peterwithb · 3 years
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I’ve got a few guesses as to what Steve and Tony are doing…🔥👌🔥
Avengers (2018) issue #11
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peterwithb · 3 years
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Steve Rogers vs Chris Evans - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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peterwithb · 3 years
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peterwithb · 3 years
will you still want me (when i'm nothing new)
stevetony | tony doesn't love his aging. steve does.
Tony slips away from their wedding rehearsal dinner and Steve follows closely behind, worried. Tony hides behind a heavy velvet curtain, tugging his tie loose before pulling it off altogether.
"Tony?" Steve pats him down. "Can you breathe? Is it your heart?"
"I'm fifty-five and getting married for the first time," Tony says in that fretful way of his, poorly disguised by sarcasm and nonchalance. He waves his tie at Steve. "You're a pretty, young thing. No one ever thinks you're having heart problems."
Steve relaxes some, but his brows are still furrowed slightly when he catches the end of Tony's tie and uses it to pull him closer. "Are you worried about marrying me, Tony?"
"I'm worried about you marrying an old man."
Steve laughs. He holds Tony's hand to his chest and fixes bottomless blue eyes on him, and Tony groans, "Still making me feel thirty and giddy. That stopped being cute before I even met you."
"You're always cute," Steve says, and Tony can tell from the look on his face that he means it, which somehow makes things worse. Steve's voice drops an octave then, low and disarming, and it makes Tony want to drop his defenses and confess. "Can you tell me what's going on?"
Tony searches Steve's face for a moment and finds only sincerity, and he sighs, eyes sad and trusting. "I don't look the way I thought I would."
It's embarrassing and pathetic, he thinks. For all that he's been through, for all that he and Steve have both been through, Tony should be better than this. He isn't a fifteen-year-old kid at homecoming, throwing a fit because he doesn't look the way he hoped he would in his suit. Fifty-five is years more than he thought he'd live to see and he knows it's a privilege to age the way he has, so why is he standing here feeling like—
"But you look exactly like I thought you would," Steve says, heartbreakingly earnest, still holding Tony's hand, and everything raging on in Tony's head suddenly goes quiet. "When I thought about us getting married, you looked just like this."
Slow dance music starts to play a few beautiful rooms away, and Tony leans his forehead on Steve's shoulder.
"What do we do when I can't keep up with you?" Tony asks, as faint as the music. "You're gonna get bored when I can't do the things you can anymore."
"We're not on borrowed time anymore, Tony," Steve reminds him, turning his head to kiss the salt-and-pepper hair around Tony's temple and holding him so close, and Tony feels rare and precious because of it. "We have so much time. And I'm the one who has to keep up with you, your pretty laugh lines and smile lines."
Tony scoffs, but with no bite. "You can't call me pretty."
"I can," Steve says, smiling at him. "You're so pretty, Tony."
They're quiet for a moment before Steve turns serious, lips against Tony's ear. Tony closes his eyes and drinks it all in, the way Steve's words seem to ebb and flow with the music, almost like he's singing to him.
"I'll take care of you," Steve says, "and I'll always love you the same. We'll go on walks until you can't walk anymore, and then I'll push you around in a wheelchair. We'll go somewhere warm and lie down on the beach and I'll watch my beautiful husband because he looks so good in the sun."
Tony keeps his eyes closed, but a tear sneaks away and falls onto Steve's shoulder.
"Tony Stark has never been and will never be boring," Steve says, even softer now. "I've loved you since the day I met you, when you landed next to me like the hero you are, and I'll love you after I die. You know me, Tony, I make good on my promises. If you don't believe me, marry me and I'll prove it to you."
"And this counts even when I'm old and rusty?" Tony asks, eyes crinkling when he gazes up at Steve.
"You'll always be beautiful," Steve says, and dips his head down to kiss him.
That's how Tony feels when they get home that night and Steve mouths at every inch of his body until Tony is trembling, barely able to watch. His arms where there used to be more muscle, his soft stomach, the lines around his eyes and his mouth, his hips and wrists that ache sometimes. Everything Tony doesn't like, Steve shows him he loves.
It isn't until after, when they're nodding off in each other's arms, that Tony understands.
You'll always be beautiful, because I love you.
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peterwithb · 3 years
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“It’s you. It’s always been you” - (2022)
A Steve/Bucky Valentine’s Day artwork for you. 💖 (I used the PrequelApp for the ridiculous “Starkbucks” poster at the back. It’s so kitsch and absurd, I love it 😂)
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peterwithb · 3 years
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peterwithb · 3 years
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@stonytropewatch January - Hurt/Comfort
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peterwithb · 3 years
Peter: Can I run inside the gas station and get some gummy worms?
Tony: Sure, kid. Take my card. The PIN's 0810.
Peter: Hey, neat! That's my birthday! What a weird coincidence.
Tony: Right. Of course- Very weird coincidence. Definitely.
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peterwithb · 3 years
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peterwithb · 3 years
Tony assuming Steve is after the full Tony Stark™️ experience in bed and by god he’s going to DELIVER every time VS Steve trying to get Tony to relax and have fun because even tho it’s been great the first few times Tony seemed stressed? before during and a bit after and Steve is like, babe you’re so tense u ok 🥺?
poor tony’s out here treating every time they get intimate like he’s training for the olympics. i can totally see steve taking it show with tony after he realizes what’s wrong. like steve’s like “it’s my turn to woo you”
just steve painstakingly picking red-gold tulips for tony bc they reminded steve of tony’s suit
they order from tony’s favorite pizza place and spend the night laughing at each others’ stupid jokes.
it’s different from tony’s usual—no three star michelin restaurants, no thousand dollar gifts, just steve and his kind heart set on tony’s pleasure.
later on steve carries tony to his bedroom, and strips him of his clothes—grease-stained jeans and a ratty ac/dc t-shirt instead of a three piece armani suit.
steve lays tony down and kisses the bags under his eyes and the grey at his temple and tony—
tony has never felt more loved.
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peterwithb · 3 years
Superdads AU’s with superpowers being used for domestic stuff
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Maybe one day I'll do a proper one where they'll show BOTH their powers but for now, have a little treat UwU
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peterwithb · 3 years
2008 tony stark: sitting alone in his car shit drunk at 2pm while acdc plays at max volume
2018 tony stark: drinking mango juice at the pool while watching peter and rhodey splash each other like idiots
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peterwithb · 3 years
Steve: I left instructions for everyone while I’m gone.
Tony: Mine just says ‘Tony, no’.
Steve: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
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peterwithb · 3 years
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peterwithb · 3 years
everyone always focuses on Sokovia and Ultron and Tony's involvement but no one ever thinks about how Bruce was also involved completely because they're both scientists. no one thinks about Wanda purposefully going in and digging in Tony's head, amplifying his PTSD and putting visions of all his friends dead in his head with the intent of making Tony create Ultron
Everyone always focuses on blaming Tony for the bomb that killed Wanda's parents but no one thinks about Tony being so shit faced he couldn't see straight at that time bec he was so deep in self-medicating his trauma that he could not even run his company and that it was Obidiah Stane that was the one in charge of the company and illegally selling the weapons that killed her parents
Everyone focuses on Tony selling weapons in the first movie but no one thinks about how it was Howard Starks company and that Tony was groomed from birth to run it and that he had tried multiple times to make something else of the company but was constantly shut down with guilt tripping until he was kidnapped and he forced the manufacturing to end
Everyone focuses on Tony being "conceited" and "arrogant" and not "caring about anyone but himself" but no one thinks about how every single action he makes in his movies are about protecting the people he loves and cares for. His biggest fear is his friends- not himself- dying. he goes into every battle he's in fully prepared to die and does make the sacrifice play many many times
everyone always focuses on what Tony did wrong, but no one thinks about how much he has grown and how he spends every single waking moment trying to be a better and better man who cares so deeply about everyone and is trying to protect everyone the only way he knows how- and that is with the brain and intellect that had been the only thing about Tony that was ever praised about
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peterwithb · 3 years
I understand the appeal of wanting every adult hero to instinctively adopt teenage Peter Parker, but can it really beat the hilarity of acknowledging that at 15 Peter was 5'10", unusually buff, went by a moniker with Man in it, wore a creepy full face mask, and had a tightly guarded secret identity and probably a Queens accent thick enough to have come out of a jello mold, and adult heroes reasonably responded to him by going, “Wow, this grown man is an immature asshole for no reason.”
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peterwithb · 3 years
Tearful kiss please 💜💜
The sun was starting to set when Bucky came through the door, having opted to walk home instead of taking the subway—group therapy had been especially hard. (Even if he never got into the specifics. It was a lot. It left him feeling raw.)
He didn’t call a greeting to Steve. He didn’t stop to pat Alpine’s head. He didn't bother hanging up his jacket.
Steve had come through to the entryway when he'd heard the door. (He must have known things were bad if Bucky hadn't wanted to take the train.) “How was it?” There was no question mark in it.
Bucky shook his head.
A cautious hand on his tense shoulder. "Buck?"
Deflating, Bucky blinked his misty eyes. He couldn’t look at the concern on Steve’s face, looked over his shoulder instead. Steve touched his chin with his thumb, coaxed his eyes back up.
Bucky didn’t say he missed the pain, didn’t say he thought he deserved it. Didn’t say his body didn’t feel like his. He didn’t say how dirty he felt. (Could never get clean.) He pinched the bridge of his nose; didn’t let the tears tip over.
No words would make it any better. The only thing Steve could do was hold him. “C’mere, baby.” Looping arms around his waist, Steve drew him into his chest, tucked him close.
The touch, at least, was grounding. Lips on his temple canceled out the phantom sting of electricity. Lips on his forehead put a damper on spiraling thoughts. Lips on his cheek whisked away an errant tear. When Bucky turned his head to capture Steve’s mouth, he tasted like salt. It wasn’t a cure, but it was something.
A hand on either side of his face, Steve kissed him again. And again. Soft and closed-mouthed. The gentleness struck Bucky, twisted the knife, provoked the silent tears he'd been fighting. Steve brushed them away with his thumbs, asking him what he needed. "Do you wanna hit something, or do you want hot chocolate?"
(On bad days, they'd taken to asking each other that; to gauge how gentle to be. Sometimes the answer was both. Today it was hot chocolate.)
"Your blanket's already on the couch. Do you want marshmallows?"
Nodding, he kissed Steve's lips again. 'Thank you,' wasn't quite enough.
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