salvia-lunaris · 8 months
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Girls' night
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salvia-lunaris · 1 year
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made by Aterios (@messywitch) :)))
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salvia-lunaris · 1 year
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Greek gods by Karl James Mountford
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salvia-lunaris · 1 year
Magic For The Disabled
A few things that I do when I’m at my lowest. Made specifically for disabled people, but anyone can do these! See this post for low energy witchcraft ideas not directly related to disabilities.
Enchant your blanket for a good night’s rest
Enchant your coffee/juice/water/NyQuil/whatever you’re drinking to aid in recovery
Enchant food to aid in recovery
Place sigils around to aid in recovery, memory, etc.
Keep relaxing herbs/stones/etc. around
Cast a sleep aid spell (I have a bag with lavender and amethyst hanging on a bedpost)
Cast a recovery spell (I have another bag with a variety of protection and rest herbs and crystals)
Enchant fidgets or objects used to stim to calm you and to never break
Use energy magic instead of physical spells.
Use art/writing/etc. magic! Draw sigils, deities, write spells, recipes, shopping lists, etc.
Stir and infuse good energy/banishing into teas or coffees.
Keep some supplies nearby (i.e. tea lights, a lighter, grimoire, oils, etc.).
Use showers, washing of face/hands, etc. for cleansing.
Brush out the bad energy when brushing your hair.
Ward health aids or mobility aids against breaking and bless them to work quickly and well.
Use apps or websites for sigils, spells, etc. (VirtualCandleSpell for digital candle spells, Craiyon for sigils).
Keep room sprays near you and bless them to serve a certain purpose.
Make emoji/song spells! Use corresponding emojis and charge them with intent. Use corresponding songs, put them on a playlist, charge them, and listen to it whenever you want to cast it.
Use makeup/skincare as glamours.
Use sunscreen as protection!
Use wax warmers and melts instead of candles.
Use oils in diffusers instead of candles or incense.
Enchant anything you use daily.
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salvia-lunaris · 1 year
Okay, but if simmer pots can be used to cleanse, protect, raise vibes, etc., then it stands to reason that anything you do in the kitchen that puts off an aroma that fills the house can be used in a similar manner. Like, when you bake or roast things.
You can be baking bread and set an intention for the aroma to fill your home with abundance since that's one of the things wheat can correspond with.
The smell of a roasting chicken can be for new beginnings.
A chocolate cake can be a grounding influence in the home.
You can infuse magic in any and every step of baking and cooking, not just in putting in ingredients and stirring.
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salvia-lunaris · 1 year
Study tips for herbalists
 If you have any questions about this post or if you are considering going to school to study herbalism and want some advice, don’t hesitate to ask me! If you like this kind of information consider following my facebook for other herbal posts.
There is a lot of herbal information online which is amazing! We are living in a beautiful time when it is becoming easier to find information on herbs. Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation as well. My hope is that more people find good quality information and that accurate sources of herbal knowledge are more popular than websites just trying to make a quick buck off of the wellness industry. I have this post here which includes herbal websites, blogs, schools, and resources for people who need it. This post is updated a couple of times a year. Save it and subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of new herbal resources.
Resources for absolute beginners 
Herbmentor.com - the very first resource I recommend to beginners who have no idea where to start
Check out my recommended books
Gather your resources sustainably
Want training? Here are some herbal schools and teachers
Paul Bergner has excellent information and courses available here
Matthew Wood is one of my favorite herbalists. He has many affordable courses on his website here
The Herbal Academy has beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses here
The East West School of Planetary Herbology is a great place to take courses
The Lunar Apothecary is a great for leaning about herb magic and lunar herbology
Check out the American Herbalists Guild for mentorship opportunities (prices are usually around 50-75 USD an hour
 The Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine
Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism
Northeast School of Botanical Medicine
Herbalachia has several local courses to offer
Chestnut school
Click here to learn more about Matthew Wood’s course on Shamanic Herbalism
Herbal blogs and websites -
There are many herbal blogs, but not all of them are by qualified herbalists! Be selective with your online resources. Here are some of my favorites:
Bear Medicine Herbals
Herbal Remedies Advice
Herbal therapeutics - David Winston
Here is a list of herbal blogs written by a herbalist I trust
American Dragon - materia medica and tutoring
White Rabbit Institute of Healing - courses, materia medica, cool posters
This website will help you to find local plants (USA only)
  General tips for gathering info and getting started
 Check out local plant societies to see what activities they have planned. Some of them offer free plant walks that will help you to get to know your local plants. Check Facebook and Meetup for local plant medicine groups.
  Become a student member of the American Herbalists Guild if you really are an herbal student. They have tons of resources.
   Start experimenting with your (safe) local weeds first. For many of you, this means pine, dandelion, plantain, violet leaf, and ground ivy. Do not buy expensive and/or at risk plants, you really do not need them.
   Get your warnings and safety information from reputable books and herbalists not social media. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from people who have years and years of clinical herbal experience but even if you do not have that same opportunity, you can still use discernment with where you get your information. I cannot stress this enough.
   Even though social media can be a bad place to get information, it can be a very good idea to follow reputable herbalists on Facebook. I have found so many great articles and resources this way because of what they share. It is also a good way to connect with other herbalists and stay up to date with what is going on in the herb industry.
   Keep a few materia medica books on hand to check for contraindications and safety instead. My go-to books for checking whether an herb is okay with me are located in the recommended books post above
   Pick 1 herb a month to really focus on. Keep in mind that you can do a lot with a few herbs, some of them have dozens of uses
   Learn about your herbs by tasting and using them, not just reading! Personal experience is more important than book knowledge (except when it comes to safety). If you are choosing to spend the month learning about calendula, make as many calendula based things as you can. Calendula teas, salves, lotions. What works and what doesn’t? Ask other more experienced herbalists how they use calendula and see if they have recipes they are willing to share.
Check out the recommended books list above for books on medicine making and help with tools
Oils - like grapeseed, joboba, and almond
Vegetable glycerine
Cheese cloth for straining herbs
Potato ricer to help with straining herbs
Muslin cloth to help with straining herbs
Kitchen scale
French press (easy way to make loose leaf tea)
Labels (never forget to label your herbs and herbal creations!)
Where to buy herbs and botanical medicine making supplies
Mountain Rose Herbs
http://nuherbs.com (proof that you are either a student or professional is required)
http://kamwoherbs.com (proof that you are either a student or professional is required)
Starwest botanicals
Frontier Herbals
https://www.mayway.com/ (proof that you are either a student or professional is required)
https://legendaryherbs.com/ (Chinese herbs) (proof that you are a professional is required)
https://www.evherbs.com/evshop/ (Chinese herbs)
Ideas of what to start making with herbs (recipes coming soon)
Bruise/injury salves
Bug sprays
Calming tinctures/teas
Digestive tinctures/teas
Pain liniments
Other links
Herbs for disaster relief
podcast list (coming soon)
This is for educational purposes only and it is not meant to replace the care or advice of a medical professional in any way. Please do not work with herbs if you do not have training or if you are not being advised by a professional herbalist. This post is fully of affiliate links but these are tools/books I really use or I wouldn’t recommend them!
Read the full post here
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
The idea that your gut or intuition will never lie to you is so wrong. There's a reason we need to develop discernment and it's because that doesn't come naturally.
Think about how if you watch a scary movie you're subconsciously checking hallways, turning on extra lights, double checking that you locked doors, ect.... watching a ghost movie isn't going to summon something into your home, but you can freak yourself out and feel like something is there when it's not, because that's something brain's do. So, yeah, your gut will lie to you. And that's just one example of how.
If your intuition is telling you something is wrong, look into it, but don't blindly trust that your intuition is always right.
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
Quick Tips For Green Witches
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talk to your plants. it may feel silly at first, but even just saying something nice every day has been proven to have a positive impact on both you and your plants. i also advise telling them why you're doing things like transplants to help them adjust to the shock.
if you can, prioritize working with plants native to your area. this is makes them easier to find, easier to grow, and it's much better for the environment.
look into companion plants! for example, basil is commonly used in both witchcraft and cooking and it's a great companion plant to tomatoes, which are always handy to have. tomato sauce as a protection spell, anyone?
do research on plant varieties. even the most seasoned tend to overlook this. different varieties of the same plant can have wildly different needs and you may be accidentally neglecting a variety much better suited to your area and your uses.
take a look at your local nurseries before jumping to shop for seeds or supplies online.
always thank your plants for helping you.
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
may Hermes gently guide you to sleep, and bring you the sweet dreams being sent your way 💫
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
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🧚‍♂️Daily Affirmation 💫
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
Tea Spell of Acception
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What will be will be,   and I will accept what won’t,   if it can be changed,   I will choose the option that speaks to me most,   if I don’t know the answer,   I will learn to reach out to a friend,   and if I don’t know what’s next,   that’s fine, I will find out in the end
Teas that Work Well With This Spell
✩ Black: for blocking negativity and bringing in positive energy ✩ Chamomile: for healing ✩ Elderflower: for bringing in blessings and healing ✩ Fennel: for healing, protection, and purification ✩ Green: for cleansing, bringing in positive energy, and healing ✩ Lemon Balm: for self love and success ✩ Matcha: for detoxification of negative energy ✩ Nettle: for protection and repelling negative energy ✩ Peppermint: for clarity ✩ White: for anti-anxiety and purification
Prepare your tea according to the steep time of the tea you decide to use.
Stir in honey to sweeten a situation and stir clockwise to bring in positive thoughts and acceptance. While stirring repeat the spell either out loud or even inside your head if you cannot say it out loud.
Enjoy your tea and accept the positive feelings you gain from it and the positive thoughts and experiences you will gain throughout the day.
This tea spell can also be done at the end of the day to accept what has occurred throughout the day. Simply spend the time while drinking it to consider what has occurred and think about what you appreciate has happened to you today. If even one thing has occurred that you appreciate and can accept then some good has come to you.
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
Temple of Apollo, Naxos Island, Greece
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
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salvia-lunaris · 2 years
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