saltynerdenemy · 7 months
Do people have tips on..like doing your day job and your side hustle (I.e. super-duper tough exam in the entire country?? That too while being ADHD (yet undiagnosed)??
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saltynerdenemy · 1 year
Do adults with adhd feel like they're in a constant opportunity cost paradox everytime the day is about to end?
This, after spending half the day watching a fast-paced, stimulating show and getting done with bare minimum work.
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saltynerdenemy · 3 years
I'm so new hereeee. But imma scrunch up the courage to be bravely anonymous and shitpost.
Would be a nice outlet. Even if no one sees it.
(It's probably going to be shitposts about productivity when our brains go completely whackadoodle...which is a sign I was actually getting shit done)
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
The tags on this did it fer me xD
Girls just wanna go for night walks on peaceful evenings through pretty forests without having to worry about being murdered the entire time.
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
Somewhere between a friend and a significant other.
That’s what I want to be with you. 
It’s something I can’t define. I mean, what would you call someone you want to be more than just a friend, but not be in a relationship with? It’s probably an unhealthy thing to want of someone. Maybe because it screams temporary.
There are many parts of you I find endearing and attractive. You’re a joy to be around and your humor can be so fun and refreshing. You have a rough boyish side to you, and that makes it sweet when you do and say things that don’t reflect that side of you. You are a unique concoction of traits. 
But we are, ultimately, of different worlds. I know if we were to be together, our rough edges would clash sooner or later. 
We’d probably be only good for each other on cold nights, when we just want some warmth and someone to hold. What we can share is something just a little past the surface, nothing deeper than that. 
We are not meant to be a love story. 
It would probably be for the best if things stay the same. For us to stand at the same place, looking at each other from this distance, although my heart does ache just a little for more than this. 
But I guess I’ll just let things play out and see if fate will allow us to have a little something interesting. 
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
“All of us need to stop apologizing for having been to hell and come back breathing”
— Clementine von Radics, As Often as Miracles
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
I feel like so much of trauma recovery for adults who’ve been traumatized is “you are not the only one who feels this way, this is normal.”
But for adults who were traumatized as children, there is an important experience of learning that it is in fact, not normal. It’s good to not feel alone, to find people who get it and to not feel crazy, but the process of going through who you are and picking out the things you had accepted as normal that are definitely not is so important.
I’ll never forget the moment that I realized people have happy dreams, like frequently. Or the day I realized that most people sleep through the night like almost all of the time. Those were really sad moments, but they were really important too, because they made me understand that I am not crazy. Something bad happened, and it changed me.
It’s okay to be different, it’s okay if the trauma changed you, but if you are running a race with a broken legand beating yourself up because you aren’t as fast are the other runners something needs to change. Realizing you are different is the first step to figuring out how to heal
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
“You must go on adventures to find out where you belong.”
— Sue Fitzmaurice 
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
“You are a little soul, carrying around a corpse.”
— Epictetus
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”
— Najwa Zebian
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
don’t say anything, just reblog
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
“the trauma made you kind” fuck that. no. i am kind because i cannot allow anyone to go through what i did. i am soft because i chose to be.
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saltynerdenemy · 4 years
“You remember too much,
my mother said to me recently.
Why hold onto all that? And I said,
Where can I put it down?”
- Anne Carson (Glass, Irony and God)
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saltynerdenemy · 6 years
Motivator 2.0
"Do you have to do it?"
They ask.
"Why won't you be content?
What if you fail?"
"Backup zero, never a hero".
Thank God, they still say that
Use it to increase your ammo,
Push yourself to do more.
There are reasons why you can!
Excuses why you cannot,
You won't be happy if you don't try,
Fire's blazing in your eyes,
That they just can't put out.
The journey has begun,
However it goes, wherever it ends,
All it will do
Is, show you your own core.
It'll push you to the edges
Of ability and limit,
Toss you,
Into the fires of effort,
Into the icy cold plunges of rage.
You will emerge strengthened,
By the song of ice and fire,
When the caterpillar thinks the world is ending,
That's when he becomes a butterfly.
(Thank you George R.R. Martin for the book title used in the poem).
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saltynerdenemy · 6 years
"Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere."
Martin Luther King Jr.
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