New Perspective
The first love story a person will every encounter is their parent’s. It will shape up their perspective of love, their perception.
Having divorced parents, she saw no reason to believe in love. But later on, his father found someone else. But instead of bringing him happiness and joy, it has only cause him heartbreak. She looked at her father with sympathy as he tried to pick up the broken pieces and tried to reassemble it, but it only hurt him. The cuts will inevitably heal, but a scar that will never fade away would stay and remind him of the pain that he once sustained.
“It’s not worth it,” she told her father. “You will never find peace with her, she’ll love you to ruins,” she continued. “In life, do not find peace. Find passion. Find something you want to die for more than something you want to live for. I may not find peace with her, but there will be no greater passion,” her father replied.
“Our story might be twisted and messy. Flawed and screwed up. But it’s ours, it’s us,” her father said. “You’ve drowned all of your sense with the sound of your heart’s beating,” she replied, bitterly. Her father sighed. “They say marrying at twenty is like leaving the party early, but think of it this way, at least you get to walk out of that party with your most favorite person. Relationships demand sacrifice. You might get hurt along the way, but love is about finding the person you’d be willing to go through all of that for,” he said.
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I Won’t Fall In Love With Falling (Holding Onto Silly Things) -R.R.
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Description:  “This is a love story. Twisted and messy. Flawed and screwed up. But it's ours. It's us. I don't know how our story will end. but I know it will start.”
A/N: Once again, no one really asked for this, but I really need to vent (again). But I hope you enjoy this fic anyways. The names were switched up, of course. 3,138 words, here we go!
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
How do you know when to stop hoping for something to happen between you?
Or when to stop hoping for him to make the first move?
When you feel emotionally drained?
Or when you feel like you’ve been used for entertainment?
I do admit, it has always felt like my feelings were forced. I didn’t give in to the gut feeling that my brain forced my heart to like him because, well, I craved the feeling of admiring someone.
I no longer want to feel like I lied to myself. I no longer want to feel like I forced someone in to my life.
I no longer understand, nor know, what I feel for him. What I feel whenever his name was brought up to the conversation, what I feel whenever he enters the room.
My friends tell me, “maybe it’s love”. But how do you truly know when you're in love with someone? When you let them break down your walls? Or when you're willing to sacrifice anything or even everything for them? Or do you just– know?
I feel like I was only fond with what it had been and what it could have been –the memories and the possibilities– more so than the person who was standing right in front of me.
If he ever did stand in front of me.
He never really had the courage to make a conversation with me. I sometimes catch him staring at me, but that was it. What was stopping him? Was it really that hard to talk to me?
What was weird, though, is that lately, I catch him staring at me more frequently. We would stare at each other for a few seconds, up until I break the interaction and look away.
I love everything about him. I love his hazel eyes and how it sparkles in the light. I love his cute smile. I love his little laugh. I love his deep but somehow gentle voice, almost like he feels that he could break you if he spoke too loud. I love his respect and chivalry and how he would open doors for me and refuse to talk about things that may make me feel uncomfortable.
I hate everything about him. I hate his eyes and how I would always get lost in it. I hate his cute smile that makes me fall in love with him all over again. I hate his laugh and how contagious it is. I hate his voice and how it really soothes me. I hate how he’s such a gentleman and how I love him so much for being so.
I hate how it feels like he’s avoiding me. I hate how everyone makes it seem like I’m desperate for him.
And I hate how he’s part of that “everyone”.
When you feel a “spark” upon skin to skin contact, it supposedly means that you’re destined for one another. You see, I felt a spark when I first shook hands with him. Maybe we are destined for each other. Or maybe we were destined for each other.
Maybe something happened or we did something that might’ve changed our fate. Or maybe we’re still destined for one another. This whole thing freaks me out so much. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I really don’t understand and it’s eventually going to make me insane. I hate this feeling. I want to end it.
You know, I was certain that my mind was the one who’s telling me to like him, but now, I feel like it was my heart all along, that my feelings for him were real. I hate this feeling. I want to end it.
I believe that one day, the right guy for me will come. The guy that would treat me how I deserve to be treated. Because this thing with him has, so far, only brought me pain. But I still can’t bring myself to distance me from him. I hate this feeling. I want to end it.
Ryan Ross. The man that made me feel like I was in heaven, but also the man that brought me so much pain and suffering.
It started with a game of truth or dare.
The dancers were practicing their routine for the “Acquaintance Party”, while the others were just foolin’ around, doing things that would entertain them.
I had nothing to do, so what I did was go to the front of the classroom and hangout with my friend that was already there.
Then, Ryan’s friend, Brendon, asked me if I had a crush on Ryan and I responded with “why’d you ask?”
“He likes you,” Brendon responded.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
Brendon hummed a “yes” and called Ryan to sit with us.
At first, Ryan didn’t want to and my friend called out that he was blushing or something. He later agreed on sitting with us and we all decided to play a game of truth or dare.
First, they dared us to shake hands and I swore I felt a “spark” when we did. It was weird.
Then later on, Brendon dared Ryan to ask my other friend out to go with him to the “Acquaintance Party”, but Ryan didn’t want to. He said he didn’t want to go out with anyone to the “Acquaintance Party” and wasn’t interested on my friend.
I involuntarily coughed and I started blushing really hard and started laughing at what I did. It’s like I wasn’t in control of my body anymore. My body was no longer controlled by my brain but my heart.
“Wait I have a better idea,” Brendon suddenly lit up.
And like a psychic, my friend quickly understood where Brendon was getting at and excitedly cut in.
“You should ask Y/N to go to the “Acquaintance Party” with you!” My friend said to Ryan.
And by the time that Ryan was sat in front of me, the whole class was watching. All the dancers stopped practicing their routine and everyone stopped what they were doing.
He tapped my leg, and my heart started beating so fast, it could run a mile in 10 seconds.
“Can you be my partner at the “Acquaintance Party”?” He asked.
I would be lying if I told you that I didn’t scream internally. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach and I couldn’t stop the smile that was growing on my face. It’s not like he asked me to be his girlfriend or anything, but at that moment, it felt like he just did. It was silly.
I nodded, not trusting my voice.
The whole class screamed and freaked out because of what had happened.
I felt a blush creep onto my cheek and I glanced at Ryan to see him backing away for a bit, quite awkwardly may I add. He tried to hide his smile, but even with all his efforts, I still noticed it.
We were basically the school’s star couple. Everyone shipped us. Why?
There was that one time in history class when we were passing balls and when the music stops, the one who last touched the ball must answer a question. When you answer the question wrong, you must remain standing. When you answer the question right, you get to pick a person that was standing and allow them to sit down.
We arranged our chairs into the shape of a circle and started passing the ball to one another.
The music stopped, and I was still holding the ball. 
I cursed under my breath and stood up from my seat, still holding the ball.
“What is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries?” She asked.
Fuck, I’m stupid.
Everyone was staring at me and it was so overwhelming. My mind was screaming “geography” but I didn’t want to say it in case I was wrong. I really don’t want to get laughed at.
“U-um, I don’t know the answer, ma’am,” I said, sheepishly.
“Okay, remain standing,” she said.
She started the music again and everyone was screaming “pass it to Ryan!”.
And they did.
“Those little fuckers,” I muttered under my breath.
Ryan stood up and smiled at me.
“What is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries?” She repeated the question to him.
“Geography,” he answered.
“Correct,” the teacher said.
“Who do you want to be allowed to sit down?” the teacher asked him.
There were only a few people who was standing up alongside me, all of us were from the pageant practice, so it was acceptable that we didn’t know anything about the questions that were being fired at us.
Among all of the people, Ryan pointed at me.
I blushed and I notice that Ryan’s cheeks were red, too.
Everybody started screaming and chanted our ship name.
I would be lying if I said I hated it.
Also, Brendon would always say sexual jokes to me. Ryan would always shut him up so I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable.
Brendon would also always steal my ball when I’m playing basketball. Ryan always tells him to give it back to me.
I would always blush when he does that.
And the list goes on to why they ship us. And as that list grows, the list on to why I held on to whatever we were grows alongside it.
The days went on quickly and the day of the “Acquaintance Party” was slowly creeping up on us.
It was the day before the “Acquaintance Party”. It was Friday. The contestants were just lounging around the gymnasium, waiting for the Student Council to finish decorating.
Me and my friend, who was also a contestant, were sat on the bleachers. We were soon accompanied by our other classmates who wanted to support us and watch our routine.
Ryan and his friends were there, too.
Ryan nudged Keltie, and Keltie grinned at him and they started a petty “fight”.
I felt a pang of jealousy and I actually wanted to vomit.
I told my friend about it and she told me that Ryan and Keltie are just really close friends.
“Nothing more than friends,” she said.
I still pouted at her.
“Why? Are you jealous?” she started.
“Why? Do you even have a right to be jealous? It’s not like you own him or anything...” she continued, hiding her mischievous grin.
I slapped her in the face.
A few hours later, we were still in school even though class was dismissed an hour and a half ago. The contestants who were going to be joining the pageant were asked to stay and here we are at the gymnasium’s stage, practicing our routine.
Most of the decorations were hanged up, white flowers on branches lined the gymnasium’s gate. Two white pillars were adjacent to the speaker’s lectern. The school’s initials that were on the middle of the stage was now outside the gymnasium, near the gate. Paper flowers covered the whole stage and a podium were set so the contestants can go up on it and pose, just like a real pageant.
The dancers performed their dance routine and after that, it was our turn to perform ours.
We did our routine and then went up the podium and posed there. At this point, my feet were killing me and my cheeks hurt from smiling.
We were practicing our question and answer portion when I saw two familiar boys sat down on the bleachers. 
It was Ryan and Brendon.
Moments later, it was Keltie’s turn to practice her part.
Keltie strutted her way to the front of the stage and pretended to answer a question, just like we were meant to do.
Ryan and Brendon caught my attention again. Ryan was staring at Keltie. Brendon nudged him and Ryan blushed and smiled, not taking his attention away from Keltie.
I felt a pang of jealousy and I hated it.
I remembered what my friend said: “Do you even have a right to be jealous? It’s not like you own him or anything...”
She was right. I don’t own him. There was never an “us”.
But I want there to be an “us”.
The rest of the day was a blur and before I know it, the sun has risen and it was the day of the “Acquaintance Party.”
I was doing nothing in particular when I heard my phone go off.
One message from Ryan Ross.
I felt my heart skip a beat.
I hurriedly typed in my password and opened his message.
“Are you ready for later?” -1:56 pm
I typed in a reply and hit send.
“Nope.😅” -1:56 pm
“Same.” -1:58 pm
“What time are you going to school?” -1:58 pm
“4:00 pm, we still have to practice.” -2:00 pm
“That’s so early XD.” -2:01 pm
“I’m super frickin’ nervous.” -2:01 pm
“Did they already give the questions?” -2:04 pm
“Yeah, but I’m too lazy to prepare my answers.” -2:04 pm
“Lol. I’m dead.” -2:04 pm
“Lol.” -2:04 pm
“You can do it!” -2:05 pm
“I want you to scream really loud when I’m the one who’s going to pose on the stage. XD” -2:05 pm
“WOOOH GOO Y/NNN” -2:06 pm
“Is that what I’m supposed to do? 😂” -2:06 pm
“Yeah XD.” -2:06 pm
“I’m just gonna play some games with Brendon. Byee.” -2:07 pm
“Baii.” -2:07 pm
I screamed out loud.
I had so many questions for him that I knew were never gonna be answered.
Time went by quickly. I got dressed, went to school. Did the pageant. Didn’t won as expected. But I was still smiling.
The whole campus was dark. Except for the gymnasium
The gymnasium had so many lights and it was the most alive as it has ever been. Music was blasting through the speakers and all the students were dancing and having fun.
Me and my friends were in one corner of the gymnasium, dancing along to whatever song was on, bobbing our heads to the beat.
All was well until they played a slow song.
All of my friends called all our nearby classmates and asked them where Ryan was.
They finally found him and dragged him to me.
I felt really awkward, and I’m pretty sure my face was as red as a tomato.
Ryan put his hands on my waist, and I put mine on his shoulders.
I really don’t know what I was supposed to do and that made me feel even more awkward.
The whole night was spent like this. Me and Ryan would dance every time a slow song goes on, but we only dance for a few minutes, before I couldn’t take the awkwardness anymore and break away.
And by awkwardness, I meant the butterflies on my stomach.
And before I know it, the night was slowly coming to an end.
Me and Ryan slow danced one last time. This time, even longer.
We just slowly spun in a circle, and I couldn’t really look at him or the butterflies would get even worse.
He even gave me chocolate that night.
Even though I didn’t win the pageant and my feet hurt really badly all night, it was still the best night of my life.
And Ryan was the reason why.
That was the last time me and Ryan really had a proper interaction.
After that, he just pretended that I didn’t exist. When I’m with my friend, and my friend would ask him a question, he would always avoid my gaze.
I sat down on my seat quietly. I let out a loud sigh as my friend sat next to me.
“You know what? I’ll just ask him right now,” she suddenly said.
“W-what?” I said, dazed.
“Just wait here,” she assured me.
I already know what she was pointing out. She was going to ask Ryan if he likes me.
She went to Ryan and his friends, who were playing chess.
She went back to where I was sat and told me his answer.
“He said no,” she said.
You could hear a hint of sadness on her voice.
I sighed as I sat down on the bench in front of the cafeteria.
“I don’t want to feel like this anymore, I don’t want to be associated with him any longer,” I told my friend.
“You don’t want to be associated with him anymore. But what if he still wants to?” she answered.
I didn’t know what to say.
Once our lunch was over, I went back to our classroom and sat down on my seat quietly.
My seatmate tapped my shoulder
“Hmm?” I hummed.
“You know, I once asked Ryan if he has a crush on you and he said ‘no’ and that he was only playing along with this whole thing,” my seatmate said.
I gritted my teeth.
“Did I fucking ask?” I responded, rudely.
I wanted to fucking punch my seatmate in the face.
I abruptly stood up and went to the girl’s bathroom.
I put my hands on the sink and looked at myself in the mirror.
Is it better if I never knew?
Or is it better to be hit with the sad truth?
I’ve always knew that he didn’t liked me, but I guess I didn’t really want my suspicion to be confirmed.
I’m tried of this Ryan bullshit.
The next few days were spent by me trying to focus on my studies. I desperately tried to ignore and distance myself from Ryan, but it only left my heart aching.
I sat down next to one of my friend’s seat and chatted with him. My other two friends later joined and we talked about nothing in particular.
But of course, the topic later turned into Ryan.
“Do you have a crush on him?” one of my friends asked.
“Ugh, no,” I responded bitterly.
“What?!” my other friend exclaimed.
“He doesn’t like me, anyways,” I pouted.
“You can ask him yourself,” I said.
My friend went up to Ryan and asked him the question. Then, he went back to where we were sat.
“He said yes.”
“W-what?” I asked in disbelief.
Then, something clicked. He and Ryan are really close so that means Ryan could’ve had no doubt and had no trouble telling him.
“He likes you, Y/N.”
I didn’t know whether or not to believe him.
I asked my heart, “should I?”
And it responded with “you should.”
So I did.
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Hey um sooo. Are you gonna write more to "Letters" CAUSE YOU LEFT US ON A CLIFF HANGER?!!!? (love your writing btw)
I’m currently really busy at school, but I already have half the next chapter done :D
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Hi, that fic that you just posted was amazing. It was so well written and interesting. I was also wondering if there is going to be a part 2?
Thank you so much! I'm not sure if I'll be writing a part 2, though. I really want it to be as close as to what really happend to me. :)
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Do you take requests for P!ATD fics? I love your writing :)
Yes, I really want to start writing imagines about either Brendon, Dallon, or Ryan! ♄
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Tuesday ➌ Josh Dun
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Description: Based on true story. (The names were replaced)
A/N: Not requested, I just really needed to write about it. I’ve been bottling it all up for four years and it’s probably going to eat me alive. You know what’s funny, though? Is that his real name (the guy in the story) is actually Joshua, and he’s half Japanese. (I’m sorry in advance for the many references btw vv)
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
It was a crisp winter day. The day that she decided to go out and face the world. She wrapped herself with a warm sweater and headed out to their garage and took her bike out. She hopped on the seat and began pedaling, beginning her journey.
She aimlessly rode through the streets, having no particular destination. She just wanted to get out of that house. She hated to be there.
She hated how her parents pretend that everything’s alright even though it’s not. She hated how they looked down at her because she’s younger. She hated how they think that she doesn’t understand what’s going on, because she does.
She knows that they aren’t okay. She knows that the only reason they’re still together is because of her, not because they still love each other.
She pulled up on the side of the street, where some benches were placed. She hopped out of the bike seat and rest her bike on the ground. She sat down on the bench and propped her elbow on the bench’s arm rest and rest her head against the palm of her hand.
She took in her surroundings and enjoyed the view. It wasn’t the best, but for her any view is perfect as long as it wasn’t her house.
Her eyes landed on a particular boy. One with bright yellow hair, mocha eyes, and blue-sky hands.
Joshua Dun.
She immediately began shaking and she felt her breathing become heavy and her heartbeat go faster.
She wonders if he still remembers her. A part of her says that it has been three years and that she’s basically unrecognizable because her style wasn’t the same anymore. (What’s funny is that every time that she changes her hairstyle, she always wonders the same thing, will he remember her or not?) But another part of her wanted him to remember her. Because maybe, just maybe, things would go back to the way it used to.
He was talking to another boy, one that she had never seen before.
One thing that she noticed is that Joshua never hanged out with his old friends anymore. She would know. Because his old friends used to be her friends, too.
When she met Joshua, her life felt complete. They instantly clicked. They both have the same likes and dislikes and his personality was really fitting with hers.
He introduced her to his group of friends who, coincidentally, lives at the houses right next to hers.
His group of friends mostly consisted of guys: Brendon, Tyler, and Dallon. The only girl, though, is Tyler’s sister, Madison.
She remembered how she always does her homework really fast just so her mom would let her go outside and played with them. How everyday she would always hangout in their lounge, waiting for Joshua to call her name for them to play.
She was nine when they started to hangout and on her 11th birthday, she invited all of them to her house to celebrate. She also invited a couple of cousins and a couple of “friends” from school (she was certain that they just wanted to come because there were lots of food).
And a couple of days subsequent to the party, it was Tuesday. Joshua told her that he had to move to another house because their old house was being renovated.
He didn’t move that far. Just at the other side of the village, that’s why she wasn’t that bothered. Besides, he promised that he would come by her house and still hang out with her.
He promised.
She snapped out of her trance and immediately jumped up from her seat. She hopped on her bike and sped through the streets to go back to her house.
And when she passed him she swore she saw him glance at her for a second.
‘Maybe I’m just over exaggerating,’ she thought when she got to her room.
‘Maybe it wasn’t as perfect as I thought it was.’
Her mind was filled with maybes and it was driving her insane.
She sighed and sat down on her bed.
She then remembered that particular time when the guys were playing and she and Madison just watched. She remembered looking at her and telling her something which made her cry.
She doesn’t remember what she said exactly but it was definitely not something mean. Maybe it’s just how she said it or how she looked while saying it.
She remembered how everyone got angry at her and Tyler giving her a dirty look even though she told them that she didn’t do anything, because really, she wouldn’t hurt a soul intentionally. Despite all her protests, nobody believed her.
She also remembers the time when she was at Joshua’s house. They were talking about nothing in particular when she saw a girl on her bike eyeing Josh.
Joshua saw the she wasn’t paying attention and followed her gaze.
“Her name is Debby. We used to hang out together,” he told her.
“Used to? What happened?” She asked.
“She told me that she liked me, but I don’t like her back,” he replied.
“And then you never hanged out with her?” She asked.
“Yep,” he said.
She remembered how she was such a nervous wreck that day. She was so afraid that he would find out that she liked him and never hang out with her, too.
She also remembered the times when Joshua warned her about people. First, he warned her about Dallon, and told her not to talk to him. She obeyed even though everything he warned her about Dallon was unlikely true.
The next time he warned her about someone, it was Tyler and Brendon. He told her that they betrayed him and to ignore them also.
She also remembered the time when Brendon was talking and he began rambling. So, to snap him out of it, she decided to playfully slap him a couple times.
He cried after she did that and told his mom about it. He told his mom that she slapped him really hard even though she swore that she slapped him softly.
His mom, being the strict parent that she is, told Brendon to never hangout with her again.
And he did just that.
A couple of months later, though. She and Brendon began to hangout again. They decided to call Joshua to play with them but his father told them that he wasn’t home. A couple of minutes after they left, though. They saw Joshua leave the house with his bike.
She also remembered the times when she would try so badly to speak her opinion, but she would never have the chance. Because really, they never really cared about her.
She remembered how every time she would pass by any of them, they would pretend that she was a complete stranger.
Except Dallon, though.
Dallon tried to talk to her again, but she shut her door on him because Joshua told her to ignore him. She really regret doing so.
She sighed once again.
“It wasn’t really as perfect as I thought it was,” she mumbled to herself.
And at that moment, she questioned herself. What was the point?
Maybe there was a reason that Josh never talked to her again. Maybe he found out that she liked him. Or maybe she was the one that pushed him away.
She’ll never know for sure.
All she knows that Joshua never came by her house, and the last thing he ever said to her is that he had something important to tell her, that something is a thing she’ll never know,
Because that Tuesday was the last time they ever talked.
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request now because I have no ideas in mind :p
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Letters; Dear Tyler Joseph -Chapter 3
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Description: An alternate universe where the story is told through letters mailed to Tyler by his ex girlfriend, you.
With Tyler’s flirting and childishness, feelings can’t help but develop.
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
Chapter 3: Flirting
Date: September 21&22, 2004
I scanned the view in front of me. I was mesmerized. I forgot how beautiful the village was when it’s night. I shivered a little bit at the crisp wind that blew. I embraced myself and snuggled my sweater.
I heard the sliding door open, but I didn’t bother to turn around to look at the person. I was in no mood of talking.
“Hey,” the voice said, I automatically recognized it as Tyler’s.
My mood instantly lifted up at the sound of his voice.
“You okay?” He said while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“We used to be happy,” I began.
“But everything somehow went downhill starting when I started my fifth year of elementary,” I continued.
“Why? What happened?” He asked.
“My mom started to get more and more lazy by day, and my dad was clearly getting sick of it,”
“My dad-“ I paused for a second, asking myself if Tyler was to be trusted with this information, but continued on anyways.
“My dad found someone else. Even though this was obvious, my mom never bother to talk to him about it, but instead resorts to drinking to forget his infidelity,” I sighed.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he said.
“It’s not your fault,” I said with a small smile.
“Hey, if it makes you feel better, the only reason why I told you that the song wasn’t finished yet is because I forgot the other words,” he chuckled.
“Well, you can continue the song now,”
“I don’t have my uke,” he whined.
I smiled at his childishness.
“How did you write that song so fast anyways?” I asked.
“Eh,” he shrugged.
“I guess I was just really inspired,” he said, looking at me with a goofy grin.
“Ten out of ten. Real smooth,” I chuckled, him soon joining.
The rest of the night was a blur, but it consisted of lots of hugs and cuddles.
Soon, Tyler had to leave. We hugged once again, and bid our farewells.
That night, I didn’t cry myself to sleep. Instead, I had a smile resting on my lips while I doze off to sleep.
The next day, I was much more cheerful.
“You seem happy,” Mom said.
“I may be feeling positive and cheery today, but it still doesn’t mean I’m not angry anymore,” I said with a fake toothy smile.
I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way to school.
I screamed in terror and tripped on a rock.
I closed my eyes, readying myself for the pain that I was about to receive. But before I could hit the hard, cement ground, a pair of arms grabbed me. An arm wrapped around my waist, the other arm holding my own.
“I know that you’re falling for me, but I didn’t think literally,” a familiar voice said.
He spun me around and he had a smirk on his face.
“Thanks for saving my life,” I said with a chuckle.
“You’re welcome,” he said with a salute.
“And thanks for last night,”
“It’s nothing, love,”
I blushed at the nickname.
“Okay, Ty-Ty,”
“Ty-Ty?” he said, slightly confused.
“I thought I’d give you a nickname since you gave me one,” I said.
We walked to school together, later agreeing to his idea for us to do this every day.
He walked me to my locker, even though I told him that I could do it alone, but he insisted.
“Some guy might hit on you and I can’t let that happen,”
“As if anybody else would hit on me,” I chuckled.
“Hey, do you wanna hang again after school?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said.
“We have a short practice on basketball, so meet me in the basketball court,”
He winked at me and he headed to his own locker.
I went to my class and sat down on my seat. I stared at the clock and prayed that time would go by faster.
When the school day has finally ended, I went to my locker and stored my stuff. The usual.
Once I was done, I headed to the closed court, collecting some cold water along the way.
I opened the door to it, instantly seeing Tyler in the middle of a game.
“Y/N!” He said, flailing his arms at me.
I stifled a laugh and waved at him.
He asked his coach, who is his dad, for a break. His dad gave him a thumbs up and told everyone else to take a break too.
He went up to me and I offered him the cold water.
“Thanks,” he smiled.
He took my hand and led me to sit at the bleachers. He finishes the water and looks down in between his legs. He had a frown on his face so I asked him what was wrong.
“I’m not really into this basketball thing anymore,”
“Oh,” I said.
“What do you wanna do then?” I asked with a smile.
“I wanna write songs and form a band or something,” he said.
“What would you name it?”
“Hmm, I haven’t thought about that yet,”
“What about ‘Twenty One Pilots’?” I suggested.
“Twenty-one pilots?”
“I got that from a play by Arthur Miller called ‘All My Sons’. It’s a play about a man who must decide what is best for his family after knowingly sending out faulty airplane parts for the good of his business and causing the death of twenty-one pilots during World War II.”
“Mm,” he hummed in response.
“I dunno, I just thought it sounded cool,” I shrugged.
“It definitely does,” he said, and kissed my forehead.
“Looks like Tyler’s whipped!” Someone shouted, followed by a couple of cheers and wolf whistles from the others.
“Excuse them,” he apologized.
“I’m just going to change,” he said, giving my hand a squeeze.
He got up and went to the locker room.
The guy who shouted earlier, who is Tyler’s brother, went up to me and said hi.
“The name’s Zack,”
“Y/N,” I replied.
“Hey, do you know that I have more muscles than Tyler?” he said while flexing his arm.
I laughed at him and shook my head “no”.
We talked for a while, he was quite funny and he seemed cool. He told me embarrassing stories about Tyler, too.
“Anyways, what did you find in Tyler that made you like him?”
“I mean, wouldn’t you like to be with me instead?” He continued and gave me a little wink.
“Hey, is he bothering you? Don’t worry, he’s about to leave,” Tyler quickly came up to us, giving Zack a death glare.
Zack quickly backed up, hands in the air. He quickly muttered a “sorry dude” then left.
“You were fast,” I said with a chuckle.
I looked at him up and down. He was wearing skinny jeans and a plain shirt. His hair was tousled and still slightly wet.
“I thought maybe one of the guys might bother you. They’re annoying,”
“What’s that?” I pointed to the paper bag that he was holding.
“You’ll find out later,”
He offered a hand for me to take and I gave him a questioning look.
“Come on, let’s go,” he said, taking my hand and dragging me with him to wherever he was going.
“Hey, dad, can I go? Me and Y/n are going somewhere,” he said to his dad.
“Okay, just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” his dad replied
“Okay, dad,” Tyler chuckled.
We exited the building. Tyler held my hand and I looked up to him.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“You’ll see,”
He led me to a direction I was unfamiliar of and was clearly not the direction to our homes. I then quickly debated whether or not I should bail while I still have time. But before I could run for my life or call for help, I heard rustling. I quickly realized that we were in the woods, which from I recall, was in the other side of our school, far from our neighborhood.
“Wh-why did you bring me here,” I stuttered out.
“You’re not going to k-kidnap me or so-somethin’ right?” I said, nervously.
“No,” he chuckled.
“I’m really tempted, though,”
“I’m not gonna, okay?”
He led me to a small, clear part of the forest.
I observed my surroundings. I noticed there were scratches on the trees, some formed words.
Before I could look around even more, I heard zipping and I tensed.
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Letters; Dear Tyler Joseph -Chapter 2
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Description: An alternate universe where the story is told through letters mailed to Tyler by his ex girlfriend, you.
A travel back to the past when Tyler and Y/N were simple teens, unconscious of how much heartbreak will be given by a feeling that once made them happy and safe.
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
Chapter 2: Air Catcher
Date: September 20, 2004
Warnings: Light swearing, slightly suggestive
As I walked, my footsteps echoed through the somewhat empty hallway of our school. Once I reached my locker, I opened it and shoved all the unnecessary books and paperwork inside.
I heard someone else’s footsteps echo, the direction it was going seems like to mine. I turned around and saw Tyler smiling from ear to ear, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and his ukulele in the other hand.
“This is for you,” he said, stretching his arm so that the bouquet was in between us, in the level of my chest.
“What’s this for?” I asked, trying to hold back a laugh.
Once I had a grip on the bouquet, that’s when I couldn’t help but burst into fits of laughter.
“Don’t laugh, I’m dead serious about this,” he said, while strumming his ukulele.
“We only met like a month ago,” I said.
“I’m just giving you flowers, not asking for you to marry me,” he retorted.
” I chuckled.
“I made this song just for you,”
He then started to sing the first few words of his song.
“I don’t fall slow like I used to,”
“I fall straight down,”
“You’ve stolen my air catcher,”
“That kept me safe and sound.”
He surprisingly had a good voice, almost like an angel’s.
He continued to strum his ukulele, but this time, he pats the strings right after. He began to close his eyes as he sang the next verse. 
I studied his face while he does this. I noticed how much emotion his face held and how when he starts to sing, his actions are limited. But whenever he stops, he usually look at my face for a reaction.
I kept a grin on my face, to show that I’m enjoying his song.
When he started the chorus, his actions stopped altogether.
“I won’t fall in- love with falling,”
He then started to strum his ukulele again.
“I will try to avoid those eyes.”
“A-and that’s it for now. I’m not quite done yet,” he stuttered.
I started to clap and he smiled.
“Want to join me for lunch?” I suggested.
We talked until lunch was over. I learned that he also plays piano besides ukulele. I also learned that he plays basketball along with his brothers and that his dad were their coach.
After lunch, we both headed to our own classes. 
Time seems to pass by quickly today. Before I even knew it, the bell rang signalling that the school day was over. Everyone got up from their seats and started packing up.
I exited our classroom and went to my locker, collected stuff that I need and stored some stuff that I don’t need. When I was done, I closed it shut and fumbled with the lock so it showed random numbers instead of my password.
I walked through the crowded hallway, avoiding people who were mindlessly walking around and ducked my head to things that were being thrown every once in a while. 
I scanned all the people, trying to find a familiar brunet.
Once I finally found him, I tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and a smile quickly formed on his face.
“Hey, do you maybe want to, uh, hang out in my house?”
“Sure, but,” he paused and looked around to make sure no one was in ear shot.
“I don’t have condoms, though. Can we drop by my house first?” He whispered.
I slapped his arm.
We walked to his house so he could tell his parents that he was going to hang out with me in my house and to also collect some stuff that he said he needed. I waited for him at his bedroom door, silently beckoning him to go faster.
He walked up to me with his bag slung over his shoulder.
“I got the condoms,” he said, jokingly.
“I heard that!” His mother yelled.
A blush crept on his cheeks and his eyes widened.
I laughed quietly at him while he apologizes to his mom.
He said his farewells to his parents, his cheeks still red, and we were off. 
We made small talk on the way to my house, his hand “accidentally” hitting mine once in a while.
When we got there, we went straight upstairs to my bedroom. We ended up playing Mario Kart until dinner, to which my mom invited him to join. I warned him that I had two other siblings, who would probably tease him a lot. Though, he still agreed to join for dinner.
“So, what are their names?” He asked once we were at the middle of the staircase.
“Nick, Cal, and, uh, Emily,” I said.
“You said you had two siblings,” he said, giving me a confused look.
“Well, Emily isn’t really my sibling,” I said once we were at the bottom of the stairs.
I quickly sat down on an empty seat at the dining table to avoid further questions from him. He quickly followed, sitting on a seat beside me.
Everyone else sat down. Cal was on the far left corner, me beside him, while Tyler was on my right. Beside Tyler was Nick. On the other side of the table was Emily’s dad and beside him was Mom. Beside Mom was Emily.
We started eating, but I can’t help but keep an annoyed look on Emily as she was chewing loudly. I tried to enjoy my food and wish that she would stop. But she didn’t, and that’s when I lost my temper.
“Oh my god, Emily. Can you chew any louder? You sound just like a pig,”
“Why can’t you just fuck off?” Emily said.
“Where are your manners Emily?” Mom said, clearly annoyed.
“We’re eating dinner, you’re not allowed to swear!” She continued.
“Dad-!” Emily whined, but was interrupted by Cal.
“Yeah. I don’t know who raised you,” Cal joked.
“Clearly the devil himself,” I chuckled.
“But I thought she was the devil
” Nick added.
Emily let out an annoyed groaned and glared at the three of us.
“I’m not ugly enough to be a devil. I look more like an angel,” she said, flipping her hair sassily.
“So, you’re a fallen angel-?“
“Yes, exactly,” she interrupted me.
“Who fell on her face that’s why it looks messed up,” I continued.
Everybody starts laughing, except Emily and her dad, who had a shocked look on their faces. While Mom tries to stop her laugh with a cough.
This was normal. We usually joked while we ate. But today, my mom wasn’t having it.
“Y/N, Nick, Cal. Apologize.” Mom said sternly.
“Why do we have to do that if it’s true?” Cal retorted.
“Apologize,” Mum repeated.
Emily turned her head to us with an expectant look, as if we’re going to say sorry.
I tried so hard not to lose my temper again, but I was so fed up with this bullshit.
“You know what? I’m tired of all of this. I’m tired of my own mother always defending someone else instead of her own daughter! I’m tired of saying sorry to someone who is clearly a bitch.” I spat.
I stood up and walked away. Slamming my foot on the floorboards angrily with each step, I went straight to our balcony for needed fresh air.
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Josh Dun| My Other Band Mate.  -Chapter 2
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Description: An alternate universe based on the Hamilton soundtrack.
Y/N and Josh are finally official and now are planning
 Marriage!? You would think ZoĂ« would’ve confessed by now, but I think she’s still waiting till after the marriage

Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
Chapter 2: Marriage!?

“Hey Y/N, it’s time for di-“ the voice, who I assume is ZoĂ«, began.
I was currently on my phone talking to Josh, we had been talking a lot since we met and lately it has been a part of my routine. But I’m not complaining, every phone call with him just makes my life even better.
“Oh, are you talking to Josh?” ZoĂ« questioned.
“Uh, yeah. Was it dinner you were talking about? I’ll be downstairs in a minute,” I answered.
Zoë frowned a little bit when I said yes, but her smile quickly brought up again.
“Hey, do you maybe want to form a harem?” She smirked.
“What!?” I laughed.
“I’m just saying if you really love me you would share him.”
“Ha! No way dude. Why don’t you just stick with Tyler?” I said, completely forgetting that I was still in a phone call with Josh.
“What?..” Josh said, completely confused.
“It’s nothing. I have to go eat dinner, I’ll call you later!” I said, chuckling at myself for rhyming.
ZoĂ« was still waiting at my door, looking at her phone, probably scrolling through Tumblr knowing her. She made her way downstairs once she realize that I was done. I trailed behind her, quietly humming a song that I don’t quite remember the lyrics to. Our parents and Bridgette was already at the dining table, waiting for us, mainly me. I apologize to them for keeping them waiting. ZoĂ« and I sat down on our usual seats and gathered ourselves some food.
Our parents asked Zoë about her future plans and asked her how their tour was and places they have been. When they recognize a place, they tell us a little story about it, either a story of when they were there or the history of the city.
“So, Z, until when are you going to stay here?” Our dad asked.
“Until next, next month. Then, we have to get a flight back to LA, pack our bags, and be on our way to another country,” she said.
“I don’t remember which country, though,” she continued, to which Dad just hummed in response.
“Oh, that reminds me,” I began.
“Me and Josh are planning to get married soon,” I said, nonchalantly.
Our dad dropped his spoon and his mouth turned into an “o” shape.
“M-marriage!?” ZoĂ« choked out, obviously shocked.
“Y/N, marriage is a decision that you think thoroughly through. This isn’t just deciding whether or not you should go to the mall.” Mom said, her voice serious.
“Yeah, but, this is Josh. ZoĂ« has known him for a long time and I’m pretty sure he’s a good guy,” I said with a smile.
“Right, Z?” I looked over to her, but she was looking at her lap with a frown on her face.
All eyes were now on Zoë.
“Are you okay Z?” Dad asked.
“Uh, y-yeah. I’m fine,” she stuttered and forced a smile to her face.
Dad sighed.
“Why so soon anyways?”
“We want to get married before they start their next tour. Because then, he would be really busy and since the band is getting a lot noticed and much more popular, we have decided that before the clique gets even more populated, we should get married,” I said with a shrug.
“Okay, Y/N, we’ll give you and Josh a chance,” he said.
“Yes!” I exclaimed, dragging out the “s”.

ZoĂ«, Bridgette, Mom, and I are currently in the living room. ZoĂ« and Bridgette are in their phones while Mom is comforting since I’m literally a big ball of stress. Josh and our dad is in the dining room. I feel like I’m dying inside cause there’s literally just dead silence in the kitchen at the moment. It took all my strength to bottle up all my emotions and to try not to cry.
I heard inaudible comments so I stood up and took a peek of the scene in the dining room. Dad is stoned face while Josh is asking for his blessing. I can barely hear what they’re talking about, so I decided to just go back and sit on the couch. But before I can do that, my father stands up and makes his way across the room to Josh. From the serious look on my father’s face I guessed that Josh and I are through. Then it hit me, if my father doesn’t approve of Josh then Josh and I are
 through?! I started to panic and a tear escaped my eye.
I was readying myself for the inevitable, but instead my father shakes Josh’s hand.
“Be true, son,” he said.
Josh nods his head and smiled from ear to ear. He notices me peeking in the doorway and his smile got even wider. Sure, it’s plausible but, is it possible?
He makes his way to me and brings me in for a passionate kiss. He pulls away some time later and holds my hand to the level of his chest.
“Y/N, I may not be that rich and I may not be as popular as Tyler. All I have is my never ending love for you and pretty great drumming skills. It’s insane how your family brings out a different side of me. Bridgette has faith on me and ZoĂ« tried to get a bite of me,”
I interrupted him by turning away to look at my sister. I gave her a glare. Josh noticed this and chuckled.
“No worries, my love for you doesn’t lack certainty and as long as I’m alive you’ll never feel so-“
“Helpless?” I interrupted him.
He smiled at me and nodded.
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@it--is--only--me    Thank you so much!
Letters; Dear Tyler Joseph
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Description: An alternate universe where the story is told through letters mailed to Tyler by his ex girlfriend, you.
Tyler received an unexpected letter from his ex girlfriend, Y/N L/N, who is now also a singer from a famous band, Dark Knights.
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
Chapter 1: The Start of Something New
Letter 1: December 21, 201X
I heard the doorbell ring and I hurriedly shuffle to the front door.
“Who could this be,” I mutter under my breath.
I opened the door and it revealed a guy in his late 30’s. He wore a light-blue button up shirt and had a tattered messenger bag hanging loosely on his shoulder. He had a tired look on his face and his hand held a few letters.
I slightly questioned his lack of clothing considering it was only about nine degrees outside.
“Are you
He stopped for a moment and re-read the writing on one of the letter he was holding.
“Tyler Joseph?” he continued.
“Yes,” I answered.
He then proceeded to give me the letter.
“Mail,” he said.
I accepted the letter, unsure at first. I thanked him and he was off.
I went back in the apartment, closing the door quietly and went in the living room.
“Who was at the door?” my fiancĂ©, Jenna, asked.
It had been a tradition for her to stay at my apartment for Christmas. It was fun to have someone and not be alone for once.
“No one important, just the mailman,” I answered.
She noticed the letter in my hand, and pointed at it.
“Who’s that from?”
I scanned the letter. I read the somewhat familiar handwriting.
‘Y/N L/N’, it read.
My heard skipped a beat.
“Um, it’s from my uh
“ I trailed off.
I quickly thought of a name.
“It’s from Michael, my old friend from high school,” I lied.
She raised an eyebrow, unconvinced of my answer. I crossed my fingers behind my back praying to god she won’t ask any further.
” she said, dragging the “ay”.
She lightly kissed my cheek and proceeded to go to the kitchen.
I sighed and sat down on the couch and opened the letter. I pulled out the paper inside and rest my back on the couch, already feeling light-headed. I started to read the letter, memories started to flood back to my brain.
Dear Tyler Joseph,
        Hey. We haven’t talked in quite some time. I heard you’re in a long-distance relationship
 again. That’s stupid. Wasn’t that the reason why your last relationship ended? Long-distance? Didn’t you say that the distance was suffocating you?
You know, that really got me thinking. Was it really the distance or was it because you’re tired of me? What does she have that I don’t? Was I not good enough? Was I too clingy?
        It was certainly surprising when someone told me that you proposed to her. I’ve always thought you were the kind of person that would rather be free than to be tied down by marriage. Since whenever I ask you about it, you just shrug.
I guess I wish I knew that the girl you wanted to marry and the girl you envisioned to be the one you’re going to spend the rest of your life with just wasn’t me. Then, I would’ve got out of your way instead of sacrificing everything I had for our relationship, counting on something that would never happen.
I know that our relationship wasn’t the best, but at that time. It felt right. It felt
 good. I felt like life, for once, had a purpose.
When I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat. My breath was taken away and I couldn’t breathe. I was taken aback. I was like, “how could someone be so pretty,”
My lips pulled to a smile and I reluctantly let the memories seep in. Reliving every single one of them.
As I was sitting down on a bench, I eyed everyone that passed me. I have learned that for me to get through this school year, I would need to make friends, but the end of the school day is nearing and I haven’t made any. I haven’t even made at least one conversation today!
“Damn you social anxiety,” I muttered under my breath.
I continued to eye the students. No one seems to notice. I searched for the kindest looking one to make friends with. As I search through the sea of people one student caught my eye.
I felt like I knew him from somewhere else. I scanned his features and looked at him up and down. He had hazel eyes, chocolate brown hair, and a gorgeous smile.
I realize that it was that boy that lived a couple of houses away from me. I silently praised the Lord for having me move in that neighborhood.
“Damn, how could someone be that gorgeous,” I whispered.
I stared at you in awe. I was completely frozen still. Then, you looked back at me and I felt my heart do flips.
I stared at him in complete awe. I was completely frozen still. He then looked back at me, but I didn’t notice. My mouth started to turn to the shape of an “o” as I take in all his features. He smiled at me and I quickly closed my mouth. I started to feel my cheeks heat up so I looked away. I look back at him for a second and he chuckled. My cheeks were probably as red as a tomato.
You know, if you didn’t come up to me that day. I would’ve had no friends and probably be completely lonely. I was completely surprised, too, when you introduce yourself to me. I didn’t expect it because who would be friends with me? And I probably looked like a pervert to you since I eyed you up and down like a dumb ass.
I played with the hem of my shirt and bite my lip.
“Nice going, Y/N, now you’ll never make any friends,” I said to myself.
I jumped a little bit at the voice. It sounded soft and alluring. I looked up and saw it was the boy that I made eye contact a while ago.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said with concern in his eyes.
“Um, uh, i-it’s okay,” I stuttered out.
“My name’s Tyler,” he said.
He smiled at me and pulled up his hand for me to shake.
“Y/N,” I said, shaking his hand.
And that was the start of our love story.
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Letters; Dear Tyler Joseph
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Description: An alternate universe where the story is told through letters mailed to Tyler by his ex girlfriend, you.
Tyler received an unexpected letter from his ex girlfriend, Y/N L/N, who is now also a singer from a famous band, Dark Knights.
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
Chapter 1: The Start of Something New
Letter 1: December 21, 201X
I heard the doorbell ring and I hurriedly shuffle to the front door.
“Who could this be,” I mutter under my breath.
I opened the door and it revealed a guy in his late 30’s. He wore a light-blue button up shirt and had a tattered messenger bag hanging loosely on his shoulder. He had a tired look on his face and his hand held a few letters.
I slightly questioned his lack of clothing considering it was only about nine degrees outside.
“Are you
He stopped for a moment and re-read the writing on one of the letter he was holding.
“Tyler Joseph?” he continued.
“Yes,” I answered.
He then proceeded to give me the letter.
“Mail,” he said.
I accepted the letter, unsure at first. I thanked him and he was off.
I went back in the apartment, closing the door quietly and went in the living room.
“Who was at the door?” my fiancĂ©, Jenna, asked.
It had been a tradition for her to stay at my apartment for Christmas. It was fun to have someone and not be alone for once.
“No one important, just the mailman,” I answered.
She noticed the letter in my hand, and pointed at it.
“Who’s that from?”
I scanned the letter. I read the somewhat familiar handwriting.
‘Y/N L/N’, it read.
My heard skipped a beat.
“Um, it’s from my uh
“ I trailed off.
I quickly thought of a name.
“It’s from Michael, my old friend from high school,” I lied.
She raised an eyebrow, unconvinced of my answer. I crossed my fingers behind my back praying to god she won’t ask any further.
” she said, dragging the “ay”.
She lightly kissed my cheek and proceeded to go to the kitchen.
I sighed and sat down on the couch and opened the letter. I pulled out the paper inside and rest my back on the couch, already feeling light-headed. I started to read the letter, memories started to flood back to my brain.
Dear Tyler Joseph,
        Hey. We haven’t talked in quite some time. I heard you’re in a long-distance relationship... again. That’s stupid. Wasn’t that the reason why your last relationship ended? Long-distance? Didn’t you say that the distance was suffocating you?
You know, that really got me thinking. Was it really the distance or was it because you’re tired of me? What does she have that I don’t? Was I not good enough? Was I too clingy?
        It was certainly surprising when someone told me that you proposed to her. I’ve always thought you were the kind of person that would rather be free than to be tied down by marriage. Since whenever I ask you about it, you just shrug.
I guess I wish I knew that the girl you wanted to marry and the girl you envisioned to be the one you’re going to spend the rest of your life with just wasn’t me. Then, I would’ve got out of your way instead of sacrificing everything I had for our relationship, counting on something that would never happen.
I know that our relationship wasn’t the best, but at that time. It felt right. It felt
 good. I felt like life, for once, had a purpose.
When I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat. My breath was taken away and I couldn’t breathe. I was taken aback. I was like, “how could someone be so pretty,”
My lips pulled to a smile and I reluctantly let the memories seep in. Reliving every single one of them.
As I was sitting down on a bench, I eyed everyone that passed me. I have learned that for me to get through this school year, I would need to make friends, but the end of the school day is nearing and I haven’t made any. I haven’t even made at least one conversation today!
“Damn you social anxiety,” I muttered under my breath.
I continued to eye the students. No one seems to notice. I searched for the kindest looking one to make friends with. As I search through the sea of people one student caught my eye.
I felt like I knew him from somewhere else. I scanned his features and looked at him up and down. He had hazel eyes, chocolate brown hair, and a gorgeous smile.
I realize that it was that boy that lived a couple of houses away from me. I silently praised the Lord for having me move in that neighborhood.
“Damn, how could someone be that gorgeous,” I whispered.
I stared at you in awe. I was completely frozen still. Then, you looked back at me and I felt my heart do flips.
I stared at him in complete awe. I was completely frozen still. He then looked back at me, but I didn’t notice. My mouth started to turn to the shape of an “o” as I take in all his features. He smiled at me and I quickly closed my mouth. I started to feel my cheeks heat up so I looked away. I look back at him for a second and he chuckled. My cheeks were probably as red as a tomato.
You know, if you didn’t come up to me that day. I would’ve had no friends and probably be completely lonely. I was completely surprised, too, when you introduce yourself to me. I didn’t expect it because who would be friends with me? And I probably looked like a pervert to you since I eyed you up and down like a dumb ass.
I played with the hem of my shirt and bite my lip.
“Nice going, Y/N, now you’ll never make any friends,” I said to myself.
I jumped a little bit at the voice. It sounded soft and alluring. I looked up and saw it was the boy that I made eye contact a while ago.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said with concern in his eyes.
“Um, uh, i-it’s okay,” I stuttered out.
“My name’s Tyler,” he said.
He smiled at me and pulled up his hand for me to shake.
“Y/N,” I said, shaking his hand.
And that was the start of our love story.
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Josh Dun| My Other Band Mate.
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Description: An alternate universe based on the Hamilton soundtrack.
Y/N falls for a boy with highlighter hair. She soon finds out that this boy was her sister’s fellow band mate. She thought it would be fine to date him because if her sister liked him, her sister would’ve told her, right?
Y/N=Your Name, L/N=(Your) Last Name, POV=Point Of View
Chapter 1: Helpless YOUR POV
I straightened out my dress and added a few touches on my make-up. Tonight, my sister, ZoĂ«, and along with her band mates has thrown a party to celebrate the success of their new album, Vessel. I’ve never met any of her band mates, but she has told me a lot about them.
“Y/N, Bridgette, it’s time to go!” ZoĂ« yelled.
“Okay!” Bridgette and I replied in unison.
I collected some stuff and shoved it in my purse and headed downstairs. We all said our goodbyes to our parents and headed out to Zoë’s car.
The party was being held in Tyler’s house. The drive there was pretty fast and ZoĂ« parked in front of the house, with all the other people’s cars.
We all walked up to the front door and instead of knocking, Zoë opened the door herself. The house was filled with people, some of them were already drunk.
“Hey, ZoĂ«!”
I looked at the direction of the voice and saw a guy coming up to us, avoiding some drunk people along the way. He has brown hair and hazel eyes and he had a cute smile on his face
“Hey, Tyler,” ZoĂ« greeted.
“This is Y/N and Bridgette, my sisters.”
“Nice to meet you two,” Tyler said, shaking my hand then shakes Bridgette’s hand right after.
Tyler’s gaze went back to ZoĂ«. I noticed how he looked at her with such love in his eyes and I smirked at him.
“Ty, where’s Josh?” ZoĂ« said, looking around.
Tyler snapped out of his trance and frowned a little bit at Zoë’s question.
“Uh, he went out to buy more ice. Excuse me, I’m going to do some
” He trailed off.
“Stuff,” he continued.
He went back to what he was doing and disappeared into the crowd.
“Hey ZoĂ«, are you and Tyler something?” I asked once Tyler was gone.
“What? No. I like someone else
” ZoĂ« answered, her voice getting quieter and quieter by every word.
“Come, let’s go sit down on the couch,” she said, avoiding further questions.
Me and Bridgette followed her steps and sat down with her. She introduced us to some people, but I was completely uninterested on them. I silently laugh at her as how she’s dazzling in the room.
The door opened and it revealed a guy who was about Zoë’s age, which made sense since everyone here is probably her friends, he looked really good. My heart went “boom” and I looked at him in complete awe. He had brown eyes and his hair was dyed bright yellow. He had a bag of ice in his hand and he had a cap backwards on his head.
He went in the direction of the kitchen and I looked at my sister to see her complete engross in a conversation with Tyler. I smirked at them and I silently trailed the tracks of the boy earlier. He was chatting with the band’s manager, Mark. I tried to get his eye from the side of the room as I went to the fridge and got myself a can of coke. I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight, but this was my only chance because who knows if I’m ever going to encounter someone like him again.
Everybody else was dancing and chatting in the living room leaving us the only people in the kitchen. And, yet, he won’t even acknowledge my presence.
I muttered curses under my breath, which was completely pointless since the music was already on top volume. Talking in general is like barely a whisper. I made my way back to the living room avoiding all the people who was grinding to the rhythm of the song or the people who was simply wine and dining.
I made my way to the couch where ZoĂ« and Tyler was still talking to each other. I excused her to Tyler and grabbed her and whispered: “Yo, that guy with the highlighter hair. He’s mine.” I scanned her face for a reaction and she looked completely confused.
“Tyler’s yours and that guy with the highlighter hair can be mine,” I repeated.
She chuckled softly and asked me where this guy was. I pointed to the direction of the kitchen and she made her way there. I got nervous thinking: “what is she going to do?” I followed her to the kitchen and saw her grab the boy’s arm. I was completely heartbroken and I thought I was through, but then he turn his gaze to me and I was completely helpless.
“Josh, this is my sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Josh, my other band mate,” ZoĂ« said.
I mentally face palmed myself, but I smiled at him and shook his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Josh,” I said, trying his name out of my tongue.
“If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it would have been worth it,” he flirted.
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” ZoĂ« said.
Before she left the room she took one more look at us and I took this an opportunity to whisper a “thank you”. She smiled at me, but her smile soon faded when he looked at Josh. I thought none of it and responded to one of Josh’s question. She then finally left the room, Mark soon following her.
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