced with a serial killer trying to kill you or someone else, how would you convince them not to? Serial killers do not conform to common morals like "killing is wrong," so arguing "You shouldn't kill me because killing is immoral!" is not going to help you. They don't recognize your moral system as real or valuable, so you cannot use it to persuade them. I, personally, would argue like so: "I have a very regular schedule, and people have already noticed that I'm missing. My mother and I talk almost constantly. She alone is probably already panicking that I'm gone and has called the police. I also have serious medical issues on record, so they won't wait the regular 24 hrs to start searching for me. You have a chance to get away now, but not if you spend time murdering me and hiding my body." Straight practical reasons why doing what they want to do will bring about something they absolutely don't want, i.e. if you waste time on murdering me, a high-priorty missing person, you'll get caught and never kill again.
The way this applies to politics is that you're gonna encounter people who do not completely overlap with your morals - probably not serial killers though. Like most Republicans and most Democrats would agree that unprovoked homicide is wrong and bad. No one is trying to pass a bill to get murder blanket-legalized. But obviously, conservatives have different moral views on things like abortion.
You cannot argue with a conservative that abortion isn't wrong. Your opinion that life does not begin at conception or that the right to choose should be in the pregnant person's hands no matter what exists outside of their moral framework just like "murder is wrong" exists outside the moral framework of a serial killer. So if I'm trying to argue against abortion legislation with someone I know is anti-abortion, I argue that abortion laws don't reduce abortions or abortion-related deaths. That the real way to reduce abortions is to make birth control over-the-counter and available to teenagers without parental permission like in the U.K. That if they think that is bad because it "promotes" premarital sex, they need to choose which is worse to them: teenagers having sex or abortions happening because teenagers are still going to have sex. That more support networks for pregnant people who want to keep the pregnancy but worry about their ability to financially support the child would do more good, and that there are several run by churches (but not enough, perhaps they should start one at their church)! That anti-abortion organizations in Europe who crusade against abortion in these ways are more successful at reducing abortion than any country with laws on the books to stop it.
You can apply this with a lot of things, but in short, when arguing with someone with different political views or morals that are mutually exclusive with yours, it's a bad bet to appeal to "but that's wrong! but that's bad! but that's immoral!" Jump straight to the practicalities, i.e. "That won't get you what you want, and here's why," not "You shouldn't want this." This won't always work (ex: you might run through all those abortion arguments, not satisfy the conservative you're arguing with, and in the process figure out that they really just want to legally punish people for premarital sex and don't actually care about abortion). However, leaving your morals out of an argument is your best bet at getting through to another person who may not share them.
*Updated to remove use of the term "psychopath" because I'm told that's an outdated concept.
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
when both presidents are pieces of shit I think it’s time the government is overthrown
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
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“If you’re one of those. ‘I love Pink Floyd but I can’t stand Rogers politics’ people. You might do well to fuck off to the bar right now” -Roger Waters This is Not A Drill Tour
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
sometimes I think about palestine.
sometimes I think about oranges.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way my father lights up, golden in the sun with a smile he reserves for special occasions, like when his children succeed or when the orange trees bloom.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way its peel makes a home under my nails, sprays oil until the smell of it lingers in the air, sharp and strong and livid in its joy.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way my sister stands over the grass, juice-sticky down to her elbows, and reaches her hand out to me anyways; I take it, and her skin sticks to mine.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way my mother passes up her slice, then another, then another, building pyramids of orange triangles built to last for her children.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way the knife pushes tension against the peel like a needle on my skin, slips past and cuts and spills juice like blood over my fingertips; if they are stained then I will walk the rest of my days with hands dyed.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way seeds settle between the thin flesh of each wedge, tough and safe and full of life, a victory as it grows into what it has always been destined for, reaching for the skies even as it collapses a universe of life into a single tiny stone.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way they litter the earth under my feet, rotted from the wind and the rain but so full of kindness it spills out over the edges, ready to give every drop of their soul to the earth if it means another flower will bloom in the spring.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way my best friend split an orange in her hands and held it out to me across land we cannot cross, the way each bite settles heavy in my stomach but light in my heart.
sometimes I think about oranges, the way sweetness coats my lips and tongue and teeth for hours, clingy; the way acid drips gentle into the cuts in my skin and stings, as if to tell me, "I'm here, I'm here, I'm still alive."
sometimes I think about you.
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
"There are grifters in the Free Palestine movement who are not actually interested in the liberation of Palestine and are only taking this as a chance to be antisemitic" is true.
"Therefore you should admit the Free Palestine movement has an 'antisemitism problem'" is not and fundamentally rooted in anti-Palestinian narratives lol. You cannot say this and neglect to mention that the major leaders of the Free Palestine movement are Palestinian themselves. Unless you are calling the Palestinians antisemitic for fighting for their freedoms, in which case I think you should say that.
I refuse to add caveats to statements like "Free Palestine but I'm not antisemitic!!!!!" like why is it automatically assumed that I, a Palestinian, am uniquely antisemitic and must condemn it or else I, *a Palestinian*, am directly contributing/endorsing antisemitism.
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
just saw a post where someone put “detrans dni” and like… hey we should be supporting detransitioned people bc if we don’t terfs will
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
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The hypocrisy of purplewashers and JeSuisCharliers has never been more apparent. Fucking imperialists and their pet brown clowns.
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
Why do ofmd fans act like there have never been gays on tv before
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
From Palestine Thank you South Africa
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
Note: If aren't going to participate in Pro-Palestine action, do not mention it!
For accountability: This is how Magz plans support Palestine during Global Strike January 21 to 28.
Am going to put more Palestine posts in queue, with more focus.
Am going to not spend on anything during week, nor go out (rare anyway).
Am going to not publicly post our arts and promos (of art freelance work).
Am going to read and learn more on Palestine - as there still more can learn.
Am going to be even more visibly pro-Palestinian.
Am going to continue keeping up with what's happening in Gaza.
Am going to continue boycotting products and services on BDS' Boycott List, including not giving free social media promo and good impressions.
Am going to try learn Palestinian Arabic.
Am going to describe, transcribe, and alt text posts on Palestine when possible - to make it more accessible (Am Multiply Disabled).
Am going to share ways to help.
One of shorter checklist options:
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Longer checklists:
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But really just do *anything* that support and raise awareness *more*, learn, or contribute. Whatever can manage do n able sustain.
If wasn't able to prepare in time, can still participate for rest of week. Is not "all or nothing", don't have to give up. Keep Palestine in your thoughts and actions !
Some links:
Popular Palestine Accounts: https://www.instagram.com/motaz_azaiza/ https://www.instagram.com/wizard_bisan1/ https://www.instagram.com/everydaypalestine/ https://www.instagram.com/letstalkpalestine/ (Has graphic footage) https://www.instagram.com/eye.on.palestine/
Some Useful Posts:
Hussyknee's Palestine Masterpost
PaliPunk's Palestine MasterList
SulfurCosmos' "Palestinian Owned Companies" List (for later)
Paradox_Punch's "Pro-Palestine Brands" Twitter Thread (for later)
SulfurCosmos' "Preserving Gaza's Universities"
LoveLetter2You's Learn Palestinian Arabic Masterpost
How To Archive For Palestine
(rest of Magz's #palestine tag)
(#AltTextPalestine on Twitter)
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
"Zionism is the belief that Israel has the right to exist"
Listen, Israel exists today as a settler colonial state built on ethnic cleansing and terrorism. If that's what you're defending, then congrats ur a cunt :)
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saintofcorpses · 8 months
I think bringing up "it/its" pronouns is a good test for people who claim to be "trans allies" because it so easily weeds out the people who are only doing it superficially. I've seen so many people who will post "Punch your local TERF #transrightsarehumanrights" and then turn around and be like "If someone says they go by 'it/its' pronouns it's actually good to misgender them because they're just teenager trenders"
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