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Pho Aroma in Seattle linked to 10 Norovirus cases in January of 2018. The January 13th illness included six people in three parties. Two employees were identified as victims in the follow up investigation by the Environmental Health. The restaurant was closed until January 19th, when it was permitted to commence serving the public. For more information about this outbreak or any other norovirus food poisoning outbreak, or to talk to a norovirus lawyer, call 218-581-9343.
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Las Papayas de Grande Produce - Hay un retiro del mercado de una cantidad limitada de Papaya "Caribeña" por un potencial de riesgo contra la salud con Salmonella.  Si quiere hablear con Salmonella Abogado a hablear con las papayas, hablame a 713-306-3880 o hagame un texto.  
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Chipotle Class Action Lawsuit
What is the difference between a Chipotle Class Action Lawsuit and a Traditional Chipotle Lawsuit for Persona Injuries following a food borne illness outbreak?  The answer goes to the nature of the lawsuit and who is involved.  A Chipotle Class Action Lawsuit is brought on behalf of a large number of people who were all injured by actions of Chipotle, and the injuries and defenses are deemed to be highly related. An example of a food borne illness outbreak that led to a class action lawsuit is the recent hepatitis A outbreak where many thousands had to get immunized for exposure to the hepatitis A virus.  Each person had to get two immunizations at a generally equivalent price (similar damages) and the causes against the company (in that  case, Costco et. al.) were the same.  At present there are those seeking a Chipotle class action lawsuit, but the ones I am aware of are not related to injuries due to food poisoning.  Those who get food poisoning are injured in many ways, and there is often little similarity to their damages - one may require hospitalization while another went to an urgent care facility to get a stool culture.  Damages linked to lost wages are always different, and one person may suffer post-infectious arthritis or IBS.  Because the injuries are so different between victims in a food poisoning outbreak, a personal injury Chipotle lawsuit is more fitting for those who get food poisoning from Chipotle, whether it be the Sterling, VA Chipotle norovirus Outbreak, a Chipotle E. coli outbreak, or a Chipotle Salmonella Outbreak.  For more information about Chipotle Class Action Lawsuits, Chipotle lawsuits, of a Chipotle food poisoning outbreak, call 713-306-3880 or click here.
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Salmonella Lawyer Investigates Papaya Outbreak; Prepares Papaya Salmonella Lawsuit
One dead, 12 hospitalized, 47 victims identified in deadly Salmonella outbreak.  Two strains of salmonella have been identified in the outbreak, though only one is confirmed to be part of the multi-state salmonella outbreak at present.  The papaya salmonella outbreak is reminiscent of the listeria outbreak linked to cantaloupe a few years ago, this according to a salmonella lawyer who worked on the listeria cantaloupe cases, because the salmonella is on the husk, or peel, that is not eaten.  The cutting process, however, infects the internal fruit and the salmonella is then ingested.  After 12 to 72 hours (usually) the person becomes symptomatic with the signs of food poisoning, including vomiting (at times), diarrhea (always), nausea, head and body aches, an at times long-term illnesses such as IBS or reactive arthritis.  Click here for more information about a salmonella lawyer or to file a salmonella lawsuit.
A papaya salmonella lawsuit is appropriate if you or a loved one was sickened after eating a papaya contaminated with salmonella.  You can talk to a papaya salmonella lawyer at 713-306-3880.
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Researchers from the University of Barcelona Enteric Viruses Group, led by scientists Rosa M. Pintó and Albert Bosch, have published findings in the Journal PloS Pathogens meant to understand and facilitate production of the Hepatitis A vaccination. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established that the Hepatitis A virus, or HAV, is the most prolific viral illness in the world, with about 1.4 million new cases annually.
This is amazing since HAV spreads through the traditional fecal-oral route and does not grow outside of the human body. Nonetheless, it is both difficult to detect and only a microscopic amount can begin the incubation process that will lead to illness onset 15 to 50 days post consumption.
According to Dr. Albert Bosch, because HAV does not grow easily outside the human body, and has a very low replication rate, vaccines are slow and expensive.  But, explains Bosch, understanding the unique codon usage in HAV is key because HAV has a very unique pattern of behavior bonding only with tRNA, which occurs only rarely.
To challenge this behavior, researchers used actinomycin D to increase the available tRNA – a way of increasing HAV’s potential mating partners in the population.
With increased tRNA, however, the researchers saw a “Red Queen Effect” – the HAV simply re-adjusted to keep the low replication process.  Some species/life forms have a built in mechanism of preventing their presence in a host to increase significantly.  The mechanism for this is often a mystery.  This “reaction” to actinomycin D seemed to defeat the process.
While the research of Drs. Pintó and Bosch to enhance HAV replication was unique and imaginative, HAV remains difficult to replicate.  
For more information about HAV, click here.
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King County is experiencing an outbreak of Vibrio only two years after Washington State passed a new set of regulation to curtail the spread and occurrence of Vibrio, a dangerous bacteria that infects shellfish.  The Seattle Vibrio outbreak sickened at last 25 people, including five patrons of the Salted Sea and two patrons of the White Swan Public House.  Other victims of the Seattle vibrio outbreak include patrons of the  Wild Salmon Seafood Market, Chinooks,Costco Wholesale #1225, Matt’s Rotisserie & Oyster Lounge, and Elliott’s Oyster House.  To speak to a Vibrio lawyer or to file a Vibrio lawsuit, click here.
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Food Poisoning Outbreaks Across America: 2017 has seen the closure of  a number of smaller restaurant establishments and a large number of recalls for listeria, but the big salmonella outbreak of the year belongs to poultry - not food, but livestock.  There have been hundreds of cases of salmonella linked to “back yard chickens” this year, which is a norm in any given year, but not to this extent.  The season of poultry salmonella cases usually begins about Easter and runs for a month or two.  This year was no different, except that the number of illnesses is far higher than experts predicted.  The illnesses come from handling the chicks and then touching food, surfaces where food will be served, or touching the mouth and nose.  This is all too common for small children.  Parents need to teach, monitor, and practice good personal hygiene. For more information about Salmonella outbreaks or to speak to a salmonella lawyer, click here.
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So far in 2017 there have been 372 confirmed cases of salmonella linked to live poultry.  There are 8 separate outbreaks at the heart of illnesses in 47 states.  At least 71 people have been hospitalized.  The salmonella strains (of which there are more than 2500), include:
 Salmonella Braenderup, Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Hadar, Salmonella I 4,[5],12:i-, Salmonella Indiana, Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Mbandaka, and Salmonella Typhimurium. 
For more information, you may wand to visit “foodpoisoningdailynews.com” or to speak to a food poisoning lawyer, call or text 713-306-3880.  Dr. Tony Coveny, a salmonella outbreak lawyer, can try and answer your questions.
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The outbreak took place nearly two years ago, but there are still new victims coming forward.  The outbreak was one of the most wide-spread salmonella outbreaks in 2015. 
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Hepatitis A is a serious illness, and again it is striking victims in the U.S. through imported berries.  The last outbreak, linked to imported pomegranate berries from Turkey, is still pending in the courts in California, and now the East coast is the area of concern. This time it is not retail berries, but rather smoothies  - this according to the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) who identified the source as strawberry smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe - a smoothie chain located on the  eastern seaboard.  For more information, and to speak to a Hepatitis Lawyer about a Hepatitis Lawsuit, see my web page.
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2016: Salmonella outbreaks have been all too common this year, with a number of outbreaks hitting the national radar, including Ajuua’s, Kapawsin meats pork (whole hogs again??), and pistachios.  There is even a “new strain” of Salmonella (there are thousands of strains of Salmonella), or at least “new” to the U.S., in the Salmonella Isangi outbreak linked to one of the Ford Hospitals in Michigan.  The acquisition of Salmonella INA HOSPITAL is termed a nosocomial infection.   That limited outbreak was handles quickly and NOT due to food poisoning.  The food borne illnesses, however, are again linked to sick employees (Ajuua’s), poor food handling, processing and storage.  To speak to a Salmonella Lawyer, go to Tony Coveny’s website or call him at 713-306-3880.
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On May 10, 2016, an Iowa company, Frontier Co-op, issued a recall of its Organic Hojicha Tea over fears it might contain Salmonella, a very harmful bacteria that causes salmonellosis, which can be both painful and last for one to two weeks - it can also be deadly in small children, the elderly, and to those with compromised immune systems.  Salmonellosis often causes fever (which some other bacteria do not), diarrhea (which may contain blood, though not to the extent of E. coli infections, normally), nausea, vomiting and severe cramping or abdominal pain. It can also lead to arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms, sepsis), endocarditis, severe reactive arthritis, and to long-term post-infectious IBS or IBD.  In short, whole most people will recover in a matter of a week or two, some will suffer side effects for months or even years. Close monitoring is required.  See you medical professional and then, if you are considering a salmonella lawsuit, you may want to contact a salmonella lawyer.
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Call 713-306-3880 to speak to Dr. Tony Coveny, a food poisoning lawyer, about the many Chipotle outbreaks in the U.S. in 2015.  To see how long you have to bring a food poisoning lawsuit, see  FOOD POISONING STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS IN ALL FIFTY STATES or call 713-306-3880.  The limit in most states is two years, but there are statute of limitations as long as 6 years, and as short ass 1 year.  Special exemptions do exist for minors in many states.  
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Shigella Lawsuits: Patrons become ill after ingestion of Shigella at Mariscos San Juan, in Santa Clara County, California.  The nearly 40 victims identified became very ill, with most seeking treatment at local hospital were about a dozen remain in ICU.  For more information about food poisoning, go to www. foodrecallsinamerica.com.
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The E. coli outbreak in Vermont is likely the result of the presence of Shiga toxin producing E. coli.  Samples of ground beef from Worthy Burger in Vermont tested positive for the pathogen - the tests revealed a similar strain (though not identical) to the E. coli in at least 8 individuals.  As an E. coli lawyer these facts are compelling.  Genetically similar, but not identical strains are common in outbreaks. As such, the Vermont Health Department has come out and stated that ground beef is the likely source of the outbreak, bringing in the USDA to investigate the beef supplier.  The USDA has not yet named the meat supplier,though we know it was a local producer in Vermont, as the Worthy Burger prides itself on locally sourced foods. And the restaurant has now switched all vendors.  For more information about this or any other E. coli outbreak, lawsuit, or claim, go to http://www.foodrecallsinamerica.com/ecoli-lawyer.html or http://www.foodrecallsinamerica.com/contact-food-poisoning-lawyer.html.
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Two major outbreaks at Chipotle restaurants:  Norovirus at Simi Valley and Salmonella in Minnesota (at least 17 restaurants involved).  Two outbreaks back-to-back are worrisome!  Its usually years between outbreaks at a given restaurant establishment, and it concerns food safety proponents when a restaurant is involved in more then one outbreak - here, two unrelated pathogens in two separate regions indicate that Chipotle better get back to basics…good food handling and preparation standards.For more info on either Chipotle outbreak or to talk to a lawyer about a Chipotle lawsuit, call 713-306-3880 or visit www.foodrecallsinamerica.com 
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Salmonella Poona Cucumber Lawyer 713-306-3880.  The newest reports of Salmonella Poona are still trickling in as the public becomes aware of the outbreak linked to Baja California, Mexico, imported cucumbers.  Cucumber lawsuits are now on file in two states, naming Red Lobster and Andrew & Williamson Fresh Foods, the importer.  The cucumber lawsuits identify the cucumbers as the carrier of a dangerous pathogen, Salmonella Poona, that has reportedly taken one life and hospitalized another 53 so far - over 300 cases are suspected.  For more information or to speak to a Salmonella lawyer, call Tony Coveny or visit www.foodrecallsinamerica.com.
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