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lust :3
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Would you ever adopt the Elric brothers?
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“They are old enough to take care of themselves, don’t you think?”
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Dear anon, you know who you are. c’: 
I don’t want to be that asshole, but like..would you mind calming down a bit? The first one was funny, but four more of the same is kind of crossing into a weird category c’:
I mean, no harm! I don’t want to sound like I’m annoyed or anything like that, because I’m not! I just don’t know how to answer them in character, and it’s not exactly my kind of crack. 
Sorry c’:
PS: to those with the drabbles in my inbox, I swear I’ll get to them! Sorry I’m taking so long, but my Bakura muse is super strong rn, and I’ve been giving him more attention than anyone else. Forgive!
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9K notes · View notes
sorry for the inactivity! i keep forgetting to check on roy forgive
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i heard a rumor the real reason you dontw ant a wife is cus you want a husband but i mean. ive heard you want both hughes, bradley and armstrong as your husband on different occasions so who really knows anyway
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“You strangers really should know better than to believe every damn rumor you hear.”
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PSA: I don't care if we start a millon threads with eacthother and not one of them gets done
Its about having fun and growing into your muse and expanding your character. 
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“I heard you needed some romantic advice~”
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“Okay, scratch that. Anyone else but Mustang help me with romance please?”
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Can someone teach me and Seto how to romance? That’d be great. What do we do second?
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“I heard you needed some romantic advice~”
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I’d love to relax but it’s just not realistic
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He slows his breathing, trying to count the seconds between each inhale as a resort to try and slow his rapid heartbeat.  He might be at his breaking point; one on the verge of tears - but he’s still just as pissed as ever.               ❝  That MONSTER. ❞  he hisses out sharply between clenched teeth.               ❝ He transmuted his wife, his own DAUGHTER.  ❞  
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     He settles into his troubling thoughts, trying to reclaim what he could out of the scenario. - It all happened so fast. He could hardly remember the touch of Riza as she pulled him away - forcing him from that wretched room. 
❝  I– I wasn’t around when he accomplished the mutation. I only saw the aftermath of it when he invited al and me into the room.   From the beginning, it felt OFF. but I was too excited over its ability to talk, I couldn’t see beyond that.. not until it–   ❞
His voice suddenly breaks, golden eyes now widening as his metal fingers dig onto the fabric of his coat.
 ❝ –It – it said my N A M E.  It… called out to me. the voice was much deeper and unrecognizable, but –  It referred to me as “Older brother” – something Nina often did.  ❞
     He’d do anything, give A N Y T H I NG for the chance to go back and save her.    How could a father be so cruel?   How could a husband be so devoted one minute, then completely betray his family the next ?  Using them for his own personal gain – ( he turns his head, shutting out the thoughts before he can even continue them. // clearly , this isn’t just about Shou at this point. )
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❝  He made a JOKE out of using his wife the first time - he even tried to turn it around on me and mentioned that how my brother and I ended up in these forms to begin with - wasn’t that different than what he had accomplished.  ❞     he was NOTHING like Shou was. // he committed the taboo with his brother; and nobody else had to pay a price for it other than them.  This freak went and forced others to be a part of his own selfish experiments. People he claimed to LOVE.
                ❝ Shou told me that he and I were the SAME. ❞
The anguish in Edward’s voice, his eyes, his trembling voice as he went back and forth between so many emotions was as difficult as ever, but Roy maintained a straight, albeit sympathetic, face. He listened as he hissed and seethed in anger, cried out in dismay, and even turned on himself in a strange, but understandable twist of ironic fate. There were cruel similarities between the two grave situations, but there was no doubt that what Shou had done, and what Edward had all but experienced him do was far worse.
It got to a point that Roy could no longer handle seeing his recruit wallowing the way he was. It was necessary for Edward, he was sure, but he couldn’t just let him sit there on the ground and bake. He extended a gloved hand of his own, an invitation to accept and stand. “Come on, Edward,” he said, addressing him familiarly in a way to ease the tension of the situation. “You can explain yourself more later. Right now, you should relax.”
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As Edward stood, Roy tossed a glance over at Riza as he continued to instruct, “Lieutenant Hawkeye will see you to the car, and I will meet you back at headquarters later.” The Colonel paused and looked back down at the Fullmetal Alchemist. “Drink some water, have a meal, maybe even sleep it off if you need it. We’ll talk later.” And, with that, Roy turned away. There may have been a flicker of outright anger on his face as he rotated his body and headed inside to witness the mess for himself and see what he could do about Shou. Suddenly, he felt like things got very personal.
chimera case
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▤ = falling asleep on them {[ fluff is good for the soul ]}
ask meme | accepting!
It had been an incredibly long day. No, really. The work day ran over by six hours already, and there was still so much to be done. Roy was both lucky and immensely thankful that his ever loyal lieutenant had elected to stay and help when most everyone else tapped out after the second hour. When it came to reorganizing the investigative reports, no one wanted to stick around, and hardly anyone blamed them for harboring such feelings. Hell, if Roy had been of a lower status and a much less ambitious man, he would have ran home a long time ago as well.
Now, someone might think that this kind of “busy work” was best left to secretaries, but some of the information within these documents was best left classified, therefore those higher up in the chain of command were stuck with the work. Luckily it only happened once every year or two. That didn’t make it any more enjoyable, however.
It was the early hours of the morning. Outside the moon was high and the stars were twinkling, but their collective light was dimmed by the low hanging clouds. It was a chilly autumn and a low-hanging fog seemed to condemn the whole area. It made driving difficult, not that anyone would be driving anywhere anytime soon. Roy looked up from his stack of volumes and uttered a weak groan. “Perhaps we should take a break, Riza.” he continued with a sigh, leaning back in his chair and cracking his knuckles as he stretched his arms out far from his body. At this point, professional formality was thrown out the window. He addressed her by her name, and he didn’t really care. “Would you like some coffee?”
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He stood and left without awaiting her answer, only gone a few minutes before returning with two steaming mugs. He handed one to her, “it’s how you like it,” while he brought his to his lips, taking a seat on a nearby sofa to attempt relaxing if even just for a minute. He had closed his eyes and reclined his head when Riza stood to join him, feeling the cushion dip slightly next to him. Her arm grazed his and they sat in silence for a long time. Well, it wasn’t true silence as there was a slight buzzing to the lamps, the crackling of the fire down the hall, the shuffling of papers in the next room over, and wind beginning to howl outside the window, but it was enough of a silence to enjoy it.
The weight of the figure next to him shifted, and he could feel the lieutenant pressed closer to him. There was something weary about the position, he recognized. “If you’d like, Riza,” he said finally, breaking the silence after taking his mug from his mouth. “you can leave. I can handle the last of this.” There was no response from his female companion, and when he looked down he realized that she had fallen asleep, her own mug loose in her hands and supported by her thighs, her head supported by both the back of the sofa and his shoulder.
Watching her for a short moment, he cracked a small, warm smile. She deserved the break, so he fell silent again, moving only enough to take her mug and set it on the nearby end table so that it wouldn’t spill. With her hands empty and her body at rest, Roy merely sat there for a while longer, the additional sound of Riza’s steady breath even more relaxing than the organic silence that had earlier encased the area. He could have nodded off right there, too, but, alas, there was work to be done. Gently he stood, carefully readjusted his friend so that she would not fall, and returned to his desk with her paperwork in hand. There was much to do, and he was glad at least one of them was able to find rest.
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▄ = telling them a joke .
ask meme | accepting!
Roy was headed down a corridor away from his office in search of nothing in particular except for a few minutes away from work. He got just that when his dear friend and companion saw him in passing, turning around to accompany the Colonel. Without even so much as a hello, Maes Hughes smiled that big, mischievous smile and delved right into a joke, “A man walks into a bar and orders three beers…”
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“Hughes, if it’s the twelve inch pianist joke again, I’m going to punch the wall.” he sighed, but his friend just laughed and continued.
“The bartender brings him three beers, and the man proceeds to alternately sip each one separately until they were all gone, right?” he paused and looked at Roy as if waiting for confirmation that he had his attention.
“Right. Three beers.” Roy sighed, giving in and listening. At least, as far as he could tell, this wasn’t the same joke as before. With a widening grin, Hughes continued.
“He then orders three more and the bartender says, ‘Sir, I know you like them cold, so you can start with one, and I’ll bring you a fresh one as soon as you’re low.’
“The man says, ‘You don’t understand. I have two brothers, you see. One in Australia and one in Ireland. We made a vow to each other that every Saturday night, we’d still drink together. So, right now, my brothers have three beers, too, and we’re drinking together.”
“Haha, that’s nice, Hughes. Thank you.” Roy said prematurely, and Hughes just shook his head.
“Be patient, will you, Roy? You know it’s not through yet.” he did laugh, though, always in good spirits before he continued. “So, the bartended thinks it’s a wonderful tradition, and every week he sets up the guy’s beers—It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Roy? If we ever are separated, we should have the same tradition, what do you say?—Anyway, one week came where the man only ordered two beers, and the bartender responded a little sadly. He was familiar with this man’s tradition and said, ‘I’d just like to apologize for your loss, sir.’
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“The man looked a little surprised by the bartender’s sudden apology when it clicked, and he laughed. ‘Oh, no, my brothers are fine, sir! I’ve just quit drinking!’” By the end of the joke, Hughes was already laughing himself. He wiped jovially at his eyes beneath his thin frames and sighed, looking to Roy. The Colonel looked concerned, but there was a spark in his eye. He couldn’t keep a serious face and he began to laugh as well. It was a damn stupid joke, but between the joke and Hughes’ delivery, he couldn’t help but laugh. He had wanted a break from his job, and he was well rewarded.
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send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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ooc.  ‘ello!!  i’m actually right in the middle of midterms   lol,  but i really wanted to start off this blog so here i am!! if you’re interested in rp’ing with  riza hawkeye  from FMA  then please like or reblog  (  which is preferred  ).                          blog under major construction.
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chimera case
@metalsomee continued [x]
Sometimes the Colonel found it difficult to be patient with Edward Elric, especially given how young and reckless he usually was, but this instance there was nothing else he could do. The kid never looked so boyish before this moment as he let his emotions rule his disposition. He had every reason to react this way. Trauma did that to a person, and while this kid had experienced his fair share of trauma, he was in no way as seasoned as some of the adults on this case. And that was to say he had not yet learned to set aside those emotions. He would, Roy was confident of that.
Instead, the Colonel just stood there with him, watching the way he slid down the stony wall and fought the urge to weep into his gloved hands. He listened to him babble in an attempt to recall what had happened, what he had witnessed. When he turned those horrified eyes up at him, he felt his heartbeat waver. He couldn’t tell if it was pity or sympathy, or even just some freak hybrid of the aforementioned. Either way, he hated seeing those under his command in such distress.
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“Take your time, Fullmetal.” he began, but could say nothing else. Business was important, but he also understood how fragile this young man was in the immediate moment.
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“We’ve come a long way from where we began Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again”
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