Home range llama
country gnomes,
take my bones
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I’m not ready for it to end, but I’m glad it happened. This year brought endless heartaches, and having the videos to cheer me up made a world of a difference. I’m sure it did to many others, too. Thank you for balancing the scales this year. Light and dark, happiness and tragedy, Unus and Annus. Memento Mori, Mark. Momento Mori, Ethan. Memento Mori to everyone. I will definitely never forget. Thank you.
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Someone's trying to follow me and my mom home, Jesus Christ this is terrifying
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Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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i keep finding out that blogs i follow are against pansexuals s'like. if u dont believe pansexuals exist or are bi ppl tryin to be special then unfollow me right tf now 💞
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Let me get one thing straight, and if you disagree with these I would like you to unfollow me. Here are some things I would like to clarify:
-Black Lives Matter. All. The. Time. I don’t want any arguments because it’s not up for debate. WHITE SUPREMACY NEEDS TO FUCK OFF AND DIE.
-I don’t care about your political orientation unless the person you’re voting for is a terrible human being who hates everyone that’s not a straight white man. (To sum it up, I don’t care if you’re republican or Democrat, but Trump supporters specifically need to fuck off)
-the education system in America is Shit and needs to be changed. Stop saying ‘it’s always been that way’, that argument is also trash.
-Wear. A. Motherfucking. MASK!!!! Social distance, too!!!! This isn’t a joke or propaganda people are dying for no reason because of everyone’s stupidity!!!!
-LGBTQ+ is valid and deserves as much love as everyone else. I know what it’s like because I’m in there too, but we also need to get better at excepting EACH OTHER. Gay, Bi, Asexual, Genderdluid: you’re all wonderful and we need to support each other more then ever.
-Rich people need to be taxed more. Sure they’re paying the government more, but when you have 30 million dollars in your bank account it doesn’t even matter to you.
-Speaking Of money, minimum wage is hard to live off of, so if someone complains about being underpaid, THEYRE NOT LAZY OR BAD AT HANDLING MONEY, THEIR JOB JUST ISNT PAYING ENOUGH.
-Birth control and abortion are a human right and should be covered by healthcare. (Don’t even give me the argument that late trimester babies get aborted because that hardly ever happens and when it does it’s because the woman would be endangering her own life to give birth)
-Women are still not equal to men. We’re getting closer, but we’re not there yet. Feminism is needed, and most women aren’t as extreme as the stories you hear about. Feminism means women should be equal to men, not more important or anything like that.
-Mental health is not something to brush off. To all my friends with anxiety, depression, adhd, autism, ptsd or anything along similar: YOU ARE VALID. I know what it’s like and I love you and your situation doesn’t change the fact that you’re a wonderful human being who deserves love.
-Stop fatshaming. Just stop. Most of the overweight people you see are more healthy than those in magazines because the celebrities and everyone in the media usually take drugs or starve themselves. Being fat does not mean you’re unhealthy, but shaming them does make you rude.
-stop using religion as an excuse to hate people. I’m Christian, and the argument that ‘gay people are sinners’ falls apart because EVERYONE is a sinner and you’re directly going against God’s rule of ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’ anyways, so you’re no better.
-speaking of religion, every religion and branch of every religion is also valid! I’m sorry that some of you don’t feel welcomed or allowed to express yourself in public because you should be. Your hijabs and traditions or any other part of your religion are beautiful and you shouldn’t have to hide them.
-Trans women are Women! Trans men are Men! Accept their pronouns or new names and give them love!
-Also, there are more than 2 genders. Accept that and get over it. Stop calling people “snowflakes” and shaming them for not wanting to associate with gender roles that are unnecessary anyways.
-And finally, if you’re old enough to vote, VOTE BLUE! Like I said in the beginning, I don’t care if you’re republican or Democrat, but I DO have a problem with trump! He’s making racism, sexism, transphobia and all sorts of other problems even worse and he’s not doing anything positive in return! He isn’t improving the economy, he isn’t saving lives from coronavirus (he’s actually making things worse) and he won’t even dispute the fact that WHITE SUPREMACY SHOULDNT BE A THING. If you’re a republican, he’s a terrible human being who’s setting us back hundreds of years and we need to get him out of office before he makes things worse. Biden has some issues, but for fucks sake he’s better than trump. Everyone please vote blue this year and afterwards you can go back to your parties but we need to get trump out of office NOW.
Alright......I think I’m done now. Message me if you wanna talk about anything I said and debate it’s validity because I’ve done it my whole life and most of the arguments against these are stupid. Just love everyone no matter their gender, orientation or sexuality....but Fuck Trump and his followers.
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i am not black, but i see you.
i am not black, but i hear you.
i am not black, but i mourn with you.
i am not black, but i see the injustice that you face.
i am not black, but i see the fear for your sons and your daughters. your brothers and sisters.
i am not black, but i will stand with you.
inaction is also an action. and i will not stay silent.
i don’t see your color. i appreciate and honor your color and your roots and experiences. you are valued and respected.
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Reblog if
It’s 104% okay to come to your DM and just say, “Hi, can we be friends?” And then start asking you random questions.
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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Val is still alive but she's considering trying again. She has asked me to make a one note = one day post. I want to her to live so please boost the fuck out of this. And I know I usually say don't spam replies but yeah spam replies I need her alive, she may not like me but I care about her.
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 100 notes = a day post for one of my friend who is going through a hard time rn. I know 100 is a lot but I’m lucky he even agreed to this. If you can boost, boost. 
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The director of cybersecurity from the Electronic Freedom Foundation is offering to help women who have been threatened with compromise of their devices.
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I’m sorry, but if you follow me or frequent my page and are voting for Donald trump, please unfollow me. I will not ask you to defend yourself, I will not ask for any kind of response to this because by you simply voting for Trump, I know everything about you and what you stand for.
I do not want this page, my posts, or any member of the communities I’m involved in to be associated with a symbol of systemic hate, racism, and disgusting behavior the President emits and a vote for him is an agreement to that.
Unfollow me. Do not like my posts. Do not try and defend your actions.
This country deserves better. Black people, LGBTQIA+ people, Hispanic people, Asian people, Muslim people, religious people, non-religious people, women, men, children, everyone deserves better than what we have in office now.
Vote November 3rd. If you can’t, help spread the word and try and influence people that their vote matters.
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Never thought I'd be here, but, I'm here.
My name is Alex and I'm an autistic disabled lesbian. I recently lost my job due to my autism and anxiety and I have less than $300 to my name. I have no family support and I've been on my own since 16. Long story short, I'm fucked.
I know a lot of people are struggling with money right now and I don't want to pressure anyone into donating but please, if you can, consider helping me out. If you can't give any money, reblogs help too. I hate to do this but I've run out of options.
Cashapp: $Clownnary
Venmo: AlexSchofield7
PayPal: isabellacharity
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(here are some pictures of me because it felt like the thing to put here)
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okay but why do cis girls (both heterosexual and wlw) think they can get away with saying homophobic ass shit under the guise of jokes about hating men.... telling mlm their attraction to men is gross or a disease isn’t funny and feminist it’s literally just homophobic. it functionally does the same thing as mainstream homophobia- villainizes male sexuality in relation to other men. anyways i’m a gay trans man and i love boys so much they are so beautiful and handsome and fuck u if u tell me to “get better soon” bc i’m gay and ur wlw
and wlw, u can fucking reblog this. i actually think y’all should i’m tired of this shit
edit: het girls too!! please!! i didn’t mean to target wlw specifically, i apologize, i was just very angry at the time i was writing this
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I'm doing an experiment:
Reblog if you think tall girls can be cute
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